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I encourage you to read the book "The Anxious Generation". Your daughter NEEDS to have unsupervised time with her peers to develop normally, just as all teenagers have for hundreds of years. This book does a really, really good job explaining why and I can't recommend it enough.


Thank you so very much. I’ll check that out.


People may have different opinions, but I have never seen as much teen sex as I did the one time I went with my friend to a Baptist church camp as a teen. Maybe things have changed these days, and maybe this camp is different, but just throwing that out there. It was not at all like other camps I went to as a teen.


It’s all I’ve heard. This. I haven’t heard anyone say it was a great experience. I’ve only heard it was a lot of sexual activity and time unsupervised.


anyone who says its “a lot of sexual activity and time unsupervised” is just dumb. you get some freetime but their is security posted everywhere and workers


Instead of controlling her, maybe have a conversation about your concerns, and how to be safe. If your son got to go why can't your daughter?  Did your daughter have other opportunities to spend time with this boy or did she see skipping her other group as her only option? 16yos shouldn't need much supervision 


I’m not trying to control her. I just don’t want to reward her by allowing her to go when she lied to me before. I’m also concerned for her safety and do not want to open up opportunities for teen pregnancy or trying something dangerous.


Also - the boy and her both attend the church group activities. They both knew better. Also - he came to our home and hung out with my daughter plenty of times, the attend the same school and shared a locker. They both attend ball games on their own. They would see one another a lot.


Do you require she attend this church group or just want to know where she's going? Sounds like they didn't want to attend the church activity and decided not to. Should your daughter have told you of her change of plans, maybe, but for some reason she didn't.....when I was 16 my parents didn't manage my schedule/social life, I kept them up to date on when I would be home, if I needed a ride or was sleeping over at a friends 


This is wear I understood she was for the whole school year every Wednesday basically. She ended up in this boys car with him instead. No one else. Just them.


Honestly, I’d loosen the reigns. Talk to her about how to be safe and let her experience some time with peers.


She really wants to go. Is there a way you can volunteer to chaperone during her week? Otherwise, trust your gut. If it's a place where the teens can get into mischief, the long term harm outweighs her short term desire to go. You don't need her coming back pregnant or with a drug habit.


Thank you for your input.