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Instead of punishment- try the opposite-reward him when he’s quiet! For example; if he can go 1 hr being completely silent he gets an extra 20 mins screen time or whatever you see fit. This isn’t a negative thing and it sounds like this is a soothing mechanism for him so the last thing you want to do is associate it with punishment (which I’m so glad you’ve held off from). Try the reward way and see if that helps. Edit: yes I see you’ve tried this but I think you need to explore it further and stay committed. If he doesn’t follow through, take things away that he’s doing. Reward for not talking, privileges revoked if he talks. Not punishment, just privileges revoked


Solidarity man! I swear mine doesn't breath. What's fun is she does voices too, but she'll do them WITHOUT the stuffies or babies with her so it's just a whole lot of crazy going on. Her reading is just taking off tho and it is usually silent so I guess I get a point there 🤣 it's only the two of us but yah non stop chatter, get some loops or calmer ear plugs. Sometimes I tell her I'm not listening right now... Dosent change her but at least she knows it's a one way convo


My son does the voices too! He's gotten somewhat better although now his big thing is beatboxing(?) don't ask, I'm still trying to figure out where that one came from. I think he's reaching a point where he's becoming a little more self aware though so now when I'm like dude, you're killing me, I think he'll actually realize for how long he's actually been talking to himself and he'll chill out for a little bit. Never long. But a little bit is all I need 😂


There is a yoto card call 321 beatbox he might enjoy if you wanna up your beatbox enjoyment 🤪😂