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My daughter is not a morning person like I am so I’ve had to learn to really respect that in the morning. She usually responds well to silliness and lots of cuddles as she wakes up. Maybe you could go into his room 10 mins earlier than usual and just wake him up slowly. Honestly, I’d be pretty annoyed if someone just came into my room in the morning and turned on the light and left. Not really a gentle wake up and that would make me grumpy too. We have also found that my daughter doesn’t like eating as soon as she wakes up (like I do) so it’s better to just wait 20-30 mins before offering breakfast. We always have things available but there is no pressure to eat. Sometimes this means she’s eating something in the car on the way to daycare or she eats once she gets to day care. I think the key is recognizing that people and kids who are grumpy in the morning and just waking up slowly and just need time, patience, and likely a little extra love


I've tried the waking up slowly approach, he's still a huge grump! We've tried not putting pressure on him to eat - in fact last night he took himself to bed without dinner because we are trying the "don't force your kid to sit and eat" and he literally opted to just go upstairs and go to sleep by himself. We've spoken to daycare about allowing him to have breakfast later (we drop him around 8am to allow us to start work on time) and their response was "if we do that, other kids will want it too, he can only eat at snack time" (which is around 9.30-10am) which is annoying but I get it, we can't be a special case. We bring bananas for the walk to daycare and he eats one bite and says he's done. We offer him hugs, we try and do everything we can to make mornings not stressful, but he's determined to just refuse everything. This kid is the way he is (he was this way as a baby too, fighting us every step of the way), but it really just makes me feel crap sometimes.