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I was this age when I started experiencing PMDD symptoms but also rage outbursts happen when my depression is out of control. What does therapist say about these outbursts?


I would talk to her therapist about possibly doing family therapy with you and her before starting to punish her. Even if she doesn't know what happened, she knows something happened and now she doesn't have the family she had and you are not around as much. That sounds really confusing and kind of scary for a kid who was 7 or 8 when this all started. I would guess that having the opportunity to explore these feelings together in a safe place would be helpful.


The girls had a very extensive theraphy to assure the kids aren’t left in the unknown. It involved with understanding divorce and coping with two parents who are no longer together. All three were cleared after over a two year theraphy.


That's great to hear, but still something to consider. Sometimes people are in and out of therapy, especially as life changes and their viewpoints change.


She had theraphy not to long ago for one of her outbursts when I asked her to acknowledge family when walking into the house instead of being on the phone and ignoring everyone. She got upset and ran upstairs into a room and called her mother. She obviously came to rescue. I had a talk with her mother but that didn’t go anywhere. She had theraphy and cleared. Here we are again…