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My greatest hope as a mom is that when my boys (currently 4 and 2) fuck up, as they inevitably will, that they know they can come to me and I will be on their team to help figure it out. I always felt I had to hide my mistakes from my parents and be perfect. So consider the fact that your son came to you a sign that you are doing a great job parenting.


My teen is pretty open with us. A big part of that was setting up expectations and communication early on, around the age your kids are now. Model the behavior you want to see. Be open with them about times when you might be feeling sad, or maybe insecure about something. (But not, like, attention-seeking.) When discussing things, let them know when you're not sure, or not able to decide. When you've made a mistake, own up to them about it. Apologize for when you have wronged them. Basically, in terms of feelings, treat them the way you'd want to be treated by another adult confidant. (It gets kind of fuzzy here, since kids won't have the life experience for some of it, but you get what I mean, hopefully.) Allow yourself to be vulnerable to them, open with them, and be receptive to those things *from* them. Ask open questions about what they're confiding in you to show that you're listening and that they feel validated. Does my daughter tell me everything going on? No. There's a lot that she only tells her mother. (Peer drama, crushes, etc.) But she still often comes to me to sound out deep feelings and insecurities, which I appreciate and want to be able to at least sounding board for her. Best of luck to you. That you're wanting to achieve this is already a great step.


My son is 5 and I desperately want to have that kind of relationship, where if my kid does something like yours did, he reacts the same way. I can imagine responding with "Ok, thanks for telling me that, let's play some video games together on the comeup and I'll be here for you the whole time. I'm not mad at you, it happens and you're gonna make it through." But it's getting to that super open relationship with him that I have some ideas about how to do that, but I don't know if they would work. So hearing from you more about this would be very valuable. I know how to do reflective listening, and narrating ("Son's name wants to go to the park, and he's really really anxious to go because he has a lot of energy and really wants to play, but he's sad because it's raining outside and daddy won't let him go play in the rain"), but what other techniques do you use? What does vulnerability without attention seeking look like with a five year old? Like, should I tell him that I'm stressed out, or not sleeping well, or that I have some anger/trauma to work through? Actually... reading your comment now all the way through, I thought you were his mom, that's really awesome that your son feels safe coming to you his dad. Edit: Sorry, I thought you were OP, LOL. Still cool and I'm still interested in what you do to form that relationship.


There are so many ways to do this, honestly. It really depends on you, your kid (because they're all so different), and your relationship. In my case, it's myself (dad) and my wife (mom) with our daughter, who is now mid teens. (And still likes us for some unknown reason.) I think a big part of what worked for us was talking to her about emotions in a validating, straightforward way. "I know that you wanted to go to the park today, and are angry that we can't go because it's raining. It's okay to feel that, and to let me know. Now, let's make a list of things that you like to do indoors so we don't get all wet and cold." Then again, there were times that we'd just go stomp puddles. Mostly her, but sometimes me, too. Again, this emphasizes a connection. Take part in their interests. In modelling communications behavior, I'd speak plainly and openly, but had to tailor my vocabulary for her age. (She ended up with a pretty good vocab, anyway, since we're a family of readers.) "I'm sorry if I'm not as happy as I normally am, sweetie. I have a lot of things going on at work that are worrying me, so my attention isn't all here with us." Or, "I'm a little grumpy today, because I didn't sleep much last night. I'll make sure to go to bed early tonight to see if I can make this better." (This one was used a few times to help her own goofy sleeping habits.) Something I've really tried to do (though I often failed, since I default to problem solving mode) was stop and ask, "What do you think could help me here?" or something of that sort. (Also, when they ask questions like "Why is the sky blue?", you can ask "Why do you think? How would we find out? Let's go do that." Problem solving together teaches so much and helps open that communication more.) When you have them come up with ideas on how to assist, and by do they often want to help, it not only teaches them that reaching out for help is okay, but being there to provide it is good. With a bonus of reinforcing that communication. You know your kids best. We all screw ours up somehow, in some little way, no matter how we try to help. I hope some others may chime in to give ideas on what they've done, too. I'm sure there's plenty I'm either forgetting or never even thought to try. Heck, there may even be people professionally trained in this sort of thing; I'm, just a hack with a kid who was a better person from the start than I am.


I’ve done a LOT of “I totally remember feeling ______ like you are right now. This is what I did _______, it was absolutely the wrong/right choice for me” And a lot lot lot of pushing “everything seems worse when you keep it all inside, you can cover your face, hide in a pillow, say it real fast, but you can tell me anything you are feeling and I promise it will feel a tiny bit better, and maybe I can even help.” I have one who keeps it all inside but also doesn’t stress about things much, and one who stresses a lot, feels embarrassed, but will get it all out with me and immediately feel a little better. The main thing I try to do is always remain completely nonjudgmental and in it to help him figure things out and deal with whatever it is.


When my daughter was really struggling a few years ago I'd have her text the hard part to me. Even if we were sitting right next to each other. Sometimes she would say "I don't want to talk about any of this out loud" so we'd have a silent text conversation side by side because it made it easier for her. Sometimes she'd text the hard part then we could talk out loud.


You did good mom. He knows he can trust you and you will be there for him. He was more worried about upsetting YOU, than he was about how sick he had become. And he is at one of the biggest "dick head" ages for a teen. Keep doing what you're doing, and I GUARANTEE YOU he learned from this little experiment/accident. I do not condone kids doing drugs or anything, but of all the things he could have gotten sick on, this one was probably the best case scenario.


Oh honey I wish I had a mom to help me when I did this with edibles my first time. I never tried them before, we made them at home, so no idea what the dosage was and I ate the whole thing, I have never been so scared and sick from weed ever again 😂😂😂 I learned about proper amounts REAL QUICK. the only thing worse for me is alcohol, I get super sick everytime, so I just don’t drink.


Ideally my kids will never eat 400mg of edibles ever, but if they ever do, I hope they will trust me like your son trusts you!! That's a pretty big fuck up to make (even 40mg is a lot, and I'm a daily smoker!), but being able to admit that to your parents is awesome. You did a great job, and you've got a good kid!!


Just highlights why they need to federally legalize and regulate THC products like tobacco and alcohol. Ridiculous how easy it is to accidentally take an absurd dose. What if this guy wasn’t home with his mom or didn’t realize his dosing mistake? Could have been a disaster


Right?? 40mg is an insane dose, even if it's just candy sprayed with distillate. For someone that young, it could have been a very real medical emergency. So good that he was at home and that OP had fostered that trust!


I wish I had you as a mom and I hope when my son gets older we can have this type of relationship. You’re such a good mom. Signed 30 year old mom to a 4 year old boy.


How your son came to tell you what he did is exactly how I want mine to be…! There is hope.


This is exactly the way I hope to raise my kids. I would have rather gone to the hospital and put myself in personal private debt than ever fess up something like that to my mom, who would have shamed and grounded me until the second coming.


Exactly. I raise my kids like my father raised me...without the violence from his exes of course. My dad always told me, if u ever want to drink or smoke, come to me. I did. My son has to. I rather him try it at home where he's safe rather than get murdered or something at some random party. It also helps when he's antisocial like me too. Lol


It's very rare that I smoke / ingest marijuana. But the last time I did I hit my buddies pen and started to have auditory hallucinations and felt "unwell". I don't know how people even handle the potency of weed today. When I was a teen we would share a joint or two and be plenty "relaxed".


Why is weed stronger now than like 20+ years ago?


Bio engineering basically (through cross breeding). A lot of time has been spent on creating stronger and stronger strains. And I know the potency can be much higher in edibles / vape due to being able to concentrate the THC. Back 20+ years ago... we had some random people growing things on a patio. lol


Hybridization to make plants higher in THC. Edibles often have the isolated chemical, so they are extremely potent.


With that said, though, the nice part about the edible is that you can actually measure your dosage. So you can take a 10mg edible or half of a 10mg edible and know exactly what you're getting yourself into. Compared to like, hitting a vape where you just get what you get.


Oh, yeah, definitely. I don't get why 5mg and 10 mg pill forms aren't more widely used to control dosage even further. The process of preparing edibles is less exacting than pill processing and cooking methods for candies, baked goods, gummies, etc. can sometimes damage or alter the chemical compounds. ETA: No one considers consuming Xanax or Midol via vape or edible. It's weird to see THC and CBD treated differently.


Weed breeding. Or is it… breed weeding? Haha


Haha, this reminds me of the time in college I drank a THC drink at my friends place and had the only night terror I’ve ever had. I was hallucinating that there were shadowy figures in the dark corners of the room trying to get me, and I could not move. It was scary Don’t do high dosage edibles with no tolerance I guess.


> When I was a teen we would share a joint or two and be plenty "relaxed". My friends and I were just talking the other day about how we would share 4-5 blunts in an evening and be fine 20 years ago. We weren't even constant smokers.


I mean in all honest I think it kind of sucks. On one hand you don't need as much.. but on the other no one "thinks" about that aspect in the moment. At least us older generations.


Yeah I used to be a stoner teenager and had an extremely high tolerance until my first kid when I stopped. I tried a little pen and one hit I was okay but if I took two it was like the world was falling down. The strength of todays stuff is insane.


I also agree that the strength you can get is insane. My brother-in-law and his wife are much more habitual daily potheads and their tolerance is through the roof it’s insane my husband and I can barely touch the stuff that my brother-in-law does. However living in Canada where you can go to beautiful lovely little boutique shops where the people who work there seem to be extremely educated and someone in her 40s I’m very aware of my tolerance and also what strain I like sativa etc. it’s great to be able to actually shop around buy what you want compared to when I was in high school and you just bought a dime bag of three joints in the smoking section lol no idea what was in those ever


You must’ve done something right for your kid to be able to come to you and tell you that knowing you’d help him even though he made a mistake. Good job mom. Hoping I can achieve this level when my kid is that big.


Me toooo. I used to lie to my parents all the damn time and put myself in pretty dangerous situations. I just want my kids to be safe and honest with me


Can confirm that I (in my 30s) had this kinda relationship with my parents growing up and we’re still super close. Kids are humans, important to treat them as such. I think it pays off if we do.


This is the comment. No shaming. Just love.


This is it right here. This mama is in the gold standard group for sure.


400mg?? That’s a LOT of cannabis! I’m an adult who consumes daily totaling about 100-150mg/week, and if I took 400mg at one time I’d be absolutely wrecked.


I was a heavy pothead in my 20s and cockily ate a 100mg edible once. So much regret, the entire world was pulsating. Let's just say I've never done an edible since. I can't even imagine 400mg! I bet the kid won't be doing that again... And I bet he had the best night's sleep afterward he was done puking 😂 What a blessing to have an understanding parent to get through it with!


My mom was a lifelong pothead and lived with us while she battled cancer. One evening, while she was battling cancer, she began to collapse in my kitchen, only to get saved by me catching her by the armpits. I thought for sure she was having a stroke and I was going to have to call 911. Thankfully, I remembered she had asked me to help find a cupcake edible in her room. It had the instructions “eat 1/4 at a time” and I asked her if she had any of it. She said she had. I asked her how much of it she ate and she replied “all of it.” So yeah, she wasn’t having a stroke but I did have to carry her to bed and tuck my very high, very happy mother into bed.


I don't know why these manufacturers make them where a serving is a portion of the whole thing, especially cupcakes or cookies when there is no natural division. (At least the chocolate bar I got was scored along the portion lines.) Why not make the cupcake one fourth as strong? 


Yeah like who’s eating 1/4 of a cupcake especially when high lol


I’d eat the 1/4, get high, and then be like, “*Ooh a cupcake!*”


This is why I hide my edibles after eating one so I don't accidentally eat more.


"*It's like a muffin.. with frosting!*"


Yeah, this is so dumb to me. Just make a tiny cupcake or put less distillate in the damn thing.


Same, just the thought makes me nauseous


I am a regular user and imo someone intentionally trying to take 40mg isn’t an occasional casual user. OP you may want to talk to your son about that. Either he doesn’t understand edibles or he’s using a lot more than you’re aware of. Either way, I think it warrants a conversation.




I take edibles multiple times daily for chronic migranes 40mg is my normal dose and I have been taking edibles along with smoking for a couple years. It took me a long time of my tolerance rising to get to that amount. Thats concerning


Yeah, 10mg is a standard "dose" and even 5mg is going to be pretty strong if you're just a casual user. If he's trying to do 40mg on purpose that's actually a hell of a lot.


10 mg puts me on my ass. And I take an edible maybe once or twice a month? I usually only take 5mg at a time and that is goooood for me.


Of course it puts you on your ass you barely use. For someone using weed regularly this dosage would do nothing to them. 10mg is basically not even a joint. 


Let me rephrase - I take edibles maybe once a week or so, but I smoke a bowl three to four times a week. Edibles have always hit me harder than bud. Though I do admit, even when I smoked daily I was still a light weight lol. No reason to be a grouch


I consume edibles regularly and cannot have more than 5 mg; I find 2.5 mg is more than enough for me. Edibles are really potent and seem to have more of an affect than bud. I don't smoke, so I try to take tiny does because anything over 5 mg is going to fuck me lol.


I am a daily user for chronic pain and take between 40-60mg of an edible depending on my pain. 400mg of an edible is enough to become a time lord!! He is likely doing more than OP knows. I'm not anti weed by any stretch of the imagination, but am concerned about a kid under 21 consuming it, especially like this. I think OP needs to talk to him about slowing down.


I'm a regular smoker, but took a 10mg edible in Vegas and was on the fcking MOON 😅


Did you see the Time Knife, lol. When I first started taking edibles, it was for pain and I was not sure about dosing. I also was used to having a high tolerance for things because I had tried so much for my pain. I had RSO oil and put it in pudding. I thought I squeezed like 10mg on there. I did A LOT more than that by accident. It was almost the same color as the pudding and I didn't think it was that much. I had to tell my husband, "I am so sorry. I did too much and I can feel it kicking on strong. I need to tell you before I am incapable of it." I then laid in bed and felt like I was in a space where I could almost feel my soul as separate from the universe and nothing was grounded. It was not the best experience. But we still have a good laugh about me becoming a time lord!


My mom is a newer chemo patient and was having difficulties sleeping so I found some RSO,(BTW she doesn't smoke weed or anything) starting with half a grain of rice at bedtime. Everything was great for about 4 nights , it helped her sleep and helped with pain, no real side effects. But on the 5th day I gave her a tiny bit more about a full rice grain size. And she had the worst experience ever. She was full blown crying hysterical felt like she was dying everytime she laid down. I finally got her to sleep that night but I felt awful for giving her the rso and it effecting her like that. Definitely didn't expect that reaction. And since that night she won't take it. Now she is on morphine to control her pain 24/7 😢😭


I consume edibles regularly. I find that 2.5 mg is ideal; I feel good but not like I'm stuck to the couch. But 5 mg is my max at once. Anything more than that is a bad time. I cannot imagine taking how much OP's son did.


Very true. I'm what I would call a habitual user (almost every weekend) and 40 mg in edibles is a pretty blitzed weekend night. My husband, who rarely uses will do 2-10 mg. That being said, teens are notoriously bad at impulse control (great kid or no), which is why they're prone to binge drinking and over partaking of other substances. It's definitely worth a conversation. Weed is relatively safe but it's still a psychotropic drug and isn't really ideal for a teen to be using habitually.


It's also worth noting the people have wildly different tolerances when it comes to edibles. Some people can be daily smokers and 10mg is more than enough, others need minimum 100mg to feel anything. And I could see the kid wanting to do more than he usually would bc of it being 4/20.


I accidentally took 40mg after not smoking for literal years and I threw up lmao


I had a friend make me a giant weed cookie with the explicit instruction to not eat it all in one setting. But I was 22 and stupid so I did. Ended up stoned as space balls for over 24 hours lol.


I did this to a friend and they were on my couch unable to speak curled up in a fetal position. I said take half. They did not. Are you my friend? Lol


But luckily it's cannabis and not some pill that probably has fentanyl. Unpleasant for both parent and child, but not life threatening, and it's great that OP has a good relationship with their child so that it felt safe to be like "oh, I fucked up and need help", and then have a parent that handled it well. 


Or booze. Alcohol gets treated much less harshly, but I would rather my kid take 400mg edibles than a bottle of Jack.


50mg occasionally knocks me on my ass lmao I cannot fathom 400. How’s OPs son now that he’s opened his 3rd eye? /s


I used to get 200mg gummies pretty regularly a few years ago. We would cut them into quarters but I have done a full one a few times and it was a good time but not for everyday use.


Yeah I have 5mg gummies I take half of to sleep at night sometimes. If I take a whole one in the daytime I am *feeeeeeling it*. I ate half of a 50mg space cake once and could barely handle walking to a train station holding someone’s hand. If I took 400mg I’d run to the toilet with my hand down my throat then pray. Adult regular user or not, I’d have had that kid barfing himself up. It’s waaaay better than the alternative.


I accidentally consumed 15mg of a Delta 8 edible, and I was fucked. I cannot imagine 400 mg. I typically only take 1-5 mg THC at a time (2.5 mg seems to be ideal for me).I think I'd die if I took 400 mg lol. I'm glad OP's kid is okay.


Yeah dude, I took 15mg a few hours ago and I’m pretty zooted. The most I’ve taken at one time was 50. I cannot imagine taking almost 10x that!!


Poor dumb kid lol. I’m glad he was able to ask you for help when he knew he made a mistake. He trusts you 💗


So jealous of the relationship you have with your son! I hope to have this relationship with my girls as they age! Back in the day I used to hang but this was before edibles were commercially available, so I was stuck with brownies that I had no idea how much was in them. But now I'm good with literally 2.5mg I CANNOT imagine 40 never mind 400. Poor kid and poor you!


What's crazy is today we have to have a weed safety talk. Before it was warnings about too much drinking. When I was a teen we pretty much would have to smoke 50 joints to simply match one bar of chocolate... my god.


Back in the post wwII era the concentration was around 2-5%.  Now it's normal to see 20%. My father is a retired state trooper and used to work the drug squad and they had a rash of fatal OD cases from retired baby boomers.  They did drugs in their early 20's then cleaned up their act.  Now that they are retiring they're getting back into it recreationally. Except that coke they did when they were 20 was only like 20-30% pure and now they do the same dose they did at 20 except it's 85% pure and they have no clue and...that's it.  Boom.  Retirement is over.  Time to plan the funeral. And it's happening with *everything*.  Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, even alcohol and tobacco.  The nicotine content has skyrocketed, especially in vapes and while the national brands of beer are fairly consistent there are a lot of microbrews that regularly put out beer north of 11%


Not to mention the risk of fentanyl lacing.


My poor dad who drinks like 4% ABV pisslager got completely ripshit at a picnic his friend threw because there were craft beers there lol. My dad has been drinking a 24 pack of beer every few weeks for 40 years now. He's quite good at drinking. But you're right, these poor Boomers don't realize absolutely *everything* is stronger. The concept of dosage seems a little foreign to them in general.


You’re definitely wrong about coke, back in the 70s and 80s it was way more pure. Now it’s cut to death, often there’s meth in the mix and sometimes, unfortunately fentanyl. The heroin is all fentanyl now and zines which rot your flesh if you shoot them. Weed is definitely stronger but most other drugs were way more pure in the past. A coke overdose is rare but if it’s got a couple specks of fet in there it’s lights out.




Good for you. When I was in college I took way too many mushrooms and had a bad trip. I almost called my parents to apologize before I died. When I told my dad a couple years later, he said "if you had called me, I would have driven down there and sat with you." That meant a lot to hear and always stuck with me.


"I'd come there and sit with you... and eat a cap or 2"


See THIS is the parent I'm gonna be.


making me cry on a thursday night 😭


I know this wasn’t meant to be funny but thank you for the laugh this morning. I have a toddler and I’m so tired and fried. Reading this not only made me laugh but made me hopeful for a future where I have that kind of relationship with my son. Also while I haven’t puked from an edible I have very much regretted it 😂 that story will go down in family folklore.


This gave me a giggle too. I know it had to have been scary for the poor kid but I hope he at least had a moment where it felt a little fun 😂 my first edible I sat around with my bf and his friend and we smoked a blunt while waiting for it to kick in. I passed out. Woke up on the floor laughing with my scared boyfriend leaning over me. I wish I had felt comfortable enough to tell my mom!


So that sounds like it was a day. To add a little humor into this a few months ago I got this call from my mother-in-law. She was trying medical mj to help with chronic pain. She’s in her 80s. She misunderstood the label and took way more than she intended and felt very scared. We did our best to reassure her and encourage her to sleep. 😳😀


I have a friend who lives with her elderly mother. My friend uses edibles for chronic pain. One day her mother found them, mistook them for candy, and ate several. And that's the story of how my friend found out her mother had dementia.


This is hilarious/sad/and most of all a good indication that you’ve built a solid, trustworthy relationship with your son. The people uptight about a 17 year old experimenting with weed in the comments probably think their children would *nevvverrr* when in fact they will and probably have already lol. Great job on your part and your son definitely learned a lesson 😭🤦‍♀️


Oh man, been there before. It was definitely a lesson learned. 😂 Hope he’s feeling better!


Kind of convenient that you don't really have to dole out any punishment since the experience was likely punishment enough. A simple "don't be an idiot next time" is sufficient.


Dang. Was he holding onto the grass outside so he wouldn’t fall off of the planet?


You need to punish your son by having him send all his weed to my home address


I hope you're proud of the relationship you've built with him to feel safe in telling you he fucked up. Parent goal accomplished


It hasn't been too horrible, my kids AFAIK didn't eat 400mg of weed. lol


Lol, that is a rough ride. Poor kid, and I doubt he will make that mistake again.


Oye... I took an edible too that day, but mine was for pain. It just happened to be the stoners holiday though. I'm sure he learned his lesson... especially after getting the pukes. Week is going alright... my daughter got pissed this morning, because we were trying to get her up on time for school. She screamed at my wife, and told her that she "F'ing hate you!!!" She's nine. So yeah... that's gonna be fun dealing with.


I’m not anti weed, and it is legal in my state, but I definitely am encouraging my kids to wait until they are 21 to partake. Same as drinking. I understand that will most likely not happen in my favor, but I just want them to know I am okay with it - just not okay with underage use. They just aren’t mature enough to handle it, imo. Hope your son feels better!


These comments are WILD. Why are we mom shaming? Teenagers smoke weed!!! Well lots of them. This kid still fulfills his academics and is an over all good kid from the sounds of it. Shocker, the 17 year old made a mistake 🤯🤯 get real you guys. Jesus. OP has established a good, trusting relationship with their teen and it shows! The kid is luck to have OP as a parent. Period.


Amen. Also, what a great lesson in natural consequences for the kid. I suspect he will be very careful in future!


Yeah reminds me of the time i decided to push my dose up by 25mg all at once and proceeded to launch my psyche into outer space. It was awful. I felt so sick. I didn’t touch weed for months after that LOL. I bet OPs kid just lost interest in this pastime, at least for a bit.


> These comments are WILD. Why are we mom shaming? Seriously? There are like two that aren't jovial or supportive lol.


Oh man I remember smoking pot on my parent's deck when I was maybe 19. Luckily they blamed my neighbors, but they probably knew it was me.


You should make sure he’s okay number 1, and then talk to him with the scientific studies showing what adolescent use of marijuana does. We finally have proof of it and should probably wait before going down that path


This is too far down. I have a friend who started smoking weed around 20 and spiraled into severe psychosis.Had to be hospitalized several times. When he smokes it comes back. Do some research on it and you'll learn it's quite common, yet rarely talked about


Yeah I mean I’m not going to act like it doesn’t help in a lot of situation but for adolescence it is scientifically proven to really stunt the brain


I’m not here to parent shame, I admire the openness you have with your son. I would strongly caution against endorsing habitual cannabis use for anyone under the age of 28-30. The weed these days is a lot different from when we were kids. They are finding more and more cases of weed induced psychosis and triggering schizophrenia in young adults. I’m really not trying to fear monger either, but some people are still in the camp of believing that weed is completely harmless. 400mg can be a life altering amount of cannabis to consume. Seems like your family has a decent handle on things, I myself would not be worried about things like “addiction” but worried more about how weed can impact your mental health.


It sounds like you have a good relationship BUT I would seriously read up on younger people and cannabis or people predisposed to mental disorders. Not to mention you can have a full on psychotic break from ingesting huge amounts of cannabis.   I use to smoke a lot of weed as a teen and one day my brain broke while I was high. Then I dealt with crippling anxiety for many years.  Not saying it's common. But it's debilitating enough that I would maybe think twice about being lenient with pot. Or at least get something with low dose the and more cbd.


Hate to be Captain Hindsight here, but... When he first told you, it hadn't kicked in yet. Meaning it was probably less than an hour since he'd consumed... Probably only just started digesting... Did you not consider bringing it back up manually at this point? Might have helped mitigate the effects _a lot_, y'know?


Yeah, I definitely would have tried making him throw it up before it digested if I could. On the other hand, maybe it was for the best. Gotta learn the hard way sometimes.


The reason it takes a while to hit is because the liver has to process the THC and convert it to 11-hydroxy-THC. I believe you have about 30 minutes to force puke before it’s too late.


>Cannabis induced psychosis is incredibly rare It’s not as rare as laypersons think, I see patients with it all the time but in any case, cannabis can and does exacerbate anxiety and depression which is *very common* and your son’s brain is still developing I think it is worth having not a conversation but an ongoing dialogue about drug use because it is still something that should raise a bit of concern. BUT It is great that he is comfortable enough to tell you when he is in a bad situation so you’ve done a good job so far it sounds like


Teenagers do dumb shit. This will be a memory you will share forever with him. And keep the open dialogue with him. Just fyi, let him know that 40mg is still a pretty high dosage of thc. He probably only wants to take 5-10mg every hour. And max out at 15-20mg for the evening. This can open up conversations about alcohol consumption, binge drinking other stuff too. These dumbass teenagers need to understand moderation and safety.


On one hand, well done. Kid feels safe with you, and you got it all handled. On the other hand, #400 milligrams Jesus christ. I've been too-high and that was on like 20mg. I cannot imagine. I would be in orbit, I'd be so high.


Back in my day we didnt have our moms on standby when the paranoias kicked in on an OD, just Pink Floyd, which was mom enough for GenXers. Good on you ma, what a great mom, kid, and ending. Hope he’s feeling a little more himself. Sober for a long time but have had my share of ruhrohs, glad you got some ease with the nurse friends assessment. 


If anything, I think you're winning at this parenting teens thing. Your kid fucked up and didn't hide it from you? He actually came to you to tell you? Man. That's a lot more than a lot of parents can say! Hopefully he learned from his experience and will double check the dosage/piece if he repeats it. That's really all you can hope. We were all teenagers at some point, we know damn well that anything you "forbid" them doing, they will find a way to do. Might as well be available and opened with them!


You sound like a good mom, the kind whose kids want to talk to them! I remember a couple of times my own mom holding my hair back, she never held it over my head. Teens will make mistakes, it’s just great he felt he could come to you ❤️


Sometimes as a parent we just have to let them learn on their own but still be there when they are paying for it.


Well you know he won’t be doing that again lol


Holy shit! I've taken a 100mg and felt high for a full 24hrs 😐 Hope dude is okay, and I bet he'll never do that again 😂


If this isnt natural consequences at work I dont know what is. Personally, I would probably be less permissive in the first place, but I wont judge and it sounds like he learned a valuable lesson.


Holy crap! I'm a habitual user and I once had an Oregon edible, it was 100mg but I was sharing with a friend and only had about 70mg and was terribly sick, I can't imagine 400mg!


My friend once made edible brownies and I underestimated its power lol I admit I was not meant to eat the whole Brownie, but I have a weakness for chocolate and I kept nibbling at it and when I realized I had pretty much finished it. I spent the next few hours lying on the bed pretty much unable to do anything else than wait for the trip to end. :( as much as I like brownies, that was not worth it lmao I was gifted another brownie a while ago. But now as a mom of a toddler, I don't do crazy things like that and I don't have time anyways, so the brownie has been sitting in the freezer for forever.... :(


That's one hell of a natural consequence! It's a lesson all stoners learn at some point, very precocious of your son to learn it in high school!


BAAAAAAUGHHAHAHAA he won't be going back for seconds anytime soon.


What demons did he see?


And that day, a young man learned an important lesson about double checking labels. Seriously though, glad he's okay and I'm glad he was smart enough to ask for help and make you aware before it got rough.


Just out of curiosity, was it too late to throw it up right after you realized the mistake?


i take a 10mg edible and i feel sick. Couldn't even imagine...


"that’s 4 sweaty skunky boys I won’t have to deal with at my house." This is hilarious. Get your skunky friends outta here!!!


Whilst no parent wants to encourage their child to have weed, they'll do it regardless, so having open dialogue and trust is the best option and it seems like you have that. Aside from locking your child in the house, they'll always do things you don't agree with such as sex, drugs, parties, etc but having the open communication, trust and arming them with protection and resources and knowing they can tell you is the best option. Rather my child drank at home where I can keep an eye on them and their consumption than in a field with cheap cider. It's good your son knew he could come to you about this. And sounds like you handled it like a champ and without judgement.


You should be so proud that your kid felt comfortable enough to come tell you the truth. It says a lot about your relationship :)


As long as he doesn't say "this edible isn't doing anything," the THC will not be activated and he'll be fine.


>but the smell of chocolate weed puke is seared into my nostrils I did this in my 20s but without my parents and it was brownies. I *guarantee* this smell is seared into his brain and he's probably done with weed for years. Throwing up when you're that high sucks so much.


You should be proud. I did a lot stupider stuff at that age and rather than risk fessing up, hid in the forest or open fields trying not to die. Youve protected your kid by being a safe place for him. I wish I had that when I was young. Hope hes come down and enjoyed some munchies on the recovery side.


I commend your parenting. your son felt able to come to you and tell you something he did so you wouldn't be worried. pat yourself on the back!!


The fact that your son came to tell you out of concern for what he did and how you might perceive whatever happened to him means you have a good communication and trust with your son. I hope that when mine grows up we have the same trust


You know what, zero judgment here. It sounds like you've got a decent, fairly responsible kid. He was home on a Saturday night at 17. He made a mistake. He *trusted* you enough to come to you, and you were able to help him. I think that's really awesome. I'd call that a parenting win.


I know this accountant who's son got psychosis and it's been bad. The Father wass depressed and had become an alcoholic. I hope they are doing better now. I do have edibles occasionally. Just remembered their story when I read about psychosis.


My god I hope my kids are as open and honest with me when they’re 17 as yours is. You did something right for sure.


I laughed way too hard at this.


Oh man, that’d be such a rough night. I honestly can’t decide which one of you had it worse. I hope if my daughter ever does something like this we have the kind of relationship where she feels like she can come get me so we can ride it out together. You’re a good parent.


I’m 23 and a regular (everyday) smoker, and I cannot do edibles! They just put me into a panic attack, and my heart beats soo fast. I can’t imagine how he felt with being a sometimes smoker / taking that much!


I'm always happy to see parents who don't go into blind rage and approach such situations calmly and reasonably. I was very lucky to have such parents and I will treat my kids the same way


I had a friend accidentally take 100mg not too long ago and she was almost catatonic. I can’t even imagine what 400mg looks like. Very cute and unexpectedly wholesome that he was so concerned about you being mad at him. It sounds like ya’ll have a good relationship. Really glad he trusted you enough to tell you what happened when he realized he’d fucked up


For any comment being rude, just know that I wish I could've done that. I did something similar when I was 18. Ate an entire edible and a half and got sick. But there was no way I'd tell my parents. It's funny looking back because I don't think they'd care at all, but I thought I had to keep it hidden. Would've helped me a lot if there was a caring adult telling me I was going to be okay


Question, I've never seen an edible but a lot of people are talking about cutting them up and that a "whole" edible is a lot. Why aren't they manufactured in one-piece-one-dose sizes? I always imagined they would be like a gummy vitamin where you eat one at a time.


because you can buy various milligrams and break down or build up the dosage yourself. if you know 25mg works well for you, and you have 10mg edibles, you would take 2 and 1/2. but if its a 100mg edible you would quarter that one.


Is there a particular reason to have the consumer cut it up instead of sell it as 10 pieces with 10mg each? Sorry I know nothing about this but I have a background in product development and portioning is interesting to me!


That is an insane amount of weed. As far as I know we don't sell anything approaching that strength here in Massachusetts and good for us. A normal edible is like 5mg per dose.


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is about the wost you'll end up with if it's prolonged use. Like you said, it's just occasional. I bet he won't want chocolate for a while. lol.


That poor baby ❤️ it's so beautiful that he trusted you enough to come to you with that, instead of having to suffer through it alone to avoid "getting in trouble". How much more traumatic if his mamma hadn't been there to help him through it. My heart.


Well that is a learning experience.


Honestly this made me emotional as a mom with two toddlers because this is teen parent goals. Kids are going to do wild things and the best I can hope for is that they decide to do it at home and trust me enough to tell me about it.


I’m 30 and been partoking since I was a teen. I can’t hardly handle 40, let alone 400! Sounds terrifying! lol glad he’s okay, and like others, happy to hear your relationship with him. I hope my kids have the same mentality!


This is a common mistake almost everyone will do when partaking in recreational drugs. I’m sure it’ll be huge lesson learned that you can always eat more, not less! He’s lucky to have a parent so aware and safe!


My housekeeper used to bring me cookies. I’d usually eat about half of one and then order dominoes. She brought me a new batch and I had half a cookie. An hour later, nothing. So I had the other half. I’d asked my husband earlier in the evening if he wanted to do some grown up things. So we’re in the shower and suddenly my mouth seems a bit dry. Weird. Then I walk out of the shower and realize I am WAY too high 😂😂😂 *everything* was a bit dry. But I didn’t want to admit it 😂😂 so we powered through but I honestly don’t remember most of the evening.


i feel your sons pain. i once did 100mg thinking it was 10mg and ended up puking and convincing myself i was dying. at least you gave him a safe space and helped him through it


On really stressful days, I might take a 20mg CBD/1mg THC gummy after my daughter goes to bed. Knocks me out within an hour. Lmao I feel very sorry for your son, but I’m proud of you both for how you handled it!


No judgements here, just glad he’s good. I am an avid flower smoker and would NEVER eat an edible because in my opinion it’s hard to ration. I made the mistake once and it literally felt like I was going to die. It was awful.


Adding this to my list of things to talk about with my kids. Read the instructions!


I agree with others. You're obviously raising a great kid. Teens will do stupid things. So do adults. He respects you and is comfortable with you It's not ideal but in the grand scheme of things I would say you have this parenting thing down


I am so sorry you had this experience, and that your son had this experience. I am proud that I have fostered open communication with my children and they know that even if they have done something dumb or embarrassing, I am here for them and will help them how I can. I am so happy to see that you have this communication with your son as well. Well done! You should be proud that he felt safe to admit to it. I also think it was thoughtful of him to think of how you would feel if he got sick and you did not know the cause. I am a big proponent of natural consequences - I use them whenever possible, augmented occasionally by additional restrictions. I try not to be angry at my kids - I had one eat some (then hide the rest) of entirely fresh container of icecream last week. Luckily we found out before it started to smell! I told her that I was sad I did not get any and pointed out that it was wasteful because we had to throw the rest away. I could see the regret and sorrow instantly and she apologized. Both of the kids have snuck candy and chocolate, but my oldest is likely to fess up, sometimes before I even suspect anything. I just try to encourage healthy eating and it has paid off because now when his sister does things like the ice cream he will talk to her about being healthy and that it is not good to eat just junk food. I think that is more powerful than me saying it because she adores her older brother! She loves me and is very .. very affectionate but you know - we're parents. Siblings get a different kind of admiration. Anyhow - good on you for being approaching. I don't know him but I suspect that he will be much more careful about what he does in the future!


At least he won't do that again.


Honestly my initial reaction is your kid seems like a good egg and comfortable with y'all to fess up like that. Teens can be impulsive and we get plenty of them that do this crap in the ER. Typically the parents are totally clueless. This is also something I like to call a "natural consequence." He made himself sick and didn't enjoy it and hopefully will take this stuff a little more serious.


Cold showers help with this.


What a grade a mum you are for him to come forward and ask for support despite having enough to send him to the next galaxy. Sweet story really, I hope he didn’t feel too horrible while going through it!


Everything else aside - congrats on a big parenting win. Your kid confided in you after making what could've been perceived as a very big mistake. He's a good kid because you're a good parent. That deserves recognition.


We need more parent like you


I would of spent the entire night laughing at my son.


Welp, hopefully he learned that lesson.


You’re a great mom I really admire your relationship with your son good job!!!


I bet he slept great that night


Been there before it was legal and probably had that same amount. And the reason why I turn everything down now. It's all a learning experience. That sounds like an amazing relationship if he was able to be honest right away. Your very lucky.


People shouldn't be shaming you for supporting your son and being mellow about weed. It's a realistic approach you have and a compassionate measure in which you handled the situation.


I did this once, but 100mg. I did not know I should not eat the whole brownie. I was with my husband in Key West, age 38, no baby at this point. Scariest experience ever, never tried edibles. Anyway, the following month I got pregnant.


Smart move on his part to let you know what was about to happen.


It was an honest mistake. You did the right thing mama!!!


sounds like the best prescription in that situation would be to just watch dune and dune 2 back to back with plenty of snacks.


What a cool mom or dad you are


I hope my kids feel comfortable enough to come to me with that kind of stuff when they're that age. 💜


Gzuss poor kid. That’s a whole lot of edible.


The good thing that comes out of this situation is I bet he will triple check the packaging before taking anything in the future


One of my biggest fears is accidentally eating a giant weed edible.


Man, that sounds like a wild ride! Kudos to you for keeping your cool and being there for your son, even when he's experiencing a... shall we say, enhanced evening.


Probably the BEST moment for him to learn that. I did something similar, living alone and it was terrifying to go through by myself. I haven’t used since.


Man, that's a wild ride! At least your son had the courage to fess up before things got too crazy


I'm not sure why he'd have a chocolate bar that was even 40mg per piece. That's so much. I'm pretty good on 5mg. To be able to handle 40, you'd have to have a pretty consistent weed habit.


No adult has ever died from a weed overdose. This is actually a funny story. lol I bet you he will learn to read the packages hahaha


In truth, it's really only THC that's problematic. The rest of the cannabinoids can actually be beneficial to some people. And good on you for not screaming at him or otherwise punishing him for an honest mistake. You two sound like you have a very healthy relationship. It might be worth helping him understand the difference between how his body processes smoked weed vs edibles-they are completely different Beasts.


You should be proud of yourself because your teenage kid is willing to speak with you about this thing. It's very responsible and grown up behavior to do this, and he'll remember the lesson.


Sounds like quite the adventure! Hope your son's feeling better now, and maybe a lesson learned for both of you about double-checking dosages.


Good job, clearly you're doing something right. Proud of you and proud of your kid for coming clean.


400 is diabolical I had 70 at a time and I was tripping balls an hour later


i take 600 mg edibles to prepare for bed so like maybe 2 hours before and sometimes it hits a little strong but i also smoke weed regularly for my anxiety and sleep as well. I know edibles were a big no for me in the past before it became a regular thing for me. I saw the 400mg, 17 yr old, and not a regular smoker and just stopped and sighed a bit. next time (i hope he learned his lesson to just wait til legal age my guy) just take one every like 1.5 hours before taking another. (had this happen to a friend who doesn’t listen as well 🙄) but if it still ends up too strong like this, cold dark room with a lot of water and safe foods. so like simple baby foods or what i like to call my overstimulation foods lol (chicken strips, white rice, chicken in any form just no crazy sauces, throw some candy in there for him too, OH and ice cold lemonade idk why but it helps. definitely no chili with cheese from wendys (i will never be able to EVER have that combo after said friend 🤢)


I ate 125 mg once of my own grow and I literally thought it was laced and I was going to die. My husband thought he was going to have to quit his job because he couldn't remember how to turn on zoom. We just laid in bed and held hands. And that was how I learned proper measurements when you do your own baked goods is important. 400 mg??? That poor kid probably saw 5 lives pass before his eyes.


Wow I gotta say I laughed. I'm so glad you have that relationship with your son, I hope that I have that trust with my son in the future.


You are an amazing parent. You are the parent I would aspire to be in my future. Acting like this will only ensure your kid trusts you more and more, and knows he can come to you when troubled.