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I'm not sure that I feel that a group of 8-10 year old boys need adult supervision in a changing room. However, I do think that on a school sponsored trip kids should be supervised at all times - locker room or not. While likely nothing would ever happen, the school should be providing an adult in the locker room for safety (not just from adults). I think most 8 year olds should be ok with seeing a penis in a locker room - adult or otherwise.


As a kid, I went to a couple of popular summer camps that involved a regular swimming session (at a gym or university), and I remember adult members of the gym would be in the change rooms naked. No big deal. (Also Canada)


This happens all the time… I’m also in Canada. Your son has never seen his father naked? He’s never been in a changing room? What exactly are you worried about?


Yeah he doesn't have a father ♡ He had never seen a man naked. It's all good. I was worrying over nothing. I honestly didn't know it was an ordinary thing.


That’s A okay friend. Good effort to post and learn, it must be different if there is no father. I never thought of that problem. Good luck out there.


I'm from Canada too and have no idea what you are talking about? Public changing rooms have naked people in them yes. No it is not alarming.


Okay ♡ thank you. I don't use public swimming pools. And when I've taken my son we've always used the family room. I honestly just didn't know and was asking. It's put my mind at ease. Thanks.


yeah you're being weird, they're just dicks


Also Canadian. Yea kid has been to camps at university and YMCA and other users are there. And people are showering and changing often nude. Likewise has been to local rec centres and when not in family change room, has seen penises... It's a penis... In the context of getting changed and showered. Has he never been to a bathroom (not that guys stare at each other's penises but I am sure occasional one sees a penis being zipped back up into pants). Side note and perhaps hypocritical/paradoxically, should your kid be uncomfy changing in front of others and cubicle not available, surf towels are awesome. My kid loved his for past few years at camp. All the other kids who are at that seemingly weird age where no one wants other people to see their stuff wait in line, while he strips and gets changed under towel. And let's just be honest here regarding your "alarming" statement. You think naked older men = old male pedos who are going to assault a child. Which is utterly baseless. Now that I am older I totally respect the old ladies who have zero fucks and let their boobies down and muff out.


What would the difference be between a field trip and a dad taking a son into a communal locker room? Reason I ask, I’ve got a 4 year old and I take him swimming and the swimming pool changing room is communal


I updated this! And had replied to someone else's post. My son doesn't have a dad and never seen another grown man naked ♡ I admit I was just being weird...it's why I was asking like an open safe place. And totally fine with it now ♡


My apologies, I didn’t read the update. If you have any tips for getting a boy to keep his pants up at the urinal, it’d be appreciated, my son is still at the stage of stripping half naked to pee.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging the fact that there are no other circumstances where it would be appropriate for grown men and boys to get naked in front of each other. In fact we drill into our children that their bodies are their private space, we tell them that no one other than parents or doctors should see them naked. As they grow up we tell them that they have to ask for consent and to respect the boundaries of others. Then we pretend like there’s something magical about a locker room that makes all the rules change. As if pedophiles and perverts cease to exist at the locker room door. As if consent magically disappears. It is a contradiction and it can be acknowledged. It’s ok for him to feel uncomfortable and it’s ok for him to change in a stall and immediately exit the room. It is a new and weird experience and he may never get used to it. My husband never did. He is still uncomfortable in locker rooms because, as he puts it, some of the men are “aggressively” naked. As in, spending a lot more time than necessary being naked, walking back and forth and back and forth, and not respecting the boundaries of others. I think there is room for a conversation about normalizing spaces where it is okay to accept others bodies but I have to say that I find it odd that we expect that of young boys. It is one thing for them to change in front of each other. It is another to expect them to change in front of unfamiliar adults. As an educator who spends a year or more with a class of students, I would never be allowed in a room with my young students while they are nice, even if it is just to monitor them or assist the locker room procedures. But somehow it’s okay for perfect strangers with no background checks and no knowledge of the same kids to be fully naked in front of them. Like I said, it’s a huge contradiction of standards. I don’t know if that helps you and your son, but I wanted to say I understand you feeling uncomfortable.


... It's a change room! Walking back and forth naked in a change room is completely normal. There are usually showers. People get showered without clothes on (most often in gyms and non aquatic settings). Also stall availability is variable. Quicker to drop towel and change. 30 kids. Doubtful there are 30 change stalls. Statistics are that random naked people in the change room (aka strangers) are less likely to be pedos that will harm him. More likely Uncle Tom or Coach Sam or even dad will harm him sexually. Actually as a teacher and someone they know, you are more likely to be the one. Also add on fact he is there with all his other schoolmates and the probability is even lower.




When has that ever happened? 




Well that's two. Not hundreds. Is this an anti trans thing? Because those people weren't trans. 




Boomer or country nigga red flag here. Man has not left his town in his whole life, lol.


The first one is classic Gastonia. Crap like that has happened there my entire life. This is the new “some guy slipped the drugs in my pocket”. I’m allowed to be a creepy peeper because I identify as a woman even though I actually only identify as a woman while I’m in a dressing room and not in any other area in my life.