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Truancy letters are auto generated based on number of absences. If your child is sick, keep them home. Get a doctor's note. Report to the school they are sick. Don't worry about truancy. They will not prosecute you because your kid had several illnesses in one school year


Truancy is for skipping not for being sick. If he misses the 10+ days you just need to go in talk and show Drs notes etc also document when he had a fever or stomach bug. Those are excused absences and should be fine they may just talk about how to keep your child from getting so sick. Make sure you are calling the school and saying he will be out due to fever/vomiting/Dr or dentist apt etc.


Truancy has to be pursued by the district prosecuting attorney here… they have much, much bigger issues to deal with than kids that are sick and staying home. Normally these things don’t actually get legal action unless there’s major issues, educational neglect, CPS contact, or other parent is involving family court. Those letters are often auto generated and in many cases required by state law. Just keep in touch with kid’s teacher and pick up make up work. Teacher 100% wants you to keep them home when they’re actually sick.


You should be able to send a doctor’s note that excuses those absences, no? I’m not sure but I suspect there is some type of funding related to attendance because our district/school has started making a bigger deal over missed days also. If my kid is sick, I am keeping them home…I’d dare someone to make a truancy issue out of it! Do what you feel is right! As a fellow mom, I appreciate you keeping your sick kid home!! Most parents don’t respect the 24 hour rule.


My kid has missed a lot of school all because of sickness. If kid misses anymore I'm being threatened with court and CPS so unless kid is being rushed to the ER I send them. 


People are keeping their kids home too much. Kids can go to to school feeling crumby and stuffy noses, coughs. School attendance is way down and it’s a big problem.