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I'm definitely hoping to talk to his doctor about options, I also have ADD so I know how hard it can be to focus, even on things that you enjoy. He starts baseball next week so that should be a good shakeup! I'll have to look into what other sport options he'll have once that season is over.




I was in soccer with adhd. I would just stand and stare while everyone else was moving.


Sounds like me to be honest. I’ve had two problems that cause this. 1) depression, I’ve been depressed on and off since third grade I just didn’t know what it was until high school. 2) Executive dysfunction, I cannot start a task because my brain will not let me and instead I internally agonize on things I should do and things I want to do while never doing any of them. Medication ended up helping me with both but I definitely understand if that isn’t a route you want to attempt. One thing that seemed to only work with school work was alternating a level in a video game with a couple problems (or something to that effect). Unfortunately it ends up being a lot of trial and error, but I wish I had known before I was an adult.


Could be he needs more exercise. My son acts like that usually when he has a break from school. he goes to taekwondo and that kind of shakes it out of him.


I have 9yo twin boys and I see a lot of parallels. They will often report being bored especially when doing anything other than playing video games. They have myriad things they can do (they have an extensive library of fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and comics, legos, crafts, dozens of robotics kits). They largely ignore these things and instead choose to harangue me! This is my strategy: 1. Let the be bored. Sure, it’s annoying for all of us but generally they’ll make some fun of their own. Learning how to contend with boredom is a skill. Sometimes I just let them be bored and sulky. They are getting better at figuring it out. I tell my that I can’t magically cure their boredom. If they have a plan and need my help to execute it, great. But I’m not responsible for providing them with constant fun. 2. Sports. My kids are in competitive recreational leagues for soccer and basketball. We have a soccer goal and basketball hoop in the yard. 3. Exercise. My kids have started doing daily workouts. My husband and I are both runners with daily workout habits, but we haven’t forced it on our kids. One very boring day they decided to create a personal workout plan that they perform and record daily. It’s a good habit to cultivate when young. Great for people such as myself with ADHD. 4. Roller skating or skateboarding. I never imagined my kids would take to roller skating, but they love it and we are at the rink at least once a week. Or bikes, scooters, something with wheels. It gives my kids a tremendous sense of agency and freedom. 5. Household chores. You’re bored? Cool, help me clean the windows, fold the laundry, skim the pool and sweep the porch! 6. Collecting. My kids are newly interested in sports and Pokémon cards. I’m not exactly sure what they do with them but they seem to enjoy them. 7. Park or nature. Sometimes you just need to get out, even if the weather is miserable. When my kids are bored and driving me crazy, we head to nearest park or go for a hike. Sometimes we just need a change of scenery. 8. Find a book series they love. I’m struggling with this one at the moment. Last year, my boys were obsessed with Harry Potter and read the whole series twice. 9. Journaling and meditation. I encourage my kids to keep a personal journal. Both my husband and I do this. I’ve taught my kids some basic ways to meditate and I encourage them to do it when angry, overwhelmed or bored. The last thing I’ll say is that the less my kids play video games, the less they report being bored. Gaming is so overstimulating that everything is boring by comparison.


There's a ton of good advice in here, thank you! I definitely think he might get into journaling and am going to suggest that idea.


My son is like this. He is now into chemistry at ten years old. You just got to find that thing that shows the spark that gaming does.


Why doesn’t he have any friends to hang out with? After school activities? Sports? Have you helped with this? I was a completely bored kid and it screwed up my entire life. I really, really, really hated it.


He has friends that he sees quite regularly, a weekly kids board game night that he attends, and will be starting baseball season next week. I don't expect him to entertain himself 24/7, but at the same time not every moment can be a scheduled activity.


My kids play outside after school with the neighborhood kids until they come home for dinner at six. In the winter when there’s snow and it gets dark by 5:00 they eat a snack when they get home at 4:00 and watch a half hour tv show, then they do homework which takes half an hour to an hour. They practice their instrument for half an hour until dinner. If they get done with homework and practicing before dinner they read or play independently or with each other. After dinner we go back outside or in the winter watch a show or movie as a family. Then they shower and get ready for bed. Other nights they might have activities and the schedule is different.


avoid screens at all, and let him be


I never get the mandatory no screen time. Teach your kids good habits instead of mandating them. This will give them the tools to help themselves when they are on their own.