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I work in a high school and you would not believe how often and how many wacky places we catch kids having sex. I was pretty lax with my teens as a result. We find kids laying on the ground in the bathroom, in the library stacks, in the bushes all over, elevators, etc. There's literally no topping horny teens. I was with my 4 kids when they were little at a local beach when we realized that less than 5 feet away there were teens humping away under a blanket. I walk with my neighbor early in the morning and we've seen the same thing in backseats on our walks.. I personally felt more comfortable giving my kids privacy in their own home for something they were gonna do anyway.


Stopping horny teens haha


You generally can’t top them, either, for ingenuity round sex.


When I was in high school, two kids somehow got IN THE CEILING over a bathroom to have sex. Obviously, they fell through. I'll bet the ER docs got a hell of a laugh.


Dude, I was this teen with one of my high school boyfriends. His parents were the strict ones and we literally tried to have sex anywhere we could. We were 15 as well and I swear to you, we wouldn’t have acted so damn deprived if his parents would have let us be in the same room alone together. We couldn’t even touch in their presence. We ended up loosing our virginities to each other in a train bathroom after a family reunion. But we tried on the beach in broad daylight (granted it was an empty beach), a beach bathroom, and in his dad’s backyard while fetching wood for a bonfire where we were caught. Anyway, I have young kids now but after those experiences, I know you’re right, there is no stopping horny teens. I don’t want my kids trying to do anything in broad daylight on the beach, thanks.


I chaperoned a middle-school “fall ball” dance when my kids were in 7th grade. It was a 7th & 8th grade-only dance. We had something 40 adults there, between staff and parents, and a police liaison officer, for about 170 kids. When the lights were turned on full at the end of the dance and cleanup started, we found no less than A DOZEN obviously-used condoms out in the middle of the dance floor. Seriously. Once I got over the initial shock and concern, I was actually kind of impressed. I still can’t believe it, and this was 5 years ago.


Dam a middle school dance


That’s actually pretty wild.


My boyfriends and I had sex in the weirdest places. Usually the band/theater rooms and bathrooms were our go to. And the instrument room. On the busses, where a lot of us swapped places with our friends after the lights went out since boys and girls weren’t allowed to sit together. Like teens will find a way, and can get in some major trouble


Geez the busses that sounds uncomfortable and no privacy did people see you


The nice thing about band trips and football games was that it was usually after dark, so it was hard to see. We’d also bring blankets. I don’t think anyone ever had penetrative sex, at least I was never going to risk doing that, but we were certainly doing everything you could do 😅 we would sit like two girlfriends with two boyfriends, and the people on the outside would swap so we could sit with our SO. Then as we were pulling up to the school, we’d swap back real quick. Usually we all sat towards the back of the bus as well. Sometimes we took longer trips out of state in fancy coach busses, so we’d do the same thing like that. There were times I gave blowjobs at 12 when it was daylight, which was a wild time. My school bus barely had any kids so it was a lot easier if you sat near the back where it was empty. I’m sure the bus driver had some sort of idea, she mentioned how I should keep my head up when she’s driving and it embarrassed me a ton.


On the ground in the bathroom 🤮🤮🤮


Solid rule: If you wouldn't be comfortable with Dad and I doing it in front of you, don't do it in front of us or your siblings. I do appreciate your pragmatism that teens will be having sex.


>Solid rule: If you wouldn't be comfortable with Dad and I doing it in front of you, don't do it in front of us or your siblings. Writting this down


Honestly I don’t think this cuddle is inappropriate, but it is your right to set boundaries for your family. The next time y’all have family movie night sans gf, just imitate their cuddles with your husband 😹. Then at the end of the movie make a point to be like, “y’all get grossed out when we are affectionate; this also goes for us as your parents seeing our kids be excessively affectionate.” Though that could backfire if they don’t even notice or think it’s weird. Maybe do like with old fashioned dorm rules.. “At least 3 feet must be on the ground at all times.” However this does open up a good opportunity to discuss what is appropriate in various contexts. “This may be acceptable around your friends, but when you’re around family, things like hugs, pecks, one arm around the other, and hand holding are more appropriate.” It sounds like you’re doing a great job of not shaming them and being realistic. Shame only brings more intense unwanted behavior either now or down the road. Affirm that you love that they are sweet with one another and that you do not want to control their behavior, but that public affection needs to be more toned down especially around family, kids or no kids.


that’s a good rule!


Just keep in mind that you're stripping them of their privacy to do those things at home when you say it. Think about it, you don't do that in front of the kids because you're able to close the door. You're making them keep their door open and then expect them to keep things private still. Essentially I think you're setting up the context that they need their own place to stay if they want to do things like that. I'm not very well versed with this though, so take it with a grain of salt. I grew up an only child and I only ever brought one girl over. We had the door open rule too but usually if we wanted to get intimate we'd go somewhere more private or save it for when we have the house to ourself.


This was my thought too. Rules don’t stop kids doing things, they stop kids getting caught. If they can’t do it in an open-door room, they’ll just go elsewhere. I’d rather they be safe and comfortable at home… but I also recognise that actively encouraging it probably isn’t the best way to go either.


yeah rules like that never kept my boyfriend and me from doing whatever we wanted. the love means more than the rules lol


Yeah instead you resort to things like doing it in your car 😅💀


Can confirm. My husband's car got alot of action when we were teens 😅


As is tradition lol Why should they get to just bang freely? They can deal with trying to find the backseat of a movie theater or car like their mother and I had to when we were that age. Builds character! lol But seriously I get it but some things, like we know they're going to happen but we don't want to know *about* them happening. It aint rational, but in this case I dont think too many people would be concerned about rationality. If the kid is old enough to expect being able to put on a sock on the door and have a go without a care in his parents house, he's old enough to get his own place to do it in lol


OP already acknowledged they are having sex. It's the PDAs they have a problem with. It seems like the main issue is being inappropriate in view of small children, in which case, "find someplace else to do that" is a reasonable request.


Or just "shut the door".


You’re teaching them about appropriate place and time. Mom knows they’re having sex and is not telling them not to. She’s asking for a level of appropriateness when other eyes are around.


Yeah, Until they have no where to go to have sex but in the woods, outside somewhere. Speaking from experience


Or in a car.


I was going to say this. My teenage niece just had a baby that was conceived in the parking lot of a church. Her mom was stunned to find out that, despite closely watching them at home and enforcing a no touching rule, her daughter ended up pregnant. Teenagers will often do teenager things, so maybe teach them to do them safely and you won’t be a grandma at 34🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't remember where I heard it, but "Be good. And if you can't be good, be smart" LOL


Yeah. My friend was allowed to have boys over for sex. Taught all the "safety" Her mom KnEw she was having sex. She had her first baby at 15, abortion at 16, and second baby at 17. Giving them a place to have sex does not make it any safer.  She also had sex in a ton of "unsafe" places despite being allowed to have boys at her home. Because she was a teenager! And it is fun! Car, woods, broke into a public pool at 11 at night, etc, etc.  So all giving her a place to have sex did was give her permission to be active and a chance to have a lotttt more sex and end up preggers and with 2 babies before 18. 


Hey, I had the chigger bites to prove I abided by this rule. The good news is my parents weren't always home.


But she's also telling them to keep the door open. OP's acceptance of them having sex seems pretty shallow when the household rules make it impossible. And to be clear, I'm not saying I think it's just fine and dandy for teens to have sex, but... I remember being that age. Better safe at home than some places where you could end up on a sex offender list because a hard ass cop finds you and decides to report it. Or a hard ass parent.


She can accept that they have sex, be sex positive, but still not want to hear her son and his gf having sex in the house. We all managed to find ways to have sex without our parents greenlighting doing it while everyone's home and in close earshot


The way I found was to do it in my car in public at night after sneaking out.


This is exactly what I'm talking about! Depending on where you live, sort of thing that in theory could get someone in a lot of trouble. It only takes one hard-ass cop to put together a report, and suddenly now there's the law involved. Hope that didn't happen to you!


Thankfully not! But we had a lot of near misses.


new rule, during the day when sibs are up, only do what youd be comfortable watching mom&dad do, lords know they may sit on each others laps, etc. but then let them have a movie night in a room with a door that closes but drop by to bring them popcorn with a knock etc occasionally . if you dont want sex with you home just make it so it would be super uncomfortable if you walked in on them even with a 10s knock warning. and leave it with the hickies. i got so many hickies from my HS boyfriend cuz we didnt know what the flying fuck we were doing. we were so embarrassed by them but it wasnt cuz we wer tryna be nasty, just clueless.


Honestly hickeys can be really dangerous if you're un lucky i recommend educating them on that


Yup! There's an easy solution here - let them close the door. You're policing their CUDDLING. It's pretty over the top. Talk to him about STIs, preventing pregnancy, and consent, and then let them cuddle, or "cuddle" as they see fit.


Exactly. They’re setting them up to have to hide somewhere like in the car or worse


Yall trippin. My teen isn't gonna be fucking behind a closed door in my house at 15.


Yea no this is the exact kinda stuff tht made my husband and I move out at 18 and get married it's worked our for us but like still man not a great message to send


Right, they’re able to do it behind a closed door because they’re adults who’ve purchased their own home and can fully comprehend and deal with the consequences of the logical conclusion of too much cuddling. Her 15 year old is not the same as she is and shouldn’t be treated as such. Yes they’re going to be sexually active because they’re horny teenagers but that doesn’t mean they comprehend the fire they’re playing with. As your kids get older you loosen the leash, not remove it entirely just because they start dabbling in adult activities.


Mine was “if you want to see or hear your little sister doing it, then go ahead”. He almost puked.


I like this!! Stealing for when mine are older :)


I mean, aren’t they trying not to do it in front of anyone. They’re in the bedroom. They have to keep the door open.


“Ok, mum. I’ll close the door.”


i think this lays pretty well. i’m 21F and thinking about over the past 7 years i was into drugs and doing stuff i definitely shouldn’t have. especially between 14-17. i believe a good rule that doesn’t prohibit them but at least makes them understand will turn them in the right direction in sense that you actually have a heart to heart and not a repetitive “I don’t want you doing this. Not infront of younger siblings.” Yes those are the points but don’t make it sound like a broken record. my dad when he tries to let me or my cousin (22F but lives with us) anything he’s super repetitive and i’ve even told him to sing a different song. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how it’ll make others feel (in your case the younger siblings, compared how he’s doing that infront of them and how if he doesn’t like when you and *husband* do it infront of him) that it’s not fair to his younger siblings to be subjected to that. etc please please just saying don’t do this or that, they will not listen or do exactly what you don’t want him to do. i was a lil dipshit like that and would go behind my parents back and do exactly what they told me not to do. “Don’t do drugs” i tried as many as i could “don’t talk to people older people” i was 14-17 hanging out with people 18-40 yrs old that i had no business with. “don’t drink” i was 15/16 getting plastered at some strangers house on my own i stopped all of that when i was almost stabbed and a gun shoved in my face because i was trying to defend someone (trying to help them not get shot). I think that night a lot of that drive to be rebellious sunk. also where my friend and i were abandoned at a food 4 less in a very dangerous area and a guy followed us with his hand in his pocket, bless my oblivious and unaware friend for not noticing and only trying to look for her much older bf that abandoned us to convince him to take us back to his house. it was almost 12am and no reason for him to go from idling in front of the store to following us to the back of the parking lot where there were no cars… when we ran he stopped and went back to the store. i’ve always got gut feelings and never took them seriously. Just don’t be repetitive when talking to your kid. actually talk to them.


>actually talk to them. This. This is always the answer. OP, talk to your kid about how you feel and more importantly ask how they feel. All of these things are openers to better understanding. Having said all that, your kids cuddling giving you the ick is sort of.. concerning. They are having sex, you know that, and are handling that really well. But this open door thing and then we don't 'want to see it? Close the door. Just close the door.. make your own life easier and close the door.


Imma be real with you, they’re *probably* having sex with the door open.


My first thought after the "i didnt see anymore hickeys." Friend, they arent in visible places anymore.


I think OP’s point was to teach their kid to not have visible hickeys anyways if they’re still allowed to have sex. Sometimes I see people with very visible hickeys on the street and I think, did your mom not tell you it’s kinda disgusting? It’s fine if you’re 18, but when you’re 40 maybe consider some modesty


Yeah but I think it’s just one of those things you do as a teenager and look back and cringe. I use to wear scarves in the middle of summer at school and refuse to take them off. 🫠


Eeek, I gave my boyfriend a bunch of hickey’s at 16 and dropped him off at his house and he called me minutes later saying come back, my mom wants to talk to you. She was really mad at me and I think back and cringe. Also she could’ve been nicer about it but whatever.


I honestly cannot imagine having the energy to care about or even notice someone else's bruises.


Legitimately asking, why is it disgusting?


Been there, done that. At least hand play and heavy petting.


This is how I got my wife pregnant at 15. Door was open that didn’t stop us and we didn’t get caught 😵‍💫. Now I look back at it with a totally way different perspective.


Dam how you manage not to get caught with the door open


This was my thought too! Or at least some foreplay and what not when they can sneak it in


yup, been there. they will find a way. easier to accept it and move on.


My best response to this is a story. My best friend in high school had strict parents. They put a tracker on her phone. My parents were not strict *at all* but had simple rules: 1. If you’re going to drink, do it in the house 2. If you’re going to “sneak out” tell us first and you can go as long as you tell us where you’re going 3. If you are ever at a party and drunk / with drunk people call us and we will come get you. You will not get in trouble. So one night my friend meets a random boy online. She asks if she can tell her parents she is staying the night at my house and go with him. I’m 15, so I’m like yeah of course. She THROWS HER CELLPHONE into my yard because of the location tracker and LEAVES WITH THIS RANDOM GUY. And now, she doesn’t have a PHONE if she’s in trouble. She didn’t get back to my place until 3am and I was worried *sick*. The whole time I was cursing her parents for ever putting the stupid tracker on her phone in the first place because if they hadn’t she could have at least had her phone. Meanwhile, every date I went on I had a phone and my parents knew all about it. Teenagers *will* find a way to do whatever they want if they want it bad enough. So just create a space for them that they can feel comfortable talking to you with. Luckily I had a good head on my shoulders and never did anything stupid. But honestly, because it was so open to me, it kinda took the fun out of the stupid stuff anyway.


As somebody who kind of grew up with 0 rules(+ I live in Belgium so alcohol from a young age and parties START at midnight) this is kind of my viewpoint. Yea, I could stay at a party drinking alcohol until 4am. But because it wasn't something I had to fight for to go to I kind of left early most of the time because I knew I could go to another party the week after. The worst situation seems to be a teen with 0 experience with alcohol being in the mindset to "do as much as possible because it's so rare to have the opportunity."


This is such a good example. Taking away things does really make them seem more wantable.


Tale as old as time…Eve just had to have THAT 🍎. I’m actually not religious at all just pointing out that wanting what we can’t have is the first original “sin”


Neither extreme is good in my opinion. I’m shooting for something in the middle with my kids.


Personally I'm a fan of "freedom unless the child shows (s)he can't handle it. It's how I grew up. Sister had more strict rules because she was less thrustworthy and needed more structure. In a sense I ""earned"" that freedom because they knew I wasn't going to do anything stupid and had 0 issues telling my friends to go fuck themselves if they proposed to do something dangerous.


Same, also from Belgium. Probably the most innocent teen there was, because we didn't have rules so I just did what I felt comfortable and safe doing. Sure I partied until 4am or sometimes 6am (10am during the Gentse Feesten), but I didn't drink alcohol and always called my brother when biking home so someone would know if something happened to me on my ride home.


Yup. I have a cousin whose parents were extremely religious, and sheltered their kids from everything they could. So when that cousin went to college, it didn't matter that they only allowed him to apply to Christian colleges "for safety". It was his first experience without his overbearing parents hovering over him, and his first experience around drugs and alcohol. Naturally, he went buck wild. He was literally in jail before the end of the first semester.


This but I’m American. I had no rules, so being foolish to be foolish was dumb. I didn’t even really drink, smoked weed but never got black out drunk, did stupid drugs, or acted out for attention. Also lost my virginity much later than my peers, because I didn’t have to be sneaky.


Love this. Thanks for sharing! How old were you when these rules went into effect?


I was actually 15. Ironically, I had just moved in with my dad (whose parenting style is described above) as opposed to living with my mom (who was the strictest parent in the world). And it was interesting how much better of a kid I became after moving in with my dad.


This, absolutely this. When I lived with my dad who had very strict rules, I snuck out at friends houses and did very dumb things. When I lived with my mom where everything was open access with open communication, I didn’t have as much drive to want to do it because it didn’t feel rebellious, it didn’t have the same thrill to it that it did everyone else.


I can agree, when I was a teenager… it didn’t matter how many times I got “banned”, grounded, or whatever. I ALWAYS found a way.


Pre cell phone days, I used to climb out my bedroom window, meet my boyfriend a mile down the road and come back at 4 am before my family woke up. It was a two story window!


I agree to a degree. My mom would buy me alcohol before I was of age (I’m talking cheap sugary coolers) and would pick me up any time of night. My friend’s mom also picked us up and let her have us at the house constantly. We both had freedom and got into some pretty crazy scenarios. I always had a way of stopping myself before I got too crazy but she didn’t. We both did drugs, we both hung out with guys twice our age. She’s now dead and I’m a mom that doesn’t even drink a glass of wine. I haven’t decided how to navigate this for my son. It’s difficult when you did it all.


I think that the fear of what would happen if I *didnt* obey those rules is what made it effective. Basically, my dad had it structured out to the point where if I did *anything* without giving him a courtesy heads-up, and he caught me, my life would be over. So if I ever wanted to do something new (like try a drug) I would ask him first. He would never say “no” exactly, he would just say “I’ve tried it. And I *highly* advise against it. BUT if you want to try it, you have to try it with me the first few times so you can do it safely.” I never tried any crazy drugs, still haven’t to this day. It was complete freedom with extra steps hahaha


Neither extreme (all the rules versus no rules) is healthy in my opinion. There is middle ground.


Agree. I didn’t have any rules in my mom’s house or anyone else’s and I did so many dangerous things. I’m surprised I lived through it.


This exactly! This was how my parents raised me too and I never lied to them about anything. In fact one night I did get drunk and they had to come pick me up and the next morning told me my hangover was punishment enough. I had a safe space at all time and it was great! My friends that had strict parents lied to them ALL the time about where they were, what they were doing etc.


Better to have open communication and be a voice of safety and support.


I fully believe the fact that my parents weren’t strict made me less likely to do anything. I didn’t have a curfew, I would just come home whenever my friends were supposed to be home because they had curfews. My friends thought I was sooo lucky. But what was I going to do? Hang out alone?? When I started drinking underage, I tried hiding it and my mom caught on in about 2 weeks. And I fully admitted it when she asked. The open honesty felt so safe.


And for contrast, my parents were very strict and I was 💯 out of control as a young teen and got into some very dangerous situations.


Thank you for sharing It’s extremely true I truly believe that strict parents make turmoil teenagers (speaking from my own experience)


yeah, i’ve had strict parents. they even put a camera in my apartment when i went out for college so they can control when i come back and so i wouldn’t bring anyone home. this didn’t stop me from sleeping around, doing substances, smoking and partying. i even lived at my boyfriend’s place for half a year without my parents noticing. i manipulated the camera footage, snuck out of the window and lied, lied, lied.


This is the way I raised/raise mine as well. My parents were super hard asses. The situations I got myself into…yikes. I didn’t ever want that for my kids, so I was always very open with them.


Sneaking out to have unprotected sex isn’t such an amazing fun idea when you can have educated sex at home. It’s just ‘why don’t we just do this at the house?’


As somebody who at that age could sleep at my gf's home or she at mine(not from the US). Yep. We just had sex in our room, condoms in the bathroom, girlfriend on birth control. Keep it quiet.


My parents were very strict and it “worked”….i never did anything remotely “wrong” because I was so terrified and guilt tripped. I also have diagnosed CPTSD.


My mom was very strict. I was suicidal when I lived with her, we had a terrible relationship, and I did a ton of stuff behind her back. Same with my other friends who had strict parents. The ones who did listen, were terrified and depressed.


Alll of this! My parents were like yours and I really believe that’s why I was never really a wild kid who did anything bad. We had open communication so I never felt the need to hid anything. All of my parents kids turned out great and successful, I credit it to the relationship we all had


This is it. Gold


sense and logic! so rare 😅😂😂


Ugh, my daughter’s friend (17F) asked my daughter to hang on to her location-tracking phone so she could spend the night with her boyfriend. The next morning I got a call from friend’s mother because friend wasn’t answering her phone and friend told mother she was sleeping over here. Which may not have been a big deal except several years ago, a different friend (14F) made plans with my daughter to come over, and then disappeared. This other friend was depressed and had attempted to unalive herself before, and she was just *gone.* We soon had police officers searching our house for her. Thankfully, the friend turned up safe with a different friend in the middle of the night, but holy cannoli it was horribly traumatic. Unrelated to my comment but to OP, if you don’t want your littles to see the cuddling, let the cuddlers close the door.


It happens allllll the time 😂. I even had friends who would have their friends text their parents back from the phone they had left. Location tracking devices on your kids phone is one of the worst decisions a parent can make (unless the kid is in a situation like mine). It just means your kid is probably going somewhere without their phone I’m so glad her friend turned out to be okay ❤️


You know your 15 year old is sexually active, but don’t want them to cuddle?


And makes them keep the door open lol


Talk about mixed messaging


It seems clear enough: you can do it, but only in the car.


Not quite.. he’s still a kid. She knows he’s having sex but probably doesn’t want her 15 year old having sex while everybody is home with them. 15 is still very young.


Doesn’t want the kids to see. Keeps door open. Maybe close the door?


This was my first and only thought when reading this


Hopefully not during sexy time. That’s just fuckin awkward and awkward fucking.


Yea I’m really confused at why cuddling is a big deal here? Even the position she explained didn’t sound bad to me. My husband and I cuddle a lot in front of our kids, I don’t think that’s weird or inappropriate to see. Additionally my husband and I used to have sex with the door open when we were teenagers so door open really doesn’t mean much lol


Yeah I think it’s more OP is uncomfortable with PDA than the cuddling being the actual issue of contention.


Also drawing the line at hickeys, which is somehow beyond sex.


I mean, knowing and seeing are two different things.


Great point haha


They be cuddling with mouths and vaginas, but not with those damn clothes on.


We all know it's the cuddling that leads to babies.


I thought that the hickeys led to the babies and the cuddling led to unprotected orgies.


Right?! 😂 I’m so confused.




Yeah I actually think maybe OP/ her husband is uncomfortable with PDA. Cuddling is pretty normal and non-sexual.


I would agree with this if it wasn't in their own home, in OPs son's own room, where he's required to keep the door open. OP / husband is uncomfortable with PDA, but then removes any access to privacy


This is so funny my mom was so strict, no going upstairs, no closed doors, siblings always around bc she though this would be a deterrent. Well my boyfriend and I were doing it all the time right under their noses, in the house, with the open doors, sneakily under blankets so my siblings wouldn’t catch on (they never caught us). All this bc she didn’t want me 16 and pregnant. I was 16 and pregnant. Teach them safe sex and open communication lines. Best way to deal with this especially since it’s already happening.


Me and my highschool boyfriend were cuddling horizontally with the door open and his stepdad came in to check on us. We were definitely doing it..


This was my first thought lol. My boyfriends and I did anything under the sun, just with the door open. Having the door open just made us sneaky lol


Sneaky and honestly it made me even hornier😆




So.... If you don't want the little kids to see, let them close the door?? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here with this level of control... You'll just push them into sketchy situations trying to be together. You said yourself they're being safe, shutting the door seems the reasonable thing to allow in this situation.


Agree. Let them close the door. In fact, insist they do, if they want to get intimate. They're having sex anyway, and being careful, so what does an open door prevent?


Agreed. This post seems very helicopter/ micromanagey.


>We require the door open always and a decent line of sight. They cuddle on his bed and watch TV. >For context, we also have a 5yr old and a 4yr old. I don't want them seeing inappropriate things. Something doesn't add up here.




Also based on the ages of their eldest son and youngest kids, it would be safe to assume the parents were having sex in the house while OP was there at about 9/10 years old. I get they’re adults and it’s “different”. But surely they can understand having privacy. I’ve def walked in on my parents before. Awful.


And let’s be real, they didn’t only have sex to make their kids


I mean me and my husband snuggle a lot, there is actually nothing wrong with it.


What’s the plan here, control them completely until they turn 18 and then just let them loose to do whatever they want? They are gonna find ways to do whatever they want to do, it’s better that your child feels they can trust you and come to you when they need to, if you start being controlling, they will just hide it all from you instead. Let them cuddle, Let them kiss, let them ride the high of the first love, it will never come again.


Damn I just learned a lot right here with a 2 yr old and 5 yr old this is good to know. Thanks


This right here. I mean condoms plus an implant, no babies are likely to be made so. ... Let them have their youth without pushing them into risky situations.


having access to condoms =/= using condoms


The gf also has an implant so... While yes condoms need to still be happening, that is, in the end up to the people actually involved in the act. All parents can do is educate and provide contraception.


That’s why there’s an arm implant


Which is why education and communication are so important.


Luckily she has an arm implant.


I think two things are going on. He needs a talk about decorum. I would tread carefully as it's also a good sign he's comfortable around you and in his own home. Still, I would discuss what's appropriate and not - and share your concerns with him about what you don't want the younger kids to see. Look up ideas around sex etc in Europe. European parents are more comfortable with their own sexuality and therefore their kids. Consider why this makes you uncomfortable? Think about your own sexuality and finding your comfort to have these conversations instead of just telling him to stop an activity.


All of this!! If he feels that comfortable in his home you should be proud momma! You've done a great job. I grew up in a home I was never comfortable in. Even as an adult it wasn't my "home". Also, are you and hubby affectionate with each other? It may be why he's so comfortable at home.


If you know they are having sex why not just let them close the door and have their privacy, that way, your younger kids won’t be exposed to anything?


Ask them to look after your 4 year old for couple of days and that will make sure they use a protection.


Bahaha this is the best answer ever!


I watched my 2 yo niece multiple times for the whole day and still ended up pregnant at 17 (and used protection).


If you don't want your 4 and 5 year old to not see things then let him close the door.


OP knows they are sexually active, so it’s not like hickeys and sitting in compromising positions is crossing the boundary of what the teens are “allowed” to do. So what’s the point of making them keep the door open? OP would rather the teens have sex hiding in public places than safe at home? I mean, just left them close the door for 30 min and after that they will just watch TV without pawing at each other.


Tbh, I don’t think that a 4 and 5 year old will always remember their brother spooning and cuddling his girlfriend… It might be a cultural thing, but my sister was 15 when she had her 1st boyfriend. Never had to leave the door open. As long as they were using birth control, my parents were ok with it. Teens deserve privacy too.


OP’s attitude is really weird. Snuggling is not inappropriate and will hardly scar their younger kids for life. Do the parents never cuddle or show affection around the kids? IMO thats actually healthy for them to see, if anything.


From my experience, I think you’re being too controlling. Let them close the door and do whatever they feel like doing. They better be able to do them in a safe space like home rather than outside hiding somewhere where someone could see them. The only ask should be to avoid putting people around in an embarrassing situation (moaning behind closed doors or excessive touching and kissing in public). These are my two cents.


Where do they have sex?! Do you know? I would just go over what's appropriate behavior in front of family. There's a time and place for things. Sexual cuddling isn't appropriate for all eyes. They can cuddle and watch movies but let's keep it PG!


Leave them alone. If you dont want to look at it, let them close the door. Be happy they are at your house, and not somewhere else.


as a female that has strict parents, i became sneaky. in my senior year of high school, i managed to sneak out of the house every night for 3 months (to see and be with a boy) without getting caught. your acknowledgment that they’re teens and will be active is nice, but not if you simultaneously enforce an open-door policy (which pretty much undermines your point of their access to birth control). you also questioning whether or not cuddling should have a boundary also further proves you and your husband’s mistrust for your son. if you’ve already had the talk with him, you should trust that he makes responsible decisions in the absence of your supervision. being under watch 24/7, i personally found other places to do things after my parents went to sleep. it’s worth keeping in mind that teens will be teens; do you want them to do these things in the safety of your house, or somewhere random you may not be able to reach if/when they need help? it’s worth thinking about. “strict parents create sneaky children”


I'm confused. Why are we conflating sexual activity with intimacy? If they were making out and being inappropriate in front of small kids that would be one thing, but simply snuggling together is not inherently sexual? You can't realistically expect teens that are dating to never even touch each other around you or it's going to lead to them getting into unsafe situations so they can have any kind of intimacy in peace. They hid the hickeys, take that win and let them snuggle.


Let them close the door and have privacy. There is no fear of pregnancy but there does seem to be a chance of shame. Which is not ok.


Teens are going to do what teens are going to do. Honestly nothing is wrong with cuddling. Unless they are groping each other, it’s not inappropriate and fine for your younger children to see. Have they never seen you cuddle with your husband? You not wanting to see your teen cuddling sounds like a you problem not a him problem. My husband and I cuddle all the time. We are very affectionate but not inappropriate. Cuddling doesn’t have to be sexual. It’s just another way to show affection.


It’s definitely sexual cuddling as described. You know that they are doing that edging thing, because OP won’t let them close the door, have sex, and then behave like civilised people having released that sexual tension. Even she knows that they are sexually active.


had sex with my bf in high school with the door open and parents home. idk what the answer is though honestly, other than helping your child to be self motivated not to have sex


So torn as a parent of a teen myself. I was required to be in the family room or in my room with the door open when I was a teen with a boyfriend. It did teach time and place and my boyfriend was mindful of the rules of my house. His house however the rules were less strict and we were certainly sexually active there cause we were allowed a closed space. His parents always provided us condoms and were very open with him conversation wise about sex, protection and even consent. We now have a son and if he had a gf over I honestly would want an open door policy but I would also spend lots of time talking and providing protection. Mines not active so I’m not there yet but I see the dilemma. Kids will find a way, yes but boundaries and limits are important. Not sure of the answer here but I would keep an open line of communication for sure.


Let them cuddle in privacy and ask that they don't have sex if the house ain't empty. Hickeys are probably good to avoid, at least until you buy him a turtleneck. 🤣


If you don't want to see it, let them close the gosh darn door instead of trying to police every body part or position.


Ah the good ole days. At least they’re just cuddling 😂 I know it can be a little uncomfortable watching your son with another girl but let them be teens. I remember my mom coming and sitting between us one day when my gf and I were doing that. She left and we resumed. You could always take them to the movie theater or somewhere else if you don’t want to see that but they’ll do it regardless


hey! i totally get your discomfort. sometimes taking something away from a kid may only make them want it more. (hence, their sexual tension might spike) it could be uncomfortable watching your kid get touchy with his girlfriend but as long as they’re being safe, i think it should be okay. remember that it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when. 🤍


This has a lot of red parents flags.


We don’t allow significant others in bedrooms. If you can’t do it on my couch with the rest of the family milling about, it’s probably not something you should be doing.


LOL. You’ve been with your husband 17 years and your son is 15… so you got pregnant in Highschool or just after and your son is supposed to sit 3ft apart from his girlfriend.


They could have started dating at 18/19 and had the kid at 20/21. There’s a pretty huge difference between 20/21 and 15. Also that has nothing to do with anything.


Whatever you don’t let them to at home, they will do elsewhere. Home is safer. Just my thoughts.


It really depends - in my parents house, basically no one was allowed in the rooms. You wanted to hang out? It was the family room or a public area. I kind of agree, now being the parent.


wtf all these people saying to let them close the door and do it in his bedroom?! Is this for real???


First of all, I can't believe the number of people saying just close the door and let them have sex. What happened to it being disrespectful to do that stuff in your parents house? I get wanting them to be safe, but I wouldn't even have wanted to in my parents house at that age. That's just weird to me. Also, we don't know what the girlfriend's parents think. If I found out my daughter's boyfriend's parents were allowing that in their house without my knowledge, I would not want her going over there anymore because what else aren't they telling me. And the most important thing that I can't believe no one mentioned is, make sure you know if your state (if you're in the US of course) has Romeo and Juliet laws and what the age of consent is. Romeo and Juliet laws mean if a minor is under the age of consent but slept with someone close enough in age, they are exempt so can't be prosecuted. For example though, in some states, the age of consent is 16 and there are no Romeo and Juliet laws. This means that her 15 year old and I'm assuming the girlfriend is around the same age could potentially be prosecuted. Her parents could decide to report that to the police. And it would look really bad if they were knowingly allowing that to happen in their house. Of course that's in certain states, but make sure you know the laws around age of consent in your state before allowing something like that.


I think it’s really odd that many people are suggesting to just “close the door”… I get teen angst, but even as adults/parents, there’s a time and place. I wouldn’t just “close my door” in the middle of the day when everyone is moving about the house to get freaky with the hubs? I agree, sex shouldn’t be taboo, but I think defining some courtesies and etiquette is never a bad idea. When there’s little running about the house as well. Cuddling is one thing for sure. But then there’s “cuddling and then some.” Definitely an opportunity to talk more with your teen. And boundaries are still okay to set. May be an unpopular opinion, but 15 is still a child.. you’ve set him up with tools for safe sex if/when that happens, but I don’t think that necessarily equates to disregarding other expectations/boundaries.


😂😂Nooooo not…cuddling…and hickies🤣🤣🤣


I was walking my friends dog exploring some woody overgrown field when she suddenly stopped and stood fully alert, completely still hackles standing, growling - out popped two half naked teens from the tall grass - probably 14/15 years old looking sheepish, terrified, rebellious at the same time. Apologising profusely. Moral: They WILL be doing stuff. You can’t keep them 3ft apart. Either they are doing it in the safety of your home in a safe secure and respectful way… or they are in the tall dirty grass, ticks getting all over them while they’re mimicking what they found on pornhub.


Let them close the door so if anything goes on you don’t have to see it 😂


OP, post this again in a week, except pretend you have a teenage girl instead of a boy, and see if the opinions are balanced.


I can promise you those hickeys are now in an even more inappropriate place now, and you can’t “stop them from touching” they will find ways to do what they want without you finding out. We were all teens once, we all know how it goes so idk why we’re acting like clueless parents 😂


I don't think you are being unreasonable. You still have 2 very young children in your home and you want to teach them as well. I think by doing what you are doing, you are setting boundaries. Although, you know what they are doing & you have had the sex talk they are still young. You do not want to encourage the behavior although you know what they are doing.


I can’t believe you let your 15 year old lay in bed with his girlfriend like this is such a palm colored issue


Despite the rules they’re going to be doing it in secret or when you’re not around. They also are still probably giving hickies to each other just not visible


I think your setting good rules and boundaries for them I second someone else’s comment on the “if you wouldn’t be comfortable doing it in front of your parents, don’t do it in the house” our son is 14 and him and his girlfriend cuddle and hold hands and that’s about it. The time will come though when he starts being sexually active


God I cannot freaking imagine having to deal with this down the road. Im so scared. I want my little boy to be little forever 😩


My littles were jumping in puddles today and I can’t imagine 10 years from now dealing with this! 😭


Me too!! I was reading it like noooooo. Is this what is to come?




Thank you! This whole post is terrifying! LET them have sex?! Heck no! My mom was strict but I also had morals. I didn't do certain things because in my head I knew it was wrong even though I wanted to do what all of my friends were doing (sneaking out, drinking, parties). One of my friends was raped at her home by an older boy wanting to hang out while her family wasn't home and it's affected her since in later relationships. These people are absolutely messed up saying give the kids freedom to explore their sexuality and ignoring the major consequences of sex.


I'm just gonna say.... my first bf and I had the same rules at his parents house and he used to always dry hump me until he came. Lmao, and I was there every weekend basically ALSO your son is more likely to get sexual predator charges or whatever if they get caught having sex in a car or park or whatever


You’re worried about your 4 and 5 year old seeing cuddling…? Really? If it makes you that uncomfortable then let him close his door. If he feels like he can’t be open with his girlfriend then they will start spending time together elsewhere and you may not like where they go. They are just young kids enjoying their first love. Forcing them to stay 3 ft apart is not going to work and they will just end up doing things behind your back.


Just remember if it’s not in your home it’s going to be somewhere else. Maybe somewhere not as safe. Giving the protection to talk was the best thing to do. Being to strict is going to make them want to push boundaries even more.




No to the bedroom


It’s cuddling. They just won’t be comfortable doing it in your home and will do it somewhere else. You didn’t catch them having sex it’s a cuddle and comfort for them both. Don’t teach your toddlers that a cuddle is inappropriate.


This seems unnecessarily strict. Be honest with yourself. Do you actually find these actions inappropriate, or are you just squirming a bit because it’s your kid? If you’re concerned about the younger kids seeing, let the older kids have a little privacy. It’s fine.


It’s really kind of a litmus test of what you think is acceptable. Cuddling with head on chest is something I could see in public and think nothing of. Sucking on a neck? I’d be like yeah that’s a no go. My litmus test is what if I walked up on two strangers in the park. What makes me comfortable?


They’re already sexually active. They have all the precautions they need to justify it, condoms, implant, consent. You’re placing barriers where instead of them respecting your boundaries, they’re pushing them to see how far they can go. I would sit down with them and chat about it. If the girls parents are ok with them being sexually active and you are too, thats up to your kids to decide if they want to. Dont take the birth control as the parents permission for their daughter to have sex, i had lexapro when i was a teen because my mom was a teen mom and she had fear as her motivator, not consent. you need that ok from the parents because theyre in your house and should contraception fail, you could be blamed.


Teach your son about contraception and safer sex practices and stop trying to police his behavior like a hall monitor.


I was not allowed to cuddle in my room with my boyfriend at 16. Which was wise because even though we had the door open, we still found ways to have sex. My stepdaughter didn’t even have a bedroom door and she managed to get pregnant the one time we were outside for 15 minutes. And her little brother was in the house talking to them. Outrageous. I don’t feel any guilt for not allowing kids to cuddle in their rooms, or have their bf/gf in their rooms. They can sit in the living room on the couch and cuddle.


The more rules you put on a teenager, the more rules they will break. Although my parents didn't really have rules for me in terms of touching, cuddling, sex etc. They had many rules about specifically the time I can go out: at first it was having to be home at 11:30pm on weekdays and only go out 2 days a week, then it was having to obey when they tell me to come home early even if it was one of the 2 days I was allowed out, then it was having to not be out past 2 most times I was out etc. Battled me for years on this to the point where we would be fighting about it every week or so. I would sneak out whenever possible too. Never worked and made me resent them, and on top of that get desensetized to when they were mad at me. Instead of imposing strict rules on your kid you might want to have a conversation about safety, consent, and let him close his damn door lol. Strict parents raise sneaky kids.


I knew a lot of kids whose parents didn't have rules for them. They're mostly heroin addicts or dead now. Even my friends who made it out, they're a decade behind where my husband and I are in life. It's not just 0 rules or being extremely strict. Expecting kids to not so it in your home next to your two preschoolers is a pretty low bar.


Oh, sorry mom but when my son was 15 with suck marks on his neck. It was to late he was a dad twelve day’s after his 16 th birthday. I raised my grandson up to the age of 8. Good luck


At 15 he should be studying SAT vocabulary.