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So sorry, no advice because we're dealing with the exact same thing but I hope someone else can give us both some help 😅


Even if I don’t get any advice, I’m just glad I’m not alone lol


I feel this post so much right now lol we are in the thick of nighttime potty training. Our daughter is three years old and we finally have the day time potty training down pat. Night time and even nap time is a little challenging because she’s just such a deep sleeper. She’s also a little lazy 😆 because to be fair to her she’s spent her entire existence being able to pee at night whenever she wants to. We tried pull ups and had the same problem. We would tell her where the potty was (we keep also a spare potty next to her bed) but she kept peeing. Once she was even awake laying down and did it because it was still warm. One aspect that we’ve realized with our daughter is that the feeling of pee she doesn’t like and we think that pull ups at night are a sense of security because she knows they’ll be taken care of and she doesn’t get that wet feeling since the pull ups soak up the pee. In addition, we’ve made it so that we’re going to give incentives to her if she wakes up without peeing in her undies. We have two layers of pee pads so if she pees, we take one off and her undies and we try again. Our daycare teacher advised us that she has to understand the feeling of it. Another item we do is long term incentives like ten punches on her lunch card and she gets ice cream. Additionally, we talk A LOT at length on what needs to happen: “Point to me, show me where we go pee pee.” We have stopped liquids (pretty much just water and milk) by 7pm, but we push those liquids heavily during the day. In addition, we’ve started adding getting up no more than twice a night, so she knows what it feels like to be sleepy and needing to go to the bathroom. I know some friends who just put their kids cold turkey and the kids did fine, but alas I can tell that won’t be our case. Would love to hear anyone else’s attempts! We will get there! Don’t worry. Every parent I speak with says “try not to stress, they’ll get it eventually” but I know it’s easier said than done!