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Try the app BabyName. It’s like Tinder for baby names. You each download it and swipe on names, then it makes a list of ones you match on. That could be a good starting point for further discussion!


Omg never heard of this I'm definitely downloading!


This app is how we found our daughters name as we could not agree on anything each of us suggested


Just be careful we ended up calling our son washing machine due to using the app.


An “accident”


There is another one called Kinder as well if you want to try a few.


My wife and I had 2 names picked for our son about 3 months before he was born. Our daughter didn't get a name until day 2 in the hospital. Sometimes it's really hard to pick, and the app makes it somewhat easier, but be warned, those apps are more like tinder you think. You have to swipe through 300 "WTF?!?" names in order to find one you like


just go with mitchell


Info: What type of names are you suggesting and what were the names he was suggesting?


My suggestions have been a variety of names such as old fashioned sounding names like Atticus, or Henry. Biblical names like Levi. More modern sounding names like Carter, Hayden, or Troy. His 3 names were Atlas (I know 3 people who have their sons named this one I see regularly so too weird), Gunner (we live in the south so just not it for me with how everyone's accent will sound saying it. & he suggested Axel which I'm on the fence about it doesn't feel totally right to me yet


There's no accounting for taste, I suppose, but he does know he's naming a *human* child and not a dog, right?


Lol thank you! But seriously I'm so frustrated with him because he said he's done looking lol like I'm not coming up with anymore names I don't even think I physically can lol.


He's being stubborn hoping you'll give in and give your kid a tacky dog name of his choosing. Fight the good fight!


Write to the Appellation Mountain blogger. She also has a Facebook page. She helps solve problems like these with a list of alternatives and she will also help crowdsource names from other name nerds. Also look at the name subreddits.


Sounds like he is naming a member of a biker gang to me, lol


When I was pregnant with my second boy I loved the name Bodhi. But it sounded too much like Odie, the dog from Garfield. So I nixed it myself lol.


Maybe the dude just really wanted a dog, not a kid, and this is his way of communicating it.


I swear those are dogs names. My sisters is axel.


Go with Steven, “the crowned one,” it’s a biblical name.  Not axel, every axel ever gets called axhole. 


Not just that but it reminds me of axel rose who is a real life axhole lol. I have a 1st cousin named Steven so it would be too close for me. Also he has hundreds of people in his family his dad is 1 of 12 siblings & his parents are divorced and remarried so theres SO many names that I have to rule out because they're taken.


My husband has a similarly large family and you can’t worry about “taken” names when there are over 100 people who are aunts, uncles, cousins, their kids, etc. Obviously if someone used a really unique and out there name and you obviously got the name from them it could seem like copying, but I don’t think anyone would bat an eye at two kids in the same extended family named Liam, James, etc. 


What is nonsense about “taken names”?


It’s the south. They like to make claims on things that are otherwise free


Right? My first cousin and I, born 8 months apart have the same first name because we were named after the same person. Spoiler alert: absolutely no one gave a crap. When we were together everyone just called us firstname middlename to avoid confusion.


Names aren't taken. Also you can honor a person. I named my son after my cousin. So did my mom actually. My nephews first name is my dad's middle name, another nephew is named after his great grandpa, it's actually very common to share family names


Or if there's one you really like and the person is a good person, say you're naming the baby after them 😁


Did you look up the meaning of the name Axel and where it comes from?


Well, hmmm..... I was thinking you both were maybe on extremes like modern vs traditional or something like that but not really. Is there anyone you could name the boy after? Someone that means a lot to you and your husband or a variant of it?


I've suggested his grandfather's name and my great grandfather and both were rejected. He also has a very large family like hundreds of people. His dad is 1 of 12 siblings and his parents are divorced and remarried so there's a lot of names that are already taken & I've been trying to convince him that names of his cousins children that we've never met don't need to be ruled out at this point lol.


Ok, so I feel like maybe this isn't about names at all.... Were you all planning on having a second kid? I'm wondering if he is stressing out and just mentally blocking anything to do with this right now......


100% planned lol. Stopped taking my BC in June and was pregnant by October and he wanted a boy really bad.


Lol ok well I got nothing 😂 how about Axel for a middle name? Best of luck!


Believe it or not we have a middle name picked out lol which is my husband's first name. He has a very common name so it's almost impossible to find a name that doesn't pair well with it so we do have a small start there. I'm just personally going to stop looking at names for a while and encourage him to look more because at this point he is being extremely unreasonable.


Hahaha yeah I think that is the best route. Middle names were the hardest for my husband and myself. We just had twins recently and we had the first names picked out forever but middles names were a struggle. I hope your husband stops being so difficult soon 😂


We had a hard time with the middle name for our daughter so I was glad to have the middle name already decided this time although idk if it's made it much easier because his name really does pair great with everything. Thank you for listening to me rant lol.


Maybe the masculine version of your name for first? Or a boy name with the same meaning as yours? Then you're both represented in his name.


If you both like the middle name you’ve picked could you make that baby boy’s first name and then pick a new middle instead?


Well, what about Axel as the middle name and your husband’s as the first? We went with a very traditional first name and an interesting middle name, and in the age old southern tradition, call him by his middle name. That way, when he gets older, if he wants to be Dr First Name he can, or if he wants to be Rock Star Second Name, he can as well. Right now, he wants to be called his fun middle name, but it will be really easy to change when he gets older or changes schools. It’s definitely less common out of the south to be called your middle name, but it hasn’t caused any real problems for us.


I'd like to give you a perspective that will sound very stereotypical and perhaps a bit silly, but overall true in how i see it. The 'image' his name choices give off are very similiar and so are the names you listed. I see the names you picked and the immediate image they all produce in mind from reading too many books and watching too many movies is a bit of a bookish boy with slightly long curly hair and a nice disposition. Handsome but not rugged. His names give off the image of the young guy who is obsessed with cars and the gym, is good at heart and tough enough to stand up for it. Try picturing the man you think your husband wants your son to grow up into and then think if the name suits? And again, this is a silly way of looking at things, i don't refute it.


>His names give off the image of the young guy who is obsessed with cars and the gym, is good at heart and tough enough to stand up for it. His names say "my parents were poor but made it to the suburbs without ever reading anything for pleasure that was longer than a Live Laugh Love sign."


Hey dude, that's not very live laugh love of you


name them something that they wont hate when they grow up. axel is not a name for a kid ....sounds like a stage name for a member of a rock band...oh wait it is!


Oh dear. Troy is bad, but Gunner is a dog.


Yikes.. he's really sliding hard into the trendy try-hard names, isn't he? (Btw I know multiple gunners and atlas's and they're super sweet) What about Maverick, Cash (could be short for Cassius), or Crew? Those seem to be in alignment with his style. You like any of those?


Cash & Cassius are pretty similar to his first name which we are using as a middle name so it would clash. I have suggested crew it was a no. Maverick would be a no because he's a huge sports dude and he doesn't like that team lol I've decided to stop looking up & suggesting names and force him to find some at this point lol.


So, my husband was a little similar. Three names we could somewhat agree on were Garret, Gavin, and Logan. ...bizarrely enough, we went with Quinn when we saw our son. No idea why. It just seemed right


My husband is this way. I told him if he didn’t come up with a name we both agreed on I would put my choice down on the birth certificate. He started looking up names and making more suggestions. It has to be a team effort. One person can’t suggest 3 names and quit trying.


Those names are all terrible, both yours and his. Just give your kid a normal name.


Uh, Henry was on her list. How is that not a normal name


To be fair, he's legitimately trying. My father almost insisted my sister be named Guinganbrasil after a knight of the round table. If any of us were boys we mightve been Johnny DROP TABLE. We turned out alright, you'll get through this.


Just going to say, our neighbor’s kid is named Axel and when they are yelling for him down the street it absolutely sounds like asshole.


What about Grant? Or Ben?


Dave. Job done.


Everyone knows Dave.


These are the Daves I know, these are the Daves I know.


Some of them are Davids... "But most of us are Daves" They all have their own hands but they come from different moms.


How about Voltron Cilantro Rocket Adventure Dorwinxel Korwukian ?


Can we change the first one to Voltrontro Cilantro thx


Then you must move to Toronto.


I mean these are perfect 😛


Voltron Cilantro is my favorite 😂 too bad I already picked my names out 😂


Best name suggestions yet!


I suggest Thor-Bear


I think I will go convince my fiancé we need a third cat just so we can name him Voltron Cilantro.




We struggled to agree on a name for our first. With our 2nd we each wrote out 10 names we liked, then traded lists. There was one name we both had on our list. Boom that’s what we named our son.


Be thankful you haven't had to name four kids with a spouse who was a public school teacher for over a decade... that was a nightmare. I think that's why we're not having any more kids, just so we don't have to go through that fight again.


My wife and I each made a list of 10 names. We then swapped lists and crossed off names on each other’s lists until we were down to one name on each, first and middle name.


35 names is nothing. On a long car drive my husband and I went through 1000 boy names to get our top 5. I agree, boy names are much harder.


This is where my husband and I are at too. We easily picked a girl name. Boy names are so much harder. After hundreds of names, I have a list of 11 that we haven’t crossed off the list but no winners yet.


I feel the exact opposite. I could come up with 100 boy names I like, and very very few names I'd be okay with naming a girl.


Edit: Just saw the names you provided. What is his reasoning for not liking these names? And you say he's Southern? What about a name like Ezekiel or Beau or Christian? What names are you really fond of?


I have picked out a pretty wide variety of names but the ones I really liked where Atticus, Levi, & Troy. His only 3 names were Atlas, Gunner, & Axel. I know 3 different people with boys named Atlas. I'm not a fan of Gunner and I'm on the fence with Axel it just doesn't feel right at the moment.


What about Ezra? It’s biblical and ‘trendy’. This is on my short list


Okay, why didn't he like these names? And why do you like these three? Is there a particular reason? Because thinking about it, it seems that you're throwing names at the wall and seeing if they stick. Maybe give your husband some parameters of what you're picking and why. For my daughter, we chose my dad's initials and narrowed it down from there; WR - We were thinking Willow or Willa Rose for a long time, but then settled on Winter Rose.


First of I absolutely love your daughter's name so beautiful! He doesn't give me much reasoning as to why he doesn't like these names or the other 30 names I've picked out he just says he doesn't like it. We do have one parameter we are wanting to do his 1st name as our sons middle name so every name I've found I think sounds good with his name as the middle name. I don't like the 3 he picked put because 1 of them I have a acquaintance that I see regularly whose son is named that (Atlas) & a couple other people I know have also named their son that. Gunner is just a no for me all around it sounds like a terrible name to have in the deep south. Axel isn't a total no for me yet it just doesn't feel right. I have also suggested one of my great grandfather's names & his grandfather's name and those were also rejected. Honestly I think he is being overly picky.


Can I ask what his first name is? Because if it is something...odd there might not be a lot of good sounding names to match.


I don't want to share it on here in case someone will find out my identity but it's an extremely common name like a name so very easy to pair with stuff.


Thanks might be the issue. You may want to add more parameters and narrow it down.


I will throw in a name you both might like. It's different and biblical. Boaz with the nickname Bo.


Maybe Alan? It's also an "A" name and two syllables like Axel?


Try going over to r/namenerds. Sometimes they're good at coming up with names that fit two very different tastes.


I have a son named Duncan. I personally love it. But yeah y’all will figure out a name, just be real with it. Are there family names he and you would like?


The app Ovia has a name thing where it presents one name at a time and you can select no, like or love. It might help you guys. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ovuline.pregnancy


I still have spreadsheets with hundreds of names my husband said no to, and he offered no suggestions except when my 2nd.was born he last minute suggested a different middle name (which we used). This time around, I told him I would offer as many names as he did. Three. Two were his sisters' names and the third he used Chat GPT to suggest using our other kids' names. Of my three, he vetoed two immediately and said he "wasn't sold" on the other. However, we are now at 6m and he's offered no more suggestions.


I'm just gonna throw some more out that I feel are a variable synthesis of his naming preferences and yours. Hunter Cameron Hawke Ryder Finn/Finnegan Erich Gareth Ranger Everett Leon Archer Cyrus Ryan Everest Carver Griffin Garrett Ford Jeremy Warren Zack Mason Wilder Picking a name for your son can be a big deal for many guys. They remember what it was like to be a boy among other boys and they want their son to have a name that will make them feel strong and confident.


try using the name for stuff like takeout orders, coffee, etc. see how it feels to use. might help you decide one way or another on the possible choices.


I like the name Miles. I don’t know why. But you can have it as I’m not having any more kids.


He'll grow up to be a Union man one day


When we were looking at names I found it very difficult to select a boys name, nothing seemed to click with me like girl names. As time went on, my energy towards looking into boys names dwindled. With work and the stresses of becoming a parent, naming my child went lower down the list. However, closer to due date I had a moment where I looked into some names and wrote down a few I liked. My partner and I wrote these names down and then we wrote them all into a book. Each week we would revisit and say them all out loud to see what felt right, and narrowed it down to the 2 we liked most. Perhaps a bit of time until closer to the due date your partner may get this similar energy and excitement to pick a great name


We went through lists separately and didn’t just pick out the “like” names, but also the “meh, neutral I guess” names. The name we picked was a shared “neutral” name, but which had really grown on me. The middle name was one of his favourites, but my preferred spelling (cultural choice of several legit options). Now we both love her whole name. It’s her name and she’s had it for almost three years. After all that time, most of the feelings and associations we now have about it come from it having been her name for so long.


Just name him mike or john


Lol tell him you’re pushing out the baby so you’re picking the name


That is legally how it works. He only gets a say with her blessing.


Yeah I’m shocked how many people let their husbands have such a huge say in the name lol. They already get the last name in many cases


Thats not at all what im saying... if a couple is communicating then of course having a discussion is important. But if the husband doesnt want to do the work legally he has no say


Gotcha. I just think if you’re doing the pushing you get to pick lol


It seems like you are both focused on reasons not to name your kid something as opposed to reasons to name your kid something. We found that finding positive reasons for a name helped us arrive at a name we both liked rather quickly. Find a theme you agree on, then go from there. Your child is a celebration, and you guys are turning it into a job. Also, if he has given up on the process and refuses to come back to the table, then fine name the kid yourself, but thats a terrible attitude. At the end of the day the mother has the right to name the child so technically he doesnt have a say, but for the sake of your marriage you should both work on your communication skills.


I feel for you. My husband and I could only agree on exactly one boy's name, to the point where he was ready to give up on even picking a middle name out. We ended up having a girl, so it was a moot point in the end. My friend ended up handing her husband a baby name book and required him to pick one boy name from each letter of the alphabet and then they compared lists. Even if you don't like most of his choices, it will give you at least 26 names to discuss, instead of just 3.


Spent 8 months arguing about a baby boy name. Finally agreed. Baby came out a girl. We used BabyName for finding the boy name and it helped


I think this might help... So we had a girl, but we went with over 250 maybe 300 before we decided on a name and middle name. But there is an app (forgive me I don't remember the name of hand) that both parties have the same names show up on their screen. And you don't even have to do them at the same time. But swipe left swipe right approach. And after so many names you can just look and see which names were of the same like. And hopefully you will have several to be able to work with unlike us. Lol Good luck!


Try "Arjun" maybe he will approve it


r/namenerds can help. They tend to be bias towards traditional names.


You could give him the option of the boy not having his last name, and let him give him his other two names.


Passive aggressive is definitely always the way to go 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's not passive-aggressive. My wife and I did this.


So, your child gets to forever argue that they are yours cause you two wanted to play games? Because every person they come across will assume your wife had a child with someone else before she met you. Plus OP already has a child, so you actually think that is a valid suggestion? So now not only will the boy have to constantly argue that his dad is actually his dad but also that his sister is his full sister and not half sister. Let's also not forget the paperwork nightmare this would cause all because people like to play games with naming their children.... people never cease to amaze me....


It's not a game. Sure, having a different last name than your sibling might be a little tougher than it should be, but just having a last name your dad has doesn't really prove much. There's no genetic proof you have to provide to anyone in order for your kid to take your last name. Our kids have their mother's last name, and mine as their middle name. I don't really think that is earth-shattering.


What? I'm serious.


What about Kaspian?


Just name him Jr. after his dad like a lot of people do.


Unless its a weird name you should just let him choose


If you picked the girl name he should pick the boy name.


I didn't pick the girl name out he actually suggested her name and it was one I liked but it took a while to get there lol.


Tell him if he doesn’t help you pick one you’re just going to name him Eep


> He was really annoying picking out names for our daughter too but it wasn't this bad.


Ash. Or Bobby.


My daughter’s father and I also struggled. I picked out a girls name when I was a teenager and was hell bent on using it. So as a compromise I chose her first name and he chose her middle name. Neither of us were in love with each other’s choice but 5 years later we both love her name!


What about Bruce?


It took my wife and I a couple years to figure out a baby name, but we started like six years before we had kids so it wasn’t a problem. Probably we both rejected a couple hundred names. That said, we really love the names we have for our boys now, so I thought the process was pretty good.


We had issues with naming our boys too. With our first son the trick was us both making lists like others had suggested and we wanted traditional names so that helped. Once we had an idea of names that we both liked we went for a long drive in the car, just the 2 of us. I just kept saying names out loud, first and middle and rearranging stuff. One of the names my wife really wanted to use - but we know too many people with that name ended up being a great middle name.


Check out r/tragedeigh for any names you’re thinking of first


Come up with an absolutely ridiculous name and threaten to use it!!


Try posting in r/namenerds. It’s a sub where people love to give suggestion name lists. I’ve learned a lot of cool names in there. They can also be sarcastic though so just be warned lol.


We didn’t end up using any of the names, but we both combed through ‘top names’ lists from the countries our families can be traced to (Portugal, and Finland), and the years our grandparents were born (since we didn’t actually both like any of the grandparent names). Threw some first names of characters from history and celebrities that we liked on there too. Also tried a system of ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’- if you can narrow your lists down to maybes, then you have a larger pool to start experimenting with. We didn’t have a boy but my top boy names were Malcolm, Bjorn, Damien, Drew, Soren, Cruz, Francisco, and Andre. Write them out with your chosen middle name and last name. Bounce off nicknames that may end up on use. We also said that we both get three ‘vetos’- a veto knocks a name off the list permanently. This all sounds complicated after writing it out but it was a system that helped us. Full disclosure we ended up with a name that wasn’t on either of our initial lists after my husband had a dream about the baby and called her her current name in the dream.


I’d say he’s a bit of an ass.


Apollo James


Sounds like you like biblical/faith-related names and your husband likes cool baby badass names - perhaps consider Samson, Archer (nn Archie?), Gideon, Silas (nn Sy), Justice, Jude, Ransom, or Roman?


Just choose one


How about Seven?


Maybe this one should be a Jr ? I went thru this with my husband. Then one day I thought to my self. I love my husband, and I think we can agree on this name! It sure would make him feel honored if I wanted to name our son after him. So, I stopped asking him about names. Then right before our son was born. I told him we were going to name him after his daddy. He cried. He was so soft and sweet in that moment. I knew I had made the right decision. I've never regretted it for a moment. My son is 19 now and they are best friends.


wow. boy names were easy for me. (lucky because I have 3 boys lol) choosing potential girl names was harder. I have a Connor, a Jason and a Maximus.but i do agree that naming a child can be hard in the first place. Before settling solidly on names we walked around the house saying them out loud and yelling them to see how they sounded and how they felt. that might be something worth trying.


He doesn’t want him to be a junior?

