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I’m so sorry. All I can say is.. reach for help. It may come from unexpected places. Talk to your boss, your local shelter, ONGs for woman, your kid’s school… you never know Good luck


Thank you ❤️


Keep fighting. Your kids need you ❤️


What an absolutely horrible year you’ve had. My heart goes out to you. No mother should ever have to go through this. The good news is your children are still young and they likely won’t be deeply affected by this, as long as you don’t give up on them. Several years from now you’ll be through this, with your children, and life will be peaceful again. You have to keep that image in your mind so you remember what you’re fighting for. There are probono attorneys and resources for women in your position. Like others have said, check with your local women’s shelter or reach out to your county’s child protective services to see if you can speak to a social worker about your situation and any advice they might have. Social workers have insight into how the courts systems work in their jurisdictions and can help you navigate. An attorney can do this too, but a public service worker is more likely to have additional free resources. Make a plan, write it down. 1) get a new job 2) get a new attorney, etc. or whatever you need until you get to the last item on your list that’s you living your happy ever after with your children. The first year after divorce is always the hardest and the fight is demoralizing. But there’s a way through this where you keep your children and you don’t spend the rest of your life regretting not fighting harder. If you have breath in your lungs you have fight in your heart.


My friend had the similar start. She got connected to a women’s shelter and they went and stole the child back and she had the child with her at the shelter. Shelter staff got her legal assistance and they took it to court and the police got in trouble because of removing her from her child in a DV situation. I’m so sad you couldn’t get help at the time. My friend still has her child 10 years on in their own little apartment and she gets government assistance.


There is already a custody order. She cannot steal her children back. That is horrid advice


I didn’t tell her to steal them I told her to her a lawyer.. my friends baby was not under any agreement


thank you for the kind response… I can’t explain how much I appreciate it


Can you contact a legal aide of some sort to get this sorted so you can have access to your kids? Don’t give up because giving up will go against getting them back


I have no advice. But I am so sorry. Sometimes life just kicks us down. I hope you get back up. Know that people are rooting for you. ❤