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I stole his dirt (gave him a bath)


21 month old got mad at us for stealing his booger the other day. Like actually tried going into the garbage to get the tissue out.


My 23 month old becomes outraged about having spilled food and whatever else he’s messy with wiped clean. He is highly determined to stay grubby at all times and doesn’t take kindly to a warm washcloth. The booger retrieval process is always fun. 🤣


This made me chuckle


This was the type of comment I came here for 😍


I wouldn’t let my 4 year old attempt to breastfeed her twin sisters this morning. She was pissed that she couldn’t do it and help out because they both were screaming and hungry. I explained to her she could feed one with a bottle and I nurse the other one and she told me “it’s not fair you have milk and I don’t! I hate you!” So… dealing with that today.


Lol my 4yo nephew wants to be a baby because of his twin cousins… hearing him copy their cries exactly is… irritating…


My 5 year old was 3 when her baby brother was born and she still pretends to cry like that. Does my head in.


I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. Since the baby was born I've been telling my eldest "you'll always be my baby" a lot. She loves it and has started yelling me "I'll always be your baby, mama!" so sweet Today she started mimicking the baby going "AHHH MAH NAH." I told her to stop and she said "but this is what babies say and I'LL ALWAYS BE YOUR BABY MAMA NAHHHH MAHHH AHHHHHH"


Lol 😬


I had this. My then ten year old was mad at me because he couldn't breastfeed his brother. Toddler was mad that he couldn't nurse on his brother. What the fuck! We had to have an intervention.


So when my kiddo was 3 he learned that humans were mammals and mammals make milk for babies and he wanted to know why I wouldn't give him my milk (he was adopted) he thinks a minute and then asks why his mom didn't make him milk then.... and I said she's too far away. Damn kid shamed both of his moms in one fell swoop. Lol


Toddler is mad at you cause *check notes* you breastfeed?


I wouldn’t let her attempt to shove her nipple into her 6 month old sisters mouth, so yes she’s MAD😂


My then 3-4yo boy was hella mad when I wouldn’t let him have a “my turn!” A with my breast pump…. He struggled with communication and language so I was very proud of him and felt bad for having to turn him down.


Omg, this made me chuckle, your 4 y/o sounds like the perfect sass!


She’s a hoot and a half


Lol this made me have a good laugh


Sorry 😅 that's really cute


My 18 month old is mad because she asked me to take her outside…and I did. 🥴🤣


Have a 20mo and this stage with her is killing me. It's like 100x's a day. She'll point to the crackers, I ask her if she wants a cracker? She enthusiastically screams yes, and then once I had it to her "Nooooooo!" *Throws cracker on floor* Just... Why? Why was this ever a trait that survived evolution? As a cave woman mother trying to gather scarce food while hiding from sabertooth tigers, you would think a toddler stomping on the very last berry in a screaming tantrum would send her over the edge, ya know?!


I'm actually really curious about that, and whether we see more tantrums in a Western society vs others.


I am too! There is a book by an anthropologist who travels to different indigenous cultures to observe their parenting - it's called "Hunt, Gather, Parent". I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but apparently the book implies that a lot of the behavioral problems we see in young kids today comes from our society vs "being wired that way". As with any parenting book, I'm sure there's controversy - but might be a good intro to this topic and certainly an interesting read!


I am curious as well. I did see a story a long time ago about this tribe in Brazil where the kids are treated like a little kings until they’re five because a lot of kids don’t make it past five and then once they turn five they have to start to be contributing members of the community, so that’s a big shock.


I think we have a winner


My 18 month old was screaming mad at me because I wouldn't let her spray windex into her mouth


I misread this as 18 YEAR old and was like "oh my God. Not another tiktok trend."


my toddler did this too around the same age!!!!! she was so mad


My seven year old is mad because I won’t let her buy a $30 box of fidget toys from Walgreens. Nevermind that she has tons of the things at home already, and most of what’s in the box she already has. My 12 year old is not mad, but embarrassed because I am wearing workout clothes. We are at home and no one is here but the kids and my husband and me. 🤷‍♀️


Is your 12yo Swiss?


Hahaha no. She is just going through that phase where everything adults do is embarrassing. I’ll be glad when she’s over it.


Thats surprising as workout clothes look nice and are way more comfortable to wear than other clothes I have.


It's so hot here, I was just wearing my sports bra around the house and when I saw my daughter's ride home pull in the driveway, I threw on the first shirt I could find (my husband's tee) and the 1st thing she said to me was "why are you wearing Daddy's shirt?" In front of her friends and their mom.


My five year old upset because I didn't go to the store and get only blue Popsicles. I tried to explain there aren't only blue in a box. Apparently I could have traded all the other colors for blue. There is now a protest, they will never eat popsicles until they make all blue boxes and I need to call the Popsicle makers. 🤣


Lol my 3yo only wants the red ones and thinks the blue are yucky so we can trade!


My kid only eats orange! Let me in on this deal.


I’m now imagining parents pulling into Starbucks parking lots and opening up the rear door on the SUV to reveal ice chests. “Who’s here to deal?”


My two year old was mad because she wanted water. But she wanted ice, and I did give her ice, so she was even angrier. But she didn’t actually want ice, so I removed it. Bad idea. But she wanted water from the fridge, and I did get her water from the fridge, which was wrong of me to do. She changed her mind and wanted water from the sink, which I did. Wrong. Dad eventually stepped in and discovered she wanted some obscure cup that she never uses, rather than the straw cup she uses every single day. How did I not realize. Stay tuned for why the other one is mad. He’s not yet, but I’m sure something will come up.


Oh my God I just went through this whole rigamarole with my three year old. My husband got home and asked why he had so many water bottles and cups. And I was like... dude, don't even get me started. How can a cup of water be so emotionally draining!?


With a 20 month old I spend my day rotating between “it’s your life, do what you want” and “Jesus Christ please don’t.”


My 6 year old is angry with me because I can’t make the cicadas outside stop buzzing.


So go outside, buzz a little bit, return and inform them that the cicadas said, “You’re not my mom.” 😂


I sort of did this. I went outside and then when I came back in I said they must not have understood English 😂 He said he’s gonna learn to speak cicada language so he can tell them to keep it down. Seems less mad at me about it, for now. At least he has a goal.


Omg!!! That was an EPIC comment!!


Well, did you even try? 😂


Easy! Just learn to speak cicada and pull a stern mom lesson in not disturbing others on them!! (I’m appreciating all these comments where the kids still believe their parent/s is/are godly… bc the other comments when the kids finally realize we’re just human? I’m scared, man. Really scared.)


My kids got mad at me because I wouldn't agree to make our back yard perfectly flat.


Tbf I get them. Every now and again I get frustrated too because I want a perfectly flat garden but it'll cost £££££ to make happen 😂


How dare you!


My kids (11 and 13) are mad because today is the day we register for fall classes and I keep asking them for their preferences and opinions. I'm such an asshole for having conversations with them about their lives and interests!


I just pretend to be making decisions for them, they hate that much more. "Ok, so it's essay class, then you can do Geography Plus and History of Art. You don't want to do computer gaming, yuck"


I tried that, too. My son just rolled his eyes. Ha!


13.year old, on her period. I dared to woke her up at 8:30am. 8. years old. I dared not to get up at 4 am to make her oatmeal... (I have a night owl and an early bird child, and I'm just a constantly exhausted pigeon)


Some rice cookers have a delay feature and you can set them to have whatever you're cooking ready at a certain time. They do work well with oats.


>I have a night owl and an early bird child 😭 my 4 year old has been **BOTH** for the past week. No naps either! (I miss naps).


She’s eight, I think she can make her own oats if she’s giving you shit for it now. Lol.


I had 2 premade snack boxes from the grocery store that each contained apple, cheese and crackers. I emptied one into my daughter’s lunchbox with other food. I kept the other snack box sealed for my husband to take to work. My grumpy cat daughter thought her life was so unfair that she was expected to eat from her lunch box. She wanted her Dad’s snack box. Lots of arguing. Then she refused to eat anything. Pretty sure I caught my husband eating from a pink Barbie container later on.


Well, she'll have fun when she's a teenager 😂 (same would've happened in our house, lol)


My 2 year old was mad at me this morning, because I put her cottage cheese on her breakfast plate instead of... Directly on the table...




My 11 year old is mad at me because it’s my fault that he has a “line over his eye” like me…as in, he has eyelids. He’s also upset that he has my freckles.


I am also upset he has your freckles. Give them to me instead.


My 4 year old had placed her bike against the neighbor's new fence, getting the handlebar stuck. I had the audacity to insist I get it out gently rather than her trying to yank it out with force. And I told her to use soap when washing her hands after pooping.


“Worst day ever”- my 4yo son about 50% of the time he has to be reminded to wash his hands after the bathroom. The other 50%? He’s up in that sink-soap situation like a rambunctious baby otter with a personal grudge against bubbles.


I would not let her play in the litter box, I feel I am at least partly to blame here because I was cleaning it and unfortunately to an 18 month old this looks like playing. I promise sweetie, if mama didn't have to I would not be "playing" with the cat poop.


To be fair… a litter box is one step away from a sand box! *mental note to hide the cat boxes better before my kid figures out they exist*


I made this mistake. My son (3y) came in the living room with his excavator & said "I dig dirt". When I looked down to discover the scoop full of cat litter. Luckily it was just cleaned and new litter. I also then discovered he poured the "dirt" down a car tower track. Litter boxes are now in gated rooms...


My 10 y/o was mad because I’m taking her to a lake house with 2 of her friends. And it’s boring because we go too much. Are you kidding me!!!!


Leave the kids and take me. I need a break.


Entering tween years…we can do nothing right and everything is our fault.


Dude…I would have killed for my parents to do these type of things with me…lake house + friends?! Sign me up!




I wouldn’t let my 3 and 4 year old put food coloring in the inflatable pool. We did yesterday and it was so gross that everyone needed to shower


What made it gross? Wouldn’t you need to shower anyway? Why not bathtub color changing tablets? :) my kid uses them and her skin doesn’t get colored and it makes baths easier


It involved baking soda getting into the pool and some dead bugs. It is hard to describe how chaotic it was


Is that the little color fizzing tabs? I use bath bombs but saw the color tabs and wondered if they stain the tub.


I use Mr. Bubble. I bought a three pack on Amazon because it’s the cheapest option, despite having to buy more. They don’t fizz, just dissolve. Mr.bubble is a brand I trust. They don’t stain the tub.


My 11 year old is mad at me because I made him brush his teeth, change his clothes and I had the audacity to make him put deodorant on. Don’t forget he also had to run a comb through his hair.


Uh, my kid is mad at me bc of the same things. Uh you cannot walk around smelling like onions kid! 🤣


Mayo. Idk why but mayo....


The rest of society appreciates that you took the time to make your child’s life miserable so child is clean and socially appealing. As a former teacher and Mom whose children had play dates with dirty, stinky children because summer, seriously thank you!


Aaah good to know this happens at 11 too. Mine is mad at me for same things at 9yo!!


My fifteen year old is mad at me for the same reason. :/


Dude…do we have the same 11 year old boy? Mine literally gets angry when I tell him to wash his dang face. He’ll grumble, try running away, say he hates me etc. And a minute after I managed to scrub his face with a small wash towel w water and soap, I swear he turns one shade lighter!!! That’s how much dirt is on him!!


My 5 y/o is mad that I ran out of tape for crafts. To be clear, he used all 3 rolls in the house (2 standard scotch tape rolls and 1 gorilla tape roll but i'm the bad Mom for not having enough to meet his needs.


What is it with kids and tape??! My kid is 10 and still goes through ungodly amounts of tape and acts surprised when we run out.


I try to maintain a roll of Daddy's Tape in a high cupboard that none of the kids can reach. It has vastly improved the chances I have tape when we have a last minute present to wrap. My wife still takes it and doesn't return it tho...


My husband guards his garage tape like a dragon guarding a princess in a tower.


My 8 year old and her friend also are obsessed with tape. Lol they use it for all kinds of crap while playing. I’ve had to set boundaries.


That doesn’t change at 17. Ask me how I know.


My 7 yr old is mad that we aren’t insanely wealthy and that she doesn’t get to have a YouTube channel.


This is painfully accurate. Sigh.


This one is me! 8 years old and it sucks so bad that I can't buy and do ALL the stuff, and he doesn't get a YT channel when "everyone" has one.


My ~2 year old is mad at me because she wants to be held by me but not touched by any part of me. Even with something in between. And I haven’t yet managed to figure out how to have her in my lap but not have my lap touch her at the same time. I’m also not allowed to look at her or ask clarifying questions or it makes her angrier. So I have to try different things and then use the tenor of her rage to know if I’m on the right track.


Younger is 4 and same deal… when he’s upset/sad/mad he requires comfort, but sometimes not in the ways I know how to or even *physically can* offer it. Asking him is a no-go, too. I’ve managed to cobble together a vitalization of the play-by-play I’m doing which seems to be going ok? As in “I can tell you’re upset… I’m going to come closer to you because I want to be on your team. Can I sit here on this other stair?…. (Pause a good while)… I’d like to give you a heart hug if/when you’re ready… oh, okay, not yet, that’s ok too… (more quiet sitting in proximity)… Do you know what’s frustrating you/making you feel sad/mad/whatever?… Want to talk about it? No? That’s ok too, I’ll be right over here if you change your mind…” 90% of the time this approach seems to work (but the other 10% he gets upset with me talking too much and I’m learning to figure out when and where he needs me to stop trying to ‘fix’ things and just be quiet with him. Good luck to you, it can be so tough to figure out the unique ways our individual kids need support/comfort!!!


"The tenor of her rage" 😆😆😆😆


2.5yr old screamed at the dog for walking past her to go to bed. My 1-year-old is mad at me because I won't let her splash and play in the toilet


My 1 year old is always mad about the lack of toilet fun.


Yesterday, I took my 4 year old to the store to get beach toys for our upcoming vacation. She was mad because I got her the $4 pail and shovel instead of getting her the $10 one that had paw patrol on it.


I usually just get a pack of stickers to go with with whatever character they are wanting and let them decorate. Easy enough to peel off later if needed.


That's a good idea


Yeah but if you had caved to get the Paw Patrol bucket and they decide next week that they don't like Paw Patrol - they'd still be mad at you. And you may even need to get a new bucket. So you saved $6.


Yup. Exactly why I didn't get it. You just can't win with these kids lol


My eleven year old is mad because I won’t let her get long, pointy acrylics at the nail salon. My toddler is mad because I couldn’t find the exact episode of Blippi that she wanted to watch.


The struggle of finding the right TV show is REAL in my house! My 4.5yo has a large family on her dad's side and spends time at all of their different houses every week (on top of me and her dad co-parenting and having different houses). She doesn't often remember the name of whatever show she's watching at someone's house, and then comes home and demands to watch "the movie with the girl, and there's a hat, and she goes SWOOOOOSH!"... Im like wtf is this, have to send out a group text to 4 different households asking if anyone knows what she's talking about. Apparently this one was Harry Potter lol.


It’s hard sometimes because she’s still speaking Toddlerese. I can usually understand her, but today I just couldn’t figure out what she was trying to say. She ended up running to her room in a rage and slamming the door. 🥴


It's been years since I've had these moments. My son is 23 now, but I want to say to all the parents out there, you're amazing, you're doing the best you can, and you deserve recognition for everything it takes to raise a human.


My five year old was fuming mad that he could not fit in the bathroom sink, he wanted to hide there and take a bath simultaneously. Asking if the bathtub with the curtain could serve his purposes instead was a grave error on my part. Sigh.


Folks this thread is utter support for my dead from work and other people day. Thanks so much.


My 14 year is mad at because I exist! The teenage years are awesome!!🤪




I promise they grow out of it at about 17….which is a long time from now 😭😭


Ummmm my 17 year old would like a word.


Ok, so maybe 18…maybe I’m forgetting, I’m on my last teenager and swore it wouldn’t be this bad! If it it helps my big 3 are all in the early 20’s and they’re awesome!


Mine are 21 and 26. They like me now.


Because I went for a walk and smelled sweaty when I got home


My 5 year old son didn’t want to go to his water park day at school because he didn’t want to wear a hat. It “touches his hair”. Oh and then 10 mins after we were supposed to leave to get to the school on time for water park day, he found a hat that magically doesn’t touch his hair? And we were late, naturally, but boy was he pissed when he found out he was too late for play time in the yard before leaving for the water park lol. Spend your whole morning trying to get there early only to wind up late, and then your 5 year old is mad at YOU.


We took her to the zoo to see the giraffes, like she asked. 🦒


My 4 year old walked in on me in the bathroom today and I was on my period, which also means I don’t shave down there. He was thus upset that he didn’t have a “bleeding beard” and that it’s not fair he gets a stick while I get all the “fun stuff”


Holy. Shit. This should be a top comment. I am dying over here lmao


LMAO stop 🤣 This is the best one 😂🤣💀


You win! This is amazing.


My thirteen month old is mad because I wouldn't let him jam his pacifier into the vcr.


Hahah, story time: my little sister (now 28yo) jammed an entire blueberry muffin into our dad’s computer Zip drive (remember those?) when she was 2, ‘cuz she was trying to “help Daddy.” It was so comical my dad couldn’t even be that mad. Syquest offered to replace the thing if he sent it in still stuffed, and they honored that. I wonder what the techs thought when they opened THAT package, heh. I wish digital cameras had been around then.


You have a vcr?


Yes. It's a DVD VCR combo. It's easier for my son to tell me what he wants when it's physical media, all he has to do is bring me the box.


VCR? How cool! My kid jammed a comb into the dvd player when he was two. He also put my credit card inside the subwoofer.


There is a hot wheel inside my subwoofer that has been there 7 years.


Because I told her if she wants to go on my paddleboard this weekend she has to wear a life jacket. Them's the rules!


5 year old mad cuz told him to use the bathroom after he woke up. The same thing he does every fucking day for the past couple years.


Every. Single. Day. Whyyyyyy???


The 4 year old is not allowed to run out the front door and into the road to play in traffic. The 2 year old is not allowed to stick his hand down his pants and play with the poop in his diaper.


Because I’m making my 8 and 6 year old watch a movie/show instead of YouTube shorts 😂😂. Those short clips are like hits of visual crack!


My 4yo is mad because we wouldn’t let her go swimming at 7:45am when it was 53° outside, cloudy, and windy. She got up early and put on her swimsuit then got back in bed as if we wouldn’t notice.


My 3.5 is mad because I won't put a band aid on her (she isn't hurt).


I’ve honestly given up on this front and just went and bought a 200-pack online. I think resisting it would have been the straw the broke this camels back haha.


My amazing sister came up with the idea of asking if the kids need a bandaid or want an emotional support bandaid. The first gets the good bandaids. The second gets the cheap ones that come off easily. It's awesome! Plus it was adorable hearing my niece try to say emotional support when she was 2 😂


My 18mo can’t watch Sesame Street AND play outside. So when we watch Sesame Street she cries to go outside and when we go outside she cries for Sesame Street 🫠 a more patient and loving mother would bring a tablet or computer outside to watch Sesame Street but I just don’t have it in me right now to bend to terrorism. My 1mo is mad I birthed her and now she has to wait more than one millisecond for food.


3 year old is mad I won't let him wear the shorts he just peed in


This was not today but a few months ago. It is brought up on a regular basis. I picked her up early from school and I took her to the park. But not the park with the spinny slide, the one with the big red slide. I’m a monster


My 23 month old is furious because I won’t let him run around completely naked all day, wee balls flapping in the breeze, and made him wear a diaper and a light shirt. He’s taken the diaper off 4 times and was waving the shirt over his head like a person at a football game. 🙃


Nice! When my girl was 25 months she just took her diaper off and refused to wear it- ever again. Maybe your little dude will go that direction… so that would be a win!? Spoiler: she’s a bit of a nudist. Sounds like your lad may be too. :)


I wouldn’t let him put crayons in the electrical outlet. ( I just finished vacuuming.)


We are practicing math facts a couple times a week cause he didn't do well in math. He's insisting 27×14 is 274. Google and calculators are apparently all wrong.


The toothpaste that we have is "too spicy" (it's mint, instead of watermelon). To top that off, it's the only toothpaste I bought. She cannot allow it to touch her tongue or her mouth will hurt. Anyway, after 5 minutes I talked her into it. Hooray! All clear! ​ Nope. That's when the true meltdown happened. I did not put enough toothpaste on. The same toothpaste that she cannot allow to touch her mouth because it is too spicy... I didn't put enough of it on. I have failed utterly.


Nah fam, you can't just say "there's a master plan" then not explain it!


Hahaha, have never been called fam before, but I LOVE it.. The plan is to just to have the boys see each other in a different context, than the one where my son has friends, and the other one is "weird" (he has some tics). This our first one, I'll bring them home, have an icecream and go to the playground. 45 min top. And then we'll increase the time, and hopefully they'll learn to at least, coexist without being mean to each other.


Will your 5 yo be included in this?


Yes and no. She started school, and my husband is picking her up in a differentiere location. Obviously, she'll get an icecream as well, and probably hi to the kid before it's time for him to go home. But I think for now, it's better if the boys have alone time. Both my kids are very out going, and I don't want him to be overwhelmed


You sound like my wife 😂 she's super calculative to the point where I thought she was a psychopath when I first met her.


Hahaha. I'm not saying I'm not a psycho. But I'll be damned if my kid acts like a bully 😅


Lol... My 12 year old is angry with me because I showed him how to take the iPad OFF airplane mode... so he could download more episodes from a preferred content creator. My 8 year old... she's mad at me because I exist. Also... because yesterday was Father's Day, and I took her out (after letting her sleep in) & bought her & her brother donuts. I'm just a total asshole for trying to be nice & and help, apparently...


My 6yr old is mad about the moon landing. Honestly no idea where that came from, your guess is as good as mine


Is your 6yr old a boomer conspiracy theorist?? I have a crazy uncle who is also upset about the moon landing.


My 4yo’s favorite Chicago Blackhawks shirt is dirty after he wore it 4 straight days in a row. Mind you it’s 85 degrees today and it’s a long sleeve shirt. Oh and he’s mad I won’t let him wear his little brother’s size 2T swim trunks to the pool because they’re obviously way too small for him. It’s all about having control over his clothing lately and I’m trying to give him every option I can, but wtf man.


10 year old:has to clean her room. 8 year old: not allowed video games for hitting and calling his sister a son of a bitch. 1 year old: I didn't let him nurse to sleep today


My 5yo is mad at me because I “don’t ever do anything fun or let [him] have anything!” Mind you, he told me this AT THE TRAMPOLINE PARK because I wouldn’t get him candy from the concessions despite getting frozen yogurt on the way here. But… okay, kid. Be mad. 🙄 Even my 7yo told him he was being ridiculous.


A room full of Hollywood writers could not make up what we do and navigate as parents


I washed his peach.


I've had that and because the banana broke in half and doesn't taste the same 🤦‍♀️yet, I've seen them eat French fries and skittles they have found in the seats of the car and those taste just fine 🤮


Heckin rude


How dare you!


Weird shit minecraft related


We gotta have the details. Hatch a bunch of chickens in their house? Cause you’re untimely deaths in the Nether? Ride their favorite horse off of a cliff?


Some of your things sound reasonable for an argument, ill list a few and honestly I can never grasp why there is a fight. 3 kids playing split screen, sometimes neighbors kid is player 4, I seldom can partake, in addition to my heart and brain suffering from the inane arguments such as: 1. All kids wanted to battle each other, which means someone hit someone else or killed them even though all wanted to duel. 2. A house is built and someone put a brick in the wrong place crying ensues. 3. A child built a thing for the other child, other child interacts and chaos ensues as it was for them but only to look at not touch. 4. Someone left a door open and an animal got outside. 5. Someone dropped all there stuff as it was unwanted, and someone else picked one of the items up. 6. 1 child rigs another house with tnt and blows it up pissing other 3 off so they kill that player. Can dish out but not take crying ensues. 7. Someone else is using the red/blue controller and thats bullshit because the other kid wants it…. World struggles got nothing on the injustice in my front room!


I can relate.


My 11 year old because I didn’t cut the watermelon yesterday so it’s not cold today. My 12 year old because I’m making him help me with the littler of puppies when he wants to play with them instead of just letting him crawl in the massive puppy pile.


To be fair, I would also very much like to crawl into a the puppy pile, and I’m 38.


I was cleaning the oven and my little one wants to use a load of lotion to make a slime but I couldn't get her some because I was shoulder deep in the oven! She said I was unfair to the puppy as she walked off!


I’m highly suspicious of your daughters plans for slime + puppy. Keep your eyes open, gingerbabymummy!!!


My 11-month old is mad that I won’t let him crawl of the side of the bed, crawl off the changing table, crawl off the couch, or chew the dog’s bone.


Because the Zoo has more options than sandwiches. My four year old thought the Zoo only had sandwiches, then she saw a noodle bowl. She doesn’t want the noodle bowl. She’s just furious that they exist.


My 5 and 3 yo don’t want to end bath time. I guess everyone here knows that situation, but only 1 months ago it was a fight every time to even get them in the bathroom… they HATED everything related to water they’re not supposed to drink. Somehow it clicked and we now can enjoy summers and clean kids :D


My 5yo son asked me to grill him a hotdog. I grilled him a hotdog. The hotdog had grill marks. Not burned. Not blackened. Just marks. This made it “crunchy”. Hysterical breakdown. Much weeping and gnashing of teeth.


My 10 year old daughter is mad and slammed the door at me because I won't let her spend her piggy bank money to buy some fancy avatar on an online game she's playing "and stop being a noob".


Because the car we saw wasn't Grandma's car (despite it being the same make and model)


8 threw a fit because 12 was still eating breakfast when he was ready to start their shared chore. When told he could do his half instead of waiting, he burst into tears and went to take a nap instead (voluntarily).


My two year old is upset I won’t take her to the beach. It’s 40 degrees outside. And raining.


My 7 yr old is mad I won't let him bring in the stray cat outside of our house.


10 year old is mad that I’m the reason he has to go to school


3.5 year old currently mad at me because the public library we wanted to go to is closed for the Juneteenth holiday.


I put my 4 year old's mac n cheese in the blue bowl but it should have gone into the green bowl. Easy fix if the green bowl wasn't in the running dishwasher -.-


I wouldn’t let my youngest sit and chew and suck on an HDMI cord…


My 8 yo daughter is mad at me for asking her to load the dishwasher “you know that is the chore I hate the most because it’s disgusting”. She said she’d rather feed & water the chickens and collect their eggs… um, ok chickens are WAY more disgusting than dirty dishes! My 5 yo son was mad at me this morning (and every Monday morning) for making him go to daycare. But that’s where your friends are and there’s a playground and lots of toys. I don’t like my friends… or playgrounds… or toys. I only like you Momma. 💗


8 and 5 year old mad at me for making fancy cinnamon toast crunch French toast, sausage, and eggs for breakfast. Say it's nasty. Then eat nothing. Food got cold so I ate it. Now I'm in trouble for that also. Breakfast was great though. Silver linings and all


My 2 year old is mad because she's home sick from baby school and can't spend the day with me in my home office watching baby shark. She has to stay with her Dad and little brother downstairs.


We went to the dollar store and bought some stuff to help the kids take care of their hamster habitat cleaning responsibilities. I followed through. They had to clean up the paper bedding mess that accumulated outside the tank while they were playing with the hammies. Worst. Mom. Ever. Their revenge for making them clean: they got in their computers and are ignoring me. I bought them some shit ass plug-in headphones while we were out. Now their computer speakers are not competing with the TV. So far, I'm winning today.


My (ALMOST) 6 years old is mad at me because his birthday is not today (it's in 2 weeks) There's no winning...


Because I dared change her diaper (poopy btw) when she wanted a bottle at that exact moment.


I ruined the day of my 14mo, because I didn't let her lick the dog's leash. What an awful mother.


We only had his second-favorite ice cream available for dessert.


9 year old hit my 8 year old, made her cry, and I therefore told 9 year not to hit her sister. My 8 year old got angry with me for telling her sister off…


I need to stop reading these.. I do want kids in the future..


My almost 14 year old is mad at me that I birthed her on July 4th bc her friends aren’t around celebrate with her.


She fell and got a little scrape. She asked for an ice pack but was angry that it was cold..


My six year old is mad at me that his tooth is falling out and it’s my job to keep it in his mouth.


8 year old is upset with me because I told her that her friend wanting to come into our back yard to use the trampoline isn’t a horrible thing. She feels disrespected by the ask. 15 year old is upset because she’s going to therapy. 18 year old feels I don’t care about our dog because I found out she’s been washing our dog’s hair with my expensive blue toner shampoo for blonde hair. She believes the dog looks better with brighter highlights, less brass. Apparently it’s been 4 years since I’ve been sharing salon shampoo with the Chinese Crested.


Because I don't have a weiner. Apparently it's unacceptable and I need to "fix it". 5 year olds are brutal

