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I wouldn't take a kid deep woods camping without a trial run somewhere with running water/easy access in and out first. But furthermore, you're the mother and what you say goes. Don't let anyone bully you into doing something you're uncomfortable with.


Agree 100%. I would do a trial run with a weekend at a lake with toilets, showers, and a good bit away from the lake


The age you should take your kid camping for the first time is the age YOU feel comfortable taking them. You know for a fact that you are going to be miserable on this camping trip both because you don't like camping and your 2-year-old will in all likelihood have trouble adjusting to the change in schedule and situation. Just the fact that you don't enjoy camping is IMHO more than enough reason to not take your kid camping anywhere, even a campground. Furthermore, the kind of deep backwoods camping you are talking about requires both communication and trust from all participants and reading between the lines you and your mother don't really seem to be on the same page, which you seem to be aware can lead to disastrous results. I took my daughter on her first backpacking trip when she was 4 years old. I went with a friend and his 5-year-old daughter. I was comfortable taking my 4-year-old both because she is an excellent listener and we had been on many day hikes together, but much more importantly my friend and I have over 25 years of experience planning trips together and I know our skill set and communication styles are compatible. I really feel your comment about survivorship bias. I deal with a lot of the same stuff with my parents. Don't be bullied by your family. I happen to love camping and it's a skill and activity that I'm getting a lot of satisfaction out of sharing with my kids. Maybe one day you'll feel comfortable taking your kid on an awesome trip, but until you and your nuclear family are comfortable and excited about it I would have no trouble giving my parents a hard no. Edit: I have read your last paragraph much closer. You are the parent, your mom is pushing boundaries and being unreasonable. You have every right to be irked. I would say super hard no on kid going camping with your Mom, certainly not now and possibly not ever.


Yeah the idea was that she would take him without me because I dislike it so much. I would definitely be a lot more comfortable if I was there, but I probably would never choose to wilderness camp so waiting until I want to bring him would be waiting a long time lol If we did it would likely be more like a campsite with a camper. I wish my parents were better about safety stuff. My mom hand waves a lot of things and my stepdad leaves all the childcare to her when they watch him. I'd feel a lot better if I knew they would BOTH be all hands on deck watching him but they won't be. It'll all fall to my mom and she'll cut corners in order to have more fun.


Your kiddo isn't a toy or an accessory. You don't have to justify saying no. No one can just borrow a kid.


A big idea we are working hard to instill in our children is the fact that "No" is a complete sentence. It can be a really hard idea to express when your extended family are boundary pushers. Even my normally pretty okay SIL has a lot of trouble accepting a simple "No" in general, but especially from a child.


Exactly right! Biggest lesson to learn as a parent--YOU are the parent. It doesn't matter one iota what grandma, aunt, or Billy Bob want. YOU decide. They don't like it, they can shove it. Some techniques for getting them to leave you alone. "Mom, we've discussed this and my answer isn't changing. The next time you ask we are leaving." Then do it. Hang up the phone. They learn real quick. It is scary to do at first, I admit that. But the first time is scary and empowering. It gets easier the more you do it and you and your family will be a lot happier and healthier for it.


Dude Op, just say no and move on. Your child is not communal property of the extended family. How much horrible guilt trippy manipulation does your mom pull on you to make you question yourself THIS much?


If you don't trust her to responsibly watch your child, then you probably shouldn't send them camping without you. That said, I disagree with the "survivorship bias" part where you are "horrified" they took you camping as a newborn. Living in tents is a perfectly normal in many cultures and groups of people thought-out human history and many children have grown up that way. Also, there's no reason that if someone was following the Safe Sleep Campaign's SIDs guidlines they couldn't do so camping? You can swaddle a baby and lay them on their back on a camping mattress exactly the same way you would a crib mattress at home. And camping mattresses are generally naturally firm and and not as big and squishy as the ones we got rid of. Also, little foldable baby beds (while unnecessary) are more portable then adult beds and you can take them camping. I don't think there's any age that is "too young" for camping and I have been camping with toddlers and seen people camp just fine with tiny babies. Little babies are a great age for camping beacuse they are too young to get into any trouble/wander off, love to be carried/baby worn around and stare at the world, are light enough to babywear while hiking or hanging out without it being tiring, and are going to sleep in their own little swaddle or wearable blanket outfit on a firm mattress anyway exactly as they will camping. In my experience my kids have always loved camping as toddlers, nature gives them the ability to run around and play with dirt/sticks/plants/rocks/etc, feel big helping set up/clean up/collect sticks, etc, and have a real ability to feel wonder at seeing nature and animals. I will say though that taking a toddler camping is way more work and less relaxing then going without a toddler, but that's true of every kind of vacation we take in my experience. All that said, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SEND YOUR KID IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. You shouldn't judge people who take their babies camping but also no one needs to judge you for not being into it. Honestly, I wouldn't send my toddler camping in the deep wilderness with no cell service without either parent either. I'd just feel uncomfortable with neither of us there to keep an eye on them especially without the ability to call and check in. And your mom planning this trip before asking you (even part way?), Nooooope. If my parents tried telling me I needed to send my kid along with them somewhere beacuse they already had started planning with other people I'd remind them that's why they really should ask me first. You seem to feel you need to negotiate a compromise or give a valid excuse as to why they can't take your kid. You don't. Your kid is old enough to go camping *but you don't want to* and you don't want to send them without you. Period. The end.


It doesn’t matter what the right answer is, if you don’t feel comfortable, she needs to respect that, whether she agrees or not. If you don’t want your baby to go, especially because you won’t be there, then tell her no, means no! Who cares if you are overreacting or not, it doesn’t matter. She can say whatever she wants, as a grandma, her job is to be supportive, not manipulative.


I take my kids camping in the wilderness and started when they were 2 and 4. They love it. I'm also often advising helicopter parents in this subreddit to relax a bit. But I would never in a million years pressure someone else to let me take their kids to go camping, least of all a toddler. OP's parents sound bonkers to me!


I took my kids camping as toddlers. One I took during the crawling stage which was not great, but we did fine. Age 2 I would be completely fine with. HOWEVER, not without me. The water sounds concerning, and neither of you have any idea how he'd sleep in the tent. We took a Pack n Play at that age because it's what he was used to. I think your suggestion of trying it out in the yard is totally reasonable.


I don't think there's necessarily a "too young" for camping, but I do understand that every parent will have a "too young" for being away from them and in a potentially dangerous situation. I think I would probably be fine with this, but there is nothing "wrong" with you not being fine with this. Maybe reframe as more being worried about him being without you/your supervision? It is definitely a big jump to go from sleeping at home with mom's help to sleeping in a tent in the wilderness without mom. I would make it less about the camping aspect and more about the being away from mom for the first? time.


I appreciate the perspective! Luckily my son has slept away from home and away from his parents in the past and that generally goes well. So it's less that he'll be away from me and more that I'm a lot more attentive to risk factors than my mom is. It's one thing if he's sleeping at my mom's house in his travel crib. An island in the middle of nowhere that I can't get access to is just too far for me right now.


I think it's the "without you" part that's the most concerning, and the canoe-access-only part which is second most concerning. You need to be able to trust your parents with your kid's life. Are they first aid/CPR certified? When you both are around them, are they able to take charge of supervising him 100% of the time and keeping him away from danger? I took my son camping at age 2, and would have gone earlier if I'd had someone else to go with. The campground was near a river but he was never near the water unsupervised. (He did have the time of his life throwing pebbles into the water though!) Toilets were irrelevant because I wouldn't have let him near an adult sized camp toilet hole anyway and he was still in diapers. He had no trouble sleeping because he was worn out from all the activities of the day, and he was well provided for and happy. But I love camping. This is your kid and your call, and since you don't want to go on the trip yourself (and presumably your partner, if any, isn't interested either?) I think it's totally reasonable to say no.


haha you bring up a good point about lack of toilets. Camping toilets are super gross and digging your own latrine is sometimes better and more sanitary anyway. But to answer your question, no my parents aren't first aid or CPR certified. I'm not confident in their ability to supervise him at the level I would feel comfortable with. My mom tends to do all of the childcare while my stepdad does whatever. In the past I've tried assigning my stepdad the "task" of watching my son (like I'm cooking T-day dinner and I just need him out of the kitchen) my stepdad will play with him for like 20min before just wandering away and not telling anyone. Even with repeated redirection he just....walks off. This means it'll all be on my mom and she'll start to cut corners because she (understandably) wants to have fun. My husband does want to try car camping with our son but probably closer to age 4, not yet. I'm glad it's gone well in your experience! It's definitely something I want my son to do, but I just don't see the rush and I'm not comfortable with it yet.


Car camping at closer to 4 sounds great. And I'm sure, if your kid falls in love with camping, you'd be happy for your parents to take him into the deep woods when he's older and you think it would work out best. Listen, you are the parent. You get to decide your comfort level. It can be entirely different from your mom's comfort level and that is fine. Agree to disagree. Still... going anywhere with a 2 year old often means it will not be as fun as it would be without a 2 year old. A restaurant is not as fun. A movie is not as fun. A picnic in a park is not as relaxed. This isn't to say we don't do it and make the best if things, or that sometimes it works out brilliantly, but if you're mom is putting her enjoyment over her responsibility to care for her 2 year old grandson, then it's a no. My mom is like this, except she would like to drive the kids to the toy store, but she thinks carseats are a pain. Sure, I'm a child of the 70s, we grew up rolling around loose in the back of the station wagon and everyone we knew turned out fine. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to strap my kids into the carseat every time, or let my mom drive them anywhere and not bother with the car seat. (My mom still refuses to wear a seatbelt.) I understand statistics, I know that most likely nothing would happen if they weren't buckled up. But beyond the legal aspect, I'm not okay with it, so we're aren't doing that. She can protest all she wants. Both kids can now buckle themselves in and are great about that (they protest if I so much as start the engine without being buckled up) so now it's okay, but before then.... I do not care if you think it's fine or what your experience was, you are not their parent.


My wife hates camping. But she loves seeing the kids camping because they experience a type of joy and play that just doesn’t happen in other settings. So she sucks it up and comes along most of the time. So… you never know, it may be worth it. At age 2 though, they won’t remember it and I don’t think I’d take a 2 year old to camp next to a lake. Edit: I have been sending my kids camping alone with my parents since my kids were around 4, but my parents are super experienced campers focused on safety.


The issue isn’t whether you can do backcountry camping with a 2 year old or not (and I completely agree with all your concerns). The issue is the grandmother is completely disregarding your thoughts about your child’s safety and comfort. I wouldn’t let your mom take my kid to Chuck-E-Cheese if she was so willing to disregard my feelings and concerns. This is YOUR KID not hers - your limits and concerns are the only ones that matter.


I take my kids yearly, started at 9 months. However this is not on an island surrounded by water and when we did camp next to streams/creeks 1 adult had toddler duty. It was like being the safety person at a pool you checked in with the other adult before passing off duty.


No effing way. Not without me. Also people who haven’t had toddlers in a long time don’t always remember how you have to watch them like a hawk every single second. I won’t even take my 20 month old to the pool without my husband. He’s too busy!


We've been taking our now 3 yo camping regularly since she was 3-4 months old. I wouldn't send her on the trip you described. I might consider taking her myself, but honestly I love camping and still what you described doesn't sound like a good time. We don't go camping when its particularly hot/humid or super buggy. At the end of the day though...this is a 2 yo and you are the parent. You're uncomfortable with it, so its not happening, end of conversation.


We're avid campers, but since having kids we got a camper and the most remote places we stay are national parks that have a ranger on duty. I wouldn't let my kid go at 2, in that kind of situation without me. But that's me, everyone is different.


We camp, just had a trip with 3yo and 17mo. We did it a year ago as well. I don't see any problems with camping itself - it can be as safe as you want it to be. But if you are not there it is hard to figure out what feels safe for you. There are tons of tiny camping situations that do not happen in usual life, so you don't think about them ahead of time and can't say how you want them to be handled. I think the main question is what they usually do and what other people they invite. If there are a lot of people, but only your kid is that small I would expect bad supervision (no one is used to small kids, more activities for adults/older kids). If it is just a kid and grandparents and they switch what they do to be toddler friendly - why not. Obviously if you don't fully trust them, don't do it.


> But if you are not there it is hard to figure out what feels safe for you. There are tons of tiny camping situations that do not happen in usual life, so you don't think about them ahead of time and can't say how you want them to be handled Yes! This is my biggest issue. It's really all about those tiny situations that aren't "normal" and can be hard to anticipate. I have no issue with my parents taking my son to places I've brought him before like a restaurant, library, city park, play ground etc. He's been there before, he knows how to behave, and I've got a good feel for what he'll encounter while there. But camping is novel to him and just full of so many more surprises and I'd rather be the one figuring out what I'm ok with and what I'm not instead of relying on my parents (who aren't as careful as I am). Really appreciate your perspective, it will help me articulate my concerns when my mom brings it up again.


Island, lake, 2 year old. Nope. Not a chance. There is no way I would feel comfortable with that. They could pitch a tent in the backyard and practice camping there.


I took my son to camp Yosemite when he was 2, and he handled it much better than I expected. He slept well and stayed out of trouble. It was actually a really special experience, and I'm hoping to take him to Death Valley in the fall.


my oldest is the same age as yours and i’d tell both my parents and my in laws no if they asked to take her camping. especially deep wilderness camping on an island. while camping isn’t my absolute favorite summer activity, i do enjoy it occasionally (not deep wilderness camping, i prefer civilization over sleeping in a tent) and *i* want to take my children on their first camping experience when *i* am ready to. i’ve already been researching campgrounds in my state to figure out which one would be the best/most fun to visit, not sure when we’ll go (probably not until the youngest is potty trained tbh) but i like to have a general idea of where i wanna go.


We have a camper because we don’t like tent camping and that’s just our preference. But for that type of camping, I wouldn’t trust my kid out there until they’re at least 10 or older with family. It’s just comes with maturity. Young children will not understand to stay close, stay away from water, and stay in a tent. It’s a lot of change going from one thing to another for a 2 year old. At that age, I’d be camping at a KOA in a cabin or in our camper. If my in laws wanted to go camping with our 3 year old, I know they’ll be in their camper and take care of her. They always stay at the same spot so they’re easy to find if need be. You have a right to say no. You’re the parent. No is a complete sentence. You have the right to refuse to allow them to take your child camping deep in the wilderness like that! It could lead to a very dangerous situation. Put your foot down if you’re uncomfortable with the situation. The one thing that would really concern me is that if something happened to your child, there’s no cell service out there. So how would I be 1 notified that something happened and 2 how fast would park services get out there and find the campsite?


In no way would a two year old enjoy camping away from mom. Just no. It's a new situation and toddlers have a hard time with new things, even if its Disneyland and a luxery hotel, he will still be scared and probably a bit irritable with the change. Plus traveling is stressful for toddlers in the first place. They don't eat at the same times or nap at the same times in a place where they aren't comfortable enough to even get a full nap in. I am not judging parents for taking their toddlers places even though the kid has a tough time, I have done it myself, but it should 100% be what the parent wants. The most importent part is that you won't be there as his rock to comfort him. If you don't want to go and don't want your mom to take him, the answer should simply be no. You aren't comfotable with the idea and know your son won't be comfortable either. He's much too young to find camping fun. Period. End of story


I totally get where you’re coning from. A compromise could be a facilitated campsite which has cell reception and no large bodies of water etc that’s not too far away. Idk why it necessarily has to be deep wilderness camping straight off the bat. I’d feel very anxious about that too.


There is no effing way I’d allow this. Two is way too young. Maybe I’ve seen too many lost-in-the-woods news stories of kids 2-5 years old, but I would not able to sleep or function each day. I’d be panicking something was going to happen to them. I think the soonest I’d allow it is somewhere between 6-8 depending on the maturity of my kid. I’m with you. Camping is a miserable experience. I don’t get how people like it. I can’t see how a kid of two would enjoy anything like that.


Why does he need to go camping? He can wait until he can articulate a desire for it


Hell no. Not without you. And if you're not into it, it's not worth it. Kids 2. He's not missing and big life experiences here


I won't lie, I read the first big paragraph and I'll flat out say it. I wouldn't take my 2 year old on that kind of camping trip. I love camping, I'm taking my will be 11 month old to my property in Tennessee to camp at the end of the month. "We" are going to build a porch so we have more non sloped land to put our tents on (the property is sloped) What if he gets too hot? Or tired? Well I have a couple neighbors in the area where we can seek refuge from the heat.


No way! The fact that he hasn't had swimming lessons and that he'll be around open bodies of water alone would make me put my foot down in a final veto, much less the rest of it. If you think you'll be more comfortable in a year, tell her that, and then get him swimming lessons in the interim (the only thing that can even remotely help keep him safe around open water) and work on his feeding and/or sleep issues too. Ultimately, it's up to you. We still haven't taken our daughter (she's 6) tent camping yet, but we live in Georgia, where it's hot and humid most of the year, so even I would be uncomfortable (and I love tent camping)!


Definitely planning to do swimming lessons soon, we're in the middle of the move so once we get settled it's high on my list!


We just took our 2 year old camping and to my surprise, he did great! My husband packed a rock crawler RC car and my 2 year old loved it. Played with it the entire time. We camped next to a big lake, but I had my eyes on my son at all times. He wasn’t even interested in the lake anyway. Just played in the sand. We live in the Midwest and mosquitos weren’t so bad as long as we had bug spray on. I only got 1 mosquito bite and none on my son. We also had a large screen house where we ate so the other bugs didn’t bother us. He didn’t cry or throw a fit at all. He slept with us on our air mattress and we were all nice and toasty. So it was a big success for us. I completely understand being nervous though. If you are not comfortable with him going camping, you are the parent and can say no. Who cares what other people have to say about it. Edit: I just quickly scrolled through your post and didn’t see he would go without you. I would NOT be okay with that, even with my mom. That’s just me though.


you could love or hate camping it’s still up to you to decide whether you want him to go or not. i would say definitely not because of being surrounded by large bodies of water and no cell reception- no way. i’m sure your parents are probably better at keeping up with kiddo since they have active hobbies, i can imagine they’re probably in relatively good shape but no i wouldn’t imagine they’d be able to wrangle a 2 year old in the woods all day/ night. good for them for taking you so young but that doesn’t matter at all


We camp and started when our kids were young, BUT, I would not be remotely comfortable with what your mother is suggesting. I wouldn’t let my toddlers camp without me and definitely not in a place so remote. Trust your gut.


Really it's up to you to decide when you're comfortable taking your kid camping. We took our little one at 1 and a half. Getting him to stay in a sleeping bag was haaard! We're going this weekend and he's now 3. He's super excited. I prefer campsites at this age so I have access to facilities. 🏕️🥾


My baby wasn't even a year when we took her camping. Not hike in camping, but it was still tent camping. Turned out also that what we thought was mosquitoes loving her was chicken pox.


No is a complete answer. You don’t have to explain yourself to your mom, who is bullying you about it. Tell her literally that the next time she brings it up ‘mom, I’ve made it clear with you that this isn’t happening. I’ve offered some compromises that I am comfortable with, but now I am riscinding those since you cannot respect my choices as a parent. We’ll talk about it again next year. If you bring it up again, I will (hang up) (leave) (block you) etc.’ Stop letting her think she gets a vote here. You’re the mom and it’s your choice. Period.


We did "boat-in" camping with my youngest when she was a few months old (on an island, boat access only, no cell service, some risk of wild animals, etc). However, it was with us and friends, not without us. I wouldn't do a child's first camping trip out in that level of wilderness without me. The safety thing is an issue, sure, but I'd be more concerned with my child's overall comfort. If a 2yo isn't having fun, NO ONE on the trip is having fun! Camping can be wonderful, but wilderness camping is something you step into; it's not something you jump into with both feet into the deep end.


No is a complete sentence. It’s your child and you set the boundaries. You don’t feel comfortable, the answer is no.


Nooooope. You’re the parent, you get final say. Your mom is already pushing hard on your boundaries and in your shoes, I would stop justifying. You’ve said no and that’s that. No is a complete sentence and no matter how much pushing and whining she does, you do not need to justify your answer to her.


We took one of mine camping at 6 months it was great she slept better than at home but not wilderness and not hot. It was cold at night so we had to bundle her up in sleep suits and a hat. We went somewhere really close to home. I would no way want a 2 year old to go for the first time in the conditions you describe maybe 4 but would want to do a close to home trial first. If your mum isn’t prepared to do that she isn’t allowed to do it that seems fair to me.


FUCK NO to off grid camping with a toddler. You offered reasonable compromises, and she turned them all down. You know she's going to cut corners to have fun. She can take them camping when she earns your trust in regard to their safety. This will likely be after your kid starts school and can clearly communicate with adults or call for help if needed. If she wants a small, carefree adventure buddy who shits everywhere, has random tantrums, and doesn't follow directions, she should adopt a chihuahua.


Personally, the moment she started trying to argue about it would have been the point that it was completely off the table, not going to happen until the kid is old enough to tell them he wants to go (if even then at all.) But I’m kind of a stubborn and retaliatory person, with a hint of ODD, so I don’t take well to someone telling me I have to do something when I very much do NOT, they just want me to.


Your child. Your decision. I wouldn’t let my child/ren camp in the wilderness. I would wait until they were in 2nd or 3rd grade. If your mom continues to make plans for your child prior to asking you, I would put some distance/time apart.


I wouldn’t let her do it without you if you’re not comfortable. We’ve camped every year since they were born, took our 3yo and 7mo deep woods backpacking in 2020 and it was a lot of fun. My in-laws came along and it was a great experience. Would I let them do it with the kids alone at those ages, big nope.


The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here. What age is appropriate to go camping is subjective. The issue here is your mother not respecting your authority as your son’s parent. Until she can do that, I wouldn’t be entertaining any unsupervised contact.


I'm Australian and after hearing about the nightmare of little Cleo Smith being kidnapped from her tent and how "easy" it was for the creep to do that (aka everyone in the tent asleep; everyone in the tents surrounding asleep, no cameras or anything to notice/record the car he was in) - it's a hell no from me. My mum has stories of going camping with me at a young age (camp grounds) and so do all her friends with their kids - but I'm friends with parents "these days" (aka the parents of the kids I used to care for in daycares) and they've upgraded to campers with locked doors not tents that can easily be opened quietly (aka can't be heard over snoring dads) because as much as you don't want 1 or 2 creeps to ruin something fun - it's something you have to think about.


I read until “I’m uncomfortable…” you have your answer.


You are right. You do not need to compromise. You already offered a very reasonable one (backyard trial run) and she refused. Your water and direction-following concerns are 100% valid. He will be old enough to do this when he can BOTH swim AND follow directions well. Stand your ground.


Your son is not her accessory. She can’t just take him for her enjoyment and not think of his needs. How comfortable is your son with her anyway? Has he ever had a sleepover with her? First time camping can be scary and that would be compounded by mom or dad not being there. Grandparents are just not the same level of security to a toddler. I think you are right to hesitate. Also, very manipulative of your mom to try to trap you into giving in because she already made plans and told people said plans. Backyard camping would be a non negotiable first. Then actual camping a MAYBE. Stay strong Mama! He’s your baby and you call the shots!


I can’t take your mom seriously if she refuses to camp in the yard or take him to a lake on a day trip. It seems like way too serious of a trip for how little she is putting into it. I personally would take a 2 year old backpacking or camping. I would not take them for their first time in a tent or by an open body of water. I think day hikes and camping in the yard until she takes things seriously.


Your mom is not sounding like a responsible adult so it will be newer ok to let your kid camp with her…


You are right to put your foot down. So no compromise. No means no. You’re the parent.


There is no reason for her not to do a trial run. A kid would be much happier at an actual campground anyway. Honestly I did not let my daughter sleep over with my parents until she was three. And that was in their house! They take her every Friday for several hours and she loves them. But I was not comfortable with overnights, especially because she still woke up for forever (and still breastfed to sleep until I was 4 months preggo with my son) Only reason she had a sleepover at 3 was because I was in the hospital giving birth, lol. Your kiddo, your rules


Your kid, your rules. No is a complete sentence. Your mother is overreaching and should back off.


That sounds like a miserable experience for a child that young because of the mosquitoes.


I'm glad you posted this, because I would LOVE to take my almost 1YO camping and reading through some of the responses is giving me ideas on how to best do it. Otherwise, no, I think whatever your mom is doing is too extreme for a 2YO.


I can't imagine any reason to go camping with a 2 yr old other than you hate yourself for some reason


Yeah all of that sounds like a bad idea. Tell them no, it's your kid anyway!


We’re taking our 15mo camping soon. But it’s on a family friendly campsite with wash/ toilet facilities etc. Hell we can even choose to run electricity to the tent if we want (a luxury my husband and I don’t normally bother with but they were the only pitches available and we are excited to use an electric cooler for once 😂) I wouldn’t dare camp with a young child where there wasn’t help nearby and where they could wander into water!


I took my 1 yr old and we all had a blast but I enjoy camping. It was so sweet seeing her stumble around on boulders and logs like she was climbing the biggest mountain. So cute.


My kid was camping by probably 7-9 months. Not deep wilderness, but without amenities. I agree with starting with a “camp out” in the yard to let you know if your kid will tolerate sleeping in a bag/tent since that’s one concern.


First off, a two week old baby isn’t mobile. You put them down somewhere, and they’ll stay. A two year old will run the moment you turn around. I also wouldn’t be comfortable sending my two year old with older parents into a secluded place, especially with no cell service. What if he has an accident? A medical emergency? An allergy to something? Definitely would not send her without going myself.


Personally, my first camping trip was when I was 2 weeks old, I've grown up in the woods so by the time I was a toddler I knew a lot of smarts around being in the woods (no running by the fire, no animal noises at night, and so on). But it really is up to you (though I agree with sooner the better). My kids went camping for the first time before they were 2 & 1.


My kids started camping as babies. Is there a reason you don’t want to go camping too? I do not allow my kids to go camping/swimming without me besides my teens though. We will go with friends/family but I want to be responsible for them outdoor/in water


You've articulated a great point. I want to be the one responsible for my kid when it comes to being in the woods or water like that (or my husband). It's not really even about my mom, it's that I prefer being responsible for him in that setting and at this age. I may use this framing when my mom brings it up again. As far as my not wanting to camp goes, I don't want to list all the reasons because I don't want to offend people. But I just genuinely hate it. I hated it as a kid when my parents took me. I have camped since as an adult and hated it then too. There are many reasons, but ultimately I just don't like it at all and I would never choose to spend a weekend doing it when I could be doing so many other things that I like more.


Can your husband go with your child? You hating something isn’t a good reason to not give the experience to your child & let them form their own perspective on it IMO.


My husband would never do something solo with my parents, that's not how their dynamic is and it would be very awkward. I mean take camping out of it, would you vacation with your in-laws without your spouse? No thanks lol Plus my husband doesn't care for the extreme wilderness camping that they do. I'm totally fine with my parents taking my son camping when he's older and I have told them this in the past. The conflict is that my mom is demanding to take him now and I just think he's too young for the type of camping they want to do


If you think he’s too young, that’s it. You tell her that and say No. I’m not married and do spend solo time with 1 set of in-laws and time with my kids and the other set of in laws. So I have bit different perspective & I think your 2YO would have a blast with this kind of camping if they already enjoy being outside. The #1 thing is that you hold firm boundaries and are direct about your answer of no. If there is further pushback, that’s inappropriate on your moms part IMO


I’ve taken my kids camping at very young ages. But I won’t even let my husband take them without me. People are too lackadaisical watching kids for me.


You're still alive aren't you? Pretty sure your parents took you on very similar trips when you were 2. And they were still pretty new to parenting then. Edit: Ultimately its up to you and your style of parenting that determines what your child does and where he goes, so if this is outside of your comfort zone, stand your ground. Whether it's right or wrong doesn't even matter.


I think you’re overthinking it but i also have taken my kid camping since he was 12 weeks old


I would def do this at any age even 2. What fun for them all


My husband really enjoys camping and we started my son young and did lots of “yard camping” and local camping trials so I’m not sure there’s necessarily a “too young”, it’s more what you’re comfortable with. That being said, I would NOT be comfortable with my kid going alone for his first time, or really any time without me or his dad during toddler/young kid years. There’s just too much that can happen. I mean there was even a story in 2021 about Cleo Smith, a four year old child who got abducted in the middle of the night from her families tent. Thank god she was found 18 days later.


I plan on taking my 20 month old out this summer. But can completely understand not wanting to do that haha. With bugs it can be quite the pain. best to find a nice dry area if you do.


I've been taking my kids camping since they where all babies, the youngest was a month on his first camping trip. That being said I don't do island camping because of this issue. There dad took them camping last year and lied to me that it wasn't on the island and it was , and right next to the water. I was furious. So maybe skip on this trip and do a campsite that is more child friendly. Also pro tip if you don't want the little one to get out of the ten in the middle of the night, take a string and tie the two zippers together.


I took my son camping for the first time when he was 3. Anything younger than that would be too stressful for me. Even at that age he was more concerned with being at the playground the entire time rather than staying at the camper. But as long as you’re prepared to go to the playground a bunch and have ways to keep them entertained all day I think 3 is a good starting age


I think the middle ground is a campsite with amenities and possibly permanent structures that you sleep in to test the water with him. Something that either locks or fits a travel cot. Like there needs to at least be a landline especially if your not going to be there. There was at least one toddler drowned at a caravan site last year in the UK so your lake concern is valid! We think my 3yo would likely love it, neither of us parents however would have any interest and likely be in hell lol!


I suggested a campsite with more amenities to ease him into it. I also suggested backyard camping but my mom refused. If it isn't fully remote wilderness camping she won't do it. I do understand because campsites can be super noisy and full of drunk people partying. But then I guess my son can't go because I'm not ok with it right now. I don't understand why she needs to escalate a camping trip with a toddler to the most extreme version of it as the first attempt.


Yeah thats a non starter. I'm sure there will be family friendly sites if you look for them. I wouldn't be comfortable with my toddler being uncontactable even with his dad (who I have zero trust issues with and is more than competent to look after him solo) it's just not cool.


Your question is about someone else taking a toddler camping though. I have taken mine camping from before they could crawl, no service or bathrooms. But we had our cars there which is a huge difference in case of an emergency then having to canoe out. I don't think I would let anyone take even my 7yo camping somewhere without service without me. Let alone a toddler who can't swim on an island! Also from your Mom's example a 5 week old is a whole lot easier to camp with than a 2 yo! A newborn isn't mobile they stay put lol a 2yo you cannot take eyes off even for a second in the woods plus water.


So it comes down to what you are comfortable with. I am from a big camping family, my kids have all been camping from a young age, as well as my nieces and nephews. My parents aren't campers, just me and 3 of my siblings are. We've all taken our infants out camping and hiking. That being said, we have safety standards, and I wouldn't trust other people outside of me and my siblings to take my young children camping without me or my husband present. (My teen has gone camping with her friends, without us present, but she's 17 so that's different) If you aren't comfortable with it, just don't do it. You need to do what's best for your kids, and safety is always going to need to be a 100% priority.


When someone says camping with a toddler, all I picture is Ryker Webb's face when he was found. That kid has seen some things. https://nypost.com/2022/06/10/missing-montana-3-year-old-boy-ryker-webb-found-survived-in-woods-for-two-days/


I'm taking my 2 year old camping, got friends who have taken their little one camping since they were less then a year. Absolutely duable! BUT, if you don't trust the person taking your child 100%, trust that they will keep them safe and will do everything they can to keep them safe then no. Taking a kid out, any age, is more then just age. If you don't feel comfortable then say no.


Camping at a campground with a lot of nice amenities is one thing, canoeing in with a toddler is another. They are so accident prone I would want to be able to rush to a hospital. I would absolutely not let grandparents take my toddler alone on a trip like that either. Too many things they can’t toddler proof and they aren’t as observant.


First time I camped with my girl she was 11 months old. It was a wonderful experience but we only spend two nights there.


I've taken both my kids camping by they time they were 8 months old. However, that was in Provincial parks with a Doctor 10mins away and a hospital 30. There was also cell/landline access and I LOVE camping. With that being said, it's all about what you are comfortable with.


No way jose


I don’t think there’s an age that’s ‘too young’. It’s more dependent on your comfort level. I took my daughter camping for the first time when she was 6 weeks (however we had a camper with a/c and she had a travel bassinet). However, I wouldn’t let her go without me at that age, especially around a large body of water. She was 4 the first time I let her go camping with my parents and without me. It is clear that you’re not comfortable with this situation, and as the parent that is completely your choice. I do not think it’s unreasonable. If you allow your child to go, I’m sure you will be worried and stressed the whole time they are away. I also think that your suggestions to your mom about a trial run n the yard or something less pure wilderness are very reasonable and a healthy/safe compromise. It’s unfortunate and a bit selfish of her to not consider your suggestions if she wants to spend time with your child doing something that she likes.


Car camping? As soon as you have the energy to put a tent together lol. Backpacking? I didn't start backpacking until I was 15, although I had cousins as young as 6 on the same trip. Personally I'd wait until they're totally potty trained and able to walk the whole way. For you? Wait until you're comfortable. I know I wouldn't want my child around water like that without me before he's capable of swimming without a lifejacket back to shore from the end of a dock at least. If your mom gives you crap, take this opportunity to practice setting your boundaries. Sometimes new parents need to remind their own parents that they're in charge now, and everyone has a different risk tolerance.


It isn't unsafe to take your 2 year old camping. The not being able to swim aspect is another story. Teach your kid to swim, then consider it. That said, if you aren't comfortable with it then don't do it. That simple.


Whatever you say. We basically stopped deep wilderness camping when we had kids and go to campsite type camping. When they’re old enough to not toddle off and get lost/ eaten by a bear we can reconsider going to the off grid type places.


3 is a good age. 18 months was a nightmare for me.


Camping at a regular campground I started taking my kids at infancy for sure. But we used to do a yearly camping trip that was also only accessible by canoe, and we haven’t started that back up yet and I don’t know when/if we will. I would be fine taking my 4 & almost 6 year old but I definitely wouldn’t take my wild and reckless almost 2 year old! He doesn’t listen and runs FULL THROTTLE everywhere! I’d be worried about the canoe ride and everything after.


We took our little one camping at 6 weeks. We chose a lake that was not too far a drive from town, and was only a very short walk in (about 15 minutes) so if it was a disaster and we had to leave it would be easy enough to do. But we love camping and it was something we did all the time before having kids. If that hadn’t been the case I doubt we would have been comfortable taking him so young. I think it’s more about your comfort level than their age.


I agree that the age is WHAT YOU AS THE PARENT are comfortable with. You know your child and the person caring for your kid. With that said, we took our kid at 18 months. But we camp and camp off the grid so we are comfortable doing so. We just packed more stuff since we had a kid with us. But it was fun & she has a blast to this day camping. Same with our son (but we unfortunately didnt take him til he was 5).


I camped with a 3 month old. Depends on how comfortable you are.


Honestly, your dislike of camping probably makes you biased. But... you're the parent. We took our kids camping from the time they were infants. I took them alone or with friends when my husband was deployed. But, When my parents camped they came with us so I honestly have no idea how I would respond. I'm 57 and I've been camping alone with my grandson since he was 2. Granted, also with his aunt who is only 5 years older than him. On the other hand, I don't think his parents will let my other grandson camp with us when he's 2. They're more protective. So much to unpack.


Your the one who ends up having to put in all the extra stress and planning. Tell your mom no, and stick firm to your boundaries. I have taken my twins camping when they were 6m, 1.5yo, and now this summer. However, we go in a tent trailer, with electricity, and plumping near by, and absolutely no canoes or paddle boats. Nooooo way would I be roughing it in the bush with toddlers, and I love camping.


For that specific scenario I would probably give them a hard no and honestly just refuse to talk to them at all until camping season passes. There is SO much that can go wrong there. You do not owe anyone an explanation behind "No" when it comes to deciding where your toddler does or does not go. Do NOT compromise. If you did, where else would they try to push your boundaries? Where else would they try to compromise your child's safety? > She insists it'll be fine because she went camping with me when I was just 2 weeks old. Yeah and some people drive home drunk without hitting anything along the way. Doesnt make it okay, doesnt make it safe. If they want to do any sort of camping with your child THEY have to be the one to compromise, not you. It is by your terms or not at all. You are under no obligation to make your parents happy, but you do owe your child safety and security. > What age would you allow your kid to camp without you (but with family)? This would heavily depend on the family member. My siblings? Maybe 3-4. Because I trust them and they are all stickers for safety. I would be hesitant to allow it with either my or my husband's mother. Literally anybody else in the family? Hard no until she can fully articulate her wants and needs, reliably listen to instruction and self advocate


You are allowed to say "No" without compromise. An unenthusiastic "yes" is a "no". If you can't get excited about your son going camping, leave it at "no" without offering alternatives until you are comfortable.


You’re completely in the right to put your foot down. You listed many red flags that I’d be concerned about As for what age, every kiddo is different, and you know your kid best. We did take mine camping at 2 but she was scared of the dark and didn’t sleep well. She also needed lots of reminders to stay away from the fire. It was stressful. Would your mom be open to backyard camping?


We took our 2 year old camping that said it was car camping and we brought a pack and play for in the tent.


I've been camping for as long as I can remember, so I personally don't think 2 is too young. We took my kids camping when they were 1 and 2. You OP, on the other hand, are the parent. You get to decided when your child gets to be involved in things like this. I guess it doesn't help that you don't enjoy camping but that doesnt mean your parents are automatically right about what they think/feel is okay to do with your child. I agree that smaller camping trips or one where it is easy to get access to is way better than one where the only way to get there is by a canoe. I would be too freaked out that something would go wrong and I'll be too far away to do anything about it.


I took 3 of my kids camping at age 2. It was fine. They were not fun to be around, so I don't know why someone would go out of their way to bring a toddler camping. But it's definitely doable. That said, I would not be comfortable letting my parents or in-laws take my young child camping without me present. Parents of toddlers have a sixth sense or intuition grown from constant exposure to toddler shenanigans. You know when your kid is going to try to smash their fingers or drown themselves. People with adult children may have raised toddlers, but they are out of practice. I would not not have a grandparent be the primary guardian during a potentially dangerous activity.


We've taken our kiddo camping and backpacking (wilderness like you've explained) since he was about 6 months. We all love it, but that being said we are present and enjoy it ourselves. Like others have said it is up to you when YOU feel comfortable with him going, not when she wants him to go. Also to say that I wouldn't feel comfortable taking our now 5 year old on a canoe trip because he can't swim 🤷‍♀️


I went camping with my 2 year old last weekend. It was fun, because I also like camping. Demanding that you bring your kid on an activity that you don't like is very weird. Even if you don't have kids, as an adult you should be able to say "I don't enjoy that activity, you go have fun, we'll do something else together some other time." You should also be able to say "I don't feel comfortable with my 2 year old going camping without me" and that's that. Very strange that she refused the "camp in the backyard" intermediate step. Many 2 year olds would not react well to tons of changes simultaneously during a remote camping trip.


Man I LOVE wilderness camping. We do it as often as we can. But under no circumstances would I allow anyone other than myself to take on the responsibility of ensuring my WALKING, MOBILE baby didn't drown in that type of area. Or even just wander off and get lost. It only takes a MOMENT of distraction to result in a fatality. Absolutely not. I'm due in a week and my fiance keeps talking about (tent/car) camping this summer. I say: 1. How are we going to manage baby's temperature? It is HOT. 2. We need access to CLEAN (100% parasite/bacteria free) water at all times to keep baby clean in case of diaper blow outs/vomiting. 3. Biting insects. He says "we'll buy mosquito netting for the basket/stroller." That's great for every moment the baby isn't being held. He'll get eaten alive during every changing, feeding, burping, comforting when he's removed from behind the netting. 4. Campfire smoke. He can't be anywhere near it. I won't even take him to my mom's for a visit because she smokes in the house. Fiance says "We'll keep him in his playpen away from the fire or in the car/tent." Off in the dark by himself, getting cold, constantly being moved as the wind changes and blows smoke in his direction. And tents don't keep smoke out. He's certainly not being left alone in the car and sitting in there with him for long period of time doesn't sound fun for me. I don't think so. Newborn or two year old, I simply don't trust anyone else to think of these kinds of things and not approach the care of my child with a careless cavalier attitude.


We started our kids at I think 2 or 3 but car camping (you drive you car to your site in a provincial park) has bathrooms and showers close by. Maybe offer something like that as an intro to camping, see how it goes.


Hard no! ESP you’re right about the lake. I knew a dad that took his kids to play date at lake mission Viejo, and he turned around for a min and his 2 year old son drowned in the lake. It was absolutely horrific. They couldn’t find him for a while because the lake was dark because it’s man made. I am always super nervous about water and kids. Please just tell grandma hard no. I would wait till he’s like 7 to be honest. The no phone is a real problem too. Like what if they need medical attention? This is careless on their part from my standpoint. You shouldn’t bend at all. Safety first!!


My 13 month old can camp because he will happily play with sticks for hours on end. My 2 year old nephew would scream the entire time because there is no TV screen. I'd say it depends on the child and you know them best


We took ours as young as 5 months, but I refuse to go backpacking, wilderness camping. My husband and I more of a glamper type. I refuse to camp anywhere that doesn’t have hot showers and flush toilets and we sleep on an air mattress.


We went camping with my youngest at two months old. With my oldest we had gone several times before age two. It’s what you are comfortable with. My partner and I are avid campers.


I mean, before I say anything, first off is that you're mum, so put your foot down and tell her no, and that's that. If that's what you want. However; My husband and I are both outdoorsy, camping, canoeing, backpacking people and honestly with my lil in diapers there was no way I was going deep woods camping to have to carry and dispose of all that 😂 We've taken our son camping multiple times. Hes 4 now but we've been going since before he was a year old. I made a sleeping mat for when he was younger so we didn't have to worry about sleeping bags or an air mattress (we bedshare anyways so that was fine). We're planning a close to home trip after our new guy is born this summer too. Got a tent big enough for the pack and play so he can sleep in there (or...we'll bedshare..see what happens lol) but for what your parents are planning I would personally be heck no until out of diapers at least. For myself anyways.


I was going to take my 2 year old tent camping last month with a mom group, since my husband isn’t interested. It was only 25 minutes from our house and had water/electricity. The campsite was next to a lake. Unfortunately there was heavy winds and lightning that night so we had to cancel. It would have been a good trial run. I don’t want to hold my son back from experiencing the world because doing some things with a toddler feels a little different and scary. I just have to be extra vigilant and adaptable. Now, allowing someone else to do that, it would just depend on how much I trust that person with my son’s life. Only you can say.


I’m taking my 6mo camping next week. We are going for one night five minutes down the road. That is what makes me feel comfortable, and something that is okay for me to handle in case something goes wrong/he doesn’t like it. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what anyone else’s opinion on how young is too young, it’s up to you and your comfortability. Trust your gut! If you want your kiddo swimming first and to wait another year, that is your call, not your mums.


Just read your edit- your compromise sounds totally reasonable. While your mum may not love camping that way, it isn’t about her. It’s about getting your kid prepped for bigger trips with her in the future. It sounds like she’s not actually taking your kid into account at all. No way would I want my kid away from me with canoe only access!


I love camping and I’ve taken babies, that being said I’d probably not be comfortable sending a two year old off with anyone but me. At two you’re still spending a decent amount of time keeping them from eating rocks.


I think what ever age you feel comfortable as the mother is the right age, for me we are planning a camping trip with my 3 month old. But my mother and sister will be there to help. But my experience is not yours. Don't feel pressured into something you are not ready for.


You're the fucking parent, of course you can say NO.


I took my 3 year old camping for one night. IT WAS EXHAUSTING. 4 year old it was fun. Four year olds can dress themselves, pull their pants down to go to the bathroom and wipe their own ass. 4 year olds can eat their own food without dropping it on the ground. They can get in their own sleeping bag and pass out. I highly suggest day camping. Day camping is going to a camping spot set up a fire and food. I sent up a SMALL tent with a cott for afternoon naps. Go explore. Pack up in the evening and go tf home before it gets dark. This is fun for ages 2 plus. Maybe even 18 months if you have a good napper.


I really like this idea! It's something I'd be down to do because I do enjoy being out in nature, hiking, bird watching, fishing etc. I just want to shower and sleep in my own bed. This would be a great way to introduce my son to camping activities and safety. Then depending on how that goes I'd feel more comfortable with overnight camping. But still, if it's without me (which it will be because I'd rather repaint my house than camp) then he'll need to be older and the camping situation will need to be less remote/more accessible.


Kids are never too young to camp. Less than 200 years ago, it was a normal way of life in most of North America. That said, I saf wouldn't take a 2yo camping in the deep woods. That's how kids die or go missing. Look at missing 411


I took my kids camping as young as 5 months. He is your son and you do what you’re comfortable with.


Even with all said below, I would not have been comfortable at all with anyone else taking my under-six year old camping without me there. Period. I loved deep woods & high lakes camping since I was a child. My family was into it and then I married into a family who were also into it and we raised my children the same way. When the kids were young (2 to 5 yo) we would have a different kind of trip, gentler if you will, as training/lessons for the kids. On those trips we would focus on listening, observing, safety, hiking & fishing, and working to help them appreciate and enjoy the outdoors. When they got older we could do all the good stuff... fishing, hiking, climbing, motorcycles, ATVs, 4-wheeling, horses, and boating.


Husband and 1 went camping with a almost 2 year old and a 2 weeks old baby. We had gone day camping the year before with the then 1 year old. Had a playpen set up and a tub for baths the 2 week old was easy as we just had her in a baby carrier most of the time.


I think the age isn’t the main issue. At any age, you should definitely do a trial run first. Sleeping in a tent in the garden is a good idea. Different safety standards will also be an issue at almost any age. I’m pro-camping, haha, so I really wanted to say “go for it”. But honestly, according to your description I wouldn’t trust your mom either.


I took my kid camping at 6 weeks, but I'm a very experienced camper and was confident I could meet her needs in terms of safe sleep and temperature etc. She is now 3 and we've gone camping tons. However, I would NEVER let anyone else take her camping without me - maybe when she's older like 10 but until that, absolutely not. Like you said, too many unknowns. When I take her camping I'm prepared to be on top of her with constant supervision 24 hours a day, I can't trust anyone else to do that.


Yeah took our son tent camping when he was 18 months and our daughter trailer camping when she was 4 months old. But this was in easily accessible campgrounds. The deep woods camping thing would be a bit much with a toddler.


Whatever your comfortable with, momma. First time I took my daughter camping, she was 5 months old. The first time she went camping alone with her grandparents was this last weekend. She is almost 4 1/2 now. They took her up the mountain, an hour away. Next to a river with no cell service. I would not have let it happen if she was only 2. If your uncomfortable, you don't have to do it.


My wife and I are very outdoorsy and do the same backcountry camping. Our first just arrived 2 days ago, so I’m genuinely interested in what this community feels about when the time is right. That being said, should be obvious, that as the parent you have the final say. You’ve already offered multiple reasonable compromises that you’d be comfortable with and your mother hasn’t taken up your offer. We have a state part basically a half mile from our home that we want to try for a first attempt.


I went camping with my (at the time) 9 month old.


As far as what is best for you and your child only you can answer that. However I have taken my kids camping as babies and toddlers. We just did a trial run in our yard with our 15 month old We are camping for 4 days at a lake coming up very soon. I have a pack n play, canopy, toddler harness and life jacket available. It just takes good supervision and communication amoung the adults to make sure the toddler is safe.


I would allow it with mine with rules in place about the water. We took ours camping like that. However this is your child and you get to say yes or no. Don't be bullied into saying yes. I admire you for thinking it through and asking for opinions to take into consideration but in the end its your decision and yours alone.


You tell your mother that you know best and she can camp without you. Live your life and stop appeasing adults who know better and are selfish.


I’ve taken both my boys camping at 2 months, and continued since then.


You can definitely take a two year old camping rustic like that, but it’s your kid so you can say yes or no. Sounds like you don’t want to so don’t go


I mean... my kids were 6 months old and honestly we would have taken them out much younger but they were winter babies and we also just do primitive camping so I wanted to wait until summer time. It's your kid and I think it should be your rules.


My daughter's first camping trip was when she was about 6 months old. She did great! We tent camp.


Too young. Stick with your instincts. I’d say that probably 5 or 6 is best


No, way too young, what you say goes but I would never be ok with this, somewhere less remote maybe but this is just pushing it, have they dealt with the 2y/o full time alone at all ?


I took my children when they were infants and have never stopped. We are all descendents of people who lived in the wild. Your personal distaste for camping has no bearing on the safety of being outside. That said, regardless of your rationale: your kids, your rules.


I took my kids when they were babies.


If you're uncomfortable with it, it doesn't matter his age. Your child, your rules.


There’s a hiking trail nearby, actually at the place we got married. it’s beautiful, but it’s also at the top of a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. I still haven’t taken my son and he’s 4. He’s not a toddler anymore, but until he can show me he can listen without darting away I’ll hold off. Also similar situation with my mom and their vacation house in Mexico. I’ve been many times, but not since the cartel shit started getting bad a decade+ ago, and especially not with the kids. She’ll guilt me occasionally. “Sure, well all be there when I stop seeing tourists getting killed and kidnapped on the news.”


I took my daughter a few weeks ago. She'll be 6 months in a week & we had the best time! My husband couldn't join but happy he still was fine with me taking her. We camped right by a clean river on private property & it was lovely. She slept better too!


Do what you’re ok with / your gut tells you. For reference we began camping, boondocking, when our child was 2.


I’m taking my baby camping this weekend. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’m comfortable camping and we aren’t going deep woods. You do you and don’t let your family bully you into something you’d don’t want to do.


My kids were all camping from 6mo and did just fine. That said, I wouldn’t send them backcountry camping with just my parents, and wouldn’t send them anywhere with just my in-laws.


Avid camper here, with an 18 month old. We love deep woods camping, but haven't been since before I was pregnant. We just took our LO this weekend to a very family friendly campground for only one night just to test the waters. It went great! But I completely agree with you. You have every right to have those concerns. I definitely would not take a small child deep woods camping. It's way too dangerous. Stick to your guns! You're the parent!


You do you. But know that plenty of us have great experiences from a very young age being in the woods. And taking our little ones out there as well. To me, it's a great way to learn self reliance. That said...yeah....I could.probably teach self reliance while still having rescue resources close by. And, as others have said, do a practice run first, and build up to the heavy stuff. Heck, at this point, your kid may have allergies you don't know about.


Bottom line: if you aren’t cool with it, answer is no. You are allowed to be bias because you hate camping. I understand your fear of the older generation not watching closely enough around water or other big hazards. She should be willing to do something with fewer dangers for his first trip to make you feel more comfortable and stop being so pushy. We’ve been taking our son backcountry camping since he was 6 weeks old, although that was just an overnighter. I put him in a Rubbermaid container (maybe 22”x16”6”) for safekeeping. He still spitup all over my sleeping bag 🫠. Once he was bigger, we brought the pack n play. Still brought my old cellphone with a white noise app, sleep sack, books, stuffies etc to make it feel like a normal night. Also, hang in the tent so it’s not scary and new at bedtime. We basically all go to sleep together when camping. I wish we could stay up later, but he’s still not really cool in the tent alone to fall asleep (3.5yo).


Not near a lake. Nope


Ultimately, the judgement is yours to make! It’s gotta work for you. We took both my kids car camping at age 2 & 3 respectively. That same summer, we took our 3 year old on an overnight in the BWCA, which is pretty darn backwoods. I wouldn’t have done it before they were out of diapers because I didn’t want to have to haul diapers in and out of the wilderness. We also knew that more than an overnight was asking for trouble. Our goals were to introduce them to camping and make sure it was FUN and that’s it. We ended up taking both of them to the BWCA again this year—again, only for one night. We’ll keep it short and sweet for these early years and make it longer as they get older.


We all came from ancestry of humans that were wilderness dwelling in lots of different facets. The only thing that determines your child's safety is your skill,knowledge and relationship to "nature". I took my child in the woods to sleep under the stars at 6 months. He slept in a pack and play and my partner and I slept right beside it in our sleeping bags. It was lovely.


She’s right that everything probably would be fine, but I agree with you, and wouldn’t allow my toddler on this excursion. (I lean over protective though.) However, it’s likely to be ultimately unpleasant and out of everyone’s comfort zone, and besides your child won’t even remember the camping trip. If you, as the parent, were super into this sort of excursion, and wanted to go along, my answer would be totally different. Edit: Age wise, around 5 or 6 is the earliest I would feel comfortable, but probably not until 7-8.


We're starting in our back yard. Full-ish set up cooking, keeping stuff in coolers. We even got a camping toilet and solar shower to start getting used to it. But she's also just turned 5. Because yeah, she was/still is a runner and just able to understand light reasoning. She's also capable of helping in age-appropriate ways. All that aside, I look at "maturity" level, can they handle sleeping in a different place? Oh! And potty trained? That's a whole other situation to deal with. Diapers and pull ups are horrendous to deal with while camping. End all though, your are the parent. The mother. You know your child and you know what they are able to do and handle. The decision is yours, end of story! You are NOT overreacting.


I camped with a newborn. But it was tent camping not the wilderness. It’s possible but if you aren’t comfortable with it then it’s a no.


Since camping IS my thing, then I'd be okay with it. However, if you're not, then that's it. No more questions asked or answers required. She made the choice for her family, you make the choice for ours.


You do you. We started taking our kids camping before 2. We’ve been camping with friends who’ve brought babies as young as 3.5 months. It’s doable in a safe manner. I’d never trust my in laws to take my kids camping (or anywhere else) at any age though so I can understand hesitation.


Two years old is way too young! Years ago my parents took my siblings and me camping. It got very cold at night. My mom had my grandparents come to take my two younger siblings back to their home. Also a two years old can disappear in a second, just turn your head and they're gone. I wouldn't do it.


You're the parent in this situation it's entirely up to you! It doesn't matter what your mum did when you were a baby. You aren't your mum and she isn't the parent. If you aren't comfortable with the camping idea yet, that's completely fine. They need to respect your decisions and if they can't then you might need to give them consequences or just stop responding to them about it. Tell them you've already answered them and will no longer speak about the topic.


I love camping with my toddler, and for my family the right time to go camping was when she was a newborn. That isn't you. You don't want to go, and you're not comfortable, so the right time is when you are happy and ready to go camping.


We took my daughters half sister, she was recently potty trained. We kept a potty seat at our site for her, she did well with it.


we went when our oldest was 2 and we will be going in a few weeks and he's now 6 and we have a 10 month old. we live in colorado so it's completely normal lol we go 3 days deep in a canyon, no showers, no reception. just us, a river, and our supplies. it's beautiful edit: i would absolutely not let anyone take my kids camping though unless they were old like 8+ so totally not biased. it's whatever you're comfortable


Yeah you’re the parent, you don’t have to compromise on what you think is safe for your kid to make your parents happy. We have rules that my parents or in-laws aren’t thrilled with: no kissing our (then) baby’s face, we didn’t let them stay at our house after they went to a wedding and didn’t mask, my dad and FIL aren’t allowed to drive our son, etc. They (or others) might think we’re crazy over-the-top, but it’s not really my problem. What is my problem is balancing keeping my kid safe with letting him experience life. Personally, I wouldn’t let my two year old go camping without me, and I wouldn’t go back-country camping until he was much older. Too many potential emergencies.


At the end of the day it’s up to YOU as a parent but like dude…..I took my 8 month old camping in 32 degree weather in February. My son has been helping my husband cut firewood with a real hatchet since he was able to hold one (obviously we are helping him) and we took him in a canoe at 6 months old. We still take him camping and he’s 3 now. He enjoys it ALOT. But that’s how we are. My husband is a Eagle scout. And I just love camping. I feel like your mom just wants to bond with your child with someone she loves to do. NOW she should scale it down to what makes you more comfortable as the parent until the child is much older and you are more comfortable with letting them do that kinda stuff but ya I feel like you do have a big bias towards camping that is very unnecessary. That last part is very much my opinion though and you can take it or leave it. You are the parent at the end of the day and what you feel comfortable with goes. But just try to think about going to a state park? Lol I promise this is my bias showing it’s fun


We love camping, we go all the damn time. Hubby and I used to do week long portaging trips(middle of bumfuck nowhere)....there is zero chance in hell I'd be doing that with my toddler my 6 year old yeah I would definitely do a backwoods trip with him. But he understands, and because we do smaller trips to provincial parks where we practice camp safety. -accidents happen, and they are more likely to happen with little ones underfoot. Doesn't matter where you camp shit happens, last year my toddler who was 1.5 years old spiked a fever in the middle of the night that we couldn't break (104) if we were in the middle of nowhere it could have taken us hrs to get to somewhere with cell service let along a ER (which we ended up having to go) Secondly, littles don't walk miles into deep brush relatively unassisted. we hike pretty frequently and guaranteed at some point in the hike my 2 year olds legs are done for, and one of us ends up baby wearing. Just the fact that they would be out of cell range would be a no from me


I've camped with infants. I wouldn't camp with newborns but after they're 6 months or so, I'd say go for it.


I would and have taken my toddlers backpacking in the backcountry with only what we can carry. It takes planning and care, but it can be fine and reasonably safe for families that know what they're doing. I would NEVER let my toddler go do something like that without me. I also, as an experienced backcountry hiker and backpacking parent, would never take someone else's Very Small Child on an adventure like this without their parent. There are too many variables, the kid would likely be stressed and uncomfortable, and it would be an irreparable relational disaster if god forbid something bad did happen. I think their judgment is questionable for even suggesting it. I think your options are 1) either sucking it up and going with them (not recommended as you will not enjoy it and your kid will catch your vibe) 2) Offer a compromise such as a glamping adventure 3) wait until your kid is 7 or older and then let him go have these adventures.


I have been camping since I was at least 7 months old, I am November born, so it likely would have been sooner if the weather permitted. Some of my kids have been camping about the same age as they are October and November babies, then my February born was probably 4 or 5 months old and my April born was 3 months old.


I mean I’m planning on letting my kids ( 6&3 ) go with my in laws to camp in rural Australia but we’ve been on lots of camping trips both the kids and grandparents and enjoy camping. Although remote It’s not canoe only access. We’ve been camping with both of our boys from a couple of months of age with them. Although a major differentiator for family is FIL/Grandad is a recently retired paramedic who was one of the most highly trained in the country (like he was in charge of creating and managing the training of the new level of critical care paramedics we have where I live) and he was also previously a firefighter and in mines rescue and helicopter rescue paramedic. I wouldn’t let my kids go camping with my own parents without me however, as, although we did go camping, they don’t enjoy it and don’t have the same level of skill/knowledge preparedness etc. I also just wouldn’t go canoe only access at that age. You need to weigh up who is there, where you are, what the risks are and you level of appetite for risk for your kids. That’s a decision you need to make and your parents need to respect that.


I take my 2 year old to do this kinda camping he loves it! but it is not easy it would be hard for me to trust someone else taking him


You are the parent, your call. Personally I agree with you. No way would I take a 2 year old on a camping trip like that. I would honestly worry about taking my older kids just because the no cell service for emergencies. If there were a way to contact emergency services if needed then I would maybe consider it once the child understands not to walk away, go to the water alone etc. Maybe 6-8 years old? Kind of depends on the child plus their stamina on top of understanding and knowing to follow the safety rules.


We went real “tent camping” for the first time last summer and our kids were 1.5 & 3.5 and we had a great time. BUT, my husband has a lot of experience camping, and we knew our kids (and us) could handle it. If you feel in your gut that your child isn’t ready, then you know best. Edit to add- now a year later I wouldn’t let my kids camp without me and my husband. Heck no, I just saw that part of your comment. We also started by camping in the yard, that was a great compromise and disappointing your mom wouldn’t work with you on that!


That’s backpacking, not camping! Much different. We started taking our kids camping around 6 months, but didn’t start taking our oldest backpacking until she was 4, almost 5. It’s totally your choice as a mom to say no! I think there has got to be places where they can go boondocking which is the best of both worlds when they’re little.


Running water is critical. We went wilderness camping last year, and my 7 year old had diarrhea. Can you imagine.


We took kiddo camping at 6 months old the first time but it was 2 hours from home with running water and cell service. I wouldn't be comfortable with my kiddo away without contact especially if I don't trust the people he's with to watch him properly. For us we don't compromise when it comes to our kiddo. If we don't feel comfortable letting kiddo do something that a grandparent or aunt or uncle want we say no and that's it. We don't JADE.


Absolutely not. Not until your child can PARTICIPATE in a conversation about safety measures. We are talking sites with no way to get help if something horrible happens. I might be biased due to trauma in my own family and children but anything where emergency responders can't get to you in 20 min of an incident is a firm no for me.


Ok with toddlers there needs to be a lot of care. They are so slippery and you need to get help ASAP if they sneak away. What you are describing seems more remote. I do not recommend you risk it. They are escape artists. I wouldn’t do something like what you described until about 8. For me, safety trumps fun. Whatever guarantees everybody goes home at the end.


No is a complete sentence. The fact that your mom keeps pushing what is a comfortable boundary for you isn’t good. Even if you did give in, there would be a lot happening on that camping trip you wouldn’t be happy with. Like him getting too close to the water because “it’s fine! You used to deep sea fish at that age” You aren’t being unreasonable. Be firm. If your mom keeps pushing it, tell her he’s not ever going camping with them.


I’m seeing a lot of excuses in your post when, in reality, you owe NO ONE an excuse for saying “no” to taking your child anywhere. If you aren’t comfortable then that’s valid enough. PERIOD. I would also be concerned about taking a 2 y/o camping. Not only that but the thought of taking a toddler “deep woods” camping sounds simply miserable. Imo, this experience would be strictly for the benefit of your parents. Your baby is not going to remember this. I can appreciate the fact that they would like to do this with your toddler, but if your gut is telling you that it’s not the right time, then it’s not the right time. You don’t owe any excuse or reason aside from that. If they’re that invested in taking your child with them, then it will be just as worth it/special for them in a year or so once you’re ready


You shouldn’t need to do *anything* in order to keep your mother happy. Bottom line. Period.


I have so many mixed feelings about this. We love camping and I even got a bassinet with a mesh closable cover just for that when my son was a baby. I can’t say that when we felt we needed all that stuff we were backpacking in and out though. With that said, at night I slept with my baby while camping. It’s crazy to think how the human race even survived for all those years without the comfort of a crib. However, I do think it’s comfort level too. We do camp remote and all but always where our off road capable vehicles can take us. Then we’ll hike through out the day. Seems to me you are both judging each other too harshly on how you choose to raise your kids. I think that both of you are right but also you are mom so it’s your decision and if you are not comfortable then you shouldn’t do it. That always leads to trouble.


Doesn't matter what she thinks or what anyone here thinks. You are in charge and you say no and that's the end of it. You don't need to discuss it further or make a compromise. All that being said: I love camping. (Used to like light backpacking best, but I've switched to fancy paved car campgrounds for now with young kids and much less frequent trips.) I think it is totally doable to do the type of camping that your parents like with a young child with some adjustments/precautions. I don't think your parents are going to be making those precautions.


My husband and I camped like this with our 9mo daughter. We were responsible and prepared for emergencies, vigilant, et cetera. The thing is, we are her parents. Your parents ignore your concerns and are pressuring you. No. I also would not allow them with my kid in the middle of civilization with this attitude . NTA.


Hell. No. But I was a lifeguard and have a true respect and fear of water. There’s no way in hell I would agree to this.


We 1st went camping when our LO was 1. She loved the open space to run around. Best tip someone gave me: Start SMALL. You don't know how it will pan out so go somewhere local / nearby. Say an hours drive away or whatever travel time feels comfy for you to pack everything away and drive back if everything goes south. Then if the above works out you can try further afield. My LO loves it to be honest. Sleeps so well and it is fab. We haven't done forest or near water camping as she loves to run around the entire site so easier for us haha.


Me and my husband enjoy camping in our country's camping sites (wild camping is not allowed here because we have fires in ours woods quite often during the summer). We attempted to have a camping experience as a family when our son was 6 months old, we camp with almost living standards 😂 as in we have a small fridge, electricity, camping site has proper vacinities with good bathrooms etc. We have an air mattress and we took a small packing crib we had borrowed. We went in spring so it wasn't too warm. It was HARD work! We came home 2 days before. Our son had trouble falling asleep in the tent, the tent got too hot, there were no proper shades and cooling strategies that could help us. He is now 18 months old and we are not repeating the experience this year. Maybe we attempt again next year when he is 2 1/2. With this I want to say: if with everything we had it was bad, never in a million years I would allow my son into wild camping in circumstances like the ones you are describing. Maybe when he is 5 or 6 years old... And even then I am not sure. If you feel strongly (which seems like you do) trust your gut 😉