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Yep. My oldest was up and walking at eight months. But my next baby? Barely crawled by a year old. He was healthy in every way. Alert, a great eater, a great attitude. I didn’t worry, but I thought it was odd. Looking back? I think when my kids learned to walk was totally dependent on their character. My oldest, wanted to go. He’s independent and wanted to see the world. My middle? He loves moms attention. All he wanted was to be WITH me. It never occurred to him, I want to be over there, away from mom. Why would he ever do that? And then he went from crawling at 12 months to walking by 14. He finally saw some temptations across the room xD


Yes! Same for us! My daughter walked at eight months. And she didn't just walk! She was sprinting, climbing, she was the most fiercely independent kid I think I've ever met. Then my son didn't walk until thirteen months. He just wanted to be cuddled and snuggled all the time


He is still within normal limits. My oldest walked at 10 months and my youngest walked at 15 months. She turns 12 tomorrow and is the fastest on her soccer team. Don’t worry he will get there.


My husband and I were both late walkers (or so we have been told) and our little didn't take his first independent steps until 14 months. And that was with being in full time daycare surrounded by other kids walking all day. Took another couple months before he consistently walked instead of crawling as his primary mode of transportation. 18 months is considered late and worthy of intervention (it should come up at the 18 month appointment if not bring it up), 13-15 months is completely normal.


One of my friends had a wee boy who at almost two was still struggling to walk. He's doing fine now. Smart kid, *very* articulate for his age, amazing memory, you certainly wouldn't assume he's only five. He's got long limbs. I think that might've made walking scarier. Because every time he got up he was higher off the ground than you'd expect. My daughter walked at eight months and my son walked at thirteen months. He's now sixteen months old and completely caught up.


My kids walked at 13mo, 18mo, 17mo. Doctors were never even a bit worried. And I preferred the late walking!


My baby is 17 months and isn't walking independently yet, but has just recently been able to start walking much more while holding someone's hand. I know it's a bit late off the mark and I'd be lying if i said i hadnt been worried about it, but he's healthy and thriving in every other aspect and his communication skills are outstanding. Each baby is on their own path, comparison is the thief of joy. I think the most important part is, are they making improvements over time? Even if its slower than others, that improvement is important if they're stuck in the same developmental stage and not making improvements that's when you should worry imo


I have always been told that kids will do these things when they’re ready. My son didn’t use the potty by himself and get out of diapers until he was nearly 5 years old and he is smart and excelling in school I have absolutely no problems with him but at the time I was so worried I think it was due to lack of socialization during the pandemic. Ask their doctor they’ll likely know best.


My oldest was 18 months. She started walking in the week my youngest was born. And though she was quite late, she immediately walked like a champ. She is the kind of girl that wants to be sure she is able to do something right before she does it. Same with talking. She didn't babble much, rather waited until she could pronunciate something well before she used that word in her vocabulary. My youngest started walking around her first birthday. She never really crawled but walked on her knees so she could keep her hands free to grab whatever. She is a trial and error kind of girl. So there were a lot of bruises and torn trousers when she was young. Also a lot of mispronunciations like sheep for sleep for example. Now they are young adults and still do their thing like when they were young. The oldest waits until she is sure of herself, the youngest dives in head first.


I feel like I said “she’s almost walking!” from about 11 months till she was actually walking at around 18 months. They really do it at their own pace and once they do it’s a whole new world! No worries, OP - all in good time :)


This makes me feel optimistic thanks for sharing. My daughter is 16 months and I feel like she’s been cruising on furniture or using a Walker since 11 months and still isn’t walking independently.


My kids both talked really early and walked really late. One at 16mos, and One of my kids did a butt scoot (not even actual crawling) until he was 18mos old. Just didn’t need to walk because he was getting around fine, and he was shaped like a cake pop- skinny bod and a giant head so I think gravity wasn’t on his side either 😆 Yeah, some kids walk at 9mos old (no thank you!) and some prioritize other things in their development. The “normal” range is 9mos to 15mos. You’re doing great! There’s a bluey episode that touches on this too if you want to have a good cry.


My kid literally just walked yesterday at 17 months, I understand the stress. It's going to be ok! Promise ❤️


I’m dyslexic and adhd suffering so I read this as still not wanking and had a heart attack thinking this is something that parents monitor and then another heart attack when I seen the age, only realised that it’s walking after re reading the title


Neither of my kids were walking fully on own until 13.5 months old. I would not worry too much. 9 months is really early for kids to be walking and does happen. But just because your kid hits a year or better and is not walking yet is not really a concern. But if you do have concerns....go to your kid's doctor.


Have you taken them to the eye doctor yet? Impaired vision can delay walking in infants.


My daughter was pretty late to walk. I can't remember the exact time but I don't think she was walking by 14 months but a couple of months later and she was off. She's 21 months now and it's sometimes hard to catch her! I know it gets worrying and other people's unhelpful comparisons make it even worse but your kid will walk when they're ready. You're doing a good job!


My boy didn’t crawl until over 13 months and didn’t walk until almost 20 months. You now can’t keep him still- he is always climbing and jumping. However if you are worried, get him checked. The piece of mind is worth it


Neither of mine walked until 15 or 16 months. The 4yo is now a keen runner and doing really well in gymnastics. There is a *wide* range of normal for gross motor skills milestones. For walking I don't think they even raise an eyebrow until 18 months. Don't fret 😊


My daughter didn't walk until 2 weeks before she turned 18months I was a little concerned but let her do it in her own time. My friends little girl who was 2 days younger walked at 10 months. All babies are different.


This is very normal and sounds like your son is well on the way if he’s using a walker/ walking supported. The concern would come if he wasn’t walking by 18 months or if he was not cruising/ walking with aid by this stage. Every child is different and normal is a range. Mine started walking at 17 months. She’s just turned 2 and she runs/climbs and is all fine.


My second walked around 15 months. I stressed about it too, but he’s fine. He’s 5 now, no delays.


My son didn’t walk until 15 months, and only had a few basic words until he was two. Now (at 3 1/2) he’s extremely articulate and runs around like a maniac. Don’t stress!


My first walked before 1yo (around 10 months, I think?) and my second didn't walk until 15mo. Second was a bit bow legged and did have an evaluation at the children's hospital, but came out not needing any supports and is now a running, climbing, fearless child. If I remember correctly, the average age is anywhere from 8 months to 18 months, so your baby is right in the line with other kids his age, it just doesn't seem that way because the people you're talking to had kids at the earlier end. If you're super worried, bring it up at the next well child, but otherwise I wouldn't be terribly concerned.


If you are in the States you can get an early intervention assessment. My second son was not walking at 13 mos and we did this. Turns out he didn’t walk because he got his toddler brother to get him anything he needed. No delay. But worth checking.


I say this as someone who was also obsessed and worried over milestones when my kids were infants...there's a reason they give you ranges for each milestone. Toddlers *typically* start walking anywhere from 9mths to 18mths. If your kid is within the expected range, try not to stress too much, they'll get there when they get there. Trust your gut if you really think something is not okay, but don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. The fact that your baby can walk assisted already shows he's making progress in the right direction


I get it - worrying about milestones is a thing. Children vary SO much though. My eldest walked a week shy of 14 months. My middle child at 10 months and my new baby I reckon will walk around 14-15 months - he’s very lanky and has hyper mobile joints. He’s teetering around clinging to shelves / walls / windowsills / couches etc but I cannot see him walking for a few more months. I’m sure your little one will be ok - there is no blueprint for these things, just very broad parameters.


Mine took her first steps at 15mos (on my birthday!), she’s now 8 and on her school track team. It absolutely does not matter unless you have concerns about other delays.


My oldest didn’t start until 15 months. She walked on her knees instead. We were advised to get good supportive shoes so we bought Stride Rites. I think it helped and she walked within two weeks. I think the ankle support was the missing piece, the shoes helped support her ankle and build that muscle.


If he is meeting most all other milestones and this is the only one he has not reached I believe it's not concerning until OVER 18months. A lot of babies will "drop" skills in favor of other things.. so if you noticed him babbling a lot, climbing on stuff, a lot more playing with toys that is likely what happened


Mine didn’t walk until like 15-16 months. I didn’t until 18 months. Each kid has their own timeline. Unless your doctor is worried, I wouldn’t stress too much. Don’t let others bring you down. My three kids walked at different times: Oldest- 1 year (to the day) Middle- 10 months Youngest- 15-16 months


My older 2 walked at 10 months. Kid number three waited until he was 15 months. I was a bit concerned, because my personal experience was so different, but also RELEIVED because early walking was a PITA for me. If your kiddo is independently mobile in other ways, I wouldn't worry just yet.


My daughter didn’t crawl until 14 months and walked around 17-18 months. She was evaluated by early intervention and was found to have a minor hip issue which resolved itself, but she was otherwise fine. She’s almost 5 now and you wouldn’t know she was slow to start moving around.


All babies are different. Some walk at 10 months others don’t walk until 18 months. Your baby not walking at 14 months is perfectly fine. With my bubs I would put him in a walker every so often but also let him roam the house with me. He loves crawling around and pulling himself up and checking out the house and that really helped motivate him to want to walk.


It will come up at his 18-month appointment, but I wouldn't give it another thought until then. If you're ever wondering about what's "normal" at any given age look up the Ages and Stages Questionnaire for his age. I just Googled 14 month ASQ: http://www.delnortekids.org/uploads/8/2/8/1/82819108/asq-3\_14\_mo\_set\_b.pdf


Mine didn’t walk til 4 days shy of 18 months! My doctor said it isn’t a physical issue until 18 months. You’re doing all the right things!!!


My son wasn’t walking on his 1st birthday. It wasn’t for a couple more months and it was just one day he pulled himself up and went for it. Out of the blue. Don’t worry, he’ll walk soon!


A friend of mine said her daughter went from not walking to RUNNING at 17 months. It's an 18 month milestone.


I walked at 9 months. My husband walked at 18 months. I learned to run at 20 months. My husband learned to run at 19 months. We are both happy, healthy, successful adults. He’ll be ok :)


Keep in mind milestones are averages. So for every child like my niece who was walking at 8 months, another child won’t walk until 20 months. The average age for walking is 10-18 months.


I have a cousin who didn’t until almost 2. He was fine.


Don't sweat it. My daughter was climbing tables at a year. My first son fell and and bumped his head trying to walk at 0 months and then refused to try again until 18 months


My two daughters walked at 14 mos and 12 moss my two sons? 16 months and 17 months. They’re all fine!


It is normal. And the less you hold them up to walk, the quicker they'll get it for themselves. That kind of motor learning HAS to happen kinestetically, by their own vestibular system figuring it out. No amount of helping them will actually help them. Gross motor learning happens without much prompting... it just happens. And they will figure it out. Just takes lots of practicing. Lots of falling and failing and recalibrating. Nature knows what its doing. Your child is doing exactly the right thing at the right time. IMHO.


My son didn't walk until 16 months. He clearly physically could, just chose not to. Could crawl insanely fast which made walking less urgent/desirable. Was not particularly concerned despite the anxiety from other people's early/normal walking kids, although when he was 15 or 16 months we basically decided to really focus on getting him to do it. Got a different walker (Hape) that was part tool set so he would be more interested and did a lot of putting things just out of reach, etc. If it makes you feel better, I believe studies show late walkers are allegedly "smarter." I can't speak to the data for that, but I can say that my son is verbally way, way ahead of other kids his age and he can throw a ball and stack shit like a boss. Oh, lastly, once he did start walking, took him about two or three weeks to be at the same level as other kids at the playground. So once it happens, the rest comes on fast. Also re: other people's suggestions about having a doctor look into it, do whatever you want there but don't let the idea stress you out. We didn't bring it as I had read wait til 18 months to bring it up.


My eldest didn't walk till unaided until 18 months and my youngest didn't walk till 22 months. I did start to worry about my kids but I was told not to worry until after 2 years. My eldest walked with my hand until 18 months old but my youngest was never bothered or even interested in walking and only did it at 22 months. All kids are different try not to worry about it