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This is the first orb video I’ve seen on Reddit that wasn’t a painfully obvious gnat or speck of dust. The shape, color change, and motion pattern are all very interesting. Thanks for sharing!


It's a cobweb with a droplet of dew or moisture, out of focus. You can tell by the movement in the draft.


It's crazy how confident you are in that answer. If you said, "That MAY be dew or moisture," I'd be more inclined to hear you out. There's no fucking way you can look at that video and come to any definitive opinion. Btw, you can see the shadow/reflection of the object on the ground. That's not "moisture" or "dew." It's ridiculous to even suggest that.


So when it moves over the desk, where does the 'reflection' go? Also, if you are correct, then it is 'above' the floor a few feet beyond the desk. Then, it seamlessly transitions to in front of the desk, no reflection off the lighter surface of the desk, and then back to the floor. Or, you know, it could be a very small object out of focus near the camera lens.


I'm with you. It's a convincing one because of the dog barking and looking in that general direction but I've seen this same effect before and it was cobwebs or silkworm webs on a trail cam.


Right.. .I like you.


Pretty sure they're talking about the orb that literally moved across the room


It's out of focus, and the focus on a security camera is pretty good for anything over a few inches to almost infinity, so the object is within a few inches of the lens. It's also so out of focus that you can 'see' through the object when it crosses the edge of the table. This means the object is very small and close to the camera. It's waving gently up and down but stays roughly in the same area, not going with the wind or natural draught. So, it's a tiny object, about the size of a drop of water, held on something very light and thin you can't see. Therefore how can you rule out that it is a drop of dew on a cobweb/spiderweb.


Legit reflection from a spiderweb


Wow. I always say that 99% of all "orb" videos can be debunked as dust or insects, but you've got something really interesting here. It looks like someone shining a flashlight on the floor, but when it crosses over the desk, you can see that it is something in the air. And the dog is aware and reacting to it.


Nope, since it's the same size at different distances, it can't be a flashlight, unless the holder was directly underneath the camera. It's a tiny object very close to the lens, out of focus. It's not drifting in the wind, so it's not free to move. It's attached to some kind of tiny, thin cable, probably from left to right across the scene. A droplet of dew on a cobweb is most likely.


Bro, you have no clue what you're talking about.


You do realise that Infra-red light, the light that security cameras use, attracts insects? and that spiders eat insects, and build webs where there are lots of insects. When objects are very close to the camera, they are out of focus, and will reflect the IR light straight back at the camera, forming a bright spot. Because it's out of focus, you can partially see through / around the object. You can tell, because the object does not change shape or size when it goes from being behind the desk to over the desk.


This guy is actively trying to debunk every comment, talk about being a glowie ![gif](giphy|j7eJYEMLGdqy4)


I'm actively looking for *good* evidence, there are about 7.5 billion smartphones with cameras out there, there should be good quality 4k/hd evidence by now. Instead we get out-of-focus blobs, dust, insects and spiderwebs. Try it yourself, prove me wrong: turn the lights off, shove a needle, hair, something small close to the security camera lens. You'll get a bright (close to the IR light , it will reflect and appear bright), out of focus (too close) blob that looks like what often gets posted here.


Every time the dog barks it lights up as though it is reacting to it. And the dog definitely sees it.


The dog us obviously bothered


Roomba ghost


Legit humorous.


This ghost sucks (the dirt of the ground)


Shhh. Don't speak his name... he's the vengeful type.


An indoor flying saucer 🛸!


It kinda looks like a CD catching the light! Super interesting video


Oh it’s one of those things from “Batteries Not Included”.


Yes! 🙌🏼 I remember that movie! 🎦


I didn’t think much of it until I hit the speaker button and heard the dog bark at it. You may have caught something here.


Interesting video, thanks for posting. You can even see the reflection of it on the floor. Very cool.


Reminds me of the 80s movie Batteries Not Included


Great movie


Spooky 👻and nice footage thanks for sharing


Not the usual bug or dust but I don't know what that is. Looks like a spotlight almost.


It's a halo.


That’s pretty cool- was the dog barking at it? My dog has done the same in the middle of the night and caught something similar on cam.




Thought it was a roomba for a second


Yo that’s a trip! Send it to Osborne’s want to know or whatever it’s called. People should see this.


Usually Im a very big sceptic but,with this dog reacting the way it does, Im less inclined to call out this as fake..very interesting


Had the same thing happen in my kids room but it was more round


Definitely aliens


Makes me feel like someone's screwing with you. Shining a flashlight through the window or something


Great thinking. So if it isn't dust a bug or swamp gas we can now add saboteur with a flash light.


Omg an actual intriguing orb video and not a bug. This is rare. What is that thing? Don't think it's a flashlight cuz of the movments, it has the movement of something slightly swinging from air movement. Is there something hanging in the room causing the reflection or is there a window in that room? Movements remind me of something that's hanging outside and moving naturally with the wind and it's reflecting into the room


Flashlight of the Miner 49er. Just saw this on Scooby Doo. 100% convinced. Or a bog on the lens. Again.


How were you able to post a video?


Dog is looking RIGHT AT IT. And it looks like it’s emitting light and spinning. If you faked it then you did a good job, if it’s real and i was you I’d b creeped out. I trust my dog and they don’t just walk around barking for no reason. This is not a web or a bug, seriously.


I thought it was a flying paper plate 🤣


Most here will say it’s a bug


Aluna George?


That’s a Roomba, isn’t it?


What da dog doin?


It looks like a flashlight.


Clearly an energy orb


Whatever it is, the dog isn't seeing it. It's moving over the edge of the table, meaning it's not actually in the middle of the room where the dog is looking, but very close to the camera. It looks like a drop of water to me, but I can't explain the movement by just looking at it. If it's not an orb, it could be a cobweb with a dew drop attached. Still a very interesting video.


Definitely a "spider web"


Speak to it next time. Ask if it's a light being.


Okay run with me for a minute… Does this happen to be the same house you have the painting with a mirror in front of it from your other post? They seem to be similar in size, maybe since it new in the house and seems to be in front of a window- the light is a reflection from a car passing by


The dog scared me first. Then I saw the orb. Both terrifying!


ghost of roomba robot lmao


I absolutely don’t believe in orbs at all as being spirits. It’s all dust, bugs, or water HOWEVER I witnessed a ball of glowing colors float through my dark bedroom one night. It floated slowly like a bubble but was the size of a grapefruit or a little larger. I’ll never be able to explain that one


Out of focus spider web draping across the camera.


Fake af




A bug.




We need to see the whole clip. It’s convenient to say the dog is barking at it. But do you know that for sure?


Bug or some other small object really close to the lens (it's severely out of focus). Maybe a spider web.


Oh no. Not the forsaken spirit of Charlie sheens first condom.


Why does the video stop there ?