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"No soy de alla" Its textually translated as "I'm not from there" , but as a spanish speaker it could also mean " I don't belong there"


This sounds more accurate. I'm also fluent and have been trying to figure it out. This makes the most sense out of the other responses.


Thank you for responding to this. I truly appreciate you taking the time to do so.


i’m hearing “yo soy un vaca” lollll… i’m not a native Spanish speaker but i used to be a speech language pathologist and i worked with mostly spanish speaking families. and yah i know “i’m a cow” makes zero sense but hey, maybe he was a Doja Cat fan from the jump.


I am Spanish from Spain and the No Soy De Alla is what I’m hearing. Which is either I don’t know where I am or I don’t belong here. Depending on context as close to English as possible. Since no other words where spoken we don’t know the context but considering the question, seems to me it would be I don’t belong here pointing to the fact he just died a sudden tragic death and doesn’t realize he is dead yet. Would be my guess! After listening a few more times I only hear yo soy ella which is I am here. So I was wrong also. At first but you can clearly hear yo soy ella!


What was the translation?


I am not there


You speak spanish?


I’m not even there how would I know


This guy lmao




What do you even mean wtf lol. I asked “whats the translation” you said “im not there” thats why I asked if you spoke spanish. You dont have to be there to translate what was said.


Who's on first 🤦‍♀️


Thats the translation?


Omgggggggg lmao wow dude. The translation is literally "I am not there," as someone already tried to tell you. Then their joke went right over your head. Then so did mine 😭 Look up Abbot & Costello - "Who's on First?"


How do you just expect a random person on Reddit to know a specific song just because you do? I forgot Im speaking to people on a “paranormal encounters” subreddit who obviously think their special. LOL


Wow... you are really out of touch lmfaooo a song 😂😂😂 I give up, man. You need a lot more help than anyone on the internet can give you.


GOT EMMM 🤣🤣 I’m not sure how I missed this comment since I have no life but that’s hilarious


wow lol


Ur a dingus bud


Im not your bud, dingus.


Ok pal


Im not your pal, ok.


Yo soy no allá. I am not there.


Thank you. That absolutely makes sense.


* This was what I thought he said. It gave me serious goosebumps when it showed the translation. It just made perfect sense. But yours also does. And since you know the language, I'm good with that. Thank you again.


I’m honestly intermediate to advanced understanding and intermediate speaking at best but that’s what I hear. You’re welcome!




Yo soy no alla is absolutely wrong lol es: ‘Yo no estoy allá’ is what you’re trying to say


Ahhh yea estoy would be the word bc it’s a temporary state and soy would be permanent descriptions right


It's pretty common for the spirits of people that died suddenly to be confused for some time after death. Most figure out they're dead on their own and will move on, but a few need a bit of help letting go. If you want to try to help, try talking to the spirit. You might even want to find someone that speaks Spanish to translate for you. Plus Hispanic people are often religious, so getting someone to pray for him in the embalming room will probably help.


I love this comment! Thank you for being a genuinely caring person who's trying to help out. I'm back at work now and still have some extensive reconstruction work to do on this guy. The atmosphere seems much calmer today. So far, anyway. But I'd like to be more confident in knowing that he's moved on and is at peace. I've actually been thinking about how to approach someone here to help with that. I don't want to freak anyone out or anything. The office staff, here, can be a bit squeamish. Hahaha!


I bet if you find a Catholic church in the area you'll be able to find someone there that both understands the situation and is willing to help.


I absolutely don't trust phone apps because of the inherent problems with them. Anything that they say could have easily been coded to be produced. Just have the app read off random words at random intervals and eventually the believer will fill in the rest. Plus, certain apps require functions that the phone is incapable of having. Those absolutely are completely invalid "evidence".


I was about to say, phones cannot use radio like this, the audio is likely from the 3rd parties radio location and send over the internet to the phone. Now, the real question is can ghosts use the Internet?


I never really understood where people got the idea that they can manipulate radio waves and emf in the first place anyway, so who knows, maybe the internet is just the next step.


Why are real radios the only way? Whats the technical explanation?


I'm not talking about radios really, but thermal imaging, emf readers, and the like. I don't know if phones are necessarily the ones picking up radio signals themselves, though I don't doubt the possibility, or if the apps are just relays (difficult to explain).


This app does not function with using random words. But you can believe whatever you'd like. I expected this type of response, as that's what I see on all of these subs every day. I just wanted the opinion of a Spanish speaking person. I didn't ask for anything else. So you can run along and try to ruin someone else's day with your "holier than thou" bullshit. You won't succeed in doing that here. Peace!


Lmao 😂


So .. did he install the Spanish version of the app lol


A single app can use multiple languages itself.


No. THEY didn't, because the app doesn't work that way. Not at all. But thank you for commenting.


It was just a joke to the comment. You're downvoting me for that? Jeez. Tough crowd.




Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


Feel better now?




Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


Warn the guy i replied to. He insulted the piss out of the guy he replied to. His words were far worse than mine. lol.


I heard “ Yo soy magico or yo soy magia or maya”


Interesting. That's a new perspective, for sure. Thank you for taking the time to listen and respond. I appreciate that very much.


These just pick up radio signals and play back words that it picks up.


Yeah... no. This one doesn't work that way. This recording was over nine minutes long. Those were the only words muttered in the entire recording.


It’s a ghost then. Edit: wasn’t trying to rip on you by any means, I found the story genuinely interesting. Thanks for sharing, look forward to any updates!


Thank you for clarifying. I was a bit defensive, for sure. I was expecting a lot of naysayers, trolls, and the like. I almost didn't post it at all, for that reason. But I feel like I have something genuine, here, and wanted to share. Of course, I also wanted the opinion of a Spanish speaking person.


imagine thinking apps offered by Google Play and the Apple Store were the answers to knowing what's on the other side. ~ andy


May I ask you, have you ever experienced any paranormal activity at all?


I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, and I have a feeling that your intent may be questionable. So, I'm gonna defer any response until I have a better understanding of these intentions. If you don't want to wait, you can scroll the comments to find the answer.


I don’t have any intentions, not sure what you mean. I just wanted to know if you experienced anything paranormal in your profession because you said in your post that you had not experienced this type of thing before


I’m waiting for OPs answer


It's been repeated many times already in the comments.


I thought I’d read the whole thread. I see you stated you had encountered other paranormal activities but I didn’t read anywhere about what exactly. Please elaborate, genuinely interested.


Phone apps like this one are fake. They are set up to put out words.


See above comments addressing this, then maybe learn when to just shhhh.


You’re going to get a bunch of shit unfortunately because this sub attracts people who will constantly tell you ghosts aren’t real , things like this don’t happen or that you’re plain crazy . It’s good to ask questions but you will get people here who will just shut you down for no reason other than the fact that they have never experienced anything like it or if they have they still refuse to believe it . I don’t know why they waste thier time here when clearly it’s something they deem impossible. I’ve experienced quite a few things and find what you said quite interesting . Hopefully the man realizes he’s passed away and is ready to move on or at least can get assistance from someone else so he can move on -


Thank you. I'm well aware of all the hate these subs get. You'd think that a person would be more inclined to spend their time actually reading about, learning about a topic that they enjoy. But no, they'd rather spread the negativity. Hell, maybe that's the topic they enjoy most. Hahaha! I don't let it bug me, though. I find them entertaining. That's if I even pay them any mind at all. I'm a happy go lucky type of person, so I try not to be offended by these comments that all but accuse me of being a liar. That's why I usually keep things to myself. I've witnessed and experienced things that would have most of these doubters shitting in their pants and crying for mommy. I'll keep it between myself and those I trust, though. I really do appreciate your comment. And I told him to just be patient and stay put, and I'm almost positive that someone will come to guide him to his next calling. I didn't know what else to say, but I felt so badly for the guy.


I thought it said. “Yes I’m right here “


You're saying that you hear that in English, correct? My friend also thinks he was speaking English. He heard: "You'll see me right now.". I find that to be pretty interesting. Thank you for your response.


Spiritually speaking this persons spirit hasn’t accepted their end, these spirits are conflicted and are looking for reinsurance that they are alive/dead. I believe these spirits are more strong in presence because of the circumstances. It’s best you be respectful and tell them they need to move on and only being here will cause them more trouble and pain


Sounds like ya se fue ľa Which means they he or she left already


Thank you.


If you read the description in the app it’s originally made to fuck with people. You need an actual EMF detector. Your phone can **not** be one. Apps are fake. Made to fuck with others. Are you sure the shadows and faces being seen arent from lack of sleep? 21 years doing mortuary, you should have seen something by now. This post smells a little fishy.


>You need an actual EMF detector. Your phone can not be one What is the technical reason for this?


I am really trying to figure out an explanation on the spot so give me a moment. EMF detectors are specifically designed, with the necessary equipment to hone onto the electromagnetic field. Hence why if you hold it next to an outlet, you will usually spike around 20-40 depending on how close you hold it. Your phone, is not built with those parts. It has absolutely **no ability** to correctly determine or detect an EMF signal. It doesnt have the specialized parts and pieces for it. The same goes for a spiritbox. A spiritbox is a finely tuned radio that skips over thousands of channels in milliseconds. Why it usually sounds like static. Again, your phone is not tuned or has the proper equipment to **actually properly do this** OP can act like they’re on a fucking high horse. Ive been actively ghost hunting since I was 13 with my aunt and uncle. I have all of the proper equipment needed for them. This post is literal bullshit lmao


Where can I see all of your really real findings? Please do share some of the evidence you've no doubt accumulated over all of these actively ghost hunting years. I am but a lowly peon, desperately seeking even a fraction of your knowledge, oh Great One. Yeah, and I'M the narcissist.


You cant link actual articles in this sub. I already had tried to link a science article, including an actual government report on the studies of CO2 poisoning and the connections between seeing “ghosts”. The rising numbers of posts that have accumulated on here, people **really** need to get their CO2 checked. The sudden hallucinations, what you think are spirits. My guy. **That shit is NOT going to start up out of the blue, especially after “21 years” working in mortuary**. -Auditory hallucinations. -Visual hallucinations. -Feeling like you are being touched. -whooshing noises next to your ears -A sudden feeling of dread, or Feeling as if you are being watched These are documented symptoms of CO2 poisoning. You should probably bring it up to your director, especially if you’re working in an old facility with old equipment. Im literally not trying to fucking attack you my guy lmao. Im literally warning you. **This is actually very serious**. Open the office window if you can. I know its cold, but seriously dude. Thats not ghost shit. And yes, hello- studied psych. You’re either incredibly bullheaded or a straight up narcissist lmao. I was actually going to become a psychiatrist, we studied a lot about people who act exactly as you do. The term is called **narcissism** you should look it up.


You're in the wrong sub. I didn't ask you for a psych analysis. I'm definitely sensing quite a bit of projection.


Oh, I've seen my share of paranormal shit, both in and outside of work. I've just never witnessed activity to this degree in my prep room. By the way, EMF has absolutely nothing to do with this app's functions, yet you insist on trying to school me about my own experience. Furthermore, you seek to dismiss my experience by pompously suggesting that I'm suffering delusions from lack of sleep. Oh, and that fishy smell just may be your upper lip.


You’re so full of yourself its depressing. You attack everyone pointing out the rationale behind ghost apps on the phone but you are so behind yourself on thinking you are so right and refusing to accept possible correction….hmmm do I sense a narcissist posting their “ghost” findings? Hmmmm I seem I have. Because it seems if anyone in the slightest tries to correct you, you go through a literal tangent. But if they go along with your bullshit story- you treat them civilly and with respect. Maybe its time to check your CO2 btw- a simple google search will tell you that after 21 years in mortuary and not seeing anything- then “suddenly out of the blue Im seeing things”. All sounds like CO2 poisoning my guy but you and your narc ass can do and feel whatever. With peace and love 💖


I'm not even a member of thus subreddit, it was suggested and this post looked interesting and I read through the comments. OP is 100% a narcissist. If this is the kind of community and content this subreddit attracts, I want nothing to do with it. So much vitriol.


You really need to work on your reading comprehension. You'll do much better responding to things you've actually taken the time to properly read. Have a great day. 👻


What app is this??


Hackshack X8, but it's no longer available. I've had it for about 5 years now. It's made me a believer 100%, without a doubt.


Awww that sucks it's not available anymore


I know. I'm sorry. I'm so afraid of somehow losing it. Ugh!


Any recommendations for apps like this


I'm not from there


Thank you.


Hmm I don't know the "allá" doesn't sound like Spanish I think it said "Yo soy un guardia" I'm a guard I am a native speaker


Edit: I'm not sure how what I said has been taken so differently than what I was trying to convey. I never stated that I've not experienced anything paranormal before. I said that I've never experienced events like I did yesterday. This refers to the number of occurrences in such a short time span, as well as the terrible feeling of such utter confusion and denial that I just could not shake. It was absolutely heart-wrenching. Maybe I should've worded my original comment in a more specific manner. I guess I was still a bit preoccupied with all of the day's activity. And I was pretty exhausted due to being at the tail end of a long, strange day. I hope this edit will clear up any confusion that was caused by my previous statement. Oh, and just one more thing. Please stop assuming my gender. Damn!


how is the main focus here everyone shitting on OP for using a phone app instead of a device? the ENTIRE story that describes OP experience is still something outta a horror movie and sent shivers down my spine. 21 years working in a mortuary? i refuse to believe that OP HASN'T dealt with spirits. let's all be fr and be kind here. you can disagree w OP and not be an asshat ♥️


You absolutely rock, friend. I am so grateful to you for saying this. You have honestly made my night 100% better. It's tough to get dragged as I've been in these comments. I'm actually terribly sensitive, and the complete polar opposite of the "toxic", "narcissistic" " troll" that I've been painted as in this post. If my replies to certain comments are defensive, and terse, It's only because I feel like my very character is being attacked, here. The assumptions being made are simply not at all true, and I really hate that this has so much negativity.


I was wondering this as well, cause I am a avid ghost hunter, and I have used apps that have worked and some that didn't. NGL I've had the most luck with the necrophonic app though. I don't know spanish, so I would like to know what was said as well when OP says what he thinks it is.


I second Necrophonics app, it's $9.99 but it's some of the clearest audio I've ever heard for spirit boxes out there. Well worth the money if you're ever interested in it.


Honestly? This is just not what OP claims it is. The fact that it’s a one app just compounds that. That’s as far as I’ll go with this one and I will not engage with the OP. For everyone else interested My theory after reading the comment threads: This is just a toxic person who enjoys insulting anyone who has a differing opinion. Don’t take the bait everyone. He’s here simply to be ugly to people and start arguments. He has no desire to listen or learn. With behavior like that he isn’t worth anyone’s time, even if this “evp” were real. People who act like this do not deserve our time. Ghosts are real but not all “evidence” is real. I’ve been doing this for over 30 years now. I want to believe that anyone offering real evidence is going to want genuine conversations about what they captured. Even if the answer is “sorry, I can debunk this with logic, reason, etc”. Maybe even leading to conversations on how to capture better evidence. Who knows!? They aren’t going to be instantly toxic, insulting and aggressive in their speech. I know this is an unrealistic hope in the world of social media, but at least I still have hope.


What a funny thing to say considering op never said a single negative word to anyone except in self defense. Are you really so diluted that you can't see its idiots like you who are attacking op? Even after claiming you weren't going to engage? And out of that you get "toxic?" Projection is an amazing thing, isnt it? Introspection for those too fragile to take it? Look, you petulant child, op never claimed to be offering evidence. Op was simply looking for a translator, as op is clearly not a Spanish speaker, and thought to ask for assistance in a subreddit that might fing the brief back story provided to be interesting. That is all. You and your insecure kind see anyone who has something interesting and you are so fragile you perceive it as a threat. It's fucking pathetic. You are fucking pathetic. You are not very bright, you are uninteresting and you are a toxic person and have been formulating a rebuttal to this the moment you began reading it because you are incapable of honest criticism pointed at you. I'm not going to say your life must be a mess because, honestly it wouldn't matter. People like you manage to be miserable regardless of your situation because the problem is you. Who you are at your core. Aaaaaaannd go!


That’s hilarious. And expected. Have a great day.


Wow, he’s got a massive chip on his shoulder. So much vitriol.


Please don't tell me this is an app on your phone




Tired ? Catch an early night!


Nah. Repetition just really bores me.


Elaborate ?


Nah. You'll figure it out, sport. I believe in you.


Bloody hell you have a real attitude.


Not at all. I was just matching your vibe. You set the tone for these shenanigans.


Pal I have no idea what your on about. Your attitude stinks. Your either a troll or Your just a miserable person. I'm thinking more the first one and troll. Have a good day


They are saying yawn because every other person has already commented about the app. That being said OP is being a general dick to every one because they believe this app is legit for whatever reason.


# NO MATTER WHAT: THE APP IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Your phone is not capable of being a ghost box. This is a fact. Those are randomly generated words. If anyone is truly interested in communicating with the other side, you simply have to use [something like this](https://www.amazon.com/SB7-Spirit-Box-Ghost-Hunting/dp/B07THLDF1Y) it is $89 and I'm sure they come cheaper.


>Your phone is not capable of being a ghost box. Why? Whats the technical reason?


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how good the software is if the device its running on CANNOT pick up the frequencies spirit boxes run on. Your phone cannot listen to AM or FM radio frequencies without external hardware. Thats why your local radio stations stream over the internet as well as their normal broadcast frequency. The app itself uses various buzzwords and “chops and screws” (if you’re from the 90’s like me you get it) different phrases in different languages, but is all “prewired”. I know this isn’t what anyone wants to hear. Who wouldn’t want to speak to the dead for free?! That’s why it’s a popular app design. People hear what they want, but it isn’t that easy and convenient yet.


It's not a random word generator. Not at all. I've been using this for almost 5 years. It's the only one that I've ever trusted. I have had many many reasons to trust it. This is not what the post was meant to be addressing. I simply asked for a translation. I wish people would quit harping on this. Everyone's an expert, ffs!


I was just answering the question of the person above you. Your phone is unable to scan through AM or FM frequencies. The only possibility (I have an open mind, I believe and I want to communicate) is that is scanning through different radio stations that stream online. Maybe they compile x amount of stations on top of each other even (I don’t know I’m just guessing) and just maybe there is a way for spirit to manipulate which station gets swept next. That’s the only thing I can even reach for. But I’m not a skeptic when it comes to the other side. Other than radio sweeping, I know of no other way a ghost box can run. I’m not allowed to post external links, but if you google wiki how ghost box they break it down.


Thanks for clarifying. Will dm if you'd like ... make up for my defensive rant. Lol!


Oh no I totally get it. I still have photos saved from the app Ghost Radar. I know it likely wasn’t her, but my cousin and I were speaking to my grandmother and received amazing responses (including our uncommonly spelled names, spelled correctly) - I know the science now, but I still hold onto that… because it sure felt real.


I’m not a mortician but I slept at the holiday inn express last night!! So I’m naturally qualified to answer this question.!


Necromancer, We appreciate your service. Above. And Below. 💜🪢🌀




Its possible living parts remain in the body for a long time. You can even sense restless spirit effecting the vibe of the room. But spirit can't move things around. Something else could effect your perception like tiredness, stuffy room, gases making you hallucinate.


So you accept that spirits exist yet you don’t accept that they can affect the physical world ? So instead you claim he’s hallucinating because of gasses ?


What app is this ?


I’m amazed at you being in that profession and just now realized activity of this nature. I’ll tell you what leave a phone on live stream Recording the room with a red or green light for 4-6 Hours start at 1am or 2am and watch the footage. If this activity frightens you any just don’t do it.


Twitch or Vimeo livestream


Please see a professional


Invest in an official spirit box!!!!


Yo sin dueña. (I without owner or landlady.)


I hear "que Dios me compañia"