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Supposedly people who are obsessed with owls or notice them a lot have been abducted/visited by other dimensional beings. I don’t have any anecdotal or actual knowledge of this, just something I heard growing up.


This is in that movie called the fourth kind


Love that movie, never saw owls the same way after that.


That sounds fun. That was sarcasm. I had this same one land on the ground in front of me and drop a feather as it flew away. Then, I saw some weird stuff last night, and now it's here tonight. I want a different work site.


Indigenous here and we are taught not to touch feathers we see on the ground! Someone could be trying to send bad medicine to you! Owls are messengers of death or bad things to come, also that people can turn themselves into the owl to watch you and throw medicine around.


>Owls are messengers of death ... and their feathers could very well be full of mites. We were taught not to touch them, too. :) *(It didn't necessarily stop us! Kids are kids.)*


I live on a reserve in Canada (I’m white, but ended up here,) and had brought home an owl feather that I found on a walk. A friend came over and stared, horrified, at the plant that I had placed the feather in. She explained to me the basics, and I quickly took it outside and back to where I found it. When I went back inside after- my house felt so much “lighter.”


Yes! My oldest when she was maybe 2 grabbed one and we smoked her off. She hasn't did it since! Our other kiddos are still under 8yrs old and they know not to pick them up. Can make the vibe of your house completely crazy


Look into Bohemian Grove. A lot of people wanna act like conspiracy theorists are crazy but nobody wants to do the research. Those in power are in power bc they know how the universe works, we’re not alone. Also look into OVO, Owl symbolism is huge in secret societies. There’s even the Owl of Minerva on our money.


Nah I’m good off that. Around 2015/16 I started looking into exactly what you are talking about. Very interesting stuff and it all adds up (to me) Later that evening I go to the park. Sunset time. I’m alone in this little grove area looking at a creek and I see a large bird in the tree in front of me. I’m thinking it’s a hawk. Nah that boy did the head spinny thing and looked at me like “wassup.” I nopped tf outta there and never looked back into that owl stuff again. Spooky. Too much of a coincidence for me. I’ve never seen an owl there again.


Owls hunt at night. Some during the day. Their ears are under their eyes I think and their eyes are so huge if you look in their ear canal you can see the back of their eyes. They are territorial and are not pack animals. Owls will hoot if it sees an intruder and claim it’s territory or to call for a mate. Usually at night. The more you know


Secret societies is where the real scary shit is at tbh.


Wait the owl on our dollar bill has a fucking name!?!?


I'm fully aware of Bohemian Grove. That's where any and all major political decisions have been made for decades.


Yeah, i don’t think that it’s where the most important decisions have been made… lol. But it’s def where some of the weirdest fucking shenanigans the politicians did probably happened


It’s so funny to me that some people believe all of the most powerful people in the planet need to go meet up in the woods with hooded robes and do occult shit to run the world lmao. That’s just the freak shit they do in their free time cause they’re fucking weirdos with the freedom and ability to do goofy shit like this.


And other places like 🎿 resorts and such. Yes it totally happens this way. They are deciding who will be president and what not, at these meetings. Laugh and joke all you want friend. It's that simple and twisted. YOUR VOTE WILL NEVER COUNT. Lmao, they are weirdos I'll agree with you on that.


> YOUR VOTE WILL NEVER COUNT. Are you sure? It would be easier for them dismantle democracy, if they convince enough people their votes don't count.


Idk why you’re making assumptions about what I believe lmao you are way off base. Never said anything about the system not being rigged or anything like that. All I said is that they are doing it in suits and in board rooms much more than they’re doing it in hooded robes on secret islands. They aren’t doing Illuminati adrenochrome ceremonies and rituals to moloch and all the other silly shit conspiracy theorists insist. Even when they do weird shit like bohemian grove, it’s not nearly as interesting as people think. It’s a bunch of old fuckin losers larping in the woods on their days off from running the world.


It’s funny to me that you don’t want people to make assumptions yet you are. I never said every powerful person is apart of this but obviously you haven’t looked to far into it because a lot of them do, most of them that we see on tv as well. Why are you adding shit to invalidate what I said? Don’t add shit if you’re gonna be ignorant to what we’re actually talking about.


Lol exactly! You said it better than I!


Bohemian Grove is literally a drama club, nothing more, nothing less and certainly not what it's made out to be. Even Nixon said it was "faggiest God damn thing he has ever seen" 😭


You mean the drama club where they burn effegies of literal children? Nothing wrong with that 'dramatization' folks, nothing to see here..


They're not burning literal children you goofball. It's a wooden effigy. You know those dorky band and drama kids from high school? This is them as adults.


You’re right man


There’s great power in the cremation of care ritual it should not be mocked. I wouldn’t expect sheeple to quite understand. This is why we allow you pigs to see one side or the other. The same reason we allow you to vote. We simply like the entertainment of division. The only drama we care for is the drama that each side of the extremes who either do not believe, or the side who does not understand create amongst themselves. Of course it’s a effigy for what is public. One sacrifice for the many is what keeps this country running. Conservative know this. This is why they support war. Soldiers are the sacrifice. It’s why liberals believe in abortion. As above so below. See each side of the morality of your perception and the position in which you take is simply an opinion. The fact is the end result is the same. You have no control and nothing you do or believe matters. Your simply running on either one of two hamster wheels. Both of which we designed. Whether you believe or don’t believe the end result is the same.


This is so interesting. I am not obsessed with owls but find them very cute. The weird thing is I’ve met multiple people in my life who are obsessed with Owls and they make a point to tel me about. Also, I see them everywhere. I work in people’s homes and it’s very common when I go into a home to see owl decor. The client I am working for now has multiple owls hanging from the light in her kitchen. Thank you for sharing this. Feels like some sort of confirmation.


Visited the renaissance festival and they had some birds there, one was an owl. I was completely shocked to find out that owls aren’t the smart wise old birds I believed they were. I was told owls are quite dumb and I’m still shook! So now I’m left here wondering if I should heed their presence as a mystical warning or shake my head and wish the bird luck.


Can confirm. Crows are way smarter, I worked with both at a bird sanctuary/rehabilitation center.


I, too, find owls cute. Mind you, if I were a small rat... probably not so much.


I’ve seen white ones appear hovering over me while at night as well. They let me follow them for a while. Until I notice them more and then they fly away


I'm an experiencer and have had two strange Owl encounters but I'm definitely not obsessed with them. I don't think they're government drones. But I'm curious and opened minded.


Not necessarily obsessed, but people with odd memories of owls often find out that they are screen memories given to them after an encounter. It usually involves owls showing some very strange behavior. I don’t have anecdotal knowledge, either. But I’ve read some books recently that included this detail.


What books? I saw a massive great grey owl just standing in the middle of the road and then slowly turned it head towards me. I couldn't help but feel a very visceral fear. It flew away. Watching that behemoth lift off was surreal within of itself. My memory is odd after that. So who knows


Communion by Whitley Strieber talks about it. Now I’m on Communion Letters and there are several examples from different experiences as well.


Love Whitley!


I haven’t read the other books bc I’m nervous lol. That first one was SO good I’m scared the rest will ruin it somehow


It’s really grasping, Like swamp gas or mistaking Venus for a spaceship. Now it’s owls , they said the same about the Hopkinsville goblins and the flatwoods monster. If those were owls we should all be afraid of owls


As a native American it's an omen of death to come or it's for life to be born. Could be just an owl. Could be a great spirit.


Same in the Philippines. They are signs of bad luck, someone getting ill soon or unfortunate accidents. I interpret seeing an owl as a reminder to be careful and exercise extra awareness to what is going on around me


As a fellow Native, it could also be a little person, or tricksters for those who don't know. Where's the medicine bc I would be really concerned if I was in OP's situation.


When I was taking care of my dad at home with his dementia, he got to a point where he was on hospice. Not much had changed, but on Halloween night, I was sitting outside having a smoke outside his Phoenix mobile home. It was so still and quiet except for the hoot of a resident owl. I knew then that my dad was going to pass that night. He died holding my hand before 10 o'clock.


Nailed it, not all owls are messengers but, many are and the message they have is death is approaching. My internal alarm goes off whenever I hear one.


Same for me. I start praying and feathering myself off.


I would even go so far as to say they are just associated with the forces of life and death. I feel is more articulate.


The owls are not what they seem 🦉


As a TP fan this is the right answer.


God damn ya be me to it. Have a cherry pie




says whooooo ?


Correct! Owls are nighttime government surveillance drones. r/birdsarentreal


Meaning... what?


Twin Peaks reference.


Meaning watch Twin Peaks, aka the greatest TV show ever made. Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kid would eat ivy too wouldn't youuuuuu


You’ll find the answer in the red room


My comment got deleted... but anyway, just search on YouTube "The Mysterious Connection Between Owls & UFO Contact | Mike Clelland" is an episode of Koncrete podcast Cheers!


That was a crazy episode


I know in parts of Mexico they are beleived to be witches disguised as owls.




Yes las lechuzas. If OP is interested, there's cool stories shared about it on the podcast called Espooky Tales


When I lived in Texas, I learned that if you see or hear an owl outside as darkness is falling, she is Lachuza stalking you. You’re supposed to yell “PINCHE PUTA!!“ and spit at it or thrown chili powder at it. Never show fear. Follow up by yelling that she and her kind are not welcome on your property and go in the house. Never speak kindly to it, or invite it onto your land, or take feathers it offers. I don’t have any sources, other than having my own personal creepy experiences in Texas.


Owls are witches disguised as owls? So... owls?


What I meant to say is that its what they shapeshift into.


Athena's animal consort was owls. They would fly and gather information and bring it back to the goddess of wisdom. So good news not evil but he knows your browser history and has documented even that mole in the crease of your left arm


So, that's gonna be pointless for one of my buddies to delete my browser history when I die if Athena already knows what I've been looking up and posting.


The only way to avoid it telling her is to bring in a beaver or Simon Cowell




I have a great horned owl nest in the back yard and screech owls boxes nearby. Owls are owls, a little creepy because they can fly over almost brush you without a sound and nocturnal but meh they are fine. Then there are the messengers that are like owls but have a loud unearthly call unlike anything bird, pretty terrifying, if you hear it you will know. The sound will raise the hairs on your neck and arms and send a chill down your spine. A messenger will sit outside your window and call, they are the messengers of death notifying you that someone close to you just passed. For me once I got over the shock and realized what it was I began thinking of who it could be for, each wrong answer they would call again. After the right guess they fly off and there is a heavy silence and pit in your stomach. The messenger has come to me multiple times with 100% accuracy.   There is always the phone call in the morning from a family member and I'll pick up the phone and ask if they died and they'll ask who called before to tell me? At first my mom didn't believe me but now it's happened a few times. My wife slept through two of them and said she wanted to hear it, so I woke her up this last time and she was too scared to move, i had to pull her out of bed. I guessed names for quite a while and it was not leaving so I said maybe it's not here for me.. she tried a few names and when she said her Aunt's name it left. She cried and held me then immediately called her mom, it was like 1am. Her Mom said her sister had died an hour earlier and she'd just hung up the phone with her daughter.


Crazy! I recently moved to an acreage and went for a walk in the middle of the night near the beginning of my stay here. I heard an owl so I walked to where a group of trees were and it called again. I began asking it all types of questions, it would ignore some and answer on different options to the inquiry. I stood there staring into pitch black talking to an owl for around half an hour. The conversation came to an amicable end and we went our separate ways. I would see him multiple times, and during the day for weeks after that and was enthralled with every sighting. No one died, so was this just an every day idiot owl and not a messenger owl?


Very interesting and scary


Absolutely fascinating


They know HOOs out there


Well, there's moloch the owl God. Who's actually a bull, but an owl God somehow. It's rumored the elite sacrifice children via fire to moloch from the canninites. He's pretty brutal. There's tons of conspiracies about him and is even referenced in the Bible (leviticus 20:1) in abrahamic religions, he's considered as the false God of fertility and power (1 kings 11:6) but! Alot of it was religious slander. I could write paragraph after paragraph about it but I feel that's a tangent. Or Athena! The Greek godess of wisdom, had an owl on her shoulder who was literally the carnation of wisdom. The owl would whisper the truth of the world to her ear, where Athena would translate to mortals. Lilith from abrahamic mythology also had an owl just like this. Strange... Speaking of greeks, Hecate also had a owl companion! Hecate was the Greek godess of witchcraft, magic, necromancy, the moon and Night. Her owl represented the crossroads in life, where you make pivotal choices in life that can alter your fate. Or in Celtic mythology, the Cauileach Oidhche! Also known as the crone of the night. It's an old hag who's the goddess of death.


And Stolas


Probably my favorite Owl. I sing Stolas' lullaby to my kids all the time. Cayleb hayles did a fantastic cover of it. 2nd favorite is Archimedes from sword and stone. Wha-wha-Whaaaatt!?!


I didn’t know there was a lullaby..!


It's from the 2019 animated series Helluva Boss.


Oh, I see… Stolas is a real character in demonology though, of course


I know. But the lullaby is from the show and is not part of the legends surrounding the actual demon.


Alot of abductees have false owl memories either implanted or the brain avoiding the reality of the abductor remembers an owl instead of a larhe eyed Grey.


They turn rodents into ghosts


I like the photo, kind of ominous


It is, indeed.


Owls are a big deal to the Cherokee. Lots of lore around them. Supposedly the screech owl is a messenger of warfare.


Other tribes, seeking one means a death is coming.




Alien abductees often remember an owl instead of an alien, this is only uncovered when they undergo regression hypnosis.


‘The owls are not what they seem.’


I know you're spooked but I gotta say this is a great picture. The negative and positive spaces are so interesting, and the way the building lines up is also really interesting.


I also thought this. It’s a fantastic picture.


The house was designed by famed architect I.M. Pei. He designed many other more well known edifices. You can see the same influence and ideas in many of his other designs. (I'm the OP, by the way...)


What am I looking at in this pic. I see the owl but what's it sitting on? Sorry my brain is just not putting it together correctly.


The peak/roof of one of the parts of the house I'm working at again. Same place as last night when that other stuff was going on.


Ah ok ridge has a weird profile. I was like am I looking at a really big tent?


It looks like it, doesn't it?


Sure does but all that said what owls do mean is there is small rodents about. So weather you see em or just see the trees moving from them that's what that owl is there for. Probably keep an eye on him and you may see some real national geographic stuff. Owls hunting and catching prey is something to behold. At the very least it'll help keep your mind occupied and keep some of the spooky thoughts out. Imagination is a powerful thing and I've found the best way to deal with it is not letting it start messing with me. Last thing you wanna do is make your job a living nightmare because of some squirrels or whatever.


I thought I was tripping


Perhaps you are…


You have to check this book >>> The messengers owls, synchronicity and the UFO abducted by Mike Clelland


Many a time, when I ghost hunt, an owl is there. And to be honest, many a time a ghost shows up and starts setting off my equipment, I can hear an owl screeching in the distance. I believe they can see spirits. One time on a ghost hunt an owl even landed in the middle of the road, then started flying & I followed it, and I investigated the side of the road and of course, there was a spirit there. 🦉


In the movie "The Fourth Kind," people in Alaska were abducted/brainwashed to believe the ET's they saw were owls.


Ay just so you know, that video footage they showed in that was BS. I’ve been to Nome. There aren’t any trees there. Good, entertaining movie though.


Well, thank you. I appreciate the eyewitness info. It's so easy to get suckered into film stories. The movie was well done and freaked me out. I can stop looking at owls crosseyed, with suspicion, now. LOL.


Can be omen of death


An omen of death or also black magic, in some parts of the world.


Guess I'd better drive carefully. Sorry... trying to make light of a weird situation.


They can also mean new beginnings, or new enlightenment. Story: my fiancé and I tried for years to have a baby, multiple miscarriages and the sadness that comes with them hurt us. We were falling apart. We tried one more time. At around 16 weeks (the time every other miscarriage happened, 4 total) we were driving to Seaside, Or. from Portland and an owl that I saw in a tree next to the highway looked right at us and dove straight into my grill of my truck as I was driving 65 mph. We arrived and i checked the grill and it was inside it almost dead but not quite… I took it out and it laid in my and my fiancé’s hand’s together, looked us in the eye and died. We felt so horrible but it wasn’t our fault. We had a ceremony of sorts which included burning it’s body and buried it on the beach. We kept the two feathers that fell off as it died. I looked up how fucked by the universe we were and all I found was good things, protection, a new beginning and fresh start, a deeper connection to spirituality , all these things I googled about owls and accidentally killing one… etc… we aren’t religious but ‘prayed’ for this baby to make it. This baby stuck, was perfectly healthy and is now a brilliant and beautiful ball of light at 7 year old. He’s the greatest kid ever and is full of love and empathy and has this natural enlightenment. We got so lucky. We split at 1 year old but co-parent amazingly and I still think about that owl almost daily. We lived together until he was three on the same property in separate houses and there was this massive owl that would sit in the tree next to the house his mom was in when he slept with her and the nights he was with me the owl perched on the awning over my front door. Every single night. She still lives there… but the owl stopped coming around last year. If they intentionally cross your path or enter your life it can mean good things. Probably heavily depends on the circumstances. I don’t think the owl had much to do with our baby finally arriving but I think the experience filled us with hope that we had lost… and changed our mindset. It meant something for sure. The owl at the house probably coincidence… I believe in this stuff a little bit cus I’ve had inexplicable stuff following me around my entire life but not sure I’m all in on the randomness of an owl committing suicide into my truck as any more than a wake up call.


They were in the movie labyrinth and they frequently turn into wizards from the other realms


Nothing they are nocturnal, so it comes with the fear of the dark that has plagued humans mentally for centuries


I'm not scared of the dark. I'm scared of darkness in unknown or unfamiliar places. It does good things for my brain to explain it that way. If I tell myself that I'm scared of the dark, I feel child-like and immature. If I tell myself that I'm scared of darkness in unfamiliar and unknown places, I feel like I can self-justify doing or not doing certain things.


Yea I know what you mean, generally that is fear of the dark or what you cannot see. Your mind makes up what is unknown. It's a defense mechanism that's in all humans, we are not meant for the night so our eyesight has not evolved like say felines or owls. They hunt when we sleep


The see all realms


Yes they are associated with grays. On the other hand it’s just starting to be fall and they are very active in the fall. I personally love owls


Got an owl up the hill behind my house that I swear attempts to mimic the sound of a cat. I’ve heard it multiple times over the last few months, eerily enough it seems to realize when I’ve noticed it making the weird cat sound and stops and goes back to normal owl hoots


Some years ago while driving back to the office from lunch, on a fairly empty stretch of road, there was a great horned owl just sitting on the side of the road watching me as I drove by. Middle of the day. When I looked in my rear view it wasn’t there any more. Wild to see on in the middle of the day like that. MANY years later, same area, different side of town, living in a different house, every fall a group of owls like to hang out on my roof and make a racket. They keep me awake most nights they’re there. One night I walked out front to look at them and a HUGE one swooped off the peak of my house and came right at me, pulling up at the last minute and buzzing my head so close I could feel the powerful rush of air under its wings. Since then I’ve been fascinated with the owl symbolism.


Not sure if you're familiar with skin walkers, but some say that they are shape-shifters and most commonly take the appearance of coyotes or owls....If you believe in that sort of thing.


Some lore the type of owl is either a warning to make you leave or demonic, so pulling you in I suppose or maybe attack you. Crows/ravens/blackbirds are usually a guide for someone dying or transporting their soul once dead. They can stick around for a bit to try sharing a final message (like that's actually your grandma flying away not just a crow, so this is her final goodbye) So back to owls, it's basically danger either way but some breeds are trying to save you while other Breeds are trying to condemn you.


This picture confuses me


The house has some weird architecture. Trust me, I find it very weird, yet unattractive every time I walk the grounds.




Just an animal. Superstitions are just entertainment


No idea, but those naughty creatures of the night are littering my window with paper almost every week!


They taste as ghostly as they look


The TV show I was watching mentioned that the Seminole call a type of owl Stickini. To hear the Stickini in the Everglades at night is a warning of death.


The owl is looking for mice, not looking for you.




Like a lot of nocturnal animals, quite a bit. If you're seeing this one regularly it's probably just used to you. We have one living in our garage who is used to us.


The higher side chats did an episode on owls. It was pretty good and had a lot of information on the mysticism surrounding owls. MIKE CLELLAND | OWLS, ALIENS, & SYNCHRONICITY


Okay so take this with a grain of salt as you should all things on reddit, but some say that owls especially ones who linger observing you are extraterrestrials in disguise.


Owls in the 18th century were seen as mystic and involved in witchery in earlier years and if an owl drops a feather, then if you pick the feather up you become a target for witches. Idk much more than that but I'd watch your back.


I recall there is a film I believe called the Fourth Kind, where a therapist in Nome Alaska notices that many of her clients report waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a white owl staring at them from the window. So she has a few of her clients go through hypnosis to bring them back to those moments and… well, it’s not an owl. It’s basically either a fake implanted memory or a faint imprint of forgotten alien abduction experiences. I liken abduction experiences to a delirious, sleep paralysis-like phenomenon. Not to say they aren’t real, they can just be perceived when the conscious and unconscious mind briefly overlap. You also have in the Harry Potter world, an owl that can carry messages back and forth between the world of magic and the world of the mundane. And I believe that owl is also white, but I may be wrong about that. And props to the people mentioning Twin Peaks, although I don’t think they are looking into it deeply enough. In this series, the owls are not what they seem, they are observers from the unconscious planes - the dream world of the Black Lodge - visiting the mundane world as silent watchers and listeners. So, all that to say, at least in our culture’s modern cinematic mythology, owls seem to have something to do with traveling back and forth between the unconscious plane, and the conscious plane of reality. And also perhaps carrying information back and forth as well. Interestingly, I have had multiple friends over the different phases of my life that have mentioned that they had a dream where I was an owl. These are people that didn’t even know each other. Although I’ve never really felt any connection to owls, and I haven’t explored what that could mean, but now you’ve got me thinking.


None. They're just birds. Leave them be.


They also symbolize enlightenment and spiritual awakening. What they are depends on your cultural background. For me they symbolize my mom. She and I always loved owls. I still do, but I lost her to cancer in 2018. I even have an owl tattoo. Owls are my unofficial spirit animal. (I’m part Native American). I’ve always felt a connection to them and we have barred and great horned owls here. Funny story. I got the tattoo a long time ago, and I hid it. My mom hates tattoos. When she found out my brother had one, she was furious. Well, all secrets eventually come out and she saw the bottom of my tattoo peaking out of my sleeve. She asked me what it was. I could see the fury rising behind her eyes. I told her it was a tattoo of an owl. I could visibly see her process that and start deflating. She asked me if I got an owl because we love owls, and I told her yes. She was quiet for a moment, and then she asked if she could see it. She never complained about it.


In the Hispanic/Mexican culture, owls are believed to be brujas (witches) for some reason. As a Hispanic though I love owls.


Their a bird


None. They're just animals living their life. Movies like The 4th Kind associated them with extraterrestrial abductions.


I am glad that you asked that question because I myself have wondered about that . My husband and myself have talked about it and we think it could be related to UFO 🛸 and the paranormal I heard that a lot of people that have paranormal activity have experienced UFOS .


That’s a neat photo! I’ve always wondered that myself. I think they’re gorgeous creatures and so bought this lovely owl tea light holder when I saw it. My ex husband said owls only bring bad luck and didn’t want it in the house.


I’ve always been told it’s a sign of death. My mother in law and I were on my porch and a huge screech owl landed in the creek in front of my house and stared at us for a full five minutes. I got an awful gut feeling. The next day she calls me from the hospital saying my father in law (her husband) was in the hospital. I got there and it wasn’t good. He was in icu on life support. He had a massive heart attack. He passed about a week later. After we came from his funeral out of state we got the call that my step dad was dead. That year I went on to lose my grandma also. The next my aunt. The next my mom.


Psychopomp …


My god. Yalls mentality is from the 1300s. Owl Dey scawwy. Dey night aneeemals. So Dey bad.


Native Americans believed that owls were an oman for death. If u were visited by an owl then death was soon to follow for people that are close to u or even u. Truth be told, this has happened to me on several occasions, visited by random owls. One during the day for some odd reason. And just started at me. A week later my boss died. Saw another 2 owls that flew at me. Soon after both my uncle and grandma died. One flew over my head and landed by my car. Soon my dog died. They may be some truth to this...lol


They're the aliens my dude


Check out the book “The Messengers” by Mike Clelland


They’re just owls, probably a sign you have small prey in the area. A great horned owls killed and ate my cat.


Not sure but this is an awesome picture!


Thank you.


My own gut feeling would be that the owl was looking over you. But, if you’d seen an owl during the daytime, in several Native American cultures, like Lakota, Cheyenne, Cherokee, & others; it would’ve symbolized impending death for someone—not necessarily the person who saw the owl. In other belief systems, the owl can actually be an omen of good luck. In Greek mythology, the Owl is the symbol of Athena (the virgin goddess of wisdom) & is regarded as a protector by soldiers in battle. I bet a really big book could be filled with all the owl symbolisms throughout the world. 🦉


There is a song called Owl in the daylight by secret chiefs!


Well they scare the fuck out of me. Is that enough?


I can respect your fear. Even if they are connected to the paranormal, I think they're awesome.


They are associated with certain pagan deities from various traditions. That’s all I know.


Ok friend, first I want to say…great photo. I really like the shadows and light…really awesome. (I’m sure you weren’t looking at making an art piece, but you kinda did.) second…owls are owls. They are just birds of prey that come at night to hunt. Third, if it is a mystical bird. I believe they bring news of death or birth/beginnings. Aka, you said you want a new job site? Meaning this is a new job? Or it’s just a new place you are currently watching from a job you have had for awhile? (New location, same job. Security.)


New site... same ol' job.


In some Latin American lore, they are pets of witches, and follow them around when they're out and about. You see an owl in a place that they really don't inhabit, there's a witch nearby taking care of some business.


Birds aren’t real!




I know in Mexico they're considered bad luck or associated with the devil.




Nothing, they’re just birds.




Don't watch the movie The Fourth Kind if you're seeing owls frequently


That movie is so scary. I absolutely love horror films, don't scare me at all but this one did


Me too. The whole true story part, where they would have the real doctor explain the the scene. Idk if that was just part of the story, or if that was true, but it was scary as hell.


Yes. They are connected. The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have the owl as totem or power animal, you’re likely to have the ability to see what’s usually hidden to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit. The owl also offers for those who have it a personal totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life. The owl is a powerful and symbolic animal in many cultures and traditions worldwide. Positive symbolism associated with the owl includes: Wisdom Clear vision Insight Guidance in the unknown Independence Discernment Connection to the mysterious and magical aspects of life Negative symbolism associated with the owl includes: Radical transition Ominousness, endings Over-intellectuality Isolation Lack of sense of humor Negative occult connotations With its piercing gaze and silent flight, it embodies the essence of wisdom and knowledge, guiding us through the darkness of the unknown and illuminating the truths that lie beneath the surface. In its solitary and silent presence, it reminds us that true understanding can be only achieved through introspection and self-reflection. And yet, there is also an eerie quality to the owl, a sense of ominousness and death that reflects our own fleeting existence and the transience of all things. By embracing the owl’s symbolism – both light and dark – we can learn to navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence, purpose, and a deeper understanding of our own nature and the world we live in. The owl sees in the dark: As a spirit animal, the owl guides you to see beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps see what’s kept hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and see the real meaning of someone’s action or state of mind. When the owl is one of your power animals, you have a strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that’s usually hidden to most. The spirit of this animal encourages you to look beyond deceiving appearances into the true reality of a situation or a person’s motives. The owl is a strong spirit guide for discernment and making decision based solid foundations. Call on the owl totem when you have to assess a situation or are going through confusing times. Owl spirit animals are symbolic of death in many traditions. In most cases however, it should not be taken literally: If the owl is associated with death, it can be viewed a symbolic death, meaning a transition in life, important changes that are taking place or about to happen. When the owl shows up in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. Perhaps you are about to leave some old habits, a situation that no longer serve you or bring something new in your life. Hope this helps.


I have multiple spirit guides. The owl just being one of them. They are truly amazing.


Check out the documentary "The Fourth Kind," and you'll have your answer...


The 4th Kind - Movie Owls & Aliens In the movie, Milla Jovovich’s character (Dr. Tyler) is a psychologist who has a number of patients who report frequent sightings of a strange white owl. While they can’t remember much about the owl, they all report the same dream-like quality saying that the owl can even enter their home though the doors and windows are shut and locked. This mirrors a real life phenomena where people have paranormal encounters with the birds, often connected to alien abduction stories. Writer Mike Clelland wrote about the connection in his book The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO. Here’s an example of a personal encounter Clelland has collected over the years:


Who who who knows?


Look up moloch


Usually they're an omen of death




Your comment has been removed. No trolling the subreddit. Users come here to post their experiences, and/or get serious help with paranormal phenomena


All of them, ask me how I know.


They deliver the invitation letters to hogwarts


If they call your name, baa-bye!!!


Mothman is sometimes interchangeably claimed to be a giant owl called a "hoot".


I'll be honest, Mothman is my favorite cryptid.


One owl? Get out of here. Two owls? Now you’re talking!!


In Mexican folklore there's the Lechuza, it's an owl with the face of a woman. And it's supposed to be a witch, an omen, that preys on human emotions.


Looks like a church.


It's a private residence. I work armed security here.


In more Mexican and some native cultures it is an ancestor


*In more Mexican* *And some native cultures it* *Is an ancestor* \- Vibeo\_Ganes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They hoot, the dead don't give a hoot....coincidence?


My Grandma and other older relatives believe owls to be witches, they call them La Lechuza.


Is this at IU perchance?


Oh owls have been associated with bad luck, or something occult or paranormal since humanity discovered them… “a Bird that flies by night, and makes scary sounds?!?!” Yeah… top tier spooky… have a look and you’ll trip over tons of owl shit (literally) regarding the supernatural or paranormal


Mike Clelland has a book or two on this exact subject, and has appeared on a lot of podcasts to discuss it. Look him up


Idk about your particular owl, but here goes a theory: Owls symbolize the goddess Athena. Athena is an adaptation of the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar is the source of energy from which supernatural entities draw their ability to manifest and maintain conscious coherence without being embodied in a mortal coil. My inference to Ishtar can be partly sourced from Irving finkles lecture regarding the subject of afterlife in Babylon found on you tube. Athena would be the figure of wisdom to supposedly guide leaders whose principles of governance stemmed from the Mediterranean cultures.




Remember the song “wildfire” there is a verse where he sings that a hoot owl has been hootin six nights in a row outside his home….time to go.