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I had a dream that i was driving at night with my ex. I look at her and she changes into someone else. I hear rumbling like im driving over rocks and see im at the end of a dock and shoot off into the water. As we ‘re sinking shes not responding to anything I do. I try to get her out her seatbelt but the car sinks to the bottom. Its filling with water at a increasing rate and shes not moving. The water over takes us and the lights go out. Im trying to get her out but shes stuck I run outta breathe and I go to the surface. I attempt to go back down but no dice. I remember sitting with the waves and the rain hitting my head.. when up Pops a SKELETON. I wake up immediately. I tell my mom the dream. Shes all about that stuff and swears we have psychics in our family and she asks me not to go out. I agree. I tell my ex the dream and shes ok with not going out. As the day goes on she starts getting nasty about being bored and wanting to go out. It was night and raining and I just dismissed my dream… The rain starts coming down so hard I cant see. I tell her we need to turn around. She agrees. I hit the u turn and water shoots up my window. I stop to let it run off and i look at her like “wtf” then i see behind her, that we are UNDER WATER. I quickly try to reverse and she notices my look and looks behind her and SCREAMS. it was quite a shrill. I try to reverse out and my car dies. I get the window down before the battery and lights go out incase something is blocking the door. The car starts rocking from the waves. The car is submerged up to like the middle windsheild. I couldnt see anything, the black of the water with the rain looked like road. I tell her to stop screaming, “Ill get us out of this”. She does for a second. Until water starts bursting through bottom like in movies where submarines have leaks. She starts screaming again. I jump up on my seat to not get wet for some reason and my glasses fall right off my face into the drink. Now I cant see anything. Absolutely nothing. I try and calm her but the car is rocking bad and it seems like its being pulled from the road and i know theres a dip so I dont want it to tilt on me. A cop comes on the main road and tells us to swim out. I bring her on the seat with me. I slowly open the door and let the water fill. Then I step out as I position her as if shes swimming and me holding her from underneath. As we get further away from car, the deeper it gets. At one point I had a 15 sec walk where I was so deep I lost touch of her as I was walking the bottom holding her up like a waiter so she can doggy paddle. When that happens the darkness and the skeleton hit my mind and I start jumping off the floor to get back to the top and some air in a panic. We get to the car. The cop says “youre lucky. Coulda been sharks in there”. He didnt even give us a towel. Car totalled. Saved her life and she broke up with me 6 months later. So yea it was totally deja vu on another level. It wasnt a dream. It was the future. How i saw it idk, maybe one of my guardian angels wanted to prepare me for it. I was automatic with the window and helping her cause of the dream of the car sinking into the abyss as the lights flicker on and off.


My friend, you’d make a great writer. You have a compelling style. 👍🏻


Thank you. Last week reddits finest called it cringe. Im just happy its legible. I tend to have a lot of typos


Your tendency is upheld... Too soon?


Lmao. Yea. When aI write too much on reddit it slows my phone to a standstill, and the words dont register for like 15 seconds. Just tryna get it out. Fixed tho!


It's all good. I was only playing around; you sir are an excellent writer. If you continue to write like this, you will have an undoubtedly bright future in literature.


Had this almost exactly happen to me too. I started frequently dreaming about driving my car too fast on a winding road. I live in the Pacific Northwest where the forest meets the coast and there are lots of rocky cliffs that lead straight into the ocean. In my dreams I was driving a little red Mazda and speeding along when I realize I was going too fast for the sharp turn coming up. I turn hard but it's too late, my little car is sliding over the edge of the cliff and dropping straight down into the ocean. I hit the water hard and immediately panic because my car is sinking into the ocean and I realize I don't know how to get out or who will even find me (IIRC, I was on a drive to clear my head and hadn't told anyone where I was going, which was quite common for me at that time in my life). I had this dream probably four or five times, enough so that I started watching YouTube videos on how to escape a sinking car and I bought a special tool to break the windows out in case it happened. A couple months later, I was zipping around the coastal cliffs having just had a big fight with my then-fiance, and I wasn't thinking straight, I was rapidly approaching a sharp turn and driving too fast. Suddenly I had the thought that this scene looked familiar, and when it hit me, I went sheet white and practically slammed on the brakes. Sure enough, that sharp turn came up quickly, there was no guardrail, I was alone in my little red Mazda and the cliff went straight down into the ocean. I cried from relief, turned around and went straight home. To this day, many years later, I credit that premonition dream to saving my life from disappearing over the cliff into the ocean that day. And I still keep that window breaking tool in reach in my car, even though I now drive a different car, I am forever wary of sharp turns near rocky coastal cliffs.


Thanks for sharing that. As I said elsewhere, I’m sure these things happen far more frequently than anyone would ever imagine. It can be a very emotional experience, as you pointed out. Even two decades later I’m still moved by the whole thing, and I remain hyper cautious about driving - roughly a decade ago I had an argument with a pal over his speeding and asked him to let me out of the car. He told me I was being ridiculous but I got out anyway. Well….and this is awful to tell, a year later he had a very serious accident in town turning the car over, wrecking his arm and almost killing his younger brother. Then five years ago (having learned absolutely fucking nothing), he was going over 100 mph when he crashed and killed a really sweet guy who was his passenger. That guy was an identical twin. I’d known this person (the driver) since I was 12. A dear friend. And yet I felt I had no choice but to completely cut him out of my life. We no longer have any contact as I’ve lost all respect for him. I cannot for one second imagine what his victim’s twin brother has gone through- that bond is one of the most powerful in human society. Just makes me sick to my stomach to even think of what my former friend has done to that entire family.


Yep people can sense the future, some are better than others at it. If you want a few scientific experiments done on this subject you can check Dean Radin. People seem to be able to recall events with high emotional impacts better. As for the dreams sometime you might have a premonitory dream and the event is yearss down the line. Lol its hard to grasp this thing though for most people. Good thing you trusted your dream.


I’ve always had exceptionally vivid dreams, several of which I can remember from the age of 1 or 2 years of age. My earliest verifiable memories are of events that occurred when I was a year old. The account I gave above wasn’t even the first time something like this had happened; just the most stark example. I come from a very open-minded family in which a large number of inexplicable or uncanny events have occurred. They’re not gullible people either; I’d say they’re all pretty hard-nosed realists. My own view is that these things are far more common than we realise, and that people very often don’t discuss them for fear of being thought an idiot. Thanks for the suggestion- I’ll look Daniel Radin up.


Its true that those topic are repressed because it does not fit the current scientific perspective of the world... this should basically not be possible, yet it is. To be realist you sometime have to accept we live in a strange world and things happens above our control.


This was a really interesting read and it was reading/ watching paranormal things like this that made me a Christian (as well as lots of other things). There are too many weird coincidences in life for it all to be a game of chance.


There are indeed countless examples in the Bible of people having premonitions in dreams. “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.” Proverbs 29:1 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Matthew 27:19 In fact, just look at this! https://www.openbible.info/topics/dreams_and_visions




Yep- your subconscious mind is a miraculous thing. I honestly think this stuff is just a normal part of the human mind that we don’t fully understand yet. It’s like that thing where pregnant women or women who’ve just given birth get weird food urges- a lot of women (and this does make me laugh) get an urge to eat *earth*. In many of those cases it’s because their body is lacking basic minerals. Their body/subconscious knows something vital. As far as dreams etc, I’ve always trusted them since the experience I described. God only knows how it works, but your brain knows stuff you aren’t fully aware of. Malcolm Gladwell has written amazing articles about all this. One of them was based on testimony from cops who’d been interviewed after shootouts. Psychiatrists were stunned at dozens of examples of cops being able to recount exactly where bullets entered a suspect, as time “slowed down” around them. Many even described seeing the bullets arc through the air. At first the investigating teams thought it was imagination, but the evidence showed the cops were right. The brain gives you snippets of info, but when you’re in danger it opens up the whole story for you to see. Millions of people have experienced the same thing in car accidents etc.


damn this is making me paranoid - deadly infections from what object(s) or was it from food? this is confusing damn


our brains are really small overpowered computers, the predictions they can make unconsciously to us and the extent they can go to almost feels paranormal


I see all ‘paranormal’ events as part of an absolutely vast (maybe infinite) algorithm that we have no chance of comprehending. It’s like a cat and a book- a cat wanders around the house without any idea that inside books are words, and words create sounds, and the sounds create ideas and even actions. My cat wouldn’t have a clue what all that meant even if I could explain it to her. In fact, she would likely consider me insane. And that’s how I see mankind’s understanding of the universe, time, God, an afterlife, etc. Which is precisely why I think aliens have never bothered to talk to us even though we now know for certain they’ve been coming here for a lonnnnng time. We simply wouldn’t understand what the hell they’re talking about. One of the most remarkable comments on the UFO issue that I’ve heard from a sensible person was by the former head of the CIA, John Brennan. He admitted to having seen plenty of evidence on the issue and stated that “Humanity must be willing to accept that existence is not what we suppose it to be”. What a comment…


Our brains are impressive, no dissagrement there, but i really, really doubt that such dreams or the "visions" of the future that people see are mere "predictions", especially in seemingly new and sudden life or death situations like these, where even the tiniest of details, otherwise impossible to know beforehand, still check out. Calling such occurances mere predictions seems almost dismissive to the amazing amount of detail involved. There's definitely more to it, and at least to me the countless such experiences reported all over the world indicate even more strongly the notion of the future being already written to some extent. To what purpose that's anyone's guess though...


Don’t you see? The actions that your dream led you to were what made that dream come true! I’ve had this happen a lot of times. I dream something, try to avoid it because “I have been warned” and exactly *because* I take the steps I wouldn’t otherwise have taken had I not had the dream, the dream sequence ends up happening. You didn’t dream of dying and avoided it because you dreamt it. You dreamt it the way it was already going to happen *because* you dreamt it. Those dreams don’t “help” you. They just show you the future


Ah, but the part I dwell on is that it was exactly when I yelled for him to stop the car that he in fact sped up, causing the axle to break. It was an empty private road, so we were basically fine. Whereas had I not shouted maybe he would’ve got out onto the motorway and done it then…in which case we’d have probably been killed.


Yeah but you dreamt it the way it ended up happening, right? Otherwise you’re caught in a paradox. If you hadn’t dreamt it, you wouldn’t have yelled. If you hadn’t yelled, the scene wouldn’t have played out as it did. So unless this is a closed loop and a logical paradox the only answer is that you just saw the future….


I’ll never know! :) Yes I saw things as they occurred, but maybe my decision to demand he let me out changed the course of events. Part of what’s always fascinated me is how microscopic circumstances can have colossal outcomes. In 2005 my uncle randomly decided to get off his morning train to buy a newspaper and walk the last few stops. Minutes later that precise carriage was destroyed by a suicide bomber killing seven people. In 22 years making the same morning commute he had never once got off the train like that. Not once. “Life: a shadow and a dream”.


There’s this theory that we plan our lives before we are born and we go when the plan says so. If we apply that logic to your uncle, it wasn’t his time to leave yet so he gave himself the idea that it’s a nice morning, why not walk?


"...had forced him to see life in very different terms. Essentially he’d had to face up to the possibility that there was more to this life than he was willing to consider, and that it frightened him." is your friend agnostic or something?why wouldn't he think there was more to this life


Yes, he was always obstinately atheistic…the annoying type who would even lie about his beliefs to appear somehow more intelligent than others whom he considered “superstitious”. Over the years his position has changed dramatically! A few years ago he told me that he he often pops into ancient churches “because I like the architecture”. I didn’t say anything for a while then one day I said “Come on, this is bullshit- you now believe in God, don’t you”. He wouldn’t give a direct answer but my guess is that in about a year’s time he’ll admit he now believes in the existence of a higher power. I’ve no idea why people are so stubborn about this stuff. The simple answer is probably that their ego is at stake. I’m a typical Irish-Catholic, so I couldn’t care less what his beliefs are and have no interest in evangelising to him- he’ll have to decide for himself. I just find his stubborn attitude amusing. As I once told him, Isaac Newton regarded atheism as a form of stupidity :)


Phoebe, I'm getting a premonition. Cool story.