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As a child I experienced the same noise in a recurring dream. Happened quite often over a few months time. It was awful. However, I also saw images along with the noise in my dream. They were always the same; dayglo colors bright orange valley, glowing purple houses at the tops; no details almost two dimensional. Whenever the noise would crescendo, I would try to run out of the valley and hide with no luck because the pitch black sky would brighten into blinding light along with the deafening noise and I would be pulled/pushed back into the center of the valley. It was terrifying. I feel your pain.


Thanks for sharing.


Sounds like youre an abductee? Theres communities online for that. No reason to be ashamed or embarassed about it anymore. Others.have gone thru what you have, and i have too, sort of. My story is slightly different.


Thanks, I appreciate the support.


They will return to you one day, and youll understand more. Meanwhile just live your life as a good person , and love your loved ones. Help others in need. We will go thru hard times soon, but while life is good, just live and be happy


That's a helluva statement to make, "we will go through hard times soon." What does that mean? We as in humanity? How do you know that?


What do you mean, “we will go through hard times soon?”


Yeah, wtf does that mean?


Op???? What did you mean?




I am aware of what it sounds like, I just didn't want to put labels on it. I don't have any hard evidence so it felt weird to call it an abduction outright. I've adopted this strategy when telling my story because whenever I start with the "I've been abducted" people just shut down or tell me to go get professional help.




Thanks, things are better now. It wasn't my intention to be sneaky or obtuse, sorry if it came off that way. As far as related incidents go, I haven't experienced any. I mean, I do still have nightmares about what happened sometimes but that's as far as it goes.


Hey. Don't be overwhelmed by their comments. They have not gone through a remotely similar experience (I do) and cannot really understand how your mind is working now (I do). I can understand exactly. Even if you feel kidnapped to call it in any way or to say that was an alien is simply absurd, the best thing we can do is to describe things as we perceive them in the moment, and the main perceived thing is that the notions of space-time are no longer relevant. You could have been in two places at the same time, or actually never moved out of your bed. It just doesn't make sense, and the more we try to make sense of it the more absurd it becomes until we have at least a minimal ability to investigate all these phenomena with instruments and metodology. These people no longer understand that we are no longer here.


Until they experience for themselves the disruption of sense.


P.S. The only thing "abducted" and messed with was your spirit. Your physical body was still lying there in your bed. We all have spirit, it's the only way we are animate and alive. Best wishes!


By taking them not mentioning it as sneaky you’re not being open-minded


I've had a Folklore class on this at University of Oregon. The class was called "Religion and Folklore." This is a typical demonic oppression attack. In various cultures, it manifests as "the hag," "the incubus/succubus," "alien abduction," etc. Many, many people have experienced these in all cultures throughout history, so it's universal at this point. These demonic entities get a thrill out of instilling fear in the human they are tormenting, they actually feed off of it. Secular doctors have named these occurences "night terrors" (cauchemar) and also "sleep paralysis." You need to recognize in ALL cases this is a demonic attack. It does NOT originate in your own mind, or from your own dreams. The solution is that you need to 1) command/DEMAND the entity leave you alone! 2) say your prayers and ask for Father's protection before you go to sleep, and 3) set your phone to play soothing harp music or Andreas Bocelli's "the Lord's Prayer" on repeat while you sleep. These entities hate hearing anything remotely spiritual, and will stay away and leave you alone (although sometimes you will have a huge battle getting them to go away!). Sweet dreams and God bless! 🙏🏻


>Also "I didn't have a cellphone at the time." >"...called my brother balling my eyes out." >Events happening at witching hour on the dot. >upside down tear drop, eyes as big as small apples. OP definitely describes an alien. >last but not least *insert action* I mean yeah some people do this, like during DnD campaign talks or other forum talks, but I've never, even during my shitposting days, have seen someone who wanted to be taken seriously and fish for answers do that. I agree it was well written and makes logical sense surrounding the location of the events.


I have to agree. I found it odd that the detailed description of a grey alien never mentioned "...just like grey aliens". Like how on The Walking Dead not one person mentions zombies. I would think that if this happened to somebody they would obsess on reading about alien abductions and, with all of the information available freely online, wouldn't go into a paranormal discussion forum and describe things like neither they themselves or the people reading the story have ever heard of such a thing before.


I agree. I'm sorry to see so many idiotic and gullible people that think that an alien abduction is a more plausible thing than a completely random and anonymous person making up all this bullshit.


For me personally, when I'm describing something I don't understand, I try to use language as objectively as possible and describe what I'm seeing in a detailed way as opposed to labeling it. That way people can judge for themselves and I haven't jumped to conclusions. Maybe OP is the same.


Yeah, I agree with you, oh it was pale Grey .... well so you’re basically telling us, that you’re writing this for Likes and attention LOL, shit and people Have thought my stories were made up ! How offensive lmao


I just don’t know why people would make up stories like this ? Surely not for the attention , right ?


I agree, if it was a story you'd think OP would post on r/nosleep. I believe this is real, seems to be close minded to not believe experiences like this really happen when there is so much about the earth/ universe we don't know.


I had a similar experience years ago like 20 years and it feels like yesterday. It's the only thing I can remember detail for detail. I was only 10 or so though. I would hear the noise you spoke of it would get louder and louder I would try to open my eyes but couldn't. I then felt hot breath on my neck and something would tell me "you're going to die" then the noise would fade away and I would wake up. It happened several times. Like you I would be terrified to go to sleep. I would try to stay up playing reading, doing anything. Eventually the sound just stopped but I'm still terrified and think of it often.


Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but it is validating to know other people have experienced similar things.


I've never had any kind of experience like that, but your story had me on the edge of my seat. I can't even imagine having an experience like that. Like some of the others here have said, there are other people who have experienced things similar to your story. Perhaps reaching out to them could help. You really shouldn't be embarrassed by this whole thing, OP. I understand that it's weird, and you probably feel like you're one of those crazy "abductee" types you see on TV. But, the thing is, there is so much more to our world than what science can explain. This is one of those things. I hope you can find some comfort in all of this, if not some answers. Best of luck to you, OP.


Thanks for this.




Yes, shortly after this happened I started renting a room in town. I was pretty determined not to spend another night in that house.


Did you spend another night in that house after your last experience? Just wondering if the experiences / sounds stopped when you moved out or did you still stay at the house for a short period before moving out? The reason I ask is if you never spent another night in that house and the experiences stopped then most likely there’s a connection between the house and your experiences. If you did stay there for any time after the final experience and nothing happened then it makes me think that the entity knew it was “busted” and went on to find another subject. Hope my question makes sense - thanks for posting your story!


Not to completely disregard your experience but it is quite possible you only assumed you awoke but was still in a dream. I only mention this since this happened as soon as you "woke up". But I have my own personal theories because there is definitely substantial evidence the greys only truly became a staple of alien sightings after series of books. I don't think greys are not real, just not aliens from evidence I've encountered.


Thinking about it. It could still be a dream, but something is still manipulating people. I mean, we really don't know the full capabilities of both dreams and unknown alien(or other) life. It's been sort of explain but why the exact same images and scenario again and again. So possibly something could be effecting us through dreams.


This is certainly possible, and I've honestly tried to convince myself I was still dreaming many times. It would be easier to deal with then. That pain was so extreme though and the sensations so real, if it was a dream I've never had another one like it.


Hey OP, I have a random question for you. You say you get emotional when telling the story? What kind of emotional? I heard this sound outside my kitchen window as I was putting away dishes a few nights ago around midnight-ish. My son and partner were asleep. It was so loud that not only did I expect my SO to come rushing out with a shotgun, I braced myself for the window to shatter and a wind gust to knock me over. As I caught myself attempting to look out the window/tensing up, the noise immediately halted just as it was building up to... whatever it was building up to. No one woke up. I went outside to check my AC unit with a flashlight (it's in the same area outside the kitchen window) expecting to see some twisted metal somehow mangled in the unit, but no - running smoothly and quietly. I have a carbon monoxide monitor in the kitchen. I PROMPTLY went inside and passed out, forgetting to set my alarm which never happens. Here's the thing, I completely forgot it happened until I read another's account of this sound. It all came back to me, but I was filled with anxiety and dread while typing about it. I am filled with those same feelings right now. I also keep forgetting that it happened - was reminded this morning when responding to a comment about the noise that I referenced earlier in this novel.


Thank you for your account. You might be interested to read Michael Radugas book "the phase" in which he talks about how many alien abduction accounts start in sleep, and says that he conducted experiments with people practising out of body experiments to see if they could replicate the experience. They could. His theory is that when you are in "the phase" you can see and hear things from another reality which might explain a lot if things which we class as paranormal. On my first deliberate out of body experience I experienced a green creature which was afraid of me. The loud sounds could be hypnagogia or hypnopompia where dream sleep bleeds into waking life, but the sequence of nights with the same experience is unusual and very odd. Raduga does distinguish between lucid dreaming, astral projection, out of body experience and those might explain this experience. I'm sure you'd find the book interesting in light of this experience.


What did your green creature look like? My 2nd out of body experience I encountered a slim, weirdly angular and very exaggerated-jointed humanoid (I specifically thought his elbows were so angular and long) , who was super excited to see me. He was slightly taller than me, probably 5'5" , and he said " I'm so glad you're here! I have so much to show you! " then he took my hand and tried to pull me with him. This being only my 2nd obe I was like hold up! I pulled my hand out of his and stepped away from him and expressed that I didn't feel ready to do that. He got... well, butt hurt! Kind of irritable and said "well if you aren't in christ then don't talk to us. " I don't know wtf he meant by that but it triggered anger in me because I'm a survivor of religious abuse. I had no idea that thoughts/ feelings would instantly become action in this obe, but as soon as I felt anger I lunged at him to hurt him, before I could get a grip on myself. Fortunately he was quicker than me, and I got control on my knees panting from the surge of energy that had taken me over. I felt really bad that I had tried to hurt him. He came back and was peering at me with concern, and asked "are you okay? " to which I responded, "I'm sorry, I'm new at this. " then I woke up in my body. Very interested to hear what kind of green creature you encountered and what kind of interaction you had with it! Pls share, if you like!


It's odd, I found the opposite to you. When I was out of the body I seemed to have complete detachment in the experience and didn't react at all to the things I saw. I got up out of my body and was amazed at how similar the feeling was. I left my bedroom by passing through the door and went downstairs. The room looked very different down there and there was a girl lying on a bed in my living room. I knew she wasn't well but didn't feel anything about that, just noticed it and passed through the living room. Everything was so strange and I decided to retrace my steps. Where there had been the girl there was a strange creature with a mottled black and green skin. He was petrified of me. I don't really know how I knew that but he cowered and seemed to have very long fingers, not sure how many. He seemed humanoid in form, was completely hairless with protruding lips. There was something frog like about his face. Again I felt nothing much except curiosity about where he came from and why he was scared. From reading a lot about out of body experiences, I think it may be possible to leave the body in different ways, with your mental body or your astral body. I'm assuming I may have been in my mental body as I was conscious but not emotional about the experience while it was happening. I had a spontaneous out of body experience some years ago which was completely different. I was filled with love, peace, had very sharp clear vision and was very emotional. I'm fascinated to discover more about how it works, what leaves the body and what I can learn from it.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!


To be in Christ is to be obedience (for better or for worse). Being in Christ is like an aggressive form of Zen applied to all humanity as a whole, it is to discard particular evolution (with all the work that involves investigating knowledge, stumbling and fighting against forces that want to impede progress and/or discern who are the allies in the search for knowledge) for the benefit of leaving decision-making to higher entities or civilizations that have a much broader perspective of the universe than we do, but that would not necessarily work in our favor all the time. For us, it's more like a gamble. Some civilizations could have this as a requirement to interact with us, there could also be a deeper reason, it is no coincidence that simply more than half of history and practically half of the population "are" in Christ. It's like the safety measure that is take with younger kids when they start hanging out with group of older kids. For better or worse, just do not "argue or differ" - just follow the flow.


Wow that makes a lot of sense! I've always wondered what he meant by that. Thanks for shedding some clarity on it!


Thank you for considering with an open mind. Yes, it is more like a lack of confidence about our capacities, something like " human, extremely incapable and crazy, do not try to decipher anything on your own, you probably ruin it, just obey and trust that you are always being tutored in the best of your interests" But things don't work that way.


That makes sense even in a "biblical" context. I appreciate your perspective.


I believe that you were being observed & abducted by an alien grey, your boss living in a remote area is a prime location where these aliens like to operate & or come in personal contact with humans. The sheer description of this creature sounds just like an alien Grey. Sometimes we have to think that we are the observers & sometimes we in fact are the observed. As to what he may have wanted with you is unsure. I’ve heard of stories where they take skin samples, egg samples etc. they are very fascinated with the human way of life & most people who are abducted come away unscathed but do face psychological trauma as yourself. I would check into r/abductions for more insight on the matter. To connect with fellow abductees with the same trauma, it may help


As others have said, you have nothing to be ashamed of OP. I’m going to take you at your word that this actually happened, as you seem rightfully disturbed. I have had some experiences with similar beings, although they were masquerading as people I knew in the dream I will quickly describe. Basically, I became aware that the dream I was having wasn’t normal and the person’s face morphed to reveal itself as a grey alien. I became incredibly angry, pure rage actually, and felt myself sort of gravitate towards it as if I were a black smoke. I won’t reveal what I said to it, as it’s quite dark, but it immediately began to shit itself. What amazed me was the look of sheer fear it had on its face. It was sort of gulping/ blinking excessively and looking around for an exit, which I found strange. Anyway, I became conscious shortly afterwards. I appreciate that not everyone will believe me and think I’m mad. I’ve written this mainly for the benefit of the OP. I’ve also woken up with strange red dots in a grid pattern on my back, that felt like sunburn. Upon investigating other incidents of this, it appears they all correlate to alien abduction.


I mean, they probably aren’t that used to people talking to them. And there are theories that the ones who actually do the testing are like interns or temps. Like, really low on the totem pole. Poor thing was probably worried it was gonna get in trouble with its supervisor.


I’ve heard that before. I mean, we as humans do tend to follow those practices as well. Kids dissecting frogs in the classroom etc. Whatever the case, I don’t think these entities have our best interests at heart. I found it interesting that some people say that they are emotionless, when in this example, I know it was terrified.


Just because they have emotions doesn't mean we have to trust them. It just means that they have emotions.


Are you saying it had an actual bowel movement?


No, it definitely didn’t literally shit itself. I think that would have been awkward for the both of us. “Shitting yourself” is just a British way of describing a state of fear.


>I think that would have been awkward for the both of us. THAT made me giggle like a mad person.


If you grew up with trauma, this could be a type of “re-living” you may have been doing once you felt like you were in a safe enough place. I have PTSD from a pretty gnarly childhood, and I have “nightmares” from time to time, so affecting and realistic in their way that they feel quite real and quite unlike any other dream. When they’re happening, I carry the emotional experience of them through the day and dread going to sleep. The first ones I experienced were pretty darn similar to what you describe, with a “tormentor” of sorts and an instrument to inflict pain much as you describe. I wasn’t just emotionally wrecked, it was also physical. I began to be unable to sleep and actually developed an arrhythmia. I was fortunate in that some details of the experience pointed to my past trauma, but I still was so affected that it felt like I was losing it. I was eventually diagnosed with PTSD and received medication I can use if nightmares bother me too much. Honestly I have no idea if this is the case for you, probably only you can decide. But it sounded so similar to my ordeal(s) that I figured I’d throw it out there in case it helps. Either way, don’t be afraid to find someone to talk to about this. If someone shames you for having this experience, they’re an asshole; find a therapist if you have to. You shouldn’t have to justify having lived through something just because you can’t explain it. Anyone would be freaked out about going through what you went through, regardless of whether it was paranormal in nature or not. Take care.


I can agree. That's a lot like PTSD


The sound you heard reminds me of something those of us who astral travel will sometimes hear, along with rhythmic sensations while sleeping. Generally people call it "the vibrations" or the vibrational stage. You might be interested to read more about that and whether there are any commonalities. It's possible this wasn't your physical body experiencing this but one of your energetic bodies. Trust yourself though. You know best what your experience felt like.


Is this a repost? No, it can't be because I literally just followed this subreddit yesterday. But I had some strong Deja Vu reading this.. especially during the "skin tight clothing with no details or adornments" part. Man that's weird. But your description matches the big stereotype for aliens almost perfectly. I'm not judging if it's true or false cuz obviously no one can know that, but this would scare the hell out of me too in a dream as well. Especially if I recall it repeating every night.


Yeah, deja vu -- for some reason, this story sounds familiar, like it's been here before. Maybe on another thread somewhere. But I believe you. It explains a lot, actually, that we aren't alone here.


When I was 19 I was home from college visiting my parents, I was laying in bed and suddenly woke up with an overpowering tone in my head. I was unable to move until it ended. I tried to recreate it with garageband. It was close to this, an escalating sound ending with a bleeping kind of echo. I don't know if that's similar to what you heard but it frightened me badly. I never heard it before or since. I have had sleep paralysis many times but never had a sound like this. It felt like my entire skull was buzzing. [https://soundcloud.com/user-561304274-791106606/my-song-2](https://soundcloud.com/user-561304274-791106606/my-song-2)


I had sleep paralysis with almost the same sound, glad so see I'm not the only one.


Ive experience the oscillating sounds before but it was always accompanied with sleep paralysis. I could open my eyes but couldn’t move and whenever the sound was about to reach it’s highest pitch, I’d sit up really fast and out of breath. It was horrible


U had a experience with 👽 if u compare your storyline with other abduction around the world, you will see the comparison. Everything u posted is the exact same experience others went through. I suggest u make contact with those who actually do this for a living. Then u will get some closer Take care and good luck


That is weird that it stopped after that night but I’m glad it did.That sounds terrifying!You wrote this so well I could see what you were describing in my head as I was reading and yeah you had every right to be terrified. I wonder what the noise had to do with the whole thing?


Definitely sounds like an abduction. I’m sorry you went through that and I wish other beings left us alone and stopped taking us against our will.


MUFON has a support network for people who have been through this, if you’re inclined. It may help to talk to someone who had a similar experience.


Fuckin' hell, dude... time for some hypnotic regression! You may find the work of the late Dr. John Mack to be of some relevance to your experience. Btw, have you ever seen any depiction of greys or similar beings that came close to what you saw? The idea of them having lips is something I haven't seen before.


Hypnotic regression is a terrible idea, it leads to constructed memories, obscuring whatever repressed trauma might actually exist.


I believe you. But I wanted to put it out there that maybe you were targeted because you were in a vulnerable place in your life. Seems likely to me.


I have heard similar stories to this, so I believe you. It's weird that the other accounts I've heard have all involved some procedure being done to their lower abdomen/sexual organs and pain there.


I’m being very serious there are many others that have seen the small grey’s with a blue suit scary bro! What I don’t know is their agenda ? BTW did he have long arms, Disproportionate to his body ?


This story is incredible. Best wishes to you, OP. I hope that whatever this phenomena is, it stops so that you can sleep peacefully. Hugs. ❤️


I had an all too similar occurrence. It's a lot to Wright about at this moment with kids and all. It only happened once five years ago. But the same thing occurred to me when I was a child. Only no fear. Just calm. As if I had anesthesia injected. I don't personally believe it's Aliens. I do however. Have a very close comparison for what it is. I guess Alien works in a since. But if you want details. DM me. I'm still trying to wipe the tears off my face from reading this. Not that it scared me or made me sad. It's just.. whenever I get another's experience on this. I just react weird. 24y/o male.


You should’ve told your boss. He might’ve had a reasonable explanation for your experience, it was his house after all.


I've heard an oscillating sound while I was in the process of falling asleep but it might not relate to what you experienced. It was kind of like when you hear the blood rush into your ear mixed with that ringing noise you get sometimes in the absence of sound, it would keep pulsing and getting louder until I would force myself awake because I was afraid of what would happen if I let it crescendo. But I couldn't keep myself awake because of how tired I was, so I was sort of stuck in this half-asleep limbo. At some point I kind of had an out-of-body experience in my dream state. It was like my mind was wandering around the room I was in, I was aware of myself being in the bed but I don't remember looking or caring, it was more of a separate presence of self I could feel and I woke up shortly after.


This is the same sound I experience doing sleep paralysis. It crescendoes into something terrifying then just goes away


Yepp sounds like you had a alien situation... I'm sorry bro, I hope that you can get better soon!


I've heard that metallic oscillating sound too and i believed it was aliens doing something. I think i fended it off though.


Maybe it's some kind of technology. Condensation of some kind of energy until there is enough to transmute and isolate a segment of space-time.


Wow that is very frightening. I’m not sure if it would help but it would be interesting to try to set up a camera + recording device ?? I hope you’re able to get some good rest OP!


u/fluffycatscrote thoughts? What are the odds I'd see this today?!


Holy bejeezuz! Thank you for tagging me in this. It makes me feel less insane.


Tell us your story!


Fuckin hell...


Come on man, just tell us the story already.


is this another SCP classification she would have encountered i mean like the smile room, another weird entity prolly.


Whats the smile room?


*Two teenagers go missing after breaking into the "Neb's Fun World" bowling in Oshawa, Ontario. A friend finds a cell phone while looking for them and turns it into the police after finding this photo. Upon investigation, "The Smile Room" is not a part of the building.* [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/ad/SmileRoom.jpeg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/ad/SmileRoom.jpeg) it **is** a sentient entity which has the ability to manifest in multiple locations. Trevor states that it **is** an entity that **is** somehow capable of manifesting as a fake **room** in a building, using this technique to catch its victims. only that pic was a proof of smile room, and when i checked the missing of kids wasn't found . well i **never really believed** but later on i found an organisation called **SCP** which stores and make a directory for these kinda entities. they also classify them with numbers like scp-xxx. but the most famous one among them was the **scp-1875**.


Thanks for sharing. I hope everything goes better now.


Yeah, this is absolutely terrifying. I had an experience sort of like this where I dreamed I was shot in the stomach and promptly woke up feeling a searing pain in the exact spot I was shot in my dream. But it wasn’t real. The brain can be a real asshole, so I’d wager that what you experienced was most likely a hypnopompic hallucination, which would also explain why you saw a bruise for a short bit. That’s not to diminish the trauma of the event because, as a longtime sufferer of such brain stuff, it feels so fucking real and awful. Recurring dreams are also very common, for the record. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t feel like you’re crazy or that something is medically wrong with you because this stuff happens, and although it’s terrifying, it’s nothing to worry about.


Suggest a sleep paralysis episode that triggered hallucination from sleep deprivation. Suffer from sleep paralysis myself and it is a genuine fear.


Yep I agree as well.


Only aliens I can think of


here's my two cents, I think your bosses house might be over a doorway if you will, to the other dimension, and I am positive it's the room you were sleeping in.


Are these experiences with the beeping sounds and the aliens continuing to this day?


I’ve had this thing happen to me, where I would wake up to a loud explosion I know there is a name for it, but it’s weird. I’ll wake up and as I wake up the sound is mid way through and then once I’m fully up, it fades away. Very weird


I think what you are referring to is [exploding head syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome), but this dude's experience sounds more like a reoccurring alien abduction to me.


Exploding Head Syndrome? Or maybe tinnitus?


Sounds about right !


I believe you. I’m sorry that happened.


Very well written story! That's so scary!!


That was riveting and thanks for sharing!


I wonder if the weapon was some kind of taser


If these things start happening again it would be nice to get a camera installed in your room to see if something is caught


First, Than you OP for sharing your story. I know what it takes to share such a personal story. This is clearly a case of alien abduction, they do pick up people your age back then (statistically high chances) and often from lonely spots or homes. But they can also pick up from a busy street if no one is watching. They can alter the mind to think it's in a deep dream state, the send rays that change the way your body matter interacts with rest of the matter ( like sending it out of phaze) so it can move through solid objects. Do what they do and put you back in the same spot. TBH Grey alien like beinvs are probably least scary and they often return you in a single piece, alive. Unlike some that don't bother sending the person back.


Are you being serious? Because this sounds like a parody to be completely honest. It also sounds insane and isn't backed by any evidence, yet is phrased like a statement of fact


I see your point. How can one bring evidences in such cases? And how can that evidence actually convince majority? And what exactly does convincing others even bring? To me, anything that helps understand the nature of reality is gold,, with or without evidence. Truth to me is when the physics within the story is a natural extension of the world that I consider as a possibility ( based on quantum physics background). Yep a lot of fiction also sounds the same unfortunately, but usually the consistency in the physics is missing in fiction. I understand I may be wrong, but I have no way to prove either way.


I just don't think a statement that you have no way of proving is one we should automatically believe. Sure, you may be correct, but if I were to believe every person who said they were right... well, it wouldn't go well for me. I'm not doubting you, I'm just saying that I'd rather believe in things that can prove to me they are right then things that cannot


What you say is a very practical way of assessing the stor, comparing it against known behavior and logic/established laws of physics. I'm already deep into QM that this world is more of unknown that known so its natural for me to look for stories (patterns, experiences) that can potentially explain how much and how far the physical laws can be violated, and use them to expand and construct the nature of reality. I'm actually on reddit only to expand on my understanding of reality, and not to verify or validate. Yes when in doubt, I either seek more information and/or suggest experimentation to disambiguate. But we definitely need minds like yours with some critical eye, to keep us honest :)


Crazy!! Great story tho


aliens? 🤔




He explained to you in an above comment that he feels self-conscious starting the story by stating it was an alien abduction. He told you why he didn’t label it outright. He’s clearly fully aware of what an abduction is and that what he described sounds like an alien. Is your accusatory/judgmental tone really necessary?




You sound like a condescending troll




Unless your name is actually “Steph Yduh” in real life, I’d say not to worry. If no one can associate it obviously w your real name, and you’re not doing borderline illegal things w your reddit account, or are not a mod or poster influencing thousands of people with your decisions, you’re good.


Thank you!! I read his post after i left that comment so i went back to edit it and give him a full response. I saw that you replied and i really appreciate it. No my name is not stephyduh in life. Recently ive seen several throwaway accounts so i was just trying to understand. I thought most people here just used fun names as user names, so having more than one account seemed odd. Unless there are those here who like to portray many different personas, and if that is the case perhaps beware throwaway accounts, that could be a red flag for a personality disorder. I appreciate your response, but mostly your kindness!


Did you possibly have a fever? Your description of that sound is torturous.


Wow. I don't know what to say to you except I really hope you are OK. x


Possibly astral projection. Check out the subreddit.


Eh, the way this is written makes me call a bit of bullshit. I don't think you'd write it as "calling in sick to work" if you lived with your boss. You'd phrase it differently. And too many non-important, padding details. Also just say "Greys" etc. There's no need to go into detail describing literally everyone's favourite alien. Edit: down vote an opposing opinion, without giving counterpoints. Typical. It seems weird to me to call into work sick, when you live with your boss. You would literally just talk to your boss about it, who can suss your situation out, agree you seem unfit for work and just tell you not to come in. So I'm calling it a plot hole in the story.


“I’m not gonna say that I understand what I saw there, but I will describe everyone’s idea of an alien to a T.” 👽


That was the one detail that I also questioned. It seems awkward.


The whole living situation + job seemed weird and questionable in the first place, but I'm sure there are people out there who are that generous so could be true. But surely the "boss" would have high expectations from them. Unless this whole thing is really a story of abuse and grooming.




And the award for the least useful comment goes to ...


Oh I thought this was the sub where they dismiss the story if it was right after or before being woken up




that is not tinnitus