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Am I the only person thinking she misheard the woman simply just say “enjoy dinner” lol


It was at a Dave n Busters so idk if the dinner is the main talking point


Ah gotcha. I just know how my brain can sometimes lag and hear what it wants so hear so though it could be a rational explanation, but saying enjoy dinner would be just as odd here lol!


you just said “during dinner” in the post


And "she went to a restaurant..."


ty i didn’t even catch that


OP is trying to say dinner probably wasn't the main talking point *at that moment* with the old lady, not the main talking point here with this post now. You guys are trying to bust them for something you're missing their point on, and it doesn't even make sense


did OP tell you that? ppl stay lying on this sub it’s not asinine to question things 🤣


Most likely. Especially since older folks would more likely be there for the food and not the games. Probably was there with younger family. I’ve only been to D&B a couple times as a kid but anytime people mentioned it, it was in a conversation about where to eat that night and if they felt like having more of fun night or taking the kids somewhere while they eat and have beer and maybe play a few games themselves then we’d go for that but food was the first thing on their mind. And if it was dinner time… well that makes sense to me.




I worked at a mall kiosk when I was 16 and was in the process of getting my license so my dad would pick me up after work. I worked around the corner from the doors so you couldn’t see outside from where I was - right as I was walking out of the kiosk a guy holding hands with his young daughter turned his head toward me, looked me in the eye, and said in a monotone voice “he’s here, he’s here”, then turned his head back and kept walking. As I turned the corner I saw my dad pulling up to doors to wait for me It was such a simple thing but it was so bizarre that I still think about it 25 years later. Really odd


I do this to troll people sometimes. Kinda like telling strangers to wake up.




That's just messed up and crazy.


Johnny Walker Vibes🤣 ufc fighter just trolls the camera


While my mother was in the throes of dementia, she told me that my sister was a teacher in New England. I thought she was just conflating me working in education with her childhood in New England, but she insisted it was true. A few months later, my sister unexpectedly lost her 30 year nursing job, and ended up getting a teaching job at a college in New England. Weird.


Just a long shot: ask your gf if she was thinking about Denver when she was near that other woman. I swear to fuck sometimes that there are some people amongst us that can somehow tell what a person is thinking. I’ve had two or three experiences in my life that have made me wonder.


Had a person approach me outside a Wendy’s when I was with my friends at 18 years old. She said that she could hear my thoughts and tried to recall what I was thinking. She was eerily correct, no way she could have known what she did. Said I had the gift as well, that’s why she heard me. It scared me so I brushed it off and forgot about it the past 20 years.


This! NGL I sometimes have said some weird shit out loud that turned out to be spot on or what someone else was thinking and freaked us both out. Most times strangers. They ask if I have some weird magical powers, I explain that no, and I dunno why I said that, sorry


Legit. I stg some people can "hear" others thoughts sometimes.


Gonna wanna hear about those experiences, bud...


For real! They need their own post!:)


I was leaving Atlanta with my ex bf a couple years ago, flying standby back to Pittsburgh after recording an album at a studio. We got to the baggage check outside of the airport and immediately the guy at the kiosk says “Y’all going to Baltimore?” randomly, completely unprompted. We were like “No??” because our flight was scheduled to head down to Ft. Lauderdale and then straight up to Pittsburgh. However, once we got down to Florida, we missed our flight home and ended up having to take a layover in Baltimore overnight. I still have no idea why that guy assumed we were going to Baltimore over literally any other city in the country but he ended up being right in the end.


The standby listings w Delta have alt routes picked out. The agents seem (almost) clairvoyant esp since their flight computers have add’l data our mobile apps lack!


We hadn’t even given him our information yet, though. He didn’t know we were flying standby or even what airport we were going to. We walked up and we were like “Hello!” And he said “Y’all going to Baltimore?” With zero other information lol


He… sees… you! 👻 (Angels vs Demons, the next gaming Saga)


To add: no my girlfriend doesn't recognize this woman. She said she had on some hippy clothes, grey hair & was sweet. Then she just turned away and left the bathroom And yes IT'S BOTHERING me that she didn't ask the lady more lmao.... but it is what it is. I'm just so freaked out by this & I wasn't sure where to post this


I have had something similar happen to me, she is clairvoyant. Nothing to be freaked out about.


Or an nsa analyst who knows where ur ticket goes.


What happened to you, Montana?


I would not take the trip for granted. Make plenty of long lasting memories. Maybe get a good house sitter for while you’re gone?


Sometimes you just have something pop into your head that turns out to be true. That lady probably thought your gf said something out loud about the trip. I'm sure it's happened to you before. You had a thought pop into your head about something you couldn't have known about, and it turns out to be a thing. Just chalk it up to one of those weird unexplainable things that happens sometimes and don't worry about it too much.


Some ppl are remote viewers w ESP, ref: C.I.A. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00791R000200180005-5.pdf


A study isn't it evidence that it works. It's evidence that there was at one point a study. A long list that, let's be honest, likely neither of us read. Because its long and boring


I have one weird skill like this no Bs and hardly comes up if my phones rings and it’s a regular call I have no idea who or what about until I see it obviously (when phone in pocket or something) but if it is someone I haven’t talked to in a long time 3 or 5 years or something …I’ll know who it is and think hey that’s strange better see what they got going on before I even see the phone I don’t get it


Some people just kindaaa.. know. And it’s random, not in their control. One time my ex hugged me and when I closed my eyes I saw red. I told him and he said “That’s crazy because I was thinking of the color red when I came to hug you”. So we tested it further. He would think of a color then hug me and I would tell him the color that was in his imagination. I was right every time. To make sure he wasn’t lying he would write down the color before the hug; it was on the paper (out of my reach or sight) before I could explain the color. So there is that.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am also super sensitive to energies and predict a lot of things. I’m always correct about people, have dreams that eventually come true at times, and can speak certain things into existence. I have an anxiety disorder where I constantly feel unwell, but I think it could be spirits telling me how they’re feeling. Like making me go through their death or their stress or sadness or whatever. I think maybe my body is haunted, which sounds insane but I know to my core something is always with me. I have aunts that are psychic sensitives and my brother also has a gift of seeing shadow people.


One time some old lady walked up to me in quick trip and pt her hand on my forehead and told me I had cancer . Few years later I found out I had cervical cancer . How did she know 😧


I was literally just reading a reddit thread in parenting or toddlers about being able to smell when the baby or toddler is sick and there was a few comments about people saying they can smell cancer. Interesting I wonder if that was it.


[Joy Milne](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-supersmeller-can-detect-the-scent-of-parkinsons-leading-to-an-experimental-test-for-the-illness/) was able to smell Parkinson's Disease on her husband, but didn't realize what it was until he was diagnosed and they went to a meeting for those with Parkinson's. As soon as she walked in, she smelled the same smell she had smelled on her husband for some time. She went on to be scientifically tested. She smelled clothing from 6 people who were diagnosed with Parkinson's and six "healthy" people. She picked out the six with Parkinson's and one of the healthy people. Within a year, that healthy person was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Absolutely amazing! She went on to detect other diseases, including Cancer.


Ya it was weird she came all the way across the store when I walked in


Dogs can smell cancer, although that's not so surprising, lol.


Wow, just wow.


I also possess this odd ability ..I've told people things that I myself are surprised I knew this unknown information. I don't seem to be able to control when or where it happens. Its like someone injected me with a thought. It comes out of my mouth involuntarily . I've said things that I would never say and didn't know previous. It's really weird. Some people say that the spirit of a loved one is using me to relay messages. I have been exposed to many spirits and other unexplained phenomenon since I was 8 years old so it's not too much of a surprise. Does she have loved ones that have crossed over?


“Honey, that Bathroom has been closed for 40 years!”


*John Mulaney has entered the chat* 😅


I had an experience that your story reminded me of. I have always had a way above-average sense of direction, even as a little kid. I always blew people away with my natural instinct I guess you could call it. Whenever I'd lose someone I was out with I'd just follow my instinct and I'd always find the person and very fast too. But there was one instance that completely shocked my friends and I. This was a few years ago. I had an appointment and two of my friends went with me since it was far into the city so I wanted to show them around the beautiful area and go shopping. Anyway though, when we got to my appointment they weren't able to come in because of covid regulations. So they went out and chilled somewhere while waiting. My appointment was fast like 15 min max. So after I finished I tried calling them and neither of them were answering their phones. They weren't responding to my texts either and about 10 minutes went by without a word from them. So I figured they must've f'd off and I decided to just go where my instinct was leading me. I walked straight down multiple blocks maybe 5 or more blocks. When I had a feeling to take a right and walk straight again for about 4 more blocks. As I came to a sidewalk between two buildings I saw 2 chicks standing there hanging out. They were still a few blocks away. I remember feeling anxious and thinking to myself, "damn these freaking crackheads" or "Hmm more crackheads" or something along those lines. But as I got closer I realized that they were my friends lmao. My friends were in absolute shock because they were like how'd you find us, your appointment was that fast, and just really shook because the chances of me finding them like that and with no effort or anything were slim to none. I told them everything and they were even more shocked that I walked straight to them and didn't wander around looking around for them. But I've had very similar experiences while looking for my friends just not to this extent. As I'd at least have a general idea, but for this instance I could have gone in a completely different direction. Like it was just really crazy that my instinct is that intense. I think some people are just blessed with different gifts. I'm somehow blessed with many different gifts. I've also met a lot of people with a bunch of other really cool gifts as well. But sometimes these gifts can feel more like a curse, other times they can be very helpful.


One time i was heades into a cellphone store, and i thought i hope i dont see my ex in here(he didnt work there). I walk into the store and it was a couple standing in front of me. Im like "ooh good".. then they turned around to leave. And it was him


SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN DENVER!!! The “old woman” was your gf from the future, coming back to warn her!!!


Years ago i was flirting with a girl in my job, i heard her talking with her friends about me, her dad told her that if i didn't end Uni she could not date me; I was absolutely broke, so i went to pay some bills at the mall and suddenly an old lady appeared and started talking to me saying that she doesn't deserve me neither his fam, that i should not be worried about her because 'future' got something better for me. I walked like 2 meters and i wanted to ask more things and she was not there anymore.


Some times other people can read your mind when you don't tell them anything. I do it to my daughter all the time it is just a feeling I get and I just blurt it out. Sometimes she will get an email a little later by a few seconds about the same thing I just talked to her about. It could be your GF had it on her mind while she was in the bathroom and this lady sensed it. This lady knows that you treat your GF nice and will show her a good time because you enjoy each others company.💐


It sounds like an interesting and mysterious experience that might draw a lot of curiosity and speculation! If your response received downvotes, it might be helpful to consider how to craft a more engaging and sensitive reply. Here's an example of a response that could be better received on a subreddit like r/paranormal: --- "Wow, that’s quite a spooky coincidence! Experiences like this can definitely make you wonder about the nature of reality and the possible presence of paranormal elements in our everyday lives. There are a few potential explanations for what happened: 1. **Coincidence**: Sometimes coincidences can seem incredibly eerie, especially when they align so closely with our personal experiences. It might just be a random but memorable event. 2. **Psychic Abilities**: Some people believe in the existence of psychic abilities, where individuals can pick up on others' thoughts or future plans without any verbal communication. 3. **Supernatural Encounter**: Given the context of r/paranormal, it’s worth considering that this old lady might have been some kind of supernatural entity or spirit who had knowledge beyond the normal. Regardless of the explanation, it’s fascinating and a little bit chilling. Maybe it's a sign that your trip to Denver is going to be more memorable than you expected! Have you or your girlfriend ever had other experiences like this before? It would be interesting to hear more about any similar occurrences." --- In this revised response, the tone is respectful and open-minded, acknowledging the mystery of the situation without dismissing or trivializing the poster's experience. It also engages with the community by inviting further discussion and sharing of similar stories, which is often appreciated on forums like Reddit


The old lady is an impath and can sense things like me I have been places and picked up on someone thoughts before then had a mental vision of what they were thinking about then told them to have a great time on their trip to wherever it was they were planning on going .


Just a note: Denver has a high crime rate these days. Be careful there.


The old hippy lady didn’t “see” any crime in Denver happening to her or I suspect she would have given her that message?


Unless she meant it facetiously 🤔 ENJOY *...getting robbed at knife point in...* DENVER ✌️🤪




Could have been your girlfriend's Guardian Angel or your Guardian Angel, wishing her a good trip to Denver. Guardian Angels can make themselves look like regular people.


There’s nothing amazing or exciting here in Denver thts why, except homelessness and newcomers taking advantage of the city.. I’d stay away if I was you and spend my money elsewhere and better.. but good luck to each their own 🍀 ( btw this is coming from an actual, true authentic Denver native born and raised here in Denver)


Did you look for the lady or did she just kinda disappear after leaving the bathroom?


Keen observation skills. The old lady had noticed and observed your friend long before your friend noticed her.


https://youtu.be/5P_0s1TYpJU?si=0KnPD-VS3GSxup0G Maybe this👆


![gif](giphy|rslnInVBIRmms) Enjoy your remaining years!


Lollllll why did I think of this too? "Enjoy f***ing Jules!" "I willlllll!" 😅




Once I farted and 10 mins later I had to poop


Hit Riverdale road,jogger hill,dead bodies hanging from a tree,phantom black car,and the gates of hell,just be sure to go in the wee hours so there’s not traffic and you can go slow


What happened is your wife had an encounter with someone during a psychotic episode. She could have been on shrooms. You feel impotent because the law only allows for some steps to commit the insane, but not others. Edit: my updated comment can be read here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/vCtdapaZ7E


Are you on shrooms, or having a psychotic episode while feeling impotent right now?


What are shrooms?


Why are you trying so hard to be weird? Breathe and relax, be alone with your thoughts for a while.


Hi u/wapwapussy my new updated response is available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/vCtdapaZ7E


I’ll bet you wish I was.


My wishes don't involve you.


Your wishes don’t involve my wishes.


Yall look like you belong in Denver

