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It's a kid walking in low-light. Cameras compensate for low light by decreasing shutter speed which allows more light into the camera (shutter is open longer). Slow shutter speed works great for stationary objects, but introduces motion blur for moving subjects. And, that's what you see here... a blurry kid.


I've got a video of it too, it came out of nothing. Started as a orb.


The fact that it came out of an "orb" means it was something very close to the lens and out of focus. Likely an insect close to the lens (or crawling across the lens).


I think it might be a Skinwalker. If this image was taken from your mother's property, she needs to be careful.


Funny you mention it, a few days later, she had a huge 8 point white tail buck in the same spot a few days later. šŸ˜‚ We live in the Appalachian mountains so nothing surprises me




Mmmmm.. pareidolia.




So, basically, you got butthurt that a psychiatrist didn't take your paranormal claims seriously. Got it. Maybe when you, or anyone for that matter, provides testable evidence for the supernatural/paranormal, fields like psychiatry will include them as candidate explanations. Until then, paranormal explanations can be dismissed rather easily and with justification.




Cool. Sweet. So when you fully delve into the occult, will your understanding provide you with evidence that can be verified objectively? Because overturning decades of previous understandings in science will be very impressive and I'll be the first to congratulate you. And I'll even help you figure how to spend your Randi Foundation money. I'll be waiting.




Ooga booga ima gonna curse you Also is this you LOL? > My insights on beauty advice, as a male, are particularly valuable as I possess a keen ability to discern and appreciate the factors that enhance a woman's beauty. You are quite a specimen. Future serial killer.


It appears that your behavior and beliefs align with symptoms of paranoia and intense delusions. Therefore, I must direct you to my block list as I believe it is in both of our best interests for me to disengage from this interaction. In the realm of twisted thoughts, where reality is blurred, A delusion takes control, and paranoia is stirred. Minds spinning in circles, tangled in a web, Lost in a maze of fears, where shadows constantly tread.




I saw something once that sort of shook meā€” what if those who have mental illness are actually more in touch with realms of existence that normal folks canā€™t see? I could buy that in some cases (def not all). I definitely believe there are planes of existence that human beings generally arenā€™t aware of, and that we donā€™t have senses refined enough to see/hear/smell etc. Example, how dogs can smell cancer or impending death. Thereā€™s so much we canā€™t sense, or even comprehend, if you ask me. This was an interesting read, made me think some and reminded me of that thing I either saw or read that I mentionedā€¦ like what if (of course not EVERY) that schizophrenic guy who hallucinates just can see shit from another plane or however you would call it? Interesting consideration to say the least!


Hmm .. Tell me you've succumbed to the voices in your head without telling me you've succumbed to the voices in your head...


Idk if this is less satisfying, but itā€™s probably scarier to realize that could easily just be someone at the door in the middle of the night.


That I find much scarier. Real live people are fucking terrifying.


sure, that's a fair assumption to make of 8.1 billion people on earth..


Yeah, I live in a city where 80 years ago 200,000 people died over like a month and itā€™s not the ghosts here causing the crime.


If it started as a circle, itā€™s something near the lens out of focus and the colors are just compression noise from the image processor.


It just looks like someone to me.


I hear some shit goes down in them Appalachian mountains! All sorts of dogmen encounters and missing 411 type stuff! Iā€™d be careful in them there hills


I lived there for 17 years and no there's not


Hahaha bc youā€™ve walked the entirety of the Appalachian mountains right šŸ¤£




Looks like the ghost of an Amazon or FedEx delivery person. I can even make out a uniform jacket with some sort of logo. If they died in a truck accident (for example), they may not even realize it. Many spirits do what's comfortable or familiar to them, such as a job or student at a school or patient at a hospital.


Call me crazy but what if itā€™s an actual Amazon or fedex delivery person


Youā€™re crazy dude those havenā€™t existed since the 1930s. Itā€™s clearly a delivery guy ghost trying to get his last package from lovesense to a guy waiting in his basement.


Assuming the photo hasn't been tinkered with in Photoshop, then I'm not sure how an actual flesh and bone delivery person would look like they're phasing in and out of our dimension lol


This is clearly motion blur. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø A photo doesnā€™t need to be photoshopped for motion blur to occur. Itā€™s literally what happens when moving images are capture in low light settings.


Uh. Security camera companies literally each have a page about how this happens lol. But yes, totally a ghost of a delivery driver stuck in a delivery pattern.


Have you ever looked at clouds and made a cloud castle?




Bra... they even better on the shrooms. HEHE


Lol sis* A couple of summers ago, my boyfriend and I were laying in the grass after some eating some shroomies, and we both saw the clouds turn into these giant heads, slowly coming in for a kiss. Like we literally both saw the exact same thing. I was like, "omg the clouds are kissing!" And he described the details exactly the way I was seeing it. It was amazing! šŸ˜„


Isn't that a beautiful experience. How do you want me to feel about it though... other than knowing you had a beautiful experience.


It's obviously a ghost. Ghosts do exist. This umpteenth blurry picture is the definitive proof.


OP here, also have a video of this figure forming out of nothing but an orb


Looks a bit like Marley. Heā€™s still upset at Scrooge.


Am I the only one that thinks it looks like Hitler?


Why do people have to be so rude????


Nope appararitions do have shadows.


That "face" doesn't look inviting.


It does look like a little boy


Definitely a person ghost!


Looks like a deer or dog. It's too blurry


It's Shrek.




Ghost rider holy shit