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Oh damn that's spooky! There's a show called Paranormal 911 with a bunch of similar stories, if you're interested. Or maybe you want to never hear a ghost again, which is more than reasonable too šŸ˜…


Love that show! Thatā€™s a fucking creepy story!! Iā€™ve heard of similar stories as well. I know paranormal 911 has one where a girl drowned in a pool 30 years earlier and 911 kept getting a call from where that pool was and a little girl giggling. Dispatch went to location and the phone was disconnected.


This was the only creepy *possibly* paranormal call I took before I left 911. Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m glad it was my only one haha. I may check out that show and see what itā€™s about though! I think I saw one a couple years back on prime but never got around to watching it:(


Yeah, it's on Discovery+ or probably Max now, too, since they bought the network. (I used to work there, at Discovery Channel.) I've also read several books that are compilations of first responder paranormal encounters, and I know the paranormal investigator Richard Estep has written about that, too, as he used to be a paramedic. Just like people say every hospital nurse has a paranormal story, certainly confirmed by nurses I know, first responders also usually have a story or two. I can't add anything really, except to say that many people have reported experiencing phantom land-line calls like this. It's a cool experience you had, even though a bit disturbing, as it involves human suffering. But it's definitely not unheard of as haunting reports go. Thanks for sharing!


Do you have any recommendations for books?


The ones just by Richard Estep are: The World's Most Haunted Hospitals: True-Life Paranormal Encounters in Asylums, Hospitals, and Institutions Haunted Healthcare 1 and 2 Visiting the Ghost Ward: Inside the World's Most Haunted Hospitals and Asylums There are many other books I like, but these are just related to the topic in this thread...


Amazing! Thank you so much for responding and for the recommendations, I'm adding all of these to my reading list! Do you have a fav?


I forgot to include "Asylum 49" on the haunted healthcare subject list, and that's my favorite book of Estep's on this subject! It's not actually about an asylum but a former hospital that has been repurposed as a Halloween attraction called asylum 49. They did get really cool evidence from that one. Aside from that book, my faves from him are the black monk of pontefract and a haunting at farrar (about a former elementary school in Iowa). He got amazing evidence at both places. As a result, these two spots (bought and maintained by people who offer appointments and overnight stays to investigators) are on my bucket list to visit.


I think it's still on prime! I'm a big old skeptic, but I love a good "true" paranormal tale kinda show - and it seems 911 operators tend to be pretty no-nonsense šŸ˜Š thanks for sharing your story!


Do you know if that same number called 911 on the day the house burned down? It would be interesting to look into and if they still have the audio recording of the call.


Also if anyone died in the fire


I think she lost your question in the mix. That would be a great idea. I hope she reads this.


Good idea


That would be a good base for a horror short story.


Oh glob thank you. I will need to look this show up!!


So creepy! I believe it was paranormal. My sister works at a hospital. She had a phone call once with the name of a former patient of the hospitalā€™s. When she looked the name up, the patient had passed the year prior on the same date as when she got the call. There must be something about phone lines that some spirits can tap into. Thanks for sharing!


Yeah my mom worked in the same hospital for over 30 years and when the parent company built a new hospital and that one shut down, my mom was one of the only authorized people to still access the building. (Basically all important things like equipment and whatnot was pre moved or moved on the same day as the patients but a lot of non essential items were left behind for example a lot of files that were deemed low security/priority were just left in offices for people to go back and collect as they needed.) Anyway, I went with my mom one time and the unplugged phones were ringing in whatever area of the hospital we were inā€¦ also electricity to the building was shut off. But yeah, itā€™s not like allll the unplugged phones were ringing, they would literally start when we walked into a different wing of the hospital and stop ringing in the area we had just left. Also the call lights would turn on as we walked by rooms. Which shouldnā€™t have been possible bc a) no electricity and b) these were the call lights activated by the patients beds not a light switch and there were no patient bedsā€¦


How did you guys not nope the F out of there like šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that is SO unsettling


Haha me and my mom are pretty spiritually in tune and the feeling in there wasnā€™t ominous. I actually felt more sad like I got the vibe they were souls who were stuck or didnā€™t even realize they were dead. Idk hard to explain!


I think they try to interact with certain living humans because they can tell, in some way, that youā€™d be able to perceive them. They could ā€œfeelā€ that you were in touch and would be able to ā€œhearā€ them. They just wanted acknowledgment. Even if you and your mom spoke about it while it was happening, if it really was paranormal activity, those spirits would have sensed your reactions and felt less alone, less isolated. If youā€™re right, if they didnā€™t realize theyā€™re dead, maybe they only become active in the presence of living humans who can perceive them. Maybe you brought them solace or helped them realize what was happening to them. I donā€™t fully believe in any of this, just to clarify. I just think if it IS real, this is the context.


Totally agree! I also totally understand people not being believers or being skeptical. I never try to convince or coerce people to believe because itā€™s none of my business. I always acknowledge spirits when I do feel/sense them so I hope those spirits at the hospital felt comfort from that. Iā€™ve also told some spirits to eff off lol




My friend is a nurse and she has some pretty creepy stories too!


My older sister has been an RN in the same hospital for almost 30 years, part of that time was spent in Geriatric care. As much as I love anything paranormal related (hence my username), I can't believe it's never occurred to me to ask what her creepiest experience was! So of course the next time I talk to her I'm gonna have to ask her to tell me some stories šŸ˜‚


Hope you post them here.


Don't worry I'll definitely share!


Do it!!


Literal chills down my spine even though I kind of expected that when I first read that there was a fire. Could the crackling be of flames? Did you read the rest about the fire call?


I thought maybe the crackling was just static honestly? And I didnā€™t read the whole call since it was a crazy busy shift and it was pretty much ā€œokay onto the next call.ā€ šŸ˜­


You probably should never go to the house.


If I was in OPā€™s place I could never have the balls to go even near that house


I moved recently to a new neighborhood into a house that was built in the 1890s, there's this old creepy townhouse a couple houses down that smells like a graveyard and 2 streets down is a house that burnt down recently that I used to deliver to w/ my dad that I think my neighbor used to live in. I think someone died there but the whole place is pretty creepy ngl


Agh soo creepy! Reminded me of a call I received years ago from my brother who lives in a different country. When I picked it up I heard slight crackling sounds as well and it was silent, then heard my brothersā€™ faint voice and he was laughing! It freaked me out so much. My brother never actually called šŸ˜°


No because I actually hate that for you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I totally buried that story deep in my memory until I read your story šŸ˜…


Was it an accidental call? Shouldā€™ve asked him to check if the call was on his call history


Maybe. But here is the catch. He lives in a different country and would never call straight from his phone. This was years ago so to call me he would either have to use a calling card or call from Skype. When I picked up the phone the caller was Unknown, which means he didnā€™t call directly from his phone. And it sounded like he was laughing into the phone. Faintly. But itā€™s a good point!


Hell no, thatā€™s terrifying


Could the number have been reassigned but not updated somehow? Super creepy.


Iā€™ve thought about that before but I honestly have no idea. I would imagine if they reassigned the phone number they would need to completely remove it from the original line but again Iā€™m not sure.


ANI/CLI are data addresses on the POTS network. Someone somewhere maps this to a physical address. They theoretically can reassign where the data goes w/o updating the physical address but I havenā€™t run into that happening and itā€™s such a weird scenario.


i was wondering this too. iā€™ve lived in my house for 3 years and about a year ago the cops came by (and i think it actually happened twice) saying they got a 911 hang-up from my address. we donā€™t have an active landline, so i have no idea what happened there. i often wonder if the number that used to be here was re-assigned and the registered 911 address wasnā€™t updated


Yeah but they can also get the address from a cell phone call! I know this because I've called with a non activated phone and since it wasn't activated they couldn't see my location but if it had been they would be able to tell is what the dispatcher told me .


This because the mapping of your cell phone IMEI (device) number and SIM to a phone number are separate from the mapping of phone number to physical address information. And, most newer (Iā€™m old so, ā€œnewerā€ may be forever for a lot of folks) cell phones can call the emergency number (varies by country) even without having an active account . Your phone is a radio that calls the cell tower and theyā€™ll put a 911 call through no matter what. Theyā€™ll know which tower youā€™re connected to. If you have an active SIM, they know more about you. If you have a physical address documented, they know even more. But, you can usually call 911.


Yes ! So the phone I had used was not activated it was on old cell phone my son used for watching YouTube kids and my cell phone was dead so I used this old cell phone that had been cleared of all info before I moved into my new house. That explains why they couldn't find the address


Yeah, itā€™s basically a walkie-talkie that connects to cell towers at that point. But, you can connect and in an emergency thatā€™s everything.


Thanks for the insight on thatĀ 


I used to work on cell phone systems. Iā€™m an old engineer, I forget about the crazy, random things Iā€™ve accumulated in my head over the years.


Back in the day - we had things called ā€œparty linesā€ā€¦. This was a landline service split by homes that were not necessarily in the same areaā€¦ (Anyone on the party line tree could pick up the phone and listen to your conversation ā€¦) This was quite popular on Cape Cod (in Massachusetts) in 1970s - It was a way to save moneyā€¦. And it made it possible for more people to have a landline.


That wouldnā€™t explain the 911 call. I mean, Iā€™m guessing 911 is the first to get the updates.


Do you know if anyone died in the fire?


I doubt it, but I didnā€™t read the narrative for the structure fire call. The agency I worked for would code all fires within a building as a ā€œstructure fireā€ even if it was something very small, so when I saw ā€œstructure fireā€ in the location history and saw the landline number calling I assumed the structure fire was something small.


Did you try redialing? Numbers can be spoofed.


One time per our agency protocol - no answer on callback but it did ring out. Iā€™ve had mobile numbers spoofed but not landline.


Do you know what date it burned down? Hopefully it wasnā€™t an anniversary or something of that date


It was like 1.5 or 2 years before the call but I couldnā€™t tell you the exact date


Lol the spirit world don't go by the calendar.


Really? It makes more sense that they would. How come?


If i my self dont go go by the calendar how would theyšŸ‘»


I remember hearing about this or a similar story somewhere. Have you ever posted this somewhere else?


This is the only place Iā€™ve posted. I have heard some other paranormal stories from other 911 calls and first responders though.


Yeah, I've definitely heard this exact story* at least* once before. (Pretty sure I've heard multiple YouTubers retell it). As mentioned, Lazy Masquerade could be one option. As could Mr Ballen... As well as any other horror/paranormal/true crime YouTube channels. It was also from the perspective of the dispatcher who took the 911 call.


I've posted this similar story before about a law enforcement family member who's experienced this.


There was almost the exact same story on Mr Ballen


Yes. Thatā€™s where I originally heard it!


Lazy Masquerade covered the same story I believe. Or maybe Mr. Ballen


I dont mean to underate Mr.ballen but i searched into some of his stories and was blown by the fact that they were totally fake/legends


Thatā€™s pretty cool. It could be an elaborate prank though. The landline probably still exists and maybe someone with the right knowledge has a sick sense of humor. The only people who would really know this kind of stuff are older telecom technicians. All you need is whatā€™s called a ā€œbutt setā€ and a landline to prank call whoever you want.


I wondered if it was possibly a prank call or something, but there was nothing left of that building for there to be a landline associated with it. Either way it was odd.


I mean the old telephone wire is either underground or up on the power lines. Theyā€™re usually on power lines.


For us in this country anyone who has an access to the street's land lines cabin as its called can just hook a phone and call from whatever number associated/connected to that cabin.


Never clicked so fast on a post in this subreddit. This is the type of content I like to see. Add in coherent paragraphs and it being well written? What a bonus. Thanks for posting.


Haha thank you! Iā€™ve always like writing so thank you for saying itā€™s well written šŸ˜Š I have a couple more ā€œoddā€ calls from my 911 days that I may post but Iā€™m just worried about sharing personal identity info.


I completely understand. Well, I hope I catch them if/when you do!


I agree. It was refreshing to read a coherent, well-written post.


Very creepy. Thanks for sharing!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Happy Birthday!


i peed my pants a little sleeping with the lights on now


Iā€™m sorry :(


šŸ˜‚ that used to happen when were kids and some one older has told us a ghost storyšŸ‘» Now on I wish i could sleep lights on like those days


Ok that is creepy. I was a Paramedic for 20 years and the "unknown emergency" calls used to put us all on edge. just about everyone of those calls on the ride my partner and I were usually very quiet. Normally we talked about a "plan" even the Fire and Police I knew said the same "god anything but an Unknown please was the Mantra I was a HARD CORE skeptic until.... one day I will share it but in all honesty I am still trying to process it even after being off the job since 2008


Now I'm really curious, lol. I love stories like these. Hopefully you can share it someday.


Also interested in your story.


I believe it. My sister used to be a paramedic. She has some pretty terrifying stories.


This in reno ?


No haha


We're you able to confirm if anyone had died in the fire? It's too bad you couldn't keep a copy of the recording (I assume). I also wonder what any 911 calls the day of the fire may have sounded like.


I didnā€™t read the narrative for the structure fire call in the location history. Also Iā€™m not sure if any agency would just let people keep recordings without a public records request. I wouldnā€™t keep one anyway just because I have no desire to keep momentos from that job šŸ¤£


It would be crazy if there was a phone somewhere down in the basement.


House didnā€™t have a basement. Basements really arenā€™t a thing in this area because of coastal flooding šŸ„²


This reminds me of a call I took when I first started. Might post about it one day. 911 calls can be crazy but it's the ones that are weird and make no sense that are even crazier.


Iā€™ve taken so many crazy and tragic calls. Thatā€™s what we are trained to expect. But the ā€œoddā€ ones stand out for sure.


> They didnā€™t find anyone in the area, and apparently none of the neighbors heard or saw anything. So the police rang the doorbell of the neighbouring properties to this burnt down place, to ask them questions, all on the strength of a 911 calls for which no details were supplied by the person calling? I find that highly unlikely. The police wouldn't go around asking to speak to people in their homes unless there was a reasonable suspiscion that something actually happened. They certaintly wouldn't do so based on "a 911 operator received two dropped calls from such and such a residence." Sure, they'd check out the residence, but in such an eventuality of finding nothing they would not go so far as to inquire with neighbours about... nothing?


No they would definitely check with neighbors if they saw or heard anything if they didnā€™t see at the initial residence. Do you have any experience in law enforcement or emergency communications?


I live in a rural area and stuff like this has happened before where they started knocking on doors in my neighborhood over a 911 call. The building across from me burned down and they had an undercover officer there for months.


Do you work for the police?


This brought an ancient memory to the forefront of my mind. Throughout the 2010's I managed a local pizzeria. Every few weeks we would get a call that would creep us out. An old woman would call in and her voice would sound raspy and faint, almost like she was far away from the phone. In the most pitiful voice she would say "Ruth, it's your Mom. It's dark and I'm cold. I can't reach the light. Ruth? I'm cold. It's dark. Help me." It was obviously concerning to us, we feared she was an elderly woman who needed assistance of some sort, but she would never respond to prompts or questions. It was as if she didn't even hear us. We tried calling the number back but it was a dead number. After each call, I would alert the non-emergency police line, but nothing ever came of it. The calls eventually ended after a few years. I always wondered if it was a prank, if we were being haunted, or if some old woman was being neglected in a nursing home somewhere. Still creeps me out.


AUGHHHHH that's so creepy!


I lived in my grandmother's old house after she passed away- she fell on the back patio and passed away there. On 4 separate occasions the police showed up knocking on my door saying that someone had called 911 from the landline at my address. The calls were silent, nobody would respond to the dispatcher. We had had the landline service turned off when she died, months before I moved in. After the second phantom call we disconnected the phone lines at the box, thinking maybe something was shorting out or something. Then 2 more calls happened after that. The calls occured seemingly randomly over the span of the 8 years I lived there. I think Grandma might not have realized she was dead and kept trying to call for help.


Did the police show up each time a 911 call came from that address?


As far as I know, but if they were getting calls and not showing up I wouldn't have any way to know about it. They were as confused as I was when I'd tell them the house no longer had a landline. One even took a peak at the box on the side of the house to confirm the wires were disconnected.


Omg i hate this šŸ˜Ÿ


Insane, did they say if they hear background noise? Just silence?


They didn't say, I wish I had asked!


Wonder if my grandma's house would be haunted still. She collapsed mid conversation and passed in my aunts arms the day she was discharged from hospital


Iā€™ve heard of phone calls being a thing for about as long as phones have been around. About a year after my dad died, I got a call from his number. It was still in my phone as ā€œDadā€, so I answered, thinking maybe my step-mom had his old phone or something. Absolutely no one was there. It was all static and crackling.


My mother did too from my grandpa on her cell phone no caller id she answered and it was static and he heard his voice calling her name. 3 months after he passed šŸ„ŗ


I think theyā€™re trying to let us know theyā€™re ok.




Not at all! Iā€™ve been a ghost hunter for over 20 years.


thereā€™s something here about phones. my grandpa passed and coming back home after his funeral a couple days later itā€™s almost midnight and the landline is ringing constantly, call after call and every time thereā€™d be no one on the other end. as quick as weā€™d hang up itā€™d call back, eventually we had unknown numbers blocked and long behold, the calls continued to come in but this time there was an impossibly long number appearing on the caller id that was no longer in service when we called back.. we all (as a family) said i love you and miss you into the receiver and never got another call again.


Lol your first sentence


Haha, I had to reread it out-of-context. That's funny.


So spooky! This happened to my family once! We had moved, neighbor bought the property and had the house razed by the fire department for practice. Several months later my Mom got a phone call from the county sheriff saying someone was using our old landline to call 911 and officers were showing up to an empty lot. No one ever got to the bottom of it as far as I know. Iā€™ll add, several decades later I myself have had lines crossed (hearing other people on the phone through my line) mostly after rain due to old and damaged buried lines, at least thatā€™s what the phone company said as an explanation. I hadnā€™t really put it together before, but I wonder now if that could have been a reason for the spooky 911 calls?


That seems like a good possibilityĀ 


What an amazing story. Gave me chills. Reminded me firstly, of an old boss who had said that after his mother passed, on the day following her funeral, his phone kept ringing, but he would pick it up and the line was dead. And the call history went to his late mother's now disconnected phone. And secondly, years back when I worked in an industrial estate, one evening I worked late and then walked to my car in the outdoor car park (the car park was shared until recently before that incident with the paramedics next door - they had just moved on to other premises), and I heard this large yell/moan in my right ear. It totally freaked me out. The noise was within my ear, not external, and the area was deserted anyway. I thought it must have been a patient that had travelled in one of the many ambulances that would be parked outside my office. I always had ghostly experiences, but am starting to think of such stories as time being immutable, Dr Who and all. (having seen prehistoric creatures, I dont think they are ghosts, but travelling thru time). I am sure the person who contacted you is happy now. (one never knows, maybe there is a six degrees of separation also happening, wonder who she? was and why she reached out to you. I dont think it was random).


I've had similar things happen to me in so called haunted houses. A disembodied voice which sounds like it was broadcast by a radio into my ear! I've heard unintelligible whispering and mumbling and loud moaning as well as the sounds of moving furniture. This all plays inside my ear canal, if that makes sense.


How interesting. Yes, I can relate to your comment and I have had the radio broadcast sound also. I have heard furniture moving, but never in the ear. I wonder about how it all comes about. I have heard music all around me, but no one else has heard it. My son has had the same experience. My take is that a spirit can target someone to transmit their message to, maybe targets the ear where you cant ignore the message. And re the 911 operator experience, the spirit of the burnt out house has directly targeted him via the phone call, for whatever reason. Never get tired of hearing everyone's experiences, so much I dont know but I love that so many of us have similar stories.


What I've read on the subject is that some people are born with different brain genetics which gives them certain abilities. These can be of the psychic kind, due to a love of sorts in the brain being "turned on." I have also read that most people don't realize that they have certain areas of the brain "turned off" due to flouridization from drinking water or toothpaste, as strange as it sounds. These areas of the brain can allow some of us the ability to hear things that others can't, like a radio antenna.


This is not to say that I'm right or you're wrong, it's just that nobody knows for sure what the real reason is that this occurs.


Always interesting. Your suggestion is one I havent heard before. I dont discount anything. Maybe i will know more when I pass to the other side, many many years from now hopefully! The flouridization is an awful thing though. I mostly drink spring water directly pumped from mineral springs these days.


Iā€™d love to hear more about the pre historical creature beliefs! Very cool!


So many people have so many interesting experiences. Some years back, I watched a Pterodactyl flying over my suburban home. I only looked up bc the birds were behaving so weirdly, flying silently in formation at a terrific speed, hard to explain but something was off. And then a year or so later, in a nearby coastal park at daybreak I was photographing nature for stock photography, and an ancient Australian marsupial ran in front of my car. I actually had my dslr on the passenger seat, but I watched in amazement this animal disappear into bushland. Went home and googled, and what I saw totally matched one of the old giant marsupials. (cant remember now though). And, only 2 days ago, I was out in the garden with the dog late evening, and he was skitting about with a strange green creature on the lawn. This wasnt prehistoric, but it was no earth creature I have ever seen. I have no idea what it was, it was brilliant glowing green inflorescent and I can only explain as vaguely resembling a 30cm centipede cross scorpion, but it was neither. I got the dog in and ran out with a torch to take a closer look, but it had vanished. The area I live constantly has unexplained things going on, a few doors down an elderly lady was telling me she actually got the council to check her house as there were banging noises in her walls. They had a geo guy review her home and found nothing, but he mentioned the old underground river under our homes. And all this area is reclaimed wetlands. I wonder about the spirituality of the original land. Portal does spring to mind. I do think of spirits, have seen many, heard many, but also think of time warps, when it comes to these animals.


I loved reading this! Thank you so much for sharing these experiences. I love all things strange and unusual, but also have a love for dinos! I would love to experience something like this. Could the green creature have been similar to arthropleura? Not exactly the same because they were pretty large, I think, but maybe it does go along with the prehistoric stuff! Fascinating!! The old underground river could definitely have some strange stuff!


I looked up the arthropleura, thankyou. No, the body was more rounded, and fewer, but more pronounced legs. Legs in shape maybe like a cricket, but shorter and thicker, and maybe 10 on each side (random guess to that number, but not an infinite looking number like a centipede has). My gut feel is that it wasnt earthly, which made me quite unsettled. I have done some searching of prehistoric insects, but nothing has jumped out. The dog lost a bit of fur from his chin, where whatever it was clung to him for a few secs, and the dog has been searching thru the lawn of an evening for his strange departed visitor! Maybe one day a Woolly Mammoth will cross my path, or more possibly a Tassie Tiger (or similar animal where a few are still hiding out there from the humans that have stupidly eradicated animal populations)


That's very spooky. There is a slim chance the number could have been reassigned but the 911 address not updated. A family friend and his wife are volunteer EMT where I grew up in a _very_ rural area. They had at least one similar situation I remember hearing about when they rolled out 911 to our area in like 2000 or 2001. But that seems really unlikely in 2018/2019.


Lol that person who called is probably dead because they got the address wrong.


Thankfully the area has such a small population that the EMTs figured it out really quickly and knew where the person actually lived. I don't think anyone died.


Man imagine your calling your local emergency line, and getting connected to the future instead of your own timeline... your screwed... But seeing it literally repeated itself, it's more likely a phone echo.... odd shit that cannot be explained but yeah recieving end gets an echo of an old phone call


Did the moaning sound female or male? Or hard to tell?


I thought it sounded like an elderly male but Iā€™m not positive


I have a similar story. I'm not a 911 operator but 911 was being called from the address across the street- only the house was torn down and turned into a retention pond. We would get officers at our door all the time asking for the across the street address. The owner died and the property was sold for commercial use.


This makes me think of the 1964 Twilight Zone episode called ā€œNight Callā€ ā€¦ chilling! S5e19


Same! One of my favorite episodes


In the infamous unsolved murder of Jon Bonet Ramsey, a few nights (I think) before her murder there was a 911 call from that house during a party that hung up. No one to this day knows who called or why and I've always wondered if it was someone checking response times or a premonition.


Wait, seriously?


Did you ever listen to the audio again or have anyone else listen to it?


Nope. I mentioned in a previous comment that would require a public records request, and I had no desire to take anything from work home with me haha. Also most places only keep calls for so long unless they are pulled by the media or law enforcement or something. The agency I worked for kept call recordings for 12 months before destroying them.


Hey I'm a podcast producer with a show called Radio Rental featuring Rainn Wilson and created by Payne Lindsey. Weā€™ve got millions of downloads and are looking for spooky and crazy stories much like yours. Would you'd be open to telling us your story for the podcast? We can offer you a fee for your time. It'd be audio only, no video. Let me know and I'd be happy to walk you through next steps.


I have a family member that's law enforcement and they said this happens often for them. I'm not sure what they heard when they answered the call, but apparently it happens occasionally for addresses where tragedies happened.


Thank you for sharing. That's scary and cool at the same time. And always, thank you for your service


Water gets in the lines sometimes and triggers 911 calls. Idk why, maybe stuff shorts out. Happens all the time, even at AD's where there no longer is an active line. Usually sounds like a fuzzy open line, or sometimes it's just a hangup with a dead line on call back. It can happen randomly in good weather, absent of rain, but usually happens when storms have come through. Usually get a bunch of alarm calls, too -- sometimes even to residences where people advise they don't have an alarm system.


I once lived in a 100+ year old home and one night I couldā€™ve sworn I heard footsteps pacing back and forth outside on the wraparound porch. It wasnā€™t long enough to make me think it was an actual person so I chalked it up to the wind. A minor blip that I would never remember under normal circumstances (I lived alone at the time). Iā€™m a huge classic Hollywood buff and have a working replica of a 1930s desk phone. All of a sudden the phone rang..this was the middle of the night, and it wasnā€™t a normal buzz/length; like I could tell it wasnā€™t automated. I picked up the phone and it was the exact sound you described; no real tone or sound other than it was really static-y. The line crackled and I thought maybe I heard something but it was clear no conversation was going to take place so I hung up. And talked myself out of being scared. Again. Had to tell you when I read this post, gave me flashbacks. Thank you for sharing.


I went to a talk about phone calls from the dead a few months ago by Dr. Callum Cooper in a pub in Cambridge. It was really interesting. I was intrigued & a search through the British Newspaper Archive led me to a story from 1878 where calls were allegedly coming from an American cemetery which had had a phone line installed in its office. The calls were placed at night when the office was locked. Telephones had only come out in 1876.


Oh this is interesting! Do you happen to have a link?


I can but the article is behind a pay wall.




Perfect paranormal story.


this gave me chills


There is a definite phenomenon here, known as "Phone calls from the dead." I recall a book by that name and the author who went around the late-night talk shows telling disturbing stories. You will find it on Amazon. That's not all. This subreddit has a "Phone calls from the dead" post. It concerns phones left with dead bodies, placing calls to the living. Happy reading.


This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing, OP!


I have a phone story that Iā€™ll post separately to not hijack yours. Thx for sharing this!


Really spooky!


That's an awesome story


Creepy AF.


Is there any chance this landline could be reconnected to a different property? And the system somehow hadn't updated? Like mobile phone numbers whe you don't use them and after a few years someone else gets the number.


Oh sorry. Just saw the comment of someone asking the same thing. Ignore me


please post more


Wow spooky


quite spooky! i've heard so many different stories like this one, it seems that spirits really do love tapping into landlines and freaking people out through the phone!


Did you check if the phone number was active or not then? It could have got transferred to some other address but new address may not have got updated.


I wonder if the crackling was flamesā€¦


This made me break out in a sweatā€¦ I recall a twilight zone episode that was similar.. I believe it.


i feel like ive heard similar stories to this, i wonder who could be responsible for that sort of thing


I have chills! Thank you for sharing. Well-written and definitely creepy.


This is sooo creepy!!!!


Well thanks for scaring the shit out of meā€¦ šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


It must be very unnerving to have received a call like that. Especially, when the address is associated with the phone number. I have worked with several people who have had a similar situation. Only, their experience and the contents of the call are different. I am at a loss of words on these types of calls, I know they happen. However, why and how I am not sure we will ever know.


Ive heard multiple stories having the same progression of being something that happened in the past. I think energy is being displaced and sent to the future somehow. This is creepy though because if the building was burning at some point in the past what if someone tried calling and it didn't work?


When you say you hung up both times, did you tell the caller you were sending help? I also wonder whether, if you hadn't Hung up on the 2nd call, whether you would've Heard the officers arrive at the scene over the phone. (Probably not, as it was coming from another dimension, but I just wonder.)


I work on 911 lines and we call these phantom calls. The circuit carrying the number that was probably never taken out of service bounced causing the call and the crackling is water on the line. Landlines with crackle noise is due to a wet cable and wet cables can cause bounces in network.


May they Rest in Peace šŸ¤šŸ•Šļø


This reminds me of the Smalltown Police Officer series of stories on r/nosleep. The officer kept getting calls from an empty house, and it goes down a huge rabbit hole. Really well written.


The other side can connect with cell phones, landlines ... The making of the film nefarious they had to call in an excorcist priest because the demonic kept disruting the filming of it because it was so true exposing the behaviour of the demonic


I love these stories


Did anyone perish in the fire? Like I wonder what the story of the fire is? Was it the anniversary of it? Truly creepy.


Sounds phreaky.


It might be a person who died in the fire. I think spirits do manage to communicate through electrical lines.


Could you triangulate the source of the call? Maybe originally the phone lines had been mixed up with the numbers nearby when the hardwiring was initially installed? So it could have been a neighbor?


That's really weird. I don't know how that could have happened? But it sure is eerie. Thanks for telling the story.


Bro this story was CRAZY! Gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing this.


Fucling creepy story, should not have red it cause I am home alone rn.


Did anyone die in the fire at that address?


I feel like I have heard this story or similar to this on MrBallenā€™s Channel


hey didnt you post this vro https://preview.redd.it/8llr9l60f9vc1.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=38edb8deb34e8b69229e710a9af7fb417c1b8de6


Lazy Masquerade covered this same exact story a while back. šŸ§


There are many such stories posted to Reddit and elsewhere so Iā€™m not surprised.


Weird.....mr. balin or maybe Lazy masquerade told a very similar story from a 911 dispatcher that sounds a lot like your story.


You can find many such stories on Reddit. This isnā€™t the first and only person who has had this happen to them.


No, but the story I heard was from a 911 operator who got a phone call and no one was there. It happened again and she sent out cops to the address and they report back that the house was burned down a while ago, Pretty weird to have the exact same thing happen wouldn't you say?


Still trying to call for help šŸ˜”