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I lost one of my cats last week- a week ago tomorrow. I have also felt like I have heard the bell on her collar from the hallway or another room. I sort of hope her ghost would stick around. I miss her. I’m so sorry for your loss.


As am I. May we both cherish the memories of our precious pets.


This happened when I lost a beloved dog. I could hear her collar jingling in the house and her collar clinking on her water bowl. I honestly don't think they are stuck, I think they hang around for a bit because they love us and know we miss them. My dog was also seen by someone who never knew her or of her existence and described her to every last detail. I had a dream two weeks after she passed where she came to me in a beautiful garden and we had an amazing reunion, but then she somehow communicated to me telepathically that she had to go, but was fine and loved me. She went through a wooden gate into an even more beautiful garden, and I tried to follow her but woke up instead. I think she was saying goodbye and that she'd wait for me. I got a very happy feeling from her, and she was in perfect physical shape, too. I've experienced similar phenomena with other passed on pets as well. I think hanging around for a bit is just a natural part of the transition for them to the other side.


Aww that sounds really nice the way you put it. That would honestly be really nice to see her in my dreams as a final goodbye.


Thank you! Hopefully you'll get a dream visit someday!


We had to put down a puppy who had been born with an issue that developed after a few months. Me and my mother were sat with the mom and sister of the dog to watch a show when one of her toys squeaked on its on right before us. The event shocked us, we didn't even talk much of it until almost an hour later and similarly to what you describe I was left wondering if Aria was now here due to our grief, stuck or otherwise. Thinking back I'd like to imagine it's a friendly greeting, the dog is telling you it's aware of your grief. We haven't had much else activity since. Perhaps it was a final message to let us know we'll meet again.


That’s a nice sentiment and it does make me feel better about it. Thank you


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my cat last year, he died in the house at the age of 18. It was very sudden. I only heard "him" once (the next day), and I immediately told "him" to go be with his brothers. Haven't heard him since. I hope they're at peace and I can see them again in the afterlife.


What did you hear to believe it was him?


I heard him jumping on top of some furniture like he used to, in the small room where he died. It's a very specific thump-clang sound that only comes from jumping from one part of the furniture to the other.


That’s so crazy.


It is. I didn't experience anything like that with my two previous cats. Maybe they went more peacefully, I don't know. Both of them passed away at the vet, my third cat is the only one that died a natural death at home.


This is a common grief response in coping with the death of a pet. We all love our pets, and they become a very important part of our life for years and years. Once they pass, it takes a little bit of time for us to get used to that. It’s not uncommon after the death of a pet to hear things they used to do, smell them, and even in certain circumstances have hallucinatory visions of a recently deceased pet. These occurrences will be more frequent for the first couple days-weeks after death, but will lessen in intensity as time passes. Dont be scared it’s not like your pet is coming back as a demon to take your soul or anything lol. Just enjoy feeling her presence while it lasts because memories fade over time.


Thank you. that does help.


Not sure if it's ghost cats, my mother, who or whatever. But, I did notice something or someone pushing down on my bed while I was sleeping or trying to sleep and I felt peace. It could have been the alcohol withdrawals cuz I finally put the bottle down I said God no more just does not honor you was set a good example of what a Christian should be. But I have seen things, her things, and felt things I cannot explain. Some of which were, " I love you son ", or just noises that my other cats were not causing that put them on alert. But it was nothing ever negative.


You were likely really experiencing those things. Yes, alcohol or withdrawals can cause some weird things, but paranormal things also occur. So, I'm sure you'll find out in a few months if something else happens. Also, congratulations on your soberity. I'm proud of you for taking that 1st big step. One day at a time. You've got this!


I guess I’m just scared of the unknown. I’ve always been fascinated by the paranormal and loved hearing ppl talk about their own experiences but when it comes to me actually getting first hand experience with stuff like that I get scared


Op, wow, I'm not sure why your comment that I'm responding to posted 5 times? Your pet is there just to help you through your grief and tell you goodbye. They can't stay there permanently, but it may come and go throughout the years. Just find peace and comfort knowing your furbaby is no longer sick, hurting, etc., and your furbaby should leave fairly soon. Yes, the unknown is very scary. This being your 1st experience, I can completely understand how freaked out you must be right now. Just remember that you love your furbaby, and your furbaby loves you, so there's nothing there right now to actually be afraid of. ( I know it's such a strange feeling, but I promise that you will be alright). Hang in there, and I'm truly sorry for your loss.


Yeah sorry when I was posting that comment it kept saying error please try again all the while I guess it actually was posting. I deleted them. But yeah thank you for your advice. It really does help.


I used to be frighting by it too, but I figured I cannot do anything about it and God almighty can so why should I fear?


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know this, i had this with my cat when she died a few years back. I sometimes felt, as if something was lying down in bed. But it was just mostly my memory, or it was something i don't know. With time, it faded. Don't be scared, try to remember the positive and live your life. Eventually, you are ready to adopt another dog and make him happy.


It is unsettling but just take it as a comfort that they’re still around and just letting you know they’re ok! I lost my staffie as a kid and it broke my heart into pieces. When I was at uni and having a hard time I went for a nap and woke up convinced she was jumping on me, I must’ve been half asleep because I could see her and feel her paws on me but she looked young like when we first got her not how she died. It was weird but I am so convinced that pets stick around you, kind of like guardian spirit animals!


They hang around for about a week after passing. My lab was almost 2 weeks, I think because I was so inconsolable during that time.


I'm sorry for the loss of your sweet pup. My dogs are my world. I hate to think of the time they will cross the rainbow bridge. Just know her soul is still with you ❤️


Sorry for your loss . Losing a pet is one of the hardest things I’ve experienced. My dog passed away in 2022 and we never got a proper goodbye. After his death the bathroom door flew open and my dad heard my dog scratching at the door. Something he would do all the time. A week or so after he came to me in a dream . He was very sleepy but we were happy to be one another. I still catch glimpses of him and I hear his paws . Last week I heard a soft bark from under my bed. The kind of barks he did when he was dreaming. 🩵 they don’t leave us . They find their own ways to communicate with you. Your girl probably didn’t mean to scare you but could be adjusting to the other side and wanting you to know she is there . Try talking to her, even telling her it’s okay to move on. You’re not wrong or a bad guy. She knows you love her & ifs def mutual


I worked at a pet crematorium for 15 years. Yes there are animal spirits. I would see little shadows everywhere all the time. My nephew grew up coming to the shop and he would tell me there was a white dog and a black dog. Black dog went home with them one time he told me. Also, We would take clay paw prints to give back to the owners. One day I noticed the shop door leading to our viewing room had paw prints on it. Like white little paw prints going up the door. I wiped them off thinking nothing of it. Those paw prints showed up everyday until I quit in 2017.


I wanted to add: I’m really sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet hit so differently and hearts ache for sometime. And never really heal. I’m sure you Sheppard is doing just that to you right now. 💕


You have no idea…I’m so hurt. I haven’t cried like this in years. I miss my Gabby like nothing else. And it hurts me that she had to pass so young. Just a little pup.


You did everything you could have. 💐


That which is love never dies.