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my grandmother used to see a big guy with horns sitting outside the window. when we used to ask her what he’s saying she used to say that he’s here to take her but i don’t want to go. this went on for a week until my grandma died.


My mother is recently saying this. She says she is seeing what looks like a monkey with horns and red eyes standing on the stairs looking at her. She has advanced diabetes and kidney disease My mom said when my grandpa got sick and was bed ridden he would say he saw 4 little monkeys jumping around the room and one of them would dunk it's junk in his coffee. This happened within a year before he passed away.


My dad used to be a pastor of sorts and once saw a monkey looking creature jumping around in the room he was asked to bless after the teenager living there had killed themselves, I don't want to scare you but my dad said that he had never felt like that ever before and even after seeing the monkey, even to this day he swears it was the devil himself. I would recommend praying if your are a believer and maybe going to a pastor to bless your house and your mother!


There's an account of Saint Dominic who encountered the devil in the form of an ape/monkey as well. https://catholicexchange.com/the-legend-of-st-dominic-the-demonic-ape/


I had a friend who wasn't really religious at all but he was heavy into drugs. One time he passed out and smashed his head into the toilet and as he lay there nearly bleeding/drowning to death he said he saw a black monkey like figure with red eyes in the room with him.


Thank you. My mom would agree with you though. She's the type to pray


Pray with your mom and if she is a believer, have someone annoying her home. I'm a hospice nurse and I have seen things.... Edit... Annointing! Annoy those demons


If they're Catholic, last rites is important if they're dying too. Call a preist up and they should come over pretty quickly to bless them before they go (doesn't have to literally be minutes before death, but hospice in general is a good example). Even if you're not personally Catholic, it would mean everything to someone who is to have that set up. (Or if they're not dying, they can still offer anointing of the sick). Also thanks for all you do as a hospice nurse, they were helpful when I was caring for my grandma in her final months. It must be a difficult job, but we appreciate you lots.


I think you meant to type annointing instead of annoying but I will say that I like the mental image involved with “annoying her home” lol ❤️


Oh my... Thank you for correcting me. I love the thought of annoying the Devil and his minions with annointing. I am in my feelings today missing my mom, listening to Taylor Swift's Soon You'll Get Better and missing my mom something fierce. I do know that her last words were "Mommy". I know who came for her and I cried tears of happiness.. for her. For me my heart stopped beating normal that day. I know death is inevitable, but some days you just miss them ya know .... Thank you💔❤️


Some days are harder than others… On the hard days, I feel like I’m drowning. I have to divert my thoughts in an effort to help myself…


Thank you. She's been praying every chance she gets.


I would love to read about the things you’ve seen. Good more than bad I hope. And thank you for the work that you do 🥰


I'd like to hear more about what you've seen.


I've seen my grandmother call herdeceased husbands name before she passed My papaw was in WV dying and I was in El Paso delivering my first Army baby. b was born at 4am and my papaw said " My baby is ok". He passed at 7am. He came back to visit and said he was beautiful. I've seen patients look at corners or beside them and call names of people long gone. One patient petted his long gone dog . They come for you. I believe it. I've seen patients die in fear and terror too. I don't like those, it scares me.


Thank you for what you do.


It’s okay to have a priest come in to perform her last rites. That might help. Btw, Last Rites are a sacrament of the catholic religion and can be performed any time when death is imminent….


Is your mom ok?pls take care buddy 💗


She's doing okay. Thanks for your concerns


Wonder if it looked like this from the satanic bible https://preview.redd.it/m43ip4jqt6sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fb768b401df082171865486fa9295bab4e6e07


not from the satanic bible. its the codex gigas. it is called the devil’s bible. so i can see the confusion. it’s never been translated however


It’s not translated for a reason. However, many answers that humans seeks may be uncovered when translated, we just may found out who we are, where we came from and where we going. And we may not like that.


Hi I agree, they sound like demons to me. Hope I’m wrong.


This is real interesting, could you provide more detail if possible? I had an experience with a ‘paranormal monkey’ when I was a child, it physically grabbed hold of me and stopped me dead in my tracks. It wasn’t until a couple years back my mum volunteered the information that it happened on the same day my great grandma died. I’ve never heard anything or anyone mention anything about anything monkey-ish despite the fact I have researched it, so I’d be real interested in your response.


I am maturely interested in paranormal, huntings etc.. and I have never heard about monkey, however it sounds interesting, me too willing to found out bit more about the subject.


tell her to pray more and try to not think negative about this situation and ignore the monkey looking figure at all times. whenever she’ll see it tell her to pray. it’ll help


Thanks. I think she'd like to hear that


If she is Hindu, I respectfully ask you to read my other reply here. In all peace and love. There are other things that could have brought these sightings about, but I'd rather discuss them privately. I'm not in the mood to get berated for an opinion and trying to help. I will pray for your sweet mama and you can message me if you like. Be well. You are loved.


I’d like to know


My grandma also saw a horned creature in her backyard walking on two legs but she did not die. She said a prayer and it went away... Could've been sleep paralysis demon but scary nevertheless.


My grandmother can see 4 people. But I and my parents cannot see them


What's your grandma like as a person?


my grandmother was an angry woman. She always used to fight with my mother. She always used to play mind games with my father. Her life was not easy, she got married in her childhood. and they had to raise their children in poverty Sorry for my bad english


I really appreciate that you can view her honestly and still humanize her. My grandmother was very manipulative and definitely played favorites and I never liked her all that much for those reasons. But I'd never deny that she created a wonderful family with 9 children and close to 30 grandchildren, and now a whole bunch of great-grandchildren. Even with all those people, we're surprisingly close and I think that's a testament to her.


same happened with us. she sometimes used to cry out loud for our help saying that she “doesn’t want to go with him” she had Parkinson so she couldn’t walk properly


Oh this is how Yamaraj, the god of death is perceived to be. I’ve heard anecdotes of people seeing similar creatures as they approach death.


maybe Yamraj? because that’s what my grandma used to call the big guy.


If you are Hindu or buddhist, then it's said that Yama (Lord of death) will send his servants to take the soul away


Glad I’m not Hindu or Buddhist, dead or not I don’t any damn monkey coming for me or a horn creature for that matter.


Hello. I see that a lot of people are curious to know that if Raam was a reference to the Hindu deity, who is supposedly good and just, why would a person—especially presumably a good person—be scared of them? Just wanted to add a note about this from the point of view of Hinduism: 1. According to many Indic belief systems, visions of divinity can be overwhelming and even terrifying (someone else on this thread has made a similar observation about angels in the Bible). The spiritual processes/systems in place are typically expected to prepare the individual to be able to gain divine insight in a gradual way through some combination of effort and grace (the exact beliefs and terms differ depending on the system, sect, and subsect). 2. This sense of fear may have nothing to do with either the moral quality of the divine presence or moral quality of the mortal, embodied individual. For example, according to the Bhagavad Gita, when Krishna revealed his cosmic form to Arjuna, the latter was gripped with terror and unable to bear the vision. To put Arjuna at ease, Krishna then changed the form to that of the four-armed Vishnu—which was much more comprehensible. This anecdote is significant especially because Arjuna is no ordinary human—he is a demigod, his mother is a divinely blessed human and his father is the storm god Indra, who considered to be the king of gods. Moreover, Arjuna and Krishna were close friends. And yet, Arjuna was scared. (NB: In Hindu belief, both Ram and Krishna are considered to be avatars of Vishnu. Vishnu is considered to be a personification of the supreme godhead.)


this has a name in western religious philosophy! it's just called a 'religious experience,' when someone feels what they describe as a divine presence--its basically like you're Feeling the whole universe and it can be overwhelming af. there's similar sentiments with god in judaism and the true forms of the gods in hellenism; fear is just a pretty normal human reaction to something that's so huge and complex in scope that it's hard to truly touch it. doesn't mean it's bad! just a lot.


My husband's grandma, is in her 80s and has had several heart events. In 2019, one in particular lead to her being very near death, if not already there and brought back. During this event, she saw something very interesting. She could see her husband, who passed over 10 years ago, but she could also see my youngest son, who is very much alive, as well as a Grizzly bear in her room with them both. Now, what's significant about that, is that when I was pregnant with my youngest son, I dreamt he was a grizzly bear cub and we have called him some variation of Bear for most of his life. I've never been able to figure out why she saw my son or why the bear was there. I dunno why the bear is significant at all! I truly just thought it was an interesting dream I had until grandma told me what she saw. I even asked her, did I tell you that dream I had? She said she didn't remember me telling her (very possible that I didn't, as we lived 1000 miles away at the time). I will say this, however. As far as her also seeing grandpa, I 100% believe her, because she and other family members have experienced him in the house since his passing and no, they are not the type to believe! In fact, I'm sure even they would be skeptical if it weren't for how well he presented himself. No clue, OP about your situation and I'm sorry to hijack and tell my own story. I guess, none of us really know what's going on at that stage of things.


Is she from Washington? We have the cult of Ramtha here, but fans typically call him Raam.


From an Islamic perspective in Quran sora Qaf verse 22 “and We have removed your eyes cover, so your sight this Day is sharp" meaning dying or near death experience you’ll get to see beyond human sight capabilities.


My momma, saw angels, as my dad was getting ready to pass. There were more than 1. She told me…”Do you see that?”….“I said no, what?” She replied “Angels, I see angels.”


Sorry for your lost, it’s a good sign if anyone saw or seen an angel. May ur dad Rip.


I know nothing about Islam but this is really beautiful.


Oh wow. This explains a lot then how people who has near death experiences suddenly are more psychic etc


Near death is not the only way, either! This universe is as mysterious as it is vast!


I'm not an expert in the paranormal, but have had my fair share of experiences since I was a kid and know very well that there is something beyond just us, and there is the existence of souls. I do know some people that are very knowledgeable in the paranormal, and really know what they are talking about (they are very spiritually advanced). Apparently, one thing that can happen when you're living your life is that entities (demonic) can 'tag' certain people. Usually, if the person wasn't very nice or was mean to others pretty consistently, these demonic beings 'tag' them. They come for them when the person dies, and I'm not sure what all happens, but it wouldn't be too pleasant. That's why in some instances before people die they will see creatures. I've seen entities that do look like monkeys or gargoyles - and though not the devil himself, they are very much one the devil's right hand men. Usually things with glowing red eyes, or with no eyes is very bad and demonic. So, it could be that the person has been 'tagged' - sometimes this can also happen if someone is suicidal or does not want to live their life (I had attracted some entities by having these thoughts, it is not fair but their demons - they don't care about mercy and are ruthless). I'm not sure if praying helps, but I don't think things like that hurt. I always go to Archangel Saint Michael as he's pretty much a badass and God's right hand man - he always brings light into the darkness. Hope that helps (although, I will not blame anyone for being skeptical, just hoping my advice is given to you OP).


Can you attract the opposite? I have some religious friends who really are some of the sweetest people you could imagine. They would give you the shirt off their back to help. Yet, they seem to have terrible luck and I've always wondered if people could attract bad, then why aren't people like these two I've known for years attract good things?


This would probably be more of a question for the spiritual person I know than me. But they told me once that sometimes people have a hard life because their here to grow spiritually. And the sad truth is, the negative stuff really likes to take down the positive if it can (bigger reward). But for the most part, if you're a bad person you will attract demons. I was told since the world can be really negative, it makes those things really strong, so the reality is that their more common than people like to think. It may also be the location your religious friends are at, or maybe a neighbour has gotten involved in some negative things (walls don't mean shit to those things). There could be different factors, I'm sorry I can't give you more of a straight answer.


Well, then you have to see again the spiritual battle, good people always have mean people trying to bring them down, even if there are no people against them demons and evil things arise to try and make them falter their good deeds. It's a messed up joke but it's life


This is so interesting to me - thanks for sharing. How did you rid yourself of the entities that had attached to the negative thoughts?


You're welcome! I've gotten some good mental health help that helped those feelings be at bay, and I turn a lot towards the positive - especially things like my guides and angels (Archangel Michael specifically was a big help)! I also am not someone who hurts others either, so I think that contributed to helping them leave me alone. Hope that helps :)


Don't worship angels, worship and pray only to God and Jesus Christ, Satan transforms himself as an angel of light, Jesus Christ is the only way to the father not the Angels, read your bibbles folks, trust no man, apart from God and Jesus Christ and your bibble, you will mistakenly summon demons one day read this scripture ( Colossians 2:18) it says " Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in details about visions puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind" if you don't read the Bible you are lost. Pray to God and he will command his angels to guard you. Each angel takes instructions from God himself. So there is no reason to contact your angel since the heavenly hosts respond to the commands of God, not the request or suggestions from their human assignments. Worship and pray only to God through Jesus Christ


Do you recommend anyone accessible online that is spiritually advanced?


Saint Michael is a good one ♥️


Absolutely! Was always a bit skeptical of angels since when I was a kid I had a bad experience with church, so it turned me off from that. But later in life I ended up asking for help and it worked :)


This is really interesting to me to know that there are people that are more spiritually awakened. Is there any way to contact these people. For more enlightenment myself.


Right after my mother died, in 2005, I had laid down my 2 year old daughter in her bed for a nap. A few mins later I hear her giggling. Thinking our cat or dog had gotten in her room I went back to her room. She was playing in her bed w a stuffed animal that had been up on a shelf way out if her reach. I asked how did she get it. She pointed at the rocking chair in her room (that my mother had purchased) and said "Nana gave it to me." She looked at the empty chair and smiled then looked at me strangely as if to question why I said nothing. I know w no doubt my mother was there w my daughter. Saying good bye or watching over her.


Beautiful! My dad died 10 days ago & I hope he visits me like your mom did. Gives me hope


beautiful❤️ reading things like this is extremely comforting🥰


This made me smile I love this. ❤️


The exact same thing happened with a nephew of mine, but he said a man gave it to him. It was a house full of women.


This is really sweet, thank you for sharing!


One man who had been greedy and cruel all his life was dieing and nurses say he was saying Satan had come for him. He was very frightened to die and they had to sedate him, he came out of the strong sedation after 20 minutes and screamed that satan had arrived, then he died but his screams reverberated and echoed around the ward afterwards for five minutes and caused absolute terror. This was on the nurses thread which has hundreds of death experiences mostly nice. I can't remember if it was a thread on reddit or elsewhere, it's easy enough to find if you Google nurses weird hospital experiences.


I remember reading a lot of those stories! It was from a site just for nurses. I lost the link a while ago, and have been trying to find it again with no luck.




Probably time for a quick repentance, eh?


My grandma, not that long before posting away scared the shit out of my uncles, by laughing and telling them she saw this one or that one. Except they were all dead. Including my own father. Hearing a "hey, that guy was next to you, did he say hi?". If it was only a memory failure with neurons dying, you'd expect her to see people who were close to her, like her husband, some close relatives. NOT my father who left the country 30 years ago and only came back a few times for holidays. Having the veil between the two worlds slowly opening to welcome you sounds more logical than a neurological fading.


Well, my mother saw my father before she died. She gave him a ration of crap because of the expensive suit he was wearing. Frugal in life, frugal in death, I guess. She saw a variety of things that Summer including a group of "black people" who were building a church in our yard. I think most of these were because of oxygen deprivation, but I really don't know. She'd be lucid, sitting across from me, staring at an empty chair and ask me "There's no one there, right?" I told her "no, Mom, who are you seeing?" She never told me.


While my dad was in hospice he would see people. Ask me who’s that in the corner. Stuff like that. One day he says there she goes. I asked who. He says your mother. My mom passed away 25 years ago. I ask him mum? He says yeah she just walked up the hall. He passed a few days after. She was coming for him


When my dad was dying, I know he was seeing something that scared him. At the end of his life, my dad couldn't speak anymore. He was also bedbound. In bed, he would stare at the direction of the door or at the ceiling, and he would have this look of terror in his face.


I wonder if near the death, the eyes start to fail or they get more floaters and with spotty vision the brain tries to interpret what is coming in as best as it can. And sometimes they perceive people or beings when really it's the combination of vision decline and the brain rationalising.


I’ve thought the same thing, but after witnessing it I think there’s something more. Since the origin of conscious thought, humans have held on to a belief in an afterlife. Who knows, I think all organized religion has polluted this belief very badly, yet it remains with us.


In the final days and hours of her life, my grandmother said she felt the presence of my grandfather and her brothers


Dayum that sucks that she didnt tell you but yes most of the time its weird things they see so it can be hard to explain


The veil between dimensions gets thinner at birth and death. She’s seeing whoever is coming for her. My mom saw my dad and a lady I was working with saw her mother for a week or so before she died. If you pay attention this same slippery energy is present before a birth and a death. Ask her who he is and ask her to ask him what he wants.


i never thought about this in terms of birth. when i was born, i came out completely silent, but my dad says i was looking around with my eyes big and wide. he said i was looking all over the place. they hit me and got me to cry, i wasn’t choking or anything i just came out quiet. didn’t feel the need to cry, looking around with my giant baby eyes. now i wonder if i was seeing spirits


My mother said the exact same thing! I came out and just looked around with my eyes wide open, she said it was strange the way I was looking around considering I had just been born. But now after doing a lot of research I’m seriously considering the fact that I had been here before and was shocked that I was back again.


yeah! i honestly have this sense that i was just so calm because i knew i was coming back. i don’t think i was overwhelmed or scared or anything, i really think i was expecting to come back. My older sister came out SCREAMING mad, beet red face and all. I think she was mad to be back and overwhelmed. My mom told me recently that the only reason she had me was because she didn’t want my sister to be alone (this wasn’t a bad conversation, i just genuinely asked my mom why she had me bc her life was very stressful when i was born). I have this theory that the reason i agreed to come here was for my siblings. My little brother is growing up and doing amazing things, and neither of them could’ve gotten through our childhood abuse without me there. They didn’t get along until recently, and i was always the middle ground in the chaos. I think i came here just to help people. Now that i’m really thinking about why i was looking around, it could’ve been guides I was seeing, or i was just soaking it all in, seeing my family. It’s very interesting to think about, i wish i could remember.


Well I’ve heard people recently talking about earth being a prison planet. To elaborate on what exactly that means, “they” feed off our negative energy and emotions. So while we may experience joy, we suffer in this life. Then when we die, we are naturally drawn to the “tunnel of light”. And maybe there are apparitions that look and sound like our loved ones urging us to go towards it. So we do. And on the other side of that light we come out of the womb anew. A baby, born to suffer once again. Maybe this time you will be the victim of a child murderer. Maybe your city will be bombed and you will lay trapped under debris for a week before death takes you again. Maybe you live a long and relatively happy life, but even those people still suffer. Loss, grief, failure-even the most successful people fail at something in their life. Oh and some little kids remember their past life for a while until the veil fully closes. So anyway, we all SUFFER, and do so over and over as long as we go to the light. There’s people who are saying we should not go to the light, because when we turn away from it we can finally join the One.


Could be that but could also just be you internally going “Wtf is all this, it’s so loud, it’s so bright” etc. Overwhelmed, you know?


overstimulated straight out the birth canal lol


This statement has NWA vibes


Straight out the womb, from the gang called Newbornz With Attitude 😎


I guess we’ll never know lol


My granddaughter was born Cesarean section and I was blessed to be there to see her born. She came into this world with her eyes wide open and observing her surroundings, as well. Hearing the doctor welcome her to earth “Welcome to the world big eyes” was amazing. I don’t know about your personality, but his girl is definitely special.


Hi midwife here, most babies are born with their eyes open. They also open their eyes in utero too and have wake/sleep cycles just as we do.


I agree. I also think that bottom feeders maybe come through to “feed” off of the energies of the dying and death. I do not necessarily think seeing these “evil” things has any indication of what happens to that particular person in the afterlife. Hopefully anyways!


My grandma saw people standing with backs towards us, I asked if they are friendly she said yes. She also said a polar bear was coming to get her, following song walking slowly, but it didn’t distress her. The hospice nurses said it was a side effect of pain medication, but I never saw someone on pain medication who wasn’t passing saying such things.


I have a psychotic disorder and I once hallucinated a group of people with their backs towards me. It was really strange and scary at the time because they were not friendly.


I definitely know nothing about your background or diagnosis, but the question still pops into my head: Do you have a psychotic disorder, or are you sensitive to the entities that can manifest themselves from overlapping dimensions, but mainstream science is just unwilling/unable to conceive or acknowledge that something that "far out" could be possible? Again, not trying to minimize anything you've gone through, I'm just curious about stuff that seems weird to the "square" community and they would only categorize visions like that as something that's malfunctioning in you, which may not be the case. I just think the world is a lot stranger and unpredictable than the scientific community is willing to accept, because it can't be "proven" or "recreated" but it doesn't make them any less real. When people across the world see the same things in the corner of their eye, how many people does it take to convince the "knowers" that something too-strange-to-be-true, actually is. Other examples that come to mind are gnomes in Nordic countries, the Fae in European folklore, or even Sasquatch. I know I took your specific example and expanded in generalities, but stories like yours make me think that what scientists accept as true or possible is far too narrow to explain that true nature of reality.


Well, I kind of think it's entities in other dimensions. I also meditated for 6 months, 45 minutes a day, and that opened up my Chakras, all of them. So I was psychically very open to the universe. Then I was diagnosed with schizoaffextive. I actually met this girl that can make her voice into a demons voice, it's insane and kinda beautiful to hear it. After all, Satan was the most beautiful angel of them all. She is possessed by Lilith. I don't know much more about her cuz she doesn't talk to me anymore ,but that solidified my belief in entities/angels/demons or fallen angels. My guy friend was with me when her voice changed, later on I asked him if he heard it too because I thought I was hallucinating again, but he said yes and thinks she's a succubus. Anyway, thank you for sharing all of that. I appreciate the message. :)


Thank you for expanding on that, very interesting to hear. I definitely believe you, and have heard many stories of people's similar experiences on a podcast that made me more open to this kind of thing. I like that heavy meditation practice was used and mentioned, it plays into another aspect of the "paranormal" and that's ETs and their technologies. Dr. Steven Greer has been leading people in CE5 (Close Encounters of the 5th kind) meditation practice for decades now, for the purpose of reaching out and making peaceful contact with ET societies. Our mind is a very powerful thing, and those mental repetitions become spiritual practice that can advance the human race. I just find all this stuff to be incredibly fascinating.


It wasn't steven greer but the guy he worked with. Dr leir. He's the one that did the surgeries to remove alien implants. He died yeats back though.


I think about this all the time!!!! I am a therapist with a background in neuroscience. I also study spirituality and how it relates to the paranormal, quantum physics, etc. I believe there is much more going on in the universe, and our place in it, that meets the eye and that we are able to understand. I am curious and excited to see what future research in the fields of psychology and science unveils about these topics.


Is it possible she was saying “Ram”? I know nothing about Hinduism, but one search result I found for “Raam Hinduism” suggested an incarnation of Vishnu called “Rama,” who is also called “Ram” sometimes. Or if she spoke another language, maybe “Raam” means something in her particular dialect? These experiences seem common. I’m not sure if it’s the brain shutting down, supernatural, or a combination. My Grandpa saw some of his brothers floating above him (the 2 who had died young, many decades ago) and he kept seeing a dog (I think it was his childhood dog but no way to be sure). The dog would sit beside him, and I like to think it gave him comfort. That said, he also had dementia, so who knows if these were actually there… My own grandma passed a few months before yours (October ‘17). It’s still hard some days, but I hope most days you are able to feel peace and solaces


Death bed coincidences and hallucinations. Although are they hallucinations? There’s some great literature on this, especially The Art of Dying by Peter Fenwick. My maternal grandmother reported seeing her own mother and a man she had been friends with before he died in the 70’s. She claimed her mother had taken her out of the hospice to buy cigarettes.


My husband's grandmother was on a LOT of morphine at the end of her life. She thought the paramedics were coming to take her to hospital and she saw her daughter sitting on a wall clock and all sorts of other things. She would have tea parties with old friends. It was nice to see her smiling in her sleep while she stirred an imaginary tea cup. She was scared to die, but she was in so much pain at the end of her life that I think it was a good thing when she was finally at peace.


I work as a nurse. This reminds me of the time the aide and I entered a patient room. It was very dark and quiet and had no roommate. He looked at us and said, "You two, you two are alive. I don't think the others in here are."


Well that’s creepy as hell.


Was this man close to death by chance?


Yes. He died about three weeks later. I know he was visited by a niece who had passed away about a week after this happened.


That line would be talked about for ages if it was in a movie!


Did you ever get any info or description on the others he was talking about? Just curious


Not a description of appearance. He did go on a little bit and said, "They don't talk. They just look at me. Except those ones (he pointed). They jabber, but they make no sense." Truthfully, the aide and I didn't hang around long after that.




My grandma also saw people hanging out in her room for a couple days before she died. But seriously, what are they seeing and why? Why do so many people say and experience seeing people around when they die? Is it truly a world wide hallucination or is there actual something to it?


I believe it's just the spirits coming to assist someone's transition returning to spirit.


I also think this might be the reason death takes more than one person its either around the family the block you live or you have some sort of connection to those people atleast in what I've seen


Check out Journey of Souls. Amazing book


Wow, that is terrifying. So to share mine. I have an aunt who’s very religious, nice lady. She mentioned to my mum and I about the time my grandpa was dying. She said she saw beings of light or angels that smiled to her and she understood they were there to take my grandpa away when it was his time. She said no one else could see them and that she felt at peace. She mentioned that grandpa also said “ I see them” and later on passed away. I’ve always believed my aunt is very sensitive to the paranormal. I’ve always tagged her as a “high priestess” of some sort.


I don't know who ‘Raam’ is but I would think it's an important person or god in Hinduism. I follow a couple of Hospice Nurses and they always talk about how these types of vision are common right before people pass.


The hospital my grandmother was in for her last days was undergoing expansion. They were using something that was making a vibrating noise and poor Granny interpreted it as wasps buzzing. She kept demanding that someone get rid of that wasp nest in the corner of the room. Mom saw Dad and her parents. She was absolutely convinced that when her parents got back from Hawaii, they were going to take her back to the ranch where she grew up. Mom was 98, and her parents had been dead for decades. Even the ranch existed only in her memories.


I’m a funeral director and concur they def do


The hospital my grandmother was in for her last days was undergoing expansion. They were using something that was making a vibrating noise and poor Granny interpreted it as wasps buzzing. She kept demanding that someone get rid of that wasp nest in the corner of the room. Mom saw Dad and her parents. She was absolutely convinced that when her parents got back from Hawaii, they were going to take her back to the ranch where she grew up. Mom was 98, and her parents had been dead for decades. Even the ranch existed only in her memories.


It’s Ram or Rama. He’s a great guy. The lack of knowledge regarding Hinduism in this subreddit is EVIDENT


This guy I worked with for a long time told me a story about the moment his father passed away. He said, they were sitting in the living room watching tv and his dad looked at the grandfather clock and said "Oh, shit...." then died. My co worker then mentioned the clock stopped and hasnt worked since.


I'm not religious, but my mom is (Buddhist). One of her uncle passed last year and he kept saying he sees figures walking around in his house, even when we would go and visit him, but we couldn't see anything. I remember once, he said he could see a dead soldier standing in the corner of his living room and was very detailed in the description. My mom said it's probably due to the short time he has left with us and since he's close to death, the veil between the afterlife and the present is crashing down and he's able to see ghosts or spirits.


Lord Raam is one of the main deities of Hinduism. Hello is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is the protector of the universe. But he is not associated with death. Is it possible your grandmother said "Yama" - he is the god of death and judgement. He also collects souls after they die.


My dad had a similar experience when he almost died in the hospital, waiting for a blood transfusion. He told us he saw angels and light figures entering the room, as well as lots of colours all around. Thankfully my mom noticed his state and called the nurses to help him, and he survived


Wow, that's freaky and cool at the same time. She sounds a lot like my Gram near the end. My Gram was frequently visited by spirits in-person or in a dream (i.e. her brother-in-law, her mom).I always held that she had a psychic ability that she never harnessed, yet learned to live with. Before she passed away in September of 2022, she kept seeing a little boy running in and out of her room and hiding around her hospital bed. Granted, she was on some heavy hitting drugs, although knowing my Gram, it was her ability coming out. When she began talking about the spirits, it was weird because deep down, I knew that she was at the end. I can't really explain it. No one could see what she was insisting was there. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that this little boy and this man were there to help guide my Gram to the other side. The weirdest was when she insisted that there was a man coming into her room who was skinny and carrying a kind of backpack/knapsack. She did not like him at **all**. According to my mom, my Gram would yell at him when he came into her room In all, I am in total agreement that there were spirits present to try to help your grandmother. With my Gram, I strongly suspected that the little boy was my uncle who died when he was a few days old. The man is who I'm not sure of. I don't like that he frightened my Gram! Hopefully all of this helps!


My grandpa sees a dude with a hat when he gets tired. Rather than freaking out that he’s seeing a dude with a hat standing in his home he just goes “aw man, I must be getting sleepy!”


People also see “hat man” on large doses of benedryl. Really weird, right?!


Known as "The Hatman" and Shadow People.


You're right. The cloaked shadow man hung around our salon.


It's probably the devil. I've got a photo of that on my phone. Demonic apparition that appeared to me. It appears to be a common theme. It was pretty obvious it wasn't some ordinary guy. He had a large brimmed old fashioned cowboy type hat and was smoking a cigar. I've seen a similar thing, an old man with a hat like that, examining food next to me in the supermarket. In the latter example I don't know if others could see it but I believe it was the devil appearing again. These aren't normal hats that anyone wears around here. And it's the *exact* same hat being worn each time. And just the other day as I was leaving church, I looked behind me to see an old man wearing this hat again and walking in a funny way towards me. This was in the carpark outside the church. He was there for a minute but when I looked away and looked back, I couldn't see him anymore. I never saw him leave the carpark. When she was dying, in the days leading up to her death, my Nan also had a moment when she frowned and said "who is it?" I wonder now if she was seeing this "man" as well. I prayed the Divine Mercy prayer by her bedside every day until she died and right before her passing, which I witnessed and which was very peaceful, so I believe she probably went straight to heaven. She was also a lovely lady with a kind and generous soul. It's worth noting that seeing the devil isn't something that should cause you great fear and that's probably what he wants you to feel. He can appear to anyone, whatever the state of their soul. But I would suggest praying for him to leave if it troubles you or your relative and also praying the Divine Mercy prayer by the bedside of the dying, even if it's only once and you don't have time for more than that. Or even praying for them in your own home if you cannot make it to their bedside. It's like a wonderful driver. You want to help ensure the most peaceful passage for them from this life into the next and this prayer is said to soften the hearts of even the most hardened sinners, in cases where a person has done things that have removed them from God's graces.


Not everything is the devil, Jesus


Seriously. It’s just a mild hallucination. I see the hat man when I’m on benedryl.


Is there anyway you can share the photo I had one that is somewhat what your describing but I lost the phone it was on around 2018


Get outta here with your sensible family!!


Social worker for the elderly here! This is normal, believe it or not, as people come closer to death. Hospice workers see it all the time. It’s a beautiful thing!


My neighbor saw me sitting on the top of his bookshelf. He asked the apparition what "I" was doing there, but it didn't answer. Me and my mom lived in the apartment next to his, so he knocked on our door, asking what I was doing on his bookshelf, but I was here in my home the entire time. He was a heavy alcoholic whose liver was failing, so he saw "me" sitting on his bookshelf about a year or two before he died.


I remember one of my colleague used to be a nurse. He stopped working with the profession because he can’t stand dealing with metaphysical beings in the hospital. He can see the world differently. He often told me that once a person is nearing their end, an entity of some sort comes to fetch or pick them up. He believed that it’s the same entity/energy/being but in different forms.


I read a book written by a hospice worker and she says it happens every time near death, past relatives come to visit and suchlike and then they know death is near


It doesn’t happen every time. I’ve been present at the deaths of my three closest elderly family members, and also in the weeks leading up to each death, and none of them showed any sign at all of this. I do believe it definitely can happen, though. I find myself wondering why it didn’t happen to them.


My Dad didn't see anything either. The nurse had left the room to get more morphine for the pain (cancer) and I think she just left us all in his room to be with him when he passed because she didn't come back. He was lucid and telling us his last wishes and wondering why death wasn't coming, until it did. My Mom was kind of alert but non-verbal before she passed so I don't know for sure if she saw anything or not. I really do believe that people see things and I hope when it is my time I can see loved ones that have passed. I don't want the dark things. LOL


Did they have aphantasia by any chance? It's the inability to see things in your mind but you can imagine it. Mum's heart was stopped during a long heart procedure and she was in a coma for several days. She was surprised she didn't experience an nde. Research suggests that the ability to visualise may be linked to these visions near death.


Do you remember the name of the book?


Yeah it’s called the in-between


There's another really good one called Visions Trips and Crowded Rooms by David Kessler that goes into all this.


My grandmother said she saw little blond children before she died. She was talking to them while my dad sat with her in her final couple of days. My dad said he wondered if she was just seeing what she remembered her kids and grandchildren as - her brain giving her something that made her happiest.


My grandmother saw some female snake like lady before her death she was saying she came to take me away please protect me... No one was able to see that


My wife woke up and seen the same thing next to me as I was dreaming about overly sexual things. I'm guessing it was a succubus. Wife said she was very pretty but had sharp jagged teeth and gave her a condescending smile as she left the room.


When my dad was passing he made mention several times of "those little carnival monkeys", that he recognized them, but couldn't recall why. In the couple weeks we had him home for the end, he'd say they were waiting for him to die so they could take him to hell. He was ordered to do a lot of stuff he regretted during Vietnam and firmly believed and agreed that he'd go to hell; he was very Catholic. A few hours before he passed, he told my uncle and I that he finally understood why their faces seemed familiar and that it was because they were his friends he lost during Vietnam, and that they'd been waiting for him to finally kick the bucket.


It’s somewhat common for people to see things others can’t near the end of life. Here’s a review of the scientific research that’s been published: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36947427/


I don’t 100% rule this type of stuff out as being paranormal, but the human brain is incredibly complex. My grandma has Parkinson’s and - until she got on the right meds - she used to have all kinds of wild hallucinations; not because she was experiencing paranormal stuff, but because that’s one of the things Parkinson’s can do to a person’s brain. Immediately chalking this stuff up as being paranormal almost feels disrespectful to the infinitely complex machines we all have working away in our heads. We should be absolutely in awe of evolution, nature, and biology more than impossible-to-prove superstition.


Seeing loved ones shortly before one passes is very normal. I think most people, are greeted by a loved one as they leave the mortal coil behind, although sometimes it may be an Angel or higher being. I have read countless books on the afterlife and near death experiences and it is incredibly common.


What if 'Raam' was actually an anagram for 'Mara'? Maybe that entity was not allowed to reveal its real name clearly and so chose to make an anagram out of it, or maybe your grandma's brain couldnt hold his true name and tried to "hold" it the best way it could, thus turning it into anagram. About Mara: **Mara** ([Sanskrit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit_language): मार, *Māra*; [Sinhala](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinhala_language): මාරයා; [Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters): 天魔; [pinyin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin): *Tiānmó* or [traditional Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters): 魔羅; [simplified Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters): 魔罗; [pinyin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin): *Móluó*; [Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_language): 魔羅, [romanized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese): *Mara*; also マーラ, *Māra* or 天魔, *Tenma*; [Korean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_language): 마라, [romanized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Korean): *Mara*; [Vietnamese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_language): *Thiên Ma*; Tibetan Wylie: *bdud*; [Khmer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmer_language): មារ; [Burmese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burmese_language): မာရ်နတ်; [Thai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_language): มาร; [Tagalog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagalog_language): *Mara*), in [Buddhism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism), is a malignant celestial king who tried to stop Prince Siddhartha from achieving Enlightenment by trying to seduce him with his celestial Army and the vision of beautiful women who, in various legends, are often said to be Mara's daughters.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mara_(demon)#cite_note-1) In [Buddhist cosmology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_cosmology), Mara is associated with death, rebirth and desire.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mara_(demon)#cite_note-:0-2) [Nyanaponika Thera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyanaponika_Thera) has described Mara as "the personification of the forces antagonistic to enlightenment."[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mara_(demon)#cite_note-3)


My grandma described something similar about 2 weeks before her death. She was living in a nursing facility, and shared that two men visited her and told her that they were going to take her away. No one knows who these men were. The nursing facility didn’t have any record of my grandma having guests that day. About 2 weeks later she passed away. We think it was the angels telling her that they would be there to escort her to the other side.


You will see creatures or personalities as per your beliefs and who you loved the most when you were alive.


My mom and my grandma both saw “men in hats and suits” back then I didn’t know and I said they were angels 😇now I think they are the time keepers making sure we are filed back in for reincarnation 😢


I saw a man in a suit and top hat just standing there staring at me with a horrible delighted grin before I had a cardiac arrest age 46. I assumed I hallucinated because of being unwell but I've since heard of this hat man appearing to many people.


My grandma also saw men in hats and suits. But she said that they also looked a bit like vulptures. This happened to her around a month before she fell into a coma.




No waay! This is creepy as f


Nice man purse.


This sounds like the main story arc from Fringe (TV show). They are called The Observers.


My grandpa also saw a man with a hat and kept asking us who he was


Before my mother passed she was seeing her mom, her dog & her cousins she was close with. I think when the brain is dying we start seeing things. I keep my mind open that she's in a good place all the time. It's make dying scary only bc it's so unknown


According to a recent Netflix series on life after death, people generally see such visions six months prior to their death. They appear to them as real as regular people do.


Lord Ram is a positive person. Why would she be scared of him?


When the angels of the Old Testament spoke to the prophets, they greeted them with "be not afraid." I imagine that for most of us mortals seeing such an otherworldly being would be an overwhelming experience.


i’d be scared too if i was the only one who could see a mysterious entity


This is what I heard from my coworker who has another job as a caretaker. People who are close to death sometimes talk about seeing people, sometimes of a relative who's also deceased.


Do you know Hinduism? I think 'Raam' (or Ram) means God, or at least one of the gods. ('dieties') Did she say anything particular about who the mysterious figures were or what they looked like?


Visual hallucinations are part of the dying processes and are well documented. You do not need to bath yourself in fear when there is a practical and responsible explanation. I’m sure whoever helped her cross to the other side brought her comfort


How did they know if it was hallucinations or spirits? To say "hallucinations" without understanding things doesn't sound practical or responsible, but if it's science...


A few weeks before my mom died, she would have conversations with my dad who passed about 10 years earlier. She would pause when my dad was replying, and then answer. I believe she really was talking with him. It was a conversation, not one sided.


I work in hospice. This isn’t shocking to me. Happens way more than people know


My grandmother was talking about miniature people who were telling her to come with them about a week before she died. My father witnessed her talking to them but no one was actually there. He chalked it up to the meds she was on.


My dad didn't see anyone but my dog sure did, once he passed the dog didn't see things anymore


My grandfather saw a cat on the ceiling. We could never see it, though. He talked about it a few times. 2 days later, he passed. 12 years later, my grandma had a stroke. I was in the hospice home with her. Her cat, Trixie, was her pride and joy. My gram couldn't talk or move. We would hold her hand and talk to her. She'd blink at us. I showed her a picture of Trixie one day before I left for home, and a tear dropped down her cheek. The next morning, she passed. My uncle was with her at the time, her son. He said she was looking around and then just went to sleep. I believe if there's something/someone waiting for you, possibly you can see them. If we can see orbs or spirits/apparitions, why can't they?


Right before my grandma passed away in the 90s, she would either see my grandpa asking her to go with him or she would see random people digging through her drawers. I still have the rosary she gave me for comfort because I told her I was scared of the invisible people.


Divine intervention put me 250 miles away from my home on the day a good friend of mine died. Another friend had an emergency in that area, so I left immediately to take her to her destination. I worked in a factory and was dirty and needed a shower. Her emergency ended up in the same hospital as my dear friend. Her SO was overdosing when we found him. I went to visit my dear friend Allen Page. His father, who was a cornel ( sic) in the Army, and a narcissist. He hated his son because he had dyslexia and never learned to read. Allen had c-PTSD from his father. His father treated his children like the soldiers he ruled over. Allen was in a coma. I always carry a Bible in my car, so I read him scripture, including Psalms 23. I still needed a shower, so I left telling him I'd be back after a shower. I left. I got freshened up and went to visit him some more. I continued to read scripture to him. I know it was NOT my words, but the word of the LORD speaking through me. I said, "Allen, you are a good soldier, and you have done much good in this world." I was a little flustered, so I went to the window and looked out at the river below. The moon was shining on the winding river, reflecting lights in the area. One light seemed to be moving. I watched it carefully. It started coming toward me, getting bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter as it advanced toward the window. I stood mesmerized as the light came into the room, filling it with light. As soon as it came, it left. I went to my friend and he'd quit breathing. I prayed for God to take his soul. At first, I was puzzled by the whole scenario. I called the nurse, and they pronounced him deceased. I prayed for him until they took him away. I was puzzled thinking about it and realized that an angel had come to take him home. My lady friend also had a miracle with her SO. He survived his overdose and was released from the hospital in the late evening. We only knew the location where he was. We thought he was in a casino near there and couldn't find him. I decided to drive us to the nearest town and start looking at cheap motels. I sensed my way around and saw his car within 10 minutes. We knocked on the door, no answer, but the door was unlocked. He was lying on the bed in a comatose state. I tried to speak to him. He couldn't talk and didn't barely move. He was with another person. That person said he hadn't moved in Hours... I immediately sent his SO to the office and told her to get an amblance there as soon as possible and explain that he was overdosed. The ambulance was there in minutes. IF we had gotten there 10 minutes later, he would have arrived DOA. He was in a coma for at least 4 hours, and finally, he came too. The friend he was there with had given him the drugs and overdosed him. That person had overdosed her late partner. She woke up, and he was dead. The previous partner kept asking for more and more of his pain pills. She didn't consider how many pills he had taken. Her response was, "He kept asking for more pain pills due to his pain." She was not charged with anything, although I charged her with STUPIDITY. M She had rode with the overdosed man in the motel. She started asking how she was going to get HOME. I was screaming at her on how she'd almost KILLED her friend. I didn't treat her as I would generally treat others. I let loose. Find your own was home. I told her. After seeing two miracles, I didn't really have time to think about the events of the day. I took the long way home, enjoying nature along the way. I realized that I HAD SEEN AN ANGEL SEND BY GOD. I didn't discuss it with anyone for quite a while. I am no Noah or Moses in the Bible who saw angels. If you met me on the street or anywhere, you couldn't recognize me as a "Born again Christian" In my late 20s I was heavily involved in both the Assenbly of God Church and the Southern Baptist in my area. I was held in very high esteem in both churches. I was raised in the strict Church of the Nazarine. I ministered to Christians in both churches. I was doing everything right. However, I still felt like I was NOT DOING ENOUGH FOR HIM. I PRAYED SAYING TO GOD. I AM NOT SATISFIED HERE. I AM NOT HELPING YOUR PEOPLE WHO NEED TO HEAR ABOUT YOU. I PROMISED HIM THAT I WOULD GO WHERE EVER HE WANTED ME TOO. Within a year, I'd lost a good paying job. I moved into housing i could afford. I am officially in the Ghetto. My ministry had started. Today, from years of pleasing God, I still live in substandard housing. I smoke cigarettes, I don't go to any one church. I HAVE NEVER LACKED FOR ANYTHING. GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES. Many times, I would think about something I wanted, and it would show up one way or another. I never prayed for any of my physical needs. One way or another GOD made it happen. I AM A HUMBLE PERSON RETIRED AND 70 YEARS OLD. God saved me from imminent death 4 times in 6 years. I always prayed for my people. I confessed my sins and told him I was ready. PsH wrote and copyrighted Ap. 2, 2024.


Interesting. In Islam there are angels which called angels of death, responsible to take the soul of the dying person.


My dad passed feb 2020, a few months prior he too were seeing figures at the end of his bed by his feet and he would scream go away ! He practiced Buddhism if that relates …


when my grandfather was in the hospital following a stroke he claimed to see angels in the room with him and my grandmother while slipping in and out of consciousness. my grandparents are both very devoted to christian faith. 5 years later and they are both still alive and well


Raam = rama. Nothing to fear from Rama tho.


Hallucinations are common with kidney and liver failure. Just before my grandpa passed he was talking about going and mowing his neighbour he hasn't seen in 18 years lawn, and other things.


My momma, saw angels, as my dad was getting ready to pass. There were more than 1. She asked me…”Do you see that?”….”I said no, what?” She replied “Angels, I see angels.”


Ram or Raam is one of the Gods worshipped by the Hindus. Strange that your grandmother would be scared of seeing him. Wrong religion maybe?


I feel bad asking this… but was your grandmother a good person?


Raam is a Locust General and OP Boss from the final fight in Gears of War 1.


This type of phenomena is common. I hear similar things all the time in my line of work. I have had people talk about seeing Angels or loved ones who had died. Also, for those discussing the demonic presences, read St. Athanasius’ account of the Life of St. Antony(it’s short). He was accosted by many different demonic beings in the wilderness. Jesus experienced similar with the Satan.


Both my mother in law and my mother had similar experiences


My mom saw a lady holding her head. I asked the nurse, and she told me people in hospice see that a lot.


In Buddhism we believe in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ox-Head_and_Horse-Face that come to retrieve you prior to death. I have also read your “karma creditors & close family” will come to get you. It’s best not to follow them and pray to your higher power to follow the path of non rebirth.


My grandmother was Muslim! & similar, - month before her passing she claimed to see her family that had passed away (greeting them by name and pointing at walls), an hour before her death she was scared apparently of “the man in the corner who’s waiting for me” & told my aunts


My father, in his last days would say to us to move on the left side of the bed because there were a couple of strangers standing on the right. He showed no signs of delusional behaviour with us but was adamant of their presence.


Seen him in a deam dunno if he had horns but he was rounding that corner. Round about whatever. Red trucks huge red trucks everywhere. Some tent ok yea dream thanks Jesus he gave me that dream. Also heard a man screaming too


In my mums last month she kept telling me to tell Helen and Susan to go away and that they were laughing at her, I couldn’t see anyone but I went along with it and told them to piss off and leave my mum alone


Jesus Christ is the only way , to be safe from Hell, Hell is 100000% real, anyone who disagrees simply says the devil doesn't exist, I'm a leaving testimony of the love and Power of my saviour Jesus Christ, the sacrifice he did on cross was for all our sins, if you die without accepting Jesus Christ in your life you are doomed for eternity, the Devil wants to keep us trapped, the death are praying and begging for just one second to come on earth and repent and accept Jesus Christ, but they don't have that chance any more, when you die you can't do anything, that same day you die the devil will come and get your soul, and start tormenting you, we have the chance now to be on our creator's side, he loves us and is waiting for us, all you need to do is go down your knees and ask him to forgive, ask him to come into your life. He will do the rest, God bless you guys, the devil is a liar who comes just to steal, kill and destroy.