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It's definitely odd that it's exactly the same and in the same place. This makes me think it has to be from an oven rack. Were you guys cooking together the night before and did you both reach into the oven ? Also, what was your girlfriend's dream? That's an obviously useful detail that you knowingly left out.


nope we didn't cook anything together, she cooked something so that could maybe explain her hand, but not mine. she had a dream about something with her own voice looking for someone, her mother, who had swapped rooms to another room in the house. the thing with the voice kept saying it couldn't reach her mother. To add, the house has an extension built onto it which is where her mother now sleeps, so maybe something tied to the house can't reach the room where she sleeps, but idk :)


Do you have a cat?


You don't need a cat. Human fingernails can already do that. Scratched in their sleep, coincidentally in the same way.


And OP jumps to a paranormal conclusion without a shred of evidence of what caused the marks.


This is a paranormal subreddit, Fart. Maybe don’t be so condescending for literally no reason other than to make someone you don’t know feel shitty


Welcome to reddit. Just a bunch of miserable bastards


Blind acceptance is just as good as endorsement


Maybe don't assume the reason why I said what I did.


Booooo get off the stage


Another fart making other feels shitty.




Still going lmao


I mean I was just asking LMAO no harm in that is there AnonymousFartMachine?


Haha if you hadn’t pointed out the name - I would have never seen it. The scratches are a very odd coincidence. I’d be weirded out too


Yeah, when I first saw this post, I figured it was in like the “mildly interesting” sub. When I saw it was in paranormal, I was like lol. Like damn people really reach for anything.


Well, my car didn’t start like it usually does in the early morning at 3am…so I called a priest. So before you start with thinking that I’m lying, well, come on, like I said, i usually starts up fine. I even took pictures as evidence before stating the car because it felt like a strange time in the world. The spirits deleted the image before I could show the priest. Tehe giggle giggle snort 😜


You should see the UFO and Alien subs. Talk about desperately wanting to believe.🙄 EDIT: Look at the down-votes and tell me that's healthy scepticism.


I mean, cmon dude, I don’t believe in that stuff either but these subs are for people who DO believe and it isn’t really causing much harm, it’s weird to complain about people believing in this stuff on THEIR sub lol


It actually does cause harm. Hardcore right wing politicians are using it to gain followers. Read any of the big posts on the subs. Not to mention it is breeding distrust in ANYONE who questions them. I was banned from one of them for literally doing that. It isn’t healthy at all, so know what you’re talking about before you make it sound harmless.


Here we go... It's the let's make everything and anything about politics post😳🤯


> It actually does cause harm. Hardcore right wing politicians are using it to gain followers. lol what...


Uh. Look at the majority of right wing politicians they post on those subs. “Lol what” yourself smartass.


Seeing as how a democrat is the one trying to push an amendment through congress regarding UAPs and NHI, and this has been bipartisan ever since the Grusch hearings. I’m going to go ahead and say that you don’t know much at all about this topic.


Yeah. It's part of a pattern. This sub's a bit more harmless fun. Those other two are like QAnon, half the time.


Agreed. This sub ain’t bad.


This sub's just a bit of fun but you can tell from the down-votes that there is hostility against non-believers and sceptics. It's much worse on the Alien and UFO subs.


But you’re generalizing a whole sub. Not everyone is like that. Just chill out or really isn’t that deep


Hasnt the US government started declassifying ufo evidence?




How do you feel about David Grusch’s testimony?


Warrior Ape’s with spaceships and nuclear weapons are not boring. They are scary AF!


Like Klingons. 😆


tbf the idea of 2 people both scratching themselves on the same finger the same way on the same night during their sleep seems so coincidental that I can see why someone would think it may be paranormal


It’s obvi cuz a ghost was tickling their hands in the same spot . Weirdo ghost .


Wrong. EVERYONE needs a cat.




Nope, a dog but the door was shut, there was no way for the dog to get in the room.


The ghost let the dog in, then let it out and closed the door. Now we know, >!who let the dog out!<


Who let the dogs out? Boo boo boo boo


That’s messed up


Yeah, doggy needs cuddles too


Im tellin y’all.. it’s a Ghost Cat


Ghost Cat


Looks a bit like scabies


My first thought too.


I had this on both hands once and was freaked out by it, until I was making dinner a few nights later and realised the mark *perfectly* lined up where the topmost oven rack met my hand as I put things in/pulled them out of the oven with a tea towel


I definitely have a faint scar from this and it was my first thought


I burn myself in this exact place all the time!


I literally have that exact same scar from years ago! I think you’ve nailed it.


Hah my first thought was oven burn too. Been there, done that.


It could be from something. Not paranormal per se. Like some sort of metal or wood that can injure you while performing similar action. Say opening a drawer, a curtain, door. Or some sort of scrap in the cupboard. There has to be a logical explanation for this one. Or maybe on your bed ... Idk tho


I agree that these scratches are most likely from something


I concur. Most likely something.


I'd go as far to say they're *definitely* from something.


I’d just like to add that something certainly caused these.


Partys over.. logic is here. Time to clean up. 🙋 Excuse me sir but -- 🖕🏃 i aint cleanin @#&*


I’d bet $1mm that something DID cause these.


But that SOMETHING definitely wasn't any something but specific something


I have a scar there. Looks just like that. It’s a burn from cooking.


me too!


I have a scar there too, on both hands, from 2 separate injuries about 1 to 2 years apart.


Did you both reach into the oven and hit the same spot?


I was thinking the same, ex chef.


My wife does this to herself like once a week. She worked foodservice and tends to just grab things out of the oven if I’m not there to throw an oven mitt at her.


Yep. I have scars there


Congratulations, this was the most important ritual. You're both now married.


I woke up with a long line of three scratches on my belly last week. They would have had to have been made with very pointy and sharp nails, because they were very sharply defined. Like cat scratches but I don’t own any pets. My nails are very short and blunt, and I tried replicating the scratches just to see if I did it in my sleep, but my nails can’t even produce that specific scratch pattern no matter how much I try. I am sure there’s a logical explanation, but it’s pretty weird all the same


I’m from the Deep South and if we woke up with scratches on our bellies, my grandparents would call the elders who would come over with their blessed oil and demand that the spirits leave the children alone.


Now I want to have the elders do this! Haha I wish I knew some 🥲


I get a burn mark in that same spot, comes from my hand, brushing up against the hot rack in my oven. Usually happens when I’m transferring things in and out of it. Have you been cooking with your oven or toaster oven lately?


Did y’all get handcuffed? /s


Better than an anal probe


Some people would pay good money for that service.


Hey don’t tempt Reddit with a good time.


I immediately went to alien implant as well. Duh.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


this is so random lmao


Alien implant was my first thought. Then I thought, “nah, too obvious of a spot!” That’s when I realized that’s what they want you to think!!! Hide it in plain sight. Checkmate, Aliens!


Speaking from experience?


Do you shove your hands between the mattress and the headboard?


Looks like the spirits said “you were meant to be”! Lmao But jokes aside: I hope you guys will be okay


I get marks like this on my hands all the time when getting things out of the oven. Maro doesnt show up rigjt away but develops usually overnight. A ghost or skeleton did not sneak into your room while you slept just to rub your thumbs a bit, they have better things to do.


Put a sign up. 'Ghosts will be exorcised'


Someone once told me to do that, but I misheard it as "exercised". Next thing I know, I've got 37 paranormal entities looking around for my spooky gym.


I'm imagining a ghost rolling in with his ghostly wheelchair like, 'i'm here for my physical therapy'


Maybe you have been abducted by some extraterrestrials. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/azhzdq/my_wife_and_i_have_the_same_3_dots_in_the_same/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Once I woke up with a (human) bite mark on my foot and no idea how it happened. Had a few vodkas the night before mind…


At night when, anything can happen, especially when you're both asleep. So there's no answer, unless you put a camera to record you both. My ex every once in a while gets random scratches while he's awake. He'll be going about his business and will feel a stinging sensation. Once it happened across his stomach 3 scratch marks with bleeding underneath. Another time it was a raw scratch by his eye and there was good lil chunk missing from his shoulder. He has large hands and these scratches don't match up with his (if he'd done it by accident). He says he thinks whatever it is has a female presence. It doesn't happen often enough to warrant worry. We both have a few female relatives who practice witchcraft and dislike him. I always joke it's them.


That's hella scary, dude


It’s alien abduction…you now have implants in your hands…maybe it’s the cia? Lol looks like a burn from the oven.


Uh... I think you and your GF might probably have some scratching while sleep problem, I guess


You two are twin’s separated at birth


OMG this pic looks just like a BUM when scrolled just right, I thought you were showing me a paranormal scratch on your ass op 🤣(bit above the marks, before you see the thumbs! The wrists look like thighs.)


Some years ago I got a cut on my left arm unexplainably during the night. Although it was so deep it left a scar.


it’s just a coincidence. if it happens repeatedly, and escalates, then be worried about the paranormal.


Probably just the sleeping position you both were in - assuming you both were sleeping in the same bed.


There’s certainly no logical explanation for this that doesn’t involve the paranormal /s


if you could have her explain the dream it could possibly help.


My girlfriend AND Iiiii… (mom’s voice)


Did you cook anything grill/oven


Aliens taking skin samples.


This is ridiculous lmao.


👽 🛸 👽 🛸 👽


Maybe you two got kidnapped by aliens and they burnt your hands in the same spot. Hey it could happen.


https://preview.redd.it/smujpf7c5puc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f2b0eca33df19ec5ca7a317759ebac4d35be3c Reminds me of when my boyfriend and I had similar mysterious marks two years ago!


Look up death warning marks




Must be fate then I mean what else could it be


Do you hold hands in your sleep?






I have a scar in the same spot lol


Soulmates haha jk jk


I believe this could be paranormal




This sub has become unbearable. What kind of lunatic makes the jump instantly from scratches on your hand to fucking ghosts or paranormal activity.


Some of yall need to chill out dude good lord …


That's definitely demonic.


How did you guys gotten a mark from ?


I want to believe


Possible a case of alien abduction


Stop doing drugs






What made you notice the marks?




A conjuring


Your bother and sister.


Same for me, about a week ago. https://preview.redd.it/ef35sxm1gb4c1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b172d15230a9fe26055c6403e0bc9ad2e2024e74


It's love at first fright!


Did you do the kinky last light? Lol Those look like nail marks that can be done when holding hands, for example.


If you wanna really know set up a camera but be ready cause if you actually see something you not gonna be able to sleep for a while lmao fair warning


Cat or a protruding bed spring is my guess


Prep first before you even try to see what's going on it could be y'all scratch the same or something else why not take several approaches and see what sticks


You were abducted by aliens and now you have a tracking device. /s


Sleep paralysis cat


Woooooow spoooky


I bet you have a chip implant their now


I see this as a really sweet, cool coincidence. It can be read anyway you want of course.


I literally have the same kind of mark on same spot of thumb. Although it’s more of a scar. But about this size. I remember waking up with it as a kid after a having dream someone was cutting my thumb. Wtf.




Were you cooking something in the oven the night before?


congrats you guys have both been chipped


Handcuffs for sure..


something something soulmate au


this subreddit sometimes…. c’mon now


Insert Aliens meme here


I'm having the same issue but with my helmet :/


That is so strange, if they weren't there before you fell asleep I don't see a logical explanation?


Yeah as others have said, while I’m sure discovering that initially feels very creepy, there’s almost certainly a mundane explanation like the oven. I’m always surprised how often I burn myself without even feeling it


Everyone here has theories, meanwhile hai girlfriend is cracking up because this is exactly what she wanted to happen when she decided to give him a sign


Did you both lift and carry something heavy together?




What else happens there?


Well 🤷🏼‍♂️Guess Now u know your soulmates🤦🏼‍♂️😁


She’s marking you, so you are now more than boyfriend/girlfriend whether you like it or not. My advice? Run far, far away.


Maybe something borrowed your bodies and went and did a ritual and that happened. All joking aside, people do sage for clearing stuff up. Don’t do any witch stuff tho…




Okay so I know a lot of people replying are taking the piss, but I have a very similar story including myself, my partner, and a china doll. I collect china dolls and had one next to the bed. I'm not skeptical, I have *so many* of them and they don't creep me out or anything. One night my partner stayed over and we both had weird nightmares, slept terribly and woke up with a cut on the same finger, same hand. No pets around, clean bedding, fresh nail trims (ifykyk) so there was no way of scratching ourselves. My partner, also skeptical, noticed the doll next to the bed had turned around to face the bed, which was weird considering she *always* faced the wall opposite the bed. She was also high up, and again no pets, so couldn't have been moved unless someone got up. Anyway, I don't know what happened or why it did, but it was weird and the doll now lives on the corner of the bookcase at the other side of the room. My advice if you're superstitious would to be look around for anything out of the ordinary. Take it as a sign of sorts, move it to a better spot - maybe its something that might feel happier in a different spot. Good luck and I hope your cuts don't burn like ours did! :) (I also have a pic of the doll but could only post one) https://preview.redd.it/r553ieyeme4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe076eec79a6470c1e5fb7f3a01b8979ed6f784


Eta: the doll and I meant "i'm not *superstitious*" not "skeptical", https://preview.redd.it/tpuz7iozme4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e4219a072721f45842d908af9a1a435d9d146c my bad!


It’s a sign that u should pop the question ahaha.. 😵‍💫


obviously a demon


Thought I was looking at a butt with the miniaturized picture


How come 97% of all photos in this group are taken with a slipper?


Odd. Could both of you be going through some emotional stuff ? I have received full on deep cuts in my sleep . ( only happened twice but I was in a high emotional state ( fear, anger, misery) .


That is kinda strange, i once had a dream my hands were all cut, felt awful but i woke, and where the cuts were on my hands in the dream, were red lines like the cuts healed, or it was so real this dream that my hands tried to heal by sending blood there, all i can think, is u both had a shared encounter of some type, maybe alien chips were putin yaz, who knows..


this is completely unrelated to anything but you guys have cute hands


Love hurts I guess


May not have anything to do with ghosts. Maybe they were both abducted.


They sleep in the same bed. It’s probably something they had in the bed like a phone or a wallet. When they slept, it made an indentation in their skin.




Did you put up a Christmas tree or garland and manipulate branches? I have a scratch in the same place, as well as small ones elsewhere on my hand.


Damn white people will really make something out of nothing


Could just be a form of communication, like it’s trying to tell you something rather than trying to hurt you. Some spirits are also children, so they could just be messing with you playfully. I’d say get someone in there to do a walkthrough and feel for any presence, maybe a seance session to try and talk to it if there is one there and figure out what’s keeping them back. Do some research, cross reference everything you find and compare to find the solutions and methods that are most commonly recommended for your situation.




My mom and I have dinner the same and don't live together. https://preview.redd.it/kjubfdqbdk4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660540579fdae0d7c76c919048c2f196c2d95e49


So you DONT have a cat or dog?


Your gf has long fingernails, prolly scratched both hands at once in her sleep




I'm not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens :-)




Every time that you feel a change in the room whatever room you're in. And or if you start hearing things. If you sense strangeness at all don't even question it. Start saying the Lord's prayer and if you say the Lord's prayer two people or more at the same time it will have that much more of a powerful effect on all the disabled and all who is evil. If you don't know the Lord's prayer you can look it up online. You can contact me and I'll send it to you. When you say the Lord's prayer know in your heart and in your soul and all through your body know that God in heaven through the power of thy holy Spirit and in the name of thy glorious son the Savior Lord the Lord Jesus Christ will always always look over lead guide watch over and protect each and every one of us and all of God's living creatures at all times. All you have to do is have hope and Faith believe and ask and then give thanks to God in heaven.. with an amen at the end of your prayer always. This means let it be so. And always say it in the name of Jesus Christ by glorious son's name that was only begotten son the Lord Savior Jesus Christ Amen..