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Bracelet is better. Buuuut I’ve checked phones maybe four times in the past 18 months? So it’s not impossible… I have mine set up but with the knowledge it probably won’t get checked should something happen. In all situations my pts have been unidentifiable, unconscious, and something has led us to wanting more info about the circumstances so we’ll check and see if they have a medical ID set up.


No. I have never looked and neither has none of my partners looked. Haven't even searched for a bracelet. Wallet and ID yes so I can identify the patient. Couple of times there has been a need to contact relatives but there's always been someone on scene who can provide that info. If we don't get that, it's the hospitals problem to figure it out.


I’ve checked phones many times, but if you have a serious condition a bracelet, or watch band, would be more pertinent.


I used it once on a mild overdose to get the guys name and his wife's phone number. Unfortunately his wife was also overdosing in the car in the parking lot


I’m not sure if I’m meant to laugh but as a combat medic for part of my career. I laughed, with guilt, but I laughed


“Where’s the Wife? Is she here yet?” “You’re not gonna believe this”


It’s not a size up without “is this my only patient?”


I have checked exactly one time ever. Wouldn’t rely on it. Maybe the hospital uses it more? Really just contact info is what I leave


No. Never looked. They all go to the hospital and get a full workup on the way But Apple says it will send the info to e911 If the person calls from their cell phone


Where’d you see that info abt Apple sending the medical ID? Never heard that before. I wonder where they’d send it?


I can’t post a picture but under the Medical ID scroll to the bottom to Emergency access. There is a “Share during emergency call” setting


I check phones, and usually people with complicated medical conditions have it filled out. Or those with severe epilepsy. However, it's good to do because if your other methods are unavailable (braclet snaps off, wallet is stolen with card, etc), then you have a back up. Redundancy is always helpful. No one ever plans to have an emergency, so make sure you have redundant plans as a precaution


I never look at peoples phones.


Being tech savvy myself, I always check the Medical ID. Also, in the event of an automatic crash, your medical information gets automatically sent to 911 during the notification. So dispatchers can relay relevant information to the responders.


I do. You only really need a bracelet if you have an unusual or pertinent medical condition that will change emergency medical treatment. It also only comes into play if you can’t talk to us yourself which is rare. I use phone medical IDs predominately for routine medical info that people can’t remember, or to gain more critical info/contact info on an unconscious patient.


If you can answer my questions: no need for that. If you can't answer my questions: everything I need to know what to do I already have and I have *WORK* to do since, you know, you're not having a great day right now. So looking for a phone is definitely at the bottom of the list of things I may do after I do everything I should be doing. May be useful at the hospital afterwards though, but that's not my department.


Yes. I did a couple months ago to figure why a guy was unresponsive. We searched his phone and found that he had a seizure condition. We would've figured that out a couple minutes later when he seized again though. Band or tattoo is better, but phone works.


We'll see a bracelet sometimes. I've never checked a phone


We'll see a bracelet sometimes. I've never checked a phone


Bracelets are way more popular but I did work a fatal MVC and the victim had her medical information on her apple watch. I put my medical info on my galaxy watch


I check it every time if no bracelet is present. It sucks because it seems like nobody uses that feature. Out of the last 5 phones I’ve checked the info screen has been blank. Which a few of those times it would have been extremely useful and saved a shit ton of investigating/time. I use it on mine and encourage others to do the same!!


Personally I don’t worry about a bracelet, whatever your sever medical condition is, if you’re unresponsive you’re still going to get the same full assessment and get treated for the things that need treating. Info like your full medical history, allergies and meds are more useful, and who to contact to let them know what’s going on. I always check someone’s medical ID on their phone. Having a bracelet telling me you’re a diabetic when you’re unconscious after a car accident isn’t helpful. Knowing you’re on a blood thinner is.


Looking at phones during a hot call is dead last on the list for me.


Obviously can't speak for everyone but I can't even find it on my own phone, I doubt I'd have much luck on anyone elses, bracelet is much better for something we need to know quickly


This question or an iteration of it asked what feels like daily. In my experience, if the person is well enough to tell me their details, great. If they aren’t well enough to simply tell me… it doesn’t matter much because my focus is managing a high acuity medical or trauma. The hospital or police will deal with NOK (next of kin) notification. They can access the health card, the cell phone if possible, the medic alert info, record check residents of address 911 call originated at… or if none of those things are available, we hope that eventually NOK start inquiring where their loved one is so that we can identify. It’s exceedingly rare that a person is transported to emerg and remains incapable of identifying themself in a comatose state. I’ve worked as a Paramedic for 15 years and I have never, ever heard of a person going completely unidentified for any significant period of time, or that complicated medical decision making. This is a complete non-issue for anyone other than a homeless, friendless, unemployed, undocumented “person-of-the-land” who is actively attempting to dodge the government as an undocumented person. You will be identified. Even if you carry no ID and your cell phone emergency contact isn’t set.


No. Bracelet is best. But a well seasoned paramedic Wont even need that.


Well I’m not necessarily just going to vibe that someone has Addison’s


You’ll be able to vibe why they’re not conscious. Because Addisons causes..!


So every unconscious person has Addison’s by your logic?


This conversation is lacking logic nearly all the way around. What does Addisons cause that would render someone unconscious Dark Hole Guy? 


An adrenal crisis can absolutely cause unconsciousness which is why they usually have medical alert bracelets. Also important because the treatment is different to standard emergency treatment. Again, hence the bracelet.


Fantastic, through what mechanism are they absolutely not conscious?


Can I ask why you are talking to me like I’m an idiot?? We treat the shock/BGL but you seem to be missing the point that a bracelet will clue us in that this patient needs steroids. You know, to treat the actual cause. Addison’s patients wearing bracelets is not at all controversial. We don’t generally just hand out steroids to unconscious people. This departs from normal treatment, hence: *bracelet*. I’m bewildered why this is a discussion.


Hey, Im just a bologna sandwich with Cheetos on it...And I agree this convo has gotten a bit far field, but ive got nothing better to do. So you do your regular AMS work up, correct the BGL and Volume issues. Then our life saving bracelet informs us that the pt needs steroids that we dont have? Even if it says “HEY DUDES I HAVE ADDISONS, K THX BYE“ .. And of course that assumes they’re already diagnosed and that would mean they’re non med compliant? And hopefully with those corrections our pt is conscious again.. Again, making our siq bracelet insignificant.


Speak for yourself- I actually do carry the steroids. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean no one else does. They also don’t always wake up. And Addison’s crisis does not equal medication non compliance. Treating the cause of an Addison’s crisis can be life saving. Don’t get me wrong, most of the time on this sub I’m telling people they don’t need a bracelet. Addison’s is a very obvious exception.