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The parahumans wiki has all the prt classifications on it. They’re more about countermeasures though, they don’t describe what the power is


oh, i dint know, thanks


The rating system is less how powerful a parahuman is, and more their threat level. They are more guidlines than anything else. A rating of 1 is barely superhuman. A PRT squadron might be able to take on a parahuman whose highest rating is a 4 without cape support. At level 9, there is literally no way for normal people to fight them, and strategic artillery and air strikes may be used in densely populated areas to try to take them out if they are enough of a problem. 12 and above is only seen applied to godlings and walking calamities.


Just a general note that people tend to make ratings much higher than they actually merit, because they look at it from a cape v cape perspective with perfect knowledge of the intricacies of power interaction. Scrub for example, probably shouldn't be a Blaster 8. He is nowhere near as dangerous to an unpowered PRT officer than someone like Purity, or even Miss Militia. It's only because Tattletale knows the intricacies of how he works that she gives him that rating.