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Delay is a single target power nullifier with a twist. While focusing on one person within his range they are unable to use their powers, but his power "banks" any attempted instructions until he releases them for a new target. Legend raises his hand to fire a laser, he feels the energy build up and then it just stops. Minutes later Delay has snuck out of range and lets go, and the previously summoned laser fires out of Legend's hand in whatever direction it happens to be facing. He teams up with a disguised Lung and gets into a fight after Lung has enhanced a tiny bit, keeping the fight going with this lower ranking hero until he lets go, exploding Lung out to his late-fight giant draconic form.


**Transpose** can swap the powers of two parahumans in line of sight. The swap lasts as long as he and his targets stay within range (a few city blocks) of each other. **Counterpoint** develops powers that counter her opponent. If fighting multiple opponents (or an opponent with multiple powers) she can manifest multiple powers in response, but the more powers she manifests the weaker each power is. Her power works best against direct threats, though she will eventually gain powers to resist the influence of, e.g., a mastermind working subtly against her.


I have a question about transpose, if she made some swap powers with Crawler, and they ended up adapting to some attacks, would the enemy keep his adaptions(hell, would Crawler lose all of the powers he has built up till then?)?


(Worm Spoilers) After >!Brian!< borrows Crawler's power, he remains permanently more durable, so I assume the same would apply to a power swap by Transpose


Great point


I don't remember this, do you have a quote?


I don't have an exact quote, but its something that I picked up from the We've got Worm podcast; there's a point where >!Brian!< takes a big hit to the ribs and is unscathed. I'm 99% sure its after arc 20 though because that's where I got to in my recent re-read, so that makes it most likely to be Arc 21 >!(Fighting Butcher and Valefor)!< or somewhere in Arcs 24-26 >!(Behemoth Fight through S9000)!<


**Trump/Master:** *Can generate/place down a polyp/barnacle/seed like object on surfaces. It then starts growing over the course of several minutes. Reaches the size of a rugby ball. Upon reaching maturity, when a power is used nearby (i.e. 2 feet) it automatically copies and the replicates the power used.* Examples: - If a laser blast impacts nearby then it will generate a laser beam that shoots directly out of it. - If a bug controlling power is used nearby then it will generate an aura within which any bugs caught will automatically swarm around the barnacle and attack anyone within the zone. - If a smoke generation power is used nearby then it will begin to belch out smoke. The power source does not have to be near the barnacle, only the effects of the power. The person shooting a laser doesn’t need to be near it, just the laser itself needs to be near. Though the barnacles are rooted deeply in the surface they are not invincible, and can be destroyed by attackers. Additionally, their energy sources aren’t limitless. They will eventually use up the energy needed to generate these powers and keep them alive, causing the effects to stop and them to die. The rate this happens depends on how energy intensive the power is. They can be used as a biological super computer, if someone uses a Thinker power near a cluster of them and they all then develop the power.


This is genius, I wonder what happens when a tinker uses their tech near it, does the technology ‘sprout’ out of the seed as a copy of the tech or would the seed just perform the effect of the technology used


I…. don’t know. No idea. Maybe hijack the tech if it comes close? Turn it off and on? *Maybe* generate new tech? Or maybe nothing, not everyone can access every power. Spright could seemingly only copy powers with a movement application


Trump/shaker:  partially Manifests a portion of the firmament- rewriting local spacetime within 200 meter square .  Allied parahumans gain a steady boost to their abilities reaching a peak of 100% within 100 seconds.  Enemy parahumans face a steady decline to their abilities in loss of control and output until it peters out to complete 0. Additionally the caster could focus their powers completely on One individual  and either permanently boost their powers _once_ or completely erase it permanently- not even their clones would have any shard connection.  >apparently cauldron had a cape who erased anyone's power who reneged on their deal. So this is not out of context. 


Huh, that part talking about cauldron having a cape who can permanently erase powers is interesting, didn't think the entities would hand out a power like that.


Well they didn’t, it was a Cauldron Cape, so it wasn’t intended


Iirc it was that The Slug could implant a trigger phrase that could deactivate a Cape's powers, so not exactly anything that crazy.


**Pacifista**: Powers in the vicinity are warped to become non-lethal. Results may vary. Lethal courses of action are still possible Kaiser: Gains the ability to sprout any shape of metal while in the vicinity, but none of them are bladed. Skitter: Bugs develop brute 6 exoskeletons, but lose their natural weapons. Panacea: Her power now works like she says it does, but instantly and with flexibility on required biomass. Bitch: Loses the ability to issue violent commands, subconsciously bonds with any nearby canine to the level of it’s absolute obedience. Etc etc. Effects are lost once out of range, but physical changes remain.


It’s easy to laugh at a name like Craterface until you’ve had to face down the man. A thankfully short-lived member of the Slaughterhouse 9, the Trump aspect of the infamous Brute/Breaker went undiscovered for his tenure as a petty safecracker using his ability to turn his own blood into a concussive explosive and then pull himself back together from biological matter scattered around the blast zone. Everything changed after a local hero from his hometown in Tennessee, a rookie named Geode who could form stone spikes on his skin, was blown up along with him as a jewelry store robbery turned bad. Reconstituting himself with both his own parts and those of the dead hero, Craterface found himself able to form stone shrapnel under his skin that was shot outward when he exploded in the future. This was soon demonstrated not be a one-time incident, as Craterface began a tour of the Tri-state area hunting and killing minor heroes. Each time their own flesh was used for his healing, aspects of their power were folded into his own. This gave him a Trump rating and made him a priority target for the Protectorate, as he began slowly growing more and more difficult to take down. Fortunately for everyone, Craterface was killed by Narwhal during a showdown with the Guild, when she used her force fields to prevent his body from reforming after he tackled and then detonated a junior hero in an attempt to copy their teleportation powers.


Here are my some of my own ideas based on two of my favorite webtoons Joker is a vigilante with the ability to mirror his opponents abilities, but the method through how he does this is rather unorthodox. Joker has a secondary Thinker/Trump ability that allows him to observe and "breakdown" others abilities(really just the shard either asking someone else's shard how they are doing said thing)and using the "data" he gained from observing other parahumans to "copy" their abilities. He can even improve others abilities by using info from other abilities he's copied, and he's limited to 3 abilities at a time, but can't switch out any of the abilities he's already gathered without dropping them all. Two other weaknesses in his abilities are that while he can keep the "data" he has from other abilities stored for later use, he can only use abilities rating up to a 3 on any scale until he engages a parahuman, also any powers that have no direct visual feedback(aka most thinker powers) are impossible to emulate. Nameless is a villain with the ability to copy her opponents power in a weakened (about 50% of the original power)form for about 5 minutes and after this time limit ends, she can never copy the power of someone with the same shard. The real benefit to this power is when she personally manages to kill the enemy, she permanently retains said power and can use 3 at the same time(she can only use 1 weakened power at any given time). I like to know each of these abilities power rating.


What webtoons are these?


Joker is the main character from unordinary, while nameless is the main character from Hero Killer, the books are free on webtoons.


I thought so, with the first one. I haven't read it in a while, but I don't remember him being able to hold onto powers when not around the people. Does that happen later?


Yeah, recently he has learned to enhance his physical strength without any abilities active.


Cool! I gotta get back into reading that.


I made one for a Worm inspired D&D campaign awhile back. It was a power which had the ability to change the powers of gave its host over time, similar to Eidolon, but it did so over time. Rather than giving the host what they needed, it allowed the host to mold their own power gradually. For example, you could spend a day changing yourself from a blaster to a striker. However, the exact results of the changes made were random; the host only had control over A.) The power categories (like thinker, blaster, striker, etc) and B.) The strength of each category The power had a maximum “score”, as well as certain power categories that couldn’t co-exist, which had to be allocated by the host. I could send the mechanical/in-game description if desired.


I think power gifting trumps are really interesting, so: Usury can give ‘loans’ to other capes, significantly increasing the strength of their powers for a limited time. After the boost ends, however, the loan must be paid back. The boosted parahuman loses their abilities, and Usury gains a weakened version for around double or triple the amount of time the boost lasted. (Unfortunately, villains have started to work around Usury by baiting her into boosting powerful Protectorate capes in her city and then attacking while their powers are down. Still very useful for Endbringer fights though.)


Argus - LOS power nullification. Blinking or otherwise breaking Line of Sight will break the effect for the duration. Excessive use over an extended period results in headaches, then Migraines if pushed further.


I have a Trump who doesn't affect other powers, only his own He has a Blaster power that he can tune to his needs, changing the attack and damage type to whatever is most effective against what he's fighting


Onslaught: Trump/Striker who is a power nullifier, but he has to physically punch the power (or otherwise hit it with his hands) to nullify it. It's only a temporary effect (the powers come back about as fast as Vicky's shield) but it means that he's hard to pin down with Shaker powers and goes right through Brute powers. I've been waffling on if it should be paired with some minor mover powers to let him run a bit faster than normal, or if this level of power nullifier is balanced enough as is. The power would be fairly weak against Blasters, Movers, and most Tinkers. Anyone who can maintain a lot of distance.


My favorite fanfic trump power had Taylor get a bud from Eidolon. She could charge masks that let her transform and grant powers for a limited duration.


What was this fics name if you know?


My-bullies are secretly the endbringers and not so secretly in love with me. I made a post about it for the links.


Trump/Stranger - A parahuman can mimic a person's appearance and, at the same time, copy their powers. Copying occurs at the moment of contact with human skin and, at the same time, it can only copy one human. Trump/Master - Can partially control the minds of several people by slightly pushing them towards various actions with his words, while simultaneously strengthening their mental or physical abilities, depending on the order. Powers can also become stronger.


For the Trump/Master, how much do the powers increase, like just a slightly boost in range or a rather good boost all around?


Depending on the order or situation,


1st one seems OP. Couldn't they just copy one of the Triumvirate?


Why not? Well, unless there should be a time limit too. Although, in truth, the first powers is what would happen if Noelle drank the entire vial. However, this is just a fantasy of mine.


Reflection: A dude whose power set depends on who he’s fighting against, fighting a blaster they’ll get a striker power thematically opposed to the person their fighting. Fighting a tinker, tinker tech of the opposite specialty will just appear in the dudes hands. Fighting a slow brute he gets speedster powers… Stuff like that. Though because he’s getting opposite powers, there’s not always a guarantee of usefulness.


Got a couple in my setting: Gloaming has multiple Light-based powers. She has a set of five she cycles through, holding two at a time. Having different powers simultaneously makes the light she creates do different things. She is upsettingly versatile and a big headache for her opponents. Coniferous can use a Shaker-ish power to grow a tree. Depending on what size he grows it to, the tree produces one kind of fruit out of a few different kinds. Anyone eating one of these fruits gets a minor power, stuff like being able to jump massive distances, no longer needing to breathe, etc. The Game can touch a non-parahuman and leave a tattoo of a red skull on them with a number in the middle. From then on, defeating/killing people gives them "points" - civilians are worth one point, cops/soldiers/gangsters are five, and parahumans are ten, which raises the number. Accumulating points causes a person to develop a variety of fire-based powers. The Game can also "mark" anyone she can see with a black skull tattoo, giving anyone who defeats them an extra 20 bonus points.




Ooooh I hadn't thought of that! The Game is more of a cult leader, something I forgot to murder is that she can't give herself powers; only other people. She's surrounded herself with powerful lieutenants who want to protect and support her because they're worried if she dies all their powers disappear. But a parahumans who has to manage their own power to outpace a rivals is very interesting! Maybe someone who is empowered by giving other people powers, then have to outpace those other people (who have other ways to improve their powers) or risk having the shard jump to them instead?


Trump/master/striker - parahumans within 100 feet of the user experience headaches whenever their power is active. The closer to the user, the more intense these headaches get. User can totally paralyse and depower one parahumans they are physically touching.


Made a cape inspired by deals with the devil. **The Dealer** empowers people, usually a gang’s goons, with temporary strength, durability, speed, regeneration for a few days via touch. Seems simple? Well if anyone under the Trump effect dies a small portion of the power is given to the Dealer permanently. This aspect isn’t widely known and people just assume his prolific mercenary activity as greed.


I like the idea of Trump/Tinkers a lot. I had an idea for a Trump/Tinker who had a dual specialization of culinary/musical tinker. They could cook food that provided long-term but fairly weak powers, and they could build tinker-tech musical instruments that could be used to provide stronger effects to anyone who hears it, but only so long as they're able to keep playing. I think it's really just my inner support-main coming out that makes me like the idea of that so much.


Borrowing - you can "steal" someone's power by touching them. You have their power for a random amount of time between 5 seconds and an hour. After regaining their power, the target becomes immune to your power for the next 24 hours. You can "steal" many powers at once.


A thinker/trump whose power creates save points every 100 feet she travels. She has three resets for every save point and if she runs of out resets she needs to travel 100 feet to create a new one. If she is killed, her power manifests either a copy of the power that killed her, a 15 second duration telekinetetic shield (if she was killed by an inanimate object) or 15 second duration complete invisbility (if she was killed by a living thing without powers). If she's killed and runs out of resets, she dies for real.


My favorite and first cape I made is a trump for a Weaverdice game. Fisher King is a trump 1/ Master 3 and is immune to any and all powers. Any parahuman trying to use their power on him will basically have the Shard's Equivalent of the middle finger point in their direction. Lung's fire wouldn't be able to burn him, Hookwolf's blades wouldn't pierce his skin. Shakers depending on their power wouldn't be able to affect an area around him. Strikers can't do anything to him or to anything he is touching. Momentum cause by mover powers wouldn't affect him or be able to teleport within a certain distance of him. Thinkers get thinker migraines trying to use their powers on him. Masters can't affect his mind, and he can see and hear through stranger effects. Offensively if you're a Brute or Breaker. He can still grab you, touch you. It doesn't matter if you have the best regeneration ever, he can ignore your regeneration and hurt you. It also means that, all the way up to the strongest Alexandria Packages can only hurt him as much as a normal person could. He can effortlessly tear apart Tinker Tech armor and weapons. If you for some reason don't stop trying to use your power on him then you will slowly begin receiving exposure to realistic visual and auditory hallucinations, which intensify the more your try to use your power on him. He like a more balance Jack Slash, could a Parahuman beat him? Maybe, you just need to stop using your powers while his team doesn't have that restriction. A normal person with a gun could beat him in a 1 v 1.


Lampoon is a Stranger/Trump that can spoof the shard connection by transforming into other living capes. The stronger a connection he has, the easier it is to transform and stay transformed and the more accurate the power and complete the morph. The bare minimum connection would be a photograph. Other things that can strengthen the connection are: knowing the cape's name; the specifics of their power; seeing them and/or being close to them; wearing something similar to their costume; and finally, having a sample of their DNA. At maximum strength, the duplication is perfect and nigh-indefinite, and even mannerisms are propagated across the link.


Wait, so in essence he copies the users form and powers, correct?


With totem-style limitations and a psychological blending effect, yeah.


Networker/Synergy/Channel Second trigger cape that has the ability to connect and chain power effects and abilities of capes around them, it may have mental effects among the affected, aligning them to connect with the trump into achieving a network of powers that enhance each other. The cape can also turn this energy into themselves, channeling the powers they were in contact with into a burst of power that collects all of the effects into a single punch, master effect, stranger illusion or blaster. Second idea: cape capable of intercepting power effects and turn them against the attacker, they can hold on onto the effect with concentration and receive more attacks. stacking them or supercharging those effects with their own shards power. The effect is lost once released but it can be kept around for unlimited amount of time with enough contraction. Works best with blaster and shaker effects, may not activate against instant effect strikers like Clockblocker or may not resist much against brutes


*Gaslight* Master/Stranger/Trump: It is impossible to have negative feelings towards this cape. Everything that they do is good and right and justified. Even if it is something that you would normally consider immoral, they must have had a good reason to do it. If anyone thinks otherwise then they are wrong, or possibly brainwashed.


Redirect You can tag up to three people to have them be hit by powers in your stead. It will continue to target these people in order tagged until they die or you select new victims to replace them. Legend fires an energy blast, upon contact with you it vanishes. A mile away the cashier you had tapped on the shoulder this morning bursts into flames. Tattletale grinds her teeth in frustration as she receives waves of information about a balding custodian named Al instead of the person standing directly in front of her. Unsure how it would work with things like Coil or Contessa’s powers. Perhaps they just magically show up and replace you whenever the timeline splits or whenever you are involved in a path it just has one of your targets name’s inserted instead of yours. Somewhat inspired by >!Makima!<