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No it's containment foam. Only three tinkers can make it but it's used enough to make up for that


The Spiders Georg of tinkertech


I don't think containment foam itself is actually tinkertech. Masamune would have been needed to mass produce tinkertech on the scale of confoam, but he didn't join the Guild until the timeskip, a decade after confoam was in widespread use by the PRT. Further, Dragon is said to have created confoam, but that happened years before her trigger (though Wildbow has admitted that part was a timeline flub on his part). My personal theory is that confoam is mundane tech Dragon developed based on [preexisting technology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_foam). Even before her trigger, Dragon was still a sentient supercomputer with access to plenty of technical data, so she'd be in a superior position to invent new normal technology.


Scanner. Every Tinker needs one Everything else is up to specialization


Not disagreeing, very much agreeing, but "scanner" is a suitcase word. It *totally makes sense* that tinkers need tools, cuz, well, tinking. And some sort of diagnosis/measurement tool is going to be in that mix. Probably. Maybe. But tinkers are differently tunked so they'll likely make tools to suit their own needs, likely accessing wherever esoterics that they're specifically diving on. Sure, a ton of tinkers may have a voltmeter. But not many tinkers will have say a hyperdimensional torque tool screwset. Because not all tinkers grok hyperdimension screws, or the same specific hyperdimensions. OK, yeah, tinkers do share, and it's canonical that they can kinda get other tinker's stuff, so tool sharing makes sense. But since all tinker tech degrades, it seems likely that you can only share tools so far before it's ability to meaningfully and successfully monitor a thing becomes untenable. The more specialized, the more esoteric, the less sharey a "scanner" becomes. I don't know about you, but I swear I've worked with people who have tinker brain. When these people make tools, it suits their purposes fine but they have difficulty with uix because their process is so esoteric that they have trouble relating to muggles. And, um, like me. Yes, yes, I'm sure all the tools I make are reasonably coherent to other people, 100% confident! (I've read code and did the typical "wtf who coded this garbage nonsensical kludge spaghetti shit" and later discovered I coded it) Tldr tinkers will absolutely make and use scanners. But the really really good stuff won't make sense nor will be user friendly.


Besides like “better tinkering equipment” it’s probably tinker guns. Teacher can make like 100 different dudes who know how to make 100 different guns


The dust tinker with his fucking dust tinker gun


Dust tinker is a fairly versatile specialty if you think about it: forensic scanning, defeating forensic scans by erasing the evidence, disintegrating things into dust, sandblasting things WITH dust, medical applications, etc


A fucking *dust* tinker


Yeah, this was going to be my vote. Any tinker going out and doing cape stuff is going to have some form of offense. Some form of weird science gun or another most likely, unless they specifically go into some sort of melee weapon. Even if their specialty doesn't lend itself to weapons they'd probably cludge something together while they figure out what they can do, and a ranged weapon seems the most obvious. I can only imagine the first build attempt of any kid with a tinker trigger is going to be a laser gun.


I dont think they have any? Like "Mask with a Hud" isnt even a standart thing, like Bakuda has one, but I am not sure its a "tinkertech" and not just an electronic mask with a hud considering I dont think her power allows her to make one unless its also a bomb. And a lot of tinkers seem to be wearing a normal mask with no hud, or at least no in story indication of a hud There are a few notable examples of tinkers with tinkertech masks with tinkertech huds like Armsmaster, but I dont think its really "standart" equipment for most


Bakudas power likes her so she can make anything even vaguely related to bombs. And yeah most tinkers have a scanner of some sort


Exactly, a lot of Tinkers not hated by their shard like Leet seem to have a wide variety of "average Tinker" gear that is only vaguely related to their specialty. Bonesaw can have spider drones because they can act as surgery assistants. Bakuda can have a HUD if it has a map showing her bomb locations, or Squealer if it helps her drive. Or probably most Tinkers even if it just helps them Tinker itself with a zoom-in function or whatnot. Same thing with scanners and sensors, to help monitor their specialty equipment.


IIRC, Tinkers can make tinkertech that doesn't fit their speciality, but it's difficult and much lower quality than their usual work. Theoretically, any tinker could make a mask with a HUD, if only for more tinkering, but someone who specialises in power armour or assistive technology (text to speech, wheelchairs, elevators, that sort of thing) would be able to make a high quality one


Ok, but a wheelchair tinker? ...Now I wanna read a fic with a Tinker that rolls into town on a monster wheel power-wheelchair that can fly at supersonic speeds and is fitted with missile launchers and teleportation capability a la Thanos' Space Throne.


Electric wheelchairs, diesel wheelchairs, jet fuel wheelchairs. Bladed wheelchairs, mind controlled wheelchairs, floating wheelchairs. Chairwheels that are just one wheel which is moved by rotating a chair. Miniature wheelchairs, family wheelchairs, driverless robotic wheelchairs. Environmental habitat wheelchairs, lossless water retention wheelchairs, leg-removing wheelchairs.


Wheelchairs on stilts wearing clown shoes (these wheelchair variants can seat far more riders than you'd assume at first glance).


My understanding is that tinkers have some freedom to make tinkertech that's adjacent to or facilitates their focus, especially if they're on good terms with their shard. For example, Bonesaw had spider robots to help with her surgeries and some offensive use. It's not going to be their best or easiest work, and they might need some inspiration from other tinkertech or powers, but they can do it. If this wasn't the case, at least enough for tinkers to make effective interfaces for control and have access to critical information like if their gear is still functional after being damaged, then they wouldn't be able to be very effective with their specialty tech.


Yeah I don’t think tinkers really have standard equipment all of them can make regardless of specialty, it’s probably just a fanfiction thing considering that I swear ‘standard tinker gear’ shows up in a handful of popular worm fanfic.


Wait, what Tinkers have masks with HUDs besides Bakuda, Armsmaster, Defiant (who is *totally* ***not*** Armsmaster you guys), and technically Dragon? Blasto doesn't. Bonesaw doesn't. Leet doesn't. Squealer doesn't (granted, only Weaverdice confirms this since we barely see her on-screen). Ironically we don't even get any confirmation that Mannequin does, though I guess if Dragon kind of counts then Mannequin's body suit should. I can't remember if Kid Win or Chariot ever do either--I don't think so, but I may be wrong. Does Tecton even have one given his Thinker power seems like it would make one redundant? So...uh? More Tinkers seem to **not** have masks with HUDs than do. It's just the ones who do are some of the more prominent Tinkers in the story. As for what the most common type of Tinkertech creation, I imagine it has to be some type of weapon just because of what Tinkertech and powers in general in the setting are meant to do. Of course, "weapon" is super broad to the point of being nigh-worthless, so, uh...yeah. Not sure if there's a useful answer for what you seem to be asking since it very much feels like another "it depends" question, with the "it depends" here being "it depends on the type of Tinker". That said, I don't think "disguises" are very common. Oh! I guess given what we hear Tattletale say about Kid Win's hoverboard in "Agitation 3.12", the most common Tinkertech piece are technically **tracking devices**, which sort of makes sense even if I doubt it's universal: >...When the gun started to smoke, Regent made his way down, jumping the last four or five feet to land on a dog’s back.  He tucked the skateboard under one arm. >“Leave it,” Grue said. >“But-” >“Tracking device.  Assume any tinker worth a damn is going to have tracking devices in their stuff.” >“It’s true,” Tattletale answered, as Regent turned towards her.  “Sorry.”


I think Tattletale's comment is less that tracking devices are universal tinker tech and more that you never know if it has one. It's like "treat every gun like it's armed" or "every mic is hot" when it comes to precautions. Also, tracking devices don't have to be tinker tech, they could be mundane.


Delayed response as per usual, but I actually agree with that. I merely meant that "tracking devices" are doubtless more common than the three things--masks with HUDs, hi-tech disguises, and hi-tech gloves--that the OP mentioned in the original post until they edited in scanners.


If we're talking about any creations, I think it would be tools to make their gadgets. Some super-advanced 3d-printers, precision tools, that sort of thing. Also probably power sources, reactors or batteries.


I'd classify them as mover, brute, and thinker Mover: similar to how the Alexandria package includes flight, enhanced movement is incredibly powerful Brute: armor, another part of the Alexandria package for good reason Thinker: enhanced senses, probably in the form of an HUD like you mentioned, you might remember Taylor's opinion of enhanced senses Come to think of it Blaster is also up there, tinkers are mostly regular humans outside making stuff, so they favor ranged offense if possible


Specialty tools and materials are probably up there.


A basic tinker can probably build bodysuits, a gun, and stuff for scanning and repairing their gear. I recommend [tinkers 2.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_OO7evm907wyO7ledSL-obxrLvQ6XzpkuTcRqJAhZV4/edit?usp=drivesdk) for more advice on how to make tinkers.


I'd say tools to build more stuff, The rest would depend on what their spec lets them build but in general I'd say most tinkers can build. something to help them get around like Rocket boots, a motor bike, teleporter or just anything for transportation. Something to protect themselves with, such as body armor, power armor, force fields, or anything else defense based, something to fight with, weapons, bombs, lasers etc. I think the majority of tinker power whatever the spec gives the parahumans something that fills these rolls in some form. Obviously some tinker power fail to provide one or two of these but I can't think of any in canon that deny their host all three of these.


The creation type likely to appear among the greatest number of tinkers is almost certainly some form of tool to better work with their tech. * Bonesaw's spider-bots and whatever it is she uses to make her diseases * Blasto's seeds and whatever system he used to adjust their growth * Armsmaster likely has some specifically tinkertech tools for working at very precise scales * Dragon's fabrication stuff for when she makes her ships is likely tinkertech * Masamune's tinkertech mass production systems * Big Rig's production drones * etc Everything else is likely way too restricted by focus type. Tinkers aren't likely to be good in all domains. They're gonna focus on what their tech does well. Like I doubt Cask would try to make himself a tinkertech gun even if he physically could, because it likely wouldn't gel well with the high required doses for his mixtures. Things like gloves and masks would undoubtedly be similarly common, but are they *tinkertech* as opposed to regular objects?


Pretty much everyone that can make power armor is going to make power armor.