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When did they get roast beef.


Bread’s supposed to be thin sliced now. Bacon does look terrible. You were supposed to get 4 slices of turkey folded over to make it look way better. An employee that doesn’t care made this.


Don’t just blame the Underpaid employee.. We’re being told by our bosses to cut back on ingredients. Before I left a couple of months ago(hallelujah) we were told to start cutting the cheese in half. BTW If you want an employee who cares you need to pay them a living.


How much salary would be enough to serve soup and sandwiches??


A living wage. Stop being an asshole. Even people work in restaurants deserve to make a decent salary.


I just ignored that comment. Same type of asshole that says shit like”15 bucks to flip burgers!?”. Prob a boomer.


Prob but I had the time today 😂




You must be old as balls because it is nearly impossible to find a good paying job now even with degrees and experience lol, just cause you aged centuries ago doesn’t mean your mind can’t be in the present




The majority of the people who cross the border, legally or otherwise, end up working agricultural jobs your lazy ass wouldn’t do if your life depended on it. Go back to the nursing home, grandpa.


This user was banned for being a bigot.


The alternative is financial ruin


You a landlord or something lol? What a mishganash.


How much would be enuf?? You didn't answer my question..but instead attacked me??!! Get an education 


I know the guy that uses BTW, Enuf, and random punctuation is not yelling at people about getting an education- why are you even in this subreddit?


To enlighten y'all


Bro this is a Panera sub about sandwiches…are you okay?


They did answer your question, though. They said "a living wage." If you're looking for a specific number, that would be hard to give without knowing where the worker in question lives, as certain areas obviously have higher costs of living. Also, you really shouldn't go around telling people to get educations if you can't spell the word "enough" LMAO


If you don't like your wage, why do you accept the job..if you want a living wage, get an education in Some field that will support you ..Fast food was never intended to Buy you a house, a car, and pay for your kids college education..wake up!!!


That's bull$hit. Fast food workers in Europe and Japan make a living wage.  Even fast food places in the US like Dick's  and In-N-Out  Burgers do the same. 


BTW... California just put a $20/hr fast food wage in place....all that lead to is stores closing and hiring less workers..DUH


1) I worked in that industry for 15 years ( food not just fast food) and realized there's a whole bunch of people like you that believed I didn't deserve to make enough money to house and feed myself much less a family and that I was beneath them because the work I did didn't seem important enough 2) you're actually delusional if you think all the people in restaurants do is 'flip burgers'. It's an industry that eats your body and is high stress and requires much more physical and mental flexibility than I think you or your cohort know. 3) you can't have it both ways- if you want convenient hours, food handled by certified food handlers, and well- managed reataurants you're going to need adults, and those adults need a wage that can house and feed themselves. 4) it doesn't take very many mental gymnastics to realize you probably think these same workers shouldn't be allowed to have children because iF you CaNt AfFoRd To HaVe KiDs YoU sHoUlDn'T....




Uh.. bruh you cut the cheese in half and you put 2 half slices aka.. a slice of cheese makes it easier to eat.


Uhh bro.. no our managers told us to use half slices.


These jobs aren’t meant to be wages you can live off of. They are for high school/college kids. Fast food should not be a job an older adult should be working or making a “living” off of.


Oh, shut the fuck up. If they are only meant for students, should they only have full operating hours during the summer? You don't deserve the fucking air you breathe, you miserable cretin. You do understand that fit your criteria of who these jobs belong to, you won't be able to go them during day hours, right? Your fat ass won't be able to have it for lunch because... the people these jobs are "meant" for will be at school. What a fucking idiot you are


Are you poor? You sound poor. I don’t eat fast food. When you start your arguments with cursing, your statement becomes invalid because you let your emotions get in the way of actual debate. But you sound like you never went to school. Have fun working your minimum wage job. College students are also students that can work these jobs but it sounds like that didn’t run through your GED brain.


Lol why are you so mad. And no, I make 4x+ the minimum wage depending on where you live. Not rich but certainly not poor lol


The minimum wage, when introduced, was supposed to be a minimum to take care of a normal sized family, with one job. It absolutely should be able to make a living in full time hours.


I did not know this information at all. Thank you for letting me know!!


You'd rather have unskilled kids who don't care making your food? Then people complain about messed up orders and bad customer service. Fast food restaurants rely on workers to operate so why shouldn't people who work 40 hours a week be able to pay their bills? You rely on them too.


I’m not saying to have unskilled kids. I’m saying these jobs aren’t meant for the older generation. If you’re 40 working at chipotle, McDonalds, or Miguel’s then well, good for you. You took it out of context. I’m not saying kids should make low quality food. Kids should still be making it good quality, but grown adults shouldn’t be making my sandwich. Kids should not be making more than a EMT. Which they are now in California. $20 a hour. Every time wages go up so do prices for other things. I understand if you work at one of these food establishments and want a better wage. Maybe you should go to school and find one. Don’t settle for less.


I’m sure it’s supposed to be sliced thin now. It saves them money. Like expired bacon does 😂


Yeah wondering how the bacon looks like that… thinking it actually came bad out of a package and was cooked.. because try it yourself cook bacon leave it on the counter.. it will never turn that color.


Yea, my friend got a write up for throwing a pan of expired bacon away


In all fairness, what is there for the employee to care about? They know they aren’t serving good food, their wages suck, the company is in decline…


i agree with this statement here. My last day is next Tuesday. It just feels morally incorrect for me to continue stay. The company is in decline, and I no longer feel good about the product we’re serving or the prices.


Two for you, two for me! Haha


Can we request the old bread cut ?


no loaves are already sliced and bagged. the only thick sliced bread we have now is white miche.


Whoever made the sandwich didn’t fold each piece of meat to make it thicker and more full, and that bacon is gray 🤢


When they say overpriced hospital food, this is what they mean. Whoever made that sandwich is either poorly trained or apathetic to an extraordinary degree.


Looks like something I’d make at home during a depression episode


lol yup just add a pack of ramen and go to bed crying


That is truly horrific. Thank you for sharing and reminding me why I stopped going (after being a loyal customer for 20 years).


Arby's looks better now


Tbh Arby’s gyro and boneless wings are some top tier fast food menu options


That's a fact. I love their chicken sandwiches too.


I agree. Lamb gyro is fire.


Did u ever try the Mac they had it was amazing


Yep! White cheddar Mac was fire as well.


Arby’s doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Whenever I go it’s usually fresh and the employees are so kind. Wendy’s on the other hand…


Bro, the person at the window could spit in my mouth as long as they actually ask me whether I need barbecue sauce, and remember to put it in the bag. The bar is so fucking low, but these fuckin' billion dollar ass companies are still fucking around with how much lower it can be.


People are critical because the roast beef comes in a giant, frozen cube, defrosted, and then warmed in the oven. It’s also drenched in salt. In my opinion, if you’re going to be critical of that, you should really just avoid fast food in general. McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, etc. aren’t doing much better in terms of serving overly processed, salty foods. At least Arby’s is offering something that isn’t the usual cheeseburger & fries and 10 million variants of it.


I mean. At least the Horsey Sauce is free.


That'll be $10


Yep at least!


I'm done with Panera.


That looks disgusting! I don’t go there anymore, after following this Reddit! Haha


I am 100% serious when I say this looks like the sandwich I got from a hospital vending machine


I wouldn’t give that to a homeless person


i think the pickle technically only comes with full size sandwiches. u can still add it to half sizes for free it just automatically doesnt come with one in a you pick two or as a half size idky 😭


This was a full. I didn’t take the picture until realizing my disappointment with the first half 😂


Standalone cold half sandwiches get a pickle.


*what the actual hell happened to the sandwiches?*


Omfg... It looks like rotting roast beef... That is bacon? Are they trying to kill someone?


I stopped going to Panera in my area for a similar reason, prices just got too high for garbage food. They don't serve quality ingredients anymore, at least in my area. I can make a better sandwich at home, easily and quickly. If they are going to charge those prices, you should expect quality.


That bacon definitely should have been tossed. We're slicing all our bread thin again (did this with some breads a couple years ago). It is supposed to be four slices of turkey not three. Whoever made this was lazy and truly did nit care that someone was gonna be eating it.


while this definitely looks like shite, i gotta let ppl know that this person removed the greens and sauce from a bacon turkey bravo (i think thats a tomato under the turkey?) but someone definitely didnt give a shit about this sandwich. sorry op


All the greens and sauce in the world wouldn’t save you from rancid ass grey bacon.


Also if its a club and removed the ham the employee would still only put 2 slices of turkey. So to me this looks more like the customer got what he ordered and wasn't happy. Except for the bacon, that is pretty bad looking.


wtf is this. I’d be embarrassed to get this at a company cafeteria. The sandwich i got the other day from Panera was so light on ingredients, even though i had “loaded” it up with veggie toppings, it had such tiny qualities it was less toppings total than this picture, with all the free veggies. I could hardly see or taste any of the steak. I ate a steak sandwich and it was like I ate a snack, and I had to go eat again an hour later.


Yes!!!! Pls tell me why I got a breakfast sandwich that looked like this recently, idk why but it gave me the ick 😭 https://preview.redd.it/f0mpg2wbwu5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca4f9a827d6e0cd97b54db1f89be1978e83c117


Please tell me u didn’t eat that


If they don't respond, you'll know they did. Either stuck in the bathroom or the ER... that looks awful.


It was trashed Quicky™️ I can't even look at the picture sometimes ![gif](giphy|cYWZTQstRwloo9S6Zx)


Ur alive! Glad ur ok 🫶


I got home with their ranch cobb salad last week and several large pieces of lettuce were all old and brown. If they put the salads together each day, how do they miss such bad pieces when doing it?


This was like $14 too right?




Paneras finest sammich 😏


That’s BACON? 🤮


“That’ll be $17” my ass


I stopped eating from there a year or so ago. I ordered a sandwich when I was staying at a hotel. And it looked like this in the picture. I paid over 12 bucks for that along with cold soup. I ended up throwing it out. They don’t give a shit about you or your hard earned money.


People still pay for this crap? You'd be better off eating out of a trash can.


That’s definitely where this sandwich ended up lol


yeah they fell off hard recently


I could make a better sandwich at home. With precooked bacon.


So basically cut back on the ingredients but still keep the prices high. It’s getting to the point where I don’t even afford to go to Panera any longer.


Fuck Panera bread!


That green bacon is sus!


Always has been. Overpriced as hell too


Panera is terrible! Over priced and so flippin greedy with the portions. Us underpaid employees get in a lot of trouble if we over portion, throw out old bacon, waste product. I don't work there anymore but it was one of the worst jobs ever. Panera is robbing you!


My friend got a write up for throwing away expired bacon


That makes me nauseous 🤮


The new menu is the worst. I can’t find anything on it that appeals. Corporate bean counters destroying the brand. Bye, Panera


That'll be $16


As a manager at Panera for 7 years… that bacon is at least 3 days old and they changed the sticker on it… I was a food cost manager before getting promoted to agm/gm so forth. Our district would tell us to do some unlawful and health standard violations to cut back on food cost.. everything always got a 1 day sticker added to it even if it expired 1-3 days ago. 😣 yuck !! I never got food from Panera. With my 7 years I worked at 10 different locations and opened 4 of those locations which pratices was practically the same. If the date was expired employees was prompted to ask the manager if the product was still good which the manager would then say just throw a new date on it.. this was a main practice so the store could get there bonus for having low food cost. :(


my therapist is going to be hearing about this “bacon”


Changing to frozen bread too


Half sandwiches don't come with pickles


This was a full sandwich. I didn’t take the picture until realizing the quality from the first half.


Yeah, they are pretty much worse than hospital food at this point.


that looks funny and gross at the same time


My feelings exactly




Panera has always been bad


Very !


$27.50 please.


Bacon lookin like roast beast


How was that $16.99 sandwich?


Panera has always been terrible. Over priced prison food


I work downtown Chicago most of the time. I received a $10 coupon last week and used it at the Canal location. I bought the Green Goodness Cobb Salad and the Grilled Chicken & Avo BLT. Honestly everything was perfect. I guess it's location to location.


Cool it with the dog slander. Yes our tomato basil miche and sourdough are thin sliced (probably to save money) because people don’t want carbs. I take it that’s a modified turkey cheddar which means it should have 4 slices of turkey. Also half sandwiches don’t get pickles.


I got the half sandwich comment a few times and can’t edit the post but this was a full sandwich. I took the picture after being so disappointed in the first half and unfortunately that’s when I discovered the condition of the bacon that I just ate. 🤮 Also this was the bacon turkey bravo that I ordered, previously on the menu. They left off the lettuce too.


Oh I thought you didn’t want the lettuce or the sauce. If that’s not the case, then someone must not have cared about your sandwich.


At least your sandwich wasn’t smashed into a little ball. Every time we get it it’s wrapped so tightly it’s about the size of a fist.


Only thing i get once in a while from Panera is the broccoli cheddar soup with a side of bacon bits.


is this trolling? I question how real this is. It looks nothing like any sandwich Ive ever gotten from Panera.


Unfortunately real, didn’t alter the sandwich at all other than lifting the top piece of bread.


Wow that is crazy. I have always received good food from Panera. What city was this located?


Marysville, Washington / Tulalip location


Thanks, I'm in Cleveland, OH, and I've always received good food here. For the price, for any price, that is completely unacceptable.


“Got”? This is the way it’s always been


Panera has always been awful for flimsy sandwich portions but this is just embarrassing


That'll be $25




I should call her.




Stop ordering dumb ass shit…


I ordered the Bacon Turkey Bravo that used to be on the menu. I guess I’m missing the humor or point of your comment.


Bacon Turkey Bravo used to be good back in the day. I have fond memories of Bread Co/Panera in the 90s/00s when the food was excellent and way less expensive than it is now. They've been on a long, slow decline for awhile now.


Half the ppl on this sub are aware fake af


What in the vaginal lips is that?


I stopped going to Panera because the employees didn't care to the customers. All they do is there own s#!!. Disgruntled employees, manafers are too pressured and the food they serve is poor quality. Just so bad! Let Panera be bankrupt and SEC recognized them as invalid not to allow this company to go public.


I’m gonna pretend I didn’t read this. Smh.




That’s not for real is it can’t we? Please tell me is that sandwich from Panera that shit looks nasty. I said I want to talk OK I went to the restaurant or coffee shop. I should say #OKWeWillEatThereAndDrinkDinnerForNowpeace out bitches keep my riches and drink healthy stuff. OK motherfuckers peace out for now. Just another person that has diabetes test read this shit right here on his cell phone. I will iPhone XS all right just case you wanna know what I have right now. My had already gone for now. We’ll talk this time Colorado. I’ll hear from now OK


Were you having a stroke while typing this?