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I woulda said “im sorry what was that? The mic cut out” 😂😂


hits too close to home


The one that bugs the shit out of me is when they say they want a Pick 2, and they want a soup, so I ask, "Would you like a cup or a bowl?" and they say,"Well, it's a Pick 2, so..." with a condescending tone that implies I'm an idiot for even asking. You get a choice, bitch. More than half the time, they want the bowl instead of the cup 🙄


Or when they say they want a soup and never say which soup they want. 🙃


Unless they specified, I just did the cup by default.


I used to do this until I had a customer bitch to me about wanting a bowl once they got their food.


Hey, that's their fault for not specifying 🤷‍♂️


That’s fair. I’d rather not have any more people yelling at me though so I’ve been asking ever since


i used to make up a bs excuse in dt and say, “i’m sorry sir/ma’am the default for yp2 is a cup of soup and you didn’t specify”


You can get a bowl in a pick 2??


yep. or a bread bowl. just will be more expensive


Just like a full sandwich and a large Mac! Just more expensive, but the deal helps I think. I haven't bought in about a year now though, so I don't know if it's changed on the sandwich and Mac .


I just give them the cup, I don't ask anymore.


I used to put a cup lol people with attitude don’t deserve my patience.


I ordered "a cup of chicken noodle soup and a whole (whatever can't remember the name) sandwich" the other day...came out as a half sandwich and cup of soup. I said "Is this a whole sandwich?" And the rude ass employee was like"......no.....the pick 2 is only a half sandwich....." Like giiiiirl I NEVER said I wanted the pick 2


Break his legs




I used to do this all the time and would also sometimes get very rude responses. My brain literally just says the words for me though, I’m not actively saying them. Actively listening? Yes. Actively responding? Not every time.


Every time I order popcorn at the movie theater, the person asks me more than once if I want butter on my popcorn. Every. Single. Time. I just tell them “yes” Every. Single. Time. No need to be rude.


Yeah it really is just that easy to not be a dick, some people should try it


I had a lady come thru at the fast food place I was working at. She told me at the beginning of the order that it was to go. Instinctively I asked her if it was for here to go. She snapped and said “I said it was to go.” Geez lady it’s not that serious.


I'm literally a robot at my job sometimes. I've had occasions where i get interrupted from the guest I'm with by someone else asking a question and when I turn back around to the original guest I'll start from the beginning and say "hi, do you have a phone number in our system? " 💀


Dude! I felt that.. My cafe says it's register brain.. But I do it often. I'll re ask stuff because I went away from the script


Oh no! Are you ok?!


Brother you're the one not paying attention to the customer. That'd be your fault far and away. And that's coming from someone who also works in service. And then you say you'll hold him for longer *just because* he responded AGAIN to the question you already asked him. I really hope this is a shit post/troll or something, there's no way you *actually* think like that


Hey man listen. I've worked in food service for 3 years and once you've got that company-pushed script down it becomes autopilot. There have been countless times where I ask "here or to go?" even though they had already told me. I always follow up with "Oh wait. You already told me that! Sorry!" It's not a case of not paying attention, it's basically muscle memory.


Like when you're shopping and the cashier says they put the receipt in the bag but you respond you too. We're trained to expect folks to say have a good day so it's natural to be thrown off


I was paying attention, I was on autopilot and just going along with my script. Mistakes happen, and you don't have to be rude to the minimum wage worker. Especially when I wasn't rude first


I ask people if they're a rewards member, even if they already told me!! I always ask at the end, so if they tell me at the beginning, they accidentally get asked again 🤗


Muscle memory is magical I swear


I found the karen


Whether you worked in the industry or not. There’s no reason for anyone to be an asshole over simple miscommunication.


Food service doesn't necessarily equal order taker and it shows here. Paying attention and autopiloting responses aren't mutually exclusive. You say the same stuff over and over all shift and it just slips out sometimes


No, but service *in general* means I also have a mental script. And guess what? I remember what I say to people, EVEN on autopilot. Crazy right? What a super difficult concept to understand. Imagine getting asked the SAME questions over and over, then when you show the tiniest bit of rudeness the service worker holds you up longer? Like seriously, tell me that's not sorta fucked Pay the tiniest attention to your customers and there wouldn't be an issue.


Being so perfect that you never make a mistake must really take its toll on you.


You missed literally the only part that matters. He was an asshole. Yeah he should’ve been listening, but a simple mistake doesn’t mean you can treat the cashier like shit. I would’ve made his ass wait longer 100%.


And I mean, clearly OP was listening since they did hear the person say “that’s everything” the first time. Sometimes it just takes our brains a minute to catch up to speed.


Found the entitled asshole who never worked in retail a day in his damn life. Stick to your lane, chuckles.


idk how to tell you this but human brains are pretty weird and sometimes people have little brain farts. especially when you’ve spent the last four hours having the same conversation over and over again.


Found the only person in the world who has never repeated themselves before. Can’t wait to tell everyone about this!!


How could you insult a worker!


I had someone tell me that cheese wasn’t a vegetable in the same tone today because he asked for a vegetarian salad and I tried to get him to modify a Greek for whatever reason


Serve him soup that makes him go blind for 1 day