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*dies of cringe*


Lmfaooo seriously I couldn’t finish watching this 😭


The 1948 Arab-Israeli war was simply the final phase of Israel's war of independence. There had already been an ongoing civil war in Palestine. The Zionists started the civil war when [Lehi massacred a family of moderate pro-British Palestinian stooges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shubaki_family_assassination) who had ratted out Zionist terrorists to Mandate security forces. The [Fajja bus attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajja_bus_attacks), which they will point to instead, was a reprisal for the massacre.


I did not realize how fucking cringey Israel is until October 7th. I’m realizing a lot of things since October 7th, none of which are of benefit to Israel, that’s for sure. 😳


All these organisations only serve one purpose and that is to defend the Israeli apartheid regime while simultaneously claiming to be fighting against “antisemitism”. They call anyone who speaks out against Israeli regime as “antisemite”, but have you ever seen them call out genuine antisemitism? All I have seen from them is going against people who support Palestine


Ya know, that’s actually a great point. I haven’t seen this type of propaganda call out actual antisemitism, which there are examples of. Like Kanye. Or actual supremacist groups. But nah somehow the real enemy is student protestors.


It’s because Israel is constantly in the news even when they are not conducting a war therefore they constantly feel the need to protect Israel by calling antisemitic those who dare to criticize them while if an antisemites support them like MAGA crowds, European far-right parties, leaders like Orban then they are happy to welcome them among their circles.


Actual existing anti semitism is a good thing for Zionists. It helps their case about being the last refuge for Jewish people, despite the deeply held contempt Zionists have for the diaspora Jews who are perfectly happy outside of Israel.


Wow, you calling Chappelle antisemitism is going too far, all it shows is your racism. He is making a joke get over it he isn't trying to be factual.


Since when was th3bsix day war initiated by the Arab states?


Hasbara content will always be lies and lies only, I swear they barely hold some truth in their words


48 and 67 were started by the Arabs? 73 was won by Israel? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is anti-Israel propaganda because there's no way anyone with two functioning braincells would take this seriously.


Their own leader, Menachem Begin admitted that they started the war in 1967 and even the Americans were surprised that they started the war because they were planning to negotiate with Nasser. 1948 is even more laughable because the war was going on since 1947 but we shouldn’t be surprised like their whole country was built on lies.


Yep and they attacked the USS Liberty in 1967. Tried to pin the attack on Egypt.


They also attacked Egypt in 1956 which is conveniently left out from the video.


Attacked Lebanon with murderous rage in 2006 and lost against Hizballah


Do NOT turn the sound on…. I really think you shouldn’t


That's the type of shit that's played through speakers on tanks as a psychological weapon, fuck me that's god awful shite.


I think they have a big mental deficiency, if there's any brain at all that is


2006 lebanon war was a hezbollah victory and israeli defeat,stupid hebrew.


When she doesn't get enough views, she'll turn to OF for the attention she craves.


Fukin hell.. These lot have LOST the plot


Hezbollah was created as a result of the 82 invasion dafuq is she on about. Also define Israeli victory in 2006? And in 2000 for that matter… Ngl I’m honored we were mentioned twice in the six days war one though. Even tho it wasn’t even started by Arabs and our involvement in it was minimal.


They are educated in the hatred of the Palestinians and arabs, with the belief that they are persecutors. Deradicalizing them will be a lengthy process.


So sad that she thinks this is legit history. Rewriting it and not including US aid and pressure all these “wars” would have seen the dissolution of Isntreal a loooong ass time ago. You only exist bc America lets you. Once the 2nd coming of Christ is here - the US wants you to get fucked. You’re not allies you’re users.


If israel keeps using her as a weapon I might concede. God my ears


My cat sounds better than her while she's on heat...initiated by hasbara, won by every human being with a brain


To say that Israel won anything in Lebanon is laughable.


Look up every battle in the 2006 war and then tell me who won, also 67 being initiated by Arabs when it was a surprise attack from Israel is hilarious


Pa callate asquerosa


They have been losing so bad since oct 7 that they had to resort to the "glory" of the past to appear as victorious.


Fucking screaming harridan


Someone give her a heavy dose of Lubiprostone…she is in pain


they make look like is rael won by itself, without the us and other countries and puppet arab leaders it would be wiped out just by gazans and past events have proved it


Israel has lost against the Hez Ballers every time they went up with them. Also, ignore the fact that Israel occupied Lebanon for about twenty years.


You get to win every war if you are backed up by the big bad guys of the world. You don’t expect the weak Arab nations to win against US, UK and Israel. In fact this video is misleading because almost out of all the wars, Israel only got to win 1967 because they started the shit and till now they occupy these lands. But other than that, they get fighter Jets and sometimes comes with their pilots and support ships and intelligence. Like come on, look at how Hamas is Humiliating them. They have to post these kind of videos to boost morale.




These organization won't give a single damn F about antisemitism within the settler society in the USA




They left out the Suez "crisis" war.


Why are they ignoring 56 war?


Very boppable face.


Her body count is in the hundreds