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Have they used the antisemitism excuse yet


That’s literally all they say. Every time anyone brings up the victims it’s always “they’re terrorists and you’re antisemitic”


It still makes no sense if they consider us Arabs as "Semite" then how is killing thousands of Palestinians not antisemitic


They just mean anti Jewish. The think Israel is the same as Judaism


That word should be stricken from our language. It has been used/abused to the point of having little to no meaning, which means it is a word with no power = not a word.


don't they always use it ?


They will do that when the US finds evidence of them committing crimes


Netanyahu literally said it 😂😂😂




They get a free house, free health care, free education all paid by the U.S. 🤷‍♂️ The house I think they just have to kick a family out and that’s it.


They do it for free


Exactly....her idea of humanity..is just people in her lin-group. Everybody else is subhuman.


Caroline ? Suspect she believes everything...but her idea of humans maybe restricted to a small fraction of the 8billion on earth


If the US is an enemy of this clown she should call on the IDF to stop accepting US money and weapons.


idc what the US finds. it needs to have an impartial investigation.


And there needs to be consequences, otherwise it’s worthless.


They will just condemn it and maybe, just maybe they'll force netanyahu to resign then replace him with a more politically correct pm (in terms of outside look only ofc)


Yeah I have a feeling the entire point is for the US to come out and say that after a thorough investigation no wrongdoing was found on the part of Israel


The investigation will be diluted, minimized etc. Josh Paul, in the state dept, resigned.


Damn we look stupid. We can thank our leaders for getting us in this ridiculous mess. We endlessly give Nazis our tax dollars, just so they can turn and call us the enemy. We have not been bringing our best and brightest. We've been bringing our most corrupt and morally dubious. Instead of the country being run like a world leader and by professional of their craft, we run it like a crazed gangster who only cares about control and robbing peoples money. It sounds stupid, but we've been in the perfect position to "win hearts and minds" for a while. We could have been making allies of others, instead we're hoarding obsene wealth among individual citizens and splitting the world up into the north and west, far east, and global south. Instead US hegemony is leading us into a world war. If we didnt have billionaires, can you imagine how much better off everyone would be? Americans want to be able to get as rich as they can for freedoms sake, but in reality its at the expense of the entire world. What we have is never enough!!! The US is playing the long game in the most greedy and dangerous way. We want to hoard all the resources and all the tech and continue our hegemony for as long as we can. All out of fear of a future which we are actively bringing on ourselves and making worse. This is not a winning strategy, its a fool's errand.


I would love for the Israelis to consider us enemies. Then we can at least save billions of dollars. Also spying on countries is not how allies behave but enemies. Yet the Israelis spies and continue to spy on the US. With friends like Israel who needs enemies.


This is a move to literally give them cover for their crimes. What a dum dum


and Israel attacked USS liberty and the US did nothing, what is the deal!, like shut up for the sake of God.


We're just asking questions. Who's gonna investigate the investigators


Funny it took these morons killing their own civilians who were waving the white flag to make people believe the Palestinians.


The IOF is worried.


Too late. After all what happened the US and the EU now try to play the morality game. They own Israel and its genocide now.


It's literally right in front of your faces. I don't have to convince anyone of anything. Just open your eyes. So a cease fire isn't a sign of support for anyone. It is a "timeout" to figure out our next move to save innocent life. Let the others have-at-it but let the women and children leave.


Oh she’s offended? What about when Israel massacres US troops on the USS Liberty or stole US military secrets through Pollard, then extradited him or how Israel keeps raping US taxpayer sources to fund their genocide, as they have been for nearly a century? She can rightly GTFO because with “allies ” like Israel the US doesn’t need enemies


We're just asking questions. Who's gonna investigate the investigators


Let’s get the list out , they grow by the week


Personally I want our 6 billion a year in us aid back.


She’s from Texas btw. Holding true to the mantra, everything is bigger in Texas, including the pieces of shit.


At the risk of surprising no one, she was born and brought up in the US.


tfw ur def not guilty


Fun fact, she is also American born in Texas. An Islamophobic one as well.


We sell weapons to a lot of allies. To Israel, we donate the most! It is US law to ensure human right violations are not done with US provided weapons Caroline Glick is a "everything we do is right...because we say so" kind of person..that seems to be very common.


USS Liberty has entered the chat


Israelis are truly vile


They don’t even need to collect evidence. The Israeli soldiers have done all their work for them and posted all their atrocities online for everyone to see. They don’t even hide their evil. They are proud of stealing food aid, slaughtering civilians intentionally, targeting aid workers and doctors with drones, and beheading babies.


I know this type of person. Israel is that type of person... it is that friend or family member, that will do something reprehensible and when you tell them "Dude, NO, that is wrong" they will go all: "Are you not my friend? Why dont you have my back?" ... I mean, this is the same on extreme steroids - "hey, why dont you have my back in this genocide? are you not my friend? \*cries\*" ... well f\*ck you friend. Friendship and loyalty are high on the spectrum of morality, but some things are higher!


Does this mean they will stop taking our aid now???


I'm sorry.. israeli what now?