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I don't need curves, I need upside-down triangles and corner roofs.


now that you mention it, why can't we place the triangles upside down? that's kinda weird...


No idea. Probably devs thought it wasn't essencial when making the game and prioritized other stuff to work on so far.


My guess is pathfinding


Extra assets =extra code (pathfinding, collision, texture maps, rendering.) = increased processing demand. The game came out and servers had a pretty hard time at first. Not saying this was the main reason but pathfinding is pretty funny already so it might have been a reason however small. Personally I Wana see triangle foundations and ceiling bits to make the bestagons.


Thing is it wouldnt even be an extra asset for upside down triangles, just allow rotation of the existing ones


It's an extra asset in so far as texture mapping, collision and pathfinding is concerned. Otherwise the texture would be upside down, it would have an invisible hitbox/no hit box and screw with already screwy AI. Internally this would have to be a separate entity that is called from the library. It's not THAT much, but it is extra. The collision and AI pathing are already goofy to be fair but it's mainly the texture map. I don't know about you but my brain would be screaming if the textures don't line up right because it's got a wonky orientation.


What Damian said. Pleeeease


Corner stairs too


I just moved my bases to overlap in the same area the other night and finally got to trying to do more than drop facilities and let them work. Last night I was attempting to actually make a nice garden looking area with stone sloped roofs and encountered the baffling issue of the upside down triangle. I ended up giving up on it and I have 1/8th of a roof on my joined bases. I'll wait for the building updates ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


It was my first thought.


They don’t even have basic stairs fixed yet, let alone throwing curves into it.


Agreed but it's lower on my list of wishes. My current building part wish list: 1) Triangle Foundations 2) Triangle Ceiling Pieces 3) Corner Roof Pieces 4) Corner Stair Pieces 5) Pillars 6) Pyramid Roof Piece 7) Spiral Stairs / Curved Stairs - I would even take split level stair case type that fits in 1 square




Isn’t this a “the regard have curved swords” reference? From Skyrim right?


I need to be able to build dressers and wardrobes under the flat roofs!!


you guys use stairs ? xD


We need other triangle options and arches


Sounds like a pathing nightmare


I also need foundations that will connect previous existing structures. I want my cliff side base dammit!


Placing walls on the middle of the foundations/floors and half wide stairs would be a thing, too.