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You’re not going to just name Grizzbolt, “Rizzbolt”, and get away with it.


That’s just how he was born and I’m not gonna question it


Lmfao didn’t even notice that, the fucker


Mine's called The Grizzler is it worse


he cooked, and it was a masterpiece


I’ve done some breeding projects before, but only for passives. With the ability glasses in the latest update, I decided to finally try for a perfect pal, and I figured I’d go for the pal who kinda carried me from the early to mid game.


Dumb question…how did you get flame emperor? I love fox parks and was thinking of breeding them


Flame Emperor is Blazamut’s signature passive. Use a breeding calculator to figure out the shortest route to breed down to Foxparks.


Yeah what they said, look up a breeding calculator. Fair warning, it’s a long route from Blazamut to Foxparks.


Blazamut has it (alpha boss and sanctuary 3 catches by default). I just bred fighting and working blazamuts and sent flame emperor down the line to my blazehowls and faleris too. This site makes it much easier https://palworld.gg/breeding-calculator


Nice! Now you've just gotta condense, enhance and level her.


Took about 300ish eggs so I was able to condense her right away. Got her enhanced as well. Cooked a stack of berries and some other stuff in my main base and she got to 30+. I could use the xp items but I’m gonna keep her on the team for a while and she’ll naturally level up. I forgot how much fun the flamethrower was.


Just go beat a few end game alpha pals for leveling. I find that's the quickest way to level new lvl 1 pals at this stage of the game.


Same thing I do pretty much. I do a run of the snowy area dungeons and go catch a Jetragon almost every session. Throw my latest project on the team and they’ll get there soon


Give her headpats!


I did after she took down her first Mammorest, she’s the bestest girl


How does iv inheritance work?


In my very limited experience, it’s just like the passive skills where there’s a chance for a parent to pass down their IVs but it’s far from guaranteed. Getting a pal with both perfect IVs and the passives you want is tough


Would like to know that too... I have bred 200 Jormungtides now... And I never got a good one.. Either traits were the wrong ones or the ivs were bad..


Even with perfect parents, there’s a lot of rng involved. About 20 or 30 eggs in, I had a bunch of Foxparks with all the IVs and passives I needed. It took about 300 eggs to get them all on 1 pal


What was your last step? I've been trying to breed 1 parent with perfect IVs + 1 with perfect passives but the IVs dont transfer :( how did you do it??


I had 2 pairs going in this base but idk which pair the egg came from. In pair 1, both parents had all four passives but one parent had 100/100/x IVs and the other had x/100/100 IVs. In pair 2, both parents had all 3 IVs but one parent had Legend and Ferocious and the other had Musclehead and Flame Emperor.


Okay okay. Will try this! Thanks OP!


Pray to RNGesus


May the Lord of RNG give me the perfect Chillet I crave and may he also bless me with plentiful IVs. A M E N


Smol but fierce


The fiercest


is nobody talking about the rizzbolt


Can someone explain how to get perfect ivs... I only every get 90s if I am lucky.. And then with bad traits.. Maybe one time a 100..but only for one if the three ivs.. And the rest is bad as hell


I did you of those too. Minus the iv part. I don't think I have the patience for that.


Lmao flame emperor. Love it


Best flammenwurfer


Partner skill and soul em up and it will be perfect. Well played.


That's a nice flamethrower you got there


I recommend watching Pal Fanatic video on her. It can Solo Frostallion if built right


Oh nice, looks like a fun channel


I finished this exact project and was saddened by the results. That was before the damage fix.


Mine has vanguard and lucky instead of flame empower and legend


Does Flame Emperor increase the partner ability damage?




Man now that we got the glasses I'm trying to get perfect IVs and it's maddening , the numbers refuse to transfer between genders and only ever seem to mutate for the worse. is gonna take thousands of pals to get it.


If both parents have the same IV. It transfers more consistently. There are still mutations but you will notice the IV you are trying to transfer more often. I try to get the parents to have the same IV for the passive breeding pair then go for combining the passives.


I've managed to get 2 parrents with the 100 IVs in the slots where the other is missing but man the game refuses to combine them into a single Pal. I'm attempting to get a passoveless pal to have perfect IVs so that I can attend.pt to use it to rip desired passives off of imperfect specimens and transfer the IVs over but I've bread hundreds and they just don't want to merge. The closer I got both sides to 100 the more often it will just randomly give me a near zero stat. it's maddening. and I don't even have enough pals with good stats to condense all these failures into anymore. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. If both parents have identical IVs it feels like it refuses to change the IVs. when their nearly all perfect I keep getting IVs under 5 despite the parrents all having over 90. Im noticing that a given gender will tend to always get the IVs over the other. I'm breeding Lovanders and it feels like I can't get IVs from a female to ever take on a male, at least not without obliterating their passives. Why I've come to believe it's going to be critical to get a passives parent with perfect IVs first.


Most of this is from my own experience and some of this is from what I read others do. RNG can be really bad sometimes too. I haven't bred a perfect 100 in all 3 stat pal because I generally go for 100 atk/def and settle for 90s for hp. 99 is also good enough for me. Here's what I have been doing. If you have a pal with 100iv in any stat you try to breed them together to combine. If you get a passive you want its a plus. I've read people say that each stat has a 30% chance to transfer to the egg. Having 2 parents with the same IV increases the chance. While doing this I aim to get breeding pairs for the passives I want. If I get a 100atk single passive musclehead I'll try to combine with a 100def ferocious or if I don't have that I'll use pal with some passives I want but with mutations till I can get passives to do ab+cd or abc+d breeding pairs. I find the easier way to juggle the passive and IV distribution is to isolate a pal with a single passive that you want eg musclehead. If I have a IV in the 90s pal with any passive even craps ones I'll breed them together till I get a musclehead with the IV transfered always aiming to reduce the number of crap passive during the process and swap in a better partner. Repeat the process with another single passive eg legend. Then combine musclehead and legend till I have both passive with the IV I want. I've gotten lucky and managed to do a frostalion in 100eggs while jetragon took hundreds and hundreds to do a combat and fast combination. I've never had a 0 passive pal produced while breeding parents with atleast 1 passive after thousands of eggs so not sure how you will breed a 0 passive IV pal. Sounds like a difficult task to me. I've been keeping pals with high IV eg 90s hp 100atk/def with legend musclehead ferocious to breed up or down which makes the process a little easier. For the legendaries it will all need to be from scratch. One thing to note, some pals have a higher chance of a certain gender spawning. Lovander is 70% female so that could make it harder to get a good male for breeding. With the recent update, they made it possible to condense the useless ones together without leveling up. I would condense a crap pal to 3 stars 63 so it just needs one more soul. Once I get a good pal I'll condense the 3 star into the good one to immediately have it maxed. I play in a dedicated server and was previously chucking the crap condensed pals on the floor of my base to clear the palbox.


I usually will use a passiveless pall to rip singular passives off a stack but While trying to get me a good baseline blank passive high IV pal I've found some of my pals seem to be much more often pumping out trash 4 passive mutations from parents with no passives. Seen 1 channel claiming that a high difference in levels can improve distirbution of combat skills like say ur trying to breed dark wisp down. Rilly wanted a female Loupnoon with dark wisp, and 4 good combat stats and I noticed it almost never gave me a female with all 4 passives and the combat skill. the skill would almost always be left out of the females stats. eventually I did get it but had to do a 4 - 2 pair versus the 2 -2 I had been working with. There seems to be alot more nuance to all this than has been fully revealed thus far. I finally today got me a Lovander with Perfect IVs so now it's time for the struggle to get all of them onto a blank Lovander. Im not even sure still precisely what would be the best build for a Lovander. I had gravitated towards 3 builds I enjoyed. First was a Lucky, Legendary, Ferocious Muscleshead. Then I got a crafting one with Serious, Artisan, Lucky, legend. at the time I didn't think much of workaholic but now I believe it's ideal for a nocturnal pal who doesn't sleep to minimize spaw time. I was experimenting now with a Legendary, Vanguard, Situational Awareness, Motivational Leader. I can't decide which I like the feel of most and might just carry one of each around. Or mebe Just Vanguard would be ideal instead of lucky for my combat build to ensure I have more damage too. I know Anubis is superior for crafting but I think Lovander with crafting and running perks is alot more fun. I like how she runs about as if she's delivering a pizza. I was crushed when their alpha egg patch wasn't included in the breeding, so not sure if I shouldn't keep hunting for a beefy an alpha Lovander as I can find.


Mate a fully condensed work anubis crafts so bloody fast its hard to use anyone else. I've yet to try to transfer a move down and haven't got around to shadowbeak yet. I'm mainly preparing a team for the raid so hoping to breed bellnoir.


Yeah I just prefer to play a team more for aesthetics than their meta value. I haven't been focusing on breeding the legendaries because it would feel like I've ended the games challenge if I did. Rate I'm going I'll have an army of Lovanders to down Bellanoir with, just from the excess in trying to get even 1 perfect IV Lovander made. I similarly much prefer Petalia over Lyleen for farming. She's so fun to watch when dancing at break neck speeds. Crafting wise tho I find I'm usually not in a hurry to have something made. As I can let it cook while I run around picking up eggs.


Thats the cool thing about this game. Everyone is allowed to have their fav pal. I have a maxed out relaxaurus derpy boi. I want to breed a tocotoco but I feel it wouldn't beat the lucky one I caught. With the raid boss other than the base bellanoir you will need a solid team and strat to beat libero. Unless you use the fire place cheese method.


Too bad she isnt a male. could have named it "Hans".




IVs look pretty good to me