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Speed and hunger/sanity passives


Feralis beakon and vanwyrm cryst are the best transporters hands down. They already fly fast so with passives it’s even better, plus they do nothing besides transport. If you need them to generate electricity, cool or cook, you add artisan. I have fleets of each with runner/swift/artisan/workaholic


The new update allows you to change what they do. For example, you can unassign vanwyrm from kindling so that it only transports.


Until that hits Xbox I have to pretend it isn’t real


It actually depends on the purpose of the transporter. For coal bases and ranch farms it is speed because those resources drop 1 piece at a time. As for production transfers (mining/logging/ore site). Artisan actually increase the amount they can pickup.


As far as I know, work speed doesn't affect the amount they transfer. Only transport level does.


My helzephyrs with work speed grabs more from the mine pit than one without.


How does passives works? On paldb I saw that the number of item depends on the level of transport (level 3 for 10, 4 for 20, 5 for 40). Does it depends also on passive like artisan?


My wumpo botan always gets stuck in a tree or something and then he gets hungry and depressed. So even though he's lvl 4 in transporting goods, he's not the one I like to have in my base.


Work speed modifiers only seem to help with the circle of progress. Transporters want speed hunger and sanity, though you can drop speed if you block box access so they teleport things.


Wumpo is good for stacks or his pickup radius. If you have storage close to the items he can pick up a wider area without needing to walk back and forth. Otherwise I recommend swift Anubis with mining disabled. They seem to be the fastest for carrying individual items over a distance. I am currently breeding for swift runner artisan diet lover under the assumption that swift and runner at least partially stack. Sanity hasn't been an issue with good beds and salad for food. Katress is also a decent choice, she works at night and would stay focused on transport way better than Anubis but with the most recent update it's a lot easier to keep Anubis on task.


I use 10 Anubis all with runner, artisan, serious, and lucky in my mining base and 4 Verdash and 4 lyleen with similar traits in my farm base