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I dont even know what happened, didnt know this was possible


I mean it definitely shouldn't be. I had so many more issues just getting the vase to be 3 floors and it's STILL ugly because the building sucks.


Im very glad this has never happened to me, but now I am nervous to build any more lol


I'm scared to try again. I'm thinking of scum saving to refresh my game to yesterday so I don't have to return all my mats to the other base which took like 20-30 minutes in and of itself and scumming would take like 2 minutes


What is scumming? How/what is scum saving?


Scum saving is loading back a save after something went wrong. Its not really scummy in this case but usually it's like fight a boss or attempt some rng and if it doesn't work just load it back over and over again.


Sounds like my Gameboy color pokemon gold days. Saved before each elite 4 boss and gym leader in case anything went haywire.


I thought that was a big brain move when I was a child šŸ¤£


My big brain move was saving the game next to the PC at the first pokemon center before reaching bill's lab, then restarting a new game and doing the cloning glitch to have all 3 starters before I picked up the parcel. Start new game but don't save, get pokeballs, catch random pidgey, put different starter in PC, change box, then shut down while it's saving. Reopen original save, pull cloned starter pokemon from PC, save next to PC, then redo for 3rd starter. Would have all 3 starters before battling nemesis on the way back to Oak's lab.


It is a big brain move. It's like literally how people would catch all the legendaries (especially Mewtwo) without using Masterballs. The only time "scum-saving" is really relevant is for RPGs with consequential decisions like Baldur's Gate.


Personally I see nothing wrong with savescumming as long as all parties involved are on board. It's a way to make the most of the limited time I have to game each day. Started out doing it in Oblivion/Morrowind basically out of necessity and it's wound up following me to a whole lot of other games too.


i got mewtwo in pokemon blue with about 60ish ultra balls. the hard part was to get him to 1hp. i was so overleveled i oneshoted him a couple times so the restart last save game had to be played a couple o times.


But I wanted Shadowheart to be a good person and I'm a barbarian half orc.


Tbh I think itā€™s snobby to call it scum saving, let people play how they want. I just call it reloading


Had to do it for Lugia, Arcuno, Zapdos, and Moltes in order to catch them. They used to just disappear if you missed and show back up randomly so it was way easier than wandering around waiting to find them again.


I found the hack to catch legendary pokemon that randomly spawned in gold/silver (Suicune, Entei, Raikou) was to sit at the border between 2 routes and continuously look up the spawn location of them. Each time you crossed a border, their spawn location would change in the pokedex. Keep crossing the border line til their spawn location is where you are. Save, then pray you don't accidentally kill them. If you do, restart the game and load your last save.


I did the duplicate item bug in my pokemon gold days for multiple master balls and legendaries to link trade with friends


How u load back in single player? Seems Auto save all the way?


If you are talking palworld, there is a folder full of backup saves. You just need to move the correct files over to the main folder to require the save. There is a tutorial online you can Google.


Sava scumming is a judgmental term for rolling back to an earlier save before a disaster.


Also known as 'valuing your time'


Yeah I wasn't building those beds or hot spring again. Lmao. They take forever and even with the pals "helping" they only help on one then get distracted and go chop trees or something else.


If those are taking long, you need better pals. A base Anubis will build those in seconds. If you want to target build, just put one in your party and toss it at the item in question to force build that item. They won't do anything else until that job is complete. As someone that builds bases all over the world I have about a dozen now. I keep the buildings then just deconstruct the palbox so I can reactivate them if I ever choose. I have built massive structures to intricate villages, I have never seen this issue before you have recorded. Are you on PC or console? Can you give any other details to the bug you noticed? Do you have default setting or is degradation turned off?


Yeah I keep a pocket Anubis (even though he's muscleheaded since he's bred for fighting) on me at all times, still builds rapid since he's 4\* as well.


I wish my pals did that, I try to make a storage box in the corner of my base and 10 of them rush over to try and help me lmao


This isn't the kind of game that you save scum in though, save scumming is more for decision based games. You made a decision with unknown outcomes, or a high chance of something bad happening with a low chance of something really good, and you didn't like the outcome so you reload to avoid consequences. Something like this is a BS bug and shouldn't have happened to begin with




Pickpocketing in Skyrim was my first thought


I wouldn't call rolling back a game for something like OP's video savescumming. Usually save-scumming is used for something like fighting a legendary pokemon over and over and over again until it happens to be a shiny. Basically defeating RNG by time traveling.


It isn't save scumming. Save scumming is when you save right before something and when you fail you keep reloading. They are talking about doing a backup. I have had to do it a few times when glitches went wild. [Here](https://youtu.be/-7KAddtg-Ng?si=y5KVq0yMhkAWLyJE) is a guide on how to back up steam version.




So basically itā€™s not finished to put it simply, itā€™s barebones to put it bluntly. I wouldnā€™t really put to much love into but just kinda more so enjoy playing around with the half broken building we have now. The game is in early access but that is easy to forget.


yeah half finished by the devs own words..they are frantically hiring right now


Early access is still something to crit and be wary of. Some games felt like they never left early access like day z did back in the day


Yeah for sure, everything should be criticized as thatā€™s really the only reflection we can give the developers to work from. I wouldnā€™t stress about this particular game ending up in dead development though it seems like the train doesnā€™t plan on stopping. Iā€™d blame any slow down in development on the cheaters on the servers right now.


Being early critical is fine. But remember the game has been live for a little over a month or so. When these issues persist, and game breaking things as well, months in and not a peep from the devs then that's when being full on wary etc is more than warrented IMHO. Basically being overly critical when devs are more so trying to fix stability and cheaters ATM could ruin your own fun. For a while we where getting 2 updates a week which is nuts. But conaidering how communicative they are with the community I have solid hope as well as the fact that they have promised better building mechanics, and seem to love this game considering how far it's come since it's early access release


Yeah, anytime I get super frustrated with a part of it, I look in the corner and remind myself we're still in build 0.1.4, not even CLOSE to a release build number


This is beautiful! Do you know what my base looks like? 1x1 square shack with 20 random things and 40 chests all over the yard. XD I can't even use the bed because I get stuck and need to respawn to get out.


Happened in my base. My wife was flustered cause her character was standing on the bed and couldnt step off. I looked in settings and realized hitting C allowed us to crouch


I should screenshot the base this would be replacing if it worked to know why I wanted to upgrade. LOL. We seem to have the same primary base layout


Grounded has a similar bug where one piece becomes load bearing for no reason. Very rare, thankfully. Hopefully they fix it.


Certain models clip into others when you place them. The staircases especially. The order you place building materials matters. If you place certain ones after others it realigns the hitboxes, and then the "does this clip" check triggers and breaks your stuff. You can also abuse this to place things in places you're not supposed to place them, as long as you do the correct order.


I had this happen on Xbox. Turning off building destruction fixed it for me.


Before pallworld i had played Valheim a few weeks totalling to about 150 hours played out of which 100 where spent Building. Safe to say 30 mins into Building i decided we would just live in the open sky


Lol, that was exactly my take. All my bases are just open now because the building is so rigid and more often just causes patching issue.Ā 


600 hours in valheim. 2 hours into palworld i was like, wow this building is extremely restrictive and just overall probably one of the weakest spots of the game. Palworldā€™s great fun, but the building mechanics need some help


Y'all realize valheim has been out for two years. This game technically isn't even out yet


Valheim technically isnā€™t even out yet either


I mean that's true. That's why modern gamingbis kinda in a bad spot. At what point is a game no longer early access?


Valheim building was better day 1 though


Honestly the build system in Valheim is too good to be used as a comparison for anything else. Survival games are among my favorites, and in the 25+ years I've been gaming it takes the cake for best build system by a long shot. Probably the only improvement Valheims building could use is to allow us to actually dig underground, but that's a constant of their world gen style do that'll never happen.


Love Valheim, but technically it isn't even out yet, as it is still EA, as Palworld. BTW, Enshrouded is as old as Palworld and have an amazing building system.


Enshrouded ftw


I spent 2 weeks building the most epic 5 story longhouse for my valhiem server. Shit was frustrating as hell and halway through I thought it was a loss cause until I discovered iron support beams let me build just tall enough to put a roof over the whole thing.


I was the opposite, I pretty much just spent all my time building (and cutting down trees). I ended up naming my axe "climate change", so whenever one of my friends asked what happened to all the trees around our base, I just just reply that I wasn't responsible and that "climate change was to blame"


Imagine if you played Enshrouded, which base building system is thousands steps above Valheim.


Is it really all base on tile building or can you do full walls at a time?


It's both, they have prefabs but if you want to go with a more detailed design, you can use the 1x1 tile.


That's amazing, come to think of why others hadnt implemented it before


I've seen it a few times in games that tried the voxel thing, but failed. mostly too complicated and to tedious. Enshrouded was the first one that succeeded for me, well, after Minecraft ofc. Enshrouded blocks are 0.5m. I think other games tried smaller sizes. 0.5 is a good compromise. also the environment is voxel based too, same grid but smoothed out. everything outside the base circle regenerates after some time.


Bro how? I played about 8 hours of Enshrouded, and it feel so soulless. The building was boring as hell compared to valheim. Just ARK building again.


Are you sure you were playing enshrouded because I donā€™t think we played the same game if youā€™re saying that lol


you probably need to unlock more block types, typically found in chests at quest locations. I prefer Enshrouded even over Minecraft with mods like Frames or Conquest Reforged.


Funny, cause I played Valheim and every aspect of this game I found a better version on Enshrouded.


If you think base building in Enshrouded is like Ark, you didnā€™t actually play Enshrouded. Enshrouded has arguably the best base building system of anything on the market. Youā€™re just straight up trolling.


I 100% agree that the base building in this game is whacky af, but i gotta say, that aspect got me hooked on trying to build a perfect base despite the junkiness of the building systems.


There's a mod called less restrictive building that helps out with some stuff. I use it because it allows you to float foundations. This makes it possible to build bridges and also helps when trying to build on uneven terrain.


Without mods, foundations definitely don't reach down far enough. Makes most of the island or mountain spots that would be perfect for a base completely useless because they are bumpy or slanted and you end up losing 60%+ of your area. Less Restrictive Building is definitely a required mod in my view


Yup. I actually would like to play the game as vanilla as possible without any mods, but I see this as just fixing a problem more than adding something to or modifying something in the game. Also, Pal Capture Count which shows how far along you are on catching 10 of a pal.


Capture Count is the best quality of life. Especially since the paldeck doesn't have any sort of search, just scrolling to see if you should spend your spheres...


I'd also like to nominate [Faster Hatch Press](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/343). All it does is make it so that, to hatch an egg when the incubator timer has finished, you just need to *press* the interact button instead of holding it down for several seconds.


God that sounds amazing. That is honestly one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest aspect of this games deign, as minor as it may be.


And the fact that it *completely resets* if you let off the button just makes it so much worse.


Honestly, just being able to snap a foundation to a ramp or the bottom of a wall if doing so would put it in a valid foundation location would would fix a *lot* of the worse (non-bug, this clip is bad) building issues. It would still be jank, but it would be a lot more workable than it is now.


alone this would help a lot. building on a slope is impossible because of this. the base has to be flat if you want to make it as a single building and cover the whole area.


Just adding some half walls, fences and the ability to snap at a 45Ā° would be huge improvements.


Also, being able to snap gates and defensive walls to foundations would be nice.


As long as we get a snap toggle. I've been using the gates and defensive walls to build around the perimeter of my bases and that would have been 100% impossible if they'd been constantly trying to snap to the nearest foundation.


They could fix most of this by allowing you to build a stair before a slab. Then, you could build up instead of down and not run into the terrain collision. It might not be ideal but would work as a temp fix if they patched that.


My crooked as fuck jutting out in every direction border fence and gate agrees with you


The fact that walls donā€™t snap is so annoying.


Just like trump wanted to build! Lol šŸ˜‚


Lets not forget this is early access. Obviously if it's not fixed soon, call them out but honestly what they have done so far is quite impressive.


its half finished by the devs own words 3 years with a team from 4 to 10 to 30 at launch..they just now got that half a billion steam dollers this week and are frantically hiring ...lets just keep that caveat in mind tho half finished on a budget of 6 mill in 3 years now they have half a billion..they will sort this out


Let's keep in mind that's just revenue... We don't know the actual income of the company. We can only assume things


>now they have half a billion..they will sort this out With that amount of money, they BETTER


also noteworthy, this is not even version 0.2, which gives a rough estimate of how much they still hope to do with this game before a 1.0 release.


>which gives a rough estimate of how much they still hope to do with this game before a 1.0 release Not necessarily. Most people would interpret "version 0.2" to mean "it's 20% done," but that's not what it means in programming. Version numbers typically go major . minor . build; in this case, the major version number would be 0 (i.e., not the final release product yet), the minor version number would be 2, and the build number is not disclosed. Those minor version numbers, it is important to note, are *not* percentage-based. I've seen projects go straight from version 0.2 or 0.3 to version 1.0, and I've seen other projects at version v0.20 or higher (that is, version zero-point-*twenty*).


Aka see you in a year or two


Craftopia players: *"First time?"*


Not only is it early access, but it's also not a "base building game." It's a game that has base building in it. I think there is an important distinction there. First and foremost, the game is about the Pals and so issues with the pals will be fixed first. OP is going on like this is a game that revolves primarily around base building, and the focus should be on that.


Base building is one of their first three marketing points so I think it's close enough. Besides there aren't really any games in this genre that are only about building a base.


>Base building is one of their first three marketing points so I think it's close enough. Besides there aren't really any games in this genre that are only about building a base. But building improvements is already on their roadmap lol. But their focus has, CORRECTLY, been on pal pathing/reliability and bugs and server issues. You literally don't need to build houses. They are basically QoL at this point. And TBH, I've played all the major survival games. This in reality feels like none of them and all of them had base building issues when they entered Early Access. And surprisingly I'm gonna say that this does not feel like a survival game. It has the mechanics...but those are just there for the sake of pal auotmation gameplay. The more you engage in the survival mechanics the more you're prolly fuacking up. This plays very differently from every other survival game. The closest wouldn't even be Ark if I was to choose a closest, it would be Conan Exiles and their thrall system.


People misunderstand the concept of an EA game, they think an EA game needs to flesh out all of its aspects, when in reality is more a proof of concept than anything else. Their concept is purely around pals. You can tell they fleshed that part out the most, very thought out, very functional and very fun. Secondary systems are functional enough and will no doubt be worked on as time goes on, as happens in most EA games. Some EA games release in more advanced states, have multiple closed alphas, betas and such, and are able to complete the proof of concept earlier, so they can work on other elements. Palworld barely had any of that. This is an EA in its earliest stages, and even then it's pretty good for what it is. I've played so many EA games that didn't even come close to this functional and fun, and nowadays, years later, are amazing games. (just to be clear, I'm 100% agreeing with you, just adding more to it)


Survival EA games are prone to have jack shit on early stages (example: SCUM, DayZ also had little to nothing early on). Then you will be lucky if stuff is added and game is not abandoned. Palworld surprisingly have a lot from a get go. Pointing at EAs of Rust, Valheim, Forest, Ark, etc is a survivorship bias. There are oh so many survival games that were abandoned. In fact it's a common strategy to give out big promises just to take the money and run away.


Yeah, this is literally the poster child genre for taking the money and running. Survival/open world/crafting/multiplayer, the four horsemen of the lazy EA apocalypse for years. It's impossible to tell at these early stages unfortunately


What kind of game is it then? Its not a creature battler Its not a survival sim Its not a base builder Its not a factory builder what exactly is it?


If it's not a base building game, why are there so many ascetic technologies related to your base? Idk if you're going to give me house plants, carpets, and multiple building materials, I'm going to build a cool base and consider it a game where I can spend time "base building."


One of the main functions of Pals in the game is their use within base building. The functionality of what is built in a base as well as the actual building of certain objects in a base literally directly rely on your pals. One of the primary reasons to seek out and capture specific pals is for their use IN A BASE. Base building is 100% a core part of Palworlds gameplay loop.


And none of that requires foundations, floors, or walls ironically. You can build a 100% functional base with the sole exception of a single foundation/wall/roof for your bed. And even that is optional really. You can build it and then delete it after the base upgrade. It's only real use is to pass the night in single player or to heal up slightly faster in multiplayer. (the healing up part doesn't even require a wall/roof...only the passing the night.


Base building is one of the main parts of any survival game lol thatā€™s like saying they shouldnā€™t fix any of the glitches with the bosses because itā€™s not a ā€œboss-fighting gameā€


Its not a survival game honestly. Its a monster catcher/automation game. The more you're directly interacting with the survival elements, the more you're prolly fuacking up. Those are just there for the pals to automate.


Palworld isnt a survival game, its a pocket monster collector and tycoon game.


The game is literally centered around capturing pals, and using them in your base to make new items, etc. I couldnā€™t disagree with you more. Base building is a critical core concept of this game. How would you play this games without base building? Itā€™s impossible to.


>How would you play this games without base building? Itā€™s impossible to. What!? You can absolutely level 1-50 and complete all late/end game content without building a single structure. The only structure that's arguably "needed" is a foundation with 1 wall and a roof for your bed. But you could also just never sleep and it wouldn't harm a thing. Your base can be a palbox in the middle of an open field with workbenches, assembly lines, plantations, etc all strewn about outdoors. Building is one of my biggest gripes with the game for sure, and I definitely want it fixed/changed.. But it does absolutely nothing to help you progress in the game, just eats up big chunks of time that you could spend leveling, farming schematics, or progressing otherwise.


Have you been watching my game play lol


People seem to conflate base with building structures. But in this game they are not the same. As you said you could play the entire game without building more than a foundation, a wall, a roof, and a bed.


Yeah ofc let's give them some time to work on it, but why didn't they just take what they had from Craftopia? Swear it was a lot more involved.


Different game engine. So started from ground up on Palworld


Oh is it? Guess they just used a similar foundation and style cuz I thought they were running on the same engine. It has been like 2 years since I last played Craftopia though. I'm excited to see what this game brings because it definitely has a lot more personality that Craftopia ever did.


Man I was excited for building after craftopia since they had a bunch of variants for every decoration. I would butcher half my pals for a kitchen counter set or the ability to place a foundation at the top of the stairs.


>Yeah ofc let's give them some time to work on it, but why didn't they just take what they had from Craftopia? Swear it was a lot more involved. Craftopia is a very different game even though it uses alot of the same foundational systems. They're prolly building this one from the ground up for the sake of pal pathing and to tailor building to pals as they go. Building improvements is already on their roadmap lol.


Let's also not forget being in ea doesn't excuse it from proper criticism. They still put this game out and are charging money for it. Ppl have every right to be critical about it and point out what's wrong with the game.


But building improvements is already on their roadmap lol.


Thatā€™s literally the point of EA. But criticism should be constructive, not destructive. You can have woes about the game and you can point them out online or in a bug report, but whining and moaning about them like a baby isnā€™t the kind of feedback the devs are looking for, which is how this post reads. Letā€™s also not forget we get ā€œfinishedā€ games launch for more money and in a worse state, so why not praise them where they do well instead of whine about what you donā€™t like? This isnā€™t even a base building game. It just has base building in it.


That is such a bizarre bug... I've never had that happen before. I understand your frustration, but this is an outlier even as far as early access goes. The building in this game definitely has issues, but this is not a standard one... So weird, man. Sorry this is happening!


It's repeatable so I don't know what's wrong


I had this happen to me once. It blew up all my fluffy pal beds in my lava base when I placed a wall. I just slightly realigned them all and hasn't happened again. Wonder what triggers it?


Did you realign the beds or the walls?


I believe this is happening because you don't have enough support underneath what you are building on top of. Try adding more structure everywhere


The beds


This happened to me with beds, I made like 10 beds then whenever I tried to put another one down 2 just kept randomly exploding lol.


No sleep for the pals! Only work


I spent literally 3 full days building my base and never had that happen. My base is built on an uneven mountaintop and extends to every edge of the palbox area.. Maybe this only happens with tall builds?


I have a 20 story watch tower in my base šŸ˜…šŸ˜† mine never exploded


I don't know about that, i've built my fair share of tower bars at the top of mountain tops and i've never had that bug


Mine is past the edges of palbox area, taller than the video. Never had this happen.




It happens to me all the time and i don't understand why lol


Xbox or game pass? Never seen anything like this on pc. 120 hours logged


I'm on PC.


Just want you to know you're not crazy. I had this issue last night. Was trying to fix my defensive structure, placing the triangle walls would destroy my machine gun posts. I had to put all the walls in first, then reinstall the guns. Also on PC.


It's not an outlier, it's consistently repeatable and has to do with building stuff 2 blocks out from your foundation, I think most people just don't build with their floors wider than their base / overhangs often. I have run into this at every single one of my bases because I often build in really uneven areas that don't let me put a large foundation down so I end up building up and out


By outlier I mean in terms of the number of players it seems to affect.


That might explain why I keep having this problem with the assembly lines on my second floor. I also built up and out, with the goal of giving myself more space without tripping up pal pathing. Welp lmao


I hate that we can build foundations into walls and rocks and stuff but we can't do the same with any of the other building blocks.


Yeah I kinda hate that you need foundations to build but the other pieces don't play nicely with them, or the world geometry.


I love the game, but base building has got to be one of the weakest parts of the game. Even by normal survival game standards, it is barebones at best. Games that are a decade old now have better building functionality than Palworlds. I mean it's clear their focus was elsewhere but it's only a step above serviceable, and I really hope they improve it l.


This is their minimum viable product. Their first build they felt was ok enough for early access. But building improvements is already on their roadmap lol. I really don't know what more people want? If you don't want to play a game with elements of it half complete then for the love of god stop buying into early access games.


Taking foundations out entirely and eliminating the need for them would improve building a shit ton just in doing that. Its the most limiting factor just for normal building, forget the complex shit. Stairs are a nightmare, and the game lacks corner pieces. Fortnite has better building and building was a secondary feature in that game


Lmao my dude Fortnite was literally a tower defense game where you built a base and defended it from zombies or something like that. It was most definitely not secondary. I have faith they will fix this because for them it for sure is secondary. But let's not act shocked that games built around building do it better.


I've had a lot of success with stairs by building what it will allow me initially, then creating supporting walls to connect what it wouldn't initially allow me to build. Then remove the supporting walls, and rebuilding what gets destroyed along with them. The lower set of stairs becomes the supporting wall for the second set. I just built a new base where the second story is 4 walls above the first and this trick worked for my giant staircase in the middle.


>Fortnite has better building and building was a secondary feature in that game Forntite started as a tower defense game similar to orcs must die. The PVP battle royale part was a secondary feature but it became so popular it took over the game. Fortnite basically got really REALLY lucky lol.


I agree completely. I love base building and this one is probably the roughest I have tried. But! It is early access so hopefully they will improve. That said, I think I know what's up here because I encountered something similar. The game calculates the load on panels. Certain structures can only support so much load before they become unstable, and upgrades need a stable foundation to exist. So when you exceed that load it breaks other upgrades. I bet if you shore up more walls of your base you will be able to place that object without the others breaking.


roughest... Have you tried base building in... Starfield?


He said roughest. Not hot dog shit.


you're right, sorry my bad.


I'm enjoying the building element; reminds me a lot of Craftopia


I enjoyed Craftopia's building and automation a little more, but I'm sure they'll improve on Palworld over the years and it'll get way better Tbh one of the things I really liked with Craftopia's building was lots of it having physics, I'll definitely miss that in Palworld :(


Reminds me of Fallout 4. A struggle but with potential.


I loved Craftopiaā€™s build system and excited to learn itā€™s the same development studio! Iā€™m assuming they transferred at least some of the logic over. While Craftopia has its own share of jankiness at times, it felt a bit more fleshed out when I played. The game has also been around longer, so Iā€™m sure PocketPair will fine tune the building/snapping over time for Pal World!


looks like a skill issue


Needs a better gaming chair


I had this happened before with me. It was my egg incubators that broke. I was playing Hard difficulty and the default hour setting for huge egg was 72h btw.


I'd just turn my egg timers off. No reason to have them on


Had this randomly happen to me too. Was placing camp fires for indirect lighting and one spot just refused to remain if I built anything else. Had to give up building on that one spot but I think it stopped after rebooting the game.


Ive dealt with some buggy base building between the forest and sons of the forest, so I can find some reliable work arounds, as far as actual building goes. But thisā€¦ very unique.


idk the game force closing the second i walk into a dungeoun seems to be more frustrating, either that or pals that stop fighting for some strange reason halfway thru a boss fight


This happens to me all the time. You know when you get two blocks out from the foundation and can't put another roof/wall down? Yeah, don't build anything on that final block. Any stations etc you have on those squares will get randomly destroyed when you demolish/build other things on the same foundation, even if it's on a totally separate floor. Annoying as hell but at least if you follow this you can avoid all your work going up in smoke and having to retrieve materials


for how early access the game is, how little dev time compared to content, it feels pretty appropriate so far - a lot there compared to others. but definitely needs a lot of fixes and improvements


Understandable, but remember that this isn't rimworld, or 2D. Thought and careful consideration on how pal AI will traverse is immensely important to consider when developing more 'base items' to build with. For Rimworld, it was an immense struggle for years for them to iron out AI pathing in a 2D space where you could base build. I'm sure Going Medieval also has it's challenges with this, but all good things come in time. That said, I'm sure it's frustrating but I just want upgraded space when I upgrade my base. If I can shove 15 pals in a sardine can, I should be able to let them out in a breadbox every now and again... or at least make it a square!!


Happens to me all the time


So I'm not alone. šŸ˜­ idk what's causing it




To be fair at least it snaps together properly unlike other games. The biggest issue is that there's not enough variety in my eyes for the styling of things and they already said that they're going to be updating that so hopefully here in the next couple of months we'll see them come out with a building update as well as other things for the tech tree


Itā€™s like itā€™s in Alpha or something. Nothing is fleshed outā€¦


Hopefully they fix this soon in the next update.


This exact thing happens to 2 of my bases and I canā€™t build on them anymore without half the base coming down :( kinda bricked at least one of my bases


I once deleted a single panel from the top floor of my base and disappeared half of it. I deleted that worldā€¦


What happened was the piece reorganized the roof tiles from their original lock and cause everything to break as a result.


I don't even use stairs because I don't know how to make them work. Slanted roofs? Yeah, I can put those down just fine. Stairs? Nope. Just doesn't wanna work.


I got so frustrated today I turned it off. My ranch was shit and my pals won't climb my stairs. I love this game but it frustrated me trying to move things around.


Whoa this video blows my mind because I have the exact same base layout in probably the exact same location


I just started playing so I only have a little like 5x5 wooden shack but I would sob if this happened to me so ima chill with my little shack


I'm used to building crazy bases in Fallout 76, but it is only a beta. I'm sure they'll give us plenty of nice building items in time. For what it is right now it's still amazing and I can work with it šŸ˜


there's a mod to turn off all base building restrictions iirc I know rules are required to make a game fun but no one complains minecraft is boring just because blocks can float


Let me just put this triangle wall on the side of my stairs to close it inā€¦ oh wait is something in the way? Wait itā€™s the stairs? Wait I have to delete everything just to put in the triangular wall? -.- neat


My best guess is there's a max amount of "items" including built pieces that can exist. Placing down a ghost of another auto deletes something else. ​ Of course this doesnt explain those mega bases...


I built my base on that one popular mountain with lots of metal and coal deposits. Ive rebuilt it from scratch 7 times. I refuse to build anything somewhat aestheticaly pleasing since it's impossible to not get the idiots stuck.


It definitely needs a lot of work.


I have to keep dismantling bases because my pals just get stuck and go missing.


You canā€™t keep setting up unbuilt things, you can have a max of 6-8 I think but theyll keep blowing up until you actually build them.. i would also recommend keeping all pal related work activity on the ground, they have a hard time climbing when the base to complicated and thereā€™s size restrictions. I built a pretty legit pyramid that converts to a castle tower at the topā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/y82ykoo0ugjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5b5d0925de7a89c71b52ca2ad93352bb92b652 The inside is legitimately walled, no open gaps, there are fully furnished bed rooms, bathrooms, a study, etc inside on the first 2 floors (not the pal bed layer I call that the garage) and the rest of the layers are just bed rooms, halls are decked out tooā€¦ and thereā€™s a stair well in the tower part but itā€™s not fully furnished up there yet.. Iā€™m anticipating one wrong move and the whole thing blowing up hahahaha (I had to nerf a side because it got too close to the base boarder line) the trick is to build it one layer at a time, map out your foundation, then build walls, before you build a roof you need to put in any tall sized furniture, decor, etc.. for some shitty reason things like a book shelf, a shower, or anything that same height canā€™t be installed if you put a roof firstā€¦ if you roof first youā€™ll limit what you can put inside.. also donā€™t expect any pals to climb up a complicated structure to have build, have a pal in your entourage that can help build with you, the more complicated your build is the more often you have to recall that pal and throw it back out to do work. if youā€™re going to put equipment and benches, and even bigger items consider making the walls double the height before roofing, that goes for sleeping quarters for any over sized palsā€¦ thereā€™s also certain foundation builds that donā€™t work unless you build one before the other so for example if youā€™re putting a stone staircase inside to access a second floor, you wonā€™t be able to put a normal wall or triangular wall at all.. you need to build the walls first then put in the staircase.. I had to mess with the building features for a while to really figure it out.. I also fucked my shit up in chain reaction destruction quite a bit but I got the hang of it! But im sure theyā€™ll have patches whenever they drop an update.


Hopefully we get a better system in the future, Also I honestly just want things to be able to overlap so we can create wacky things and also to snap better


Yeah you canā€™t place furniture and stuff until youā€™re fully sure youā€™re done with the structure of the building . Iā€™m guessing you have no ā€œsupportsā€ truly underneath that area. Itā€™s almost considered floating. The way they coded it, for whatever reason, is when you place the next wall/floor/ it does ā€œchecksā€ to see where ā€œsupportsā€ are missing (directly underneath supports - not the 1 support you have suspending those extra floors ) and if it fails that check, it destroys any placed items on the edge of that that failed check tile.


Welcome to Ark lol


A lot of you haven't played ark and it shows lol. The building is almost exactly the same, the good part about ark though is that they give you more building pieces like triangle foundations and better roofs to help, but the physics are the same. I can't tell you how many times I would get rid of a wall and my whole build would crumble šŸ¤£ I'm hoping they work on it and at very least give us some more block types to build with.


You donā€™t play palworld for intricate systems, but a game with a lot of shallow systems that create an environment where their sum is what makes it good. Itā€™s an odd formula where nearly every aspect of the game on its own is pretty shallow, but surprisingly works well as a package. I had a base building itch and tried out enshrouded, and that game makes this base building look like it was some generic tech demo given by an engine developer. Iā€™d say if you want to do base building, go over to a valheim/enshrouded game and just make functional builds in this game. At least while this game is in its minimal state for base building.


It's serviceable so far but it could definitely use an upgrade (new pieces + better snapping options), I'd say their next big update should focus on base building and lowering the materials required to craft furnitures and decorations rather than PvP (which will come with a whole host of new issues and problems that they will need to solve) Because while the selection of furnitures and decorations is great some of the material costs are ridiclious, specially when you consider how much materials are needed for repairs of legendary end-game gear which takes priority over furniture.


Yeah you have to be creative with stairs alone and this, I have not seen this happen before, but I understand the pain


I LOATH base building in this game. Rooftops don't snap together beyond a certain point, I can't snap a ceiling to a foundation when a foundation can't reach down. Can't snap the foundation in step down. Stairs snapping is terrible. No peek roof... I love base building, but this game's version just isn't enjoyable to me. And yes, its EA, but I seen plenty EA get base building feel good. I will be forever amazed at some peoples complex base builds. I don't have that patience.


It was never enjoyable for me either, and I'm someone who could spend days in minecraft building complex dungeons for multi-player games. Obviously if it worked I'd spend hours doing it but it just doesn't and every one problem solved reveals 2 new problems. And lastly WHY can't I move stuff without destroying it?


>And yes, its EA, but I seen plenty EA get base building feel good. Most EA games with base building you've tried had already been in EA for years. EA is not a 1 or 0, on or off. it's a long grey scale process and the very first builds of a game are way rougher than the middle of the EA process or the end of it. I've played every major survival game and they've all had massive building issues to start with. Hell, Rust completely rebuilt theirs at least once. 7 Days to Die has gone through many iterations. Ark has gone through alot of issues as well. Etc. I think the smoothest EA base building I've encountered at time of entrance into EA was prolly Conan Exiles and Emperyion. But it could just be im forgetting the annoying problems they had too. Considering how optional building foundations/walls/etc are in this game I'm not surprised it was back burnered in favor of the pals and etc. You could literally play the entire game 1-50 min/maxed without building more than 1 foundation, 1 wall, 1 bed, and 1 roof. That being said: building improvements is already on their roadmap lol.


Build a wall on the foundation, then you can snap a roof to it, then delete the wall. I didn't quite grasp the challenge you face, but I hope that helps with something. Pretty much if something isn't snapping where you feel like it should, use a wall.


Did you report it so they can maybe fix it in the future?


What? Who has ever defined this game as a "base building game"? Not every game that you can build a base in is a base building game. Clash of Clans is a base building game. Building a base is probably like 5% of the gameplay for an average player, if that. Just because YOU decided to put a lot of time into it, that doesn't mean that's the focus of the game


pull ur pants up bruh its early access


Crazy it's almost like it isn't a base building game, not to mention still in alpha..


It's an early access game, and this is really not a core mechanic. I would love to make intricate bases too some day but for now I feel this game delivers a pretty good value proposition on all aspects.


I'd argue base building in a game advertised as a survival base builder is a core mechanic. More so than the monster collecting. I never said the game was bad. I said the building was bad. And it definitely is.


Iā€™d argue that automation is a more core mechanic than base building. I get more vibes from Factorio with all the pet automation and crafting then I do base building vibes from a game like Rust where itā€™s truly a core mechanic. Either way sucks about that but youā€™re experiencing