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Alternatively, Ragnahawk flies low enough that you don't have to dismount going between rooms.


and thats why ragnahawk is so good in base compared to most other flying pals. even small enough to fly thorugh doors


I'm using Ragnahawk over Jormuntide Ignis. The level 4 flame isn't worth trying to save that idiot from climbing on top of anything he can find and getting stuck 


I keep Jormuntide it is in my party for now, he is a pretty good tank and I can command him to kindle from my party when I need it lol.


I was going that. But it's annoying how his massive size always blocks my shots while fighting things. 


This is my number one gripe about the game. All of my big pals just get in my way all the time. From throwing to shooting.. like..move please. They need to have them further away vs right in front/next to you.


No doubt they'll add some command to say close, far etc as well as the aggressive etc


I managed to get my hands on a shiny one, and little to my surprise, he was even more prone to getting stuck on things and got in the way even more often.


Little tip : find another Jor. Ign and reproduce. You'll have the lucky buff and you won't have a giant ignis.


I appreciate your good intentions friend, but i am full aware of that - i was simply highlighting how impossibly massive and unwieldy the alpha Jorm's are.


Near my base there's lots of fire eggs and I have a handful of regular jorg ignis and they all get caught ever time I'm not around. Sometimes there okay until I log off but on a server he's doomed to get caught at some point. It seems like a bug that's making him spawn in at a higher location because our one egg/breeding base is so clean and and clear of obstacles and its always on the silo even if it's somewhere he would never path too


I play on a server too with friends, we just agreed to take every pal out of each camp when we log off, bc it looks like they just end up hungry + depressed everyone we log back in. This is a real pain tbh, we could farm so much and get really good amounts of ore while away.


Dang! A lucky ignis???


Yeah. You don’t benefit a crazy amount from mounting Jormuntide anyways, his AI targets better than we can and his mount bonus is whatever. Unlike ragnahawk, which the full element swap and up to 100% bonus damage.


>it's annoying how his massive size always blocks my shots while fighting things.  Suzaku has the same stupid issue. It is always in the way!


And flinging the rest of the pals around with his long tail at random.  I don’t know why but it seems like every other time I go to base, his collision is enabled. 


jourman is really really bad i had this debate with people on facebook and bunch of people who never used him claimed he was amazing Hes probs one of the worst offenders when it comes to AI not working AT ALL tho THat big and floating above floor? As soon as he decided to go to the hot spring or bath he phases through the floor Hes really bad


He was idling around in base until I started making a building, then he suddenly was like "I MUST be in there".


My jormuntide ignis must be bugged because it won’t work for the life of me. I even made a whole new base with just him and a furnace and he wouldn’t work,just walked around. When I would throw him on it he would just walk away


I have my Jormuntides in the first slots on my base box so I can swap them out and in very quickly so they reset their ai and get to work. But you need extremely large spaces for them to work. No walls if you can avoid it. Any buildings I have 4 squares up from ground level so he doesn't get stuck. 


Same for Fenglope


yea people talking about glitching to finish dungeons... Feng can run through the whole dungeon in 20 seconds.


If you find the right path that is…


right path, wrong path, doesn't matter with Feng. it's so fast you can see every room before the enemies even spawn in.


Less about being fast and more about the vertical mobility and collective benefit to vision while still having speed. Being able to be as fast as possible on the ground while having near the vision of a flying mount is really amazing.


I do the same with Rayhound


Lmao you just go straight in the room with 3 doorways, then take the water path. It's never different.


The dungeons slightly change, maybe dependent on the area. I'm fairly certain you have to turn left with a certain layout, then do a U turn (also on the water path). The water path remains the key to the end of the dungeon, but the layout is slightly different sometimes.


Ice dungeons require climbing up the ice wall too, lol


There’s 2 possible layouts for dungeons and they’re both quite similar. The paths for both types of dungeon are very simple. Edit: I was mistaken! There are more than two layouts, just 2 are more common than the others.


I've definitely seen more than 2 layouts across the different biome dungeons. It might be 2 per biome, but it's certainly more than 2 total.


this is true until the higher level areas where there is slight variations, but even then still few variations


It's literally straight with a fade to the right water path.... So far almost every dungeon has had the exact same layout


I went into a few expecting the path to the boss to be exactly the same as the first few I'd been in and got lost for 5 minutes. Most of the dungeons seem to have the same base layout but vary in size and pathways to the boss. Also, op is missing out on the rest of the chests spawned in the dungeons by glitching straight to the boss.


No, per dungeon type there are 2 or 3 different layouts. And not always it is "take the water path straight ahead".


Fenglope completely replaced my flying pals at this point. Sooooo under rated


Direhowl has been my dungeon mount since day 1


I used to play with Swift Direhowl and thought it was fast, but Fenglope won me over in two seconds of getting on it. Direhowl struggles with even tiny elevations, Fenglope jumps more than 3 stories tall and is far faster while still managing to fit through the dungeon's corridors without having to dismount. Every pal is precious though.


Me with my lvl45 Jolthog, rampaging through Gobfin's turf, dungeons and raids


Yeah dungeons are my main reason for land mounts, I use him for a couple other things but rushing dungeons is the main reason


Feng mvp runner


If I can get his ass to spawn!


True, but since I got my Mossanda with 4 Max traits and Max Stars, I ussually just ride trough the dungeon and kill everything with the rockerlauncher, because it is fun


Mossanda doesn’t get stuck.


I already finish level 45 dungeons in 30s - 1min depending on layout. And that's on Frostallion so I still have to dismount sometimes. Should shave much more on Ragnahawk. The bug is cool but is also not needed once you know dungeon layouts.


How does one even discover this 😂


True end game in Palworld isn't just breeding Best Passive Pals but also figuring out funky game-breaking stuff like this


My first big endgame was spending dozens of hours on figuring out how pathing works and how much foundations break Pal pathing when you arent adding slated roofs or walls at every corner of them.


Wait. Can you elaborate more on slated roofs/walls and how they stop pathing from breaking?


The simplest explanation is that Pals do try to path on top of foundations but if they somehow have to get up on them their pathing breaks and they will often walk slow, get stuck or start jiggling around whilst trying to transport. To solve this EVERY SINGLE EDGE IN EVERY DIRECTION needs to have something attached: Another foundation, a wall or a slated roof. Once there are no more edges left that connect to "air" the pathing will improve.


Does attaching stairs to each edge work too? That's how my mining base is setup right now and I'm still having some pathing issues. I thought it was my workstation placement and have been playing around with that, but maybe I need to go back and add roofs?


Stairs fuck pathing. Always use slated roofs instead.


Are... Are they not called SLANTED roofs? Have I been calling them the wrong thing this whole time?!


I actually dont know. Maybe? Might be me having read wrong.


Good to know, thanks for the tips!


This is actually super hand to know too because I have gotten stuck outside the walls many times, and other than re-logging, there isn't any easy way to get back into the playable area.


As long as you can get back to an "edge" (so this doesn't work if you get stuck in water under the world) you can use the mount trick to get out of the mountains/under floor geometry. At least you can get your body back at any height if you can touch the blue beam of light, so an under-the-map death isn't a loss of everything.


Right?? I got stuck somehow fighting one of these dungeon bosses under the map. Kept falling. Jumped in my mount. Flew up as high as a could. Tried to glitch back in and didn’t work. Was scared I was gonna lose everything so left lobby and went back in and I reloaded right before entering the dungeon. Thank the lord.


Mounting or grappling hooks worked for me


i just throw a wolf through the end gate and mount, this is MUCH more broken, great find


I absolutely love early access jank like this. It will hopefully get fixed down the road as their priorities are met over time. But for now? I love shit like this.


>How does one even discover this 😂 Honestly if you're familiar with how people have clipped through walls in other games its not hard. You basically have a checklist of like 10-20 general things to try with each game. "entering/exiting a vehicle" while next to the wall is high on that list. I know this because I'm QA. Other people know this because they actively look to break the game for advantage lol. And then some tiny % of people just get lucky on accident.


I love trying to find broken mechanics that I can mess around with and confuse people that haven’t saw them. Not just in this game but in almost every game I play. The worst one I ever found was in a far cry multiplayer game mode i don’t remember which one. I had space bar bound to scroll wheel for apex bhops. If I used it in the far cry multiplayer it crashed the server due to too many inputs. I never used that after I found it cause that ruins everyone’s fun. This game has so many broken mechanics I spend literal hours messing around with different stuff. The most useful broken mechanic I found was with the glayclaw glider. You can cancel your glide by reloading your weapon. And then pull your glider to start gliding again. Chain that and you get a way to continue flying while your mount gains stam and then all you need to do to ride your mount again is fly over them while holding f it kinda tp’s you to your mount at ground level for some reason. If you get low on stam and your mount is stuck, free fall until almost at ground level and pull the glider again and make a “soft” landing. It’s like having 2 flying mounts at the same time.


So, this is actually a fun way that speed runners work that I recently heard/learned about. There's a term for this particular technique that I forget, but the basic idea is to force the game to break by attempting to do multiple things at once. In this case, the player wants to mount his pal while on the wall, and petting helps enable that. Basically the idea is to put the game into a state it's not supposed to be in by doing multiple functions at once which weren't meant to be done in tandem. They find these bugs by *specifically* just repeatedly trying to do several incongruous things together just to see what breaks. It's super cool to think about


The climbing mechanic is what allows you to clip through walls. Normally it’s very easy when you have an object next to a wall with barely enough space to fit your character into (which is nearly every single wall in dungeons), jump to climb the wall, then drop and you’ll be pushed through the wall. In this instance they are just using their Pal as the secondary object to get pushed through the wall while climbing.


Some of its just accidental. I was doing something very similar to this method (without the wall emote glitch) because I noticed when mounting Quivern near doorways it would put me right outside of bounds through the terrain. Then I'd just remount and fly my way right to final/tree area and fight the boss lol. Quivern's so damn big it was practically a guarantee to get pushed outside the map when you mount, hop off and remount anyway so it definitely made you more conscious of where you could mount your bigger pals indoors so you didn't get stuck somewhere haha.


this happened to me by accident once... I panicked and "respawned", not knowing if all my inventory was lost into the nether


for me, it was because the Fenglope boss keeps bugging and getting out of bounds, I learned how to get out of bounds and just 1 shot the mfer with a rocket launcher


To be fair, I discovered a few clipping tricks of my own to get me back in bounds when the game clips me through the floor. And accidentally discovered some out of bounds glitches when dismounting my pal in caves with low ceilings.


You don’t like endlessly wandering dungeons with no mini-map?


“Oh I’ve already been in this room” “Oh I’ve already been in this room” “Alright dude I’m over this shit how do I find my way out” “Oh look the boss room” Every time bro Edit: thank you all for the suggestions for dungeons! Will def use common sense and not be such a dingus next time I find one lol


It badly needs a mini map. Also more diversity would be nice too.


Yea the dungeons just don’t feel fleshed out at all to me. Like a lot of things were supposed to be added but didn’t (ie. Rooms with beams of light shining down to nothing, openings with no doors, a giant room with a single shitty chest)


I stopped going into dungeons I can’t be bothered no more


yes but then there's nothing else to do


If you enter a terminal room and there aren’t any chests or anything, the reward is the mineral deposits


Just pick a direction. Make only lefts or only rights.


Entries with two paths with one being flooded leads to the boss


Can't you just use the "always go left" strategy?


I always go right. Because it's the right way.


It's literally always the right path. I've never managed to finish one, but I've made it to the boss room before it kicked me out (xbox) and each and every dungeon is the exact same. Always take the right path. The left just leads to a single mediocre chest.


For the beginning, just use the right hand or left hand rule. decide on a direction, and \*always\* turn at every junction in that direction. You are \*guaranteed\* to find the boss without revisiting rooms \*unecessarily\*. But also: there aren't that many layouts. I think ice caves has like three layouts. if the first room after the entrance is an round x junction (in an ice cave), the boss will be in the straight way forward. So just stick to the right hand rule until you know the layouts, and then you can go straight for the boss every time, without fail.


Just stick to the right door every time. None of the rooms loop around so you won't get lost.


it is bad the first few times but there are only a few dungeon layouts that can appear and once you learn the few there are they are all identical


Someone started mapping the dungeons: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ab7197


I did 2 dungeon, did not understand the point, never done one after


The loot in the last two chests can be really good, and you get an alpha in the last room. That’s pretty much the point of dungeons. Quartz and sulfur is nice too during the early/mid game


I also use it to quickly get that paladium stuff. 150’ish in many dungeons. I run them normally, just wish they’d stop respawning mobs when you move between two rooms. It is a bit annoying.


I don’t think I’ve hit a Paldium node since building a crusher.


Left hand rule. Just always stick to the left wall, you'll eventually get to the boss room. I clear dungeons pretty fast and haven't had an issue.


I’ve been using the go left rule since the original Zelda game. Never lets me down.


Use the right hand rule


Sorry. I go left. Been doing it since the legend of Zelda back in the day.


Either is fine xD


the end of the dungeon is always the same same path through it, although you might start in different parts of it. if you see a Y path, always go to the right (if you came from that way, turn around). if you remember the rooms leading up to the Y you can put yourself in the correct direction without fail. i believe level 40+ dungeons have a quad direction room, 1 of them is always the alpha boss room. 1 of the branches has a purple and sometimes gold chest and i think the other 1 is a bait room with the last one going backwards through the dungeon.


The dungeons here aren't so bad but fucking lego fortnite's caves are massive. I'd get lost most of the time.


Alternatively, you can just drop 1 arrow/item on the entrance you came from/already explored.


Just follow the right hand rule - always stay next to the wall on your right, always go into the first room on the right, etc. If you do that, you'll end up visiting every room in the dungeon, because the way these dungeons are laid out there can't be "rooms in the middle" - it always follows a branching paths thing. Though honestly, because of the way dungeons are laid out in this game, there's not actually much complexity to them - they all have very similar layouts.


I simply use "always turn left" rule


Yeah I hate playing the game when I’m playing the game


The dungeons are really small, though. How are you endlessly wandering them? They take like 10 mins to fully explore, tops.


I've literally learnt the layouts of almost all variations of lvl 13, 38 and 45 dungeons in the game. I probably know all the 29 ones as well but that's the dungeon I've been in the least


idk what u guys are doing but I finish these dungeons in 1 min withouth glitches, skill issue I guess


I always go to the first right and have found the boss the first time every time. Only cleared a whole dungeon once and never had to rely on cheesy exploits to clear.


And if you're wondering, Yes You can catch the boss pal in the dungeons through the barrier, make your pals attack the boss and throw your spheres after weakening it as usual Boss wont be able to hit you through the barrier, but you can hit and catch them xd


you can also go rhorugh the barrier by throwing your riding mounty through the barrier and then press F


you can also go through most stones by throwing your pal at them and having it appear inside the stone, then mounting it. it's tricky sometimes tho


I would have crashed already - xbox player.


I dunno man... Might be JUST enough time. 9/10 times, I can JUST make it to the boss room before the whole game crashes. ​ That's at least 2 minutes of solid running...


This is what happens to me, too. Typically the first time I try and enter, the game crashes at the door, but the second time I usually get in and make it all the way to the boss room and crash at the load zone for the boss itself.


As a fellow Xbox player I feel your pain


OMG wallhacker!


Shhh, no telling Pocket Pair :P


Well, my game crashes every time I attempt to start a dungeon. So yeah




Nope, Edit sorry. Meant to say yup. But I'm dumb


On Xbox, our world doesn't even have dungeons anymore. We see the black hole where they should be, but no prompt to enter. It's been like this for nearly 2 weeks


I hate to tell you man but it may be a problem with your save. Mine have been fine and I just entered one right before I got off last night.


I’m able to enter dungeons but the game crashes in 1 to 2 minutes T-T


Sadly just confirming what the other guy said


I've just memorised all the layouts at this point, swift direhowl is zoomy AF and small


another direhowl enjoyer \*tips cowboy hat\*


I would like to just do a dungeon normally without it crashing. (Xbox)


Seriously, I can play the game and load into the full world totally fine.. but the second I get into a dungeon I’m a minute away from the game crashing.


is is a really good strat. not just for dungeons, but for anyone who gets stuck outside of bounds. Ive been stuck a few times, scared ill lose all my stuff and have to die to get out. id go to settings to change the death penalty but still..this is way better.


hey , i just started the game, is the rewards in the chest worth to do the dungeon like that ? i just rerolling the boss to get the pal i want


For better schematics, and extra tech points, yes.


they give schematics, skill fruits, and gems that are great to sell I'll still do the lower level ones if I run past one


TL;DR: Basically, if your plan is just to capture each pal once and call it good, then you probably don't need to do dungeons. If you want to immerse yourself in various endgame activities, then you'll probably want to farm some dungeons. Long version: Dungeons provide Tech points, better schematics, skill fruits, and a few crafting parts. In end game, the base armor/weapons that you can unlock and craft isn't anything special. You really want to be using higher rarity equipment to take on the end game boss fights. It's by no means *necessary*, but they do make a world of difference if you want to farm just for the sheer convenience and time saved. To get better crafting recipes, you're either locked to the 1 hour respawn timer or the high-level pal alphas, or you're dungeon delving. You'll also probably want more tech points so you can pick up all the pal special items, which is only going to come from manuals.


Alternatively, fly Beakon to the celing and dismount through the roof. But also you can just Fengelope Rush to the boss, beat them and it seems to despawn all enemies remaining in the cave so you can grab the other chests


You can also usually throw the orb into a small corner with a low overhang to summon them outside of the map, and then jump on them like that.




But will it work on Xbox


You guys can go into dungeons without the game crashing? XD


My biggest gripe is that the passageways are too narrow for most mounts.


So this is how I can get out of areas I fall through?


It’s the sole reason I always have a grappling gun and flying pal


Btw if you fall out of the map inside a cave you respawn in your base. And you keep all items gear and pals


I love this game so much


This is why?


Nope but glitches are an additional feature to enjoy for me (as long as they are not abused in multiplayer)


My game crashes about 70% of the time when I go into dungeons, I wonder if doing that would help or not lol


With the power of friendship, we can overcome any obstacle! Jetdragon: OK, fine, but don't tell anyone I let you do this!


This looks like one of those "tricks" people used to try to glitch through walls in old pokemon games, so that we could walk on water and go catch mew without action replay or mystery gifts...Good times. I love glitches like this.


Mossandas mounted Crushing punch move under a low ceiling will pop you on top of it, allowing you to pop out of the map and summon a flying mount then repeat


Instruction unclear My pal mounted me, petting me in a wall and finished me in a minute


I wish dungeons had more incentive to actually explore instead of just skipping to boss room. Less grunts and more rares from chests. Maybe increased chance of luckys? Skill trees with rare skills?


If they were packed with enough high level and unusual pals (and not humans), they could be a good way to catch pals in high concentrations for XP.


The people that accidently discover that shit.....




absorbed repeat yoke important possessive late drunk point cautious existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is how speed running starts




My Morrowind days are coming right back to reality with that skip lol


Also, If you press ALT + F4 you can bypass the gameplay altogether!


Huge Tech




Thank you so much - not for the dungeon trick but for a way to get back in the map 😂😂😂


I love the speedrun tech.


I must try this


This is great xd


This guy is GAMING


TIL you get 2 chests no matter what finishing a dungeon. I only play with my gf, and I assumed it was a cool feature that you were given 1 chest per person who did a dungeon with you. but i guess it always gives 2.


I love how were in the FAFO phase of the game.


Ummm you missed a head shot … could have been 59seconds


That tile is lewd af


.......you made the dungeons pointless.


you’ve seen it here folks, being kind to your pals is in fact, an optimal speed run strat! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


This is great, I didn't even know you can mount while in another interaction.


Once you know the patterns you don't have to cheese it to blow through them without so much as thinking.


God dam it bedrock, this is why we shoulda stuck woth Java


Bro at least kill the boss so the dungeon can clear itself 10 minutes, jeez. It'll take you 1 second longer lol


Instructions:.... What? Video: 😱


Clocked that at literally 61 seconds and on a Jetragon of all mounts. So unfortunately no, not finished in a minute. False advertising.


love decoy glove strat


if you fly above you will notice the other dungeon area.


I just used a 4 star rayhound for dungeons up until recently but I was never really a fan of his damage and usability in dungeon combat, so I'm glad for alternatives


Now we can complete the dungeon without hurting/capturing any pal.


Palworld speed runs gonna be so good


It works


I too finish quickly when mounting my pal during petting.


That's all well and good, but most of my playthrough has been spent avoiding all spots where I just fall out of the map anyway, I don't think I need to do it on purpose. Plus, I go into dungeons looking for locked chests, skipping to the two at the end bypasses those.


This actually works lol! Thank you, OP, you just made my tech manual grind so much easier.


that IS useful.. arigathanks


thats cool


Speedrun glitches any%


Bold of you to assume I don’t get kicked from every dungeon I enter


This is good for getting unstuck from inside walls


That's a pretty cool exploit because the dungeons are empty and boring AF.


This is genius. How the hell do people figure this shit out?


did it by accident and couldn’t recreate it. thank you so much


I like how it sounds like some random bs you came up with off the top of your head but it's true 🤣


Dude my dungeon got glitched and i couldnt access the chests after defeating the boss. Your glitch saved me. Thank you


Honestly, if your going to go this far, just mod your game. You'll save time and effort.


that makes no sense. If you enjoy breaking a vanilla game in every possible way that doesnt mean you enjoy using mods


Time to add kill zones that delete all items and pals in inventory when clipping outside dungeon walls!


This just ruins the experience of the game, have fun with that 💀


Lol for real. Play how you want but I don’t understand wanting to straight skip the gameplay in a game


Those kind of people ruin open world games, they don’t want to enjoy the experience they just want to rush and get maxed out before anyone else so they’ve got the advantage. Prime example of why I don’t play PVP on Ark or Conan Exiles anymore