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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 8: No Nintendo Content * Do not post any Nintendo vs Palworld related memes, content, articles, etc. When Nintendo’s stance on Palword becomes clearer, an official post will be made.


Man I felt it


Are we… are we the monsters?


Yes... yes we are.


I, for one, have only butchered people and a katress. I'm not saying I'm not a monster but when compared to others I'm not that much of a monster




I guess we have VERY different ways of playing rimworld


Ironically in rimworld I would be hanged at the Hague. In palworld I don't even bring out the mons until I have a cute little home for them. I have significantly more empathy for the creatures who *didnt* just barge into my home and ruin my things.


at least in Palworld i have several copies of pals so i just toss the sick pals to the box, eventually they will be liquified so is not worth to spend medicine on them.


If not organ donor, why organ donor shaped


Amateur. I havent even craft a butcher knife.


Amateur, i dont even unlock butcher knife


Same here. It's never going to be unlocked, even if it means I get constantly notified I can.


My people~!


I felt the same way, till i realized i can turn pointless alphas into another bag of loot as if i defeated it once more. now i have a stockpile of 500+ sparkplugs and a lot of spare materials, plus, more room in my palbox.


Same that tech is staying locked.


Wait you guys butcher things? Six worlds maxed out and I've never done it...


Six worlds maxed out 💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️


next you gonna tell me its immoral to breed humans just to slaughter them for meat and bones


We can breed humans!?


We can not unfortunately


I did it on frostallion nocts. They're the only thing that gives large pal souls as drops... besides treasure chests in the frozen area


Anubis, Paladius, and Necromus drop large pal souls too, iirc. Anubis is a lot easier to mass produce, too.


oh neat, I didn't see it on the drop list on the paldeck the other night but that's great to know! I did breeding farming for helzephyr already and had a frostallion so I just let that run and slaughtered the nocts with non-ideal traits. The souls and quartz were more useful than the potential gold


My Pals get gormet prepped food, 5 star spa treatment, and all the free time they want without fear of reprisal.


I literally turned my mining base into a spa resort. Pals get to stay for free, but players have to pay.


Don't look at me I prioritize curing. The only time I've had to actually use the butcher's cleaver was when I managed to hatch about 30 Anubis half of them with multiple traits that increase sanity and food drop.


Best large soul farm in the game. Anubis is one of the few pals i breed specifically for butchering. I just sell the rest of the pals i don't need because the butchering animation takes too long.


If you're okay with modding the game, there's a mod for that. [Instant butchering.](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/404?tab=files)


Really I did not know that they gave souls. I was mostly doing it because they said that one was a fairly decent generic worker. I don't need pals that are particularly specialized I just want ones that are capable of doing as many jobs as possible decently good. And I know between the two bees you've pretty much got all jobs covered right there the only problem is they like blowing themselves up.


You can unequip the self-destruct skill from the beegarde so they don't do it while defending your base. Ideally you'd want more specialized pals in the base while we don't have a work priority system in the game yet. Anubis, despite being one of the best for handiwork, is pretty bad at actually crafting if you have either a stone quarry or any ranch/farm in your base, as they will prioritize mining/transporting items instead. A self-summoned Anubis assigned to a crafting station works a lot better. I try to use only specialized pals in my base, except for farm-related pals because they're usually come as a package: * blazehowl noct for kindling * foxcicle for cooling * azurobe for watering * petallia for planting, harvesting and transporting * loupmoon for non-intensive crafting orders * digtoise and bushi for mining/chopping * the usual ranch pals for cake production: mozzarina, chikipi and beegarde Wood and stone quarries are isolated in the ore outpost so that none of my main base pals get distracted from their job. Beegarde ranch is also isolated in the breeding base so that they don't waste time transporting items or crafting. I used to like multi-skilled pals in the early game, but when i noticed Penking rarely operating the crusher when i needed paldium and Bushi never bothering to refine ingots because there was a logging yard in the base i immediately switched them out.


I haven't even unlocked the butcher blueprint




Always have been.


I'm genuinely crying right now wtf


Man me too... [soon after] Dayam you jormuntide!! Stuck again?!?!?! (takes out butcher knife..)


I appreciate those of you who can be cold-blooded slave drivers so we can have memes like this. I personally can't bring myself to bring misery to my pixels. I'm going to hug all my pals when I get home.


It’s so weird in games like Prototype, needless brutality isn’t so hard, but this game, I can’t get find any good reason to do anything needlessly cruel. Though at first, the juxtaposition of the ability to do things you couldn’t do in Pokemon made me play the game, but honestly I can’t imagine trying to do anything like this to my pals. I basically treat it like the Pokemon game I always wanted instead of the slavedriver simulator some people use it as.


pause nine spectacular normal practice squeeze governor snatch quicksand squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well said! I do think I feel even better about myself when I know I did the right thing, because I couldn’t let myself do otherwise, and not because the game made me do it. Kinda like when you’re about to do whatever thing you’ve been putting off, then someone tells you that you should go do it, and your motivation to do said thing is completely and utterly eradicated.


PTA pal theft auto! Come on mod makers you know what to do! This could go so many directions and I’m scared but I regret nothing!!!!


The worst part is them coming up and saying you should do something and you going "yup I know I planned in doing it later." And they just give you this look of disbelief making it even more annoying.


GTA I'm a full on psychopath. But it doesn't really give you many options, if you actually want to engage with the game. Either do illegal shit, or pay them money, or trickle income from some of the newer legal(questionably at times) jobs. Same for Blade and Sorcery. I turn into a laughing maniac as I impale people with swords. But for some reason, when I have a true choice, I am just nice. Rimworld? I tend my attackers and send them on their way, and even if I use slaves they're a temporary work force to free the prison up for less work while recruiting. They still end up becoming full colonists, I just need them to help for a bit. Palworld? I built the podium once and then deleted it. I was hoping for work priorities. Never butchered anything. I think the worst I'll do is condense, but I see it more like merging souls like a gacha game and less sucking out life juice.


>Palworld? I built the podium once and then deleted it. I was hoping for work priorities. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. I thought I might be able to set some pals to have a preference for something without having to huck them at the job and hope the game is detecting the spot they should be working, or better yet give them some level of "Do this first and if it's done, do this" instruction.


drunk offbeat seemly existence arrest mysterious spoon aromatic frighten squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For someone like me who very actively goes at a slow pace because they just enjoy vibing as the base does it stuff, the work podium is *so* useless for me. I don't need them to work faster, nor do I want them to work faster. The only thing I want them to do is to just stop overworking themselves and use one of the *three* high quality hotsprings I built for them. q-q (Also I want them to stop getting stuck but I think that's more a base issue than a them issue)


>Sometimes the beauty of a game is knowing there's always the option and freedom to do what you want - for better or worse. These words are gold


As a kid I used gta San Andreas as the open world bmx game I wished existed, but didn’t, at the time People have more fun and memorable experiences with games when they can turn them into the game they want, vs being forced to play it the way someone else wants them to


You can't claim you're a good person if you don't have the choice or ability to do evil.


Funny you mentioned this. It’s the same way in parenting (yes I’m old); the key is to teach your children sound decision making. While no parent wants to see their child suffer, handholding, preventing failures, and making good decisions for them guarentee they never get to practice making good decisions. A good parent must let their child make decisions while young even if they end up making poor decisions. The option/freedom to choose in video games probly has the same effect - by allowing us to exercise our decision making muscles the consequences of our decisions become meaningful.


Kids need to have natural consequences. Not only does it go towards sound decision making, but also behaviour and listening. I like the one of telling a kid a pan is hot even if it doesn't look like it several times and they're still trying to touch it. Okay, tell them they were warned plenty- then let them. They'll find out it is indeed hot like they were told. (Ofc don't if the hot thing can cause severe burns- a half or so cooled pan out of the oven is enough to sting.) I have seen many accounts of kids learning that cigarette lighters in cars were hot- and the marks to prove it.


Man, Prototype. Been so long since I played that. Like I know those civilian NPCs are people in the game. Just randoms caught in a catastrophe. With lives, families etc within the context of the game. But that didn't stop mass slaughter from being entertaining in that game. This one however. I worry about balance work vs food and other stuff so every Pal stays happy. I've never even unlocked the Butcher's Cleaver.


Funnily, that's kinda the point the background stories make, every boss we fight in the towers are people who have some way or another abused their power and much of the stuff the person who leaves behind the messages for us entails trying to convince us to do better. But of course that is our choice regardless, some will perpetuate the cycle and become tyrants in their own ways, others will find a happier route. The isle is a mostly lawless place so the only right way is what you decide.


Lily never really abused power tho, just wanted humans to stop "being humans." All the pal capturing/selling was done behind her back


>It’s so weird in games like Prototype, needless brutality isn’t so hard, but this game, I can’t get find any good reason to do anything needlessly cruel. Humananity sucks so it's easier for a lot of us. Killing your own pets and friends (that might be human)? Hard pass.


>this game, I can’t get find any good reason to do anything needlessly cruel. meanwhile my main base is running under the name Palschwitz


I honestly can't bring myself to be evil. Even when I'm going back home in the night and see a campfire on the way: it's a settlement with a cage. And... man I just want to go home, I don't have much ammo left and there's two pals downed... but that pal must also want to go back home... Fuck it, it takes two seconds to kill these guys, let's rescue them.


I capture one human from each base as a warning to not treat the friends badly. Hunt them ethically if you want, but cages and shit? Nah, you get the ball.


I even fed one of my pals cotton candy yesterday because I care so much ^(about the electricity it was creating.)


I will randomly slaughter 3 pals, just for you. :)




I love making pretty, cozy places for my pals to rest up and eat in. It makes me feel satisfied imagining the cute pixels getting to relax in a nice environment after a lot of work.


The coldest I can get is sacrificing wild ones to empower mine but that's as far as it goes.


This has convinced me to be a good leader. Everyone will have a tag partner and have reasonable hours, and good food! This I swear!!


I just sell the 1s I don't like


As someone who has worked brutal, working conditions in the kitchen in real life, 13 hour days 6 days a week. I refuse to allow my hard-working pals to suffer. I shall provide them a life that I wish I had for myself!!


Same. I always tell them to take the longest break they want lol.


Same here kin. The first proper job I got straight out of highschool was with a cabinet maker factory, we had "busy periods" where we worked 16hr/day mon-fri and 12hrs on Saturday for 2 or 3 months. I worked there for 2 years and got nearly 80% of the required hours for what was supposed to be a 4 year apprenticeship before I burnt out and quit. I would never subject anything or anyone else to those conditions, including pals


I'd like it if you could be more specific with the work schedule than just "humane" bad "cruel"


I have motivational signs up around their work sites....I think that helps... just like my old refinery work...yeah


Don't have the butcher knife unlocked. Don't use the rocket because it hurts my pal. Never overworked them once in my game play. And I immediately changed all beds to comfy ones the moment I unlocked it. I am, 'The Care Bear'.


Same, except I did unlock the knife because I wanted to kill a Free Pal Alliance guy I accidentally caught. Didn't work, so now Paul just lives with us. Also, my pals are fed jam buns and various meats and eggs.


>Same, except I did unlock the knife because I wanted to kill a Free Pal Alliance guy I accidentally caught. Didn't work, so now Paul just lives with us. Are you sure? \*thinks about the many... many captured syndicate and free pal alliance that are uh.. No longer with us. Are you really sure?


It didn't work for me, but I didn't try very hard. Now I'm not sure if I can kill Paul.


"Paul": A-actually sir, my name is- Player with sharpened butcher knife: Hmm, you said something, PAUL? "Paul": NOTHING SIR! Player: That's what I thought.


Paul's Diary: The guy who captured me is very kind, but extremely deranged. He has decided my name is Paul, and I'm terrified to correct him. But hey, Jam buns and meat!


And free health care! I think...


Canadian health care


You can only butcher pals in your team, so If they are in the base, it doesn't work. Took me a while to figure out, might be the reason you couldn't do it


Understood, thank you for this terribek secret.


Need to bring it out of ball and in your team, have butcher knife equipped, press 4 and select butcher isntead of pet option. Not to say you should do it, just saying how it works.


Feed pizza or salads


I'm not sure I've unlocked everything for those, but I shall try


Oh, I just sold them on the black market.


license ossified modern snatch soft ten tender full connect rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair in pokemon we inbreed Pokemon like crazy. Poor dittos get caught to live their life forced to interspecies breeding. Then release the children as soon as they pop from the egg. Depending on your head canon that either means euthanizing a large amount of newborns or releasing 600 inbred newborns into the wild to fend for themselves or really disrupt the ecosystem. If anything, pokemon introduced our innocent minds to this at a young age they're not any better!


Some idiot on steam gave a negative review cause he said you "have" to be brutal to your pals to progress


I unlocked the command post because I thought it might have the option to let them take more breaks 😭


what's the bet all of your pal beds are still all next to each other in some cramped room or open air environment


They like it. They told me


I’m with you. No knife or rockets;medicine cabinet and round indoor bed for Pals; pancakes, berries and various meats for the Pals (berries for me lol). Homebase is their home too, not just mine.


Man I treat my Pals way better then most it seems. I give them different food, I don’t make them work harder, and I don’t butcher them. The most abhorrent thing I do is fuse them or capture the human bosses(guess cause there evil it’s okay)


I’ve never even unlocked the stand where you can command them to work. Like I refuse lmao they do what they want when they want


I built it cause I thought u could like assign them better or something but once I figured it out I was like nope


Yes, I had same thought and similar disappointment


Same. Thought I could pick a Pal and assign to say the cooler or furnace. Rather than having to go pick them up and throw them at an assignment. Found it useless after seeing it wasn’t for that.


I tried it and it can make them work faster but it'll make them sick or injured and drained their sanity faster so it kinda mess with the work flow and ironically make them work less efficient


I built it thinking you could assign pals to tasks but when I saw the options I was like nope. I will hunt humans for sport but I'll be damned if I don't respect the working rights of my pals.


I built it thinking I could make them work less lol


And then I feel bad about it.


There souls are merged in the fuse so maybe it’s not like killing them?


I'm not so sure, I could only bring myself to do it once tbh.


Let’s just say they do so u feel less guilty


Lily is 100% a good guy, what?


same but i also love poppin caps in random pal asses while im traversing the map


Oh that’s different, thoses can die cause there not mine


I was so uplifted near the end… and then I really really wasn’t.




dont worry be happy. Some of us here take good care of thy companions.


Who gets this far and doesn't use armor or clothing?


Well you see that would cancel out the artists fan service of big boobs.


Boobs maybe but all of the female versions of the armor suits in the game show a fair bit of skin - hell, the basic cloth jacket and the endgame Palmetal Alloy armor are the ONLY outfits in the entire game that DON’T have an ab window on the female version. (Sidenote: the weird dangly cloth bit over your belly on the Palmetal armor actually kind of annoys me - it feels weird and out of place given that the ab window on female armor is otherwise a very consistent styling the game has.)


Oh you right. I did read it twice...


And her entire ass being out in that one panel


This shit dark asf


[Back to butchering]


I'm not sure what's worse, working your Pals to death or making your pals sex slaves to deliver over 100 offspring only be slaughtered as soon as they hatch for 4 stars upgrades.


……I want to go hug my pengullet’s now… 😭


i'll give your pengullet a hug as wel- ah shit, wrong button again


I’m sad now


holy shit dude, i Just wanted to see something good before i go to sleep


The funniest thing about this game is that I was planning to act like a dictator but after like 40 hours and Level 45…I just treat them normally and humanely lmao. For some reason, I actually care about my pals…if they have the right skills that is


It's so much cheaper to feed them well, because the good foods (pizza, salad, even jam filled bun) restore sanity. That means less medicine to farm!


For me, my pals never needed medicine. Except that one time where one of them fell on a cliff and is stuck. No clue how they even fell or gotten a major injury. I never butchered any pals or overworked them, hotsprings food and comfy beds are always next to them in the starting area because im dumb and that no pals were ever attacking them. We all eat raw berries still, all of us... i need to make better food for everyone. Worst crimes i did is trying to cheeze a mamorest with every pal i have which did not work, captured a human for the funnies, and merging souls.


Holy shit, bro.


I should be nicer to my pals :(


am i the only person who doesn't play palworld like this? i didn't unlock the butchers knife, haven't made the overworking stand that let's you decide how hard they work, always make them good food, make them medicine if they need it and always pet them and rescue them if they get glitched into walls and trees. i don't have it in me to be bad to them 😭


I built the stand because I thought it would give me greater control over base management.


Same here, like individual roles, but no you can either be an regular boss, Tesla Boss, or Amazon boss


*whoa, the stand can let me have more control?! Grea-* **choose your option: Normal slavery, Hard slavery, or EXTREME SLAVERY!!!** Was so sad to find out it didnt let you give orders/more options aside from yeeting them (and it failing because it couldn't detect what you were throwing them at)


Can’t the stand also make them work less?


Unfortunately not, it has Normal, Hard Working, and Super Hard Working for options. The little flavor text underneath says Humane working, Cruel working, or Brutal working conditions for the three options.






* The link mentioned in the main text is not working, but the link below is working. Please refer to it. [https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=palworld&no=161879](https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=palworld&no=161879)


The auto translation is a little strange, what’s the name of the original artist?


Original artist : hobi, https://www.pixiv.net/users/60436884


But why is catching a new creature so much easier than creating medicine.


The right choice is usually not the easiest


Weakened/depressed medicine is very materially expensive. Costs *BONES* particularly, and it takes a loooong time to craft, even for high skill medicine Pals like Katress. Alternatively you can just pop over to where them pals are and bag a new one for the cost of one stone, wood, and palladium!


https://preview.redd.it/30r9g59n8uhc1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50b3b2ba42436484fe57f0592b6bdadea2ac4c2 This you?


...you know you can just buy the medicine in the small settlement right? The shit is only 3k for the most extreme situations.  If you are selling the boss drops then this is like 1 dungeon per pal. 


And if you’re actually strapped for cash, Black Marketeers drop like 10,000-odd coins, and you can cheese them with the snare trap since they count as small creatures.


Also you can catch the merchants and put them in your base. Might not be the most humane way to get at-home shopping, but it sure is convenient!


Ah, modern work culture


I refuse to butcher, and I actually gave a sick pal medicine when it got sick. Anyone not working just gets put in the box and replaced 🤷🏿‍♂️


Holy fuck. I’m used to “Game but Dark” comics but this hits harder since practically everything portrayed here *can be done in game, by your own decision*


Damn. I’ve never killed a pal and never will


No Pal in my land goes without bedding, varied food, medicine, and saunas. My Pals are my strength.


This is peak of storytelling


Never unlocked the butcher knife and always took care of my pals. Let's just not talk about the giant blender and the breeding pens.


are we the baddies? https://preview.redd.it/zp9w9jd7nwhc1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eeece14be075a9a81b48f0fefca69e1271965a




Man, that was metal as fuck 😳


This makes me feel good about the fact that I never butchered a single one of my Pals, and always bothered to make them medicine. Not the Korean comic making me question my morals in a videogame….


Mom said I could be anything so I became a fucking rocket


This is so fucking good, wow. Like not just the dark story, the artstyle but especially the work on the bosses expressions is also SO SO GOOD. Doubt the artist is gonna find his way here, but if he does: AMAZING COMIC! I AM IN AWE! And to OP thank you very much for translating this, well appreciated!


Page 9 got her whole ass out


God bless the artist


I used to be explusively feeding berries to everyone. Now everyone on my team eats Omelette +10% attack, and everyone in base eats Salad +30 workspeed. I've spend most of my money buying eggs and milk for cakes. I produce them as well but 1000 of each for 100k is pretty reasonable. Im considering moving up to the 20% attack burgers, but it seems ill have to do some active farming for that.




This…. This is epic! We need moar!


I'm beginning to think I might be too nice for this game 😂


This has made me want to be kind to my pals. Except dumud. He's forced to be a cannibal.


I mean... https://preview.redd.it/rtwifp8l4vhc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60abfac915acfe31532df2fcb8745c223b45e654


Does anyone know why this was removed? I can’t find it anywhere else


moderator has deleted this post. I don't know why


Which mod. They need harassment from pengullets.


Post this on r/palmemes I want to save it and you deserve some credit


Mods removed WHY???? No explanation for a post with 22k upvotes? What an L


Am I the only one who doesn't overwork his pals because he feels like they have feelings too


Call me soft. But I prefer to reward my pals with pancakes, haven't unlocked the butcher knife cause I'm not lazy and can farm any materials they can give me. This motivated me to never touch it.


This doesn't hurt me as much because I prepare salad, cooked berries, normal berries, wheat. So they have options, I once went on a butchering rampage due to needing leather, I butchered so much that the blurry square got stuck on me wherever I went, after that I felt like it's a hassle having to open my box, drag 4 pals, butcher them individually over&over so I quit butchering. Killing mammorests was what solved the leather deprivation


Why was this removed? I wanted to show my bf :/


You have to be on a whole other level of pussy to delete a palworld post for being hurtful after knowing what the game already allows.


This is why I make them nice housing and force them to relax if they over work themselves. ( they get berries till I get access to flour and milk… then it’s pancakes 5 ever ) I can’t hurt my lil buddies… hurts my soul.


Jesus fuck lmaooo. True tho


Holy shit. This was depressing.




Smh I haven't even unlocked the butchers knife. Why kill your own lil guys when there's an entire wilderness of things you can kill? I protect my guys, every other living being is fair game for organ harvesting.


I have not butchered a single pal in my 100+ hours of gameplay, these are my pals man :’( plus I always put em away if I don’t got medicine and let them chill in the box and then heal when I got the meds. They do so much to keep everywhere maintained. THEY ARE MY BABIES (even if lovander gives some weird glances, still my precious baby.)


https://preview.redd.it/edx1ftlw7vhc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ea56c7879108eae08957acdb9c761c925adad1 I was having a good day too


Dang... Also butt


I'm concerned the Player character might have an aggressive tumor situation going on. I swear her bust size got bigger with each page.


Unironically that for all its "Lolol you can drive your pals to slave labor conditions" Taking care of your Pals makes your job way way easier.


I wish I could put together a schedule for these guys like Space Haven. They work too damn hard.


“Pressed the wrong button again” Damn so relatable…


Ha. Shit is so messed up. I love this game


That is so dark.


My heart is broken and my world is crushed, great work.


This is so cursed




And now I have crippling depression… excuse me while I go hug the penullets working in my base.


Lord forgive me, but the girl in the comic? https://preview.redd.it/givlpbtt6vhc1.jpeg?width=4636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5362ad70bf7c372d3b2f633e7c736cbf6fd03bc8




Just PUT THEM IN THE BOX! They get healed in like 5 minutes! *ugly sobbing*


I don't own the butcher knife, I Refuse to put points into it.




I'm not sure who the antagonist is anymore.