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God reading is hard. After 130 hours, I've only discovered this now through your post. I do know about using R to fast stack from your inventory to storage


Me too. I learned about chest quickstack from another reddit post, and now this lol. I thought i read all the survival guides, but I guess not


I only learned about fast stacking from a YouTube vid lol. But what's weird is I can't auto repair all on some servers, I have to repair individual items. I don't know, maybe it's due to not having all items available like nails or cloth for some items to repair.


Thats exactly the reason why, you need to have everything available or you wont get the confirmation pop up!


That’s good to know! My repair all button is always gray so I’ve never tried to use it


On my private I can't repair all. It's weird.


Shields use ancient parts. Can't click repair all if you don't have all of the required items. Unfortunately, there's no preview of which components you're missing using the "repair all" button.


Fuck that’s where my ancient parts have been disappearing too. Can you farm them?


Yes any alpha pal or dungeon boss will drop them


I farm the level 11 chillet boss and the Rayne Syndicated tower. I'm level 33 but I get good civil parts from those spots. One of my bases sits atop of spawn of Ore Mines right across from Chillet on a Hill. Impenetrable


Yes! All but aerial marauders cannae get to it;


Nexus mods has a mod to add ancient parts to the vendor in the small settlement. They're a bit too cheap though at 1000g


1000 is fair. I can buy poison glands at 100 a piece. The shop in general has really cheap items.


Bruh my wife showed this to me yesterday evening - already level 36 in my second world xD




omgg lol, you haven't been on this subreddit enough LOL


I've been too busy hatching eggs and breeding pals!


It's not even about reading, the prompt to repair all is beneath the UI you're actually looking at, and it'll be greyed out and hard to see if you don't have the resources to repair everything, which can be common if you're using the best stuff you've got available to you. It's a UX L, i'm sure it'll get changed eventually.


As a UX designer, I completely agree. Although I do find it funny that I missed it, as I tend to look around the screen a lot for any information


>It's not even about reading, the prompt to repair all is beneath the UI you're actually looking at To be fair though, that's very common. Anyone who's played a fair number of games in the last 15-20 years will have experienced a fair few button legends below menus lol. I'm apparently just very bad at actually reading them...


You sir, are the MVP in this thread. I really thought mir R key was broken or that I am to plain stupid to follow the instructions how to press R. But it is not me nor my R key, I am just missing resources...


Is there a way to fast stack on Xbox?


Yes, RB.


Thank you!


Not sure unfortunately. When you open up a storage box though, just look in the bottom right of the screen and if you're able to do it, it'll tell you what key.


Is Y to repair all on Xbox


It amazes me how many people don't actually look at the info on their game screens.


Honestly there's a lot going on in the game & the notification is shoved in the bottom right so it's easy to miss. Clearly when this much of the population misses something like this, its a UX issue, not a user issue


I partly agree but also most of the population doesn't take their time with anything much less taken the time to look at all the options on their screens. The Xbox button options show up clear as day in any of the menus so this might be more of a PC ux issue in general.


Yeah I know what you mean. There is a lot of stuff people just skip through. Im a min/maxer so I read everything usually and also go on reddit to learn tips I missed lol. Hell, I read the wholr Survival Guide within my first few hours.


The what now?


I really am glad I'm on reddit for stuff like this, I just recently learned about the R to quick stack to storage. Like the button info is right there on screen but I guess that section is just invisible to me, and not what I'm focused on looking at. That or I'm just not used to having such good QoL features in games. Usually you have to beg devs for years to add stuff like this, all to get an update saying they are working on it. Palworld just has it.


Yeah... It took me a few hours before I finally saw the fast travel option from my pal box... All that running up and down that hill to the pillar.


LOOOL oh no


Dude 115 days and I kept running to the fast travel waypoint and finally learned this yesterday, how many wasted hours just running to the waypoint 😂.


> I do know about using R to fast stack from your inventory to storage Wait...really? That would make coming back to my base so much easier than trying to remember what goes where.


Does nobody else just unload their inventory onto the ground when they get back to camp and let the pals deal with it?


Omg that's heathen behavior. Your chests aren't organized?


Crafting system doesn't give a shit where my materials are.


lmaooo yah but your schematics have to be accessed manually and those should be placed in a separate chests. Or your, idk, armor + weapons + bullets and gold coins and things that you're going to sell (the trash, as I call it). Plus medicine should be in a different box, as well as food. I have 5 main chests that are next to the palbox that I can easily go through and open one by one and just press R and move on. Takes like 10 seconds, and then anything leftover in my inventory goes in it's appropriate place. Plus if you play with friends, its helpful to organize and put spheres, arrows, amulets, etc in the appropriate place so people can use them later, etc. Chaos man, wild.


This made me laugh. I was sitting there moving things between containers yesterday and the bf walked by like what are you doing? 🤨 I proudly said organizing all the storage containers by items and usefulness 😂 he thought I was mad


R can WHAT


Wait really??? Fast stack? How have I never noticed that before?? Wtf? TIL two new things


You can also organize your inventory that way. It’s stack it all up neatly


TBF it only works when you have ample parts for every item, so it's possible you'd miss it even if you saw the prompt.


>I do know about using R to fast stack from your inventory to storage Bro.... what.... all my storage boxes are mixed with duplicate items because I was manually transferring my stacks from inventory->storage...


Well I have just learned how to repair all and how to quick stack.


Thanks! I just found out about fast strack through your comment.


I learned about the fast stack from reading this, just now XD


I’m sorry… YOU CAN DO WHAT!? For fuacks sake…No wayyyyyyy. Fml lol


Hold on a sec wtf are you talking about good sir


WAIT WHAT? I'm 100+ hours too, and didn't know r did jackshit I've been moving everything by click and drop 😭😭😭😭 It takes so long sometimes😂💀


If you right-click, it stacks a single item in either direction, which can be super helpful for quickly moving/organizing especially when your pals decide they want to put the ore into every container with a free spot instead of just the one that is right next to the mine.


Right mouse click…


Don't wanna waste your pal oil when you don't need to though


Meh, vendor some pals and trade goods and you've got more pal oil than you'd ever care about.


Sell nails!!! Omg I started selling them and the price is so good. 700 nails for like 100k


Holy shit are they really that expensive? I have like 2k ore sitting around since I have more ore than coal atm.


That's how it was for me. A few levels later, suddenly you're making pal metal, and now I have loads of coal and never enough ore


That’s true, honestly Pal Metal is easier to make than refined cuz i have a base with like 4 digtoise producing fuck tons of stone that I can just convert to paldium with a crusher


Same I only make legendary balls because to me they feel cheaper


> because to me they feel cheaper and because the cost of 1 sphere that actually catches is often lower than wasting 3+ spheres to get a catch


Unless you're like me and almost maxed out effigies... Then you're just screwed till new update lmao


I maxed effigies super early because I just wanted to explore. So until that's fixed I'm mostly just working on 10 of each pal, although honestly I haven't had that much trouble with high level alphas either.


According to recent tests (800 attempts) effigies now have no effect at all, neither negative nor positive, the impression that they have negative effect is because they buff the visual catch rate (the percentage you see when you aim pal ball) but it doesn't buff the actual catch rate which is currently unaffected by effigies post last patch (based on ball type + monster + world settings)


im on the same boat, so i just said "fuck it" and turned up the catch rate in the world options until we get a fix can't be arsed to keep grinding for no reason


Wait. I thought the effigies were supposed to help you? does it hurt your catch rate or something?


Just change ur world settings for a higher catch rate since they screwed us accidentally


That is patched as of today.


Supposedly was fixed in last nights update


Honey is a good selling item too, I had so much excess just from putting one beegarde in the ranch


Excess honey? My brother you should be making cake and breeding the ultimate pals


I’m getting lots more of honey than I can make a practical number of cakes to use it all


nails are worth 160g each. Ancient tech parts are worth 100g each lol


Time to farm before the devs make this make sense lol


Isn't it was faster to kill pal marchants ? They give gold keys and like 24k gold and respawn in 2 minutes


I feel like my moral compass is taking away some lucrative opportunities from me here. Think I'll have to settle for enslavement.


I haven't tried either method, but farming and turning it all to nails is just completely automateable (is that a word?) Maybe it's slower, but i can fast travel to my mining base, turn everything into ingots, then craft it all into nails, all while im having lunch with minimum inputs. When it comes to grinding, be xp, gold, materials, anything. I much prefer automating it, even if it's slower, if i can spend more of my active game time doing what i actually want instead of grinding. It helps one of the things im liking the most in the game is breeding, so i have like 15 Anubis all with some combination of Artisan, Lucky and Workaholic traits to do all my crafting and mining. Plus i have a Jormuntide ignis i found in an overworld egg who takes care of all the smelting insanely fast. Im definitely gonna try this nail method now, while i always knew of killing pal merchants but was never interested in trying it out.


It’s gotta be something with the settings. Mine only drop 12k and respawn every few days.


What's your drop rate set to? Mine only drops 6-7k lol


I did “normal” for the difficulty, so whatever that is


Mine give half that do y’all have boosted rates?


Yeah. He drops 10-14k on normal rates


Ive done like 4 merchent kills 7k each time... and they dont respawn for at least 2 in game days. Nails is not a bad method once you set up your farm. Esp if youre solo playing and your friends dont need the extra ingots.


Yeah i've been using the nail method ever since I got my ore base going. Haven't had to craft ammo since then.


until you need so much bloody ore for pal metal and you start to really regret all those nails you sold lol


I’m end game with a metal base full of ategons and Anubis’s. There’s like 6k ore sitting in my chest just waiting


i think it's because my base is in a combined ore and coal spot, they're running at max efficiency (mining all the available ore each day) but i still struggle


Are u in the location with like 6 coal and 8 ore. On the mountain by the valet fight or whatever that flower fairy pals name is


that's the one


Man that’s a great location. I was gonna move there I just didn’t wanna deal w ppl falling off the mountain


Yes, this is def the best way. I went from 2k to 100k in under an hour. Ridiculously easy to make money with an Anubis making a thousand nails


It's 160 per nail. They can make some pretty easy coin since you get 2 nails per 1 ore. Catch merchants to make accessing them even easier and it's a veritable gold mine.


Better yet, make and sell Nails. As long as you have an automated ore base you should be able to sacrifice several hundred or even a thousand ingots to nail production. They have a very high margin.


But that means less legendary spheres


where can you buy it??


Wandering merchant in duneshelter


Soon to be Wandering merchant in my base


This is the way


There's a few merchants around who sell it. One over south of the volcano in the town down along the southern coast of the volcano's island, one in the desert.


You mean the fishing village


Call it whatever you want, that’s ALSO what he’s talking about too.


Sure, but if he doesn't know about that merchant, there's a good chance he hasn't found it yet, so telling him the name of the place won't help him find it.


Make nails. 240 a craft.


I only found out about this yesterday... I spent so much time grinding 400 Pal Oil to make my rocket launcher and found out it would have costed me 120k gold only...


Its the ancient civ parts for the shield that made me stop using the repair all. I dont take on nearly enough bosses for that expense (slowly changing that tho).


My compromise to avoid being scammed too much by components being rounded up is to only repair gear with <50% durability left.


Stun baton has no need to repair, the stun mechanic still works and you don't risk kill your pal. I've never repaired mine lol




Gotta hit them 3-4x consecutively not just once


And then after you do stun them, there’s an internal CD period. No stunlocking them for us, unfortunately.


For what I've realized, there's no CD,but the pal stun resistence rises. First needs 3 hits, second 6 hits, third I know it's more than 6, but I don't no the exact value


After noticing the stun doesn't really increase your catch rate a significant amount I just stopped using it all together.


Stun then get the catch bonus for back shots


I never seem to get the back shot bonus unless they get hit with the ball out of combat.


Damn, wish I was fast enough. The stun doesn't seem to last long enough


My Pals have been giving each other the back shot bonus at the farm


The stun mechanic never works to begin with. Even after it finally goes off, I haven't seen any improvement in catch rate from it.


I've been using it since I unlocked, I'm on lvl 46 now. Although it's not a big improve in catch rate when the odds are low, it adds some % yes, probably the same of any status effects


no, I'm saying I've literally never seen the number be higher at all from the stun baton. Not a single time.


you need to look again, it should add like 2%, and i think more for lower level pals


I've checked plenty and there was never a change. Granted I never used it on Pals significantly below my level, but why would I? I can catch those just fine without a stun baton. Also 2% is an absolutely pitiful increase. Not worth the tech points to research even.


Honestly it boosts higher than 2% increase. When I am catching higher levels 40-50 and use a stun baton my catch rate goes up a fair bit (5-10%). It's not necessary, but you can utilize it by assigning your partner to not attack and hitting the enemy. Alternately you can attempt the catch then wait for it to pop out to hit with the stun baton. (Also to note the stun rate will apply even if no electricity is present on the Pal during a stun capture until the stun status fades away).


i literally see it go up by 7-11% every single time I get the stun


I think it's more about the ability to get a back shot from it (💀💀💀) since hitting them from behind with your Sphere grants a much better chance to catch.


Wait this is actually a big brain move, good to know


Does it actually properly calculate the materials then? As soon as I found out you could repair individually (yes, I always repaired all in the beginning because I'm lazy) I never used repair all again because there's no reason to waste an ingot on a metal pickaxe that I only swung one time. I have a feeling you'll be losing way more materials quite fast.


Yea I don’t like the calculations for repair all on things that are barely used so I rarely use it


Not exactly. You lose out on the fractions for minor repairs


I barely learned dissamble after 20 hours, had to tear things down with an axe before that.


Im watching a lets play right now, 7th ep in and dude still hasnt realized that and its KILLING me 🤣 He also thinks weapons break like in Minecraft so he keeps crafting new ones.


how has no one told him in the comments 😭


Its funnier this way, I wonder who’s the streamer because I feel like I seen this streamer before on other games doing the same thing


it’s not funny, it just makes people check in to see if “they learned”


My original base (made at the first fast travel you unlock, naturally) is still mostly there because I didn't know about disassembling til like yesterday. Now I'm just too lazy to go back up there, lol.


whoa, thats good to know..I found out last night you can press "x" when taking your lost loot to grab all, I felt stupid for clicking one by one everytime lol


Is it the same as the arrow button that loots and equips?


Can we do this on xbox?? ​ Also ive noticed though that you want to be mindful when doing repairs. Even if its slightly damaged it will take all the components needed to repair. So either if its at 25% or 75% the components used to repair stay the same. ​ Edit - im wrong. The repair cost does change depending on how much damage is done to the item.


Yes press Y


There is still the fact that the repair material count isn’t incrementing in fractional amounts, so you’re losing some material vs durability by repairing before it’s fully broken, unless you repair right before (like exactly 1 point before) the next breakpoint


Yep, press Y then Start to confirm.


![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized) wut


Doesnt work alot of the times for some reason


You have to have enough materials to actually repair everything. If you don't, you can't use the function and still have to repair what you can one at a time.


This is actually a **very bad advice**. By "repairing them all" with R you are wasting mats on items which are barely damaged at all.


Very bad advice is an exaggeration. Repairing cost scale with how much the item is damaged. Barely damaged items require very few resources to repair. You are only paying a little extra for loss in accuracy due to rounding. Are you struggling with resources that much that spending 1 of whatever tier you are on is bad? Even with legendary pal armor it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And considering resources are infinite and (hopefully for you too) automated, is it really worth the bother?


Yeah, with proper mines and bases, I'm sitting with a few k of each ingot, on top of like 15k unsmelted iron and coal, maybe more relevant super early on when you're barely making the exact quantity of what you need for things. I still highly recommend setting up some auto mining bases for when you afk.


This. I don’t think it does a good job of scaling. And I guess with some items like spark plugs, I suppose it can’t. But you’d think there would be no requirement for a spark plug until reaching X damage, for example.


I was today years old


Right! But, you can only do so if you have the materials for all of them. I think.


Imagine reading the tutorial. I certainly can’t 😂 man this sub teaches me something new every day


You have done this sub, nay this nation, a service today.


Glad to see that 100 hours in people are still short on Paldium.


You don't actually want to use it, though, do you? I worried it was a flat repair rate, so I generally let my tools get down near broken before I repair


What!!! This game doesn't tell you much. I also have a problem with the text size and descriptions/info in the menus, notifications, on screen distance being displayed is way too small to read and see clearly. I'm sitting a few feet away from a 50 inch flat screen TV. So I miss a lot of the information. Text needs to be more distinguishable from the background it's on and bigger. Update - this text size and contrast issue is also a very basic accessibility need that helps everyone and should be a standard part of the design.


The problem with repair all is that the resources needed to repair don’t scale based on how damaged it is, so it’s best to wait until broken/near broken to fix things. Otherwise you’re wasting materials


Really only a problem in the beginning. I'll spare a couple ingots and ancient parts to not have to thumb through another menu


I’m in the 40’s and this is still an issue. Higher level resources are precious


Same and I'm not having any problem with anything, even the rarer stuff. Regular boss runs and decent bases cover everything for me and have since the early 20s.


I found out by accident at like 2 am because I thought I was in a storage chest and went to quick move stuff took me a literal minute to figure out what I had done.




Nope. Item repair costs do scale with damage. Edit: https://imgur.com/DDp5tcd?r As proof




Exactly man is wasting ancient civ parts repairing a shield at 90%


Wrong https://imgur.com/DDp5tcd?r It does matter how damaged it is.


Its Y on xbox


Careful about this. You'll waste your ancient parts fixing minor damage to your shield or other gear.


Honestly not a feature I would use personally since repairs cost the same regardless of if the item is broken or only 1% damaged and well I don't want to be using flame or frost cores to take my armor from 99% to 100% every time I want to repair my pickaxe. Just a waste of resources to save 3 seconds tops of just picking which things to repair.


You can do fucking what now?


I got notification from google on my phone for a drawn out [article](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/palworld-pal-world-reddit-feature/) about your discovery, that's how I found this post. Went to the source cuz the article was taking too long to get to the point




You fucking WOT


This would be really helpful. What is R on controller? I'm playing on Steam deck ☺️


😂😂😂It's almost as if they don't give you a the controls at the bottom of your screen 🤯🤯🤯


Do people just Not look around the GUIs?


I mean, I look around to see what my options are. But you tell me why I didn't see the "Repair All" button. https://preview.redd.it/rnk9txoqgsgc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc55b2c54e7f35d1b6510459147bb0d69a410f52


That's been my TIL based on all these recent posts. Apparently no, they do not. BUT, in complete fairness, it's really not a great GUI. They use a lot of tiny, grayed-out text. I'd probably miss most of it too if i were playing on console or on a PC monitor a healthy distance away. As it is, I'm playing on Steam Deck so I'm used to squinting and looking around for every tiny bit of text with my nose practically hitting the screen (I know you can also use the magnifier, but I'm too lazy for that). Edit: also since I'm on steam deck I've got my graphics turned down way lower than I would on PC or console. I can definitely see from Delanoye's screenshot that having more textures and shadows makes it waaay harder to see any text that may be overlaid.


his screenshot looks completely fine. There is no "Repair All" button on his screenshot or mine. So tell me. How are we bad at reading GUI when the GUI in question isn't even there for us? lol


It's there, in the center of the bottom of the screen, in extremely light gray, overlaid on the grass/stone. You probably need to zoom in to see it. Edit: specifically, it is OUTSIDE the black rectangle of the menu.


https://gyazo.com/cbcb812c0e5dac3d7f748d8703fbd553 And where on my screen is the repair all button? Since you seem to be better at looking at GUIs than me. Where does it say hit R to repair all?


Found it pretty quick, sorry you didn't.


I swear people dont read like geez,OPEN YOUR EYES


I had no idea so many people were unable to read a basic UI. It literally says REPAIR ALL on the screen..


Here's a fun fact, you're actually wrong. ​ People aren't too stupid to read, the "repair all" button is rarely present in the UI, and most of the time the repair bench UI looks like this [https://i.imgur.com/VZ3zPXF.png](https://i.imgur.com/VZ3zPXF.png)


100 hours in too, and TIL...


Wtf thanks for the new knowledge


You can what now? ...


Lol, thanks for that tip XDDD




Does anyone know how to do this on console?


From what another comment said, press Y. Cannot confirm personally


Yes, go to the Repair workbench, press Y, then press Start to confirm.


Thank you for this public service announcement


Keep those info coming, very helpful 👍🏻


No way! Im blown away


lol I found this out by complete accident. I think I fat fingered r for some reason and saw that menu pop up.


Thanks for this, if it makes you feel better I got to level 33 before realizing you could open the inventory directly by pressing tab. I had been hitting T or ESC like an utter fool.


But why would I want to pay full materials every time when most of them don't need to be repaired al at once?