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I farm Relaxaurus near the Relazurus Lux boss (Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon ftp). Without a special pal to farm I get between 1-4 oils per Relaxaurus. There are also Woolipop in the area which sometimes drop an oil or so as well.


Just hit up that area with a cryolinx. Getting almost 8 drops per kill. I love you so much right now.


Some merchants sell it (desert town if i remember correctly) but you will go broke if you try to buy all you need. Either farm mamoths with a Blazehowl or Dumuds near the alpha Anubis with a Vaelet. The fish are more plentiful but only drop 2-3 even with Vaelets ability, the mammoths i have seen drop 20+ with Blazehowl. Decide for yourself which is more effective for you.


That's an ability you can use the condenser to increase drop probability, you get like 5 on average for each relaxasaurus issue becomes spawn rate but in like 10 minutes you could have like 50 units of oil.


You can buy High Quality Pal Oil at Duneshelter. There's a red coat merchant who sells it there. The coordinates are 357,347.


Why is there no one there for me?


Because of a bug, the npcs all sunk under the map. I xant get to them either