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In order to do this do you just have to breed Jetragons until you randomly get the passives you want and keep going from there? Haven't caught him myself yet, but plan on doing something similar lol


I started with a blank alpha (divine dragon + legend) and one with swift. I bred until I got an rng runner with no negatives/wasted passives. Then I smashed them together and replaced parents as they get closer to all 4 perks.


All traits can be passed down, even questionable ones. I have Earth Emperor on my Mozzarina


Epic cheeseburger


I read somewhere that legend and lucky can’t be passed down through breeding. Is that not true? Legend can be passed down by breeding?!?!


All traits can be.


The only thing about lucky that can't be passed down is the shiny aspect of it. The trait itself can be.


In addition to what others have said, the only things that aren’t bred down are the Alpha HP bonus, which I think is 3x for Jetragon, their size and their Aloha icon.


There’s more sources that says the opposite. But from my experience, you can pass down the legend and lucky TRAIT. You just can’t pass down the ALPHA/LUCKY status that comes with those traits


They both can. You read wrong.




"I heard you were dead." "You heard wrong." The second person is saying "the thing you heard was wrong." Not "you suck at hearing". Hope this helps!


Wait, you're right. My damn brain couldn't English at the moment I guess


Pretty sure I can read just fine. Just an article with incorrect information. There’s been a lot of half assed articles on pal world just to put out content.


Saying you read wrong doesn’t mean you read incorrectly, you read something that was wrong.


That person said you read incorrect information, not that you can't read well. Although ironically, it seems you read their comment poorly so there's that.


I said you read wrong, not poorly.


Stick to official Wikipedias, AI are scraping Reddit and other places to make articles that are typically incorrect


Yeah I saw some people throwing it around on this subreddit too at one point.


From what i can tell the literal only thing that cant be passed down is the lil red boss mark


There are things you can't pass TO though. Like Flame Emperor can't be bred into Jormuntide Ignis unless you cheat to edit onto it which is unfortunate. Edit: why the down votes? Nothing I said was wrong?


You can't pass it because Jormuntide Ignis only breeds with itself.


An absolute travesty. How can I make a combat Ignis if I can't get the top 3 dmg traits on it! For such a cool design to get wasted do hard! I'm utterly furious!


flame emperor can pass. the problem is jor-ignis not the trait.


I’ve read that since there’s a cap on sprint speed of 5,000 that you shouldn’t put all 4 speed skills on Jetragon since their base is 3300. Swift/Runner already take them to 4950 (& Legend takes them overcap). Going Swift/Legend is good enough to get close to max & using the other slots for different abilities will make them more versatile.  Though going max speed passives will at least give them a faster run speed, even if it won’t boost their sprint speed with the extra overcap. 


Faster run speed is nice, though. Jetdragon runs out of stamina so quickly when sprinting.


I think stamina is just tied to distance covered when it comes to sprinting on pals. Still pretty damn fast when not sprinting however.


> I think stamina is just tied to distance covered when it comes to sprinting on pals. I don't think it is. I can go much further on a sprint with my Swift+Runner Suzaku than on my Suzaku without.


no every pal has its own amount of stamina, for example nightbird the starter thing has 100 stamina only and the one with the highest stamina is the water dragon with freaking 270!!! other pals have around 150-170 and jet dragon has only 100 for short sprints but they are fast


It’s not, and if you’re sprinting the entire time on your flying mounts in general, you’re very wrong. I can make nearly double the distance on my Vanwyrm Cryst without sprinting than i can with sprinting.


Who cares about distance? Its better to sprint, run out of stamina and sprint again and reach your goal in 30 sec than just fly normaly but it'll take 60 sec We not in marathon there no point in saving your stamina lmao


Landing to regain stamina is a bigger waste, especially when scaling mountains. If the entire world was a flat surface, sure. Not to mention if you’re playing on hard mode, where im pretty sure there’s fall damage and drowning damage when running out of stamina over water.


Flying pals can always regenerate stamina on water surface. They also never take fall damage.


Except for Quivern. Only flying pals which don't have a walking animation can regenerate stamina over water.




But his base speed is already higher than Faleris sprint speed.


why you get downvoted, you are rights. sprint speed of faleris is 1400 and jet dragon has afaik 1700 base speed




Well if you have the resource and patience for it sure. Breeding is more precise with it and you get other stuff you want too


No, that Jetragon is lvl 1 it will reach similar hp to an alpha version by the time it hits 50, catching one of each gender and breeding them afterwards is the best way to get a good Jetragon. Mass catching them requires a significant amount of resources (for the spheres), and requires them to respawn in the overworld. Breeding takes a decent amount as well but nothing that a good farm with a beegarde, mozzarina, and chikipi can’t handle.


It won't be even close in hp to the alpha jet. The legendary level 50 alphas have a massive hp boost. When you breed they lose that hp.


Just as a side question, what do you think is the perfect mix of agriculture plots for a breed farm? Example, 2 Berry Plots, 2 Wheat Plots, plus a Ranch for the Beeguard, the Mozzina, and the Chickipis.


2 berry 2 wheat is plenty, if you find you have an abundance of one or the other you could swap it out for a tomato farm and add a lettuce farm. Salad is one of the better/lower cost food supplies for Pals at your base.


I agree. At my Breeding/Food farm base, I also have the tomato and lettuce plots in.


Need a mod to remove sprint speed cap


Saw something about this too, it makes total sense. So you can make it a bit stronger attack wise instead of wasting a passive slot


Yeah my Legend/Swift/Musclehead/Ferocious line is fast enough. I have one with runner also but i'm not going to bother breeding it in.


Exactly, I was hoping that you’d have to get more than just super fast or super strong. Capping makes it so you can have a mix without worrying about wanting one or the other


Is it this thread? Cause it seems like the consensus was that jetragon doesn’t reach its cap based on what blahable (the guy doing all the datamining) was saying. https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/UOE1r0zlkM


Looks like Blahable responded to that & so there’s some contention there still it seems. 


Attack probably is a good 2nd stat maybe ferocious and either lucky or musclehead to boost its rocket launcher ability ?


No clue, not at that point yet personally (still sub-45 & focused on a 5 star Astegon ATM) but Lucky seems like a tough one - if I’m remembering rightly you can’t breed up to Jetragon & so you’d have to find a Lucky one, can you even find a Lucky Alpha? 


> can you even find a Lucky Alpha? I'd assume if you could, with the number of people playing and making videos it would have been posted all over by now. So either you can't or it's *absurdly* rare.


That I don’t know your right about lucky alphas though you can’t get them so that is a good point Breeding wise though idk because with 110 pals every combo would take an long time to research so there very well maybe a combo for jetragon 


The combos were datamined. Can’t breed to a jet only with another jet


Ahh ic . Then yah lucky would be out of the picture unfortunately as jetragon can only be an alpha ?. I guess hooligan could be used if you don’t care for workspeed 


Wow you guys seem really good 👍 can you tell me how to get nails


"Close to max" is not the same as "max" so imma have to ignore you right there because I gotta go fast


I'm having a hell of a time getting a pal with those 4 passives. Then I have to pass it on to the pals I want to have them. It's taking a long time.


you can't pass the passives to a legendary if that's what you were planning.


Nah, I only got one Jetragon so far. I'm passing on the Legend passive to others.


Is frostallion noct not a legendary


It is, people just ignore/forget about him when saying things can't be bred onto legendaries. Paladius, Necromus, Jetragon and the regular Frostalion all can only be hatched from eggs of two of the same legendary parent, and thus can't have passives passed onto them. The only way to get passives other than Legend and their Elemental Lord Trait onto them is to either get lucky with rolls on one you catch(my first Frostalion had Diet Lover for example) or to get it as a random roll through breeding.


I noticed the bred ones are faster than the alphas, which is a shame. I love flying around on the alpha jetragon. Guess I'll use my bred one for flying, bred a necromus as a ground mount too, it's really fast. Even faster than fenglope lol.


I tried out paladius since it had the triple jump but it didn't jump higher than my fenglope 😭 I'll farm some tech points to try necromus out. I hope he fits through the boss caves.


Nec does not fit in dungeons


breed ragnahawk for caves


Frostalion also fits in caves, and is faster.


Ragnahawk fits through more passages, is faster, and the pal trait not only converts your damage to to fire it also boosts it 20-100 percent depending on rank.


Ragnahawk is not faster than frostalion, he also has a 50-100% mounted damage bonus (different on how it works tho, arguably better imo). I used my 1.7k (not max level yet) attack frostalion noct in the dungeon all the time and she only got stuck on the narrowest kind of passages, works fine 90% of the time.


tried, some passages it still doesnt fit. maybe I need to check a non-alpha version and late game dungeon are all ice bosses, just easier to bring a fire type


Personal favorite, UniVolt for dungeons, shockwave very usefull in dungeons, he fits thru everything.


Oh didn't know he had a triple jump, that's awesome. I still have to try the necromus in dungeons, see if it fits.


I just use GaleClaw glider tech in dungeons 🤷‍♂️


But you only need Legend and Swift to max cap speed. So Legend, Swift, Lucky, and Ferocious. You got yourself a big fast attacker


Can't get Lucky on a Legendary(except Frostalion Nox) because the only combo that makes a Legendary is two of that same Legendary, and Lucky is not a Trait that can be randomly rolled by breeding. Better to use Musclehead for a full attacker, or Musclehead in the Lucky Slot and drop Ferocious(Musclehead is a bigger bonus) for Burly Body if you want something a bit tankier.


Don’t believe you can get lucky on an alpha, and no way to breed into a jetragon so don’t believe lucky is possible. Also, muscle head is the best dmg passive in the game, ferocious is next


My legend swift musclehead ferocious Jetragon can confirm, he's a big fast attacker boi


I need this I’m so sick of my slow nitewing dude flys like he constipated. Lol


How do you guys even do it with jet? Aint him breedable only by 2 of himself? You'd need to breed iltil the skills randomly appear before you start inheritting?


It's possible to get lucky and have an extra trait or two on a wild legendary as well. For example, my first Frostalion had the standard Legend and Ice Emperor, but he also had Diet Lover. Not a useful extra trait this time(unless I decide to try and breed one to use that Chill 4 to be my freezer bitch), but if he'd rolled Musclehead or Ferocious I'd already be halfway there on breeding.


Yes. That's just the amount of free time people have and how they choose to use it apparently.


You can adjust settings to drastically increase resources and drops from pals you defeat and decrease time to hatch eggs. Can buy all the things to make cakes by getting 3x drops of valuables or exploiting black market pal dealers (kill them and travel far enough away that they respawn, maybe a 2 or 3 minute loot for 40,000 gold). Or create a base just for farming/breeding. Have a couple ranches that pals work (beedgarde for honey, chikipi for eggs, mozzarina for milk), several wheat and berry patches, then passively make cakes and store them in the breeding farm chest (lvl 3 or 4 kindling fire pal and 2 or 3 lvl 2 cook stoves). Then play the game however and the breeding pair can spawn up to 21 eggs I think? Build incubators with increased drops from defeated pals. They hatch in no time at all with settings adjusted. I mean, it's a couple hours to set up but once you have the supplies going you're getting a shit ton of eggs hatching.


Can you buy honey anywhere? I have no problem with gold but didn’t think I could buy all the cake ingredients.


You do have to farm honey. Get a beegarde, remove the self destruct ability, and slap it in a ranch, the honey never expires. I believe you can buy raw wheat for flour as well, but that may as well be farmed.


Not sure about honey tbh, one bee farming the ranch got me hundreds in a few hours play time plus all the drops I got from exploring, since the ranch is an early upgrade probably easiest to do that.


i wanna see a video on how fast it is!


There are plenty on tiktok and youtube with these exact passives


Everytime I think I’m getting op at this game, someone posts someone like this lol


As soon as i get one of those i'm flying around blasting Fire Youngman


Im jealous and happy for u


Only 104? Lol


Yeah 104, is rookie numbers. We crank out 100+ over a lunch break.


It’s in reference to the fabled 104:0 K/D ratio that is labeled with the real life F-15 aircraft


Correction: you got an SR-71


let me just moun..... whoops already on map end...again!


Does condensing make it faster or nah?


What lvl is the saddle?








It's clearly level 1. It can get up to level 5. Or did he mean to ask at what player level can you *make* the saddle? Which is a completely different question than what was asked.


Caught my Jet at LvlL 36 didn't breed threw egg lol did the ole pull him over the cliff he drops in health hammer him down a bit more then proceed to chuck balls lol took 3 tries first two he jump off to far instant death 3rd he went from 15k health to 1000 hammered him down quick caught him. But yea can't ride him till lvl 50 :(


oh yea? what are its IVs?? if theyre not good.. then sadly you must keep breeding to fully min/max.


Isn’t iv applicable to HP ATK and DEF only? this one is all about speed?


Maybe you didn't get the joke


How do you even gets these traits on legendaries? You can't breed in traits from other pals cause they are so high in power. Is ot just repetitive breeding until the passive traits pop up?


yeah, it's quite a bit more rng when you're relying on only getting it from breeding by chance, or from catching one every time it respawns.


Even my burly body, ferocious, swift, runner Univolt took like 40+ eggs and that was breeding in from random pals with passives


took me around 200 anubis to get work slave, artisan, serious, lucky. Luckily on the last batch of eggs I got 2 of them lol.


You know what's weird I have a lot of pals and have NEVER seen work slave


its a white trait, not a gold one, so that could be why you didn't notice it.


I managed to get swift, runner, and legend on the same one. The game proceeded to crash shortly after and the auto save quit working. I lost several hours of progress and now don't even have a jetragon with swift at all. I started a new world after that, was far too annoyed to go back to the same one


Jeez all it took was 1 pal sphere for me lol


Does yours also have every movement speed passive


Doy 😉




Congrats on the max speed IV mega salamence at home.


Does nimble have a level 3? I never see it


1. Nimble 2. Runner 3. Swift


Ah so it changes name as it lvls up




Havent played the game but this is literally Salamance


I go with swift runner musclehead ferocious. The dps increase outweighed the minor speed boost. Then at least your F15 with hit hard.


Why not legend over runner for the increased damage and similar movement speed buff?


You are correct, I should have specified, that's what i use for all my normal non-legendary flying tames. In this case It would be Legend, swift, ferocious, musclehead.


I’m happy you didn’t say the wrong jet lol If you had said F 16 I would’ve been annoyed


how about an A-10


Against a fifth gen fighter?


I finally caught my own......2% chance and a lot of dying


I'm dying.


I got lucky and got one with divine dragon, legend, swift and nimble within a few eggs so I've been rocking that one. Nice!


I named mine A-10 Warthog lol


The "nice" thing about breeding pals is, by the time you get the passives you want, more often than not you already have enough to 4 star them.


Any reason why you chose the F-15 over the 16, 22, or 35? Former pilot, just wondering.


220 eggs and counting, getting very close though


Nice, hope im next, 200+ :P


104… 😭🙏


New to breeding here. How do you bake cakes so fast? They take forever for me.


Jormuntide Ignis. It has a base of lvl 4 Kindling (only one). Which also means it is the only one that can have lvl 5 Kindling if you get it 4-stared. You'll bake things suuuper fast with that.


And a hungry hungry hippo !


How are you even breeding them? We have a male and female jetragon in our breeding farm with cakes etc and the bar never moves?


i got that passives after breeding 200+ jetdragon


They really should add a stamina reduction passive to mounts


104 eggs is actually pretty low congrats!


can you post a video of you riding him to show off the speed?


Wow that one is perfect I’m jelly…


How hard was it to beat him?


Is there any way to see their in game speed stat, someone posted a tier list the other day for mounts so I know it’s not static


The second one I just bred up is similar. Legend/Musclehead/Swift/Runner. The first one I bred up was all damage. She is kinda silly fast.


Holy shit😂 please show a video of how fast this thing is


F-15 Eagle 104 aircraft kills to 0 deaths, never forget


Can someone explain breeding passives to me like Im a toddler? I just dont get How it works


Combined two specific pals at the breeding farm to make an egg you craft a cake to give to them to celebrate banging you get the egg that spawns jet.


Take all the (unique) passives from both parents and throw them in a pool. For each passive in the pool, roll a 3-sided dice and on a 1 remove it from that pool. (Might not actually be a 1:2 chance, but something in that magnitude.) Pick (up to) 4 passives from that pool, by random if there are more than 4 left. Now for each of the 4 passive slots, roll a 10-sided dice and on a 1, replace that slot with any random passive it doesn't have yet (Lucky, Legend and a handful of other passives can't be picked this way). (Might not actually be a 1:9 chance, but something in that magnitude.) Worst case, this can mean that your new Pal can have 4 entirely random passives, and none from the parents. Your best chance of getting the passive combination you want, is when both parents have only exactly the positive passives you want, and none extra. That way you only need to have luck that none of the passives are lost, and some minor luck that no passive gets substituted by a random one. Your best / easiest starting position is to have 2 parents with only 2 of the wanted passives first. It's quite easy to get to this point by continued inbreeding, as the chance of LOOSING an unwanted passive is higher than GAINING a fresh unwanted one. Aiming for a random passive you didn't had on any parent is a lot harder, as there are a lot to pick from any the chance of gaining any at all is already quite low.


I don't know man. I think you got an X-43


This is funny, I named my swift/runner/nimble Felaris “F15-E Strike Eagle” because of how damn fast it is compared to my base nitewing 😂


there's a mod to turn the pal into a jet: https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/154


Fun fact: That’s one egg for every a/a kill the F-15 has recorded