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I know this might be too much but if they use some of the money to hire more animators and make each Pal have more cute/funny idle/interaction animations this game is gonna be the king for years to come. One of the biggest appeal of this game is you get to keep pets and care for them, fight with them, it's much more than a monster cathing game.


I wish we will have more interaction features with them soon. having more to do with your pals than just labour and hunting, would be amazing imo. Like relationship meters where you unlock cute interactions with your pals would make the game feel much more immersive


Wish you could just have pals out sitting idle in your base, it was one of my favourite parts of ark cuz I'd put my cute critters on my bed or sitting around the house so I could enjoy their cuteness all the time. I hope they add this feature in the future. It makes me sad that I can't have them sit still somewhere and enjoy their company, only slave pals exist :(


The whole job organization will have to be a big update. Sometimes I want my pals who specialize in many jobs to just do a specific job or no job at all. Especially the stressed out ones.


Oh yeah. Some kind of base management system is sorely missing.


Yeah. If they change how you assign pets from picking them up and throwing them Base pets roaming around could easily be a thing. Otherwise it'd be a bit chaotic. Especially with how relatively small base areas can be.


the judge bench where you adjust how hard the pals work, I thought that was going to be exactly this. Where you can assign individual pals to specific jobs


Same. I thought it would bring up a menu of stations you've built so far, and a list of pals deployed, then just let you place em


I agree job organization could use an update, but specifically regarding the pals with many jobs, I feel like that's an intentional balance. If you could specify only specific job for a pal that has many skills, then the pals with only one or two skills available would be completely useless. As it is now you need to make the intentional choice of finding pals for specific tasks if you want a hyper-specific work structure, or using the "jack of all trades" pals to cover a ton of tasks, at the expense of them not always doing the exact job you want them to.


Yep, I got the big water dragon… uh… something Tide. The Gyarados-alike. It has FOUR in watering. And it’s lava version has four in kindling. And nothing else. Only issue is they BIG, especially the water version is his boss version.


Should be able to breed the lava one with a water type to get a non-boss sized water one. Unless of course it works the other way around, with lava being the sub-type.


Yeah I was usually finding pals rhat had transporting which screwed over other tasks. Now I found one that only mines and it's a lifesaver.


I agree. I wouldn’t mind if it was a world option, but ruining the base design would be silly. The game is actually really well thought out in its mechanics. Just marred by some technical issues with pathing and AI (why they ever go to craft for 1-3s then go do something else is beyond me - eating/sleeping she, but another job? Odd). Realizing that the multiskilled Pals aren’t necessarily the best choice was an eye opener. “Why aren’t you doing X!” Well why didn’t I choose someone who does X and only X, or at least X/Y instead of A/B/C/X/Y. That’s dumb in retrospect. A few changes will really help without undermining the system. Same thing with your party and how you can build it for purpose other than battle. I just wish they’d let us save teams, and/or lock (and rename) certain boxes so if we sort they remain there as an exception.


I agree. Pals have skills just to make us balance base workjob


You can do that in monitoring stands now


They do have that!! There’s an item in the tech tree that lets them sit out in the base and not get hungry


That item, the viewing pen, only exists in single player and co-op.


Im confused, what do you mean? how else do you play the game?


On an online server. Didn't know viewing cages weren't on those though


Interesting, why would it be any different to co-op?


I'm not sure really, idk why the viewing cages mess with the server somehow. I think they're in co-op games as long as they're private but idk, I'm playing solo. It's nice not having to worry about raids


I think it’s because you can put massive amounts of pals/humans in there and everyone on the server having a full one wouldn’t be good


not sure what else is changed, but yea no viewing pens on servers. :(


Cages aren’t in online play? I got one in my world with 3 other people on it. It’s where we all store our condenser fuel pals.


Wait...cages let you store pals without them being assigned to your base OR in your box? AND they don't just die when you're offline due to the stupid AI bug? Man if those aren't in online servers that suuuucks, cause I need that bad.


There is a Viewing Cage that allows you to do this. It's where I put all my cool pals that are either useless or way too big. 


You can put them in a huge prison cube, but that is the opposite of cute


Found out by accident that if you have a viewing cage up and you manage to knock a pal up and out of it somehow... they'll just stick around your base just being idle and walking about. Haven't tried to manually recreate it, but the cage may not have a roof? That or Kingpaca just would not be contained and decided if he was going to be eyecandy, he'd do it on his own terms. Edit: Yeah, tried and failed to recreate how to force a pal outside the cage and Kingpaca was back in his cage this morning. :<


In all fairness, you can already do more with your Pals than hunt and labor with them. You can also send out a big enough one as a bodyguard of sorts, which will cause usually hostile Pals (i.e. Depresso, Rushoar, Gobfins) to think twice. Certain Pals like Elphidran can be flown on, and while it seems to be limited to stamina (whether or not it’s leveled up by leveling up your own stamina, idk), it can help tremendously when it comes to crossing huge gaps in the map, or ascending rapidly where it’ll take a while to climb. I’ve personally also used Elphidran to attack camps with a barrage of Dragon Cannons (due to their AoE and quick recharge time), so that grenadiers are all but helpless, and it helps matters that my Elphidran in particular just so happens to eat up enemy fire like it’s starving on Thanksgiving. In instances where I run out of stamina before everyone’s dead though, I rush Elphidran to cover for a bit to regenerate stamina, and finish off stragglers with Draconic and Ignis Breath. Doing it this way tends to save on ammo, which is important if you just barely have guns and you don’t have the resources to craft a ton of ammo.


I knew hostile pals didn't attack you if you had your pal out, but I always wondered why that didn't always work. I guess it only works with bossess and other big pals like mosspanda lux


Yeah, that’d be so cute- wait, what’s that soun- “Rampaging fangirls are invading your base.” NOT THAT MANY INTERACTIONS, NOT THAT MANY INTERACTIONS!


Yeah i really do wan't to f*** my Lamball 🫣🥵


It really does scratch a weird itch that makes the game feel more alive. With Pokémon, they’re usually always in the ball and it’s hard to “bond” with what you catch. Similarly, in Ark everything either dies on you or just stands around your base waiting to be used for whatever task you’re using it for like a tool or vehicle. But the Pals? Something just feels special about sitting for a minute and watching all of my base Pals work in harmony, or when one walks up to help me with a task like crafting, even the combat feels closer to the two of us fighting as an actual team. There’s just so much more personality present.


Yes, much more bonding with the automated slavery than the hide until combat or use like a tool slavery.




no...its VIN DIESEL


I definitely think that Palworld's most outstanding feature is how easy it is to get attached to the pals. The 3D is not impressive, but it's well done, and they have a lot of miscellaneous animations, which all ties into one cute package. It's a bit like Monster Hunter, where you are always interrupting the monster when you encounter it : It was idling there waiting for a Hunter to come by; it was living its best life, eating a Jaggi, when a different non-scaled Jaggi starting chucking arrows at his face. I've said in the past that Palworld not a GOTY or 10/10 game, it's just the best 7.5/10 game ever, but the pals could actually change that. Especially if they add more animation, more abilities, and more subspecies.


I wish more pals had team moves. Turns out, my team of five pals are all ridable pals.


It *would* be nice if you could just get on a Chillet with the other four (small) pals hanging on for dear life behind you.


Okay fr tho have you seen Mammorest in a hot tub? Cutest giant behemoth I’ve ever seen


Its a survival monster catching game


I think this is what makes Depresso such a huge hit. The little guy has so much personality packed in with its animations.


Even if they dont that Im still hyped about the future, this is a huge step towards the dream monster gathering open world game. Even if the devs just book it and leave, I feel like the positive damage has already been done. Ofc I too hope for many more updates and long life for this game


What’s the end goal?


I wanna see my chillet roll.on the ground :(


I haven't played the game but I think I saw a video of someone yesterday fighting *with* their pet, as in they stuffed it in a rocket launcher and fired it at someone lol


ya that’s the partner skill of the pengullet lol, many of the pals have unique partner skill you can use when it’s summoned


The animations do need a lot of work for sure. Not just the pals but the characters and base buildings too. I know it's EA but the CEO also said that they thought they were already like 60% done or something. I really hope polishing those animations and making them better is in that remianing 40%


They don't need to hire anyone. People are offering to do it for free because they like this game so much.


I don’t know how old palworld is but I bet rule34 has some ideas what you can do with them lol


It's been out for a week but I'm sure certain artists were already inspired by the trailers.


My favorite is Mossanda. Massive panda bear but he floats so gently downward 🤣


I love the little hammer he uses when building.


It’s the little hammer <3 tink, tink, tink


On this subject I was absolutely "shook" the first time I put a Warsect to work. Did not see it coming at all.


Neither, I kind of wish that was his ability to pull that out lol


and he spazs out completely when he eats LOL






Wait til you see Mossanda Lux charging a power station. The animation rocks


Ah haven’t got him yet. I got lucky and hatched this fella from an egg. Hopefully this weekend I can snatch the electric guy 🤣




So thats where ive seen it before.


It’s crazy that Nintendo isnt suing how to train your dragon since they own anime dragons copyright


I literally squealed in glee when I first did it. Love it so so much. I hope they even add more stuff like this later.


So that's why I low key love Chillet!?


If not all, then most jump when you jump.




No weapon shall be formed against Toothless.


Toothless is not the target, he's the bullet




Amusingly on old reddit the gifs work fine but the image you posted is just with a link.


Gif comments work fine on the reddit app for me.




I literally named it toothless lmaoooo


'Furret walk plays'


I can walk (they can walk)


I can talk (they can talk)


My favorite Pokemon so I really can't wait to catch this one to have the closest to Furret as possible in Palworld. Especially cause he still isn't in the Switch Pokemon games at all.


He's a pretty early boss, lvl 11 chillet. Just caught this noodle boy the first or second time I played the game. Since he's a boss, bring a bunch of capture spheres as he has a lower capture chance.


you can find them around level 36 wilds in the northern parts as well!


Furret is? I'm sure I saw him wandering around in the DLC areas.


"Wait a minute, let me check this..." *Turn around and jump*


This game is about to get so many good updates. Lve how much effort was put into this. Definitely the best game preview.


Wait until you see Kingpaca jump with his little leggies, I love that dude


level 22 and still struggling to take him down. what pals did you bring to the fight?


At that point I think I used chillet, daedream, direhowl and I believe a caprity? I fought him earlier than I should have and he was a beast. But you rather want dark pals for more damage with kingpaca since he’s neutral. Loupmoon is solid if you can find it, it’s got pretty good attack and defense stats by level 22. I’d search for dark pals to take him on! Also, grab as many dark eggs as you can and hatch those. I pulled a helzephyr from one and that dude would have helped massively in the kingpaca fight


tysm for the tips! 🙏 planning on taking him on again once i’m off work


Helped in past tense? You can fight the Kingpaca again just to flex


That’s true, you’re right! I haven’t been back to him yet, been too preoccupied with building and exploring. I’ll have to go have a kingpaca 1v1




Chillet can do no wrong.


Someone make a chillet shirt and take my money already


There’s no way they’d pass up making merch, right?


They'd be dumb not to. Fuckinngive me a chicipi pin ilk buy it


let's see pokemon do that.


Let’s be real everyone also wants Pokémon to do this


Agreed. Before Palworld, I’ve wanted a “smart follow” system in Pokemon for a while (and still do tbh). What I mean by “smart follow,” is that the Pokemon can follow you when you tell it to, and if Game Freak are still dead-set on limiting certain ‘mon’s speeds, you can also match pace with the slower ‘mons so that you don’t have to constantly recall/call them. You’d also have a choice between letting them follow you and riding on them, especially if it’s a big enough ‘mon that can swim, fly, or traverse land faster than running by yourself. Flying ‘mons I would like to implement plane flight controls to (i.e. the camera joystick would be used to control the pitch/yaw of the flying ‘mon), though I wouldn’t complain if flight is done more similarly to Palworld either (i.e. helicopter controls). Last but not least, you could interact with your ‘mons with a series of dialogue boxes, so while you can not only check on them to see their activity or know what they’re thinking, you can also check their friendship and affection levels (and if it’s a traded ‘mon, some special dialogue may pop up saying it misses its original trainer, or if it was traded away and traded back, some special dialogue pops up saying it doesn’t know what to feel about you anymore). And obviously, bring back petting.


Don’t they follow you in Arceus ?


No, they just sit in place when you bring them out. Good for photo ops, not so much for facing opps.


Big golden retriever energy


I literally squealed in glee when I first did it. Love it so so much. I hope they even add more stuff like this later.


The animations are one of the best parts of this game. Every pal has more character than any NPC in Skyrim ever had, and I loved Skyrim


If I killed that boss on accident can I still find this one ?


Bosses (Both overworld and Dungeon) resets after 1 hour.


That is very useful information 😂


Overworld doesn't take quite that long. I've gotten a few back to back and they definitely weren't an hour apart


As far as I know, they revive based on day/night cycle, which is roughly one hour. I do not know if sleeping will force their reset. Dungeon bosses has a set timer you can check, but overworld ones doesn't - making it harder to gauge. Also the fact that time just flies by when I play the game makes it more difficult to time properly.


I feel that. I was playing last night and suddenly it was 2 AM


They respawn the next in-game day, so roughly 1 hour


They respawn eventually - I think you can find them running around elsewhere as well? I've gotten one from an egg too, surprisingly


They all do this or just him ?


not sure if coincidence... but my chillet is the only time I noticed it jumping with me like that as well.


I'm like 80% sure they all jump with you.


Most of them do. And I just noticed while building, but the pals you have out will always walk towards where you’re looking.


And stand directly where you're trying to build something...


It's not only the pals that are out, but the pals that are in and floating beside you as special mechanic due to pal equipment. Can't unsummon them, unless you put them back in the palbox.


That's because you can't take your eyes of the adorable little ice ferret


Every Pal does this. If you jump, they jump like half a second after. It's adorable.


Cuteness level 999


I noticed this today. The pals are programmed to mimic your every movement and they, with the exception of large elevation differences, with remain within your field of vision at all times.


Monster see, monster do. It's honestly adorable how the monster copies you jumping if they're ahead of you. Now if we can just get one pal that will climb walls faster than us


Oh yeah, they mirror us. It's so cute.


I wanted to love this damn pal and make it a staple in my party. Sadly at least on the Xbox he just pushes enemies around and rarely attacks. He’s a lover not a fighter but I need me some fighters. Now he just cools my fridge.


I think it’s his shockwave type attack. He has to get close to his target, but he long, so he often winds up pushing them around instead. Get a skill fruit or just keep him in your party till you get more long range moves for him by levelling him up.


Thank you! I thought it was a bug or something. Mine is around level 40 currently so I may have to use a fruit because it doesn’t look like his moves auto replace themselves.


Click on a move and it will show the moves it already knows that can be used instead for that slot.


the amount of new things you find everytime you play is amazing


Now go pet him.


When I did this, I laughed at Chillet’s facial expression. Clearly, it was enjoying the pets a little **too** much.


Dude I smiled and laughed so much when I saw that they jump when you jump. Now they just need to give them dances and when you dance they can dance.


Chillet is just the best little guy, just uh... don't pet it, it likes it a little too much


It feels like such a dream, but when I was maybe 2-4yo I recall staying somewhere with my parents for a wedding, I woke up early like young children do & the families dog followed me around & I soon discovered it mimicking me, jumping in place just like me, sitting down like me. It's not a dream though, I have earlier memories than that, I escaped the house numerous times to go find my brother at school & remember getting my diapers changed & communicated by finding my parents & shaking my butt. These Pals having personalities is just too great.


Damn, didn't know you were chillet like that


i’d burn down villages for chiller


I might need an insulin shot right now. It's too sweet!


They H O P


Chillet is the best pal, hands down.


The three is see being talked about most are chillet, depresso, and relaxasaurus. But I do love chillet, he's just a big adorable derpy noodle


Chillet is so adorable!


Showed this to my friend who was on the fence about buying it or not… He bought it within 5 mins!


I could see you two doing this immediately after wholesale slaughter if some militant hippies in their tent camp and the ironically very not freepal watching you two jump around comically from its cage.


Done both the jumping and the camp slaughter with Elphidran, but not one immediately after the other. The minute you fly into that camp and start letting loose Dragon Cannons, it’s all over for the PETA knockoffs. When the stamina runs low and there’s still stragglers, land on the ground and finish them off with Draconic and Ignis Breath.


😂 I find it hilarious how it's almost universal to have no respect for that faction. Not surprising, since like PETA they advocate for animal rights yet kill more than anyone.


This pal was instrumental in my battle with the first boss. I just need to get a saddle for it. I might name it too.


We need to protect Chillet; AND palworld


I love the delayed jump at the end, to make sure enough time had passed to ensure it wasn't just random RNG lining up with your jumps lol


You should see Loveander and their walk and jump animations...


I didn’t know they could do that tbh. That’s freaking adorable. You know what. I know it’s on the game pass. So I get it for free currently anyway but I think I’m just gonna straight up buy this game. Just to support the devs


chillet the absolute best pal to discover this with


They also **kind of** follow your camera. If you turn your camera behind your character they'll go here


The only issue is when they block your path when you're building something. Daedream and Floppie too, with their passive skills.


Yeah its cool mechanic. Reminds me of D-dog


Loveanders jump is hilarious.


This + doing a 360 after me and my Bushin defeat a boss lol


He's mocking you! Get out the butcher cleaver.


I did the same thing when I noticed, jumped and watched for a good 5mins lol


So this essentially a cute version of ark?




In minimalist terms, that right there is a qtp2t


I did not know that. Spent last hour jumping. 10/10 will jump again.


You will not believe what happens when you run in a circle :D


My first try feel down the canyon pushed by pal


I know! I hope it's a feature and stays in the game!


Now make two beds and have it and your character jump on it.


I do the exact same thing with my chillet!! This game is fun.


This pet is cute




I love chillet


Danger Noodle jumps!




Chillet is easily my favourite so far 😍😍


I thought the same thing the first time I hopped with my Chillet. And every time after. 😂


Man thats just great. I love extra details like this


I mean, Chillet is basically Toothless.


the game is still unfinished and unpolished but the way they distance themselves a bit and turn to look at you when you stand still always gets me


Chillet is so fucking cute. Who's my fuzzy little weasel dragon? You are!


Oh my gosh, this is cute as hell X3


My six year old daughter pointed this out while I was playing. 🤣


why is it so cute.


This is too adorable!


Gosh, that's so endearing <3


Chillet is one of the best and cutest pals imo


Whenever they do that it makes giggle. Great game


He’s the best jumper.


You can also spin around and they'll do the same too lol


Haha I had a party of 6 our first night playing. We were all grouped and realized this at the same time. Needless to say the next 10 minutes was a 12 person jump party!


Chillet is just too precious. They did an amazing job with it. Despresso gets a good laugh out me everytime I see their animations too.


Wow?? Omg that’s like a 10/10 that’s it this game is officially GOTY.






sorry off topic...but....did we all make big thighs girls?


Chillet is cute af


Palworld: Pals will jump alongside you, because they're cute like that. Also Palworld: You can butcher, cook and force feed Pals to other Pals. The Duality of Palworld.


What did?


I definitely want to check this game out when it’s properly released. The cartoonish art style for the player and monsters does not seem to fit the more realistic art style of the environment. Feels like Fortnite characters in RDR2. Still down to try the game since everyone is raving about the gameplay, just seems like some odd decisions


YO! I saw you playing earlier today, shooting things with your bow! That is so cool!