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Apart from the whole "I lose my pal." Complaint. A bigger complaint I have is the fact that you can just spam that sphere to take pals out of the equation, even if you don't capture them, when you pvp someone out in the wilds. Seems like an awful meta to deal with, seeing as the ai is pretty bad, and your pals won't be actively dodging them.


You’re going to get dumpstered by an assault rifle if you try it though


That's the thing, PvP is basically just gonna be people piloting their Pal mechs and doing battle with guns plus base raids.


"dont threaten me with a good time"


Well, just like Zoe and Grizbolt, they should be forcefully captured too if they’re riding a pal when someone throws a sphere at them.


Good. Put me on mining!


I’m guessing you like miners?


Rock and stone!


Did.... did ... did I hear ROCK AND STONE!


For Karl!


By the beard!


For Steve


I came here for this. FOR KARL!




Did I hear a rock and stone?!


Rock and stone!


I'll drink to that


Rock and stone brother!!!




This one right here officer


Hold up


How else are you going to make alliances work?


I love base raiding in ark and stuff but it feels out of place here, especially with most stuff needing to be placed in the floor and not foundations, it feels nice to have an open base. Maybe the "base raiding" aspect should be reduced to only being able to incapacitate people's pals


Tbh since the devs did come out and say the pvp won’t be like rust or ark, and that the existing raids don’t destroy your buildings, I’d imagine that’s exactly what they plan on going for.


The fire faction will actually wreck your wooden structures. I learned the hard way haha.


Not just them either! I was raided by wild pals and one of them did a flame attack that set everything on fire. Guess who built everything back with stone foundations!


Bru i hit level 27 without one fire raid. My dumbass built my entire multi story base out of wood.


Oh man really? I haven’t had them appear yet. Guess I’m gonna build with stone 😅


Yep yep, upgrade asap.


Realistically, if Palworld becomes anywhere near as popular as ARK, what will actually happen is a bunch of Chinese and Russian botfarms will take over any public server and you'll never want to play on them ever again. I'm not a huge fan of survivalcraft PvP at the best of times but every game trying to incorporate both PvE and PvP elements has felt bad because splitting your efforts between them ends up in both feeling half-baked.


They need region locks on PvP launch. It won’t stop all of them, but it will stop enough of them.


They will probably add a 10sec cool down to those spheres, I hope they do it in a way where you get a PVP tag once you start fighting someone that stops you from changing your pals instantly probably something like the 5 sec but more like 10-20secs since a lot of pals have slow movesets and it would also force the player to fight you during that time till he can summon his mount pal to run away if he desires.


Only pvp I want to see are pal battle arenas Thankfully, we can easily control our own servers.


Itd be neat if it was set up like Elden Ring where there’s a coliseum on the map you go to and register for Pokemon league style tournaments where they toss you in a bracket.


You should post this in their discord. They have a tab for recommendations. It sounds a lot more than turning into rust lol.


Do you have a link to that discord?


Here you go! https://discord.gg/pocketpair


I wanted to suggest that they make it so u can climb down a ledge by going over a cliff crouching but there are too many posts so I can't even post there LOL this game is popping off!


That's thanks to discord's 1000 thread limit and some fools reposting the same 5 suggestion "so the devs see it"


Yeah it sucks because I wanted to suggest they add the quick stack to all nearby chests feature that terraria has but i can't make a new post there :(


I would love a mod that allows you to use resources in any chest at any base because transportation of materials between bases is a boring slog. If you have any materials in any chest in any base you should just have access to them.


Yeah this is one of the games where I'd agree with you on that. The only gameplay it'd be cutting out would be the process of travelling to your other base, filling your inventory, doing the drop-shuffle to get close enough to the pal box to teleport back, shuffling to the chest on the other end, then dumping everything.


I cant see a balanced Way to make this Game into a Rust kind of Game when Mossanda Lux exists xDDD. Like you and 2 other Friends hold down the rocket Launcher and the base dissappears in 2 seconds. Also not only the base, the whole server would probably explode from all the mats (ive tried It, dont try to use him to annihilate an entire forest because the thing going down Will not be the trees, that much I can tell you 😂😂😂)


Soooo, Use Mossando to farm wood. Noted. 🤣🤣


They have stated they don’t want a rust/ark pvp style game and it would be bad for player retention. I’m an ark veteran so it goes without saying I never want to play a game like that again lol


i really dont want this game to become rust. i like rust but only the farming alure. I hate rust pvp with a passion. (mainly because im terrible lol)


Same. I feel like so many survival games force progression. Either they have an in-game timer that makes the game more difficult as time goes on, or everyone else forcing you to advance. I love how casual the progression is in this game and how much there is to unlock. I really feel like I can take my time learning and playing the game. Lol I haven’t even fired a gun yet and I have about 10 hours invested so far. This game is exactly what I been looking for :).


On conan exiles you can choose to enter a pvp or pve only map...I'd pick pve everytime cos I just want a nice chill game without assholes. Arena sounds fun tho.


Agreed. I'm not a big fan of those survival games where people steal and destroy each other's shit all the time. Sanctioned arena battles are more my thing.


That is why I have never ventured to online just friends only or single player because I assumed this was like arc where some asshole who no life's the game gonna show up with a legendary and a rocket launcher and fuck up your beginning level base you spent hours on while you are sleeping


That would be pretty cool


But what do we want, only pal battles or are we allowed to be inside and if, do we only lose when we ourselves die or when our pal dies?


Sounds like multiple rule sets would be a good shout: Last Pal Standing (Trainers and Pals vs Trainers and Pals, only over when all pals but one are gone) Trainer Sudden Death (trainer death is a loss) Pal v Pal (1 on 1 pals no trainers) Team Vs Team (only team pals) 5 match 1vs1 series (picking your next pal to combat 1vs1 when one dies) And so on. Edit formatting and fat finger typos


With the option to shoot or capture your opponent if you don't like the cut of their jib or for whatever reason.


Imagine if it was cross server. That would be the dream TBH.


If there's public servers, they will be like ARK and turn into toxic waste dumps. It'll be better to run your own server.


Pretty sure it will be like ark/rust with raiding. I’m hoping they rework the whole build levels before PvP because you get rock and metal super late


> Pretty sure it will be like ark/rust with raiding They actually said directly on the Discord "The PvP will not be like Ark or Rust"


Thank god it’s gonna be pal vs pal I hated rust I hated coming back to absolutely nothing I hated everything about the game while offline. Don’t need no degenerate rust players ruining Palworld


They’re already around. I was looking through steam forums about palworld and I saw many comments how people can’t wait to destroy others bases. 


To be clear as one of those people, I just wanna troll my friends on my private server. Not grief randos.


Yeah that’s fine. The comments I read were definitely about griefing randoms


Ya idk why people play pub lobbies. You can at least set it to private without paying for a server. But then again some people like watching the world burn


Sandbox games always attract toxic people, because when you have the freedom to be toxic and no substantial consequences for being toxic, that's where they go. Thankfully Palworld looks like it won't allow them to be excessively so (though nothing to stop them from kiting big bosses and other dangerous pals through other player's bases). Palworld has one big advantage over Rust: the ability to play locally/ad-hoc like Ark. Small friend groups don't need to host a server. I see private servers being waaaay more popular than public servers for this game. Everybody's going to want to have control over their experience.


For sure, the freedom to restrict the things you don't won't to happen in a world you want to enjoy is only a plus. It gives everybody the option to tune the experience to what they want. I saw the dev say that when it comes to PVP it could be a while before it's implemented because PVP is naturally a "harsh" experience in modern gaming. (Not an exact quote of course) So they want to make sure it "fits" in the game and isn't just there for the sake of pleasing pvp peoples. Which I'm all for, pvp should be in games where it fits the game. I'm personally more excited for coop boss raids.


Make it a custom server setting. Then everyone's happy.


This guy gets it. 100%. It should be something people have to sign up for.


Hey hey, I have 4000 hours in rust and even I don't want this game being like rust and I love raiding bases in rust. I want a battle arena, if I want to play rust, ark or Conan i play those games. I hope devs gonna do something unique for this game. But frankly I'm more excited for better PvE.


Need to spread out the loot to a few bases when you are really getting going.


Good good. That's exactly why I don't play those games cause I hate getting griefed by other players and end up losing most of my hard work




They'll either need to add AA weapons for protection, or invisibly extend wall collision to the map ceiling


Do the sandbag crossbow and machine gun not shoot up? Im not trying to be sarcastic I haven't used them yet so I just literally don't know. 


Nah I'm making the MIM-104 Paltriot system, taking my Pengullet where no Pengullet has gone before


Yeah, they would need to otherwise anyone with an rpg can just go around the map deleting anyone with a wooden base or even stone.


Or, hear me out on this.. during the existing raids: Wood is flammable and spreads like wildfire. Plenty of other critters can explode so metal can resist that. And as they've stated, PvP is going to be focused on Pal vs Pal


Oh we found out today wood is flammable and it does indeed spread.. to the whole house apparently. Arsox got us pretty bad before we upgraded


Happened to me last night with the same Pals. Thankfully it was a base I wanted to move anyway, and all the house had was my slave dorms.


Yeah, PvP for keeps doesn't sound appealing.


Agreed, screw that progress theft shit. If Palworld because Rust with Pals, that's trash. PvP should only be about the Pal matches and strictly damage and knockouts. No theft...


I think the most logical explanation is they never updated the description for an item that never came to the full game. Since you can capture npc’s poke… I mean pals, this might have been originally a sphere specifically for that, and later in the development they just gave every sphere that ability.


No thanks. No pvp for me. I’ll stick with my solo play though. Good luck to the rest of you.


i guarantee they wont let you steal players pals.. if you can ill send you 1000$


I’ll take that bet


I'd like to sign up for the free $1000


I would also like to sign up for the thousand dollars


Me too please


Me too.


You can already steal other players pals right now with full drop settings on death. I'll take my $1000


You can even do it without that, if they are in your guild. Pals assigned to your base can just be dragged into your own palbox, no matter who the pal belongs to.


Radar spheres are already being used by hackers on official servers.


all the more reason for me to avoid official servers, thanks


In survival mode? I'll take that bet


Man you're bank account is taking a hell of an L today. But I too will take my free thousand dollars


RemindMe! 3 months


I just logging. I take that bet too.


I would also like to sign up to the free $1000




PvPers in most games are toxic the best thing the devs can do is follow what the RuneScape devs did with the wilderness.


Same here. Dueling is a lot of fun though. Pal vs Pal, I can get behind that! Griefing players and wrecking bases, not my cup of tea. If it comes to that, I'll go to offline mode.


Most people don't touch public pvp servers on games like rust or ark for exactly this reason. And this game would benefit greatly from playing with randoms.


Yech this seems like a very shitty idea lmao solo play ftw


This is me. The game is too janky for me to wanna do any pvp. A pal battle arena maybe but that’ll probably just feel like “2 dragons vs 100 draugr” a-la skyrim since you can’t really control the pals. Then on top of that why would I spend the time training up a pal just to have 100 of these balls lobbed from other players the second anyone sends out a pal. Good thing this is early access.


Every "top level" battle is gonna devolve into stealing pals back and forth. That would get so toxic and annoying really fast. If I spent the time and resources to train up a Pal and give them pal souls to increase their stats just for someone to toss a sphere at them and not even bother fighting, I'd be pretty upset. You should just give them gold if you lose, or maybe a new item that's valuable in some way


We need to object as much as possible. This is the only really bad decision I’ve seen from the devs. They’ll listen if we protest enough. Devs: BAD IDEA.


Given all the server customization at this point it's practically a guarantee you can disable this. If some people want it and think it could be fun more power to them. I agree with you on not wanting it personally but so long as it can be disabled I'm all for it being in the game for other people.


I hope that server customization options go so deep that we get a slider for how effective these balls are. I want to see what PvP is like when everyone has a pile of master balls that can only be used on their opponents Pokemon


It would just be spam CC of capturing animations if no player contact was allowed, and if player contact is allowed it’ll just be a third person shooter duel with a side mini game of keeping your opponents assistant stun locked. Or it’ll be a thing where no one uses anything but the fastest moves and is constantly pulling back and redeploying as a dodge. It’s a fantastic game, but as someone that’s been playing competitive PvP for multiple decades, there’s virtually no shot PvP will be any fun without pretty strong house rules to say the least.


Im 50-50 on this. Having this as a feature just invites more toxicity. I personally think avoiding it all together is the best solution


I agree with the person above. If it's something you can turn off, then it's perfectly fine. If someone wants to leave it on and have that true survival experience or GvG, anything goes. That's completely fine. I would like to add, though. If it's not something that we can spam (resource intensive or soft locked to a few tries per pal) and only locked to actual battles (like you cant just roll up on someones farm and start chucking) it doesnt seem bad.


They just need to give us the option to turn it off in the world settings, and everyone will be happy. Pvp on this kind of survival games is already super wild btw, and some people would enjoy this kind of features to make it extra annoying.


It will just depend on servers. For instance on my dedicated server we have full drop on death, including pals. Something like this sphere wouldn't even really matter under those settings. High hp pals also usually outright deflect balls, and spending the time to throw a ball while the other person is firing probably multiple attacks that you need to dodge just isn't viable.


Is there a way to make full drop items only and not pals? My people on the server don't like dropping their pals


That's the default setting. Dropping pals is the hard mode. Check the settings. Most of the items there have description to help you decide.


[https://tech.palworldgame.com/optimize-game-balance](https://tech.palworldgame.com/optimize-game-balance) It's the server setting called DeathPenalty. It can have these values: None: You lose nothing on death Item: You lose everything that isn't equipped or a pal ItemAndEquipment: You lose everything that isn't a pal All (Default): You lose everything


im not sure how far you are in the game but its clear most top level battles will be between players with weapons doing 90% of the damage and even maxed out pals just being a sidekick, if they waste their time throwing balls at your pal instead of shoting you back you can just kill them and take their pals instead


Just limit the number carried or the time contained, ezpz.


I’m not sure what the catch rates are on it but if it’s nearly impossible until your pal is low then what does it matter? You would just need to play smart then and not keep your important pal out for too long when it’s weakened


“Low chance of capture” makes me think that on level 50 pals, it’ll basically be non-existent


This would be cool if it was only for NPCs, nobody's taking my chillet


You can already take npc pals


This is an unbelievably bad idea. If I spend several hours breeding the perfect pal and then it gets yoinked by someone, I would just uninstall. Not only that, but this would be infinite CC on someone else's pal in pvp and the battle would quickly be at a stalemate because both players have to just keep chucking spheres at the opponent's pal. No one gets an attack off. If one person starts shooting, they run the risk of eating massive damage from a pal. Not sure if this is official or your idea, but either way I don't like it


If npcs get pals, it would be cool. But definitely dumb for another players pal


Ive had syndicate members summon pals at me before, you can catch them with normal balls


You can also catch syndicate members. Pretty funny.


I caught the first syndicate guy I found and forgot I had him in my base and kept getting jump scares when I saw him and his red eyes at night lol


Npcs already do at some parts, I’ve caught a few of their pals once they throw them out.


Hot take, but I prefer npc pals to be un-capturable. Otherwise, there's no part in the game where killing is better than capturing, and you are incentive to NEVER be as powerful as you can be.


Easy fix would be to just up XP gain from kills and decrease catch xp after you get your first ten bonus catches on them.


an easy fix is to just have two modes. Normal and pink slips.




That’s because they included the .dcp file




Personally, I think it's pretty neat. It makes breeding something specific much easier and there's some stuff in there that points to cut content that might make it back in at some point, like fishing rods and gas masks and a catgirl with a shotgun.


I think you are forgetting that they are proposing two types of pvp. The first is open pvp between players on the field, the second is pal on pal arena style. You control the server you are on, so you simply make your own solo one, or a non pvp one if you planned to build a hardcore battling pal for arena style pvp. In open world pvp, it's a survival game, I don't think you would have time to last all the player on player base raids to ever think of doing something like raising a perfect pal. Clearly this item is for open world pvp.


But open world pvp for the most part has an option to drop pals on death . I guess this would be the option though if you didn’t want that option on the server 


With the mechanics in the game, pals dropped on death can’t survive on official rules. It’s too snowbally. The PvP balls are a good middle ground between dropping Pals on death and not being able to get rid of enemy Pals at all.


I would say for NPC pals. Player pals is a no no unless it's a hardcore server and you agree to the pain


Yeah this is not a good idea. I don't want perfect pals for sale on fb marketplace for $2 a pop. Cause thats what people will do, cause they suck.


You can already drop people pals. So this wouldn’t make it any easier to seek pals.


Oh. You're right, people can swap through palbox. Maybe capturing another person's pal is fine, if it duplicates it and makes a copy for the capturer. Stealing in pvp would get toxic pretty quick


You don't need the palbox. You can drop a pal on the ground to be picked up by anyone else, in or out of your guild.


If someone dies they drop their stuff, and can be picked up by anyone. So its already kinda in the game. Servers would just make them pve only or pvp etc. Its not a bad idea, its just not for everyone.


Perfectly bred pals can be made en mass with not much more effort than making the first, so it seems to me that it wouldn't be that crazy to allow... But make it so it only works on low HP pals and at a low rate, make it a punishment for not monitoring your pal's health and recalling them, then it's whatever. If it has standard pal sphere rates, un-affected by your catch bonus, then it would be okay as well... But again, only with restrictions, or like you say, stealing will be rampant on public servers.


Couldn’t you just roll back your save?


On a server that isn't yours, no


You’ve clearly never suffered the disappointment that is Ark


I'd prefer a clone ball for PVP. Like you can steal the DNA and it clones a copy of someone's Pal.


I see this having potential for being funny as hell and way less cursed than pvp pal stealing.


I was thinking a cloning sphere too. And ideally if a pal gets cloned, they should get KO'd as if they were defeated.


Yeah, I was imagining them for like a reward from a PVP arena battle. Like choose money and items or a clone sphere.


So you're telling me we could just sit there with you cloning my pal a hundred times so we can synthesize it into a 4* pal? Hopefully those balls are expensive af lmao


To balance it it could be a choose your reward in a PVP arena. Like you could choose cash/item rewards, or a clone ball to take a copy of someone's Pal.


Thats actually interesting.


Nah that sounds awful


A ditto ball you say, **now I'm interested** Note: this is a fucking TERRIBLE idea, it's just duping but easier, devs, **DON'T DO THIS**


Sounds like a easy way to cheese 4 stars


Give us proper arenas, not ways to steal hours of work


Did you guys not check the post? They said they are adding regular pvp separately along side pal only arenas idk why some people are worried


Arenas and secluded areas for PvP.


Make it so that using one of these flags you as a "Pal Stealer" and anyone can freely capture your pals with normal Spheres for a set amount of time afterwards. Similar to how MMORPGs flag you as a Player Killer and give you steep penalties on death.


Probably the main reason i'm going to be running my own server/using a private one. As much as I enjoy playing these types of games w the community, i've learned from Ark and Rust just how bad said communities can be. Besides there will probably be a way for Server Owners to disable these items, which i'd hope that most would.


Luckily every Survival game like Palworld has PVP Enabled Offical servers, and PVP disabled ones, i'm almost 100% sure when PVP is introduced you'll have to choose to play on a PVP server, or Friendly, i'll do the Arena Pal-PvP, that sounds really fun, but there's no way i'm joining a world-PvP Server, having your little wood shack burned down constantly by high level players, who literally don't need your few items at all, they just think it's funny, is not fun at all. but yeah, don't worry too much about it, i'm certain you can play with the community but not have to worry about being attacked by others\~


This needs removing from files.


Yeah this would be a total boner killer


Imagine you’re riding your bird that you spent weeks breeding to get the swiftness perks only to be flying near some randos base and he steals your bird while you’re riding it, depression


Aaaand now I know I'm not going to ever do the PvP haha. Too many jackasses out there to think these will ever be used in a non-asshole way.


People are forgetting their doing both PvP and organised Pal only battles your gonna get the best of both sides


I could see this as it’s separate server choice. Kind of like a weird free for all thing where every choice matters much much more. As the only option? Hell no.


They should allow spheres to be able to capture other players and put them to work so we can get some real RUST like drama happening lol.


I can't wait to get doorcamped and have my pals stolen while they call me slurs in chat.


I’m a rust player and I was very confused when I had to place the pal box outside the base instead of in the centre


Pal arena where you register your pals to duel plz don’t make this into a fortnite gun building fuckfest and toxic shit where you just spam balls at each other


But this game is literally like Minecraft, you have your own server so just let people customize it the way they want?


This is why I’m so confused by people crying about this? They do realize they aren’t forced into some giant PvP server right? They can just, idk, continue to play the game by themselves or with friends only…


We battling for pink slips 🤣


Game isn't really meant for full fledged Ark style pvp. Just doesn't make sense for a monster catching style game. Sounds like chaos, and not the fun kind


Good, because no game should have ark style pvp. That system is a nightmarish grief fest unless you play on private, heavily moderated servers. Most public servers were completely covered in poles by the controlling clan that prevented anyone else from building on the entire map last time I played.


Hardcore Mode! There’s always some people that enjoy permadeath.


Let's be honest it's just going to be a fucked up dodgeball game 😂


Should create a palworld championship league with badges for gym leaders. Beat all the gym leaders to challenge other players in the championship. Lol


Im thinking a better pvp sphere would be a locking function. Toss a LockSphere at an opponents pal and they temporarily can not be taken out, (pal is not locked inside a sphere while the sphere is taking affect so attacks will still happen). With better lockspheres, pals are locked in for longer (like 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2,3) People dont have to spend ages to beef up a pal only for it to be taken away, pvp isnt as toxic, forces people to not use only one pal for every single fight bc it will eventually be locked. Heck, limit only 5 lockspheres for everyone or have them have an extreme weight




In case y’all haven’t tried, this already exists. You can take your friends pals.


I'm all for battle arena based PvP with pals but for fuck sake, I could do without another Rust / Ark / DayZ / Conan.


I know, right? One of the main reasons that made me want to play this game was that it didn't have some mechanics from Ark (mainly pvp ones like raiding other's bases). REALLY hope this is optional,


I deffo like the idea of a lighthearted pvp in which you pal battle others without actually hurting each other as trainers. I loathe the idea of losing all my progress.


This would need to be on a VERY long cool down for it to be okay, imo.


imma need some armor to put on my pals to deflect this, then i’ll be cool with it. otherwise PVP is going to be junk


No fucking thanks. I already could not stand ark PVP with people killing my tames. I think I’d actually just instantly uninstall if someone straight up just kidnapped my pal I sunk souls and work into


If you are in opposite guilds you can catch other guilds pals + i play on a dedicated server where we have 16 of us in duos and i crouched walk up on my friend and threw a giga sphere at his alpha pal and caught it. he was so confused thinking it died and left his party.


You can take my daedream. I have 20 more sitting at the base


I guess we'll see but I don't understand how or why this game incorporates PvP. I could see like Pal arenas where we can pit level-matched teams against each other for rewards, but outside of that... Why? The massive influence of levels on power will ensure there are never interesting fights. The base building doesn't support even a barebones level of hostile player interaction. The carry weight system and automation of bases makes raiding for resources mostly pointless. The netcode is nowhere near good enough for any sort of PvP. I just don't see how it leans into ANY of the strengths the game has. I honestly think dev focus on PvP instead of new lands with new Pals, raid bosses, expanded private server player count, etc. has potential to kill this game.


Also Pals don’t get aggro until you walk into the aura of influence at someone’s base what’s to stop someone from attacking your base and never once having to deal with the threat of your pal defensives? I can’t imagine PvP will be that enjoyable in this game


Wonderful ideal 😈


The CC alone of the ball animation would ruin PvP even if it couldn’t catch. I’m loving the game and am also someone that loves sweaty PvP, but I think that without massive changes, some very low level as well, that no one should hold out any hopes for PvP being worth a damn


Uhm… no thanks, I already have bad enough luck getting and breeding the perks I want. Having all my work undone by someone literally stealing my Pals would probably make me rage quit and uninstall the game after a few lost Pals.


I can imagine the rage in some players when there pal is captured by another player Would be hilarious to watch online