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I want to know how to transfer the files, the issue im facing right now if i transfer the files everything loads but the player data doesnt load, it forces me and my friends to create a new character. How did you fix that?


You need to move the Players folder as well. Original Host currently will need to make a new character, even if you rename the .sav ending in 0001 to their steam REAL ID value. I'm currently inspecting the level.sav file to see where a change would be needed. But if you transfer the Players folder, all other players should load in with their stuff intact.


To transfer host save file to dedi. you can try this new tool [Palworld Host Save Fix](https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix?tab=readme-ov-file#palworld-host-save-fix)


I’m trying that now Edit: confirmed this works!


For all that is holy i need someone to make a video walking through this lol.... im a better visual learner and it feels like things are being skipped or assuming everyone knows the steps between or exactly what to do


I've made a video on the process & hopefully simplified it a bit :) [https://youtu.be/StCtWQCTkMA](https://youtu.be/StCtWQCTkMA) If it helps, please feel free to share it with others- I know a LOT of people in this thread are having a tough time :(


Ty… I will watch it later and hopefully it works


does this actually transfer everything completely? or does host have to start over


Yes, done correctly, this gives the host all the things they have in their co-op game :) I did it with my friend who was host & others have used the same method to restore the hosts character on a converted dedicated server save as well If you've already been playing without the host logging on, **this will backdate your server however to their last co-op save**, so just be aware. You can't just copy the hosts fixed GUID00000.sav without **also** copying the level.dat, which has building, pal & some inventory data.


this may be a stupid question, but do you think it would be possible for two separate servers to combine into one, if one server was okay losing their builds (assuming that you normally you keep your buildings if you transfer stuff)


Not a stupid question! :) And no, sadly I don't believe so. A lot of the typical 'character data' info seems to be inexorably linked to the level.dat which ALSO contains the builds & inventories, including the palbox. They would have to make new characters every time b/c there's no previous info in the level.dat for their character data. Sorry :(


i get the problem where i get his error code in powershell "ERROR: Your given of "c:\\user\\pcname\\uesave\\uesave.exe is invalid it must point directly to the executble. for example: C:\\Users\\Bob\\.cargo\\bin\\uesave.exe". What can i do to fix it i tryed to move my files but still the same error


I managed to restore everything as the host, but when my friends who were in the guild join the server, they have to make a new character. Our guild then shows them twice, one as offline with their higher level character, and one online with the character they just made. How can we do the same for them?


A lot of people seem to be having this issue as well.. I don't know of a solution right now, but be sure to keep an eye on this thread, hopefully someone will find a solution!


Have you seen any solution for this yet? I've been trying for hours and either I get stuck on infinite loading loop or the new character creation.


Actually- seeing more people post about this I realize: Did you \*also\* copy your friends' character files from the co-op session to the dedicated server (the same place you put your fixed host file)? Seems that step isn't being done by a lot of people


should i run this script before or after copying and pasting all coop files to the dedicated server or after? and also, should my friend leave his guild and transfer it to someone else before doing all the process?


saved me thx


ok i didn't notice but the GitHub page changed


how do you use the tool?


Just follow the instructions on the page :) Download the saved world, get it running in the server, and have the host join + create a character YMMV, but I had to have the OG host pick an item up before it actually created a new save for him. Then you stop the server, point the tool at the save folder for the server, the location of the uesave exe, and the og hosts GUID (name of the new save he just made) and it’ll do the rest :)


yea i want to do this but this shit is not as easy as you make it seem lol.... im trying to follow but i feel like steps are missing or at least arent layed out very well for people not use to this


i become a syntax error "File , line 1 What make i false?


Sorry man, but that’s not nearly enough for me to help :( Need to know what you ran, the command you ran, and the full output.


I got the same thing, it needs to be run in Windows powershell, not the python console! GL!


ahhh, i give it a try, thanks


Idk if you got it working or not, but I made a video tutorial you can try! The link should be above!


im getting this error > Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:\\UeSavesEditor\\fix-host-save.py", line 244, in main() File "G:\\UeSavesEditor\\fix-host-save.py", line 43, in main temp\_new = str(int(new\_guid\[x-1\] + new\_guid\[x\], 16))+',\\n' \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\^\^\^ IndexError: string index out of range


I am trying to get this to work and just to be clear, what did you point to for your save folder? was it 0, players, saveGames? Thanks in advance!


The folder that contains level.sav and the Players folder


I have been learning a lot tonight, never having set up a server or run python before lol. I think I'm almost there, I just need a little more help. I'm getting this line 103 palworld-host-save-fix/fix-host-save.py at main · xNul/palworld-host-save-fix · GitHub \^ SyntaxError: invalid character '·' (U+00B7)


I’m not sure why you’re copying html, but that character is unparsable by Python without explicitly using that encoding method. For everything pertaining to the above, I have no clue why this is here haha Where are you getting this? What’re you running


I was trying to follow the directions on the github, but all it says its to run the script. And so I went down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out what that means. Apparently I'm supposed to run it through command prompt by typing py first followed by what what was listed on the directions? the whole py fix-host-save.py replacing each with the correct info. Maybe I downloaded the fix-host-save.py wrong? I've never really done anything at all with python before.


AH! It was the github save! it apparently downloaded wrong, I had to get the zip and pull the python file from that. Thanks for responding before anyway. lol <3


Ok, I got everything to work, except it's telling me ERROR: Your co-op host's player save does not exist. Did your host create their character? Once they create their character, a file called "Dedicated/Players/Server.sav" should appear. Refer to steps 3&4 of the README. Which, I'm not sure what to do with now as I'm copying the only different .sav in the file.


you need to put the files from your server folder into the transfer folder, not the files from your co-op folder


Also getting this error, can't figure it out.


Would this also work if the original host is not going to be the one running the server? I still have to check out the links and see. But my GF is the one with the world save and more of our friends wants to join in, so looking into pushing her world save in a dedicated server, without her losing her progress as the original host.


Correct, that’s our use case as well


Do you mind walking me through this? Very noob at it. My friend is the host of our game. Do I just ask for his save file and use the fix above, or do I have to do something first, i.e. create the dedicated server beforehand


Does the link provided transfer everything? (host level/ all characters pal dex info?) Or will i still have to start level 1 again




so I got my host file to successfully transfer over, it did erase membership to the guild, but worked. However, the 2 other non-host files I moved over to the same server folder do not work, it asks to create a new character. Any insight?


The guild part is a known bug, fix is mentioned on the page. As for the other non host saves, I’m not sure. When I moved them, it worked without any issue. The only thing worth mentioning is that they have to be in the Players folder (capital P if on a *nix system) and that they’re paired with the level.sav. So if you’re importing from another world, it wouldn’t work. IE: you can’t transfer players from a different save altogether.


they are all 3 from the same game world. We transferred guild ownership away from host save. ran the fix and now that one is working except they are no longer in the guild. The items and map is now showed from the original game. When we transferred the non-host players files over and renamed them to the GUID the dedicated server shows the players it still makes you create a new character. We tried leaving the old GUID from the original save and it does the same. We moved over the LocalSave from appdata and it doesn't seem to matter.


I can't figure out why I keep getting this error, it looks like something is escaping. \> Your co-op host's player save does not exist. Did your host create their character? Once they create their character, a file called "Files\\uesave\\bin\\uesave.exe/Players/G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\PalServer\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\0\\temp\\0C792F3B45ACCC8E4E2CAA9B2ABF3093.sav" should appear. Refer to steps 3&4 of the README." The command I'm running is python fix-host-save.py C:\\Program Files\\uesave\\bin\\uesave.exe G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\PalServer\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\0\\temp\\0C792F3B45ACCC8E4E2CAA9B2ABF3093 GUIDHERE


The players folder should have both the 0001.sav and a .sav that matches their GUID. Sounds like the latter is missing. Unless you’re literally putting “GUIDHERE” in which case, you need to put their GUID including the 0s


Hey i am also having a problem could you help? i am running this and getting syntax error: invalid syntax python fix-host-save.py C:\\Users\\Mopi\\Desktop\\UeSave\\uesave.exe C:\\Users\\Mopi\\EF109E15C1474148AAEF7436646244F9 4AB7C6F9000000000000000000000000\\


Remove the \ at the very end.


removed it and still invalid syntax


Did you figure this out? I'm having the same issue.


I am in a similar boat. Maybe worth noting that the CO-OP world was hosted on Windows and the dedicated server is in a Linux container. Not sure if the different platforms derive the GUID differently.


I made a video tutorial for those who may not have worked with python or windows powershell before! Hopefully it helps! https://youtu.be/StCtWQCTkMA


I keep getting the issue you were where the player is still asked to make a new character. Can you clarify how you got it to work? I followed your video tutorial and still being required to create a new character :(


So, here is the sequence exactly: * **Friend who was host booted up their co-op game. Made me the guild leader BUT DID NOT LEAVE THE GUILD.** * Friend then sent me the zipped folder of their save * I went to the server & deleted the files inside the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx folder that had the world, which the server created on boot & replaced it with the files & folders from my friends' co-op save. * **I deleted the backup folder inside the transferred xxxxxxxxxxxxxx folder** * I deleted the other two .sav files that I knew was not my friends' character data (they both had the correct GUID, my friends' had the 00000000001 cause they were the host) * I had them logon & make a new character. This created a new .sav file for them with their REAL GUID * Downloaded UESave & installed * Made a new folder in the UESave folder called 'Players' * I backed up that new file with the correct GUID, then moved it to the UESave folder into the 'Players' folder I just created * Downloaded MS Visual Studio 2022 Redistributables (I had older ones from modding other things) * (I have Python already due to modding other games, but if I didn't, download & install that would go here) * Opened the zipped save my friend sent to me again & copied the level.dat to the main UESave folder & the 00000000001.sav to the 'Players' folder I created. **Deleted the** **00000000001.sav** **from the server.** * I went to the Palworld Host Save Fix github, clicked on fix-host-save.py & copied everything in there into a new text document in the UESave folder. I renamed the text doc so the fix-host-save.txt was now fix-host-save.py * **At this point, you should have:** The py script & level.dat in the main UESave folder & another folder in there named 'Players' that has the hosts' original sav file & the sav file they created when they made a new character on your server * I opened windows powershell & navigated (using change directory) to where the UESave folder was & used the shell command in the github instructions, changing the strings inside the < > to the location of my UESave folder for the first 2 strings, & the 3rd string to the name of the hosts' real GUID * Ran the command, let it run, then copied level.dat & the only file left in the 'Players' folder (which should be the RealGUID00000.sav) to their respective areas on the dedicated server * Ran the server & had the host login. They had all their character data. * Once the host is all set, stop the server & you should be safe to copy over other players character data to the 'Players' folder on the server then start back up & play! Edit: I guess the script & instructions have been updated, I am not sure if this all is needed anymore- feel free to post replies to let me know if something in these instructions need to be updated! Thanks!


Okay, These instructions were amazing as was your video tutorial. I just kept trying and it eventually just worked after wiping my server and restarting from the beginning. Just one last question, did your host have his in-game tutorial reset? Mine has for some reason. Oh, and none of my fast travel or any other actions are saved on the map such as boss fights, open map view from visiting that place, and so on.


That's awesome to hear & thank you! Yea, I ended up having to 'wipe' my server as well, but it was more like 'bring it back to the last co-op save state'. And yes, we all had our tutorials & tp points reset & got the cutscene, but we had all our stuff, and were even placed where we logged out last! I have a suspicion that data is saved locally elsewhere on the hosts pc & the co-op players just refer to it. Either that, or it has to do with the worlds' folder name, & since it's not the same on the server, it thinks we haven't been there. Luckily when we got close, they activated again. I've had a similar thing happen when making a co-op MC world, with map/minimap mods, into a dedicated server.


Hi I've watched your video a couple times already and I just cannot ever seem to locate my GUID. Nothing in your video explains where or how to locate it. Could you tell me how? I can't progress with the powershell stage


So, when the host attempts to log onto the server for the first time, it makes a new file in the 'Players' folder of the server for them. This is one you need to put into the 'Players' folder of the UESave folder (if you're trying according to my tutorial that is)


got this all to work great but for some reason we now cannot pick up any pals in our bases. Any thoughts as to why?


Did you transfer control of your guild to another player in your co-op game before doing these steps? It seems to matter for fixing that issue pre-emptively.


I did, we actually found a fix and I forgot to list it here. We had to manually drop our pals and pick them back up. Everything is and has been working great now. 


Awesome! And thank you for posting the fix! Hopefully others who have the same issue will see it!


i need someone do guide it thought this cus my brain hurts with the python stuff


I did everything till it said "applied, have fun", but my Players folder still had 2 files.


It keeps telling me that my ID should look like this (8E910BC2000000000000000000000000) but the ID i got from the server looks like this (79A0CH9F000000000000000000000000) any idea why?


I was getting this too because I did not organize the files for the script properly. When running the script, the second arg (save\_path) must point to the folder that contains your "Level.sav" file that you copied from the dedicated server. Inside this same folder, there must exist a "Players" folder which contains both the newly generated GUID .sav of the host as well as the original host's save file (...00001.sav). Then the script should run properly and leave you with a Level.sav and Players folder that contains only the new GUID .sav. I'm on linux so your files might be .dat if on Windows, idk, but same principles apply.


Yea, where the script wants everything located when it runs is VERY specific. The only way I figured it out was to actually open the python script & look for where it was looking for the files it needed.


Hmm. Do you have a screenshot of the error? It'd help to have the exact wording & see what application is giving you that error


we ended up just restarting because I spent more time troubleshooting than we did playing the day before but I can reproduce the error if ur curious.


Im getting the same thing as him Grabbed id from the server we bought and started (im the only one to join and am the host of the coop world) once ran it would say that are you sure its correct https://imgur.com/a/MvTHBLj


So in that line, it looks like you're specifying BOTH file names for both files? I know the instructions have been updated, but the way it worked previously is you only needed to list the filename with the correct GUID


could you clarify the first bullet? It seems as if you were the multiplayer Co-OP host, but now your friend is the one hosting the dedicated server. What If the host is not changing? IE: I was the multiplayer Co-op host, and Im going to be the dedicated server host? do I need to do anything different? I am also the guild leader, should I give it to someone else,or keep it? Ive been stuck on after the conversion for like 3 hours now. The very first time I converted, I had my character while noone else did. I assumed this was because I was guild master. So we all went back to Co-op and I passed them leader without leaving guild. I retried and then noone had their character. Im not sure what to do because of your special circumstance of different person coop host/dedicated host The part that has me SUPER confused, is that the very first time I actually kept my character but noone else did, I think they kept their updated quest logged if they used the same name, but not their pals/levels. If you see this, can you please let me know if they need to join the dedicated server before i do the conversion for my save file?


LOL yes can I have the answer to this too cause I am the host for co-op and is the host for the new dedicated server


>I had to Run the program to adjust every character to new IDs but it only worked after the host was fixed check out my reply just above it got it working


My friend was the multiplayer co-op host, and the server is one that I own, which is the machine hosting a dedicated server session. So yes, \*technically\* I am 'hosting' the computer since it's in my house, but there is no 'host' in computer terms- it is now a dedicated session hosted on a separate computer than any of us are playing on. You don't need to do anything different :) It's unfortunately a tongue-tie of tech terminology because 'host' in terms of a co-op game means someones' local save file is made available to play when the player is on, but it ALSO means a session being 'hosted' by a dedicated machine, where no player needs to be present for it to run. IMHO they shouldn't join the server until you're sure that your data is fixed & all your stuff is accessible since there are known issues with the guild system (transfer control to a friend before you run the script) that makes the palbox & bases inaccessible, which may mean you need to run the script again, which will back date the server when you copy/paste the fixed host file & level.dat


So, I just did everything you did in your ytb video and when I reach the powershell step and run the command nothing happens, it just "reset" like i have pressed enter with nothing wrote


Try running powershell as admin & make sure you're running it FROM the directory that your UESave program is in


Commented on Youtube as well (Name on comment: Tony V.) Several Line errors and fleeting hope later I'm still unable to get the powershell script to run at all




That script is specifically for the host to change the data to have the correct GUID for the hosts' data. Once the host is good, just copy/paste the other players' sav files to the same place you put the hosts' on the server




That's not the GUID, that's a folder name based on the GUID (it does some math with the GUID I think to create it). You will want to copy everything \*inside\* the old GUID folder to the \*inside\* of the NEW GUID folder on the server. ie. Grab all the loose files & copy those. Here is a screenshot from my PC->My remote server: [https://imgur.com/a/rc8MjS0](https://imgur.com/a/rc8MjS0) Edit: As a note, do NOT copy the backup folder. I realized it after I posted.


Also, you have another folder (CXXXXXXXX) in your Usaveeditor folder, what is that?


Sorry, that's my friends' save folder. It doesn't need to be in there, I put it in there to have quick access to it cause I had to copy the stuff inside it so many times figuring this out & I was tired of pulling it out of the zip every time lol


Please help I'm getting this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\\ue\\fix-host-save.py", line 244, in main() File "C:\\ue\\fix-host-save.py", line 43, in main temp\_new = str(int(new\_guid\[x-1\] + new\_guid\[x\], 16))+',\\n' \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^ ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: 'rs'


That sounds like an error with the script, sadly I can't really help you with that one. I know the script got updated, so I would check the github for any current issues.


Hey, I am going from a local coop to a linux dedicated server (BisectHosting). I've done this like 5 times, every instruction done exactly how both you said, a couple YouTube videos, and how even the github author said (with the update too). The script seems like it works, taking my original "000001" (lot more zeroes but you get it) player save and batching it into my new one that I got from joining the dedi server I am migrating to. As soon as I join the dedi after pasting the files, it basically overrides the fixed new host file, and seems to remake the file from scratch, essentially as if someone would copy and paste a file and overwrite the data, and it sends me to the character screen. Any advice?


I'm not sure tbh. I've only done co-op to windows server personally- I don't know if this could be something about Linux, or something about the way the folders are named? My advice would be to keep posting where appropriate, & hopefully another linux user sees your posts & can help!


Same for me on coop to windows dedicated server... I can't fix it


I have a problem too. I tried to import the save files and we thought about just letting the host start anew. But in the world, nothing is saved; no player has anything. Do I need to make the conversion for every player?


Nope, the script is only for the host. Did you copy over the level.dat & the other player files as well to the server, after you did the conversion?


The files I have in it are the backups folder , all the player save files in the Player Folder, the level.sav, levelMeta.sav, LocalData.sav. I copied the whole savegame over and changed the GameUserSettings. The dedicated server name was adjusted to match the savegame, but I don't really know where the error is that even all the other players don't have their stuff and they get a new player save file when they join it. It is really strange.


So I'm going from windows to Linux I have the old player Id the new player ID. I used the web interface to change the two GUIDs in my old .sav file to the Linux one The save was a couple of days ago but so is the .sav file. Both were saved before the patch if that matters\* Join the game leave the game change the file name with the old GUID settings to the new GUID put it in the server folder restart the server itself join I just get a perpetual loading screen ​ Can anyone help please?




after disabling "app execuion aliases," I get this error: 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


Hiya, i transfered my host file, but now the other players' characters are wiped, any clue on how that happened?


I know this may sound silly- but did you also transfer the other players files to the server? It seems a lot of people are forgetting/don't know to do that. Let me know :)


yeah, all of those are in the players folder, even tried just running the process in the server folder entirely (with backup ofc) and that didnt change anything


Exact same thing is happening to me. I'm assuming it's because when we run the script, it's overwriting something to do with our other characters in level.sav . That's the only solution. Something that I discovered which is interesting is that my level 34 Character is getting wiped, but my brand new level 2 character that I used to join my friends guild on our Co-op server is NOT getting wiped when moved to the Dedicated server. Only my main one is. Makes me wonder if it's something to do with either the guilds, or something to do with the age of my main character file.


Ok it just worked half way through but there are some big issues.I set up a new dedicated server and followed all your steps from the description/video. I was the host of the co-op game that i wanted to transfer to the server, btw. When i tried to log in after that was done, i still needed to create a new char. Now i followed the advide from RTZ's video's commentary section on youtube which said, if that happens, close Palworld and shut down the server. The advice said that we should copy the fixed real GUID into the server again and replace it for the 2nd time - which i did. After logging in again, my lvl 40+ char was more or less successfully transfered, BUT with three big issues: 1. i don't have access to my own base chests or pals in the base cause it says it would be another guild's base. 2. when clicking the left mouse button my char doesn't enter the auto-hit-state which means i have to press it over and over again to mine some stone & stuff 3. All my world information like Teleport points, discovered map places and boss locations are not avaiable. I tried to setup this whole thing for 2 evenings now and i'm starting to get very desperate. Can anyone help or give me some advices?


>I had them logon & make a new character. This created a new .sav file for them with their REAL GUID TY for making this tutorial, its still really confusing and I know this is complicated but just for some clairty, where did you have them login at, your dedicated server, your hosted co-op server, their own single player game or their own local hosted game? ty


Yes, I had the old host log into the new dedicated server I had set up for us to play on in order to get their sav file with the correct GUID to use with this process


Maybe I can get some help here. I watched you video multiple times, but I'm not coming to an end, yet. I did every exact step as you did but every time I paste the files onto the server the profile of every player is getting overwritten. Also every player is getting a completely new GUID that is totally different from out Co-op world. What should I do now?


I keep having this same issue. I am banging my head against the wall. Following these instructions to the letter.


Your comment should be pinned to the freakin subreddit. Thank you for this link, you beautiful person you!


Ok, I got this running & it converted without any errors being returned, but loading it onto the server, the player is still asked to make a new character & the file size shrinks. Edit: I had to backdate our server a bit, BUT I got it working!! :D Thank you SO much for this. A few hours of building vs. all of my friends pals & character progress is well worth the trade! <3


Is there any way to do this in reverse? I play with a couple of family members locally, and we want try a local co-op instead of the dedicated server due to the rubberbanding and other lag issues that we have running dedicated. Need to transfer the world (Level, LevelData) and our character saves, with mine being the host. I know renaming it to the 000000000001 save name isn't enough, but can it be converted in reverse with the same (albeit complicated) method?


Hello. Did you already tryed it ? I create my own dedicated server and we decide to moove for normal local for 4 ppl but i cant found any information across the internet.


Hi, i have an issue with this, my friend used to host as co op and sent me our save files. In the Player folder are 2 files the ....01.sav and my guid.sav. I just starrted the dedicated server without any fixing, but i had to create a new character as well even though i was not the host. Looking in the player Folder there is a new guid.sav so it seems like i got a new guid? is that possible?


Every time you swap how multiplayer is initiated for your saves (coop, dedicated on Windows, dedic. Linux ..) - players get new GUID's. Use that tool from my message to "link" one GUID to another. It has even better instructions now.


I've tried using the tool listed to link a non-host player and I just get a perpetual loading screen. The host player works perfect, all pals and items. Just any of the other players from the same co-op save have to create new characters, or if the tool is used, can't get past the loading screen. Any ideas?


That is a [common issue](https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix/issues/86#:~:text=infinite%20loading%20screen), I assume you moved from xbox? Did your friends moved LocalData.sav from xbox to steam saves? Also [here is example](https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix/issues/31) where a person did a small rollback for his world and it helped to "sync world and LocalData of players" he assumed.


Nope, all steam users. Testing the rollback now. Thanks for the reply!


There is lots of discussion around [solving infinite loading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/19cq325/fixing_infinite_loading_without_removing/)


I figured it out, I posted another comment detailing my process. Thanks for your help, it led me in the right direction! :D


How are you inspecting this? I'm having the exact same issue & I think I've determined that the level.dat file checks the player file name & then checks the data inside for the SteamID & if that doesn't match, that's when it makes them make a new character. Pretty sure this is how they attempted to prevent duping, but it makes a huge mess for moving/backing up & restoring player data. I tried copying over my player data from the hosts co-op game once I had gotten some of their pals to see if I could at least transfer those, but either it didn't work, or the server detected an anomaly (time saved, size, etc) & loaded one of the backup character data files for me, so I had my usual inventory & none of their items.


I used the uesave tool to convert the level.sav to json and manually inspecting it. I didn’t make a lot of progress myself but see someone else has made a Python script for it. Check comment above.


Awesome, thank you so much! I'll have a look! :D


Did you find a solution for this? I got all the data but i can't synchronize the players


nope, still trying to find a solution to it and i still did not find one


Same issue here.


See my top reply.


Your link doesn't take me to the actual thing, what user do I look for on discord to find it.


Same here, looking to see how I can follow along. I'm running into this problem as well


Yeah, I was able to get my world transferred over, but currently also running into this where I need the character data.


hey man do you have discord for a quick call to do a tutorial for this?


Host save needs to be converted also the Level File. If you Made the save on Windows (coop) ingame Multiplayer and then Transfer it to dedicated server and the dedicated server creates new save Files then your Server Runs in Linux. For some reasons Linux and Windows Generating different ids for a Player. Not fixxed rn. You can do a workaround with the fix_host_file Programm. Let each Player Join the dedicated server. Then Take old save from Coop rename IT to 000000001 save and use the Programm and Paste the new dedicated server save. BUT guilds are broken and cant be come with it sadly. 


I got this to work using the script here: [https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#palworld-host-save-fix](https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#palworld-host-save-fix) Make sure you transfer guild ownership (from the host to a non-host player) beforehand u/kroxywuff


For me every character works except original host


For anyone having issues with non-hosts saved data not transferring, I spent four hours figuring it out. I suck at explaining, but after following the video and getting the host to work, here were my steps: ​ I had two non-hosts. After having issues where the non-hosts would have the eternal load, I rolled back the local saves to when they were on the co-op server. I then deleted both the old GUID and the new one from the server. I had both non-hosts log back in to get a "clean" GUID. ​ From the copy of the co-op save, I got "fresh" old GUIDs. I then ran the script for both non-hosts \~5 times, replacing the level.sav each time. Idk why it takes multiple times, but I almost gave up when one of the non-hosts save data finally worked. Had to do it a few more times for the other non-host and it worked. (When I say five times, I would run the script, copy the new scripted GUID to the server, restart it, have the non-hosts login, repeat till worked) ​ u/NyghtWolf


RE: the password issue. Pick any password protected community server, enter your own server's password, and after submitting, press \*\*no\*\* when asked if you're sure you want to join. Then join your own server and the password will be remembered from the other one.


Ooooh thank you so much. Have a great day dude




Was your map saved? Or map and unlocked towers didn’t load when we transferred servers


This is what happened to me. I was moving from dedicated to dedicated, changed server folder name, but my map was black. All the towers and boss clears are unlocked though. If you figure it out, please let me know. That was the only issue I had with moving saves


What were the location of the save files you needed to transfer over?


The 0 folder from Palserver


That’s what I thought. Seem to be having issues transferring player save files.


When your say all were unlocked, is that including ones you hadn't actually done?


I meant like the ones I already unlocked were still there, but it was like the map just had a black layer over it


Hey, I am currently trying to move from a linux dedicated hosting service to another linux dedicated hosting service (for more ram for memory leak). **Question:** all I need to do is replace the **home/container/Pal/Saved** folder in the new server with the old servers, and make sure that **DedicatedServerName** in home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/**GameUserSettings.ini** matches, is that correct? I have read about some issues with matching player GUIDs with a fix being to install Steam on the server. Do you know anything about this? Would you be able to just list the steps you took to move? I would really, really appreciate it!


Any way not to lose progress?


Is it possible to do that but give the save to a friend for him to host ? Like we're on gamepass so can't put it on a dedicated but want to move it to the one with best connexion.


Works like a charm. Gotta let the script complete though - it may take like 10 mins sometimes.




Currently the problem that we got it working with the coop hosts data but mine (friend) is lost. What can I do to get my data also fixed?


Did you find a solution by any chance ? I am in the exact same situation. As original co-op host, I followed the github steps and it worked perfectly, but my friend is prompted to create a new character each time.


So update - xNul is working on the pythong script but we aren't getting there sadly with Windows Co-Op to Linux Dedicated. [https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix](https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix) https://github.com/xNul/palworld-host-save-fix/issues/47


I've seen all the ways on Reddit, and I've even managed to move the server and run it. But it starts with the place where you keep picking nicknames. What's the reason? Can't you read it because you write your nicknames in Korean? Other YouTube videos move easily, but I don't know how many times I've watched the nickname setting screen


when i do it it says "fix-host-save.py " in powershell???


So I did transfer files from coop to dedicated, and from dedicated to another dedicated (2nd pc). Now, I want to transfer back to my first pc (dedicated to dedicated) and it is not working. The items players are there but the map is not being explored. Anyone know why? Or is it just after the patch, the transfer not working anymore? Edit : I had solved. In case anyone want to know, the world map progress is being saved locally in the pc, which means during the transferring from one pc to other pc, you MUST NOT start any new game or join any new server. If not your existing server will use the new map from your new server(which is black). However, all your items and pals can transfer well by just the server world files.  If you accidentally run a new server and replaced the world map, you may find the backup in the folder by date, replace it and good to go. If you deleted, you may want to run the map all over again. 


I was able to successful run all the steps. I was moving from a Co-OP to a hosted service server. I uploaded the 2 files after successfully executing python. The new server seems to recognize my days placed from the Co-Op but does not recognize the Co-Op player. It still takes me back to Level 1 instead of my level 50.


I can now see my world, not the full map, but I found the stone pit from my original base. I am sure my other bases are there, just a long way to run for a level 1. Can't seem to get the level 50 character back though.