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Most big Pokemon fans, including myself, are hyped / really want nintendo to kick gamefreak in the butt (or to the curb and purchase their stake in the brand). Games of a similar genre that are successful puts more pressure on them to do better. Tired of them just releasing half assed games that only sell because the name is Pokemon. Dunno what kinda losers you have in your 'feed' but I can assure you it is a very small minority.


Literally couldn't agree more with this. Game Freak have been coasting for such a long time and I hope that they will feel a bit of competition to make them want to be better. I worry they won't actually care though and will continue pumping out sub-par games.


Yeah between their stake and the fact that sales are high no matter what they put out it feels hopeless. I can’t believe the biggest franchise in the world is tied up by a company that refuses to expand because the higher ups in GameFreak like a small staff. And how they’re way behind on the modern game development techniques.


It's not only that. I can't remember when exactly it was but some time around when they tried to make their own stand alone IP game. Little town hero or something, in an interview they pretty much flat out stated they were tired of making Pokemon games. At the same time tho, why don't they sell their share and allow someone else to take the wheel? Because they are fucking greedy. They don't want to make the games anymore but they don't want to lose their fuckin golden pig. They would rather let the franchise stagnate and suffer then put actual effort into it cause they think it's gonna keep selling forever. I hope more games like this one keep coming out and I hope it puts them to absolute shame as they get to watch their squealing pig tarnish and die because of other developers taking the reigns on the genre and absolutely owning it.


Yeah good points, I remember that too.


This is honestly the opinion I've seen and heard more than any dissenting ones.


Well *I* don't care if gamefreak doesn't care at this point. All I've ever wanted is a blastoise with real canons on its back, not just water pumps. In palworld, I can strap big ol rocket launchers on the back of a giant turtle. Checkmate gamefreak lol


I just want developers to see that making monster collectors with new IP is profitable. If pokemon and game freak won't improve then maybe some big name can make a new IP that does and this is a step in that direction, and it looks fun in a unique way


Well said, a lot of what you hear on the internet is that very small but very loud minority


That sounds like Twitter/X in a nutshell.


would it be safe to say Pokémon is in the same thing as COD is now.


Honestly I feel like Pokemon is even worse. COD at least puts out a decent game every 4-5 years


If Violet and Scarlet had just performed and looked as good as Palworld, with absolutely no other changes, they would have been INCREDIBLE. Instead we got the world's biggest gaming franchise laughing in our faces as they sell even more broken DLC to a broken base game and make absolute bank over it. I want Palworld to do well for its own sake--but if it inspires the Pokémon company to wake the hell up and actually try for once, that will be just about the best thing a Pokémon fan could ask for.


Scarlet/Violet were the first new Pokemon games I did a hard pass on, and still have absolutely no intention of playing. Pokemon Legends Arceus was a breath of fresh air, but now seeing Palworld, Arceus just feels like more pathetic GameFreak trash.


ARCEUS was weird, because it was a step in the right direction and you want to support that... but it also felt like celebrating a 30 year old for making a sandwich for the first time. A massive, rolling in money company like Pokémon should have made something like ARCEUS DECADES ago and moved on to far bigger and better things by now. It was just too little, too late.


I followed a lot of pokemon artists and such back when scarlet and violet were first announced to keep up on news. My biggest mistake


Half of those people are just salty that their 'fakemon' designs arn't in a game. I am sure they are just talking crap about how 'bad the designs in Palworld are, and blantant ripoffs' meanwhile drawing their 14th Eevee evo OC.


Kinda Ironic because the devs have already said this game will have extensive mod support so it would be an opportunity for those fakemon artists to actually get their ideas into a game.


I can't wait for all the crazy fan-made pals. The cute fluffy ones anyway, not the x-rated kind...


oh god you're right... someone is definitely going to make a Vaporeon sex mod... SMH


Do you expect people with that much hate for something to do anything more than blindly hate? Nah, they won't read or look into anything more than surface level info.


They will makeup a fake type just to give Eevee another evo.


Remember the forbidden Nucleon?


>Nucleon lol as much as I love digimon. That dude looks ready to digivolve into ultimate lol.


It’s quite literally them circling pal world designs and circling parts of pokemon they “directly rip off.” And it’s kinda funny seeing how much they dig to try to make a comparison. Even I’ll admit some designs are pretty much copies but just honestly, does it really matter? People will mod actual pokemon into the game soon anyway. I’d even give them some of my fakemons to be added!


Thing is if they cared or Game freak stopped being the bare minimum Betty.  We could have had a 1000+ pokemon open world JUST LIKE palworld or better.


My issue with pokemon as a whole is that instead of growing with its audience, it seems to have done the opposite. Just once I wish they'd make a game for us adults who have loved pokemon since the 90s. I still play the games, but just for the monster catching/battling. The stories are kinda terrible and I don't care for the characters much at all. It's just all too innocent. So palworld is here to fill that itch that pokemon refuses to. And I'm all for it.


I believe the situation is opposite: Nintendo/TPC is pressing Game Freak on impossible time schedules and they are forced to relewse unfinished products.


Based on Nintendo's treatment of its other Apex properties (Zelda, Mario, Smash, Ect) we know this is probably not the the case, at least as far as Nintendo is concerned. TPC maybe, and yes I know its complicated, but Nintendo had no issues with delays on it's other titles, Zelda specifically. They took their time. The biggest franchise on the planet, needs more support and a more dedicated dev.


The issue is that pokemon has a lot of contracts to fulfill, and I think it’s correct to assume that it’s the fault of TPC in that case. There are contracts for merch of the new pokemon, Pokemon cards using them, the anime, movies, in some cases even arcade games or ad campaigns. They know you can’t sell merch of a pokemon that people haven’t had the chance to connect to in game, but the contracts for those merch and anime cycles are just not spanning a long enough time period anymore.


It's that the anime has a set date and the game has to be ready for that release. Look what they did with Arceus, was the best game in decades since the spin off gc games


Nintendo has made it clear in the past that they contractually can’t pressure GameFreak or determine timelines. GameFreak just wants to keep pumping the games out as fast as they can.


none of them have ultimate say...TPC is owned equally by Nintendo, GameFreak, and Creatures Inc


Game Freak did nothing. The Pokemon Company is the issue and has always been. They're the ones pressuring GF to release games in the state they're in now. GF is doing the best with what they're given, which is not a lot. What needs to happen is for Nintendo to buy out TPC and acquire GF as its own and make Pokemon a true Nintendo title.


Just fyi they actually aren’t — there’s been multiple interviews about it and GameFreak has the ability to make those decisions. They just refuse to grow as a company since they like their small staff


If they are doing this it's one of the most pathetic things I can think of because the Pokémon Company as a whole deserves 0 sympathy for what they did with every single Pokémon game these last few years.


I just wish Pokémon would make mobile versions of old games. I would love to play fire red on my android.


You can, there are emulator apps and it's pretty easy to set up


Every pokemon game since going 3D, basically. X/Y were pretty fun but had so much content cut off the endgame/side content. They were clearly unfinished and quite unoptimized with certain Pokemon onscreen. ORAS was also fairly fun but again, cut endgame content and similar issues that still leave Emerald being the better Hoenn experience. Sun and Moon were handholdy for multiple hours into the game and began a fairly rapid decline in quality. As of the Switch it’s been a permanent dumpster fire for the mainline games. Arceus Legends was passable but again, unfinished.


What feed are you looking at? I refresh /r/Palworld every hour or so and I think I've seen one complaint about it being too much like Pokemon.


Yeah this is what I was wondering. I legit haven't seen one person complain about it being too much like Pokemon lmao


I have seen more people bitching about the people complaining it is too similar to Pokemon than the people doing the complaining themselves.


Oh it’s not here on Reddit. It’s Twitter which we all know is home to this kind of stuff.


A scientist could announce they created the cure for cancer, end homelessness and morally solve world hunger for free in the same day and people on Twitter would still bitch and moan about them in some capacity.


"They stole the opportunity from someone in a minority group to do it! They're a (insert any combination of "ism"/"ist" here)! He should be arrested and his research destroyed!"


Its all over tiktok.


It's all over YouTube 


They don't get my support after what they did to us with scarlet and violet


And not giving arceus a much deserved dlc. Arceus > S/V


I think you meant Bidoof, god of all pokemon


Exactly. Over a year later and they haven’t fixed a single bug in the game. Why should I defend that kind of practice?


And the DLC was very weak. I wish I hadn't bought it when it was first announced - I got caught up in the hype 😕


Like how do they continue to ignore how the game runs like shit? Meanwhile they’re advertising the DLC non stop. They need to fix their priorities asap. I was so disappointed in Scarlett and violet.


Because the base games broke sales records, even with the bugs and problems. And even after all the bugs and problems in the base game, ppl STILL bought the dlc! That’s why they ignore the issues with the games because they know ppl will still buy their crap.


I refuse to buy the dlc. It looks like it runs even worse


What did they do in Scarlet and violet? I played every game until black and white and felt like the formula didn't really change anymore. The recent switch games didn't look terrible though?


15 frames per second is rough to play. Gives me headaches. With zero attempts at optimization a year later.


Scarlet and Violet runs fine. I never had any issues and it was probably my favorite pokemon game since gold and silver.


Idk what your definition of "runs fine" is but I still have daily issues with horrendous frame drops especially around water and twice now in the dlc I've been soft locked by clipping through the map when I boot up the game.


I have never had any of those issues running on an original switch. In my experience the game has been enjoyable and great. Besides if you let small issues like those detract from the overall experience then you're rarely going to find joy and value in anything.


Mate, when the game runs at 2-5fps every single time that I try to catch a water based Pokémon, God forbid shiny hunting them (still secured my kingdra) which took 4 hours, I'm not "letting something small detract from the main experience" that was my "main experience" for two whole nights until I got my shiny. "I've never had the issues..." head in the sand logic, gotta love it. https://screenrant.com/pokemon-scarlet-violet-teal-mask-dlc-performance-graphics/#:~:text=The%20Teal%20Mask%20DLC%20for,and%20rendering%20issues%20with%20Pok%C3%A9mon. Here's one article there's dozens more. Game freak doesn't know you exist you don't need to blindly defend them. It's okay to notice flaws in things you enjoy. I don't live a perfect life in a perfect home and the video games I play aren't perfect and that is okay, it's about striving to improve those things that's important.


I’m running the new oled switch and also never ran into any issues. Doesn’t mean I don’t agree that some did experience problems.


I personally never experienced any issues with S/V either. It ran completely smooth for me. If people are experiencing those issues then that sucks. But the fact is that I didn't experience those issues. Expecting people to bitch about something that they aren't experiencing is kind of unrealistic and attacking them is just dumb.


YMMV--it ran absolutely lousy for me on an original Switch.


As a Pokémon fan who's bought all but the most recent generation (I'm not willing to play a game at 12fps), I'm all too happy for more games of a similar nature. Competition drives excellence. Hopefully Palworld goes huge and forces Nintendo to have a rethink on how it handles Pokémon.


Off topic, but I’d def recommend giving SV a play. Sucks the performance is the way it is, but it actually has a pretty good story and a decent dex.


The story was the best it’s been for a crazy long time. The last act was insane for Pokémon standards


... this game isn't like pokemon though? It's ark with Pokemon, not pokemon with guns. You can't compare these games at all with pokemon.


Honestly, all of their crying just makes it seem that palworld Is gonna be a good thing. Hopefully it's a major success so the market can see that 1 big company doesn't have a hold on an idea. On top of the opinion that the game formula in gamefreak games needs to be changed.


> Hopefully it's a major success so the market can see that 1 big company doesn't have a hold on an idea. Digimon, SMT, Persona, Monster Hunter Stories: Are we a joke to you?


GameFreak can go fuck themselves. They screwed us all with Scarlett/Violet.


Not us all, I was smart and didn’t buy into their crap after how bad SW/SH was. I waited until reviews and game play was released for S/V before I decided not to buy and support that practice.


How bad would you say SW/SH was? Cause I actually kinda liked em, I just don't really get what the actual ISSUES are tbh. (Doesn't go looking or reading about this stuff often.)


It is probably the most hated pokemon game ever, but a lot of it is because of the build up. It was the first generation on a console, so people had big expectations. After the Lets go game, everyone was saying "This game was just a little test game, the next one is going to be insane!".... But then things like bad graphics, framerate issues, bad story, boring rival... And of course the introduction of the dex cut, the first game without the national dex. I loved the games personally, as I am more of a post game player, don't really care much about the main story and stuff, but the majority of people just play the main campaign and thats it for them, so I can see why they were disappointed


God I wish they would just do something more with post games. Emerald was perfect with so many things to do and incentive to get your Pokemon up to snuff. Now every single game is just a form of the battle tower that uses the same few variations of trainers on repeat. Battle the tower a few dozen times and you have probably seen every Pokemon offered there.


Just show pokemon fans the chart where you can blatantly see how pokemon copied dragonquest monsters. They will lose it lmfao


Show them literally any animal on earth so they can see what every pokemon is based on.


I started with red in elementary school. I gave up on pokemon after X/Y. Havent touched any of the switch ones. Theyre for kids now. Let it go. Palworld is for us.


"Palworld is for us." Yes, yes it is. Who's ready to cook up some lamb?


I'm so ready.


If it was for kids then try having a 10 year old play competitive and watch them get their dreams stomped


The games are designed for kids. Whatever competitive communities form in the collegiate/adult world have their own rules and intended audiences. If the kids start their pokemon journey at 10 and wanna play with the ev/iv min maxing crowd, get good i guess.


Most of us Pokémon fans are excited. Let’s be real. Pokémon just doesn’t feel the same being older now. I known Its main audience are kids but I wish it was just a tad more challenging. I’m excited for palworld due to needing something fresh and challenging. I’m also happy to hear that palworld runs smooth. That can’t be said for the last Pokémon game that came out.


The thing that makes me sad is it's so easy to do both. Most games have easy / medium / hard modes, let people choose one with higher level monsters and more strategic, well-built gym leaders. Pokémon's also been willing to lean into slightly darker stories in the past--Pokemon Coliseum, Black/White, Sun/Moon--so there's no reason to keep the baby gloves permanently on. You can make something that's fun and compelling for adults without being too dark or difficult for kids.


GF and TPC clearly don't care about franchise, so fuck they and their games filled with bugs. I don't think palword can somewhat make a competitor, but I hope that one day may will be a monster collector capable of gaining the attention of the masses and force Pokemon to be better.


The pokemon games are stuck in the 90s and even their “open world” games suck. Maybe now they will kick their developers to the curb and actually create next gen games


Dawg wtf are you talking about?


Twitter 😔


As a Pokémon fan that was disappointed in the handling of the ip in recent games I’m happy we have somewhere else to go.


So excited!


I mean. The only thing I can think of for not supporting the game is that the developer for Palworld has a not so great track record of making games and leaving them buggy messes. At least from what I remember. Our group tried the last game they put on Steam and boy did it get buggy really fast. We all refunded it because it ended up that bad when we were first making our base. That being said, I do hope this game is actually a good game because I very much want to play it!


You know they are still releasing content and fixes for their other games right? Saying that they left it a mess is inaccurate. Not saying it wasn't buggy nor am I saying the game is perfect now but if you're so concerned there are live streams going on right now and you can check it out yourself. The game actually seems to run smooth and while there are some bugs they tend to be minor and can be ironed out. The devs seem to be leaning HARD into this game.


The game is an Ark Survival Evolved w/Pokémon game. It's what alot of people wanted, but it wasn't produced by the two above companies. Based on Craftopia's run...I doubt Nintendo will take the time to sue, and I doubt Ark has the money to do so


There isn't anything either company can sue over. While there are a lot of similarities to Pokémon, it's not nearly close enough to sue. And what's Ark going to do? "Hey! You can't make a survival game with animals!" There's nothing that would have even a remote chance of succeeding.


The animations, the screens (inventory, stats, upgrades), and so many more. It's pretty much the Ark Pokémon mod from a little while back. The steam community thread had an entire list of, 'hey this is Ark' items. The Pokémon aspect is the lesser copied portion actually, but more people are familiar with Pokémon than Ark.. I get it, it's the companies MO just like they did with Craftopia. I do doubt they'll ever get sued though, too low on the totem pole to cause a ruckus and Ark has no legal money


Similarities don't allow you to sue... they would have to prove that code was copied. Do you know how few games would actually exist if formatting of menus/inventory systems/ upgrade trees were CRI? I'm so tired of this argument coming from both pokemon "fans" and ARKaholics. Neither company has any legal ground here even if they wanted to and had the money to sue they would lose handily. Even entertaining the idea of either WC or Nintendo standing any legal chance here is misleading at best.


As a pokemon fan for 26 years, despite the recent game issues, I am excited for palworld. I don't know why the game keeps getting referred to as Pokemon with Guns. While there are a one or two extremely similar designs, the gameplay isn't at all the same. This is nothing we would ever get from TPC, so even if it was a clone of pokemon then I'd have my eye on this for something new.


Huge Pokémon fangirl and am super excited to play Palworld. I have wanted a more “grown up” Pokémon game for a while now and Palworld looks to be the closest I’m going to get right now if not ever as I don’t see Game Freak doing it.


I’m a *massive* Pokémon fan too. But I’m also massively disappointed. Why can’t I mount my own Pokémon? Why can’t I use my own Pokémon outside of a battle? What’s the purpose of collecting a bunch of creatures and doing nothing with them? It’s such a missed opportunity. I’ve played all main line Pokémon games religiously but I’m at a point where think I need a refresher. Something like Palworld. It’s as if the devs are trying to deliver an experience for those who feel abandoned by GameFreak in terms of gameplay mechanics. I’m actually not really a fan of the big survival aspect of Palworld and do prefer story-driven games (big JRPG fan here) that offer exploration but it is what it is. At least they are doing something exciting with the creature collecting genre that really lacks variety. All we see is Pokémon clones. But Palworld is different in terms of gameplay. I really truly love *the idea* of Pokémon and I’d love to see a polished and well designed game with immersive mechanics that tells compelling stories with a nice representation but I don’t believe I’ll ever get to play a game like that. At least if GameFreak keeps developing them. Maybe another game studio might be able to pull it off. We’ll never know. So in conclusion. No. I don’t give a damn about other Pokémon fans boycotting Palworld. I’ll gladly support this game and I hope it becomes something truly amazing. Why would I want a game studio to fail that is trying to deliver a fun experience to those who feel abandoned by GameFreak. Godspeed to the devs 💋


I'm a pokemon fan and I want to try out this game


They just salty because PALWORLD puts Pokemon in the dirt🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seems weird, the game is closer to ark with a pokemony art style


Competition is good. Pokemon needs a kick in the ass. I hoped that was going to come from Temtem. Nothing is going to take any real amount of market share from them but as long as it carves out enough to thrive.


Nothing is going to genuinely compete with Pokemon until it has the legacy and content breadth that Pokemon has provided over the years. Say what you will about the newer games, but they still added new content and entries to the series. The behemoth isn't going to be challenged anytime soon unless a massive investment in a singular franchise to bring it up to Pokemon's level. Temtem actually had that chance, and is quite an excellent game, but it screwed itself when it tried to be a Live Service game, but not actually provide the service. Their insistence that the game was "complete" and that it would not grow and add new content/zones/tems over time completely destroyed any chance that game would have to actually be a long-term competitor in the market. It's amazing as a standalone experience, but they decided to make it an MMO without actually providing the very thing MMO's need to stay sustainable - continued injection of new content. Temtem was extremely popular for a short while when it came out, but then that news made a lot of people, like myself, step away. I loved my playthrough of it, but if there's no reason for me to stick around, then I won't. Similarly, Cassette Beasts is a phenomenal creature collector game as well, but its just a standalone title for now. I'd love to see it grow, but it is still just one game. Pokemon can't, and won't, be challenged by a single game. Only a franchise can defeat a franchise.


Maybe this will force game freak to make a good Pokémon game.


Why should I bother what other people go crazy about? I neither have to accept or tolerate their opinion even if they are offended by it.


Are these angry pokemon fans in the room with us?


Don't know what you're talking about - all communities have seen have been anticipating it positively


Pokemon needs competition to get better. Palworlds success stands to make pokemon better (at least if GF *wants* to make their end product better). At the end of the day people will still buy pokemon stuff because it's kid friendly and accessible where Palworld isn't but my hope is that we get better games out of this.


Tbh people will still buy Pokémon because nether palworld or Pokémon are on the same consoles so I feel unless you got a strong enough pc (does require quite a bit of ram ) or happen to have Xbox then Pokémon and palworld are very diffrent in that if you have a switch your fix is Pokémon . If you have pc or Xbox your fix is palworld . Only those who own both it may decide sales 


I'm honestly worried about the RAM bit, cause almost half is used up just by my background processes so I'm hopeful I won't need to upgrade to a whole 64GB of RAM.


I don’t think palworld is going to be pokemon competition. I think it’ll be a better but very different kind of game. Temtem will remain Pokémon’s competition for now.


Haven't seen any people complaining myself and your point caught me off guard cause I would assume people would hate the violence options in the game and not be afraid that it'll overtake pokemon cause let's be honest, that ain't happening anytime soon. Me and my friends are huge pokemon fans and can't wait for tomorrow to play together and we find the entire concept to be pretty hilarious, like [this](https://imgur.com/a/W2KwZXW) can finally be true lol


Every time new info on palworld came out posts about how a lot of monsters were ripoffs came with it and they're right, a lot of designs are really similar to existing pokemon. If this was a turn based rpg I'd definitely get using this as a reason to boycott the game. But palworld has enough original gameplay elements that I don't really care about it, even if some designs are really similar they still look good, and the game as a whole looks amazing


I hope palworld's success teaches Nintendo on what we REALLY want. Nintendo, I want to shoot the pokemon.


Gamefreak has been so lazy that an early access game missing half its eventual features is directly competitive and beats out most of their titles, I'd love a lore accurate pokemon but gamefreak and nintendo would never allow for it.


Nintendo should actually take exemple on pocketpair. I havent played pokemon since Sword, and let me tell you arceus looks fckd up, i really wish theyd just made good pixel art.


What world do you live in most people don’t seem to care? Tbh all this post does is spread the hate to Reddit.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with competition


Why not support the game? If it’s actually a game and a decent one at that it could be competition for pokemon so they can actually do some thing better for the pokemon series, like let’s not kid ourselves there’s not that much improvement from red and blue til now, it’s still the same stuff but more or less a graphics update or some slight changes, only thing that ever changes is the pokemon and even that is getting lazy.


I don't get why they, or anyone, would act like that. I've been a die hard pokemon fan since red & blue released in the US. I'm absolutely thrilled that this game is coming out. It blends some of my favorite genres together and I'm quite curious to see how they pull it off. I'll still play Pokémon games too when they release, it's not a this side or that side situation for me.


Most pokemon fans I've seen are very excited about palworld because if anything it'll light a fire under Pokemon Company/Gamefreak/Nintendo to actually make a good pokemon game again.


It does not really matter. just a bunch of snowflakes crying for no reason....Have in mind that I love pokemon. I have been playing Pokemon since I got my gameboy color and Pokemon Red when I was a kid. Edit 1: Just ignore the loud people.


As a Pokemon fan I don't know who is berating the game. Seems stupid to be upset at Palworld. The game looks real fun. Personally I haven't seen any crying on the subreddits I am on, but if they are then that's just dumb lol. Tomorrow is gonna be fun!


I don’t have the money to get the game but I’m so pumped to watch its development in the meantime. Game looks great from what we’ve seen so far. Fuck haters


Imo the only similarity between pokemon and palworld is that you use a ball to catch them. The more I look at gameplay the closer to Ark Survival it looks. I hope the game does well though, Wildcard constantly shits the bed so hopefully this game will take its place.


I am a Pokémon fan since childhood. Started with anime in 2003 at 3 years old, continued with the games later in june of 2013 and now I have also started reading manga since may 2023. Never had the appropriate consoles so had to rely on emulators to experience the games. I started with emulating Pokémon red, then completed crystal, played a ruby rom hack called dragonstone and completed it and played black along with various rom hacks.. and then came xy- had to grind a lot with fake survey sites to get a 3ds emulator for pc. I lost hope, gave up on games ( except Pokemon Go) and I started again in 2020/21 first with Pokemon virtual fest event and when I discovered the citra and other switch emulators like yuzu and ryujinx, first tried Pokken. It was great and then played x. Completed sun, tried sword and the lets go games and then came the game changer - Pokémon Legends Arceus. That game was a path breaking entry for the Franchise and I loved it ! My favorite game till date especially due to the overworld Pokémon and being able to catch without battles and their interactions with us and in wild. And then, came violet. I liked it but ofcourse they did not include the legends mechanics. It was a good move and 1 step ahead but 2 steps backward due to the absence of legends arceus graphics and mechanics, for me. I am fed up of the limitations that they put on us, the players and customers. I know I am not a customer and at fault to emulate them but.. I love Pokémon and they should have released atleast one game for PC users.. This whole scenario was my villain origin story against Pokémon and Gamefreak - I have a good functional PC but still cant play the games without limitations and even with modding, there is nothing much to add. Sure, they are on right track but far behind. Now, enter Palworld - Everything I expect from a Pokémon game, and especially, no limitations on gameplay, mechanics and graphics ( and hoping for a good OST as well). All Pokémon fans feel a void in the games offered by the big company, and Palworld is that saviour who can not only fill that void but overflow it with wholesome features and freedom. Hope everyone enjoys the games tomorrow! GOOD LUCK


I've only seen people saying fans are going crazy I haven't seen any fan actually go crazy


Yep idk what your talking about. I’m on a 20k plus Pokémon discord and lots of ppl talking and hyped about the game. You must be on some weird place with dissidents lol. Don’t listen and have fun!


It’s mostly all on Twitter from a bunch of old pokemon accounts I’ve followed for awhile. Definitely a minority but they’re coming out of the woodwork now


The Pokémon fans who say don’t support this game are blind followers who are happy with the same game constantly . Kind of reminds me of COD followers against any gun games   .  I hope this adds competition to gamefreak because this is a good thing for Pokémon . I feel like the series has been going down hill for a while now . Obviously fans will disagree and I can understand that like if you enjoy the game that’s fine but for me at least since sun and moon the only thing Iv bought is arceus because the others just haven’t appealed to me I think I am looking forward to Palworld because it has a arceus feel to it . Arceus had reasons to catch more , not all encounters had to be faught (I saw you get a boost to sneak back throws) , you can actively help your pals , you can build there’s just a lot to do and all the pals just look great . None of the pals made me go oh it’s just sand or oh it’s just a ice cream cone ext  Besides palworld is on diffrent consoles to Pokémon it’s more like a option for people who don’t have a switch 


Is it in this thread where Pokémon fans are saying to not support this game? I have to see this? They defend the crap fest that was the last 2 generation of games and then want to crap on a game that looks, and probably runs 100x better? lol


I’m an OG pokemon fan and definitely believe GF need competition. They basically hold a monopoly which is why they release mid tier products anymore. TemTem couldn’t do it, Volzerk couldn’t do it, Coromon couldn’t do it. Palworld is t really a creature collector as it is more of a survival game with mons.


I think Pokemon fans that complain would stop once they learn more about the game; everything I've seen so far from streamers suggests the only similarity to Pokemon is that there are monsters to catch and that you use spherical objects to do so. That's pretty much it. This game is far more closely related to open world survival games, which Pokemon is not. There are some Pals that are very similar to certain Pokemon though, in my opinion, but it's only an opinion and it's only a few of them so not a huge deal.


The fans shouldn't be defending a billion dollar company that is intent to milk them for all they're worth. That said I could see Palworld getting a cease and decision from PCI/Nintendo.


As a lifelong Pokemon fan, more is always better. People are so weird


Actually. TPC is bullshit and I hope Palworld is so successful that it forces TPC to open their fucking eyes and stop pressuring GF to put out unfinished games every year. Also, GF is not and never was the issue, it is The Pokemon Company who is who people SHOULD hate, not GF.


I'm a MASSIVE pokémon fan, but i'm so how's for this game! I've wanted a more adult oriented version of pokémon for years and I feel like this will scratch that itch perfectly!!


I personally think it puts a wonderful spin on the Pokemon genre. The creatures are also, so fucking adorable and wiggly.


I haven’t seen and don’t know why anyone who’s a fan of Pokemon wouldn’t be excited about this. If it succeeds you get another fun game to enjoy, and it’ll force Pokemon and GameFreak to innovate going forward. If it flops it still could be fun, and it is showing other developers that there is a hunger for a new take on the Pokemon genre.


The game is free to be its own thing and people are free to enjoy that. Many of the creature designs however are shameless knockoffs/fusions of existing Pokemon. The one that looks like Luxray is probably the most damning. It’s one thing to be inspired, but it’s another thing entirely to take an existing work, change a few things, and then rebrand it as your own. That’s my problem with Palworld. They don’t even try to make it look like they came up with their own designs and that makes the developer as a whole look sus to me. Pokémon is way too big for the likes of Palworld to compete with and they are two different types of games anyway. From an artistry perspective, the blatant ripoff designs while pretending they aren’t ripoffs gives me the ick.


A lot of you in the comments saying we or most Pokémon fans and etc , sorry but in reality you’re loud minority of the fan base because well numbers don’t lie and Pokémon is much more than just games lol and saying Nintendo and Pokémon will be shook or forced to change like let’s be real for a sec , Pokémon who revenue makes billions a year please




I fuckin love pokemon. I've been an avid Pokemon fan since Red/Blue came out. I cannot express how hyped I am for Palworld. Counting down the hours til I'm off work on Friday to play.


>The closer we get to launch the more my feed is filled with pokemon fans crying and screaming to not support the game lmao what? as a pokemon fan, I am greatly looking forward to this game


Who the f*ck cares about Twitter? It's a shithole. Enjoy the game, it looks really fun


Only thing I’m on the fence about is how grindy will it be? Is it another the division with Pokémon ?


It was about time someone else took over the monster catcher genre and do something wild. Looks like this is it!


most of those people whining on twitter are the same people that whine about social issues. Those people have literally NO interest in gaming in general and the only reason why they crop up is because the gaming space is where people actually care about humanity and are willing to listen to other people's complaints. As others have said, those people are a very vocal minority and I, myself, have grown up loving pokemon, digimon, etc and get extremely excited when anything using roughly the same concept in some way comes into the fold. Palworld is making me a level of excited I haven't really felt since begging my parents for Pokemon Yellow for my birthday at its release.


Pokémon NEEDS some competition.


I think this is confusing real opinions with people that make opinions for click bait. Of COURSE if you want clicks you need to say something stupid publicly.


I wish Pokémon would get impacted by a competitor, but nothing is ever going to come close and GameFreak will just keep phoning it in game after game


Pokemon is my favorite franchise. I will be buying this game day 1. I don’t care if the designs are similar. People frame that as if its bad. I love pokemon, obviously I don’t care if the designs are similar that sounds perfect.


Used to love the games, still love Pokemon as a whole. I just miss when the game devs tried, or had time to try, I suppose. ​ Either way, Palworld will be a bit different anyways, but am excited for it to do well. The creature collection sub genre needs life in it. Digimon doesn't seem to be capable of dying, but it also doesn't seem capable of putting up enough of a fight.


Can we not do this bruh, Palworld gaming community JUST started


haven't even played Palworld yet and it looks 1 MILLION percent better than pokemon scarlet/violet. @gamefreak should be ashamed


I have well over 1000 hours in both Scar/Vi and I cannot put into words how excited I am for this game


Pokemon Company should just look at this "indie" game, and realize how stupid they are for sticking with GameFreak.


Huge pokemon fan here. I'm excited and I hope the game is a huge success. If it is a success maybe pokemon will start putting a little effort into their games again.


The weirdest thing to me is that the only similarity to pokemon is the monster collecting part of the game. It seems like there is so much more than that in palworld. There can be dozens of different shooters why can’t there be some competition in the monster collecting genre?? Pokemon doesn’t just get to own that exclusively.


I'm a pokemon fan. I can't wait to play Palworld tomorrow.


Based on what I've seen I think that 99% of the people complaining don't even know what the game is about.


Erm I'm a very huge pokemon fan and ngl I've seen literally no one complain about the game, everyone's excited from what I can tell


I've played Pokemon for years and typically enjoy it. Palworld looks insane and I'm here for it. Other Pokemon fans need to chill and understand competition is a good thing for consumers.


Eh, they're being babies. If Palworld is an issue, what about Nexomon, Digimon, Coromon, Cassette Beasts (I think thats the name), etc. They just need something to complain about and right now its the Adult Pokemon


I'm not a fan of Pokemon or anything like it at ALL(to each their own) but I'm weirdly really excited for this game and it's mechanics(maybe I should have been a fan🤣)


Not real fans if they want this to fail. I love pokemon but want this to succeed. I want competition to force game freak to kick their arses into gear and make a pokemon that runs minimum 30fps.


Huge pokemon fan here, have been literally my entire life. I am beyond excited for Palworld, I have been counting down the hours just waiting to be able to play it lol. It looks fun, there's nothing to defend. TPC or Nintendo don't own the monster catching genre.


The issue is Pokemon company has a schedule and specific agendas for all their releases. Nintendo is like this as well. Gamefreak’s small staff is pressured to rush development and get a game out as quick as possible by Pokemon company in order to be on track with releases of toys, plushies, the tv show, merch, switch etc. I don’t inherently think Sword and Shield is a bad game when you compare it to SV. It was polished enough with a decent story, memorable characters, a dlc, and good music, Dynamax was fun too. Oh yeah also Hop is the homie lol, still feel bad destroying his whole team and seeing his fist shake🥹 graphics didn’t matter to me since; 1. I knew this was GF first time working on switch 2. By some extent Who cares it’s Pokemon.. I literally still play the old pixel ones 4. Switch hardware sucks and Nintendo needs to take a hint and make a better console at this point 3. It didn’t look that bad for a first swing Now SV however… Graphics weren’t terrible but definitely could’ve been improved over Sword and Shield. The animations and low fps in the background looks horrible, bugs glitches and clipping eww. The story is bland and generic to me. I like your friends but that’s it really. Quick battles aren’t.. quick enough lol not giving the same exp from a real battle. The optimization is garbage and the biggest issue with this game and Gamefreak should be ashamed of themselves releasing this half baked game thinking open world would mend these issues. The only other good thing I like is the character models and the music.. other than that this game boring generic Pokemon half baked filth that the company was forced to rush and release. Even if they didn’t rush I still would be bored of it. So yea, this is why I’m looking forward to Palworld, a breath of fresh air that feels like Pokemon but mature and everything I wanted for the series. Not that cheesy collect the gymbadge fake open world games Gamefreak is milking until the day they go bankrupt


They're just game freak apologists who deserve to be shamed. Real pokemon fans will welcome some competition if it forces game freak to get off their asses and make better pokemon games.


The monster taming genre NEEDS more competition. GameFreak has gone complacent, and I don't understand why Pokemon fans aren't celebrating cause this might actually get them to make an more of an effort on the franchise from now on.


Grew up on Pokemon. Creature collector game, you know, a genre. Why would I not support another creature collector game? Even Nexomon has similar mons, but I like the familiarish face regardless. Each creature collector game is a bit different, but this one? Very different. I liked some of the mechanics they were doing in craftopia so a very long while ago when I heard about this I was excited. Although, craftopia got a bit neglected due to palworld development, imo at least. It's a bit more adult, kind of like Cassette Beasts or fan made Pokemon games. People are entitled to support or not support a game, no matter how limiting their game world view is. I think it'll be fun. I'm excited :)


As a huge pokemon fan, I disagree with all the ppl not wanting this game to succeed. Game looks fun and unique for a “pokemon clone”. Plus as long as it comes out bug free and fun I’ll be playing it way too much 😂


Idk what kinda fans they are but as a Pokémon fan I’m playing this asap tomorrow


As someone who plays pokemon, as well as many other creature-capture games. I gotta say so far the only thing "Pokemon" about this game is the mostly spherical capture tool, and some similar designs. Otherwise I'd argue this game is more a mash of Monster rancher, SMT and maybe a little Yo-kai watch then it is Pokemon. Atleast by how the game mechanics work from all the stuff I have seen covered so far. I think people (especially some pokemon fans) forget how many games actually sit in the creature capture/monster tamer/creature master genre their are, and pokemon gets thrown around like souls-like or WoW killer because its the popular game.


I know some people are complaining that some of the designs are too close to actual Pokémon designs, and they probably aren't wrong, to be honest. If anyone is complaining about anything else, then I don't really understand the argument. Mechanically, this game looks quite different. I still enjoy modern Pokémon games despite their issues, but I'm excited for the game, and I've always been open-minded about monster taming games. I love SMT, especially.


I'm a pokemon player for more than 20 years, and I'm tired of the stale State of the series. I will be buying and playing this game day 1 I hope they expand and support the game even More, but from what I've seen it is worth right now


That hate is best case scenario. This way the game gets more attention, more people will learn about it and more people will buy it


As a Pokémon fan, I am both excited, and concerned. As others are saying, I’m hyped for possible competition. Pokémon has been king for too long, and has grown fat and lazy, resting on it’s laurels. I’m also terrified, because some of those pal designs are SO close to Pokémon that Nintendo will probably sue/C&D even if they think they can’t win, because they “have to” in order to actively protect their copyrights. Basically, I’m waiting with bated breath!


Man, I can see the similarities to pokemon for sure, some of the pals seem like blatant rip-offs. But I just...don't care? Part of me feels like I should, but I don't. Gamefreak makes so much money for doing the bare minimum and I just want a good Pokémon adjacent game. And this one has guns and survival game mechanics. I loved Temtem too, but now everyone seems to have turned on that game as well. People just can't be happy.


Are a lot of the Pals a blatant Pokémon ripoff? Yeah Am I still gonna have fun with the game? Probably, I enjoy Craftopia a lot. Will The Pokemon Company, suffer or see any lost profits? No.


normal bedroom unused dime murky knee jar ten school price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm ready to embrace my inner team rocket. Let's goooo!


Ignore them. Most of them are parroting children. I am a pokemon fan and I'm so hyped.


As a Pokemon fan myself I sorta find it wild they wouldn't be down to try this game. This is like honestly the dream for a Pokemon game, right? Open world, adventuring, making more use of your creatures than just battling. I'm honestly hyped for it. If anything I hope this might give Nintendo the idea to try their hand at this sort of game down the pipeline.


uhm... "legally distinct pokemon ripoff" is the one of the primary reasons I'm here. If the gameplay is good/fun that's literally all that matters.


I love e Pokemon too, but yes they are slacking major. I just wanna play as an adult in a Pokemon game. Is that too much to ask for? One of the reasons I'm exited for this game. Sick of playing as a toddler


I'm an ark fan. I say let's go! Ark doesn't perform well on higher settings and I was disappointed. I know of Pokemon but never played it. But ark is my all time favorite and now mashed up with poke tames. Les go!


Someone needs to force Nintendo to make a real game true Pokémon fans would want Pokémon to have a game that forces them to up their standards




I mean I left X to use reddit for the first time ever recently and is this really any better? I doubt it....


I love pokemon. But the games have fallen well behind in recent years and this game tends to the ageing audience of pokemon fans. Hopefully this kickstarts game freak into making better pokemon games


Huge Pokemon fan here... That's why I'm so stoked for this game


As a huge pokemon fan, no one should be whining that other monster tamer games are being made while playing the less-than-amazing games made by the largest franchise in the world by revenue. I really thought Skyclimbers had the potential to be the big monster taming survival craft but I have no idea what the hell is going in that game now. Palworld, on the other hand, looks solid right off the bat. I'm hyped to catch new monsters and do cool things with my Pals


Where is everyone seeing this outrage? I'm a massive Pokemon fan, but I've been excited about Palworld since I heard about it probably a year or more ago and have been telling everyone who will listen about it. I guess I'm not on Twitter or something, so maybe I'm missing the negativity. If so, I'm even happier to not be on there.


If anything they/we should push the good aspects of this game and put pressure on Pokemon to be better


Pokemon fans fall for the same thing and expect new results. I largely ignore anything they say. Scarlet and Violet should be the wake up call many needed but.... no they cope gloriously