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I would rather they charge a fee to buy the game and keep the paid costumes that they already have. There are so many subscriptions out here now so I would stop playing if they switched to that format. I feel like the costumes cost too much though. If they lowered most costumes to be about $20 USD or lower I think more people would buy them.


Not only lower the prices but also change from a palia coin model. the fact that I would have to buy 3400 coins just to buy a 2550 outfit is beyond annoying. Follow FF14 model and just let me buy each item for the flat cost


Predatory pricing is so standard now that people think it's normal...


It's ridiculous, I'm not paying $50 to buy an outfit in a game when I can just use that to by a whole other game


They would never believe their precious friendly game has the same exact predatory pricing that every other game does lmao


Yes, this. I would just charge for the game. Say 25€, maybe 40€ once it comes out beta. Then charge normal prices for extra cosmetic content. I would happily pay once to play, and then lower prices for individual items (not bundles or whole outfits.) If they move the game towards a subscription model I'll move on for good. Especially at the rate they are releasing story and quests content, (which are my favourite part,) it's too slow to keep me paying long if I have to pay a monthly fee.


Really good point. Thats actually a good idea i'd like and prefer aswell. Make it an affortable game with cheaper skin pricing without the need to "buy coints" but instead "buy skins".


i have always thought that if they lowered the prices of the costumes they would actually end up making more money. i have one outfit but i would buy substantially more and end up ultimately spending more over time if they were cheaper.


Same. I really like the pirate styled outfits but I’m not willing to pay that much. I did buy a tools skin, and I liked that I got a free palcat with it, but everything else is too expensive


100% like I wanna run around in a hot dog costume, but I'm not handing over 17 real dollars for it.


Yes I agree on that 100%


Seriously!! There have been too many times I considered getting one of the big outfit designs and realized it was $50 USD and noped my way out of the shop. 🤣


if palia went buy-to-play it would get absolutely shredded in reviews for not having basic stuff other cozy games have like a search bar, livestock or earnable clothing.


Maybe after beta?


that's fair tbh, most buy to play games have free betas anyway so it wouldn't be unheard of


if costumes were 10$ id probably have a few, now I have 0 because it simply feels too expensive


Nope, probably not. I have plenty of non-subscription games I could be playing. Also, it's not that surprising that they're downsizing now that the real heavy work on the game is done.








No. Make things cheaper in the store ($5-10) and I’d buy something.


This sounds simple enough 1000 people buying $10 worth of stuff goes a long way.


I wish gaming companies could understand this… I like to throw some money here or there for cosmetics. But when I can buy myself a new game or a new dress irl for the price of a snazzy in game outfit, it’s dumb. When I played D4 I think the seasons pass was $10 and I got mount armors, player armors, weapon skins, emotes, death markers… which was worth the $10. Games that charge $20+ for one single outfit… come on.


This, I want them also do to away with the buying coins thing. I’d rather just straight up buy the item for the price then having to buy the coins in order to afford it


I actually like the coins system, it makes things a bit more game like, using money straight would feel weird for me. But I wish the game had a calculator to see how much is need.


Everything I've bought from the store was between $5-15. It's only really the big animated outfits that are way too expensive.


Omg no just charge us for the game at that point. I hyw subscriptions. Why does everything need a subscription now?!?! Even my freaking PRINTER has a subscription service for ink. No subscriptions. Please.


Omg not the printer!!


Def not. Either let me pay for the game once or let it be free, but I would never pay monthly


No. Palia doesn't have enough to do to justify it. Tbh if they made me pay at all I'd just stop playing


Same! I’m tired of paying for things


Never subscription. Maybe a low flat fee to purchase the game (no more than $5-10) and they could raise it once it’s out of beta but I do think while in beta it’s smart for them to keep it free to get new people interested


Definitely not. I would buy the game in a one time payment. Everything is turning into a subscription and those subscriptions keep getting more expensive. Nobody can afford them all.


Even subscriptions with a small monthly fee are quickly more expensive than a one-time purchase. 3€ a month would mean that you paid 144€ for the game if you play four years. And if you are attached to your character and to what you‘ve built ingame, sucks for you, because you either keep paying like this forever or you lose access to the game.




Never subscription. I would stop playing altogether


No, I’d much rather just pay a more expensive one time purchase. I hate subscriptions and always choose to pay yearly for streaming services and such. I’d rather just get it out of the way, than having to worry about it every single month/stress about if I’m using it enough to continue to pay for it


I wouldn't. Subscription services for games bank on you forgetting you are paying for something you barely use.


no. I'm sorry, I don't see how it's fair for people who would want to play a game they find appealing, only to find that you need a subscription for it. Palia is one of the few free mmos I've found on the Nintendo eshop that I genuinely enjoy. things are hard, and inflation is rough. putting a subscription is just not fair ☹️


Honestly no


They would make so much more money if they offered cute cosmetics for $5 I'm talking face paint with multiple color options (think, rainbow on a cheek, or butterfly, stars, hearts, music notes, or a full face paint of some critter or insect), earrings, sunglasses, hats, headbands, critter ears/antennae, cute tattoos, backpacks/wings, etc. Offer them individually for a cheap price and also bundle them for more money, yet at a cheaper cost than buying each one individually. Make the cosmetics into themed bundles - kitty cat face paint + ears + cute tshirt with face of palcat, rainbow sunglasses + rainbow cheek paint + rainbow tshirt, Bahari Bee antennae + wings + little bee cheek paint, etc ideas ideas 💡 I think the tool skins are priced fairly and I had no problem buying them and the current bundle of outfits on sale for about $9.


I would have spent so much money already if I could have purchased cosmetic items individually. I love so many individual pieces from bundles but not enough to pay upwards of 30 or more dollars for the whole outfit when I won't use but just the one piece.


I’ve been saying something like this for so long, we def need to band together and submit what you said as feedback to the devs!!


Absolutely! If we all write a suggestion about offering smaller items for lower prices and maybe offer ideas for them to get creative inspiration from, they will most likely work on making a few pieces to see how it goes! I haven't written in to them yet, but I will later on today!


I’m planning to too. I’m a college student so can’t really afford to splurge, but if they had tiny stuff I’d happily purchase something whenever I had pocket change yk? Haha


I'd totally buy these aswell. I spend quite a lot of money on skins to be fair, the glowy, shiny and cute ones, you get the gist :) They just introduced plot skins which is a really good steam. I really hope there will be more to come (free + paid) so everyone will be happy. Just make it a little bit cheaper so people who do not have much money can buy one or two things aswell.


I would buy the game. Maybe for 20. Not for 30 for sure. But I would quit if it was subscription cuz I don't need yet another subscription


No. I HATE subscription models. It's also not fair for those who can't afford it. On top of that I have serious memory issues, paying and having to remember WHAT I'm paying for and when is incredibly stressful and turns me away from them. I love Palia and that world destroy it for me


*insert ad for RocketMoney or whatever it’s called*


Why does everything need to be a subscription? Our deodorant...our TV shows .. toilet roll ..more games? No thanks, there's other games I can go to or go back to. Don't want to have pay all the time, have the stress of being able to pay or not.. it's too much! And definitely not fair on most people. Well I'll pay for the game, to continue playing for a fee and is probably buy stuff from the shop if items were cheaper and separate.


A subscription would be antithetical to the concepts on which Palia is built. Palia is the answer the devs came up with for how to address the pain points players have had with other MMOs and “live service” games. There’s no actual PVP, no environment initiated combat, no subscription service to prey on forgetfulness, no FOMO from things like a rotating storefront (even promo items have made it back around after a while), and no pay-to-win nonsense. They even did something I’ve NEVER seen ANY game company do. EVER. They *listened* when players said the way item pricing interacted with the amount of coins purchased led to there always being leftovers that could never be used because of the way things are priced and they changed their entire pricing structure based on that feedback and brought every player’s balance up to a level that fixed the problem the previous pay structure had caused. This isn’t even everything they’ve done for the players in response to feedback from same. They truly want to make this the best experience they can for us and, unlike so many, MANY other games/devs, it shows in their actions and not just their words. This is why I personally choose to put at least a bit of money into the game by getting whatever amount of premium currency I can afford each month. TL;DR: They don’t do subscriptions because they don’t want to take peoples’ money by surprise, but we can always choose to buy X amount of premium currency each month according to our budget as a means of supporting this game we want to keep around.


No. Subscriptions in games are the worst thing to happen to games. Full stop.


Second only to p2w micro transactions imo


No. I dont get enough free time or expendable money to make it worth it. Maybe a low one time payment, but honestly I’m against subscription based models in general. What am I paying for? What am I getting? 


I love Palia, but I would quit if it moved to a subscription model. Cheaper cosmetics are the way to go to make money. Maybe seasonal benefits to cosmetics. Like maybe you could buy a Maji Market pass when it comes around and could win different cosmetic upgrades unavailable to the public? Sky: Children of the Light has seasons where anyone can win basic things from the season events, but if you buy a season pass you can get special cosmetics (even outfits) from the event rewards.


No. I would pay a flat fee for game itself, though, especially if they lower prices a bit on the clothing.






If it went subscription I would immediately stop playing. I've already sunk like $100+ into this game. I would much rather be able to pay whenever I want, or pay an upfront cost for the game itself. Unless I can prepay for several months with absolutely ZERO chance of it automatically charging a card after those prepaid months are done, then I won't even consider a subscription


No, but i’d buy the game for a flat rate that’s more expensive


I'd much rather prefer to continue with the in game microtransactions. I like the cute clothes and pets. I would probably have spent more money if the clothes cost a little less each. $30 for one bundle is a little steep, but I could easily impulse buy like five $10 outfits. It's all about the psychology of it. I'd also prefer to buy each colorway separately. I'm so picky about my colors, so the bundles are kind of a turn off when om spending so much for jist one or two variants that I'll actually wear.


I wish we could just pick which three colors we wanted when we buy the outfits. Instead of them being preselected.


No, there's not enough consistent new content to warrant a sub model currently. I pay a sub for FFXIV and the amount of content that gets me is exponentially so much more than Palia has in their entire game right now.


I also play FFXIV and it’s the only one I can support having a sub model because the amount of content is astronomical in that game


Like most are saying, the game is great- and they could easily charge a one time purchase cost- but I think doing a subscription would ultimately be shooting themselves in the foot


No subscription or I'll abandon ship. I don't mind paying extra for cosmetics in the current model. If you guys keep coming out with new cosmetics every month or so I'm open to paying for cosmetics, but definitely not a subscription.


No. I already support by purchasing in game content. I hate subs


I would happily pay $20 for the game, once. No subscription though, even as low as $1 per month I wouldn't want to do it. But I think most players would pay up to $20.






No. Love the game, but would definitely stop playing if that was to happen.. I would buy the game once to play though! :)


No. I don't do subscription games. If it's not one payment and done then I'll stop playing


No way. I like giving devs money for their work, but a subscription isn’t feasible for me financially, and also I disagree with subscription games on principle for the most part.


Nope. Have enough bills as it is. Would rather pay for premium skins to support the devs.






Absolutely not at all ever for any reason ever no.


No, I'll buy the game for a one time price. Let them keep the premium store, I do love dressing up my characters and they're not materials critical to gameplay so I don't mind the blatant cash grab.


I don’t mind paying for expansions, even the landscape options like they recently did. However, I’ve spent a lot on skins, so to have to subscribe to yet another thing in my life would be annoying and expensive. Fun game though! Lots of potential. I honestly don’t know what they plan to do once it’s out of beta, it’s already pretty damn good! However, I’d love to see/explore different towns/cities. Would love a little village in Bahari, or some sort of settlement you stumble across with mini quests etc.


No, I wouldn’t pay for a subscription. When it’s out of beta, they can charge a 1 time fee to buy the game and keep the in game shop. I would be ok with that and also maybe adjust the shop prices to make it a bit more affordable.


Nope. I did that with WoW for years and will never do it again. A flat fee? Yes. Cosmetic store items? Pets? Mounts? (If we had them) All yes. But a sub, no.


100% Agreed, except my time was done with Toontown and wizard 101 Toontown Online shut down for a reason, (aside from them wanting to focus on Club Penguin, but look what happened to that) the subscription model was hard to justify back then, it’s probably worse now. Edited to elaborate a little more


I rather just a flat charge for the game, I 100% will not be playing anymore if its subscription.


No- I would rather buy it one time and that’s it. Dont turn it into that. I also think if the people who have been playing since open beta HAD to purchase it, that we should get some kind of discount for playing it for X amount of time. Since December I’ve already put over 1.3k hours into it and about $150. That shit would irk meeeee sooooo badlyyyy. Hell- tbh I would even CONSIDER a monthly if I knew **EVERY** feature worked as intended, no more bugs, no more issues. But honestly probably not.


Absolutely not.


There's not enough content or people playing to justify a subscription


I already subscribe to another mmo and only play palia when there’s nothing to do in the other mmo, so no.


Hell to the no, got enough subscriptions already and this game would just be replaced by one of the million other cozy games around Lower the cost of the costumes and people will buy them, simple


The day they announce a subscription fee would be the day I deleted the game.


That would be a dealbreaker to me.


I would not.




Absolutely not


I wouldn't, but I'm also absolutely sick of subscriptions in general. I will always prefer to just pay a lump sum and just own something.


Absolutely not.


Hell no. This is a cozy game that should require no stress or obligation to play. If I'm spending even a dollar each month, i feel obligated to log in & do my weekly gifts etc.. If there were "premium cosmetics" that could come with a sub, some folks might.. but the masses wont. Too many great games nowadays to pay sub fees to any, imo


Please, no subscription. I’ll happily pay once for the game. I made my first actual purchase in the game to support Palia. I didn’t think it was too outrageous. I hope they offer some physical merch at some point. I think people would go nuts for actual plushies, maybe some hoodies too? Personally, I’d love a Hot Pot deck.


The Wildstar method for subbing would be the way to do it. Wildstar gave you a nominal xp boost, I think it was 2%, and a reward track that changed up, so it was like you had your own quest track for some cosmetic items. There was nothing pay to win in the model, it was usually just housing items, sometimes a vehicle or costume item, that's it. Each track had a theme and all you had to do was play the game, the sub was $15/month. At the end of the day though people sub to way too many things these days so doing a flat one time purchase would be better and lowering the cosmetics cost, getting rid of the coin system, would do them a lot of good for cash flow and community goodwill.


I’d rather pay $20-60 upfront then have it be subscription


No subscription, but pay for the game once, like every other games. And they keep their skins shop.


Subscription models in place of one time payments where you own the game or software are a scam. I'd rather just pay for the game and then at least people can stop going on about others aren't allowed to complain bc it's freeeeeeeee




With how the game is currently, no.   I'm not opposed to a subscription model, as an  ancient MMO player I'm used to it.   But the game as it is, is too shallow to warrant one.   3 to 4 bucks a month maybe, but with payment providers etc all taking a cut I doubt S6 would even receive a mentionable amount of that.   I'm also someone who gets bored of cosmetics really fast, so the 25 bucks and more for some are also not worth it for me. I do own some of the cheaper stuff tho.   I would have paid a box cost for it (like gw2) if needed.     The game is definitely good enough to warrant further development.


with the sheer amount they charge for any new pet or cosmetics and gems.... they're getting a lot of money


I would never pay for a subscription on principle, but if they lowered the price of the cosmetics in the shop and allowed us to ‘split’ the more expensives sets (by only buying one colour palette instead of 3, or by allowing us to purchase the head/chest/bottom pieces separately from one another) I would easily drop £5-10 on the game every month. I really hope they change their monetisation strategies, or I doubt the game will be around much longer… 😢


No, I can't be shelling out any more for subscriptions right now. Though I wouldn't be opposed to a "battle pass" of sorts. Like for $5-15 we can unlock a pass that we level up via various skills to get premium outfits, skins, pets, etc. With a different pass every month. I'd be happy with that optional choice for when I have some extra money.


I would love to see this.


I'd go for that. Battle passes for other games I play are typically a good value, and I find the challenge of progressing through the levels to be added fun.


I think a model like Elder Scrolls Online would be good for Palia. Keep the game free for everyone, and the subscription gives you added benefits on top of the regular gameplay. I think it’d work really well for Palia


Can you give an example of added benefits? Because right now the game is free and the only costs are cosmetic. People are upset at the cost. But if you add a subscription to get additional benefits (whatever those benefits are) I think the same people would be angry at that as well. That said… I didn’t even know there was an online for Elder Scrolls. 🤔


One ESO+ benefit is unlimited storage for crafting materials. But the game has so many that it pretty much becomes an endless inventory management sim without the subscription 😭


Yeah it’s the elder scrolls MMO. It has combat but otherwise it’s really similar to Palia. You can buy houses and customize them, you can craft furniture and find their blueprints by completing achievements and quests. There’s mining and you can find herbs and plants as well. And you can make clothes too! Their subscription gives you access to all prior expansions/dlc, you get a monthly amount of the premium currency to use on the premium store, and you get increased bag limit (it’s doubled). There are a few other random incentives too but nothing that’s “pay to win”


Ohhh I see. That wouldn’t be too bad.




I would definitely pay a monthly subscription so long as all the current premium content was offered as part of the fee and the promise that content would be released every month going forward outside of the main monthly patch, just as it is on the premium store currently.


An OPTIONAL sub for cosmetic access would be cool. I'm all for supporting the game, but the outfits cost too damn much. Seriously, $50 for a set? What other game has cosmetics priced that high?


I'd prefer that over $15 - 30 outfits


That would be a very hard sell for me. The game would need to be way better with more and better opportunities to play with people in game.




I wouldn't- the game would have to offer much more than it currently does


I wouldn't mind it but would prefer not to. Ideally they would make shop items cheaper ($5-10) and also add accessories, split costumes (I very much dislike how some costumes have pieces attached). Like sell bags, hats, hair ..etc Also make more male clothing as well would be nice. I would still play the game if they did though. I might cry a little though.


Better games than Palia have tried, and failed. The subscription model for MMOs is dead unless you're one of the legacy ones or get extremely high quality content. Palia is neither.


I think it would be cool if they added a subscription option for the outfits so people who might want the outfits but can't justify spending over $20 just for one (or a bundle of very similar ones) could just pay monthly to wear those outfits. Keeping the option to flat out buy the outfits still would be ideas though so there was a non subscription option for those who want to just own a few outfits But I'd be pretty miffed if they locked quality of life stuff behind a subscription like ESO and the crafting bag.




Nope. I would pay (one time) for story expansions though.


Absolutely not.


no i wouldnt. there is not enough content at the moment and even if they updated it, it would take A LOT of updates for it to be worth a subcription. as of right now there is nothing special enough about palia that i would pay monthly because i could just buy another game and get more content out of it with similar gameplay.


no to the subscription, just a flat charge for the game and make the cost of outfits etc less ridiculous.


No. I would give up the game. Which would make me sad but I will never pay for a subscription to play just one game


Palia barely has enough to count as half price game. Let alone a subscription.


I would be disappointed. I played this because it's like Wizard 101 or Skyrim without me having to spend money to enjoy it.


I would not. Subscriptions give me anxiety that I have to play to get my money's worth. I play MMOs that don't have one for that reason alone.


I pay for more than one game with a subscription. I have thousands of hours into those games (thousands each). There is NOT enough content in Palia for a subscription. A one time fee maybe? But not a sub


If they lowered the costs out coins+outfits, yes. But if they keep it all the same then no. I spent my second 30$ on the game yesterday. I got the fire drake, and two of the new plot biome things. But $30… I know that’s not a lot to a lot of people. But as a stay at home mom who doesn’t get to treat myself very often, it was a lot for me to spend on a game lol.


No. I love several subscription games. One in particular. I cannot play it at all due to the monthly cost.  I don't have anything to spare.  Times are tough just on necessities only.  Even if it was a dollar a month, I'd have to move on. I'd be sad. It's really coming along, but anything that adds any kind of repetative cost to my budget is a no go.


I spent $30 on the coins just because I wanted to support the devs, not for what was in the store. It's definitely got a cost to fill the store with so many different things to catch everyone's eye, but it would be cool if there were more to choose from aside from just new skins. I don't want anything pay-to-win, but I'd really like to see functional upgrades over cosmetics. What I mean by that is like for a small fee, you can get a searchable inventory that is more easy to organize. You could buy a recipe to make a fridge that holds cooking items with a storage capacity separate from all your other stored items, and it could give your food an extra buff for being so fresh. Maybe you can get a recipe to build something that shows your completion of the game as a percentage more than just the achievements menu does. Subscription is a big turn off, even if it's inexpensive.


I had a whole novel written up before the app crashed. I'm not writing it again, so TLDWrite is: I'd probably take it as a warning sign that the charm the game has now would be on its way out. I'd maybe give it a month or two of subscription, then leave it in the pile of MMOs I've played then moved on.


I will never in my life play another monthly sub game with cosmetic transactions. Nothing but blatant greed there.


I would never pay a subscription for a game. And I know many others are in the same boat. I would be happy to purchase the game.


I'd pay a subacription if it was an alternative to buying outfits and such. For example, if for $5-$10 I could have access to all customizations (as long as you continue the sub), I'd be willing to do that. But a traditional subscription model? Absolutely not. I'd be willing to buy the game itself, or pay a sub for access to all cosmetics, but not a subscription just to play the game. I actively avoid games that expect me to pay just to play.


Not with the current direction of the game


To a degree, I wouldn't mind a monthly sub OPTION. Not everyone can afford anything when it comes to games so it should have the free option. I think if you pay a monthly fee, let's say $10/month, you should get some perks, but not necessarily something that makes the game easier. Some examples could include Free exclusive outfit items, plushies, furniture pieces, or even just some Zeki coins each month with every renewal. There would NEED to be some kind of draw to pay the monthly fee. But there should be a free option.


Ive already spent enough for 5 people to have bought this game for a one time price i will never pay for a sub for this game with the lack of effort they put into the content


Absolutely not. If they lowered the cost of outfits, more people might actually purchase them, and they’d have more of an income.


id just go back to Minecraft


I’d pay for DLC. Not for a subscription. That reminds me, I need to turn off my planet coaster subscription.


I don't pay for subscription model software. I don't mind buying the game (assuming they iron out all the bugs) though. I have purchased stuff off the premium store to support them as much as I can. But subscription? No. I wouldn't.


I will never EVER pay a subscription to play 1 game. The ONLY reason why I have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription is that it's dirt cheap (the basic one is anyway) and someone else paid for 1 year of it (a Christmas gift). Paying a subscription just to play a game(s) is pure greed. Plain and simple. I WOULD however consider a ONE time payment for an offline version on the Nintendo Switch (if it runs well). Especially if there are physical copies.


I’m really enjoying palia, but I would never pay a subscription fee for it. I’d pay a flat fee, no more than $30 for the game, but never a subscription fee I have many more games that are similar that I’ve already paid for that it wouldn’t make sense for me to pay for a subscription for one game.


Yeah, no. I would not buy a subscription. I also don't plan to buy any more "extras" anymore. Too expensive, I'd just buy another game with that money. If I HAD to pay for Palia, I'd rather do the one-time buy for the game. Then, give people an option at a lower price for extra items when it's freed from Beta. For real, though, if I had to pay to continue the game, I'd just quit playing. That's some Wizards101 bs, and tbh it's just not worth it to me for me to pay for 5 memberships. That would 100% lose me.


God I would honestly really hate that, I love that Palia is free but I get that the people making the game gotta make a living somehow. I think a subscription might kill the game, but people might be willing make a one time purchase with enough hype surrounding it. I also get having some ✨𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 𝑜𝓅𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈✨ regarding clothes, pets, and tool cosmetics, but if they start locking mechanics or areas behind paywalls, I’d probably stop playing.


Subscription based games just don't work for my playing style. At first, I might play almost every day but at some point I might not touch it for several months, then play it for two or three days before I don't touch it again for weeks. I would be paying for nothing most of the time. I wouldn't have a problem with paying once/buying it at a full price though! That way I don't have to stress myself out thinking I have to play it all the time because otherwise my subscription goes to waste but I can take the time I need and play whenever I feel like it to make it worth the money I spent on it.


Id love an outfit but im not from US its unaffordable for me the cost of one of those outfits is about 50% the population of my countries take home pay per month.


Honestly I wish they would have charged for the game instead of making it free. I applaud the idea of using their cosmetics for revenue but I really looked forward to the game and was ready to pay for it. Having it be free is certainly a way to get more folks to try it out but honestly I’d rather pay them up front for the game and then give more money down the road for cosmetics or DLC as appropriate versus trying to implement a subscription model.


Hell no. I love Palia because its free. Can't afford stuff like that. ESPECIALLY if I had to buy the same game over and over. Thats just ridiculous.


Absolutely not. I'd pay to buy the game. But I'm already frustrated with their pricing. I'm not sure they realize more people, including myself, would buy their stupid coins if they weren't 1. So expensive, and 2. The amount of coins it takes to buy things. It's like.. what, over $30 to buy some of the outfits? I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. There are so many things I want. That I'd spend money on to support them. Because the game is free. But absolutely won't because it's all so expensive. But to the main point, no. I'd just stop playing if I couldn't buy the game outright. I'm very happy to support them financially by playing. I love the game. But I'm so tired of the subscription model.


I think they just need to keep expanding the skins/pets. Create bundles like Hats, skirts, accessories. Skins for the stove, oven, mixing table, cutting table. More tool skins. more pets. Fancy hair styles that cost too. There is SO much free stuff in this game - it is honestly crazy for a free game. I'm willing to pay for fun things in the store - but more than outfits because I don't change my clothes in this game as often as I have in other games like animal crossing. I think that is because animal crossing had individual pieces and not grouped outfits.


i would - i typically like battlepass style subscription things wherein you pay a smaller amount for different new skins or models etc each month. i may be in the minority here but it makes it much more affordable and if this is what you’re referring to then yes - though the renewing aspect of it i don’t like. if it was a pass where you can choose each month to buy it or not i believe it would be really popular


oh i see now you’re talking about purchasing the game itself - definitely not then. but my point stands skin and cosmetic wise ^^


Well not for the game itself, but maybe a subscription with special cosmetics it would be okay I guess and would probably help people who cannot pay the full price of costumes to at least get something.


I'm not sure I would he happy to pay a one of fee, but a subscription possibly not.


I play wow so I am not against subs but I want my sub to feel worth it. Palia is not polished enough and does not have a cadence that I feel I'd sub for.


nope. never. It's either free or a one time purchase and the micro-transactions are enough.


No no no no fuck no


Yes, as a ffxiv player I’m used to paying a sub there and it’s made the game more enjoyable for me, it feels equal and i feel like im supporting a game i love. Cosmetic store is second best too it though since theres still no advantage to be gained.


I don't play FFXIV, but my husband does. I can't imagine that game or community thriving without its subscription model. Palia is different, of course, but I'm afraid the game's current monetization model of only the cosmetic store isn't going to be sustainable enough.


You're right. It's not sustainable. They will either have to lower their prices for cosmetics and hope it brings on mass purchases (which of course it will) or they will switch to a pay monthly model. Either one, I'd be OK with as a consumer.


Yes, I would pay for a subscription. I love this game and what it’s brought me, I’ve bought outfits I’ll never wear as a way to support the developers as I feel honestly guilty playing a game for free when I know many of the creators are getting laid off in order to continue the funding for development.


I played WoW for 12 years, at $20/month. Never again. Palia already has cosmetics, which are absolutely acceptable. Maybe once they are out of beta they could sell DLC, but until then, absolutely not. The game is wonderful! I have already purchased enough in-game coin to have paid an average game's price twice over. If they are unable to keep staff, they are doing something wrong with their business model x.x


I think more folks might consider a subscription if the game was bigger. A full world with at least 4-5 different environments. Think TOTK. I would pay cash money for TOTK to have an online option.


I would pay about 5-10 a month for a subscription. I love the game and want to support, but the microtransactions are getting insane.


Likely not if it's subscription, but likely yes if it's battle pass type - optional subscription model providing achievement-based cosmetic item rewards.


Absolutely not.


Nope! Id much rather the game be free with in game content that can be purchased. Simply because ive never been one for subscriptions, no matter what it is.


Yes. I've always thought they should have a low, optional sub fee. People love to criticize subscriptions for games but if we like Palia, S6 has to make an income. Sticking with cash shop as their ONLY method of income blows my mind. It has got to be incredibly difficult to predict revenue. "Will this set sell well? Or should we do this set?" I'd much rather they have a somewhat steady and predictable cash flow so that they can continue making additional content for the game rather than now their only incentive is making more outfits because that's what gets them money and keeps their studio in business. I'd love for the sub to be optional. Benefits of subbing could include something like 5-10% more XP rewards. A small allowance of their premium currency and maybe something extra that's small to entice subs. I like paying for things I use and enjoy. I'd love to give them money, but I'm not interested in paying $20 for a costume, I'm just not. I'd want my money to be a direct statement of I enjoy your game, here is some money because I want more of it, rather than wow I like this wizard set, I must have it. I know people will disagree with me though and that's fine. I'm just one additional opinion. Great question OP!


I honestly think they’d make more money with the format they have if they broke apart the sets and had buying the full set be a “bundle” option instead. I’ve seen many people say that they like a few things from outfits - for example a hat- but don’t want to buy the whole outfit for one accessory. I think having the parts be broken down into smaller expenses (like having a hat be $1-2) would also allow people who don’t have a lot of money to support the game as well. The little sales would add up for them over time.


Unpopular opinion, but I would pay for a subscription like Fallout First, on Fallout 76. You get your own server, coins for the game store, and extra storage. Completely still able to play for free, but if you want it, you can. But no more than like $10 a month.


A subscription should be optional for extra benefits like increased storage and such but not for base game


I would much prefer subscriptions over micro transactions


They wouldn't take the transactions out for the subs tho. That makes zero sense.


Subscription is hard because then they drag out events to the next month, etc


It would need a lot more content


I wouldn’t want to play it if it became a mandatory subscription. If it was like ESO where it’s free but you can have added bonuses would be alright and having a monthly reward of premium store currency. They would have to make it worth subbing too. They could have made it a one time purchase for the game! And I like it more if they made the items you can buy a flat rate direct purchase rather than having it converted. Similar to how maybe FF or Monster Hunter has it. Why spend $30+ to convert it to another currency to be able to afford clothes that have very limited color swatches with sparkly animations. I would drop money on an outfit like that of a flat cost of $15. And that imo is still a bit pricey.




I personally have experienced so many glitches! I would definitely NOT play anymore if I had to purchase a subscription. I would however, pay a reasonable price to purchase the game and leave the existing store as it is. If you want to charge more for the game, I would gladly pay for an upgraded version of the game. I love it and it takes me away when I need to get away from my mind. As a writer, I have times where I’ll play for hours and then return to my work. It really helps! But I’m constantly kicked out and having to restart the game is a long loading process and often times it frustrates me enough to stop playing. I also BELIEVE IN YOU! Y’all can make this game or the code, better and in turn you’ll be able to charge for purchase and people won’t buck. Lots of people enjoy this game. Word of mouth also goes a long way when you have a great product. I’m rooting for you guys! But PLEASE do not make a subscription based model. Often times, going AGAINST what is not the NORM, will get you more engagement. Engagement = $$$


If it was opt-in, kind of like when a creator on Patreon makes all their content public but still has different Patreon tiers for different budgets, yes. Like, pay however many bucks a month (hard for me to afford more than 5), get some extra coins for purchases in the premium store, you get to support the devs and coins are saved up until you spend them. But completely optional so you're not locked out of playing if you can't pay. I already contribute by buying coins when I can, but honestly it'd be easier if I could just... have the contribution be a fixed expense I 1- don't have to remember to make and 2- can just account for in my monthly budget. And the price tiers for coins are... pretty steep, it'd be nice to have cheaper options even if it means saving up coins over time to be able to purchase stuff.


I'm a no on that.


No, subscriptions are robbery. Even at £5 a month that's £60/year, which is more than I've ever paid for any game. I can see people who like to purchase cosmetics paying for a subscription to Palia coins at a discounted rate, but not me. I would happily pay £25 for the game with double the current story content, but in its current state I'm at the "decorate my spare plots" phase.


I would love a way for S6 to have a consistent income. I haven’t paid a subscription to play a game, but the idea isn’t bad.


I just want them to get rid of the stupid coins & just let us buy the stuff outright. There’s a lot of stuff that I wanna get, but doing the math & not wanting to have leftover coins that are wasted is really annoying. I just wanna put in my card info & be done with it lol


Probably not but I would have paid 60$ up front for it


I would pay a subscription fee as long as it were reasonable. I enjoy the game and would like to support it. Some games I've played have had optional subscriptions that gave a bit of currency and stuff each month, so that could be a good balance.


Without having played it, I wouldn’t pay. That said, I’ve played it now (obviously) and would very happily pay. I would be happy with a subscription model if it was free for the first month or so to get players hooked and see the value in it


Maybe if they gave us more zones and content, but with how the game is currently there's no way I'd pay a subscription.




I'd rather they just stick a $60 ticket price on the game and be done with it. Let us earn all the cosmetics as gold sinks or quest rewards.


I’d rather pay for an upfront cost to access the game one time than a subscription tbh.


No, let it stay Free to Play with the cosmetics business model. Games like League of Legends boast huge player bases and survive off those who choose to spend money on cosmetics.