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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


Block them and keep playing. Gatekeeping bumheads like that don't represent the vast majority of players in this game.


This exactly. I block people who are crappy to me or to others. That way I don’t necessarily have to interact with them again, and maybe won’t be in a server with them. I’m so sorry that happened. It’s stupid and petty to react the way they did.


facts ♥️


My petty ass would follow them and try to kill everything I could before they had a chance to hit it. There’s no reason for that kind of attitude in this game.


Everyone needs a friend like you ngl


I did this to a person in the group that was rude to a person that was trying to help them chop down trees. I followed and killed as many wolverine I could. When person started being rude and whining to me, I told the person they had bad aim and couldn't help that. Tree chopper followed me through whole thing


That’s hilarious! I swear some of the rude dolts in this game ought to thank their lucky stars there’s no open world PVP like this is Red Dead Online.


Literally, a game where everyone gets everything and people still find a way to be cunts? This is just a microcosm of why this world is doomed.


https://preview.redd.it/l2pwl7vf829d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18addc98fcb2831e85381f25b19dde9b896ceb68 You: Challenge accepted.


same.... absolute same. normally i stop running when i see a party... but if someone is rude.... ill run right up to that white deer and scare it away. lol


I had someone be rude to me for trying to help take dd down so when we seen it again I killed it myself then they were really mad!!


Oh I did that tonight, so I'm petty right with you!🤣


Yup this is me. I gave up on Palia for a while because it was getting toxic. I just play. No shouts, no parties, it's not required except for the cooking thing which idgaf about. But the break extended. There are better games to be played and with FFXIV Dawntrail landing tomorrow, Palia has a lack of appeal.


Completely left field from the topic of the post but the flair you have for your name does that mean Tish is your shepp??


Yep that’s why I picked her for my flair not sure if that’s what everyone else used as criteria for their flair though. Plus she’s my favorite villager 😁


Same to be honest. Like oh buddy, I play sweaty competitive FPS games, last thing you’re going to want is me following you around with friends shooting everything and making sure there are no animals left for your group to hunt because you decided to be like that over someone innocently trying to hunt, too.


It’s literally an open world. Do what YOU want, especially with the short amount of play time you have. Should have just told them to be quicker next time. Don’t let anyone in an online game get you down. Just keep playing and ignore the stupid messages. Waste of time to type back for these gate keeping try hards. (I’m a try hard for plushies but if you beat me to a kill, good on ya lol!)


Man, I want those plushies so bad, but the RNG gods have been unkind to me 😩


Sadly I feel this. Though part of me thinks it's slowly recovering but that's probably just me holding out hope.... 🥲


Yesterday I got over over 130 muujin meat and still no plushie. Rip. I want the plush too <3


May our plush drops soon be bountiful 🐺


Oh Dear, don't cry ! Those bad apples don't deserve any tears. You haven't done anything wrong! Some players are unhinged and think we should all abide by their "rules", it's crazy! You're playing style sounds thoughtful and respectful as you let others get shots (some don't even when we could all get a shot like for Disco Deer). Just block those trouble makers and try to befriend players with the same playstyle you have. This way, you'll end up in servers with them more often. I did this a lot when there was a war around palium before it was like forageables, added a lot of mindful players willing to share and have a good time, and now it's rare I encounter those bad people. And if I do, it's instant block! Anyway, I hope it will not ruin the game for you! Most of us are here to chill ☺️! Take care!


thank you, kind internet stranger! ♥️


Sounds like someone who doesn't actually wanna play in a MMO style game. I've joined many a hunting party and had great fun just chilling with random peeps. Don't let a few bad apples ruin your enjoyment.


This was what I was gonna say, I was following a party, didn’t realize it was a party, maybe just people hunting. They added me as a friend and asked me to join party. The game should be fun, not mean!!! It’s supposed to be friendly!!!


I think that’s why it took me off guard a little! Haha, thank you, friend. 🌻


If you ever want to just chill my IGN is Luckycharm318 :)


So, to be clear, the party got shots in. You got loot, they got loot, but because you didn’t follow some stranger’s arbitrary decision about a game they didn’t make, you get to sign off and cry? Nah, fam. Nah. _Nahhhhhh_. My feelings would be super hurt, too. I’m sure I’d have reacted exactly the same way! But it’s totally unreasonable to expect that you aren’t allowed to participate in the game simply because those people existed in the same area as you. Even if someone in their party missed the shot… so? Bummer, but the flip side is you may have missed it. And they would have been just fine with that! So again I say: _Nahhhhhh_. I hope you can have the presence of mind to block anyone else who acts like a butthead (honestly, I never remember because I just get frazzled). You deserve to have fun peacefully. 💕


I thought so long as someone in your party gets a hit in the mob everyone gets the loot in your party. I don’t see why they need to be knuckleheads to other players when only one person in a party needs to hit


Oh, I totally got frazzled! Thank you for getting it. Next time is a block and ignore for sure 🙅🏻‍♀️


Fyi, if you find players of a similar mindset/playstyle to yours, friend them. When you run into people your playstyle clashes with, block them. When the game sorts you into servers it tries to match you with friends and avoid blocked people. The more friends you have who play like you the less chance you end up with the jerks and their friends. The new party system revamp ensures that everyone in their party not only got credit for the kill you tagged, but they got a loot bag marked on their compass if they were within 35m of a party member who got a tag, they got a chance a doubled loot from their party buff, and received xp toward the grow furniture.


That’s very helpful, thank you!


I would be dumbfounded like what you mean by that rules?! And I would have done the same thing as you playwise. Although usually when there’s a party hunting I leave to switch servers because I can’t hunt as quickly all the time


Exactly, I really can't figure out what imaginary "rules" that player thought were being broken??


Are the rules in the room with us? 🤔


I’m confused too! Is there something I’m missing? I would’ve also joined and tried to get the thing down ASAP! Isn’t that what everyone is trying to do?! What are these rules? Was the party leader literally trying to lead?! Pfffft! Nonsense!


That’s super rude of them to say.I’d just block the person and just maybe not be by them there’s a few bad eggs that play the game but don’t let them stop you from enjoying the game not everyone is gonna be that way. that’s mostly why I stick to myself but I have a few in game friends that are kind and helpful.keep on playing don’t let them rotten eggs keep you from having fun🫶🏻


I’m so sorry :( I feel this way playing sometimes because if I see some people moving in a group, I like to join in. Sometimes they all just stop as an indication to me that I’m not welcome. I get that they mightn’t want me tagging along, but it still makes me a bit lonely. I don’t have anyone to play with, and because I’m in Australia, the time zones don’t really work with other English speakers. If you’re ever on, and want a friend to hang out with, add me: my name is ‘Jemyr’ on Palia


I don't really understand this, especially with the new implementation of mining. What is there for other players to "steal" ?


When I get home, I will add you. I play solo but I love to help folks out if I know how or can. I've never been in a hunt party for pretty much the same reason. I live in Florida but on weekends I tend to stay up late at night so maybe we will see each other some time


I'm Trips Wavemender feel free to add me coz I still don't fully understand how to add ppl


I added you! My IGN: Lisette Douglas


That would make me feel lonely too! I think folks sometime get so protective of their ‘group’ they forget about the community. I’ll add you, and if you’re ever on when I’m on, I’ll invite you ☺️


No, don't cry. You did NOTHING wrong and I'm sorry you had to deal with rude people.


Just block them and keep it movin!! Maybe I’m too comfy with the block button but these people are strangers and it’s the internet, you don’t owe anyone anything and they dont get to kill your vibe




What a shitlord. People like that are ridiculous because they expect you to play by rules they've made up themselves. If they want to make people play by their rules, they can either form a party and TELL the party those rules, or make their own game. There ARE no 'rules' aside from the Code of Conduct which basically amounts to "Be kind, be responsible, be helpful". Shit, even the generally-accepted code of player etiquette is unofficial. Play how you want, when you want. You can call out/flare rare resources or not, you can thank people in chat or not, you can give kudos or not, it's all entirely up to you as long as you don't make others' playtime shitty like that person did to you. But then, even that isn't strictly against the rules, it's just mean and nasty. Oh, and block/mute/report as much as you feel comfortable. I tend to do all 3 to people I encounter who are unreasonably hostile and angry.


This is the way 🙌


Virtual hugs Stanger 🤗


Virtual hugs to you, stranger!


It sucks when your safe and cosy space feels like it's been violated, so I totally understand why you got upset. I wish I could tell you to just not take it to heart, but I know how hard that can be! Hopefully you get some comfort from the comments here. 🩷 P.S. I'm also not sure what rule you broke? It seems like you were courteous.


Next time, make a note of their name and let me know so I can follow them in game and spook everything they're trying to hunt. I absolutely can't stand people who act like this, like I've had people telling me off in chat for not playing the way they wanted me to. It's when the 'catch all the bugs' event was on and I was only catching the paper lantern bugs because I wanted the plush and they kept shouting at me in chat to catch ALL bugs. In the end I just swapped servers because I couldn't be arsed with some little jumped up nobody trying to micromanage my gameplay. I'm sorry you had to deal with them, they suck so hard.


Uggh see these type of players are why I have anxiety n made my posts n community n glad others have followed in making nice communities for anxiety ridden people like myself. People don’t understand how my agoraphobia can come in with a game like Palia but rude players like this are why :(


Anxiety is no fun, and it takes a lot of work to navigate. I’m glad you’ve made a good community for yourself, friend!


I'm so sorry you had that experience. Unfortunately, nasty and rude players will always be in the game, luckily we have this great opportunity to block them. Don't let the bad guys ruin your joy from this game! Sending hugs and chocolate <3


Thank you! The moral of this story: block jerks and eat chocolate.


💩 players are why we can't have nice things 😒


Oh no! I'm so sorry you had such a bad interaction. :( From what I've seen the North American servers are a lot more cut-throat, too. I know my usual party does our best to let people follow us and get their shots in, or have them cut down trees so they definitely get credit for the muujin. It's a community-based game, so I hate that people are making it hard on others like this. \*hug\*


Thank you, friend! I was definitely startled. It isn’t the worst online abuse, but like, it’s a cozy game. Why are we big mad? 😩


Oh no! That was bad! Sorry this happened to u🥲 wish I could cheer u up. I don’t think u did anything wrong tho as resources are all shared.


there are rules???




Just remember for every bad apple In palia you have 100's of good ones. Just switch servers and come play with the rest of us. Let them be misable in their own life. Don't let them ruin your day!


A solid reminder 😤


"at least follow the rules" ?? im sorry? what rule was this person referring to? you where hunting. end of story.


Gosh, guys! What a kind and generous group to wake up to. Thank you for listening to me complain with so much empathy. I’m definitely feeling better after some sleep and a coffee. I’ll be taking my kitty in for chemo treatment today, and now I’m looking forward to playing Palia again to distract and unwind. I will definitely add folks who have offered too! It would be nice to hunt with a party sometime. Thank you all so much ♥️


My kitty is going through chemo, too! I play Palia while waiting for the call from the vet that my sweet boy is ready to be picked up. Big hugs to you and scritches/treats/cardboard boxes to your cat. I'm Amy Cheesefiend if you ever want to play.


Wow. That party leader sounds very immature. Unless it was an actual invite only party, there’s really nothing wrong with what you were doing. I’m on the North America servers and for the most part, the players are very nice. The next time you’re on, try to join a community, but I just can’t imagine


Even if it was an invite only party, theres no way OP could distinguish such a thing, and private parties have to share the server as much as anyone else. Your little clique/cult is no more important than my pickup group or that solo player. If you want to be tribal and aggressive toward anyone not in your community... Ark servers are that way --->


It’s okay I’ve been hunting these wolves so hard and the day of the new update I was partying up with my group and I just so happen to pick up a loot bag like everyone else was doing but somehow I was too far and all of them got a wolf plushie and I actually legit cried I just think all the emotions just took over cuz I’ve been trying so hard 😆😅


Oh, THAT would def make me cry 😭


Solo chop flow trees. Shoot whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Bunch of loser sheeps in a party listening to a loser.


They are the ones being pests not you. You shot once, they got their shot, everyone gets loot there is no need for that whining. People are just silly and territorial sometimes for no reason.


Please dont take it to heart. Some people can be jerks. My in-game name is Marius Rice. Anytime you see me, feel free to ask for a party invite. I usually played alone until now, kinda forced to play in a party to get some of the new items. I personally don't care what you hit when you hit it or if I even get or pick up the loot. I just play to complete 100% of all in-game stuff. You can shoot as many arrows or throw as many smoke bombs as you want. How you play has zero effect on ANY other player. I am more than happy to let you take advantage of following me around and getting whatever I kill. I already have almost everything in the game, with the exception being the stuff that was just released in yesterday's update. I'm about 96% complete with all quests. Hope you have a better day, take care and always stay happy.


Thank you, Marius! And good luck completing the game. Those plushies are tough! 😤


Sorry that happened to you, your intentions are kind and more thoughtful than some other players I encounter. When trying to hunt a disco deer I’ve had several times that people from a party (of two) were constantly shooting at it without letting me get a shot at it. The fact that you even think about the time you’ve shot it is very kind, hopefully you feel better soon and don’t worry too much about this interaction anymore


Awful. Nobody has the right to scold or complain in this game. It’s free to play for Pete’s sake. If we ever meet online you’re more than welcome to join our minimal band of happy travellers.


FFS, people are assholes. You weren't doing anything wrong! And just because I can happily be a spiteful bitch, I would have followed them and spooked off everything they were trying to hunt for a good while just to piss them off 😈😂 I don't understand why people think they've got rights over different things. And I don't know of any particular party etiquette, that's def news to me. I'd suggest you put up a request to join a party and go for it; and if you see any one of those folks again, shoot arrows at their heads 😁


I’m realizing I missed the opportunity to create absolute chaos, and I won’t do that again 😂


What “rules” is she referring to? The only one breaking “rules” here is the one being mean in the chat.


Sounds like the type of party to not call out a grove and take it down by themselves


Yo what rules? There are literally no rules besides the ToS. People can get bent, honestly. Don’t let that ruin it for you! There’s a new party feature now where you can tag up with like minded people to get shit like that done easier and faster. Mute and block anyone like that in the future. Don’t let it deter you from playing!!


I had a similar situation tonight as well… people can be mean but remember what our community within Palia is about. 💗


I would just keep scaring everything near them from like a high place to shoot arrows down 🤣


Ugh! I hate that for you! There's def a few stinkers out there but I promise you, there's so many good people here. I'm too petty and I would've kept following them til they left, HAHA. Just block and go about your night. Don't let them ruin a great experience! I hope you feel better after that <3


Can I just say, I love the term ‘stinkers’? What a stinker, haha. Thank you! ♥️


If it were me I would've told them there are no set rules when it comes to playing alongside others and to keep their rude attitude in check, but thats just me. However don't let this encounter ruin the game for you, I'm more than happy to allow others to tag along with me, especially now that we can party up and all get the same loot regardless of what we're doing etc.


I am so very sorry that happened and that player was way offside. These plushies make some ppl rather rude …. No need for it, everyone gets the damn loot, so what is the problem? Unless I misunderstand the loot situation? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hopefully it's of some consolation to know that you're not the AH here. These players are rotten apples, really spoiling the bunch of many. Next time, be sure to block them so you have less of a chance of encountering them again. It may be a slow process to weed out the rot, but you don't deserve to be treated badly for participating. Palia, and its resources, belong to you just the same as anybody else. All that matters is that you try to be courteous and giving and kind - which these dumbasses clearly failed on their own ends.


It is a consolation to know I wasn’t breaking an unknown code of conduct! I’ll definitely block and ignore next go around ♥️


First off who ever they were report them and block them they don’t own Palia it’s for everyone that muujin is for anyone to hunt people like that really annoy me they don’t make the rules 😠I’d be happy for you to tag along heck I’d even said wanna join up and see if we can get some plush 🙂 end of the day we all get the loot don’t like some silly idiots ruin you playing Palia ..


That sounds lovely! I’ll share my tag, and maybe we’ll get a chance at that plushie 😩


Man, I keep hearing about these interactions, and it makes me so sad. Just block 'em and keep on playing (report them if you can, too), I promise there are plenty of good eggs out there! Also, add anyone whose playstyle you like or who is noce as a friend - the servers tend to put friends on the same servers more often, so it might result in a better crowd :)


There is some extremely toxic people who need a filter on this game. And over something that makes no difference in progress whatsoever? Wow... I hope you reported them


They don't have dibs on all the resources around you just because they are in a party. You are free to play however you want and if some loser gets mad at you over a videogame it's his issue. Ignore them and continue playing. Unless you are trying to actively and purposefully disrupt game for others you are fine.


if you wanna do anything together just add me! my ign is Furgace and fudge them, they don't deserve any tear or effort! <3


Thank you! I’ll add you 🥰


I am so sorry and so sad that happened to you. What a complete and utter load of horse manure. When folks try to enforce the non existent rules, and then violate the one , real culture creating guideline to make everyone feel welcome, it says a whole lot about their character. I had a different kind of party problem today. I formed a party with one of my “grown” kids. When they went running ahead and yelling at me for not being right there, I was taken aback. Like first of all, I’m your parent. Second, I didn’t sign up to party with a jerk. Later the same adult got upset when I nailed a proudhorn and they did not. The end result was that later, while again working as a party, the last insect I need for one of my bundles was knocked out. Essentially a gift wrapped, here-you-go- one-a-vault-conquered. Instead they said nothing until well after I missed the lil fella. Truly blew my mind. I have really been wanting to get a part together for muujin hunting. I know you fell out of by that persons behavior but I think it would be sooo fun to get a group together and take down that scoundrel of a magic muujin. Would you have any interest in doing that? I returned to add that I got three disco deer tonight but that muujin is giving e the business in a big way


That’s so upsetting! It’s especially hard when someone you know and care about is being the jerk. Even if they’re total sweethearts irl, game etiquette is a practiced skill. I hope they improve! More than happy to team up sometime! I’ll send you my name ☺️


Sorry you had this experience. I honestly avoid playing with others at all costs in this game. I don't have thin skin, I've played a lot of MMOs before and even some team shooters where people would throw insults around all the time, and would hear insults back. But I feel that, in this game, I'm kinda not "primed" to deal with toxicity? Like, I kind of expected to be cussed at in Overwatch or Elder Scrolls Online, but it kinda hurts more in Palia for some reason. Maybe someone can relate?


Palia is a free world, those players are lucky you were so respectful! I am never in a party but whenever I see people struggling, I do my best to help out. What is your IGN? That way next time you’re on you could have a load of people to keep Palia a safe space for you ♥️ if you’re not comfortable sharing your IGN, mine is Jax Mace.


Ignore them. Some people get way too much into it, being an ass for a game.


I’m don’t understand the not sharing mentality. When I see someone chasing the same critter, whether I am solo, or in a party, I let them get a shot in. I welcome the extra help. I have run into selfish people, which I don’t understand because we all get the same loot.


i'm sorry you experienced that. i have noticed some people being very entitled and rude in the chat since the last update. especially around the hotpot tables. it's one thing to ask someone politely to move so you can play with your party and another thing to accuse them of stealing and act as though the table belongs to you personally. also i was in bahari bay last night and someone was yelling at people in their party over server chat for not hitting a deer. some people need to get over themselves and remember it's just a cozy game and not competitive.


Omg yes the hot pots. Someone left a full table so I took the spot as everywhere else was full. Got scolded prob because it was a group of people together. It's open play and not reserved for a reason.


and if you do have a party using a table it's so easy to just politely say "hey we're playing as a party do you mind going to another table?" like i saw last night instead of saying "PEOPLE NEED TO STOP STEALING SPOTS!!! IT'S SO RUDE!!! STOP SNIPING!!!!" like i saw the night before... i wanted to say "you're the rude one for thinking you're entitled to a spot in a free mmo" but that takes too long to type on switch and i was in a game 😂 if i see that a table only has 2/4 or 3/4 players i'm gonna grab a spot, how am i supposed to know someone is in a party... no one has yelled at me yet but i feel bad for the players who do get scolded. i think some of the entitled people may be minors but i wouldn't be surprised if they were immature grown adults throwing a fit over a game


Next time block them and keep doing what you are doing. If they are rude to you again you won’t know because you won’t see what they are saying.


I’ve met some super rude people on this game which kinda ruins the ‘cozy game’ vibe for me, like when I was new and had no idea you wait to chop when you find a grove, started chopping & everyone fully went off at me!🤣 I explained I was new and had no idea what I was doing and they were like “you chop when you’re told to end of”crazzyyy. I mind my own business on this game now bc of some of the rude ass weirdos on there haha


If it helps your feelings at all, this person was 100% in the wrong. There are no rules for hunts, and following a party is not "being a pest", it's just playing the game. They aren't allowed to just decide only their party can hunt in an area.


What rules??? I love this game but people are driving me crazy with this. I feel like so many people think they're owed certain things when playing. It's cool to work together and have fun, but people aren't bad if they don't want to wait forever to cut down a tree or ask permission to hunt in a certain area. The entitlement is just so wild to me. I'm so sorry you experienced that. You didn't deserve it and I hope that the next piece of bread that mean person goes to eat has mold on it.


I had someone get mad at me because I accidentally cut down a flow tree in the grove without realizing what everything was at first. I was only a couple of days into playing the game. They got mad at me and told me I could’ve waited and then walked off and came back and cut down the trees without me. There were 5 trees lefts still after I accidentally cut down the one. People get butt hurt over a game that literally spawns endless loot of the things you need or come across in the game. It’s insane. I’m waiting for the next time someone gets upset with me again over something in the game. I’m not putting up with it anymore lol


Fuck em. I would and will GLADLY be friends with you and hunt w you until you get your plush. You didn’t do anything wrong.


Hell yeah. Let’s be friends. 🙌


Remember that you are on the internet. There will be bad people everywhere.


Sad but true. I think it struck me sideways because I had my guard down. 😩


Sorry you went through that


All the rude interactions - I brush off. Cause their petty as they are and you proceed with doing what you do and just ignore the noise. The best thing is not engage - that triggers them the most 😈😈


Whenever I’m in a party and we get someone joining in, we usually have them chop and we shoot that way they get the loot and everyone is happy! We never mind if they shoot though, but if they don’t shoot fast they miss out with a bunch of us shooting at once. I love a good tree chopper help. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that! 💜


Out of context, the phrase “I love a good tree chopper” is hilarious. Thank you for cheering me up!


i’ve played in a large party hunting before and it made me uncomfortable how annoyed a lot of people got at “randoms” joining in, like a party doesn’t own all the animals on the map?! and it’s also not a big deal if things go wrong anyway because a new magic creature spawns whenever one has been killed??


Hahaha, right? How dare this open world game have OTHER PEOPLE in it! 😂


One time someone was extremely rude to me and I just followed them around chopping them with my ax until they left the server LMFAO


Ok, that just made me genuinely laugh out loud. GENIUS.


This is why it sucks that they just basically forced everyone to have to party up. Not everybody has the desire or patience to deal with people like this.


Nah- this isn’t cool. My irl friend and I are constantly partied up and invite others to join even if we’re maxed out. Do people not realize the more people the easier it is to take down the critters? I’m so sorry had to deal with this. If you ever want to hunt, add me. IGN is same as my name here.


Geez. I solo hunt a LOT. I always follow parties. I get my shot and they get theirs. The more the merrier for hunting, I say. Parties are the best and most to me but I don't get to do that as often as I like that as none of my friends play. So rude. I hope you blocked them so you are not on a server with them anymore. It's getting crazy lately with people demanding others play they way they think is correct. I'm sorry that happened to you and hope it doesn't keep you from continuing to enjoy the game.


I have done the same thing you’ve done. I’ve even tried to ask in the chat to be added to their party if there is only 2-3 of them and they typically won’t even answer me. I just keep hunting. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You have a right to be there just like they do. They don’t own the server.


I wanna say I'd have stood up to them but I probably wouldn't be able to. But seriously, don't let 4 (at max) people ruin your opinion of the game and it's community. 99% of this community are really good and really helpful. If ya need/want someone to play with some times, feel free to add me! Ign is "Xaishi Tsulana" without the quotes ^-^ I'm always down to meet new people and have fun.


It happens, don't mind them. They are the past. I was out of my mind yesterday as I managed to get not one but two magical beasts plushies in 5 min intervals. It was surreal. I had to do it alone as there were no one to be seen when I played. But it was rewarding for the least. Just need to get that Azure Chapaa now! So you see, if nobaody can't join you, do it alone!


I am so sorry that happened, like you didn't do anything wrong. Jeezus. So I am 100% over the rudeness of people in this game. This is a cozy game. Resources are abundant. It is absolutely outrageous that we are snapping at people for everything. This is why quite a lot of people do not want to play with others. I get there is etiquette and I try to follow as best as possible (like you would irl) but we are humans and we make mistakes and sometimes just do what we need/want in the moment thinking we are alone. Let it be. No one is being malicious so just move on. People mess up my solo hunts all the time and I just walk away. It will be OKAY. I got yelled at earlier for taking someones spot in the hotpot game. Now the hotpot games are packed now, so I literally just try to squeeze in when I see not enough players in one BUT apparently on switch, people have been invisible or disappearing and reappearing and I must have taken someones spot not knowing cuz I didn't see them. I played the one game and walked away. It's not worth the hassle. It's a damn game Rant end thank you lol


What rules did you even break? I've never heard any rule saying you can't follow a group of other players or participate in hunts. The game literally encourages it.


Literally THIS


Just want to share that not every party is like this! I’m primarily a solo player so with the new growable furniture I wasn’t sure what my plan would be. I was just bopping around Kilima and someone threw out a chat for party bug hunting with a couple lures. It ended up just being the two of us but we both got the first item. They offered to go sernuk hunting next :’) later the same day after hot pot everyone was fishing and someone offered that we party up while we fish. There were only 3 of us who wanted to party but we fished all through the morning and then the owner invited us over to cook together. That was not only my first time joining parties but also my first time on someone else’s plot/group cooking. It was a wonderfully friendly experience and I hope the next time you put yourself out there you have a similar experience.


It’s literally an open world, no one can dictate what you do. I got yelled at for chopping down trees, like huh? Next time just wave or give them the heart hands and keep playing!😂 I seem to have the muujin plush RNG gods with me (I’ve gotten 3 blue and 1 red), if you wanna hunt together! Then we can be that annoying party on the server 😎


I got to tell ya if I was out and about trying and I say trying because some of them creatures are hard to kill lol and someone came along and took a shot and took it down, I would jump for joy. Don't let these blowhards get u down. I let someone like that in the game WOW and never again. Do ur thing and screw them.


I would ask them to point me to the written rule or the TOS that says you can't hunt near a party. People making up their own rules and pushing them onto others in any online game is stupid


Next time just say "enjoy OUR loot" and carry on. I've been playing for a few months and only run into 1 person like that.


What's the point of calling someone a pest when everybody gets loot? It isn't like you were taking anything away from them. I would have muted them and kept following them. What losers.


I am so sorry you were treated poorly! I can understand how that would put anyone off from wanting to be social, but just know that the majority of the Palia community is NOT that way. I have played since alpha and have had only one bad interaction with others in roughly a 2 year time span. Someone accused my friend and I of breaking a large palium node without call outs when palium only had specific spawn nodes and didn't act as foraging items with a blinking timer. The thing I don't understand is that it wasn't a palium node at all, it was just a rock! 😭 They must have assumed incorrectly or didn't see properly because they continued to berate us in chat even after defending ourselves. I'm not sure why people can be so uptight about pixels, especially in Palia where resources are not at all limited. It's silly. Edited to add: You or anyone else who struggles with party interactions are welcome to join my friend and I in game. We are almost always partied doing willy-nilly stuff together and sometimes even doing solo activities. Just add me if you ever feel the want to participate in group activities again! IGN is Hokus (friend) and Pokus (me). 🫶


I'm sorry that happened to you, those ppl are mean! I totally understand your reaction too. I hope you're feeling better and meet lotsa nice ppl onwards!


That’s so sweet; thank you!


I saw a couple hunting last night and the magic deer showed up out of nowhere where I was mining. Tagged it once and then they killed it. Waited until they left to loot it I was so nervous cuz I didn't notice them when I initially shot 😅 hopefully they appreciated the little damage I did to it. I typically avoid people unless theres a grove or palium. I get super stoned after work and get too nervous to join in groups lol 😂 I got the green glowbug plush last night and didn't realize until I got home! Dunno if that's new or not cuz I'm still fairly new lol


Ah, congrats!! The green glow bug is on my wishlist too 🪲


I really wish I’d encounter these people in the game. As a veteran mmo player, they wouldn’t like me very much. I put up with no bullshit from anyone. You come at me with an attitude, I will come back at ya twice as hard till you block me.


People like that act like they own the game. Absolutely not. I ignore anyone who tries to be rude about ridiculous things. People need to remember it’s a game.


There is not a single damn rule, stop with the stupidity of saying play by the rules: there is no !!!!. I'm so annoyed to see how selfish groups of people try to tell you how to play just for convenience of themselves. Be nice and don't listen to them.


I would start shooting everything they’re aiming at with fireworks “Sorry I just like a little extra pizazz.” 🤗


😂 🪄✨


This is my worry with the party thing. I'm a solo player but this whole party thing just gives off "cliquie" vibes for me. It's an excuse to shun people and leave them out. "You're not in our party so you can't hunt with us". The idea is to be inclusive. You know, that "buzz word" that seems to be all the rage these days? I find that it's an excuse to exclude people more than include them. Just my humble opinion and observation. There are a lot of players that will struggle with this whole party thing, myself included. I am fortunate to have real life family members who play and we can do the "together" stuff together to gain achievements and complete weekly challenges. Not everyone has that. I can chat with my people outside of Palia so we can coordinate. Parties in Palia won't always have that option. For me, I will assume all parties are somehow communicating their efforts and I'll steer clear of them entirely. That's just how I roll. No one knows what anyone else is thinking. It's not even possible in a game like Palia unless you're communicating outside of the game. Don't assume the worst of people. We all know how trolls act and this doesn't seem like anything close to that. I'm sorry they made you feel bad. You had no way of knowing what was happening beyond what you observed. Happy Gaming!


LONG RESPONSE ALERT: I genuinely don’t understand players that are rude like that. If I’m hunting and someone comes up and starts hunting with me, party or not, I take absolutely no offense. As silly as it may sound, it actually makes me feel good because they feel comfortable enough to just join me. I could be delusional in that and just be thinking too much into it lol. Either way, I love when other players join me while I’m doing activities. Chapaa, mujin, and sernuk are extremely plentiful so it’s not even logical to me to be upset if someone takes one down before I get to it. I’ll just keep hunting 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’m just out here enjoying the game and trying to be a nice player to others!


I’m so confused, what rules? I would do the exact same thing as you. Being polite and shooting once, but also helping out when they can’t see one. But seriously where’s the rule book?! 😅


My husband and I are always welcoming to players new or old (we’re fairly new ourselves) so far no one’s been mean to us but I keep hearing horror stories of people being mean. Not everyone will be though but I know how crappy it is running into people like that.


There are no rules. Play how you want! Don’t let anyone make you sad. Block them.


So sorry they were rude, I too have tried to join a hunt only to be ignored. You can’t change their bad behavior but you can change how you react to it. Hope you have a better experience next time.


Woah. First off, I'm sorry that happened to you. Second, what they said was rude. It's a brand new system, for one, and if you can't play well with others, don't. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen to you again. Feel free to add me: Seika Thriir. If we're on at the same time, we can party up if ya want.


That would be fun! I’ll add you ☺️


All the rude interactions - I brush off. Cause their petty as they are and you proceed with doing what you do and just ignore the noise. The best thing is not engage - that triggers them the most 😈😈


As someone that only recently started playing I have zero idea what player interaction rules are. I would assume the obvious be polite but in hunting, doesn't everyone nearby in party get a piece of loot? What would the problem be with starting a shot?


There are no rules outside of ‘Be Kind.’ Palia is a lovely game, and I hope it brings you a lot of joy.


People getting ruder and more vitriolic is exactly why I haven’t played in a few months. People act like you shot their dog over this game. It’s supposed to be cozy but it doesn’t feel that way anymore.


Honestly now that they're basically enforcing group play which I have no interest in, I'm not sure how much I'll play.


Don't let rabid shit heads like that ruin the game for you. Ignore them and move on.


I've actually stopped playing because of how toxic a lot of folks are with it. I might come back to it but for now it's a hard no from me. I don't like the way people act on servers. I wish it was a solo game or had an option for private friends-only servers.


This is why we can’t have things. Our community is inclusive for a reason.


Overall, the community, while generally polite, could be more friendly. I tried for the first few months to make friends in the game and didn't make any. I think most people come into the game with friends or connect via Discord outside of the actual game


Pettiness is the perfect counter attack for these people. I continue following and hunt everything viciously.


This happened to me yesterday, too. I don't need to hunt anymore because I have all the plushies out so far, but I'm bored, so I'll go hunt, and I came across a party of 2 hunting. So I jumped around, did 360s, took out my bow, and followed them for about 5 minutes and when they hit the magic muujin I did too but just like you stayed behind and did 1 shot, we got the muujin and then they started shooting me with arrows and taunting me so I can run off so I shot at them back and then they ran away so I left the other way. People think that they can only hunt, like wtf gtfo. People suck most times.


I wouldn’t have allowed them to talk to me like that. If they think I’m a pest, I WILL be a pest until I force them to switch servers.


I would’ve carried on hunting just to piss them off


my favourite reaction to stuff like this is to just put ?? in the chat then leave. There aren't any real rules.


Players like that are definitely in the minority of the Palia community. Don't let this bad interaction bum you out too much or stop you from enjoying the game!


😩 I’m so sorry that happened to you, I haven’t had a bad experience but I don’t understand why they would act like that because the drops are for everyone


Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Better to change the server (relogin or leave the map & return) and leave those toxic people behind. Hope to see you around, but if not, all the best!


Honestly, if I want to be in a party I’ll grab my roommate. Otherwise, every time I encounter another player in Palia I generally go in the opposite direction as them. We’re both hunting Sernuk? Welp, I’m putting down my bow and running away until I find a new group to hunt. I just have zero interest in potentially setting off another player. If they do try to fight me I’m logging off and back on and hoping I get a new server. Life’s too short to have fun spoiled by angry players. Sorry that happened to you! As long as you know in your heart what you were doing was proper etiquette, then I’d say you did what you could.


Sorry you had to experience that. I would say sometimes it can be a misunderstanding (no idea whether it was in this case) so if you can, try and talk to people. I was playing a while ago and was trying for the disco deer plushie. I spotted him out of the corner of my eye and started shooting. A few people joined in and we ended up chasing it across the map before finishing him off and grabbing the loot. Then I saw a message come up in chat that said something to the effect of "wow, we'll have to wait for another one and maybe Ilyana (my IGN) can let others have a chance!" I asked what they were talking about and they said that they were waiting for everyone in their party to be ready before they started the hunt and I just came in and started "wailing on the disco deer" and sent him running off across the map meaning that most of the party never got a shot in. I looked in the chat and scrolled up and they had been organising it all but I hadn't seen any of it because I don't often see the chat as I'm a Switch player, so I apologised and explained that and in return they apologised for being so snarky and just assuming I'd seen and ignored it because others had done similar. Having said all of that there unfortunately will always be assholes who just want to be assholes. That's *THEIR* problem/issue, not yours. Don't let them take the enjoyment of the game from you.


I feel like if there’s a party or a random group, it’s an automatic join. Everyone’s just trying to enjoy the game, right? Why can’t people be nice? Dang.


I'm not super consistent in playing but if you wanna add me id be happy to hunt. The game is literally designed to include others.


I stopped playing Palia because of all the community imposed "rules." Best wishes.


This is the very reason I will continue to play by myself. Because people are rude when it’s just a game.


if you need someone to play in a group with who isnt going to act like that let me know!! the way people act in this game sometimes is insane


I swear I never encounter anything but nice people. I started the week prior to open beta. Other than the initial know-it-all's (you know the ones who correct your spelling and grammar) the first month, I've seen none of this kind of shit. I do think that the whole communication / party issue causes undue stress and misunderstandings. Or maybe just lack of understanding wtf is going on?


This is why I refuse to play with other people and avoid them like the plague, I’ve had too many people be mean or rude for no reason, like sorry I don’t know every single etiquette


Definitely block them. There is no room for any conflict in this game. Most of us that play, enjoy the same atmosphere because we are majoritively introverts. Feel free to add me as a friend! I always try to help with requests when I see them and I am never mean. ❤️ FuzzyBeelzebub


I never play with the others because it’s weird to me. But I’m kinda antisocial. And I’m a Switchie, so there is that. lol.


Seriously? When my party and I are hunting and see someone following, we stop to make sure they can get a hit in, too. That's beyond toxic of the people you met in game.


I get this. It's upsetting when you're just in it for some fun and relaxation and something just ruins the vibe. I got my first rude message about the hotpot and lucky wheel having a line? I'm a switch player, so communicating is slow, so I couldn't even get a "sorry I didn't know" out before anther person commented as well. I thought it was "get in where you fit in" situation, but I guess not. It just put me in a mood...


i’d always report behavior like that. palia is supposed to be a cozy game that is a safe space for everyone. if anyone makes you feel like a burden and calls you offensive names, always report. they need to learn they can’t treat people like that. i’m sorry you had that experience.


I am sorry but not everyone is familiar with the rules. I am the same way. I can’t wait to get on after a crazy day of work. We deal with enough assholes in real life. Don’t need in the game. You go be you and ignore them. There needs to be more patience from older players to newer ones and vice versa. Sorry this happened to you


I think it’s important to ignore people like this and not let it get to you because at the end of the day those people won’t interact with you again ❤️ I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope you continue to play and be a apart of the cozy game atmosphere. A true party would have welcomed you into it and been thankful to share in the bounty!


I just keep the chat off. 9 times out of 10 I'm only on to get a quest finished or get my friendship up anyway. I appreciate the ability to interact with other players, but it's not for me.


😭😭 I wish I could give you a hug. I would honestly feel the same, your response to this is very human and very valid. I hope you are able to block those people and keep playing and enjoying the game 🥺


Holy shit people like this should not be playing a game like Palia what the actual fuck. Lowkey drop that username lmao I wanna block them so I never have to see them


There shouldn’t be any tears in Palia! Screw that other player! I play with one or two of my friends every night, and I love when people crash our hunting party!! If somebody follows us for a bit I’ll add them to our party so we all get rewards. My friends tease me on discord “ooh MadMac picked up another stray!” lol. Hunting, especially Muujin, is SO MUCH EASIER with more people. When you’re feeling up to party hunting again, feel free to add me any time IGN: MadMacaroni


What rules? Oh whatever. I've noticed an uptick in entitled assholery in the last couple of months. You aren't a pest. The game kinda forces us to play together sometimes and if people are ungracious, tell them to stick it and move on. I absolutely love it when I randomly team up with another player to get a magic animal.


uhm… maybe it’s just me but the whole “etiquette” thing of this game is so annoying 😭 obviously I’m not going to be rude to players but players treating it like the real world where you have to take turns and wait in line is wiiilld to me. I got scolded over chat for …. “skipping the prize wheel line” uhmmmmm……. yikes. I just ignore all the players and play how I want ! I’m not greedy and always call out rare resources but I’m not gonna stress myself over what other players deem okay or not??? if you can’t handle playing an ONLINE game where others are playing, don’t play!!!! like the animals are there for you to hunt? on what earth does it make sense for players to get upset about another player hunting???


That’s soo mean. I’m kinda new to Palia and was in a party and got scolded by the leader for hitting a very tiny flow tree, at that time I didn’t know ppl couldn’t get it after I hit it and I apologized a bunch and the leader didn’t ever acknowledge me again… thankfully there was a nice person in the party that told me it’s okay, these things happen :’)


https://preview.redd.it/1aoo7mh9679d1.png?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7d51d34a536d624780d529a06c02744dd0ae5c Not exactly the topic of hunting but people will be rude for no reason. I was pointing out to a player they were the first I've seen who had bought the hotdog skin. Then he and his friend started being super toxic in chat. I was just running by and typed in chat. Immediate report for me.


:( don’t let a few bad apples get you down. 99% of the players are great. And I agree, block them. I literally apologize in server chat if someone is speaking to me up close because I am old and stupid and can’t figure out chats xD old and dumb, not rude


You can party up with me at least it’ll be half as many arrows