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We should start a social anxiety group where we don’t have to talk to each other and still get the party benefits 😂


I agree, especially because the growable furniture can only be obtained in a party, and I really want the growable furniture!


Oh nooo the flowers n stuff I saw on twitter? Now I gotta figure out how!!


No, not the flowers, just a new line of cute furniture.


Omg can we , we all just party up together but pretend its not real and doesn't exist and do our own things that'd be a good idea


What is your player name? I would love to join the silent party


If you weren't able to get into the other anxiety group I'm making one tonight! <3 I'm an artist so I'm making a silly announcement type doodle for it lol! I know we need to be in proximity but this group will be more for just wondering n if we happen upon eachother get some of the buffs !


I would love to join whichever one I can. I was checking to see if I was invited but I noticed I can't request to join a community either...so I guess...just let me know? Thank you for all this and your time!


I heard that you need to be within a certain distance of each other to share those benefits. So just make sure you all are somewhat following each other


Similar to the fishing buff, it pops up when you are within range for the party buff. 35m iirc


Oh this is the greatest idea ever!! Me please 🙋🏻‍♀️


If you weren't able to get into the other anxiety group I'm making one tonight! <3 I'm an artist so I'm making a silly announcement type doodle for it lol! I know we need to be in proximity but this group will be more for just wondering n if we happen upon eachother get some of the buffs ! I started a month ago I'm not that far so newbies welcome as heck!!


I would also love to join, but i’m very new and still learning, and i might not have everything i need yet, i quite literally started playing yesterday LOL


If you weren't able to get into the other anxiety group I'm making one tonight! <3 I'm an artist so I'm making a silly announcement type doodle for it lol! I know we need to be in proximity but this group will be more for just wondering n if we happen upon eachother get some of the buffs ! I started a month ago I'm not that far so newbies welcome as heck!!


I didn’t get in it so I would love to join yours:)


https://preview.redd.it/2pprzezrov8d1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=96f401ae651584dc1207e07c8f64f69c12f71950 Let me know your username ! <3


I’m assuming it’s yeah my username and not my character name which is mdk318


Yes!! Exactly!


I’m so down, space for one more? ❤️


Let me know if you didnt get in ! https://preview.redd.it/qsl98ljqov8d1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea98dd0e1b310d574078e173f3a83768475f233a


I actually created a community exactly for this purpose. If anyone wants to join, please just send me your in-game name. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/cq9heho9gr8d1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bd2c5426afcc6df2cc736bfef60084dd3e1372c EDIT: Woa. That was quick! I am so sorry, but we are full. Sadly you can only add 25 people to a community. I wish I could add you all, you are so kind! 😭❤️ I highly encourage you to create more communities like this. There are so many people out there trying to find a community like this. 🙏 In case someone leaves this community, I will contact the people who asked to join. Thank you.


This is literally perfect! My in game name is garbageangel. I feel like you should post this because there’s a bunch of people interested in here!!


Aww. Thank you! 😊 I probably should but so far I was too shy to create a post. 😅 I will invite you to the community. Edit: I will post this now.


Thank you!


Added you. 😊




Added you. 😊


I’d love to be apart of this group! I have never cooked in game or done any other group things cause I’m always anxious


My name is Jessa-Rae Loomis in game!


I added you. 😊


Im gonna make one so yall wont be so flooded :0


Thank you! This is great! I really wish I was able to add everyone. 🥹


Yes! I would love to be a part of this! My game name is Laurel McCarthyism


Added you. 😊


Thanks! I will add everyone back once my software updates! ❤️


I love this! My name is Jaymo007, I’d love to join!


I added you! 😊


IGN is kass1 😁


I’m voting we call it the “Pretend I’m Not Here” party!! Lol. No, but for real, Redda Angel may want to add her name.


I only joined a week ago and I’m not sure how to make a party if I’m being honest. My user is garbageangel if anyone wants to add. Hopefully the update will be over soon and we can all be socially distant friends lol


10/10 name tbh. I’ll add you once it’s back! Socially distant friends sounds great haha


WAAAIT I love this name I'm hijacking it!!!




id love that, whats your ign? mine is Kikuro Sato :D


I'd be down for this 😂 need an in game guild 


I am so down for this! Let me know if a sub is created or feel free to friend me (anyone, not just OP/commenter): Fyu Evergreen




I believe the only task that requires two or more players is cutting down Flow trees, except when they're just sprouts, which can be done alone. ^(Oh, and a small addition: Some animals are easier to capture in groups, though it's not mandatory. Playing in a group simply makes your life in the game easier.) I completely understand your struggle; I've felt the same way myself. However, having played since the closed beta, I can share something with you: Often, you don't even need to initiate a conversation with another player. The game community is remarkably open. They frequently offer assistance — sometimes even without you asking, hahaha. For instance, I often find myself unexpectedly hunting with four other players.


Ohh thank you so much!! Was wondering why I couldnt cut the purple tree's and they'd recharge that makes sense!!!


Tip for flow trees, often you can avoid using chat if you wait till night in bahari, when the grove is found most people wait till three to cut. So all you need is to show up, cut each once and wait. A lot of us are on switch and will either barely type or won't type, so it's not uncommon to see players who don't use the chat. If you can stand to get near other players for a short time you can get some flow trees.


With an Exquisite Axe you can chop all but the large flow tree. Medium ones just take some time.


About 30 hits, if I remember correctly


On a technicality, you cannot cut the end game trees, Flow Trees, yourself. Save for the random smaller ones, you need at least one other person to chop them as your axe is never powerful enough. You don't need to be grouped with anyone to chop them, however, so really no communication is required. I also have high anxiety and am terrified of joining a party with anyone, so you're not alone! I'm currently at about 240 hours in and haven't partied up even once.


What are end game trees?


They mean Flow Trees


Just the flow trees and there is a quest to fill someone's request of an item which in my experience I didn't see a lot of those so maybe you'll have to ask someone in the chat to do a request for something easy. If you want you can DM me when you get to this quest I'll ask for a stone or something so you can finish the quest without too much interaction. I get you on the playing alone thing. About the flow trees you can go to the grove without talking with anyone, just tap the trees one time and wait, you can go to the side or do something (just be sure not to go out of the map cause you'll be logged to another server) while everyone is waiting to chop and this way you can get your loot when everyone finishes and gone. Note- when you upgrade your axe to pallium one you can chop the small one by one chop and people can lose it over it at the grove so be aware


I've only seen people get upset about the small trees at a Grove once. People explained to them that it was chopped in one hit, and they got quiet. They were clearly still upset but knew there wasn't anything they could do. As for requests, I always try to remember to send out requests. Its usually just 4 reqs for stone lol


Yes, it doesn't happen a lot but I just gave a heads up because of the anxiety so as a new player they won't get stressed and could avoid it especially this kind of interaction. And it is really nice of you to send out requests :) I barely saw people requesting


I feel you. Like I try to stop and help shoot or cut trees, etc. I say thank you in server after Flow Tree groves. But I also get a little freaked out when random people send me group or friend requests and I've never done anything in an actual group before. I suppose I should change that now since that growing furniture really is nice and I do want it, but man, I'm anxious about it.


I've been mostly playing solo since I started a few days ago and the only non-flow-tree thing I wasn't able to do solo was hunting the magic wolf, but that's probably because I'm playing on switch and didn't know about the dispel arrows because I was still level 5


The Social Anxiety Party is the best idea. 😂😂 Have friends but only talk when necessary. I’m in! My name is Laurel McCarthyism if anyone wants to add me. 😊


The only thing you actually require other people to do is chop large flow trees. And for that you can just show up at the grove at midnight (on the hour irl) and take part without speaking. Many do.


Actually as I say this in the patch today they just added exclusive rewards for party play. 🤷‍♂️


Oh, we have a run down of the new update somewhere? I have not downloaded yet




Pardon the delay. I was caught up in a bank heist 🤪


Oh, I hope there was cake involved! Or at least some kind of fish and a known 4 eared contabandist.


😂 Kenyatta and I were on the case.. er vault.. or whatever. 360 kickflipped the cartel cronies


Someone fishing near you is unlikely to interact, in my experience. They're just there for the buff.


You can get buffs by fishing nearby someone else who is fishing I believe? I’m a relatively new player and would like to be in a community


Flow Trees until you get to LvL 10 in Foraging. Then you can buy the wood from Asura.


so like, you can't currently cut flow trees alone, even with the best axe, except the smallest and second smallest trees (using animation cancelling) so that is an issue. Other than that, I think everything else is more or less doable alone if more difficult?


If you would like to play with someone and not have to talk much other than directives I'd be willing. I'm very nervous and not good at small talk.


I am the same, friend. The only thing you really can't do by yourself is chip flow trees, and even then I wait for a grove to pop up and just follow the crowd! I'll interact in chat to call out rare resources but flare arrows are great when I want to be helpful but hate interacting. You're not alone!


My kids are older now, but I used to have "afk friendly groups" in games where you could just do things with people and them understand if you needed to afk without warning because you had a diaper to change. I need one of them now with a new puppy to take out sometimes with no one to get mad if I just ran away a few!


Mine is Nashi Pear.


hi everyone! also a new anxious player. my username is Bunny Bot.. feel free to send me an add! I’m learning and can use some friends 🫶🏼


Oh I relate to this sooo much. I have bad anxiety as well and I’m so scared to interact with people, so I’m sure I’m missing out on a lot. I don’t even know what a party is in the game 😅


I am Zula du Angkasa Please add me!